How to make a homemade hydraulic wood splitter. Wood splitter: selection and production of a homemade one, based on the need for firewood and operating mode. Video: hydraulic device made from improvised means

Although today we have a developed energy industry, firewood is still very popular among dacha owners and indigenous village residents. You can understand why this happens in real life. Construction of a gas pipeline requires quite large cash. Therefore, in those places where there is a large number of forest resources, it is recommended to use ordinary and familiar firewood. And don’t think about unnecessary gasification.

If you continue to use wood fuel, then you need to think about how to make the process of direct harvesting easier. You need to be able to chop firewood carefully, and all this requires physical endurance and activity. It is not so problematic to bring firewood if you have a special hydraulic wood splitter , which is considered a durable and quite productive mechanism for the garden. It is very easy to use, since the energy of compressed liquid is actively used when splitting firewood.

The necessary and final result is a split log, which can be easily obtained by placing it between the knife and the pistons of the hydraulic cylinder. With a strong hydraulic force, a block of absolutely any density splits. In this situation, collecting firewood can turn into a pleasant activity rather than a torment.

To understand the mechanism of operation, it is necessary to study the structure of such a mechanism. Only with this help will you choose the most optimal way to work.

All types of cleavers are classified as household and professional.

In case number one, you can only split firewood, while the second is equipped with special mechanisms for feeding, unloading and trimming.

Professional hydraulic wood splitters

Horizontal hydraulic wood splitters. The logs are placed on a special horizontal surface. The work is carried out according to two developed schemes. The first option is to fix the knife on the frame, while the pushing element moves part of the log towards it.

In other cases, the log stubbornly stands motionless, and the hydraulic line feeds the knife.

Quick hydraulic splitter, horizontal type

At vertical type wood splitters The log is installed vertically, and thereby the knife is fed from above and splits the log.

Another essential element of wood splitters is a special engine. In household hydraulic splitter There is an electric motor that is capable of thoroughly rotating the hydraulic pump.

This type of drive is characterized by excellent reliability, environmental friendliness and ease of maintenance. One drawback is the constant connection to the power supply.

IN professional wood splitters Gasoline or diesel engines are used. They are used in logging. Forestry and various enterprises work with high-quality wood splitters, which usually work with the help of hydraulic system. Also in demand is a unique cleaver that can be powered by both electric motors and tractor drives.

They can also operate from gasoline engines and tractor hydraulics.
The cost of household hydraulic wood splitters varies from ten to thirty thousand Russian rubles. This takes into account the company, power and design. A more powerful model can cost about one hundred thousand rubles.

If you are well versed in technology, can read blueprints and are proficient in processing techniques metal products, then you can build a high-quality wood splitter yourself, with your own hands, in three calendar days. Basic cleavers hydraulic type- this is the presence of special vertical frames placed on special platforms. At the lowest level, automobile-type jacks are installed. On high crossbars, the frames are detachable, making it possible to process wood of completely different sizes. Replace flat knives with conical wedges.

Do-it-yourself cleaver from a jack

They are connected to the tree using central screws, so you can already start the work process using a jack. A hydraulic jack built into stationary and mobile frames is considered a heavier design. On the other frame, a wedge knife is built in, which has three basic positions for chopping wood of any size. A bed is placed in the middle parts to lay the logs.

Thanks to the forward movements of the jack, the rod presses down the log, which in the process tends to split on the knife. A pair of springs return the rod to its usual position.

The downside is the low splitting speed. To work, you need to make at least fifteen movements with the jack. The work process on a self-made machine will require a lot of effort. But you can make your work easier if you make a cross-shaped knife. In this situation, it splits into several parts.

Read also: Conical carrot cleaver

Watch the video on the topic:

For better work, you will need electric motors, hydraulic cylinders, barrels, pumps and control units. The time period for splitting a log using this method is fifteen seconds.

