How to make a retractable roof. Overview of greenhouses with a sliding roof, opening, removable Material for a sliding roof in a greenhouse

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The variety of types of roofs is endless, but the retractable roof occupies a special place in this series. The first example of such a roof would be an opening top. passenger cars. Subsequently, movable roofs began to be used over observatories, large stadiums, swimming pools, greenhouses and other structures.

Drivers of heavy-duty vehicles (trucks) use sliding roofs most of all, as its design allows for faster loading and unloading of the body.

Currently, there is an increased interest in mobile movable roofs in private households. A winter garden or a greenhouse, a small swimming pool or a greenhouse, a place for family recreation or a sports ground - on all these structures the installation of a retractable roof has undeniable advantage in front of standard roofs.

A roof of this design is especially in demand in winter gardens, when the summer sun creates tropical heat and stuffiness under a transparent roof, which is undesirable for many plants. Sometimes movable roofs are installed in the house itself, in which mechanisms equipped with certain sensors themselves open and close the mobile roof segment.

For short-term use of the structure (tent-tent for a picnic, or a place to relax near a pond or swimming pool), it is worth considering installing a retractable roof in the same way as the retractable roofs on trucks. Such roofs are the easiest to manufacture and do not require large material costs.

If previously soft material in the form of tarpaulin was used to construct such roofs, today it has been replaced by tarpaulin, which is more durable and comes in a variety of colors.

Types of roofs and their features

Sliding roofs according to their design can be:

  • completely removable, in this case the entire roof or parts thereof are removed from their places;
  • moving, when the entire structure or its parts move on rollers for sliding roofs ;
  • sliding, when the roof opens to different sides or moves;
  • not fully removable, when only part of the roof is mobile.

The functionality of sliding roofs can be divided into:

  • constant use throughout the year over a permanent structure;
  • seasonality, when the retractable roof is in use for some time (summer period);
  • temporary use for light mobile structures.

Also, movable roofs can be either permanent, covering the entire house or part of it, or attached over various structures to the building. In addition, a retractable roof can be erected over a separate structure such as an observatory, garage, greenhouse, conservatory, etc.

How to make a retractable roof

Before you make a retractable roof with your own hands, you should first make its design. Select the type of structure, that is, decide for yourself the question of how the roof itself will open - along guides, going beyond the boundaries of the house, or have a dome-shaped shape and open in segments. In both cases, experience and knowledge will be required so that the completed roof does not cause various problems during operation.

The construction of such roofs is quite a complex task and the experience of an ordinary builder is not enough. You also need knowledge of mechanics, so it’s easier to turn to specialists for help.

When designing a retractable roof, you should choose a roof movement system - rolling away the entire structure, lifting the entire roof or its parts, or moving them. In any case, you will need components for sliding roofs, which should include durable guides, rollers and fastening devices. In addition, you should provide a method for moving the roof:

  • manual, using only the physical strength of the homeowner;
  • semi-automatic, using a winch, hoists;
  • electric lifts.
  • When installing electrical devices To move or raise the roof, an emergency option should be provided in case of a power outage.

On your own, you can try to make a retractable roof over a greenhouse, home pool or other small buildings. And in this case, the homeowner will be faced with the question:

  • the type of retractable roof structure itself;
  • selection of coating material;
  • Which temperature regime must be supported indoors under a retractable roof;
  • the frequency with which it will open;
  • choice of system and mechanisms for shifting or opening the roof.

Currently, it is widely used for such roofs. different color polycarbonate, which helps to harmoniously fit these structures into the landscape of the site and the entire complex of buildings. In addition, polycarbonate is easy to wash and clean, and has good heat and sound insulation properties.

Maintenance and repair of sliding roofs

Whatever roof design a homeowner chooses, sooner or later it will need repairs. For long-term operation, it is necessary to periodically inspect the roofing and clean it of dirt and debris, keep the guides and opening-closing mechanism clean, and constantly lubricate it.

If repairs are required for the roof awning, then in this case you can use several methods to restore it:

  • paring;
  • polymer welding method;
  • use of special glue.

For DIY repairs, it’s easier to use adhesives. This can be heat-resistant glue “Desmokol”, “Karma” or “Winstik”.

