How to make a cellar in the ground. Dacha according to science: how to organize a cellar on the site for storing canned food and vegetables. Designing a cellar for a summer residence

A cellar in a summer cottage is simply an irreplaceable room. You can store canned goods, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits in it, and also use it for storage garden tools in winter.

Despite the apparent complexity of the task, building a cellar in a country house with your own hands is not a very difficult task. Main - correct selection type of cellar, materials for construction and choice of location for construction.


All cellars are divided into types depending on their location to the ground level. They are divided into underground, semi-underground and above-ground. At the same time, underground cellars are immersed in the ground up to the roof, on average by 2 m, in semi-underground cellars the floor is lowered below ground level by 0.7-1 m, and above-ground cellars are not buried at all.

Choice suitable type depends on soil moisture. Underground premises are located in dry places, semi-underground ones - in places with an average level of groundwater, and above-ground structures are used if groundwater pass too close to the surface.

Selecting a location

To build a cellar, you need to choose a place without trees, which can over time damage the structure with their roots and make it unsafe. Also, if possible, you should choose a dry place. You can do this yourself using traditional methods.

Typically this test is carried out in spring or autumn. To do this, take a glass or clay vessel, one fresh egg and some natural wool. In the chosen place, wool is placed on the ground, and an egg is placed on top. Then cover the egg with a vessel, sprinkle with grass and leave overnight.

If in the morning there is condensation on the walls of the vessel, then the groundwater level is very high, if only the wool lying on the bare ground is saturated with water, and the egg remains dry, then the water level is low. Even the wool remained dry - groundwater in this place don't leak at all.


To know how to make a cellar in a country house, you need to know the technologies for constructing each type of basement, the nuances and tricks that need to be taken into account.

Underground basement

When digging a pit, it is worth considering that the pit itself must be larger than the final dimensions of the basement, because part of the volume will be occupied by the laid walls and floor, and the soil should be left near the pit - it will later be useful for embanking the building. Also, to prevent the walls of the pit from collapsing, they should be dug at a slight angle.

Once the pit is completely dug, you can begin pouring the floor. First, the earthen bottom is cleared of stones and debris, leveled and compacted.

Great demands are placed on the materials for the side walls of the basement - they will be subject to strong pressure from the surrounding soil. Materials such as brick, building blocks, wood and concrete mixture.


The best choice is to purchase ready-made reinforced concrete slabs. They are distinguished by their convenience and durability, and are not very expensive.

You can also use wooden beams, which, after installation, are sheathed with boards and waterproofing. After installing the floors, you can fill the ends of the structure with earth.


One of the main requirements for a good country cellar is the presence of high-quality ventilation, which maintains optimal temperature and humidity in the room, preventing fungi and mold from developing.

To ensure ventilation, only two plastic pipes of medium diameter are enough, one of which will serve as a supply, and the other as an exhaust. Supply pipes are located 20 cm from the floor, and exhaust pipes are located at opposite side 40 cm from the ceiling.

In this case, the supply pipe must have a metal protective mesh against rodents, and the exhaust pipe must be insulated with glass wool, have a canopy to prevent rainwater from flowing in, and a tap in the lower part to drain condensate.

Semi-underground cellar

A semi-underground cellar is built according to a similar principle, only the walls in such a structure extend beyond the boundaries of the pit in height and the passage into it will be located in a vertical plane.

It is best to make the roof in such a basement gable. Tiles, polycarbonate, and slate are suitable for this purpose. The roof of the building must be waterproofed and insulated. Afterwards, the side walls must be diked.

Above ground cellar

The construction of this structure occurs without digging a pit. The soil for the bottom of the room is dug out, after which the construction and installation of ventilation follows the same pattern.

The roof of such a structure must be strong and pitched in order to withstand the weight of the earth with which it is necessary to embank the resulting structure.

Further work

After the construction of the cellar, you need to take care of it interior decoration. It is best to whitewash the walls well - lime has a disinfecting effect and prevents fungi from developing. This will also give the room a neater look.

First of all, you need to purchase or make your own wide, comfortable staircase, which will be easy to climb on and off with heavy buckets, cans and baskets.

Next you need to get wooden shelves and storage boxes. Shelves that do not directly touch food must be treated against mold and rot, otherwise they will not last long.

Make sure that wiring, lamps and switches in the basement are well protected from moisture. It is best to purchase lamps with closed sockets.


Even such a purely utilitarian room, if you have some imagination, can not only blend well into the surrounding environment, but also become its highlight. For inspiration and search original ideas You can see photos of cellars for dachas on thematic sites.

Using beautiful tiles and doors, you can decorate a semi-submerged cellar, and by planting flowers on the roof of an underground basement, you can completely hide it. From an above-ground cellar sown lawn grass, you can make a real “hobbit house”.

Photo of a cellar for a summer residence

Construction of a cellar involves not only the construction of walls and ceilings, but also proper ventilation, high-quality waterproofing and interior layout. If you make an entry incorrectly or save on usable area, using the cellar will be inconvenient, and it will be too difficult to remodel. Therefore, before you build a cellar with your own hands, you should think through everything down to the smallest detail.

A standard cellar is a rectangular room with low ceiling. For entry, a hatch with a movable ladder or concrete steps. The first option is cheaper, but not very convenient, since it is quite difficult to descend into the cellar along the crossbars and even with a load. Concrete or brick steps are much more reliable, and they are not at all difficult to make.

Already at the design stage, you should think about materials for ceilings. The width of the cellar directly depends on this. Some use ready-made concrete slabs as flooring, others pour and reinforce them themselves directly above the cellar, others use multi-layer floors made of timber, layers of waterproofing, boards and insulation.