Photos of hydraulic wood splitters

horizontal design of hydraulic log splitter

Read more useful information in the section: DIY country crafts


  • Wood splitter device
  • Types of wood splitters
  • Self-assembly
  • Conclusion

Wood splitter device

  • wood splitter frame;
  • engine;
  • hydraulic unit;
  • cleaver

Types of wood splitters

Among them are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • variable.

What to look for when choosing

  • engine type and power;
  • frame material;
  • frame metal thickness;
  • quality of welds;
  • maximum effort mass;
  • cylinder stroke length;
  • rod movement speed.


Purchasing a ready-made hydraulic wood splitter will cost the future owner from 15 thousand rubles. Not everyone is ready to pay that amount for a device that will be needed once a year. Therefore, if desired, you can assemble it yourself using ready-made drawings, while a hydraulic wood splitter will cost half as much. But for this you will need skill in working with power tools and a welding machine. For the whole process you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • roulette;

The first step is to assemble the frame for the hydraulic wood splitter. An I-beam channel with a side width of 40 mm is suitable as a basis for a hydraulic wood splitter. The length of the hydraulic log splitter can be adjusted to suit your needs. By using welding machine A wheel pair is welded to the channel. For this purpose it is used metal pipe, in which the axle for attaching the wheels is placed.

How to make a wood splitter with your own hands: drawings, photos, instructions of different types

It is held in place by spacers made from a square measuring 20×10 mm. Better design The hydraulic wood splitter can be seen in the photo. All seams are well welded to withstand the load.

IN modern world places where manual labor gives way to mechanized means, becomes more and more. The most interesting thing is that this happens not only in the sphere industrial production, but also in household. There is nothing surprising in this - a person has been trying to make his life easier throughout his entire conscious history.

Today's example, where the use of human physical strength is very well replaced by a special mechanism, would be chopping wood. this work, is probably familiar to many, especially those who have ever lived in a private house with stove heating. On the one hand, chopping wood - good activity in respect of physical culture, but on the other hand, this is wasted effort and time that could be applied elsewhere. A good alternative for chopping wood are mechanical wood splitters, which you can purchase or make yourself. True, if you are going to purchase such an assistant, then get ready to part with a tidy sum of money, somewhere from 30,000 rubles.

In order to make a homemade wood splitter, you will also need significant funds, although in smaller quantities, read: Do-it-yourself wood splitter. But besides this, it is also necessary good knowledge in mechanics. If you still decide to make a wood splitter, then I recommend that you consider the option of making a hydraulic wood splitter. Making it yourself, of course, will require more effort and money than making electric options, but using the latter is much more difficult and dangerous.

What is a hydraulic wood splitter?

So, a hydraulic wood splitter is a mechanism placed on a frame, where firewood is split by compressing chopped logs with a hydraulic cylinder towards a splitting ax fixed to the frame.

Diagram of a hydraulic wood splitter with a horizontal layout.

Diagram of a hydraulic wood splitter with a vertical layout.

How to make a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands - practical recommendations.

The most complex component that will need to be made for it is the hydraulic part. It consists of a hydraulic cylinder with a pusher, a pump, a hydraulic fluid flow control unit, an oil tank and a motor driving the pump. All these parts can be purchased separately somewhere, or hydraulic parts from already broken tractor equipment can be used.

The frame of the wood splitter is made of metal. You can use corners, channels, I-beams or profile pipe. When designing a future frame for your wood splitter, do not forget to provide for its placement on wheels or on a finished chassis. In the future, this will help its movement, as well as its transportation to the logging area (if an internal combustion engine is used).

You will not find specific schemes for making a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands anywhere, since there are many nuances possible in its manufacture, it all depends on the initial components you have chosen. As an example, you can only focus on industrial models of such devices or ready-made piece samples, photographs of which can be easily found on the global network. The presented pictures are very indicative, and the working mechanism of the depicted wood splitters is clear at first glance.

Example No. 1.

Example No. 2.

Example No. 3.

Example No. 4.

Most importantly, before you start making such a device, evaluate the economic benefits of such a device.