  • Before gluing the resulting hole, it must be tightened with strong threads, after which the edges of the hole should be treated with acetone in order to degrease the surface on which the adhesive will be applied.
  • Glue is applied around the hole and a patch pre-cut to size is applied.
  • After 10-15 minutes, when the patch is fixed on the surface of the awning, a stream of hot air and a roller will completely complete the repair of the awning.
  • To treat with hot air, you can use a hairdryer, both construction and household.
  • After 24 hours, the roof can be used even in the rain.

Many gardeners and farmers have thought about building a greenhouse on their site. Such a simple structure will help grow seedlings in cold regions, all year round have greens on the table or, as an option, sell vegetables or fruits that are scarce for the cold season. Assessing the cost of a finished greenhouse in stores, you immediately lose the desire to buy it, however, if you like to do everything with your own hands and you have enough time, then you can build a greenhouse with a sliding roof yourself. This article will help make all your dreams come true and save a lot of money.

Advantages of using greenhouses with an opening roof

Before you make a greenhouse with an opening top, it is worth learning about its differences and positive aspects.
If you are confused by this greenhouse design, and you are used to seeing structures that have monolithic roofs, then take a look at "advantages" of this variation:

  1. In summer, such greenhouses are much easier to ventilate, since the flow of fresh air does not enter through narrow doors, but through the roof. It is worth mentioning that with such ventilation there is no draft, which means that the plants are not in danger.
  2. The retractable roof gives more light and warmth, rather than monolithic. Therefore, you will not only give the crops the necessary sunlight, but also save on artificial lighting.
  3. Greenhouse with a sliding roof easier to protect from deformation in snowy winters. That is, you just need to remove the roof and let the snow cover the soil inside the building. In buildings with a monolithic roof, such “manipulation” is impossible.
  4. Protection of plantings from overheating. If in the spring nature decides to cause a sharp rise in temperature, then the plants can “cook” in an ordinary greenhouse under the scorching sun. Having a structure with a convertible top, it will not be difficult to reduce the temperature, because the roof area is several times larger than the door area.
  5. Economical. It takes a lot of money to build a greenhouse with an opening top. less funds, since you are building a greenhouse “for yourself”, choosing required sizes and without saving on the frame of the structure.

Did you know? The first greenhousessimilar to modern ones,were used in Ancient Rome, and in Europe a greenhouse was first built by a talented German gardenerAlbert ManGus in the 13th century - he created a magnificent winter garden for the royal reception in Cologne. However, the Inquisition did not believe that such a miracle could be achieved with the help of human labor, and the gardener was convicted of witchcraft.

From the above, we can conclude that a convertible greenhouse has enough advantages to pay attention to it. Moreover, its construction does not “break the pocket” of the owner, which means it will immediately begin to generate income.

Design features of greenhouses with a sliding mechanism

When considering the construction of a structure, it is worth paying attention to the variations of the roof for the greenhouse.

Regardless of the shape and size of the building, according to design features all roofs are divided into two types: folding and sliding.

Retractable roof. Main feature is that the moving parts are hinged (like a window or door) and opened manually or using power mechanisms.

Sliding roof. The elements are installed on special “rails” along which parts of the structure slide. Such a greenhouse is opened either manually or using a mechanism.

It is worth noting that a folding roof is most often installed on greenhouses made in the shape of a house, and a sliding roof is installed on buildings with smoothed edges or in the shape of a dome.

Did you know?In Europe, greenhouses began to be used in the 16th century, where exotic fruits and plants were grown. However, only aristocrats could afford this.

If financial capabilities allow, you can create a similar "smart greenhouses", which is most responsive to humidity and temperature, and the power mechanism will open or close the roof when needed. It would seem that there are two traditional types of pop-up greenhouses that everyone uses, why try something else and reinvent the wheel? However, it's not that simple.

If, for example, you want to build a tall, narrow greenhouse with an opening top, then you cannot do it with just one mechanism. That is why there are so-called “hybrids”, when both a folding and sliding system. If you have the necessary knowledge, or the design of the structure requires it, then you can build a greenhouse with a removable roof with your own hands. That is, the roof will open and separate from the greenhouse. In this case, a folding roof is used, but the fasteners themselves are selected so that the moving part can be disconnected from them.

Important! The construction of a hybrid mechanism through which the roof opens requires serious engineering calculations, costs and additional knowledge, so this article will only consider standard types of opening roofs.