Basic cellar parameters

  1. The width of the pit should not exceed 4 m, taking into account the thickness of the masonry walls and the outer layer of waterproofing.
  2. The length of the cellar depends on the needs of the owner, usually it is 4 m.
  3. The height of the ceilings should be within 1.8-2 m. With good insulation, there is no need to dig deep; two meters is enough to ensure that the room does not freeze in winter and does not heat up in summer.

To save a little when arranging the stairs, when digging a pit you need to leave a 1 m wide area and remove the earth at a slope, forming steps with a shovel. But this option is only suitable for dense, hard soil, otherwise, under the weight of the brick, the soil will begin to settle and the stairs will collapse.

Another important point is wall cladding. Most often they are made of brick or concrete, pouring mortar between the walls of the pit and the formwork. Both methods are quite within the capabilities of a novice master, the main thing is to think through everything in advance. For brickwork need brick and mortar monolithic wall it is necessary to prepare material for formwork and spacers.

Video - Cellar. Theory and drawings

When all the details are thought out, the materials are prepared, you can start working. A layer of turf is removed from the selected area and markings are made using pegs, taking into account the additional space for waterproofing.

During the work you will need:

  • bayonet and picking shovel;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • crushed stone;
  • roofing felt;
  • bitumen mastic;
  • concrete mortar M 100;
  • tamper

Step 1. Digging a pit

According to the markings, they begin to dig a hole. At the location of the future staircase, steps are immediately formed, choosing soil at a slope. The steps should be 1.5 times wider than in the project, because the thickness of the riser is added to the tread. If the staircase to the cellar will be mounted separately, the pit is dug evenly around the entire perimeter. When the depth of the pit reaches 2 meters, the walls and base are leveled, lumps of soil are removed and construction of the base begins.

Step 2. Pouring the base

Fine crushed stone is poured into a 3 cm layer at the bottom of the pit, leveled, and the base is compacted using a tamper. Prepare a solution: take 3 parts sand to 4 parts crushed stone and add 1 part M400 cement. The thickness of the concrete layer must be at least 6 cm.

Step 3: Waterproof the floor

When the concrete has dried, make markings for the walls of the cellar and lay 2 layers of roofing felt on the floor, coating them bitumen mastic. The edges of the roofing material should extend beyond the perimeter of the marking by 10 cm; strips of material are laid overlapping, shifting the seams of the top layer by several centimeters.

Construction of brick walls

Step 1. Laying the first rows

To lay the walls of a cellar, you do not need to have the skills of a mason. All irregularities and defects in the masonry will be hidden under a layer of plaster. You can take used bricks, as long as they are red fired. White brick and cinder block is not recommended for these purposes.

The first row is laid out according to the markings on a sand-cement mortar. The second row is staggered with ligation of the seams. Excess mortar is immediately removed with a trowel, and every three rows are checked with a building level. A space of about 50 cm wide is left between the masonry and the walls of the pit.

Step 2. Installation of ventilation holes

You can lay out no more than 5 rows at a time, otherwise the solution will not withstand the load and the walls will “float”. It takes 8-10 hours to harden the masonry. In the 3rd or 4th row from the floor, a hole is made between the bricks for the ventilation pipe. The second hole should be left in the opposite corner of the cellar at a height of 1.6-1.7 m from the floor. The dimensions of the ventilation holes depend on the diameter of the pipe; usually these are square niches 25x25 cm.

Step 3. Installation of mortgages for fastening shelves

To fasten the shelves, metal corners or profile pipes with thick walls are embedded in the masonry. They must go out outer wall by about 10-15 cm, and with inside match the width of the shelves. The distance between the corners is about 70 cm horizontally and about the same vertically. This method is quite convenient and reliable, and also saves money on the manufacture of individual racks.

Step 4. External waterproofing

When the walls are completely laid out, ventilation pipes are inserted and secured into the holes, brought to the top and temporarily fixed with wire to the top row. The outside walls are coated with liquid bitumen and roofing felt is fixed. It is laid with an overlap of 10 cm, the joints are covered with bitumen and pressed firmly. After this, the space between the walls of the pit and the masonry is filled with clay and compacted every half meter, not reaching the top by about 40 cm.

Concrete walls

Metal rods are driven into the walls of the pit along the entire perimeter, leaving 15 cm on the outside. Shields are knocked down from boards, chipboard or plywood to the size of the walls, covered with polyethylene and installed flush against the reinforcement. The formwork is reinforced with wooden beams and concrete is poured. It is advisable to fill the entire wall at once, then the surface will be the most durable. After a day, the formwork is removed and the wall is allowed to dry thoroughly.

Floor installation

If used for floors reinforced concrete slabs, the installation method is quite simple. The trench along the perimeter of the cellar is filled with stone, reinforced with a lattice of rods and filled with concrete. The slabs are laid after the concrete has hardened; they must completely cover the pit and foundation around the cellar. The joints between the slabs are sealed with a thick mortar.

If there are no slabs, you can make a monolithic floor differently, using beams, steel channels, beams or pipes.

Step 1. Laying beams

In the last two rows of masonry, holes are left on opposite walls for floor beams, the length of which should be 1 m greater than the width of the cellar. Wooden beams with a cross-section of 150x150 mm are impregnated with waste machine oil and dried. Then they are wrapped in roofing felt, which is secured with staplers.

