How to make a garden arch. Ideas for using garden arches in the landscape design of a dacha. Video - do-it-yourself garden arch for flowers made of metal

Almost every owner land plot I want to equip it, make the area beautiful, pleasant for work and relaxation.

In addition to a residential building, a bathhouse, and outbuildings, I want to improve the area, plant a garden or vegetable garden, or maybe both, so that a beautiful and interesting landscape will delight all family members and surprise guests.

How can you decorate the area? Various garden arches for plants are especially decorative.

Types of garden arches and pergolas

These structures can be classified according to the material from which they are made:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • stone;
  • mixed.

According to the shape of the support climbing plants can be done in the form:

  • arches (curvilinear vaulted structure);
  • pergolas (volumetric arch made of interconnected repeating elements);
  • trellises (lattice structure supporting plants);
  • trellis (several gratings connected together);
  • complex shape.

By location on the site:

  • free-standing structure - a compositional vertical accent;
  • a group of arches is a kind of flower corridor;
  • a wall of trellises covering the utility part of the garden;
  • structures in the form of a gazebo designed for relaxation.

Where to install an arch for flowers in the country?

You have probably already built a house and located outbuildings, planned the site, divided it into zones. Where can you install a flower arch to decorate your garden?

Firstly, such a structure can be installed as an entrance to the site, in front of the gate, inviting people to enter the territory.

Or it can become a kind of entrance to the garden, separated from the rest of the territory by a small fence.

Several arches connected to each other horizontal connections called a pergola. The pergola can be installed along garden path leading to the recreation area.

If the site area is not very large, installing arches and pergolas is not possible, and you definitely want to plant climbing plants, then a simple structure - a trellis - will come to the rescue. Wooden grate It does not take up much space; it can also be mounted against the wall of the house.

Several trellises framing a bench (trellis) will create a pleasant shadow on a sunny day - an excellent place for privacy with an interesting book. Having completed the additional overlap, we get a cozy gazebo entwined with beautiful plants. You can simply stretch the wire or secure the poles between the walls. The plants will wrap around the walls and close together, forming a “green ceiling”.

Everyone is familiar with the extremely simple design for growing legumes: rods (stakes) installed vertically, tied at the top in the form of a hut - a simple trellis. The structure can be made of wood or metal from scrap materials.

But the producers gardening tools don't stand still. Metal portable trellises have recently appeared on sale; their cost depends on the complexity of the design. You can buy such a design from 250 rubles.

Factory-made metal mesh arches for the garden can be purchased for 400-900 rubles, the cost is more complex design much higher: 1100-4000 rubles.

The cost of a wooden arch also depends on the complexity of the design: simple gratings cost 50-400 rubles, complex ones - from 600 rubles. and higher. Many wooden pergolas are sold complete with a bench; all that remains is to install it in the garden, plant ornamental plants and after some time enjoy the result.

You can purchase more cheap design– plastic collapsible arch. It is usually dismantled winter period so that the plastic does not collapse due to temperature changes and frost.

Plants for a garden arch

To create a beautiful composition, climbing perennials such as climbing rose, clematis, Chinese lemongrass, various varieties grapes, tall bushes of honeysuckle, kobeya, as well as annuals: ivy, hops, sweet peas, codonopsis from the bellflower family, morning glory, climbing nasturtium.

You can decorate arches beautifully flowering plants and plants with lush greenery and decorative fruits. The lashes of climbing plants reach 3-4 meters. With the help of arches and pergolas, they are given the desired shape, decorating the garden with beautiful compositions.

Select plants according to your climate conditions. Some types of plants, such as climbing roses, are recommended to be covered for the winter, as they are very sensitive to severe frosts. For the same reason, you need to take a serious approach to the choice of construction material.

A metal pergola can damage the stems of some plants during frosty periods. In this case, wood is preferable.

How to make a garden arch with your own hands?

For skilled craftsman making and installing a garden arch or pergola with your own hands is not difficult. But even a beginner can cope with this task.

To make a simple wooden pergola we will need 4-6 wooden poles(1) with a cross-section of 75x75 or 100x100 mm and a height of 2 - 2.2 m, which will be installed vertically as supports. We attach transverse side beams (2) to the supports, to which the crossbars in turn are attached. Can be used as crossbars edged board cross section 20x200 mm.