How to make a greenhouse with an opening roof with your own hands (polycarbonate)

Let's move on to how to make a greenhouse with an opening roof. To sort out the choice the required material roofs, let's make a small retreat.

Preparatory work, selection of material

The greenhouse is covered as standard film, however, although this material has low price, is not suitable for creating a durable structure. If you use film, then you will have to “patch” the greenhouse at least once a year. And one or two unnoticeable holes in the covering can destroy all planted crops.

This is why we recommend using polycarbonate. Than polycarbonate better than film and how much more expensive is it? Speaking about the price, it is worth saying that this is the only disadvantage of the material. It costs an order of magnitude more than film, but it’s worth finding out about it benefits, and the price becomes justified.

  1. Polycarbonate transmits light better than film.
  2. A greenhouse with a drop-down carbonate top is many times more resistant to mechanical damage. The material can withstand more weight than film, so it provides better protection from strong gusts of wind or heavy snowfall.
  3. The material has the same plasticity as film, so it is used to create greenhouses of any shape.
  4. Polycarbonate lasts at least twenty years, which is tens of times longer than the service life of cheaper materials.
  5. Polycarbonate does not get wet and does not allow moisture to pass through.
Having assessed the advantages of polycarbonate, we move on to preparatory stage, which precedes the construction of a folding or sliding greenhouse with your own hands.

One way or another, you will have to feel like an architect. Before drawing up drawings, select the right one plot(so that there is no strong slope or it is not in a hole), visually position the greenhouse so that it is illuminated as much as possible by the sun.

Followed by blueprints. To compile them, you need to measure the length, width and height of the future greenhouse. Think about what products will be grown, because perhaps you do not need a greenhouse, but rather a greenhouse with a folding or sliding top made of the same polycarbonate. It is better to draw up drawings for several days, or even weeks, in order to accurately measure all dimensions and buy strictly required amount materials.

Important! If you do not know how much materials you will need, provide the drawings to the store where you are going to make purchases.

What tools will you need to build a greenhouse?

To build a folding or sliding polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, you need to collect a certain list of tools.

It is worth noting that in this case, parts of the greenhouse will be secured using bolts, clamps and other parts. Welding will not be used due to the fact that it is almost impossible to disassemble such a greenhouse in the future. If you are worried about the strength and cost-effectiveness of such a structure, then we can assure you that the fastenings are not inferior to welding in terms of strength, and the money is much cheaper.

To build a folding or sliding greenhouse with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. Jigsaw;
  3. Electric drill;
  4. Level, tape measure, metal scissors;
  5. Phillips screwdriver;
  6. Spanners;
  7. A device for bending a profile pipe.

To this list you can add all the devices for protection from dust, noise and mechanical damage (construction glasses, headphones, a respirator, rubberized gloves).

How to make a greenhouse with a sliding mechanism, step-by-step instructions

We begin the construction of a sliding greenhouse with our own hands.

You need to start with pouring the foundation. This is a mandatory element of a polycarbonate greenhouse, since the frame and covering material weigh a lot, and the greenhouse will simply begin to sag, like a house without a foundation. We fill the foundation around the perimeter, taking into account the creation of a “pillow”. The depth and width of the foundation is selected depending on the structure of the soil and the amount of precipitation.

Next is mounted greenhouse frame. Depending on preference, you can use steel, aluminum or a mounting profile. We do not recommend using aluminum, since although it is light in weight, it is too flexible for serious structures. You should only take aluminum if you don’t have large greenhouse(no more than 30 sq. m.). When installing the frame, pay attention to the density of the partitions and their additional reinforcement. Even if there is no strong winds, additional strengthening never hurts.

When installing the frame, use so-called “crabs” or cross connections to best secure the components.

Important! When mounting the frame, provide stiffening ribs that will strengthen the structure.

If you are creating a dome-shaped greenhouse, then use a pipe bender to bend the posts.

Most important pointsliding mechanism . The first option involves installing the roof on rails. It is suitable for large greenhouses in which the moving part weighs a lot and simply cannot be moved unless it is equipped with wheels. We install a rail (a mounting profile will do) onto which the rail is attached. The rail movement system itself is similar to a compartment door. Next, we build a convertible top onto which a metal bar with wheels is attached.

Important! In the process of selecting and purchasing material, carefully select the running mechanism with wheels. The larger the greenhouse, the larger the rails and the wheels themselves must be so that they “ride” freely on the rails.