Pipes or channels do not need such treatment. The prepared beams are laid on the walls, leaving an opening for the entrance, and then the trench and the edges of the beams are poured with concrete. Protruding edges ventilation pipes cover so that the solution does not get inside.

Step 2. Overlap device

The bottom of the beams is sheathed with boards 25 mm thick, and the top is covered with roofing felt. Expanded clay is poured between the beams or 2-3 layers of mineral wool are laid, everything is covered with plastic film, then again with roofing felt, and the joints are coated with mastic. Soil or clay is poured on top.

If the beams are metal, you can attach a chain-link mesh with small cells between them, lay reinforcement and metal scraps on it, and install a removable board made of plywood or chipboard covered with film underneath. The shield is supported by a 100x100 mm beam in several places so that the structure can withstand the weight concrete mortar. They fill everything with concrete and let it sit for several days, then remove the shield, remove the excess mortar that has leaked around the edges, and let the slab stand well.

Video - Building a cellar yourself

Interior work

The next stage is installing the stairs. If a base of soil was left, a brick is laid on top, placing it on the edge vertically and flat on the tread. The side walls are also lined with brick, all gaps and joints are rubbed with mortar. You can replace the brick with a reinforcement frame and pour the steps out of concrete; you can also install a light metal staircase.

Next, the walls, floor and ceiling are tidied up. If the wall masonry is smooth and neat, it is enough to cover the surface with two layers of lime. Uneven masonry is pre-plastered with cement-sand mortar and then treated with lime. No additional wall covering is required, although various finishes are possible. The ceiling is checked for the absence of cracks and gaps, if necessary, the joints along the walls are sealed and also whitewashed.

On the floor, roofing felt is covered with a cement screed 3-4 cm thick. In some cases, plank floors are installed on top of the screed or covered with linoleum, but this is completely optional. Finally, shelves are attached or racks made of boards treated with an antiseptic are installed. The shelving should accommodate everything you need so that nothing stands on the floor. This will ensure good preservation of vegetables and make cleaning the room easier. Do not block the space in front of the ventilation openings with racks and drawers, otherwise the air exchange will be disrupted and condensation will appear in the cellar.

The door to the cellar is made of durable boards 3 cm thick and is additionally insulated from the inside. In cold regions where frosts reach 30 degrees, it is recommended to install another door at the bottom of the stairs. The top floors must also be carefully insulated with a layer of soil, sawdust, clay and other available materials. Ventilation pipes should be covered with special caps with a protective insect net.

Video - How to build a cellar with your own hands

Cellar – important element any suburban area, it is indispensable for storing vegetables, fruits and canning. The article contains information on how to build a cellar at your dacha with your own hands: step by step description will help take into account a lot of nuances, starting from the right choice places and ending with the installation of waterproofing and. The external arrangement of the building also has great importance, and the construction of shelving and drawers will help to use the space efficiently.

Do not confuse the cellar and the basement. Building a cellar at your dacha with your own hands can come down to simply digging a hole and minimally arranging it. The choice of the type of structure depends on many parameters, for example, on its intended purpose, on climatic conditions region, financial capabilities, etc. Also, when choosing the type and materials for building a cellar in a country house with your own hands, you need to take into account its location.

It is easier to build a separate building than, for example, to build a cellar under the house, but this option will require more materials, and therefore more finance. Make storage for residential building or outbuilding will cost less, but this option is limited in space.

One of the most popular options is an ice cellar. It copes well with the function of long-term storage of food even in the hot season and is especially in demand in the southern regions. It is quite difficult and expensive to build this type of cellar in a private house with your own hands, but the result is characterized by high performance characteristics, durability and reliability.

Another good option for this building is a storage unit with two sections. As a rule, this type is used when it is necessary to avoid mixing the odors of various vegetables and fruits that are simultaneously stored in the cellar. To build such a storage facility you need less materials than for a glacier.

A separate type of cellar is a wine cellar. It is used for storing wine products and has its own design features and nuances that must be taken into account in order to properly build the cellar. As a rule, in such storage you can store not only wine, but also various preserves.

The nuances of arranging a cellar with your own hands at a high groundwater level

When choosing a location for storage, it is very important to take into account factors such as total soil moisture and groundwater level. The lower it is, the easier it will be to build the structure, and the less often repairs will be needed. If we're talking about about a free-standing structure, then you should choose the highest place on your site. It is best to determine the groundwater level when it is at its maximum, that is, in spring or autumn. If there is a well or borehole on the site, then you can determine the maximum elevation using them, otherwise you will have to drill a well separately.

It will be somewhat more difficult to build a cellar if groundwater is close. How to do this as efficiently as possible? First of all, it is necessary great attention pay attention to waterproofing the structure. Also, with increased soil moisture for better waterproofing To protect cellars from groundwater, it is worth using building materials characterized by increased resistance to water. In this case, you should not use wood or plywood, but rather give preference to concrete and brick.

Helpful advice! You can check the groundwater level by folk signs. To do this, you need to leave a piece of wool at the construction site and egg, and cover them on top clay pot. If in the morning there is dew on both the wool and the egg, then groundwater is close, but if there is only dew on the wool, it is far away.

Recommendations for building a cellar with your own hands: how to do it as efficiently as possible

Regardless of what type of construction you choose or what materials you plan to use, there are a number of general recommendations, which should be followed when step by step construction DIY cellars:

  • if you are going to use wooden elements, then they must be pre-treated with a special impregnation to protect them from the harmful effects of moisture;
  • It is best to start building a cellar in the summer, when the groundwater level is at the lower level. In this case, the soil will be the driest, and the risk of flooding of the structure will be minimal;
  • To ensure efficient storage of products, it is very important to consider a ventilation system;
  • if you want the structure to support desired temperature, then it is recommended when building a cellar with your own hands to make two doors separated by a vestibule;

  • special attention should also be paid to thermal insulation, then it will be ensured optimal temperature in the cellar at any time of the year;
  • The choice of tools and materials for construction is very important, so you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages in advance various types. The construction itself must be carried out in a clearly recommended order.

