How to make a foam generator for car washing using improvised materials with your own hands? How to make a homemade nozzle - a foam generator for contactless washing Making a foam generator from a sprayer

Car washing in a non-contact manner using active foam is carried out using a foam generator high pressure. The functions of the foam generator include:

  • preparation of high density foam;
  • uniform spraying over the surface of the car.

Unlike conventional sprayers low pressure, foamers (a common name for foam generators in Russia) produce more uniform and finely dispersed foam.

  • high pressure cylinder;
  • mixer elements;
  • remote pistol.

Defining technical characteristics The foam generator is considered to be the volume of the tank. There are devices with tank volume:

  • 25 liters;
  • 50 liters;
  • 100 liters.

Some imported models have intermediate volumes: For example, 24 liters.

The tank body can be made:

All elements of the mixer are made only from anti-corrosion, chemical-resistant steel.

The foam generator requires compressed air to operate. It is supplied to the input of the installation. Operating pressure - 5 to 6 bar.

There is a pressure regulator at the installation inlet. Control is carried out using a pressure gauge.

Attention: some sellers try to sell a sprayer to uninformed buyers instead of a foam generator. This device is unable to generate persistent foam. Instead, an emulsion is formed in it.

How to distinguish a sprayer from a foam generator? ^

  • In the sprayer design there is no provision for adjusting the quality of the mixture;
  • The sprayer is equipped with a foam nozzle with large diameter outlet.
  • Requires installation of a compressor.
  • Regular refilling of the cylinder is required.

A type of foam generator is foam kit.

It consists of the following main parts:

  • trigger pistol;
  • foaming agent;
  • spears for watering the surface: depending on the type of car, spears are used:
  • - straight 50 cm long - for washing the body of a passenger car;

    - straight 120 cm long - for washing truck;

    - curved spears - for washing bottoms and units;

  • tank with active foam.

Operating principle of the foam kit ^

A diluted solution of car washing shampoo is poured into a bottle and, under the influence of a water flow passing through the foaming part, is applied to the surface of the car.

The foam is driven in using a tablet (as in a foam generator), and the foam flow is dosed using a regulator mounted on the foam kit.

Foam kits are used only in combination with high-pressure apparatus.

Advantages of foam kits ^

  • good speed of applying foam to the surface;
  • good foam structure;
  • Quick refill capability: The foaming solution can be prepared in advance in a canister and then simply poured into the bottle as needed.

Disadvantages of foam kits ^

  • At the exit, the foam jet is too powerful and wide: this leads to loss of solution;
  • The foaming tablet often becomes clogged with various debris and has to be cleaned frequently;

Foam kits have found their application in high-pressure mini washers.

Foam generator for car wash from Stihl ^

In the Shtil high-pressure washer, it is the second type of foam generator that is used - a foam kit. The device is equipment that is completely ready for use. It is simply filled with working fluid and connected to the Shtil AED.

Foam generator for car wash produced by Karcher ^

The installation is also a foam kit. The advantage of these foam generators is German quality, however the price will be higher.

Any car wash requires a considerable amount of water. It’s good if the water is from a well, but what if it comes from a tap? In this case, you cannot do without water meters. Read the article to find out why regular verification of meters is necessary and how it is carried out.

During suburban construction, you cannot do without building a septic tank. One of inexpensive options- septic tank from concrete rings. You can find out how it works, what is needed for it, how much it costs, the most important and exhaustively complete information!

A detailed article about filters for water purification for dachas is located here:
, choose the best option for yourself!

Foam generator from the company Interskol ^

Interskol high-pressure mini washers are equipped with Italian-made foam kits.

The principle of their operation is as follows:

water is supplied under high pressure through an injector. In this case, the amount of car shampoo supplied from the cylinder is regulated by a wheel mounted in its upper part;

A foam tablet is installed on the spout of the regulator, which breaks the solution into small bubbles. When they burst, they take dirt from the car with them.

Disadvantage this model is lack of foam jet width adjustment.

DIY foam generator ^

Some craftsmen dare to take on making a steam generator from improvised materials.