A simpler and cheaper option is suitable for small greenhouses. Used groove fastening system. The point is that, unlike the previous version, this one does not involve installing rails and moving on small wheels. The “groove option” is best suited for arched and pitched roofs.

A strip (about 7-10 cm wide) of polycarbonate is fixed to the prepared arches. Next, plastic overlays are attached to the material, which have a width of 6 to 15 mm and a length of 1.5-3 cm. And on top of the plastic we place a strip of polycarbonate identical to the first. As a result, we get grooves into which the main polycarbonate sheets will be inserted. Thus, the frame will be static, and only the material itself will move.

When the frame is ready, we move on to cutting and installing the polycarbonate. After taking accurate measurements, draw cut lines and use a jigsaw or circular saw. The material must be fastened with an overlap (about 40 cm), using stainless steel bolts or self-tapping screws with seals. It should be noted that you do not need to screw the bolts in all the way, as you may damage the covering material. We do not recommend nailing polycarbonate, otherwise, if damaged, it will be difficult to remove and you may damage the frame of the greenhouse itself.

Ultimately, install the front door and, if so intended, windows.

Using the steps described, you can build a greenhouse with a retractable roof with your own hands quickly and easily.

Option for making a greenhouse with a sliding roof from window frames

A greenhouse with a sliding roof based on window frames, although not particularly durable, can help save a lot of money. If you have enough required material, it is worth putting the partitions as tightly as possible.

Important! Rotten or deformed frames cannot be used.

The construction of a greenhouse from window frames has its own characteristics:

  • the greenhouse can only be in the shape of a house; no dome-shaped structures can be made;
  • wood, although lighter than iron, still puts significant pressure on the ground, so there must be a foundation;
  • To move the roof, only a groove fastening system is used; it will not be possible to place such a roof on rails;
  • material consumption will be many times greater if window frames have additional partitions for windows;
  • wood is a hydrophobic material, which means it will absorb a lot of moisture and deteriorate, so you will have to treat the frame with some kind of varnish or gel that is not toxic to plants;
  • Before installation, frames must be cleaned of paint, varnish and other harmful components;
  • take into account the characteristics of the plants that you will grow in the greenhouse, because many pests use wood as a shelter or feed on it.

Thus, although the use of window frames is beneficial from an economic point of view, it carries additional problems and risks. If you want to install a greenhouse for 2-3 years, then window frames will be very useful, but if you are building a structure for 10-15 years, it is better to refuse frames as a frame.

Preparation of material and tools

To build a sliding greenhouse with your own hands from window frames you will need following materials and tools:

  1. Twine for marking the ground;
  2. Drill and drill bits (for metal and wood).
  3. Shovel and bayonet shovels;
  4. Metal corners and other fasteners for wooden elements;
  5. Anchor bolts (16 × 150 mm);
  6. Wooden blocks (50 × 50 mm);
  7. Ax and hammer;
  8. Metal fittings;
  9. Polycarbonate;
  10. Screwdriver and set of screws;
  11. Grinder with metal discs;
  12. Screwdriver Set;
  13. Nail puller and pliers;
  14. Putty knife;
  15. Sander;
  16. Primer and putty;
  17. Composition for removing old paint;
  18. Antifungal and antiseptic impregnation;
  19. Paint and brushes;
  20. Polyurethane foam.

Before installation, you need to prepare the window frames - get rid of hinges, latches and handles.

Remove old paint using a special product, and the wood must be treated with an antiseptic intended for impregnating wooden beams.

Did you know? The largest greenhouse is in the UK. More than a thousand grow in it different types plants ranging from tropical coffee to Mediterranean olives and grapes.

Making a greenhouse

The installation and fastening of the greenhouse frame, which consists of window frames, is significantly different, so it must be studied thoroughly.

Before construction starts clean the window frames from paint and dirt, seal the cracks with polyurethane foam.

After that we start install window frames on a prepared foundation. It is best to use iron corners to attach window blocks, which connect the frames to each other. The corner is laid from the inside and pressed tightly against the wood using a screwdriver. The frame must be stable, which will provide you with long and reliable use.

Next you need to do light lathing. It is made from a mounting profile, wooden slats and steel wire. Window blocks installed on the base and fastened with self-tapping screws, clamps, angles, wire and nails.

After forming the frame, inspect it carefully.