Features of using various materials

Most often, materials such as brick or concrete blocks. They best tolerate high humidity and low temperatures, and are also characterized by durability, reliability and relatively low cost. When building a brick cellar with your own hands, you should take into account the features performance characteristics each type of this material:

  • cinder block or foam brick is characterized by increased fragility, so these varieties are not recommended for use in the construction of underground storage;
  • sand-lime brick is more durable, but reacts very poorly to high humidity. This means that a building made from it cannot boast of a long service life;

  • red brick is ideal option for a cellar in a private house. How to make a building from this material as efficient as possible can be learned from numerous step-by-step instructions from specialists.

If you decide to use concrete blocks in construction, then you will definitely need specialized construction equipment, since they are characterized by heavy weight. A cellar made from them will last a long time and maintain the temperature well.

Also, when building a cellar in a house with your own hands, you can use bricks that have already been used, if its condition allows it. And if you are simply going to line an earthen pit with wooden boards, they must be thoroughly treated with antiseptics to prevent rotting.

Note! Usage concrete slabs, reinforced with metal, is also possible. But in this case, it will be quite difficult to maintain the desired temperature, so this material should not be used for the building in which you are going to store food.

Do-it-yourself cellar at the dacha: step-by-step construction guide

Strict adherence to the sequence of actions is the key proper cellar. How to make the construction as efficient as possible, spending a minimum of time and effort on it? For this installation work must be done in a certain order.

Arrangement of the pit

The turf is removed from the selected area, after which the ground is leveled and markings are made. Many photos of a do-it-yourself cellar show that specialized construction equipment is often used to build a pit, but if this is not possible, then you can use shovels and spades. Job advantage hand tools is that this allows you to preserve the structure of the soil. If the soil in the selected area is loose, then the walls of the pit should be sloped to avoid crumbling.

The dimensions of the cellar depend solely on your needs, but remember that the size of the pit should be 0.5 m larger than the size of the structure itself. In the process of building a cellar with your own hands, the excavated fertile soil can be distributed over summer cottage. After finishing the work, the evenness of the bottom should be measured with a level and corrected if necessary.

Construction of the foundation

Although you can do without this stage (by simply filling the bottom of the pit with crushed stone or filling it with bitumen), the arrangement of the foundation will increase the level of waterproofing of the cellar from groundwater. How to make the foundation as efficient as possible, but not too expensive? To do this, you can use a reinforcing frame, on top of which a concrete mixture is poured. The recommended foundation height is about 40 cm. Installation of the foundation is a prerequisite when building a cellar in a country house with your own hands if groundwater is close. Thematic videos on the Internet will tell you how to make the foundation correctly.


If you use brick to build a cellar under your house with your own hands, then you will need a number of specialized tools. These include a trowel, mortar line, mason's hammer, mortar level and mortar bucket. For greater efficiency, you should use the help of another person.

A mixture of clay and sand or cement can be used as a mortar connecting the bricks. When building an underground or above-ground cellar with your own hands, laying should begin from the corners, and the first row should be laid without using mortar in order to more accurately plan the position of the wall. The bricks of the next rows must be sunk into the mortar until the seam thickness is approximately 12 mm.

Helpful advice! Be sure to use a building level and plumb line when laying walls. Using the first, you check how evenly the brick is laid, and using the second, the correctness of the angles.

DIY cellar floor installation

When constructing a ceiling, it is best to use wooden boards. If the structure is being built under a house, then beams can be used as a ceiling, and the ceiling of an above-ground cellar at the dacha is made with your own hands step by step from PKZh slabs or slate. In this case, the surface can be flat or gable.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling is done according to the same principle as the thermal insulation of a conventional roof - the gap between the wooden beams and roofing material filled with a layer of thermal insulation.

Types and features of floor installation in the cellar

There are many various options when arranging the floor in the cellar, which one is better depends on your preferences, the purpose of the building, the characteristics of the soil and other factors. You should also familiarize yourself with the specifics of each method in advance; this will help you quickly and efficiently build a cellar with your own hands. Both video and photo instructions can greatly facilitate the installation process.

Dirt floor- the simplest and cheapest option. There is a misconception that the correct floor in the cellar should only be earthen, but this is not so. Even well-compacted soil will not protect the room from dampness and mold.

If you nevertheless decide to make a dirt floor in the cellar, then the base must be carefully leveled and compacted, after which a layer of gravel about 10 cm thick is poured. The advantage of this option is zero installation cost, but there are many more disadvantages. These include high risk flooding of the room and a high probability that metal elements will rust and wooden elements will rot.

Concrete floor– a good option to protect the room from high groundwater. Concrete screed can act not only as a floor covering, but also as a base for the installation of other materials.

To build a concrete floor, it is very important to level the surface, after which a cushion of crushed stone and sand 15-20 cm thick is installed. The sand must be thoroughly moistened and compacted, and bitumen must be poured on top. In order to concrete base was as durable as possible; a metal grate can be installed on top of the bitumen layer. After this, you can begin pouring concrete.

You can install the waterproofing layer either on a sand cushion or on top of concrete. In the second case, it is necessary to pour another concrete layer on top.