How to make a homemade wood splitter with your own hands

After all, it may turn out that the funds spent on the manufacture of a hydraulic wood splitter could be spent on purchasing ready-made firewood for several years. Think twice about it if your area is planning to install natural gas, in this case it is better to save money for a future purchase gas boiler and other parts of the heating system. Although, on the other hand, you can always use a wood splitter to produce finished firewood for sale and organize a small own business. Good luck to you!


  • Wood splitter device
  • Types of wood splitters
  • What to look for when choosing
  • Self-assembly
  • Conclusion

Wood splitter device

Those who already have a wood splitter in their arsenal were able to verify its effectiveness. To put it simply, a hydraulic wood splitter is assembled on three main components:

  • wood splitter frame;
  • engine;
  • hydraulic unit;
  • cleaver

Based on the type of fuel used for the engines of a hydraulic wood splitter, electric and gasoline units are distinguished. Electric - most often used in everyday life. The power of such products is within 3 kW. Their advantage is the absence of harmful emissions and low sound pressure during operation. It also does not require specific maintenance. If desired, an electric hydraulic wood splitter can be used on the road, but you will have to acquire a generator with sufficient power. Professional models of hydraulic wood splitters are equipped with gasoline engines. They are more mobile, so they are easy to take with you directly into the forest or forest belt for harvesting work.

The bed is the basis of the entire design of a hydraulic wood splitter. It is made of steel with sufficient thickness. Wheels are often attached to it for ease of movement. It also contains a hydraulic unit. It is a small device that converts rotational movements into translational ones. Its part is a gearbox and an oil pump. It is designed to reduce the number of revolutions to the required one. Increased force is transmitted to the splitter of the hydraulic wood splitter. This is a metal plate with a conical tip, which grinds the logs.

Types of wood splitters

In addition to differences in engines, wood splitters also have several ways of implementing the frame design.

Among them are:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • variable.

The horizontal log splitter bed is the most used. Most often, in such a wood splitter, it is not the cleaver that moves towards the log, but, on the contrary, the feed mechanism pushes the workpiece until it is completely split. Hydraulic wood splitters with a vertical frame are somewhat more convenient than horizontal ones, since you don’t have to lift the workpiece to any height, but just put it on a stand. The knife here moves from top to bottom. This type of wood splitter requires more scrupulous compliance with safety measures. Wood splitters with a variable bed are the most versatile. They have the least restrictions on the length and width of the log, since the workpiece can be processed in several planes at once. Such a unit is not suitable for home use, since it is often designed for industrial use.

What to look for when choosing

Hydraulic log splitters are safer and more reliable than their direct drive counterparts. The difference lies in the way they respond to unyielding logs. If in a device with a direct drive, when the cleaver jams, the motor continues to rotate, this will inevitably lead to failure of not only the windings, but also the gearbox. In hydraulic devices the situation is different. As soon as the force exceeds the permissible limit, it stops without causing damage to the central unit. Before purchasing a device, you should think about exactly what purposes it will be used. There is no point in overpaying for an industrial design if it will be used for harvesting at home. When purchasing, you should pay attention to:

  • engine type and power;
  • frame material;
  • frame metal thickness;
  • quality of welds;
  • maximum effort mass;
  • parameters of processed logs;
  • cylinder stroke length;
  • length of the hydraulic wood splitter knife;
  • rod movement speed.

Performance will directly depend on the engine power of a hydraulic wood splitter and its power source. If you expect good performance, then there is no point in buying a device with a power of less than 2 kW. Pay attention to the assembly of the motor itself and ask the seller what the windings are made of. A quality option considered copper. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the frame. It is better if it is made of a channel or angle with a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. Pay attention to the quality of the welds, if any. They should not have chips or cracks. Otherwise, it may result in injury.

The more pressure a log splitter's hydraulic system can exert, the greater the force, which means that hard woods and those with a large number of knots will not create any particular problems. It is worth taking a device that has a good power reserve and also adjusts the height of the knife. It will give you the opportunity not to limit yourself in choice, and also not to bother with finer cutting of trunks. The speed of the rod is often referred to as the cycle time. The shorter the time, the faster it will be possible to cope with a mountain of firewood.