Of course, such products cannot be compared with factory foam generators, but they can be used in a private garage. Here is one such option:

  1. Take a pipe (0.5 meter long) and fill it with a regular washcloth made of polyethylene threads.
  2. Plug one end of the pipe. Screw a tee into the plug (one of the outlet pipes).
  3. Connect a tap to supply the foam concentrate to the inlet of the tee.
  4. Connect a tap to supply compressed air (from a car compressor) to the second outlet pipe.
  5. Connect the free end of the pipe through a fitting to a hose for supplying foam. To prevent the washcloth from getting into the hose, a mesh filter (a rigid mesh with a large mesh) is installed under the fitting.

In this design, the density of the foam depends on the length of the pipe and the density of the sponge. The density of the foam is also regulated by the foaming agent and compressed air valves.

Any container can be used as a container for liquid, able to withstand compressor pressure.

Cost of foam generators ^

The cost of foam generators depends on the manufacturer, the volume of the cylinder and the material from which it is made.

For example, the cost of a foam generator volume 50 liters(colored) is 11150 rubles. What about the price Italian device with a volume of 24 liters - 8900 rubles.

Naturally, foam kits are much cheaper. Thus, the cost of the LS3 Karcher foam kit is only 1900 rubles.

The use of foam for contactless car washing provides better surface cleaning. The advantage of this washing method is also its “delicacy” - the foam will not damage the body. Therefore, many car enthusiasts strive to make a foaming agent for car washing with their own hands.

Principle of operation

Using high pressure, a jet of foam is supplied, which not only removes all contaminants from the surface, but also disinfects it. Internal organization The unit allows you to create foam of the desired density and evenly apply it to the car. Foam is formed in several stages:

  1. A stream of water passes through a car shampoo suitable for a foam generator.
  2. It mixes with the air stream and foam begins to form.
  3. At high speed, the resulting substance is sent to a special foaming “tablet”.
  4. Foam of the required density is already coming out of it.

The foaming agent allows you to clean very quickly, and it also significantly saves water. A small amount of water is sufficient for the jet; high pressure will ensure the required spray speed and surface area to be treated. Thus, a foaming agent and a high-pressure car wash very quickly take a leading position in the list of necessary tools for the garage, according to car enthusiasts.

How to assemble a foam concentrate

The foam production unit itself consists of several parts:

  1. Compressed air cylinder.
  2. Gun for application.
  3. Mixer parts.

Professional foaming agent industrial production It is very expensive, so it makes sense to assemble a foam generator for car washing with your own hands.

It will be much more affordable in price, and the operating efficiency will remain the same. There are several ways to create a foam concentrate:

  1. Production of a compact foam concentrate.
  2. Creation of a traditional foam generator.
  3. Making a foaming agent from a canister.

To make it using the first method, you need adjustable wrenches, an angle grinder, and other tools, as well as the manufacturing materials themselves: a tube 50 cm inch in diameter, a washcloth made of polyethylene strips, pipes, a hose. Part of the pipe is filled with a washcloth, which replaces the tablet and promotes the formation of foam. You need to put a filter on one end of the pipe, and a plug and tee on the other. It is on this part that the valve for supplying compressed air is installed. A fitting and a hose for foam are attached to the side where the filter is located. Such a foam generator will not last very long, but it will be cheap.

In the same way, you can make a foam nozzle with your own hands for washing a car. Sometimes motorists need a separate foam nozzle if it was not included in the purchased factory-made washing kit.

This DIY device will likely work much more efficiently than many commercially produced foam guns.

The second method will make it possible to make a unit that is close in design to an industrial one. To do this, you will need a compressor that will create a sufficient level of power. In addition, you will need to take a container with thick walls. This could be a garden sprayer.

You need to screw it into the container from the sprayer. metal tubes. At one end you need to install a fitting and check valve, and on the other there is a container for connecting with a foaming tablet. The air supply for this foam concentrate must come from below. After finishing assembling the foam generator for a car wash with your own hands, you can use it.

You can use more than just a garden sprayer as a water container. The most reliable option is a propane tank, as it can withstand high pressure.

The third method of creating a foaming agent is to use a plastic canister. This allows you to make the necessary unit cheaply and quickly. You will need a long tube of small diameter, which must be filled with fishing line or something that replaces it. A fitting is installed at one end of the pipe, and a special adapter with two tubes is installed at the other. Hoses and taps through which water is supplied are attached to it. On one side, the foaming agent is attached to a container with washing liquid, on the other, a compressor.

All the described methods allow you to make a foaming agent for a car wash with your own hands.