If you feel that the building lacks stability, install several supports on the inside, which will remove part of the load from the side faces.

Once construction is complete, seal any gaps with foam and apply paint to the outside of the frame.

25 once already

The roof is one of the main structural elements of the greenhouse. It bears the main wind and snow load. Modern models greenhouse roofs not only have the necessary strength and transparency, but are also part of the ventilation system.

This article will show you which roof is best for a greenhouse. Advantages and disadvantages of various models and their areas of application. Information is also provided on how to make a greenhouse with a removable roof with your own hands.

Types of roofs for greenhouses

On this moment The most common types of roofs for greenhouses are:

Arched. Recently it has gained wide popularity due to its use flexible material for covering – polycarbonate. Has the following advantages:

  • More resistant to wind and snow loads;
  • Material consumption for the frame and coating is 40% less than for pitched models;
  • Has better light transmittance;
  • The resulting condensate rolls down the walls and does not drip onto the plants;
  • Simple installation of a covering on an arched roof for a greenhouse with your own hands (film or cellular polycarbonate).

The main disadvantages include:

  • Not very suitable for growing plants that are not limited in growth (determinant), especially in the outer beds from the center;
  • It is difficult to install windows for ventilation on the long sides of the greenhouse.

Arched design, photo shows end window openings for ventilation

Droplet. It is a more durable subspecies of the arched greenhouse. Transitional form between the classic gable and arched shapes. Its roof converges at an angle, which gives the structure greater vertical strength, and the snow simply slides off the slopes without stopping.

The droplet shape is considered one of the easiest to install polycarbonate roofs with your own hands

2 pitched. The classic shape is optimal for constructing a permanent greenhouse with a sliding roof. Advantages of this design:

  • Withstands quite significant mechanical loads;
  • Suitable for growing tall plants in any part, including along the walls;
  • It is easy to triple the roof ventilation system along the entire greenhouse;
  • Any material can be used to build the frame: wood, metal, brick, etc.
  • The shape of the gable top allows the use of glazed frames for covering.


  • To build such a structure, more material is needed, which means the cost will be higher;
  • More complex installation process.

Drawing of a polycarbonate greenhouse with gable roof, the frame material can be wood, metal profiles or PVC pipes

Single-pitch. The least successful form, used mainly when constructing a greenhouse near the wall of a house. Prevents light from reaching the full extent necessary for full plant growth. Usually has a slight angle of inclination. Snow accumulates on such a roof, which forces you to either further strengthen the structure or clean it periodically.

Lean-to-wall greenhouse with stone foundation and wooden glazed frames

Broken (multifaceted). The designs of such structures were developed to optimize the light diffusion effect when using glass. Now, using polycarbonate, these structures are quite rare, as they are difficult to install.

Unnecessarily complicated project, drawing of a sloping roof for a greenhouse

Dome. Among the latest developments, it is worth noting dome greenhouses consisting of triangular-shaped elements. According to the developers, this design is better able to diffuse light and is more heat-resistant.

The original domed structure will undoubtedly become a decoration of the garden plot

There are many unusual roofs for greenhouses made of polycarbonate or glass, which serve rather a decorative function or are a tribute to fashion. Apart from their unusual shape, they do not carry any additional functional load.

Pyramid greenhouse with upward opening door

Sliding roofs

Recently, various greenhouses with a sliding roof have become very popular. The benefits of an improved ventilation system make it possible to grow plants in open ground. At the same time, various manual and automatic mechanisms are able to quickly isolate the internal space from negative influence external environment. This compensates for the complexity and high cost structures.

Reliable and ergonomic mechanisms have become widespread, each of which has its own operating characteristics:

  • Matryoshka;
  • Cabriolet;
  • Butterfly.

Sliding greenhouse made of polycarbonate - “matryoshka” model

This type of sliding structure allows the structure to be folded for the winter, minimizing the surface area that bears the snow load. In addition, the arches placed one under one give the frame additional strength.

Greenhouse with opening roof - butterfly model

It is used mainly for small-area structures. The main disadvantage is the significant wind load on the folding elements. The advantage is the high speed of transformation of the device.

Convertible greenhouse with a removable roof - sections are moved manually on special rollers

Sliding roof device

There are special mechanisms on sale for automatically opening and closing windows in various buildings. The principle of operation of such devices is to expand a special liquid placed in a cylinder limited on the end sides by pistons. When the temperature exceeds a threshold value, the piston pushes out the rod, and the windows in the greenhouse open slightly, the higher the temperature in the room. And, conversely, as the temperature decreases, the volume of liquid decreases and the internal spring returns the pistons back.