To install the pillars, you need to dig holes deep 0.5 – 1.2 m (depending on the characteristics of the soil in your area). For structural reliability, it is better to concrete the pillars, having previously treated the buried part of the pillar: coat it with bitumen and wrap it with waterproofing material (roofing felt or roofing felt). Don't forget to check the verticality of the supports using a building level.

Additionally, you can stretch fishing line or twine between the posts, or fill slats in the form of a lattice for better growth plants. All elements of a wooden arch must be treated with an antiseptic to avoid damage to the wood.

Any simple pergola shape can be decorated with additional carved elements, painted in the desired color with exterior paint, if necessary.

Each of us deserves to live beautifully. And it doesn’t matter at all what your income is, the main thing is desire. Anyone can create a cozy corner in the garden; you just need to have a great desire and a little knowledge in this area.

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

Garden arches for flowers are not as difficult to make as it might seem. Thanks to this simple architectural structure, the garden instantly transforms: it becomes a little more well-groomed and nobler. However, this design not only aesthetic function: it can be both a decorative element and an aid for creating hedges and vertical gardening. In this article we will tell you how to make a structure for a garden arch, and which plants will definitely take root on it.

Main types, functions and features of the construction of garden arches

If you decide to decorate your site with a garden arch, then first familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its construction:

  • 01 No matter how beautiful the structure is, its main function is to grow plants, which means that when constructing it, you need to take into account all the nuances.
  • 02 The minimum height of the arch should be two meters. If the arch is lower, then not every person will be able to pass through it with ease.
  • 03 As for the width, there is also a standard: the arch must be at least 1.3 meters. This is important if climbing plants will grow on it. If this parameter is not observed, the effect of neglect of the structure may appear in the future.
  • 04 The main requirement for the frame of a garden arch is not only strength, but also aesthetic appearance. Imagine that during the cold season there will be no plants on the arch, and if it is not very attractive in appearance, it will noticeably spoil the overall appearance of the area.
  • 05 It is equally important to fit the garden arch into the design of the summer cottage. It should be in harmony with the general color of the area around. The most functional option is considered garden arch in the form of a gazebo.

Garden arches can be classified according to several parameters. They will help you do right choice in favor of one design or another:

  • Material: arches are made of plastic, stone, metal. The most popular option is wood. You can also make a combined arch;
  • Frame shape: There are pergolas, trellises and the arches themselves.
  • Location: a so-called trellis “wall” is created, an isolated structure, a gazebo-shaped structure, or several arches are installed in a row at once.

And a few words about the important functions of a garden arch. Let us emphasize once again that this is not only a decoration of your site, but also:

  • 01 Reliable support for some types of plants.
  • 02 Creating an atmosphere appropriate architectural style plot.
  • 03 Supporting load-bearing pillars.
  • 04 Effective zoning of a garden plot.
  • 05 The durable frame and beautiful appearance of a garden arch can become the basis for a children's swing.
  • 06 The arch can serve as lamp posts on the site.

How to choose and prepare a place for a garden arch?

An arch can either decorate or disrupt the integrity of a site, which means you need to clearly know its correct location. Classic and practical a win-win- installation of an arch over the garden path. So it will turn into a kind of tunnel connecting parts of the site.

On a note! If the area of ​​your site is small, then under no circumstances choose a bulky structure that will immediately reduce the area. In this case, it is best to use a trellis. And if you add to it a small bench with soft pillows, then you will get a cozy corner for relaxation.

The foundation for the arch can be anything: laid tiles or concrete, or soil. It is only important to properly prepare the area for installation of the structure. The work site must be carefully cleaned and leveled (if you are installing the arch on the ground). We recommend that you first make markings on the ground or tiles, based on the size of the structure.

How to make a frame for a garden arch from wood?

To make an arch frame you will need:

  • four beams (size - ten by ten centimeters). From these we can make supports and build walls for the arch:
  • to create the roof of the arch you will need two boards;
  • also purchase four slats (each size is three meters). They are needed so that the void between the wall supports is filled.

On a note! It is very important that the wood you use in your work is thoroughly dried. Otherwise, the structure will deform in the future.

The photo below shows step-by-step technology manufacturing the forming profile of the arch. Note that the technology is extremely simple even for beginners. First we need to make a template for the upper edge of the arch. You can use ordinary cardboard at this stage:

  • 01 Using a simple pencil we make drawings.
  • 02 Then we fix the bars with the template (if it is wooden).
  • 03 Next, using an electric jigsaw, we begin to cut out the future arch.
  • 04 Using the same principle, we are working on the second half of the structure.

