How to make a hand jigsaw. How to make a homemade tabletop jigsaw. Average characteristics of factory machines

Many people have known the fun of cutting with a jigsaw since childhood. The technology is simple. But despite the apparent ease and simplicity of the work, you can get very beautiful lace from wood or plastic. This is a very slow process that requires persistence and patience. To make work easier, jigsaw machines were developed. They are functionally divided into two groups: with manual and electric drive.

Jigsaw device with muscle drive

A homemade machine is easy to make. You can find many drawings of this plywood product. With a jigsaw, with your own hands and improvised tools for a short time A simple but functional device is assembled.

The scope of application of jigsaws is extensive. They are used for sawing figured products from a variety of different materials. Machines are also necessary for cutting lumber. In this case, the outer contour of the workpiece remains intact. If you use different nail files, then homemade jigsaw will process perfectly natural wood, plywood, chipboard, plastic, metal, in particular aluminum.

Examples of do-it-yourself drawings of a jigsaw machine, which operates using muscle power, were repeatedly given in various Soviet-era magazines.

Files for such a jigsaw machine are produced in the form of a flat blade.

Main parts of the machine:

  • Bed (A).
  • A work table with a slot for a saw (B).
  • A large drive pulley that acts as a flywheel (D).
  • Small drive pulley. The drive is combined with a crank mechanism (D).
  • Levers (B).
  • A pedal that spins the flywheel through the crank assembly (E).
  • Saw tension unit (G).

The master, constantly pressing the pedal with his foot, spins the flywheel. Through the belt, the movement of the flywheel is transmitted to the second pulley. Which, in turn, causes the crank mechanism with the saw blade to move.

If the flywheel is correctly balanced, without distortions and with a uniform, correctly selected mass, then the file achieves good smooth running. A similar machine for cutting plywood allows you to quickly produce many simple, similar products. The time and effort required for sawing is significantly reduced.

With this machine design, the size of the initial workpiece is limited. It depends on the length of the levers (B). When complicating the pattern, it is necessary to rotate the product around the saw.

Since the foot drive does not ensure a completely uniform stroke and limits the freedom and imagination of the master, most often such machines are replaced with electric ones.

Construction of a jigsaw machine

Electric jigsaw tape is a universal household device for making souvenirs, furniture, and various interior items. There are many options for manufacturing such machines. But the main elements on which the quality of the product and ease of use depend are the electric motor and the blade.

Main design elements:

  • Saw blade.
  • Crank mechanism.
  • Drive part.
  • Belt tension unit.
  • Stand or work table.
  • Various auxiliary elements.

Design and principle of operation

Conversion from a hand jigsaw

The first step is to make a working table for the mechanism. Suitable for these purposes a metal sheet or thick plywood. Holes for the cutting tape and fasteners are drilled and sawed out in the worksheet.

The jigsaw table is then placed on a regular table. Once secured, the guide rails can be assembled. To reduce vibration, just cut out the rubber gasket the right size and place it between the jigsaw table and the main surface.

The above design is convenient in that it can be easily disassembled and can be used again as manual jigsaw.

Since the standard device has springs that tension the saw, a rocker arm is necessary. One edge of the rocker arm is attached to the cutting element of the machine, and the second is under tension from springs. These simple steps will easily turn an ordinary jigsaw into a machine.

When using the device, it is important not to forget to turn off the pendulum stroke before starting cutting.

Assembly from a sewing machine

You can also quickly and easily assemble a homemade jigsaw from a sewing machine. Moreover, this device has interesting feature- regulator of the stroke of the nail file, since sewing machines have a speed switch.

First, at the bottom of the machine you need to find a thread weaving knot. To do this, several screws are unscrewed. The cotter pin located inside is knocked out and the drive shaft, which is connected to the thread weaving complex, is removed. After completing this procedure, the top panel is unscrewed. The groove along which the needle rode widens slightly to accommodate the saw blade. The files themselves are shortened slightly to the length of the needle. To fix the saw itself, you can make an adapter. But the easiest way is to grind top part cutting blade and sharpen the bottom. After which you can insert the nail file into place of the needle and get to work.

When working with jigsaws of any type, you should not forget about safety rules. Do not leave the device turned on for a long time without supervision.

If the master long hair, then it’s better to pick them up or use a special cap. It is better to roll up the sleeves of your clothes. The room should be well ventilated. In the room where carpentry work takes place, a first aid kit with first aid equipment for cuts must be kept.