Thermosetting mechanism for greenhouse with automatic sliding roof

You can learn more about automatic ventilation mechanisms, their operation, installation and configuration from this video:

Using this or similar mechanisms, it is quite easy to equip a standard greenhouse made of a metal profile with folding windows or a sliding roof with your own hands:

  1. The frame of the structure is assembled from bent profiled metal pipes square section. Fastening can be done by welding or screw connections. But such methods have a lot of disadvantages, ranging from the impossibility of disassembling to the difficulty of attaching collapsible joints. The best option is the use of universal fasteners. Other names are crab system or spider.

Collapsible frame with mounting points for universal fasteners

  1. The installation location of the window is chosen at the end of the greenhouse so that when it is opened, an air flow is formed. The ventilation system is considered optimal when maximum use it occupies from 25 to 30% of the entire coverage area of ​​the building envelope (walls or roof). Other location options may be used. It is often practiced to install special ventilation vents at the bottom of the wall or in the foundation, greenhouses with an opening top. This air flow system is the most effective in terms of speed of cooling the internal space, but can damage some plants.

The arches of the window are curved at the same curvature as the frame

  1. The frame is placed between two crossbars, the hinges are attached to its own stand, this gives the frame additional spatial rigidity.
  2. After the entire frame, including moving elements, is sheathed with cellular polycarbonate, an automatic opening mechanism is installed. In this case it was used universal device based on thermosetting liquid – Autovent XL.

Ventilation hatch with established mechanism opening

Important! During installation, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the joints between the ventilation hatch and the roof of the greenhouse. It is often practiced to use monolithic polycarbonate with overlapping vents installed in the frame.


It is most profitable both financially and time-consuming to use ready-made solutions on automation of the ventilation system in a greenhouse. Moreover, all structures that have folding or sliding hatches for ventilation can be equipped with such devices.

The article will discuss what advantages and disadvantages a retractable roof has for a terrace, swimming pool, restaurant and industrial workshop, what materials it is made of, what control methods it has, what needs to be taken into account when operating such engineering structures. Photos and videos will clearly demonstrate how installation is carried out.

High technologies today are actively being introduced into all spheres of human life. In the construction of houses, those that help to significantly increase comfort and provide new opportunities for the operation of already familiar objects are actively used. One such know-how - the retractable roof - is becoming more and more popular. More recently, builders began to use glazing for roof construction. It was transformed by opening the doors. Today, the transformation effect may be intensifying. With help special systems By sliding, the interior space can not only be properly ventilated, but solar heat can be let in, Fresh air, sounds of nature.

The scope of application of sliding roofs is quite wide. Such a system can be actively used in construction winter garden, swimming pool, summer terraces, greenhouse, observatory. Today, restaurants and cafes can boast of a retractable roof, and large shopping areas have it. End-to-end communication of space interior space with the surrounding nature helps to refuse installation complex system ventilation where it can ensure the safety of performing work harmful to human health (welding, painting, chemical experiments).

There are projects for the construction of private housing, the implementation of which involves the creation of a combined roof, in which only one part of the roof is retractable.

Classification of existing structures

There are several types of transformable roofing. Depending on the frame design, we can distinguish:

    roof with completely removable elements(if necessary, it can be easily removed completely);

    sliding structure(part of the roof, using a special mechanism, opens and moves in different directions).

A folding roof for a terrace, winter garden or swimming pool can be single-pitched and formed using a set of sections of the same shape; it can be dome or sliding arch type.

Design features

A modern sliding roof is a complex mechanism that has an electric motor and intelligent control thanks to the installation of wind, rain, and natural light sensors. The system is controlled by a remote control.

The main structure is assembled using an aluminum profile. Manufacturers use it to form frames in the factory. For their glazing, glass, transparent plastic or polycarbonate are selected. Application latest material allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the structure and reduce its cost.

To increase service life, aluminum parts are coated with a special powder paint or enamel. To enhance strength, it is placed inside the aluminum profile steel pipe square section, maximum size modules does not exceed 1.2x2 meters.