  • 05 We attach the base of the bars to the arch and nail the wooden slats. Use a hammer and small nails. As for the base, it is attached using self-tapping screws.
  • 06 Now about the side panel of the arch. It is also made using slats of wood: this way we fill the resulting void. In the future it will be beautifully covered with climbing plants. Please note that each side wall of our arch must be made in the form of a lattice (this is also important so that the plant wraps around the arch beautifully).
  • 07 The wooden horizontal arch is ready. All that's left is the installation stage.

Installing the arch and attaching plants to the arch is the final stage of our work. If you are installing an arch in the ground, then dig small but fairly deep holes in the place where the supports will be. Having installed the arch level, secure them in the ground with metal corners. You can also place stones under the supports: this way the structure will last you longer.

Below in the photo, take a look at schematic examples of arches. Also study step-by-step instructions with photos on how to make an arch with a gabion base with your own hands:

Plants for a garden arch: which ones are suitable?

The first selection criterion is climatic conditions in your region. Some plants (for example, the climbing rose), although very beautiful, have a difficult time surviving the winter and are unlikely to survive severe frosts. By the way, this is why it is so important to choose the right construction material. If you have installed metal arch, then the stems of some especially sensitive plants during the period severe frost may be damaged.

To create beautiful composition, experts recommend planting climbing perennials: this is the above-mentioned climbing rose, Chinese lemongrass, clematis, and different varieties grapes Kobeya and honeysuckle bushes (necessarily tall-growing ones) are also perfect.

As for annuals, they are also suitable: choose hops, ivy, codonopsis from the bellflower family, sweet peas, morning glory or climbing nasturtium.

It is best to choose plants to cover the arch that will bloom very effectively and delight the eye not only with decorative fruits, but also with lush greenery. Keep in mind that the vines of some climbing plants can reach three to four meters. With the help of pergolas and arches they can be given any shape, turning them into a real landscape composition.

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There are many ways to decorate your suburban areas. Some people prefer to plant areas with flower beds with perennial plants, others like garden figurines and figurines, while others spare no time and money to create landscape design. But there is a decoration that everyone will like. This decoration is a garden arch, which gives any area a corner of romance and a certain sophistication.

As a rule, climbing plants with dense greenery are used for arches.

For some, floral arches associated with a solemn ceremony, but this does not mean that this design cannot be present in summer cottages or garden plots. A garden arch, curled with lush greenery or flowers, can be used not only as a decoration for the area, but as a way of somehow zoning the area. For example, a garden arch can be a kind of entrance if you use it to highlight some area of ​​the garden. If you install a garden arch in front of the entrance to garden plot, it will turn into a decorative gate.

Also, some landscape designers often use an arch for climbing perennial plants when creating a separate recreation area. You can install a bench or small table inside the structure. Sometimes garden arches, entwined with charming flowers, are installed along a path or garden path, thanks to which the path turns into a beautiful flower tunnel.

Modern arches are made from a variety of materials, the most common being wood, plastic and metal. Metal structures look very beautiful if forged elements are used to create them. Also, garden arches made of wood fit well into various landscape styles, becoming a coordinated complement to natural beauties.

Plastic arches are very popular due to their lightweight design. Arches can be made of brick, stone or even concrete.

Metal garden arches

When choosing a garden arch, remember that the material from which it will be made will determine its appearance and reliability. For example, metal garden arches are the most reliable because they are not afraid of precipitation and temperature changes. But in winter metal structure may damage some types of perennial flowering plants.

Wooden garden arches

The tree does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, and is also vulnerable to pests. It is necessary to install a wooden arch only in moderate climatic zone. It is best to choose structures made from hard wood - larch, cedar, oak. Before planting a wooden arch with climbing plants, it must be treated with antiseptic agents.

Plastic garden arches

Garden arches made of plastic also do not tolerate climatic conditions with high precipitation and sudden temperature changes. But plastic structures are made in a prefabricated version, so in winter the garden arch can be removed indoors and the plants can be covered with a canopy.

Garden arches for plants do not have to be a stereotypical shape. Currently on sale you can find garden arches with rectangular ceilings or gable roof. If you dream of decorating your garden original decor, you will probably like pergola arches or round arches, created from standard arches.