Carving and sawing beautiful figures from wood is a fascinating activity. A person’s inclination towards this creativity manifests itself from early childhood and often remains throughout life. Everyone knows that this is difficult and rather painstaking work. It always requires not only special care, but also a lot of time. To eliminate this drawback and make your work easier, you need to automate the process. To do this, you just need to purchase a jigsaw in the store. However, such a device is not cheap on sale and not everyone can afford it. But this problem is easy to solve if you make a device for sawing and carving wood yourself.

For this you will need materials:

  • drawings or diagrams;
  • wooden blocks;
  • short boards;
  • pieces of old plywood;
  • simple nails or screws.


  • medium sized hammer;
  • regular hand saw;
  • small plane;
  • jigsaw;
  • sharp axe.

Scheme or drawing

Before you begin assembly, you need to draw a diagram or make a drawing of the jigsaw yourself. With their own hands, rarely does anyone manage to complete a high-quality document on a good professional level, but it doesn't matter. You can always find a suitable drawing on the Internet and use it to assemble your jigsaw. Often for simple homemade device inventors use only a mini-circuit, simply drawn by hand. This is quite sufficient when you need to construct a simple device for figure sawing from plywood and wood.

Stationary option

There are often times when it is necessary to make perfect cuts in plywood or wood strictly vertically. This kind of work is simply impossible to do even with a factory jigsaw. A device that is always in your hand will produce deviations, and the edges of the slots will never be perfectly shaped. To make them straight and even, such work should be done only on a stationary machine, where the device for sawing in wood or plywood is firmly and securely fixed to the table surface.

To design a stationary jigsaw for figured cutting on plywood and wood, you must first prepare the material for building the table. It will provide a strong support for the machine and will also provide ease of use. All this is easy to make from wood. First you need to find suitable bars, mark them and make a table frame from them. After this, cut off identical boards, lay them on top and secure them with ordinary nails or screws. To ensure that the surface is sufficiently smooth, it is advisable to lay plywood on the table. It will not only make the surface smooth, but also create additional rigidity.

Next, you will need to install the unit itself for figure sawing from wooden blanks. Of course, you can make the entire mechanism out of plywood, but it will take too much time. The easiest way is to use a very simple method, where a standard factory device is installed to operate the saw - a jigsaw. To do this, you only need four small corners and a few screws. And then everything is done very simply: find the center of the table and drill hand drill hole through. Its diameter should be such that the factory file of a standard electric jigsaw can fit through it freely.

When a file is inserted into this hole and the entire device lies tightly on the table, you will need to draw a pencil around the duralumin support. Then use a jigsaw to cut a hole so that the body itself fits through it upside down, and its support bar sits tightly at table level. All that remains is to place small corners at the bottom and secure the platform with screws. At this point, the stationary jigsaw machine is considered built and you can safely begin work.

Sewing machine equipment

Today, many inventors successfully use modern methods, which differ good quality and precision in work. Particularly notable is the jigsaw machine using a band blade. However, despite the very high speed, not everyone can do it. For this reason, it is worth choosing a simpler method using an outdated sewing machine. Although her device has already served its useful life, it still needs to work homemade machine it won't affect. In addition, this is a fairly common and inexpensive option, where too much expense is not required.

For this homemade design machine you will need:

The construction of a table for a stationary jigsaw was discussed above, so we will not consider it further. But it is worth noting that a workbench can be perfect for these purposes. In addition, many old sewing machines already have a table-like design, as well as a mechanical drive. Therefore, here we will analyze only the main mechanisms that need to be changed.


Convert an old sewing machine into table jigsaw not too difficult. First you will need to change the rear mechanical part where the needle is secured. To do this, you need to file the shank on the side so that a standard blade from a factory electric jigsaw fits freely into the clamp. The hole in the bottom plate, which is intended for the needle, also needs to be enlarged. This is easy to do with a hand drill with a diameter slightly wider than the file.

Often the clamping foot on a sewing machine gets in the way when cutting thick plywood or wooden blocks. It is easy to remove by unscrewing the side locking bolt with your hands or a screwdriver. As the jigsaw works, sawdust will remain. They are easy to assemble if you place a small box underneath. But before that, you have to remove the shuttle along with the entire device that will interfere. Removing it is easy with just a small adjustable wrench or pliers.