Purchasing a ready-made hydraulic wood splitter will cost the future owner from 15 thousand rubles. Not everyone is ready to pay that amount for a device that will be needed once a year. Therefore, if desired, you can assemble it yourself using ready-made drawings, while a hydraulic wood splitter will cost half as much.

But for this you will need skill in working with power tools and a welding machine. For the whole process you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • roulette;
  • drill with high torque.

The first step is to assemble the frame for the hydraulic wood splitter. An I-beam channel with a side width of 40 mm is suitable as a basis for a hydraulic wood splitter. The length of the hydraulic log splitter can be adjusted to suit your needs. Using a welding machine, a wheel pair is welded to the channel. To do this, a metal pipe is used, in which an axle is placed for attaching the wheels. It is held in place by spacers made from a square measuring 20×10 mm.

How to make a hydraulic wood splitter? Photo of cleavers.

A better design of a hydraulic wood splitter can be seen in the photo. All seams are well welded to withstand the load.

A hydraulic wood splitter cannot do without a special cylinder that will act as a pusher. It can be purchased by disassembling an old tractor. One that is used in a bucket design or for a trailed system is suitable.

To attach it to the frame of a hydraulic log splitter from sheet metal two squares are cut out. Their height should be 8 cm greater than the height of the hydraulic cylinder. A hole is drilled in the center of each workpiece. Its diameter must match that in the body of the cylinder. The strips are welded into place and the cylinder is secured with a sleeve. You can see more details in the photo.

The module of the hydraulic wood splitter, which will move the log, is made according to a similar model, but guides are made in the bottom bar so that it moves only along the frame of the hydraulic wood splitter and does not skewer under great force. Pay attention to this node in the photo.

As an option, the design of a hydraulic wood splitter will use an electric motor with a power of 7.5 kW for three phases. On the following photos you can see the connection point to the pump, and the method of attaching the pump itself to the frame.

The hydraulic converter can be used from a mini-tractor, which was originally designed for the use of heavy implements. Using hoses high pressure All components are connected to each other.

To ensure there is enough oil in the system, you will need a tank. You can use it ready-made or make it yourself, as in this case. Capacity volume 66 liters. The dimensions of its walls are 60x50x22 cm. The seams are well welded.

A ½" hole is made at the top for an automatic relief valve, at the side for filling oil, and at the bottom there is an outlet to the hydraulic system with a diameter of ½" where the valve is mounted. After this, it can be installed in the wood splitter and connected to the hydraulic pump.

Two perpendicularly welded and sharpened plates are used as a cleaver. Good metal in plowshares from a tractor hitch. This product will last as long as possible. Alternatively, you can make 8 knives for greater chopping. The result is in the photo below.

To prevent the log from rolling off the log splitter, additional holders can be made on the sides of the frame. They are welded onto the corners at an angle. They can be seen in the photo with general view ready-made option.

The assembly diagram is provided as a general guide. In each individual case, you can use those components that are easiest to find in your area. Instead of an electric motor through a gearbox, it is easy to use a gasoline one. The automatic firewood supply unit can be eliminated to simplify the entire design and reduce costs. It is also possible to assemble a manual hydraulic wood splitter. A regular 10 ton jack is suitable for this. Detailed diagram will be given below.

The video shows the operation of a wood splitter with an engine that was manufactured according to the instructions. This device allows you to save time, which you can then spend with your family and loved ones.

With types of hydraulic axes industrial production we introduced you in the article “”. But buying a hydraulic cleaver is not a cheap undertaking. Therefore, home craftsmen, if they have the skills to read drawings and the ability to work with metal, can make this unit themselves.

Design of a simple hydraulic splitter

The simplest hydraulic wood splitter is a design consisting of a vertical frame on a platform, at the bottom of which there is a car jack.