Clay floor- a reliable, but very labor-intensive option in terms of installation. Requires large quantity high-quality material, so it is used quite rarely. Clay is considered one of the most environmentally friendly materials. It is laid on a base of crushed stone 10-15 cm thick, which can be impregnated with bitumen. Under the clay, it is worth installing a layer of waterproofing made of roofing felt or other material, and cracks that may form after drying are sealed with a clay-lime mixture.

Brick covering– strong, durable and attractive appearance. In addition, the material is quite cheap and easy to install. The brick floor is laid on a bed of fine crushed stone or gravel, and a clay mortar is poured on top. The bricks are slightly sunk into the mortar close to each other. You can also hammer cement mortar into the seams between the bricks using a stiff brush.

Wooden floor– used in above-ground cellars or where groundwater is very deep. Before installation, wood must be treated with special impregnations to extend its service life. Wooden boards are mounted on top of timber logs, which, in turn, are laid on a base of crushed stone and clay. It is best to fasten the boards using self-tapping screws, but you can simply nail them.

Note! For each of the materials you will need a separate set of tools, which it is better to purchase in advance.

Design and installation of a ventilation system

If you are building a ground structure, then the flow of air into the cellar can be carried out naturally through small holes. For underground structures, ventilation must be supply and exhaust. The outlet of the exhaust pipe should be located near the ceiling, and the suction pipe should be located near the floor. Many do-it-yourself photos of a cellar in a country house show that the ventilation outlets are equipped with special curtains, this allows you to more accurately control the temperature in the room.

Installation of stairs and doors

If the cellar is being built under the house or if you need to save space, you should make an almost vertical staircase to the cellar with your own hands. How to make it as safe as possible for descent? It is recommended to use handrails. Photos of a do-it-yourself cellar staircase show that it can be built from wooden planks fixed directly into the ground, as well as from brick or other materials.

Doors are mounted in ground-based design options; in other cases, a hatch is used. Making a cellar hatch with your own hands is quite simple.

Making a hatch

If the cellar is located under a house or outbuilding, then a hatch is used as an entrance partition. You can buy a cellar hatch, or you can make it yourself. The second option will allow you to get a design that exactly suits your needs. Self-installation includes the following steps:

  • a location for the future entrance is selected. It is very important that access to it is as simple as possible and not cluttered with shelves, drawers and other objects;
  • The dimensions of the hatch are determined. It all depends on your needs, but its parameters should not be less than 75x75 cm. In order for the room to be airtight, the side edges of the hatch must be sheathed with a sealant;
  • a cellar hatch cover is being made. How to make it light and durable? For this, it is best to use wooden boards impregnated with drying oil. They are connected to each other with slats, and a sheet of plywood is nailed to one side of the lid. If we are talking about a cellar in a residential building, then the top of the hatch cover can be sheathed with the same floor covering as the floor around it. It is worth considering that if you plan to install a cellar hatch under tiles, its design must be made of sufficiently durable materials that can withstand all the ceramics. If you prefer to use steel, then for the lid you will need a sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, which is welded onto a metal frame;

  • a handle is attached. The best option would be a special hidden or folding design. If the cellar is in non-residential premises or there is a need to save money, then you can use a regular door handle;
  • the hinges are screwed on. These can be regular door hinges or car hinges with springs. The latter option will make it easier to open the lid and fix it in any position.

There are many answers to the question of how to make a cellar hatch with your own hands, so you should choose the option that is most suitable in your particular case.

Wiring and lighting

Due to the fact that the design of the cellar provides for high humidity, the wiring in it must be reliably insulated. The best option for wiring are copper wires with double layer of insulation. Light bulbs should be placed in the driest places and additionally equipped with protective caps. It is strictly forbidden to make sockets when building a cellar. How to properly make wiring as safe as possible can be seen in training videos from specialists.

Installation of waterproofing in the cellar

As already mentioned, insulation from moisture is very important point when building a cellar at the dacha with your own hands. How to make waterproofing most effective - there are many options, and the choice of the optimal one depends on the level of soil moisture and the design features of the building.

Waterproofing can be external or internal. The external one is done during the construction stage, while the external walls are sheathed with insulating materials, and drains are installed, drainage wells and other designs. Internal insulation is done after the cellar is built. In this case, before using insulating materials, groundwater must be drained, otherwise the work will be ineffective.

Types of materials used for internal waterproofing

If you made a cellar in your country house with your own hands from waterproof concrete, then you are unlikely to need additional cladding with insulating material. But for a brick structure you can use the following waterproofing options:

  • mastic or bitumen - used in cases where the groundwater level is below floor level. The solution is heated and applied in a thin layer to the walls, resulting in the formation of a reliable waterproof film;

  • – the most expensive, but also the most effective option. It is good because it increases not only the level of resistance of walls to moisture, but also their frost resistance. Also, penetrating waterproofing reliably seals all cracks and micropores, is characterized by a long service life and is quickly installed;
  • Cement-based polymer mortar is one of the most reliable and easy-to-apply waterproofing materials. It fits tightly to the walls and reliably protects them from mechanical damage;
  • membrane-type moisture insulation - consists of various polymers, among which liquid rubber based on bitumen is very popular.

Note! It is very important to have effective ventilation for reliable waterproofing of a cellar in a country house with your own hands. How to build a ventilation system so that there is no condensation in the storage excess moisture? The installation of a supply and exhaust system is best suited for this.