Enjoy it very much a large number of do not use a foaming agent or a high-pressure car wash for a period of time in a row. This may cause damage.

Creating a car wash with your own hands

Thanks to a high-pressure car wash, you can easily clean your car from any dirt. The combination of strong water pressure and a special nozzle, which allows you to cover a larger volume, is liked by motorists. The versatility of such a unit also makes it attractive.

In many stores you can buy an industrial car wash, but the cost will be quite high. To save money, as well as for the pleasure of doing something yourself, many motorists prefer to do their own car wash. There are a large number of training videos in which you can find out all the information necessary to create it.

First you need to select the necessary parts. These include:

  1. Pump.
  2. Electric motor.
  3. Clutch.
  4. Water reservoir.
  5. Pump performance regulator.

The pump must be selected very carefully. It will become the most expensive element in the entire structure, but it will last a long time. All important parts of the pump must be metal. In addition, it must be characterized by high performance and resistance to pressure of 150 atmospheres.

A single-phase electric motor with a power of 220 V can be used for a car wash. The connection will be secure and inexpensive. The higher the engine speed, the greater the level of performance. The electric motor will be connected to the pump by a coupling. It would be optimal to use a soft coupling, which can become a fuse if the pump is faulty.

The water reservoir must be large in size so that the pump can operate for a long time without interruption. Water supply tanks are often used. You can attach a mesh at the junction with the hose to prevent any debris from damaging the pump. The material of the container must be chosen carefully, as it must be durable. Thick metal or plastic will do.

To make a high-pressure car wash with your own hands, you must also purchase a regulator for the pump. It will help return some of the water to the reservoir if there is a risk of overloading the pump. All elements are fixed on a special frame. They also add hoses that can withstand high pressure, a brass pump and a spray gun.

The process of washing a car can be made more effective if you attach some kind of brush or other attachment to the water hose.

They will complement the list of car wash functions. If desired, you can turn the sink into a steam cleaner. This will also require special nozzle on the hose, as well as the heater.

You cannot use the same sink for a long time, as it will quickly become unusable. The purpose for which the sink will be used affects its final dimensions. By appearance washing can be:

  1. Compact.
  2. Large stationary.

The second option is more difficult to use at home and requires a lot of space in the garage.

Knowing how to make a car wash with your own hands, every motorist will think about how to use it correctly.

There are several basic rules of use:

  1. Regular inspection of connections and their tightening will help prevent mechanical damage that can occur from strong pressure.
  2. Inspect the filters before use - cleaning them regularly will ensure an even supply of water.
  3. Grounding electrical circuit- not only the electric motor must be grounded, but also the plug itself. Then the device will be safe.
  4. Washing should be carried out over the entire surface so as not to damage the paint that covers the car. If a drawing or sticker is applied to the car, then you should not direct a stream of water at this element, as it can lead to cracks in the coating or remove the sticker.
  5. It is advisable to use a battery in case of a poor-quality source of electricity. This will protect the unit from short circuit
  6. Avoid temperature changes - a sudden change in air temperature can lead to damage to the instrument.

When using, you must remember that washing the car is not allowed everywhere. Washing your car near ponds and lakes will result in a fine. This rule, however, does not apply to keeping headlights and glass clean.

You can use a high-pressure car wash not only outside the car, but also inside. This will allow you to clean the interior very quickly and efficiently. A wide selection of attachments and rollers will help you do even delicate cleaning in your car.

If you know how to make a foam generator and how to make a car wash with your own hands, you can save a lot cash. Experienced motorists have everything in their garages necessary materials and tools, so they will only have to spend money on a special car shampoo.

In a contactless car wash, the use of detergent mixture generators fully justifies its high initial cost. The purchase of such expensive equipment for household use few can afford. Whereas anyone can construct a foam generator with their own hands. For this you need: straight hands, available materials and a little intelligence.

Foam concentrate design

As you can guess from the name of this device, its main purpose is to bring fluid chemical composition until foamy consistency. The latter, thanks to its porous structure, lingers better on the surface, cleaning the car from stubborn dirt deposits.

The foam generator device includes the following elements:

  • storage tank for concentrated car shampoo;
  • foam tablet. It is this part that is responsible for the consistency of the escaping substance;
  • a nozzle spraying the prepared composition;
  • torch spray regulator, responsible for the area covered by the jet.