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The finished panels are equipped with a roller mechanism. Then they are installed on site in a guide profile equipped with complaints. The panel rollers slide easily over them. They are controlled by tension cables, which are operated manually or electric drive. In the first case, the roof will be extended using a pole or manual tension of the cables. In the second, a control unit is installed, electrical opening mechanisms are installed, which are then controlled by a remote control.

This operating scheme significantly simplifies the process of operating a sliding roof, but approximately doubles its cost. Similar systems Our domestic market is supplied by Western manufacturers who have been working in the described direction for decades. The most popular are sliding and retractable shed roofs, in which an electric mechanism operates two or four sashes.

They have different modes control, in addition to the ability to open and close the roof, there is also a partial incomplete opening mode, as well as a mode of automatic response to weather changes. If there are sensors for rain and wind, temperature and solar illumination, you can program the modes and then the roof itself will open or close depending on external influences. In the event of a power outage, the control mode is carried out manually.

Sliding roofs, which were created using triplex glazed frames and tempered glass, are able to withstand impacts from ice peas up to 15 mm in size.

The cost of a sliding roof depends on the number of components, the quality of materials used for its manufacture, brand recognition, and the complexity of the ordered structure. On average in the country one square meter most budget model including installation costs from 5,000 rubles. The price of a finished model can start from 400,000 rubles.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that own and offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Features of operation

Practice shows that retractable and sliding roofs can provide reliable protection from weather precipitation and wind, but when choosing this option for making a roof, you need to be prepared to perform a certain type of work.

    From time to time, the roof surface, like regular glazing in a house, needs to be wash with help special detergents . Usually the manufacturer is technical passport product indicates which products are best suited for the intended purposes.

    It's important to keep track operation of the roller system, for its quality lubricants, produce Maintenance everyone moving parts and himself electric motor.

    It is necessary to constantly produce cleaning And mechanism lubrication rise.

    Monitor work locking devices.

    Diagnose the degree of sensitivity rain sensors, sun And wind.

Avoid congestion on the glass sliding roof large quantity snow, experts recommend taking care in advance of installing a heating system that can ensure timely melting of glaciation. It may be part of an additional package. Its presence, of course, will increase the price of a retractable roof for a terrace, but without it it will be impossible to operate the described structure in the server regions of our country.

Speaking of prices warm roof, it is necessary to indicate that the cost sliding structures largely depends on their size. Therefore, manufacturers sell them per square meter of covered area. For example, a warm sliding roof made of aluminum profile with remote control costs 36,000-40,000 rubles on average in Moscow.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding and retractable roofs

Before installing the structures described, experts advise studying in detail the positive and negative sides operation. The advantages include:

    Necessity individual approach for the manufacture of the structure. No standard projects, each time a new roof is created taking into account all the features of the existing structure.

    The glass roof allows you to increase degree of illumination rooms with daylight by 60%.

    In one span you can install up to five panels maximum size.

    Can be glassed up to 80% roofs and additionally, when glazing, install sun awnings.

The disadvantage of the described constructive solution one is a high price. While retractable roofs are not affordable for everyone, today active work is underway to create more affordable structures. The emergence of transparent plastic and polycarbonate has already made it possible to offer the buyer budget options execution. It is they that are used today to create sliding roofs for summer terraces of bars and restaurants.

When choosing the described roofing option, it is necessary to take into account the need for constant Maintenance and timely cleaning. This also affects the final cost of its operation.

Video description

The video explains how the sliding transparent roof functions:

Generalization on the topic

Sliding roofs are a unique architectural and engineering solution that allows you to achieve maximum effect when decorating summer terraces, rooms for a swimming pool and winter garden, greenhouses, industrial workshops and car services, bars and restaurants. IN assembled form It maintains the temperature inside the room well, while it is completely sealed. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to install such structures above residential premises.

The roof can be made to suit every taste, fortunately now there is a great variety of them. The most unusual of all, perhaps, is the sliding one. It has found application in covering stadiums, swimming pools, greenhouses, observatories and other structures.

There is also increasing interest in the use of mobile sliding roofs for private construction. This design is mainly used for a winter garden, greenhouse, small swimming pool, greenhouse, family recreation area or sports ground. In addition, you can make a sliding roof with your own hands.

Sliding roofs are divided into permanent and temporary. They can cover the entire house or individual sections of it. They can be above an attached structure or stand-alone.