Procedure for installing waterproofing

Numerous photos of a cellar in a private house show that waterproofing can be hidden under decorative wall panels. This is not a prerequisite, but only affects the appearance of the walls. The nuances of installing a waterproofing layer depend on the type of material chosen.

Waterproofing using bitumen or mastic for the walls of a cellar under a house, as a rule, is not easy to do with your own hands. special labor. To do this, the walls must first be plastered, and the waterproofing itself is best applied in two layers. Before the coating dries completely, it is recommended to sprinkle it with fine dry sand.

Before installing penetrating moisture insulation, the surface of the walls must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, and then moistened with water. After applying the insulation layer for several days, it also needs to be constantly moistened. Before installing penetrating waterproofing, concrete walls are treated with a wire brush.

For application liquid rubber, the walls must be leveled and cleaned. After this, the surface is primed and a waterproofing material is applied to it using a brush, spatula or roller. Decoration Materials can be mounted directly on a layer of liquid rubber after it has dried. Photos of wine cellars, for example, show that the walls are lined with wood panels.

The cement-polymer mixture is applied to well-moistened walls using a notched trowel or brush. It is best to do this in several layers.

DIY installation of shelves in the cellar: photos and instructions

Shelves and racks are integral elements of any cellar and basement. There are several types of cellar racks, which can be bought in specialized stores, but it is much easier and more economical to make them yourself. The most popular options are the following:

  • Wooden shelving is one of the most common answers to the question of what to make a shelf from in the cellar. The material is environmentally friendly and easy to use, and for shelving it is best to use timber with a cross-section of 100x100 mm and boards 3-4 cm thick. The installation scheme is very simple - racks are made from timber, in which sockets are cut to secure the shelves. In order for wooden shelves to last longer, they are impregnated with special compounds;

  • Concrete shelving is a good option if you want to know how to make your cellar shelves as durable and moisture-resistant as possible. To create concrete shelves, you can use reinforced concrete slabs or niches in the walls that are filled with concrete screed;
  • shelves made of steel angle – used in rooms with low level humidity, otherwise the structures can very quickly begin to rust. In order to make a shelf in a cellar for cans, as a rule, a welding machine is used, but you can get by with simple self-tapping screws. First, frames are made from metal slats, then shelves are attached to them;
  • plastic shelving is one of the most economical and simple options, which is distinguished by its attractive appearance and resistance to moisture. However, plastic does not tolerate well low temperature, therefore cannot boast of durability.

Helpful advice! When wondering how to make a shelf in the cellar with your own hands, and what material to choose for this, consider the level of humidity in the room, as well as the average weight of the cans and boxes that will be stored on the racks. Concrete can easily withstand even very heavy loads, but plastic cannot boast of this.

From the same materials you can make boxes for potatoes in the cellar. As a rule, they are equipped with removable covers, which are installed if necessary. Regardless of what material you choose, in the warm season it is recommended to take shelves and drawers outside to dry. This will prevent the occurrence of mold and the proliferation of pathogens.

When the construction and interior arrangement of the cellar is completed, you can think about exterior decoration ground structure. Its option depends solely on your preferences - you can simply pour an earthen hill, or you can decorate it with turf or ornamental grass, turning it into an element landscape design. During the process of building a cellar with your own hands, use video and photo instructions that will help you take into account all the nuances and arrange a practical and functional room.

The word cellar is usually associated with country house. Here in the kitchen or veranda there is a special hatch that leads to the basement room, or a shallow pit.

Free-standing brick cellars outside the house, conservation, are much less common and many summer residents are almost unfamiliar with them. The information below will help you evaluate the advantages, study the varieties and understand the specifics of the construction of such structures.

Types of buildings

A DIY above-ground cellar can look very different. Such buildings have many differences; they differ in ground level. There are three types of structures:

  1. Recessed structure - characterized by placement in a special recess in the ground.
  2. Cellar with shallow parameters. In this case, about half of the structure is placed in the ground.
  3. Above ground or non-buried cellar. A non-buried project means almost the entire structure is on the ground.

However, there are additional separation options:

  1. Separate building.
  2. An extension to some other structure.

Often, above-ground cellars are made from the following building materials:

  • Brick cellar.
  • Concrete.
  • Logs.
  • Cellar made of foam blocks.

Even if you have no experience, you can easily make such a room on your own. The main thing is desire. You must understand well that to build a horse cellar you must choose some elevated place.

After all, if you choose a low-lying area, then your above-ground cellar without embankment can easily flood. In addition, if you choose the first option, you will not have to spend money on waterproofing. You can build a full-fledged above-ground cellar in a very short time.

In order to prevent the building from flooding, it is necessary to build a foundation in a place where the distance to it and groundwater is at least 0.5 m. Construction becomes significantly more complicated.

However, don't worry if you don't have an elevated seat. In this case, you just need to lay a bed of gravel and sand. This way you can avoid such problems.

Ground storage facility

How to build a bulk cellar made of brick? Just! There is a version that indicates that the warehouse was first designed by St. Petersburg residents. This structure is perfect for storing food in such a difficult climate.


To create it you will need the following building materials:

  • roofing felt;
  • boards;
  • poles;
  • bitumen;
  • timber


Required tools:

During the process, you may need various additional tools.

The structure is perfect if the site is located in a lowland. You can use this option if the climate is very humid. You will spend very little time on the construction of such a room, about ten days.

A storage shed is slightly different from a regular above-ground cellar. The very first thing that attracts us is that it does not need an insulated ceiling, which means you can easily save on such a structure.