Choosing plants for a garden arch

To decorate a garden arch, you can use absolutely any climbing plants. It all depends on the desired result. If you want your arch to “bloom” quickly, plant annual climbing plants. Bindweed, beans, nasturtium, kobeya, and “mad cucumber” cope well with this task. If you dream of a garden arch that will delight you for several seasons, choose these perennials like honeysuckle, wild grapes, clematis and charming roses.

Garden arch design

There is nothing complicated in the design of a garden arch. After installing a garden arch, two plants that belong to the same species are attached to the arch frame on the sides. As they grow, you will need to bend their tops so that they form a vault that will repeat the shape of a garden arch. In this case, the main thing is not to miss the moment. If you bend the top too early, its side branches will grow upward, becoming the central shoot. If you bend it too late, the hardened branches will not be able to wrap around the arch.

But some plants have almost no need for such “direction”. To decorate a garden arch with grapes or ivy, just plant the plants at the edge of the garden arch, and the plant will wrap around this structure on its own.

If you want to decorate a flowering arch using clematis or roses, then as the plants grow they will need to be tied up. Also remember that beautiful flowering plants need proper care. For example, it is recommended to insulate roses in winter, and clematis require regular fertilization.

TO unpretentious plants To decorate a garden arch, you can include morning glory, kobeya and honeysuckle. They will decorate the garden arch bright colors and fill your garden with a pleasant aroma.

Garden arches can be decorated in different ways. Of course, the arch looks attractive if it is entwined with dense vegetation and flowers; you can also decorate only the arch’s arch and side parts.

An arch of climbing flowers is bright decoration for any garden. To decorate the arch, you can choose your favorite plants, turning your site into a prototype of the Gardens of Eden.

Growing climbing flowers is impossible without providing them with reliable support. Any supports are used in this capacity: pillars, fences, stretched threads etc. However, the most spectacular spectacle can be obtained by forming a tandem of climbing plants with special architectural elements. One of the most popular such structures is the arch - an arched structure on two supports. Despite the highest decorative qualities, its design is very simple, so an arch for flowers in the country can be made with your own hands. Let's consider 3 options for its manufacture from different materials.

A simple model of an arch with a height of 2130 mm and a width of 1830 mm is created from two reinforcing sections bent into arcs, connected to each other by metal rings. The arch for flowers is made by hand without the use of welding; thin wire is used to connect the parts.

Metal arch for flowers in the country

The metal arch looks like a light, weightless structure entwined with greenery and flowers

The distance between the arched arcuate sections is 31-32 cm. To hold them in place, they are dug into the ground at least 40-45 cm. A distance of 15 cm is maintained between the connecting cross-ring rings (d = 30 cm).

Schematic representation of a metal arch

List of materials for making a metal arch:

fittings (rod) d=10 mm, length 6 m - 2 pcs.;

fittings (rod) d=6 mm, length 0.94 m - 9 pcs.;

soft wire;

primer, enamel for painting;

pins for the template - reinforcement d=10 mm, length 0.25 m - 10 pcs.;

Rope L=0.9 m.

Step-by-step manufacturing scheme:

1. First of all, you will need to bend pieces of reinforcement d = 10 mm to obtain an arched opening. To do this, you can use a simple template of 0.25 m long pins driven into the ground along the calculated contour of the arch.

Cut the reinforcement into pins using a hacksaw

The outline is drawn directly on the ground as follows: a rod is driven into the ground, a rope L = 0.9 m is tied to it and, taking the free end in the hand, a semicircle is drawn with paint or chalk. Then, starting from the top point of the semicircle, the pins are driven into the ground.

Drawing a semicircle for the template

Drawing a semicircle using a rod, string and paint

The resulting template is very easy to use. In order to give the arch an arched shape, the reinforcement d = 10 mm is bent around the driven pins. The bend will be smoother if a strong, but flexible material. A strip of siding, a chipboard strip, etc. will do.

Bending reinforcement around pins

Bending reinforcement is a labor-intensive process, which is easier to handle with two people and an assistant.

2. In this arch model, metal rings are used to connect the reinforcement sections. They are made from reinforcement d=6 mm thinner than the main sections.

From a bundle of reinforcement, 9 pieces of 94 cm are cut and rings are formed from them using a pipe bender. If you do not have this tool, the design of the arch can be simplified and instead of rings, connect the arched sections with straight rods. This arch will look simpler original version, but it will also be quite functional.