Foaming agent can be of two types:

If you decide to make a foam generator with your own hands from available materials, then the first option is more preferable. Technologically, such a project is much easier to implement.

Operating principle

To replicate the foam concentrate at home, you need to clearly understand how we will get the finished mixture for a car wash.

Compressed air is supplied to the concentrated shampoo tank, which starts the initial foaming process. The oxygen-enriched mixture passes through the foam tablet. It is in this place that the formation of a persistent composition used to clean cars occurs. The regulator, which is designed using parallel plates, allows not only to dose the supply power, but also makes the torch flat (this method allows you to cover the maximum area of ​​the car body).

Material for production

A foam generator for washing can be constructed from readily available materials, some of which many experienced car owners won’t even have to buy.

For construction you can use:

  • container with a volume of more than 5 liters. Freon, propane or other containers of a similar type are best suited. It is possible to use thick-walled plastic garden sprayers;
  • compressor for pressurizing the receiver. The minimum value is about 6 Atm;
  • hose with a minimum cross-section of 20 mm:
  • You can use a foam sponge, fishing line or thin wire as a foam tablet. It is possible to use an aerotor;
  • the limiter of the foaming filler can be made of a mesh with large honeycombs;
  • adapter, as well as connecting elements, which can be purchased at any plumbing store;
  • fumlent for sealing threaded connections;
  • gun for supplying the finished solution to the car body. The handle with attachment can be purchased at garden supply stores.
  • It is advisable to install a pressure gauge.


It is impossible to construct a foam generator for washing, as well as to repair or service a car without certain tools. For work you will need: an angle grinder, a tape measure, a caliper, spanners, pliers, knife. When working with a metal container, it may be necessary welding machine. In any case, much will depend on the device configuration you choose.

Construction process

You need to understand that homemade generator foam is always space for your own imagination and ingenuity. The instructions below are only guidelines and possible way how a unit of this type can be constructed.

Let's look at the process step by step:

  • fill one end of the prepared hose with a foam sponge crumpled with thin wire or fishing line (minimum length 50-70 cm). The density of the foam will depend on the amount of filling material. To prevent material from entering the nozzle, we install a mesh limiter. We attach the designed gun;
  • One adapter for air supply is cut into the container. The receiver must be designed in such a way that air is supplied from the bottom. To do this, just lay the tube from the connector to the very bottom of the tank. Using an adjustable adapter allows you to control the power of the supplied jet. Another input will be used for exit ready mixture. By the way, a foam tablet can be placed in this place;
  • The air supply hose is connected to the compressor, threaded connections with the body and hoses are sealed with fume tape. Provide openings for filling the receiver with concentrate, which will be hermetically closed during operation of the foam concentrate;
  • To monitor the pressure in the system, you can install a pressure gauge. It can be embedded either into the receiver body or mounted using a mixing-type adapter.

The device is ready for car washing. Making foam concentrates of this type is much cheaper than buying finished product. If you don't have air compressor, car washes can be used to build up pressure. The only drawback is that the concentrate consumption increases.

A foam generator is a device that is actively used in many areas. For example, car owners use it for non-contact car washing. The main task of the device is to form foam by creating pressure. Buying such a device for use is the desire of many, but the foam generator is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. It’s another matter if you make a foam generator with your own hands.

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional sprayer; the basic circuit is almost identical. But there is one caveat: the foam generator is high-pressure equipment.

The main components of this equipment are:

  • cylinder (from 25 to 100 l);
  • mixer;
  • a gun;
  • hose.

Large equipment with balloon Large capacity can be installed on the transfer cart to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, cylinders are made of stainless steel or metal with an integral anti-corrosion coating. In some industrial modifications, a straight ruler is installed on the cylinder, which makes it possible to control the flow and timely filling.

The foam converter cannot work on its own. The norm is operating pressure for a foam generator 5 - 6 bar. For monitoring, a pressure gauge is installed in the tank, pressure control is carried out by the existing pressure regulator.

Purpose and principle of operation

Foam sprayers are very popular devices. They are used at technological service stations, in the fire, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The active composition of the foam promotes excellent cleaning:

  • production equipment;
  • road transport;
  • premises after renovation;
  • swimming pools.

The action of the foam is aimed at cleaning the surface, removing dirt, and disinfecting.