Stages of construction of a warehouse

  • First, you need to bury one end of the logs to a depth of 0.5 m. Wooden longitudinal shoulder straps will unite the ends of the logs that are on top. This way you create a complete and holistic design. True, before all this work it is necessary to sand the logs.
  • In order to make the frames, you will need pillars with a diameter of 12-18 cm. Logs with a diameter of 18-22 cm are also suitable. Experienced builders It is recommended to fill the base of the logs that are adjacent to the ground with hot bitumen. This way they can be burned.
  • Then the materials used for construction will serve you for a long time. Professional craftsmen indicate that if you use this recommendation, the underground will last one and a half times longer.
  • The roof is mounted from boards, and to create the sheathing you will need a hewn board. After completing the roof work, you will need roofing felt.
  • Now it is necessary to make an embankment of the earthen layer. Its thickness is 30 cm. Peat soil is suitable for such purposes.
  • In order to insulate the roof naturally, the roof must be turf (overgrown grass or cereal crop).
  • The building will look like a hut. Don’t forget to also sew up one side of the end with several rows of boards at once (and place roofing felt between them). This will create good thermal insulation.
  • Now we begin construction of the entrance. You need to insert the door and be sure to insulate it.

  • Once you have made the storage, take care to protect it from rain, water and snow. To do this you will need to make a ditch around it. In this case, the hole should not be too deep.
  • Now - . Boxes are used as hoods, and valves are installed in them for control. All this must be placed near the ridge of the roof.

So, you have a ground oblong storage shed. Now two pipes are needed for high-quality ventilation. You can preserve vegetables for a long time at a temperature of about 3 degrees.

The optimal parameters for such a storage facility are as follows: Width – 8 m. Height – 4 m. Such a storage shed will last more than eight years.

Above ground cellar

Summer residents, as a rule, choose a regular horse cellar. It is recommended to build it on a hill. After all, it is very important that the groundwater is at a depth of 3 m.

Otherwise, there will be excess moisture in the building, which is fraught with consequences. Your fruits, vegetables and twists will be stored at a temperature of about 3-5 degrees, and these are the most optimal indicators.

Foundation and floor

So, . It is necessary to dig a trench, which should show the approximate shape of the brick cellar.

You will need to use polystyrene foam sheets. They need to be distributed along the outside of the prepared trench. These plates help protect the building from freezing. You may prefer packaging foam, but then additional wrapping with roofing felt is required. So, you have insulated the building.

Please note that the height of the sand layer must certainly be 15 cm above ground level.


Now let's move on to . On top of the laid sand it is necessary to lay roofing material in two or three layers. Instead, you can use plastic film. After this, you need to lay the sand again. All this is well and carefully leveled.

As the base of a cellar without deepening, a lightweight concrete block, a wooden stump of piles or stones, which are used to build a street curb, can be used. Other types of blocks are also suitable, but it is important that they are reliable and durable.

Distance between supports building materials should not be more than 70 cm. These voids are filled with foam plastic.

The next stage is the construction of the structure. For this you will need wooden beams (dimensions - 100 * 55 mm) - this is the best material.

How to build a cellar

First part of construction

Now let's find out step by step at the dacha with our own hands. The homemade, non-buried construction site is quite original. Because one front side of the wall is vertical and three more are inclined.

This design will necessarily have double cellar walls. There should be a special gap of 60 cm between them. These voids. You can use different materials for this:

  • slabs made of asbestos shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • fibreboard;
  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool.

Only before using sawdust do they need to be processed special means from rotting. Take into account the GVV, because excess water, which is close, can lead to the destruction of the building.

First you need to make the strapping (external and internal). Then we move on to vertical posts, as well as the installation of the ceiling of the vestibule of the front wall, temporary technological racks.

After this you need to install ceiling beams, as well as inclined struts of external and internal walls. The frame should be sheathed from the internal walls.

For this, used boards or unhewn boards can be used, because after that you need to lay roofing material. Only the facade part needs to be treated with some other material.

In order to make an above-ground built cellar impenetrable, it is recommended to put bottom part special insulating material onto the foam and fasten it with slats. The interlayer between the internal and external walls will allow you to retain heat.

The roof in the shape of a truncated pyramid also plays a role good insulation. After insulating the ceiling and sheathing, place roofing felt in three layers. To do this, use construction mastic.

Second part of construction

Now we need it. She plays an extremely important role. Competently installed system will keep products in excellent quality.

For this you will need two pipes. One of them should be placed in the roof of the cellar, and the second on the back wall, which passes through the ceiling and roof. When the cold season arrives, cover the system in the necessary places with straw.

You can make cellar doors yourself, or buy ready-made ones.

So, construction is moving to a new level. It's time to install the shelving. Install them at your discretion, but be sure to consider them carefully.

How to make an earthen cellar with your own hands. It is almost impossible to imagine a private house with its surrounding area without a cellar, since this is where the owner of the house stores all the harvest and preserved food. Not every refrigerator can be a full-fledged replacement for a cellar - it is in this place that it is maintained comfortable temperature and the right level of humidity, which allow vegetables and fruits to remain juicy.

It's great if there is already a cellar or barn under the house. But what to do if you don’t have such a room? It doesn’t matter - you can easily build an earthen cellar at your dacha with your own hands. We will tell you about the construction features, as well as the installation rules, in this article.

Today, there are many options for basement buildings: cellars, above-ground structures, glaciers and storage sheds. These can be complex buildings from an architectural point of view, or the simplest ones, made from available materials. An earthen cellar is one of the simplest structures.

Please note that it is not suitable for every area. this design– construction is possible only under the following conditions:

Note, that trees cannot be planted near an earthen basement, since their powerful root system can damage the walls of the building.