Formation of rings from reinforcement

Forming rings from reinforcement using a pipe bender

3. The bent main sections of the arch are installed in the ground, deepening the reinforcement by 40-45 cm.

Installation of metal arcs in the ground

4. At a distance of 61 cm from the bottom of the arch soft wire tie metal rings, keeping a distance of 15-20 cm between them. They will allow you to connect the arched sections together and fix the shape of the arch.

Attaching rings to metal sections of the arch

5. To protect the arch from corrosion, all metal parts of the product are coated with a primer and then a layer of oil paint.

Option #2. Wooden arch made of timber

Traditional wooden arch from timber - the simplest and inexpensive construction, fitting into the design of any garden. This garden arch for flowers, 2.2 m high, consists of two vertical frames, two inclined and one horizontal parts.

Wooden arch for flowers

An easy-to-make wooden arch will help divide the garden space into functional zones

Materials required for construction:

timber 40x50 mm, length 2 m - 4 pcs.;

beam 40x50 mm, length 0.35 m - 4 pcs.;

beam 40x50 mm, length 0.65 m - 2 pcs.;

wooden planks 35x20 mm, length 0.65 m - 24 pcs.;

wooden planks 35x20 mm, length 2 m - 2 pcs.;

metal corner, length 0.25 m - 4 pcs.;

screws or nails;

primer, paint.

Wooden arch construction plan:

1. Make two vertical frames. Each frame consists of two vertical supports of 2 m each, two crossbars of 0.65 m each and one strip in the middle, 2 m long.

The frame serves as the basis for forming the sides of the arch

2. Assemble the side of the arch. Planks 35x20 mm long, 0.65 m, are stuffed onto the frame in increments of 0.2 m. The edges of the planks are cut at 45°, and any irregularities are sanded. sandpaper or a sander.

3. K vertical posts attach metal corners. Subsequently, when installed in the ground, they will play the role of a foundation and will be able to hold the structure in a given position.

4. Cut out the bars for the top of the arch. Inclined bars 0.35 cm long - 4 pcs., upper horizontal bars 0.65 m long - 2 pcs. They are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

5. Upper part the arches are connected to the sidewalls.

The arch is completely assembled on the ground

The arch is completely assembled on the ground, and then lifted and installed vertically in a permanent place

6. Dig holes at the site where the arch supports are installed. Metal corners are fixed in the ground, setting the arch level. In order to wooden structure lasted longer, stones can be placed under the supports.

Stones under the supports increase the reliability of the structure

7. On wooden surfaces a primer is applied, then a layer of varnish or paint.

Wooden garden arch for flowers

A layer of varnish protects the wood from corrosion and increases decorative properties arches

Option #3. Arch with gabion base

A wooden arch, the sides and rounded top of which are formed from galvanized mesh, will be a convenient support for climbing flowers. Another unexpected detail of this design is the foundation of two massive gabions. They firmly hold the arch supports, eliminating the need to fill concrete foundation or dig posts into the ground.

Unusual arched design - a combination of beams, mesh and gabions

Materials used:

beam 65x45 mm, length 1800 mm (4 pcs.) - vertical supports;

beam 65x45 mm, length 800 mm (2 pcs.) - transverse beams;

timber 21x10 mm, length 1380 mm (8 pcs.) - slats for creating grooves;

galvanized mesh sheets, width 500 mm, length 1800 mm (2 pcs.) - for the sides and top of the arch;

double torsion metal mesh - for the manufacture of gabions;

galvanized wire;


Stages of gabion arch production:

1. Two gabions measuring 100x50x50 cm are made from meshes. Each gabion consists of three boxes: two for the base (they will be used to install wooden supports arches), one - unifying, smaller in size. The gabion parts are connected with durable galvanized wire.

The gabion box is made of durable mesh

The gabion box is made of durable mesh, ideally from a special, so-called “gabion” mesh.

2. On each cross beam A router is used to make through slots 4 mm wide and 500 mm long. The trellis mesh will be inserted into this groove in the future.

Decoratively decorated flower beds or installed where necessary, arches for flowers in the country can significantly change general form site, place accents. Anyone can make their garden beautiful and cozy. We always strive to arrange the territory of our stay with comfort, not forgetting about the aesthetic side. For many of us, the dacha is not only a source of organic vegetables and fruits, but a place where the soul and body rest.

What is a flower arch

The arch represents the oldest architectural element, relevant at all times, successfully used today landscape designers. With its help, you can harmoniously zone the space, create an atmosphere of relaxation, comfort, and add a certain touch of romance local area. Arches are installed at the entrance to the garden, used to decorate paths, combined with gazebos, placing tables and benches inside for relaxation.