Mechanical drive and motor

It is clear that turning such a machine by hand will be very difficult and inconvenient. Therefore, it is necessary to install an additional motor with a mechanical drive. Literally all samples of sewing machines have a pulley in their design. A motor is connected to it using a belt, which is turned on with your foot. If such a unit is not available, then it is not difficult to make it yourself. To do this, you just need to find an electric motor of suitable power. And then firmly attach it to the table using simple clamps- and you can actively get to work.

What if you need to use a jigsaw, but have no desire to purchase one? Experienced craftsmen will answer that in this case the easiest way is to make a jigsaw with your own hands.

There are multiple ways to make and repair such a tool yourself. Below is a list of options for using the simplest and most accessible of them.

Making a manual jigsaw using simple technology

Before making a jigsaw, you should prepare inexpensive and available materials. Let's present them in the form of a list:

  • sheet plywood - 12 mm;
  • sheet plywood - 5 mm;
  • sheet steel - 2 mm;
  • set of bolts and nuts;
  • drill (manual or electric);
  • chisel;
  • sanding paper;
  • files.

As a base for a manual jigsaw, you must use a bracket, which is made from a sheet of plywood (12 mm).

After this, you should thicken the handle using a thinner plywood sheet (5 mm). This thickening is glued evenly on both sides of the handle, which ensures its comfortable position in the hand during subsequent work with a jigsaw. At the same time, the bracket and handle must be carefully processed using sandpaper and files of different classes.

The steel plate must be cut out using a chisel and the clamping jaws must be cleaned using a file. Next, you will need a drill to make slits in the jaws. Having taken this step, we begin to cut out notches on them with a sharp chisel. The left clamping jaw must be modified in such a way that it is done threaded hole for the bolt. We attach the jaws to the bracket, and then screw in the bolts on the left clamp, securely securing it with a nut.

Options for making a tabletop jigsaw

Desktop devices of this kind can be made either from scratch or by modifying existing devices.

Option 1

To make a new benchtop mechanical jigsaw, you must first acquire the following tools and consumables:

  • duralumin pipe;
  • plastic base;
  • screws;
  • copper sheet;
  • drill.

First, we prepare the frame; a duralumin pipe is well suited for this purpose. During the manufacturing process of the frame, a passage must be provided through which an electrical wire is laid, which will provide power to the tool. Using a copper sheet, a U-shaped frame is made, which is then attached directly to the frame. In the area where the frame connects to the jigsaw handle, the frame is screwed in with screws.

Then we take plastic base for drilling holes and mounting slots in it. We fix the jigsaw on the prepared base so that the file can pass freely through the hole. We attach with clamps ready-made device on a flat surface, such as a table.

Option 2

To make a jigsaw, you can use a sewing machine, the repair of which is not necessary. To make such a tool you will need following materials and tools:

We unscrew all the bolted fastenings from the lower parts of the machine structure, completely remove all working system with thread. We remove the metal fastening rod by knocking it out and remove the drive shaft. We unscrew 2 more bolts and disassemble the panel that covers the sewing machine; removing it is quite simple. Remove with gentle movements sewing needle and let's get to work.

First of all, we carry out work with the slot for the needle. We expand it to such a size that the file can fit there. A needle file will help you cope with this task. It should be selected based on the size of the hacksaw blade. Try to adjust the size of the slot for the file as accurately as possible. Having bored out the connector, you can install the blade in place of the former needle holder. And finally, when turning the wheel, you need to check a few things to:

  • there was no contact between the saw, the panel and the presser foot;
  • there was free passage of plywood under the saw in the upper position;
  • the materials were drawn in a smooth motion without jerking.

These jigsaws are suitable for use with plywood, balsa wood and plastic, and when using an electric machine, such a device can be converted into a jigsaw.

Video “Jigsaw. Choosing a tool and working with it"

If it is not possible to repair the jigsaw

If using a manual jigsaw is not up to the task, and electric jigsaws cannot be repaired, then you should use the options presented below that will allow you to make a jigsaw. Electric jigsaw table type:

  • electric jigsaw for manual use;
  • sheet plywood;
  • set of clamps;
  • 10 pieces of screws;
  • electric drill.