The main component of the device is the so-called foaming tablet. In fact, this is a grille with a small mesh, closed in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is defined in a housing mounted on the cylinder. And it is connected to the supply hose. This tablet guarantees the delivery of foam in a fine-grained fraction with a high frequency.

And then the foam goes into the gun, which is applied to the plane. This hand gun is equipped with a feed regulator, which makes it possible to set the jet parameters.

Do-it-yourself washing unit

Considering the equipment system, you can see that the main component is a foaming tablet, which can be purchased separately. This means that you can make a homemade foam generator without any problems. The easiest way to make a contactless device is to take an ordinary sprayer as a base and modify it a little.

Thus, you need:

  • stabilizer;
  • two half-inch drills and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • air duct;
  • foam and adapter;
  • metal tube.

It is worth considering one of simple designs foam generator, which can be made from improvised means. It is important to follow the instructions.

Work order:

  • you need to disconnect the valve and connecting hose from the sprayer;
  • insert bushings into the holes and secure them with nuts on both sides and with spacers;
  • install a pipe on one of the drives so that it almost reaches the bottom of the tank, a check valve and an air supply connection;
  • adapter on the second disk;
  • the pump must be damped as needed.

All that remains is to connect the hose to the outlet. Thus, the product is ready. Working with the device is not as convenient as with factory equipment, but acceptable.

For washing you will need:

  • fill the container 2/3 full with cleaning solution;
  • connect the compressor and supply air to the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the norm);
  • after opening the spray valve, the air squeezes out the solution, passes it through the tablet, and the output foam is of quite acceptable quality.

Among the disadvantages of the foam generator is the need to periodically pump pressure, since the controller does not have a regulator. There is also no regulation of exhaust flow.

But the described design can always be improved by installing additional equipment to eliminate shortcomings and improve the ease of use of the foam generator.

Apparatus made from a plastic canister

This method is even easier than the last one. It makes it possible to collect a source of foam for cleaning appliances at minimal cost. You don't need much for the product. It’s not difficult to make a foaming agent for washing with your own hands.

For this you only need:

  • set of wrenches;
  • Bulgarian;
  • gun;
  • plastic containers;
  • nozzles;
  • compressor;
  • flushing hoses.

You need to take a tube 70 cm long. Both ends must be blocked with special plugs. The plugs must be placed on the threaded holes.

On one of the plugs of the foam generator you need to place an adapter in the shape of the letter T. On the second, fix the connection. Connect the hoses to the 2 outlets of the T-adapter. Don't forget about shut-off valves.

One arm of the foam generator for washing will lead to a reservoir with liquid, and the other to the compressor. This kind of method makes it possible to create a generator at home with my own hands at the lowest cost.

If you turn on a homemade foam generator for washing a car for the first time, you need to apply plain water with a small amount of dye. This will help determine weak sides structures, if any.

Alternative tank view

When assembling a foam generator with your own hands, choosing the right tank has special meaning. Simple ways were shown earlier. There is another option.

Making a foam generator for a car wash with your own hands is not difficult. special labor. To form a foam generator with your own hands for washing a car from a propane cylinder, you need to use welding. You need to weld all the old holes and make 2 new ones: one at the lower point of the end, the second in the middle. Weld pipes with fittings.

Both collet adapters and couplings can be used. The main thing is that this DIY component of the foam generator installation can withstand the pressure generated by the compressor.

For maximum convenience, the hatch can be made for a foam generator. The container must be completely airtight. The bottom connection of the tank is connected directly to the compressor, the top connection is connected to the atomizer. As you can see, the principle of turning on a tank from a propane cylinder is the same. However, the operating period and reliability are many times higher.


Creating a device similar to a foam generator for washing a Karcher with your own hands takes time and effort. However, the result fully compensates for all costs. Now any car wash will be practically free.

In heavy times of crisis Everyone is trying to save money on something. Car owners are no exception in this case. After all, today the maintenance of your “iron horse” takes up a considerable part of the budget. And if it is unlikely that you will be able to save on spare parts and fuel without consequences, then constantly spending a lot of money on professional equipment is unwise. Not washing your car or washing it less often is also not an option, because driving a dirty car is uncomfortable and even unpleasant to drive.