The general perception of this decorative element largely depends on the type of construction and the material from which it is made. Durability, stability, along with attractive appearance at any time of the year are the basic requirements for the construction of arches. For their manufacture, wood, stone, plastic, brick, forged fragments, and metal are used.

DIY flower arches, photo:

A country arch can be of any shape: three-dimensional (pergola), trellis, consisting of many arches, trellis - it all depends on your imagination. Forged structures look impressive; sometimes weaving plants should be thinned out so that the beauty of the work itself and the grace of the lines are visible.

When erecting this structure, it must be taken into account that its height should be higher than human height, and its width should be more than 1 meter. In terms of its size and modification, the arch should look harmonious against the background of the house and other buildings. A garden arch for flowers can be easily erected with your own hands; we will look at some examples here.

General requirements:

  1. The material for manufacturing must be reliable and withstand the pressure of winds, snow, and other weather conditions.
  2. It should always look beautiful: spring, summer, autumn, winter - it should look equally aesthetically pleasing with or without plants.
  3. Its size must correspond to the height of all family members. The nuance that it will subsequently be entwined with plants should also be taken into account when determining the dimensions.

Arches can be roughly divided by shape, material of manufacture, and purpose. They can be rectangular, semicircular, triangular, in the form of canopies, etc.

Making an arch with your own hands

Arches made of brick or stone are the most durable. If anyone can build a structure made of bricks, then for decorative masonry you will have to hire professionals.

The simplest option could be a curved iron rod - a frame that will be entwined with climbing plants. Any metal parts It’s better to degrease it first and then paint it.

A wooden arch is more preferable for perennial plants, since during frost it does not become as cold as metal. If the arch consists of wooden fragments, then it is better to fasten them together using galvanized materials. Wood fits harmoniously into any style; if desired, you can create a whole ensemble, including a gazebo, decorative fences, gratings.

A simple example of a wooden arch can be a structure consisting of stairs located opposite each other (elements resembling ordinary stairs), fastened at the top with a wooden lintel.

Flexible varieties of flowers or shrubs will look great on it. Over time, the stems of plants become coarser, woody, and take on the shape specified by the arch.

A metal flower arch can be made of metal rods or fittings.

For load-bearing arches you can use reinforcement with a 10 mm cross-section, for transverse fragments a little thinner - 6 mm. Two main arcs are made, and between them, to give rigidity and stability, cross members are installed. These connections can be of various shapes: curved rings, snakes, straight pieces of iron rod welded crosswise. These connecting parts can be welded to the supporting base using welding machine or securely fastened with flexible metal wire. They are located one after another - the distance between them is approximately 20-30 cm.

The depth of immersion in the ground is 40-60 cm. In the same way, you can make a series of arches that will be located one after another. Subsequently, they will look like a flower tunnel.

To work you will need construction tools:

  • pipe bender;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • wire;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • in some cases, a welding machine.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to achieve the same symmetry of the arcs, but this is not a big problem. Subsequently, this structure will be entwined with plants and flowers that will hide minor flaws.

How to make an arch for flowers with your own hands from plastic pipes? To achieve this goal, you don’t have to be a specialist; it’s enough to know the specifics of working with the material and follow simple recommendations.

Take correct measurements, calculate the plan for the future structure, and first draw the arch on paper. The main structure consists of fragments of plastic water pipe which are connected using fittings. For reliable welding parts you will also need a special soldering iron with attachments.

The process of creating such an arch:

  1. In accordance with the agreed dimensions, the pipe is cut into fragments.
  2. Adapters of suitable size (diameter) are selected.
  3. The joints are degreased.
  4. The required parts are put on the soldering iron nozzle, heated to a certain temperature, and then connected to the adapters. The connecting points can only be touched after final cooling.
  5. If there is no “iron”, you can use a suitable glue. The outer surface of one part, as well as the inner surface of the adapter, are covered with glue. It is held for a certain time, after which the parts are connected and turned a little.
  6. When all parts are securely fastened together, the structure can be installed. In order for your arch to withstand gusts of wind and other natural “attacks”, the depressions in the soil for it must be at least 40-50 cm.
  7. We install the arch, fill the installation sites with soil, and compact them thoroughly.

It is better to put plastic arches in the shed with the onset of winter, since frost has a destructive effect on the material. They are moisture resistant and more practical compared to wood or metal, which can rot or corrode over time.