Advice! To create the possibility of splitting logs of various sizes, the upper crossbar of the frame is made detachable.

An alternative to a flat knife in a homemade cleaver is a cone-shaped wedge. The wedge is moved to the block using a central screw and a jack is put into action, the heel of which presses from below. The wedge from above enters the block and splits it.

Complicated design of a homemade cleaver

More complex options homemade wood splitters are a hydraulic jack that is mounted on a stationary or mobile frame. In the middle of the machine there is a bed for logs, at the end opposite from the jack there is a wedge knife, the position of which can be changed depending on the required length of the resulting logs.

Advice! To make the frame, you can use shaped steel - angle, channel, I-beam, or pipe rectangular profile. It is advisable to install the frame on wheels or a finished chassis.

The operating procedure for a homemade cleaver:

  • The jack handle makes a reciprocating movement, as a result of which the rod exerts pressure on the block with the thrust heel.
  • The block is split on a wedge-shaped knife.
  • The handle releases the oil pressure in the hydraulic cylinder.
  • The rod returns to its original position using two springs.

Attention! The units described above have general disadvantage– low productivity of firewood harvesting. To complete one cycle, approximately a dozen movements of the jack handle are required.

Ways to improve the performance of a hydraulic splitter

Let's consider options for speeding up the process of chopping wood:

  • If you make a cross-shaped wedge knife, it will split the log into four parts at once. Such units make it much easier to work with thick logs and wood with intertwined fibers.
  • You can modernize a homemade hydraulic cleaver, assembled with your own hands (video), by equipping the unit with an electric motor, a hydraulic cylinder with a pusher, an oil tank, a control unit, and a pump. When working on such a machine, manual labor is not required to complete the working cycle and reverse stroke of the piston. The process is controlled using a button on the control unit. The operating cycle on this unit takes less than 15 seconds.

Before making a homemade hydraulic splitter for firewood with your own hands, you should analyze the economic benefits of this activity.

Hello everyone, in this instruction we will look at how to make a simple and powerful hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands. The author used as the main working unit, which is operated manually by human power. Due to the design features, the wood splitter works rather slowly, but such a homemade product is still useful. With the help of such a wood splitter you can easily split even the most problematic logs that have many knots.

Also, if you wish, you can upgrade the design by installing an electric motor on it, which will drive the hydraulic jack. As a result, the system will be able to operate by pressing a button. So, let's look in more detail at how you can make such a wood splitter.

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- ;
- thick sheet steel;
- I-beam or channel (for the frame);
- two springs;
- bolts with nuts;
- paint and primer.

List of tools:
- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- drill;
- roulette.

Wood splitter manufacturing process:

Step one. Assembling the frame
The frame of the wood splitter is its most important organ; it bears enormous loads. To make the frame we need a channel or I-beam. Let's do everything first necessary measurements and cut the pieces. We will need more pieces of sheet steel to make mounting plates and strengthen the entire structure.

Most attention should be given to the racks, this is where the maximum load will fall. To make them, the author scalded the I-beam with sheet steel, resulting in rectangular parts. When all the components are ready, the entire structure will need to be thoroughly welded. We clean the metal well so that the product can then be painted.

Step two. Making a wedge
We need a wedge in order to split the logs. This part of the structure must also be strong. The author decided to weld a wedge from thick sheet steel. We cut two pieces and weld them in the form of a triangle on the top rack. The wedge can be sharpened to improve the performance of the homemade product.

Step three. Jack installation
The jack will rest against the lower post. First, you need to raise it a little above the frame; for this, the author welds several steel plates to it. It is also important for us to securely fasten the jack so that it does not jump out during the process of splitting firewood. For such purposes we will need four bolts with nuts and sheet steel. From these components the author made two clamps with which the jack is securely attached to the frame with nuts.

Step four. Manufacturing of a return device
After the block is split, we need to return the jack to its original position. For such purposes, it will need to be equipped with springs. Among other things, we need to make a persistent platform on which we will install the block. The support platform is welded from sheet steel, and ears are welded to it for attaching the springs. And so that the support platform is securely fastened to the jack, we weld a piece to it in the center round pipe and install the nose part of the jack into it.