According to their design features, retractable roofs are divided into:

  • removable. With this type of construction, the entire roof or its elements are removed from their places;
  • moving. The entire roof or elements move on rollers;
  • fully extendable. The roof opens to different sides.
  • partially sliding. The roof has a mobile movable part.

By functionality they distinguish:

  • roofs of permanent year-round use located above a permanent structure;
  • seasonal. Operation is carried out in summer;
  • temporary. They are erected over light mobile structures.

According to the opening mechanism:

  • manual. The opening occurs with the help of human mechanical movements.
  • semi-automatic. Winches and hoists are used for opening;
  • automatic. Electric lifts are installed;
  • emergency. This type is used in conjunction with an automatic opening mechanism to allow the roof to be used when there is no electricity.

Advantages of a retractable roof:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • easy installation allows you to choose any place for its installation;
  • saving energy during the day due to the free penetration of sunlight into the room;
  • protection from adverse weather conditions;
  • free access to fresh air.

Wood, soft roofing and awning materials, polycarbonate, cellular polycarbonate can be used as material for a sliding roof. The last two types of material are most widespread. They are mounted on aluminum profiles. They wash well and have excellent heat and sound insulation properties. In addition, having a choice of colors will allow you to create a design that is well suited to any site.

How to make a retractable roof

Start work by drawing up a project. To do this, you need to choose the structural type of the future roof. It is necessary to decide how the roof itself will open - with the help of guides and extending beyond the borders of the house or a dome-shaped opening in segments.

The retractable roof structure consists of metal profiles or wooden guides on which the roofing covering is attached. Most often, transparent panels made of polycarbonate or glass are used. You can assemble such a roof according to the telescope principle, which will fold if necessary using a special mechanism.

To build this type of roof, you must have certain experience and knowledge so as not to be disappointed during operation. Even the skills of an ordinary builder will be insufficient, because the process of constructing retractable roofs is quite complex, requiring knowledge of mechanics.

You should also decide on the following questions:

  • what type of structure will be used;
  • what material for covering;
  • what is the frequency of use;
  • what mechanism and system of work;
  • what temperature should the room be?

The easiest option is to open the roof by rolling back or moving the panels. For example, consider installing a retractable roof over a small lawn behind the house.

The work is carried out using:

  • durable wooden guides;
  • bars with a cross section of 3x3 centimeters;
  • special rollers;
  • bolts and long screws;
  • longitudinal beams with a section of 10x6 centimeters;
  • slopes cut from plywood;
  • roofing felt as a roofing covering;
  • light plywood for continuous sheathing under roofing felt;
  • wind boards;
  • fastening elements.

Work process:

  • Two wooden guides are attached to the selected area of ​​the lawn. The roof will move on them. They are placed on two pillars with a crossbar on top.
  • Due to the fact that such a design will be lightweight, the use of electric drives is unnecessary.
  • To assemble the roof frame, bars connected by slopes are used. This will strengthen the structure. The resulting rafter system We rest it on longitudinal beams with a cross-section of 10x6 centimeters.
  • Lightweight plywood must be nailed to rafter frame. We install the roof covering. Longitudinal beams with outside covered with wind boards. The elements are fastened with bolts and long screws.
  • The movement of the roof will be carried out by rollers. They are installed along the upper edge of the walls. A similar mechanism is used for the control system for heavy curtains. Fixation is carried out using internal locks of the clamps.

Maintenance and repair

To ensure comfortable use of the retractable roof, it is necessary to periodically inspect the integrity of the roof covering and clean it. If the sliding roof mechanism uses guides and an opening mechanism, it is necessary to ensure that it is lubricated and kept clean.

The following options are used to repair tent roofing::

  • stitching method;
  • polymer welding;
  • use of special glue.

The last method will be the most convenient for DIY repairs. It can be done using heat-resistant glue “Desmokol”, “Karma”, “Winstik”.

Repairs using heat-resistant glue are carried out in compliance with the rules:

  • Before starting work, the hole is tightened using strong threads. Next, treat the holes with acetone. This is done to degrease the surface for applying the adhesive.
  • Cut out a patch that matches the size of the hole. It is attached with glue.
  • The awning repair is completed using a jet of hot air and a roller. Processing can be done construction hairdryer. If it is not available, a household one will do. But before doing this, you should wait 10-15 minutes to allow the patch to fix.
  • The use of the roof can be resumed after 24 hours.