The guarantee for the use of plastic pipes is approximately 50 years; such an arch can be manufactured and installed relatively quickly. Low cost is also an additional advantage.

Flowers, plants for the arch

When thinking about what flowers to plant for an arch, the first thing that comes to mind is climbing roses. This garden design very convenient for growing these flowers: it gives the shoots the desired shape, the best way demonstrates the beauty and characteristics of the variety. When choosing flowers, it is important to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region and plant varieties, so that the arched structure looks attractive at any time of the year.

Annual and perennial plants are suitable for this, and should be planted as close as possible to the base of the arch. Since perennials fully reveal their decorative qualities 1-2 years after planting, climbing annuals can be planted next to them - morning glory, sweet pea, kobeya, nasturtium. You can hang a flowerpot with hanging petunias, begonias. Decoration annual plants will help brighten up the waiting time when the climbing rose gains strength and grows in its permanent place.

Climbing roses are considered classics of garden decoration; they are voluminous, have a rich color palette, have a magical aroma, and do not require troublesome care. The bush is planted at the base of the arch, and then the shoots are tied to the structure as they grow. Before winter, roses are covered with appropriate covering materials to prevent them from freezing.

Before you make an arch with your own hands for flowers, think about the material for its manufacture. Roses, for example, are very sensitive to cold. To prevent the stems from being damaged by contact with cold metal, a plastic or wooden arch will be more appropriate for them.

Evergreen ivy is attractive with its lush emerald foliage, it is resilient, does not require special care, and will decorate your arch even in winter. It grows slowly, so you will have to be patient before waiting for the results.

Lush-leaved girl's grapes also frost-resistant, easy to care for, grows in the sun or shade. It is enough to trim it with scissors sometimes to always have a beautiful arch. You can simply plant it near the structure, and then it itself, clinging to its antennae, will entwine it.

Clematis is not inferior in beauty to roses, it has a thick long flowering until late autumn. Requires care, loves fertile soil, regular watering, fertilizing. However, the end justifies the means. Possessing rich color scheme clematis are very beautiful. Some varieties have an amazing aroma. They need to be planted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the arch, not close together.

Campsis is a tree-like vine, characterized by its unpretentious nature and rapid growth.

In July, large bright orange and yellow “gramophones” appear among the lush foliage, which delight the eye with their beauty until the onset of the first frost. In frosts above -20°C, it is necessary to cover with spruce branches, film or covering material - for reliability.

Honeysuckle is a climbing arch flower with a variety of colors and a sweet aroma.

It blooms throughout the summer, grows in any soil, in partial shade or sun, and has dense, lush foliage. Some varieties, such as Henry's honeysuckle, remain green even in winter. You should know that the fruits of some species of this plant are poisonous.

Hops require virtually no maintenance. It grows well in warm weather, stretching up to 10 meters, entwining an arched structure in just a year. This plant is attractive for its small yellow cones, which are used to treat nervous disorders (infusions, decoctions). A decoction of hop cones has long been used to strengthen and grow hair, and also as a diuretic. Thus, hops planted near the arch will not only decorate your country cottage area, but also provide health benefits.

Actinidia kolomikta is a winter-hardy vine that produces flowers by the end of May. The white flowers of this plant have an incredible aroma, somewhat reminiscent of lilies of the valley and lemon. The foliage is also noteworthy - young leaves initially have a bronze tint, then they turn green, begin to turn white at the tip, and then turn into a crimson color. With open pollination, actinidia may bear fruits (50-70% probability) that can be eaten. Green berries actinidia are somewhat reminiscent of olives and have a rich vitamin composition.

According to gardeners, bougainvillea is considered the best plant for shady areas. Loves a warm climate, abundant watering, fertile, well-drained soil. The creeping shoots of this plant can reach 10 meters in length. Blooms profusely in white, purple, orange, crimson flowers, which may have different shape. From April to September it needs phosphorus fertilizing, which must be applied 3 times a month.

Arches for flowers at the dacha allow you to advantageously present all the advantages of the site, giving it a romantic touch and an atmosphere of mystery. Despite the simplicity of the design, the aesthetics of the arches are undeniable and in demand both today and centuries ago. Depending on the purpose of installation, the arch can be the main or additional element design, serve as a support for climbing plants. With the help of this decorative structure, you can make your site individual, unlike the others.

Ipomoea Quamoclitus pinnate or Ruby stars