We also need to weld two ears on the frame for attaching the springs. We install hooks in the holes and install springs. After tensioning the springs, the author cuts off the excess ends of the threaded rods.

After this, the design can be tested in practice.

Step five. Painting
So that the metal does not rust and the wood splitter looks beautiful, we need to paint it. For high-quality painting, we cover the metal with a layer of primer and then paint it; the author chose black paint. Once the paint is dry, the wood splitter can be assembled.

You can watch video instructions on how to make a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands at the end of our article. Let's start with theoretical, basic information that will help you in self-production this is useful for dacha work tool.

A hydraulic wood splitter greatly facilitates the work of a summer resident when preparing fuel for the winter. Automatic system tool allows without special effort break stumps into logs of any type of wood.

A wood splitter increases the pace, saves energy and protects your back: if a person is able to manually break up to three cubes per day, even a homemade wood splitter will increase this figure tenfold.

Design and principle of operation

The improvised version is powered by electricity or motor. It depends only on the mechanism available on the farm. Electric motors, tractors, motors - everything goes into action.

The automatic cleaver consists of:

  1. Beds.
  2. Uporov.
  3. Cylinder.
  4. One or more blades.
  5. Pump.
  6. Pressure distributor.
  7. Tank for oil liquid.
  8. An electric motor that powers the pump.

Schematically the components look like this:

What's great about this device is the gradual loading of the cylinder.

Let’s say that a twisted log does not separate into its fibers, but the wood splitter continues to supply voltage. Another system will immediately fail, but not hydraulics.

The heel pressing against the wood will gradually increase in force to perform the action of splitting the stump. When this does not happen, the hydraulic cleaver continues to work without the slightest breakdown. All parts of the system will function as they should.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. The device is installed in a stable position.
  2. Turn it on.
  3. Pressure enters the system, causing the improvised piston to move.
  4. There is a heel on the piston. It rests on the workpiece and puts a load on the material.
  5. For a split to occur, you need a knife or a whole set of sharpened blades mounted on a frame.
  6. On one side there is a heel, and on the other there are knives - the log is “squeezed out” by the hydraulic system through sharp edges.
  7. When one cycle is completed, the heel returns to its original position. You can repeat the process.

Clear benefits

A hydraulic cleaver is the most powerful device, almost industrial type. What does it mean? They can process wood without pauses or replacements. consumables and risk for the operator. It is very profitable and practical if the wood splitter is powered by electricity.

Some models, created independently, are equipped with a lever. With it, the operator can not adapt to the operation of the system, but control the process himself, putting a new log into operation without haste.

It is not difficult to assemble any system for splitting firewood, be it mechanical or hydraulic. But calculation of the load is important, otherwise it will be very expensive to inject natural fuel.

So, the advantages of a hydraulic wood splitter are as follows:

  1. Minimum expenditure of physical strength in work.
  2. Efficient and fast.
  3. Healthy back, time saved.
  4. There is no need for unit maintenance.
  5. Continuous work all day long.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. You will have to work on creating the design.
  2. The finished product using hydraulics is not cheap.

Types of cleavers

There are only two of them:

  1. Domestic. Harvesting for yourself or a good neighbor.

  1. Industrial. To make money from natural fuels. These types break down not a single hundred cubic meters per season. Of course, it is better to have original design from the factory.


The device that is recommended for beginners should be assembled like this:

  1. We weld the vertical frame. Sustainable.
  2. You need to put a jack on the bottom (a car jack will do).
  3. The frame at the top is necessarily detachable. Necessary for ease of working with logs of different lengths.
  4. There will be a wedge in place of the blade.
  5. The wedge is fed from the jack - the log splits along the seam.

For your information: this scheme does not imply the use of electric traction.

Semi-automatic or automatic hydraulic structures are more difficult to assemble with your own hands. In a garage or farmstead, only a few will achieve results.