We make markings for the slots in the plywood and carefully cut them out. If there is a pendulum stroke, it must be turned off. Then we place a hacksaw blade in the slot and attach it there. We also make several slits on the plywood by drilling holes with a drill and connecting them to each other. Screws are placed in the slots made. As a result, securing the tool with clamps on flat surfaces will not be difficult. The device is ready.

Jigsaw from an electric drill:

  • steel sheet (4 mm);
  • steel sheet (1.5 mm);
  • steel sheet (1 mm);
  • steel rail (2 mm);
  • spring rail (0.9 mm);
  • steel rod (7 mm cross-section);
  • electric drill.

Using sheet steel (4 mm), we make a product in the form of a C-shaped frame, which will be the base of the jigsaw. Next, attach it to an electric drill. For this purpose it is necessary to create special clamp made of steel sheet (1.5 mm), which will ensure fastening. We attach spring slats to the edges of the base. Steel sheet(1 mm) we will need to make clamps with which the saw will be attached. Clips like these on the edges will also help strengthen the C-frame. And from a steel rod you can make a crank that will power the saw. For the connecting rod we need a steel strip, which will allow us to create a crank mechanism.

At this point, the work on making the jigsaw can be considered complete. Due to its massive size, for safety reasons it is better to clamp the drill in a vice while working. And it is best to place working materials on flat surfaces.

Video “Jigsaw. Modernization"

I didn’t want to permanently place my expensive Makita jigsaw on the table, so I decided to buy another one to create a table. I was very lucky to find a jigsaw in the “Our House” store Caliber LEM-610E for only 862 rub. Includes: wood saw, side stop, adapter for vacuum cleaner, spare brushes for the motor.

There was an outlet next to the display case and I looked at it in action. It is quite well made, convenient, there is a speed control with a wheel, and the activation is fixed with a button. The saw holder moves smoothly without any play.

It’s very fortunate that I was able to twirl it in my hands before buying it; I wouldn’t risk ordering it from the website without knowing what it is. (Although they write good reviews about it) By the way, it costs more there and there is also a delivery fee... so I successfully bought it at Our House. :)

Despite its advantages, it has a number of disadvantages that I noticed upon closer examination:

1) The file does not fit into the saw holder. Apparently this is a defective copy, but I did not waste my time on the exchange. Each file has to be sharpened. (Although I won’t be able to use them on the second jigsaw after grinding - it doesn’t matter, they are relatively inexpensive)
2) And this flaw is visible even in the picture. The canvas is tilted strongly forward. (This was also corrected by placing tin strips under the back of the sole, achieving 90 o.
3) The speed control wheel turns heavily, not very clearly and with jamming. At the minimum speed value, the tool cannot start at all (However, the same garbage with starting is with my other “calibrated” drills. This is unpleasant, but does not spoil life much)

As always, everything is in the spirit of minimalism. I did not make a separate switch. It is quite convenient to turn on with a standard button and lock into place.

To do this, I bought a bracket at KrepMarket (this is a fastening element from some kind of iron structure system)

By the way, I really love CrepeMarket. Any screws, nuts, screws, fasteners. Every time I design something, I wander around in thought and collect the necessary details.

I cut off the excess and sharpened it.

Back view. Now the distance between the bearings has a fixed clearance for the file of 1.2mm. I have a plan for the future: to make a gap adjustment.

For thin materials it can be lowered.

As an experiment, I drew a star and tried to cut it out evenly

For a 130mm file, the maximum possible thickness is 5cm. It turns out there are very long files; I recently saw a 300mm file on the market

I sawed off a 1.5mm slice from a 40x40mm block

Which is what I did. Now you can use it to cut long workpieces 11.5 cm wide. The old L-shaped structure also remains, and if greater strength of the holder is needed, it can be installed again, although new design remained quite strong and reliable.

I also came up with the idea of ​​making a knife from an old dull file, grinding off its teeth and sharpening it.

They can be used to cut material like sealant into shapes. The cut is smooth. Much better than a utility knife. The photo shows a mouse pad.

Well, that's probably all. The table turned out to be reliable and comfortable. Now I have a tool with which I can perform more delicate work than with a circular saw.

A tabletop jigsaw machine will be useful to every craftsman who cuts out thin parts. However, it is not always possible and meaningful to purchase a full-fledged machine. In that case, get down to business and make it yourself!

The structure of a jigsaw machine - what lies inside?