It is generally accepted that it is easy to maintain a pleasant microclimate in an earthen cellar, which is excellent for storing potatoes, turnips, carrots and beets. Thanks to natural moisture, vegetables will not wrinkle or dry out, and even in spring last year’s harvest will be healthy and appetizing.

The process of creating an earthen cellar

Where to start

Although the design is considered simple, the question “how to make an earthen cellar?” still remains relevant. To do this, you don’t have to be a professional builder, since even beginners could cope with this task. You should start by creating a drawing/sketch, and it should be done taking into account the scale, and also indicate on it all the dimensions of the cellar and its elements.

Here it is important to remember the following important factors:

  • Should be indicated inner dimensions the buildings.
  • There should be a distance between the pit and the cellars - at least 50 cm more. In the future, this gap can be filled with clay, which must be mixed with straw - this will create a side lock that will prevent the walls from getting wet and liquid from seeping from the soil into the basement.
  • Usually they try to make the entrance to an earthen basement with north side to minimize the loss of cooled air when opening the door in summer.
  • Be sure to provide for the provision of electricity to the basement, and in the construction plan, draw the electrical wiring and take care of the input and connection.
  • For such a structure, ventilation is also required. It should also be developed during design.
  • Thickness of embankment outside should also be calculated at the planning stage. But the thickness should be selected taking into account the climate in the region, precipitation levels and wind strength.

You should know that it is best to carry out such construction in the summer, when the groundwater level is at a minimum and nothing will interfere with the work.

Creating a Foundation

So, when everything has been verified and calculated, and the location has been chosen, you can begin the construction itself. You should start by digging a base - a hole/pit, which will act as a storage area for fruits and vegetables.

You can dig a hole for a cellar without using special equipment, as it is usually done small size- approximately 200*200*300 cm. You can reduce the height, this is especially true when groundwater lies close to the surface (150 cm).

It is also important to remember that the hole itself needs to be made larger than the construction site by 50 cm. When digging by hand, you can maintain the density and relief and thanks to this the walls will not crumble. The shape, namely an inverted trapezoid, will also help protect the basement surfaces from collapse: the distance between the opposing walls should be less at the bottom than at the top.

Now let's think about how to make a floor in an earthen cellar. It can be different:

Advice! If in this case the earthen floors get wet, then make all the pallets and racks on a hill.

For example, you can assemble wooden gratings and put boxes and drawers on them.

Walls for an earthen cellar

Important!, foam concrete, cinder block and other porous materials are not suitable for cladding, since after some time water will seep through them, which can cause the walls to be destroyed.

Roof of an earthen cellar

Most of the heat loss occurs through the roof and ceiling of the cellar, and for this reason it is important to pay as much attention as possible to this element of the building. The ceiling needs to be strengthened so that it does not collapse. In bulk basements, wood poles or woven vines are often used for this, but more durable materials, such as boards or stone, can be used.

But you will have to tinker with the roof, and first insulate it. The structure above the earthen basement should be made gable. Thereby rainwater will drain quickly and will not penetrate into the cellar. Insulation and waterproofing should be laid on the base itself under the roof. By the way, it is perfect for insulation, and you can insulate the roof with any material that is not afraid of moisture (, / stone wool, glass wool and more).

Moisture-resistant plywood should be placed on the roof, a metal sheet or OSB. The angles on the slopes should be 45 degrees. For best protection To protect the basement from freezing, it is recommended to pour a layer of peat (about 25 cm) onto its roof, and then cover it with another insulation (roofing felt or film) and cover 12 cm of fertile soil.

Helpful advice! If you sow low-growing grass like lawn grass or moss into the ground, you can provide the roof with additional protection from cold and getting wet. In addition, greenery will make the roof spectacular and give it an unusual, sophisticated antique look.


As with all storage facilities, even an earthen cellar must be equipped. If this is not done, then there will be stale air inside, and it will be impossible to store vegetables there, since it is in such conditions that fungus and mold feel best. The rules for creating ventilation in an earthen cellar at the dacha are as follows:

  • Use metal or plastic pipes with a diameter greater than 10 cm. You can do ventilation ducts made of wood.
  • The supply pipe should be located slightly above the floor level, and exit from the outside no lower than 0.5 m above the ground.
  • The hood should be located right under the ceiling, and the outer edge should be 150 cm from the ground level.
  • Both pipes must be covered with a protective cap, which will prevent atmospheric moisture from entering inside.

Important the fact that in a small cellar you can install only one supply and exhaust pipe.

Finishing the basement from the inside

In the very earthen basement at the dacha, everything can be arranged the way its owner wants, since everyone has different needs: someone stores potatoes in it, while others want storage for wine. In this case, the storage is usually divided into two zones - on the right are bins, where there are wooden boxes/compartments for apples and other things, and on the left are racks for canning and wine. The shelves should be 0.5 m apart, but the size may vary depending on the height of the cans.

The material of the shelves can be different - metal, wood. In the first case, the racks should be protected from corrosion by regular painting, and in the second, the wood should be treated in a timely manner antiseptics or coat with oil enamel.

An indispensable attribute is a ladder. It must be safe and durable, and it must also be processed in a timely manner so that there is no corrosion or rotting.

The final stage is supplying electricity. Do not forget about the microclimate and safety standards - in such rooms only lamps with a low voltage level should be installed!


An earthen cellar is the best way to create storage for harvest and preservation. This basement will not only last long years, but will not require repairs or additional maintenance, since all surfaces will be protected by a layer of earth.