Let's present drawings for more complex machines:

What is the difference between a homemade one and a factory model?

Your splitting devices may not meet safety requirements. It is not worth allowing any family members to work. This is more important than any amount spent on a factory device.

Of course, there is always not enough time, and taking an average-priced model with a hydraulic drive means saving your nerves, saving time, and knowing for sure that nothing will fly into your head. If there is no confidence in the final result when creating on your own, for household needs You can order a not very powerful cleaver.

It will work intermittently, but will not increase the electric meter to suspicious numbers. For your information, there are factory copies with a load of up to 5 tons - this is enough. They cost no more than 15 thousand rubles.

Self-assembled wood splitters are devices, as a rule, without preliminary testing. The main thing is it works! But it is worth remembering about precautions. In particular, clothing should not restrict movement, use safety glasses, gloves, and closed shoes.

When you plan to prepare fuel for your stoves or fireplaces, you can get by with the version with a jack. But the industrial scale cannot be achieved without a factory installation or a jack-of-all-trades capable of assembling a wood chopping machine of the required load for a modest fee.

How to make a wood splitter with your own hands, see the instructions in the following video:

Perhaps for many urban residents, collecting firewood before heating season this is a relic of the past. However, some owners of private houses still have to prepare firewood for the winter. Some people buy ready-chopped logs, while others prepare them themselves.

And then the question immediately arises - how can you quickly and easily chop firewood? A wood splitter will help in this matter. This tool is specially designed to make the entire wood chopping process easier. So what is this tool? What is the whole principle of its operation? What types of wood splitters are there? And most importantly, how can you make it yourself? Let's figure it out and answer everything important questions using the example of a hydraulic wood splitter.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wood splitter

It is worth noting that a wood splitter is a machine whose main function is to cut wood. This device has high operating speed. For example, if you harvest firewood using an ax, the whole process can take up to a week, and you will have to work 4 hours a day. But with a wood splitter it takes just 3 hours.

The advantages of the wood splitter include the following characteristics:

  • high speed work;
  • low labor costs when sawing wood;
  • convenience when working with the tool. During chopping, a person does not need to bend over and strain;
  • the tool is always ready for use. To get started, you just need to turn on the device and you can safely start chopping wood;
  • easy to use. If when working with an ax or saw you need skills, physical strength and dexterity, then when working with a wood splitter it is enough to study the instructions. Elderly people and women can easily handle this tool;
    continuous and long work;
  • high security. While working with an ax, even a person experienced in this matter can seriously injure himself, but this will not happen when working with a wood splitter. All wood splitters are equipped high systems security.

But, despite the large number of advantages, this device also has disadvantages:

  • complex design. This mainly applies to hydraulic wood splitters;
  • some models have too big sizes. This may cause some inconvenience when working;
  • not all tools can split strong and too hard wood;
  • high energy consumption. Too large devices with a huge range of functions consume a large amount of energy and fuel;
    high price, especially if you purchase a new tool.

Types of hydraulic log splitter

There are two types of wood splitting machines:

1. Household.
2. Professional.

Tools professional looking have enough complex design. They are difficult to use because they have a large number of functions. Due to the fact that they have a high operating speed, they can cope with even the strongest and toughest wood.

These tools are mainly used for harvesting large quantities of logs. Their cost is very high.
Appliances intended for home use. They can work long hours, but still need breaks. These tools are not capable of handling large levels of work.

Also, according to the methods of laying logs, the following types of wood splitters are distinguished:

1. Horizontal. In these tools, logs are laid in a horizontal position. The logs are placed in special chutes and they are sawn horizontally. Tools of this type are the most common and they are very easy and comfortable to use. All work is carried out according to two schemes. The first scheme - the knife is firmly fixed on the frame, and the pushing element sets the log in motion, the second scheme - the log stands motionless, and the knife is set in motion using a hydraulic drive.