Jigsaw machines are more related to special tools than to devices that are needed as to an experienced master, and for the amateur who manages the garage. Their purpose comes down to a special task, namely cutting out complex curved contours from sheet materials. A special feature of such machines is the execution of cuts without violating the integrity of the external contour. Most often, sawing occurs on wooden and derivative materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines equipped with appropriate saws can also work with other materials, for example, plastic or plasterboard.

Such equipment has found application in the music industry (manufacturing musical instruments) and, of course, in the furniture room. Those who like to make things in their own workshop also buy such units. The structure of a traditional jigsaw machine, designed according to all the rules, looks like this: the working surface on which the saw is mounted hides a drive (electric motor) and a crank structure underneath. The tension mechanism can be located either below or above the machine.

To process a part, it must be placed on the workbench. Many models have the ability to rotate it under different angles to make bevel cuts. The stops and guides on the surface, as well as the rotating mechanism, can be marked, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. The length of the cut depends on the length of the work table - most models are limited to 30-40 cm. Electric motor power is an important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge reserve of unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even small production, an “engine” of only 150 W is sufficient.

The crank mechanism is much more important detail, because in this case the quality of transmission of the drive’s torque into the translational-reciprocal motion directed in the vertical plane by means of a saw depends on it.

Standard jigsaw machines are considered to be devices with an amplitude of movement of around 3-5 cm and a vibration frequency of up to 1000 per minute. Many models provide a change in speed mode for different materials. The jigsaw file itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and is capable of sawing material up to 10 cm thick. The width of the files can vary in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to coarser ten-millimeter, with a thickness from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thickest and widest file will easily break if you do not provide sufficient tension along the entire length of the file. Leaf and coil springs are used for this. Quite often, such machines are equipped with an air pump, which cleans the cut from sawdust by blowing it, as well as a drilling unit. The latter device is especially useful, because in this case the master does not need to be distracted by connecting an electric drill and drilling a hole - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, you have to pay for convenience!

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands from a manual jigsaw?

On the Internet you will find many different designs homemade machines, but most of them come down to repurposing into this device. By using your ingenuity and watching the video, you can easily make a homemade jigsaw from this tool. The jigsaw only needs a little modification. In fact, it plays the role of a machine drive and a crank mechanism, but the rest needs to be thought out and implemented.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers in this area as well, offering their own platform options for quick and convenient remodeling, however, in reality only you can make a device that suits your needs. So, the first step is to make a support table, for which they most often use sheet metal. You need to make a beveled oblong hole in it for the saw blade and holes for fasteners (countersunk screws are recommended), and attach the jigsaw to the bottom of the support table.

This structure can only be strengthened wooden table. You can go beyond this and install guide rails. The convenience of such a device lies in the fact that in addition to performing functions that are not entirely inherent to it, you can always disconnect the drive and, with a slight movement of your hand, turn it back into manual jigsaw! If you constantly need this tool for work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending money on a real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such a unit inherits not only the advantages of the tool, but also its disadvantages, in particular, the file is too wide for filigree work, which significantly limits the curvature of the lines. If there is a need for this, there will be a way out. So far, our machine differs from the classic jigsaw unit in the absence of springs that would ensure sufficient tension on the file. But it’s quite easy to build a simple rocker, which on one side will be under the tension of springs, and on the other, fixed to a nail file.

There is another option - to clamp the nail file between two guide rollers, but the first option is still more reliable. Don't forget to turn off the pendulum action on your jigsaw before you start using your homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is powerful enough, then it can only serve as a drive in a structure of two rocker arms, between which a nail file is stretched. The movement is transmitted through a file attached to the lower rocker.

Machine from a sewing machine - giving a second life to old tools!

If you inherited a foot or hand weapon from your grandmother or mother sewing machine, consider yourself the owner of an excellent jigsaw! Of course, for this you need to “work a little magic” on the machine. First, remove the thread weaving device, which is usually located at the bottom of the machine. There is nothing complicated about it, just unscrew two bolts. Then we knock out the cotter pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving mechanism.

Having unscrewed the top panel that protects the mechanisms, it is necessary to expand the slot in which the needle went. Be guided by the needs and width of the nail file that you will use in your work. Files for a jigsaw of this kind also need to be slightly modified, namely cut to maximum length needles that could be used on this machine. Grinding off the upper teeth and sharpening bottom part on the tip, all you have to do is insert the file into the needle holder and test your machine in action!