Everyone solves the problem of car washing differently. Some people wash their houses with their own hands. However, this takes a long time and is not as effective or high quality as. But the whole point is what is used there professional equipment- foam generators that help wash your car as quickly and efficiently as possible. And contactless washing (using a foaming agent) practically does not harm the car’s paintwork, unlike conventional contact washing at home.

Others are thinking about buying a mini foam generator to use exclusively for personal needs. However, prices for it today are very high. That is why our craftsmen began to think about how to make a foam generator for washing on their own.

What is needed for a homemade foam generator?

The materials for making a homemade foam generator will need the simplest. Almost every home or garage has some of them, although you still have to buy some. The most expensive part of this device is the compressor. You won’t buy a new one on the market for less than a few thousand rubles. However, there is a way to save money here too. you can buy old compressor on sale of parts. For example, with ZIL 130. Its power is quite enough for a home foam concentrate. The main thing is to make sure that he is in good condition, did not leak anywhere, because this may indicate its imminent failure. If you don’t find anything suitable for sale, you can try looking at car dumps, where most of these trucks “rest” today. And then, if you find something worthwhile, just negotiate with the watchman and pick up the compressor for a purely symbolic price.

One more no less important element- This is a reservoir for liquid. It could even be ordinary plastic canister. The most important thing is that the walls of the tank can withstand a pressure of 5–6 atm.

Also, in order to make a foam generator for washing, you will need nozzles, adapters, a gun, flushing hoses and an inch tube, at least 70–80 cm long. Tools include wrenches and an angle grinder.

Foam generator assembly

Assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands is quite simple. First we take the already prepared tube. For foaming it is filled with fishing line different sections. If you don’t have a fishing line, you can use an ordinary household washcloth. Next, the required size is cut out and the tube is filled with it. When using a washcloth instead of a fishing line, it is very important to securely fix it so that it does not wrinkle in the tube under high pressure. We close the tube on both sides with threaded plugs. A T-shaped adapter and shut-off valves are screwed onto one side of the pipe. Hoses are connected to them. One hose leads to the compressor, the other is inserted into the tank.

A fitting is attached to the other side of the pipe, from which the foam will come out. Its quality and density directly depend on how long the pipe is and how well it is filled with fishing line or sponge.

If you decide to use as a tank metal container, For example gas cylinder, then welding will also be required. You will need to weld the old holes and make new ones: one at the bottom and another somewhere in the middle. Tubes with adapters are welded to them. The lower adapter is connected to the compressor using hoses, and the upper one leads to the spray tube. Before use, in both cases it is better to check whether the container is leaking. To do this, instead of shampoo, we use water with dye, which will indicate to us the location of the leak, if there is one.

The fastest way to make foam concentrate

A homemade foam generator for washing can also be made from a regular sprayer, which is very similar in design to a factory foam generator.

The most convenient way to make a foaming agent for washing is from a sprayer. The design of such a device is very similar to factory foamers, although it has some differences. When choosing a sprayer, take into account the thickness of its walls, because the foam concentrate will have high pressure (up to 6 atm).

You will also need a compressor for this device. And also a foam tablet, an air fitting or pipe, gaskets, a hose adapter, a check valve, a pair of half-inch adapters and four nuts.

Take the sprayer and remove the mounting valve and fitting from it. You have a couple of through holes in your sprayer. You should also disassemble and plug the hand pump.

After this, take the adapters, screw them into the tank and tighten them with nuts. It is better to use gaskets to make the container airtight. A check valve with a fitting is screwed into one of the adapters; a hose from the compressor must be attached here so that air enters from below to form foam. And an adapter with a fixed foam tablet is placed in the other hole. After this, a hose is attached to it. A spray bottle is attached to the other end (you can take a regular garden one).

Modernization methods

When the question of creating a foam concentrate is closed, everything is already there, it works great, you always want it to be as comfortable as possible to use. You can come up with a lot of innovations here. Someone attaches an additional sprayer. Others attach a pressure washer attachment instead of a wand. You can make the structure more portable by simply installing it on a frame with wheels. And also a lot of other things... The main thing is to understand how the installation works, and then, based on this, decide what can be replaced or modified.

A foamer made (using one of the methods described above), of course, is unlikely to be suitable for industrial use, but it will cope perfectly with the task of washing a car several times a week. Having such a foaming agent at home, you will always have a practically free, yet effective and very fast car wash.