2. Vertical. The entire operating mechanism is the same as that of horizontal splitting axes. The difference is that the log is laid not in a horizontal, but in a vertical position. The movement of the knife occurs in the upper position, while it exerts pressure on the log. The design is compact in size and, compared to horizontal splitters, takes up very little space. Mainly used in industrial production.

3. Mixed appliances. These devices combine both methods of laying logs - horizontal and vertical. These tools are considered highly professional and are designed for large flows of firewood. Devices of this type are mainly used in the woodworking industry.

Engine type

The following main types of cleaver engines are distinguished:

  • cleavers with electric motor. These devices are equipped with electrically powered motors and a hydraulic pump. These tools are very convenient and easy to use. And they also have environmentally friendly operation, so they are often used for indoor work. Designs with mechanisms based on an electric motor do not have any special requirements for operation and maintenance. In addition, they have quick preparation for further use. However, they have one drawback - the power source. They are all mains powered, so they have very low mobility;
  • tools with gasoline or diesel engine. Compared to electric ones, these models are much more powerful and faster. They are often used in logging in industrial scale, and also sometimes in home firewood preparation;
  • wood splitters based on tractor traction. Mechanisms of this type are based on engines that consist of a hydraulic system and a shaft. These motors are very powerful and are capable of cutting through the toughest types of wood. These devices are mainly used for industrial enterprises, farms and forestry;
  • mixed or combined. These devices are often equipped with several types of motors. For example, tractor traction and an electric motor or tractor traction and a gasoline engine. These devices are used only in industrial enterprises.

Making a hydraulic splitter

In order to make a hydraulic wood splitter, you must first disassemble the device of a conventional conical or screw splitter.

Stages of work for manufacturing a conical cleaver:

1. As a basis for this cleaver, you can take a durable steel cone with threads. You can carve this cone yourself using lathe, and after that a carving should be made on it.

2. Part of the cone will move due to an electric motor.

3. After this, the cone should be placed on the shaft with bearings and secured with a pin, which will allow the cone to be removed from the shaft if necessary.

4. At the end of all work, a spacer made of pipes and nuts must be installed between the engine and the shaft, due to which the chain will be tensioned in the future.

5. You can turn on the homemade device and try it in action. When turned on, the cone will rotate and screw into the wood, causing the wood to split into pieces.

Now you should move on to assembling a more complex tool - a hydraulic wood splitter.
First, let's look at the assembly diagram of a simple device:

1. The first step is to take a vertical frame and install a car-type jack on its lower side.

2. A conical wedge will be used as a knife.

3. The wedge will be connected to the wood using a screw in the central part. After the screw, the jack will work.

4. Since the top side of the vertical frame is detachable, you can chop wood of different sizes.

There is also a heavier design of a hydraulic splitter. It consists of a hydraulic jack, which is installed on the frame stationary type. Still, this work requires professional knowledge and experience, so it is not advisable to make these wood splitters yourself at home.

In order to avoid certain difficulties and problems when using the wood splitter in the future, it is advisable to use the following tips:

  • If you have made or bought a cleaver based on an electric motor, then it is advisable to take into account the power. Its level should be 3 kW or more;
  • if the power is good, the engine will be able to quickly drive the hydraulic pump, which in turn will spin the cone to the required speed. Thanks to this, splitting firewood will be quick and convenient. Therefore, you need to take into account the engine power level;
  • Be sure to follow all safety rules when working with a wood splitter, otherwise you may get damaged;
    control levers should be located at a far distance from the knives;
  • Do not forget that knives are sharp and can cause serious wounds;
  • it is advisable to install it on a cleaver protective agent from unexpected startup of the device.

Well, that's basically all. It turns out that wood splitters are irreplaceable helpers in the household. With the help of these devices you can quickly chop a large amount of firewood for the winter. But it is very difficult to do this with an ax, and it takes a long time, and how much strength it takes, which cannot be said about wood splitters. And using them is not so difficult. And if you make this device yourself, you can save a decent amount of money.

We invite you to watch a video on how to make a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands: