How to make a niche in a plasterboard wall with your own hands - step-by-step instructions, photos and videos. Stages of assembling a plasterboard niche in the wall Making niches from plasterboard with your own hands

In the repair and decoration of residential premises, a person’s desire for beauty is expressed in different ways - some want to decorate their home with finishing materials of incredible colors, others focus on designer furniture, and still others give preference to the structural elements of an apartment or house. In principle, both are partly right; all these methods are designed to improve the comfort of the premises and create coziness in them. But few people understand the fact that the greatest results are achieved exclusively in the process of using all methods at the same time - an apartment or house should have both good furniture, and high-quality beautiful surfaces of walls, floors, ceilings, and, of course, decorative structural elements. We’ll talk about one of them in this article, in which, together with the site, we’ll look in detail at the question of how to make plasterboard niches with your own hands, what material is needed for this and what tools are used to create them.

DIY plasterboard niche photo

How to make a niche from plasterboard: frame construction

As with all plasterboard products, the frame is the main component of the entire structure - the shape, rigidity, reliability and even appearance finished product. The final result depends entirely on how responsibly you approach the construction.

To build a niche frame from plasterboard, you will need three types of materials - these are ud guide profiles, with the help of which the structure is tied to the walls and the contours of the product are formed, cd profiles, designed to impart rigidity to the structure, and sheet thickness 12.5 mm (preferably moisture resistant, but Ordinary is possible).

How to make a niche frame from plasterboard with your own hands

Before you start work, you must clearly understand the full picture of what you want to get in the end - you cannot do without it. You may even have to draw a small sketch or a simple drawing that needs to be transferred to the wall in real size. Drywall outlines drawn on the wall will really make the job easier. You will have to draw everything - every shelf and every curve. The more precise you are, the easier it will be to create it.

Guide profiles ud are installed along the drawn contours. They are secured using dowels and a hammer drill. There will be no problems with straight sections of the structure; difficulties arise when designing radial surfaces - to construct them you will have to learn how to smoothly bend metal profiles. In principle, this is not difficult - to obtain a smooth arc, the guide profile flanges are cut in increments of 50mm. If you don't want to do this work, then buy a ready-made arched profile, in which the cuts are already laid at the enterprise. In my opinion this is unnecessary waste money - quite simply (within 2 minutes) cut with a grinder or even scissors.

How to make a niche from plasterboard photo

Okay, let's move on and give our frame volume. In accordance with the required depth of the niche and plasterboard shelves, it is also necessary to install guide profiles on the floor and ceiling - their ends, located on opposite surfaces, must lie at a strict vertical level. Along with the volume of the structure, the front plane is simultaneously specified plasterboard niche, which should be perfectly flat.

DIY installation of a plasterboard niche photo

Now let's start forming the corners - as a rule, they are made from two guide profiles twisted together. Their shelves should be at an angle of 90° relative to each other. These corner elements are installed vertically and inserted into the upper and lower profiles, located respectively on the ceiling and floor. It is imperative to check the level of their installation in two planes at once (on the front and side surfaces). If everything is in order, then you can safely fasten the guide profiles and the corner post together - for this, self-tapping screws ø3.5mm by 7.5mm are used (popularly called “teks” or “fleas”).

Having given volumetric outlines to the frame, at the next stage a niche made of plasterboard with your own hands will require you to make it rigid. There is no point in relying on drywall to cope with this task. The frame is simply reinforced - for this purpose the cd load-bearing profile is used. It is cut into small pieces, the length of which corresponds to the distance between two opposite guides, inserted across them and secured with two ties on each side. Again, do not forget to control the level and plane of the resulting surface. Such reinforcement from load-bearing cd profiles on the side faces of the structure will need to be installed with shelves in different directions - in addition to giving rigidity to the frame, they also serve as a basis for screwing in drywall. And in such products you have to twist it both inside and outside the niche.

Plasterboard niches in the wall photo

After the frame of the plasterboard niche has been strengthened, you can begin to form the shelves. The principle of their manufacture is almost the same as that described above. First, using ud, a level and self-tapping screws, the plane of the shelf is set, after which it is reinforced with load-bearing profiles, the shelves located up and down, every 300 mm.

Most craftsmen (including me) practice covering it with plaster while making the frame. Before installing the shelves, the entire internal cavity of the niche is lined with plasterboard - believe me, it’s easier to fix one large sheet than to work on its individual pieces. And thanks to this approach, the structure acquires additional rigidity.

You know Golden Rule drywaller? Fewer joints means fewer headaches later. This principle applies to all products, including plasterboard niches.

In addition, this approach to business will help to diversify this tedious and monotonous work a little.

Niches and shelves made of plasterboard photo

An important point in the process of creating decorative niches from plasterboard is its illumination and noise reduction - all this must be thought through at the stage of manufacturing the frame. You need to decide on the location of the lamps and lay the necessary electrical cables, and fill the entire internal space of the frame mineral wool. In principle, if you are satisfied with a ringing hum even when objects lightly hit the niche, you can refuse noise reduction - some people are fine with this phenomenon, but some are annoyed by it.

Decorative niches made of plasterboard photo

Installation of a plasterboard niche: framing the frame

This stage of forming a plasterboard niche is quite simple and does not have any special nuances, with the exception of a few, which we will consider later.

  1. Firstly, this is the joining of individual parts of drywall. At the junction of individual parts sheet material it is necessary to install additional stiffeners, to which two separate pieces of drywall are screwed. If you ignore this nuance, then during operation you will get a crack in this place, even despite the high-quality sealing of the seams.
  2. Secondly, the absence of which again leads to the appearance of cracks. At the junctions of individual sheets of drywall on their cut edges, it is necessary to chamfer.
  3. Thirdly, this is the step of installing screws. It is standard and is 150-200mm.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to pay a little attention to decorating the niche, or rather preparing for this process. If you think that you can refuse to putty, then you are deeply mistaken - a plasterboard niche does not require putty only in one case, when it is tiled or tiled. It is this stage of manufacturing a plasterboard niche that is the most labor-intensive - you will have to install great amount perforated corners, place dozens of meters of reinforcing mesh in the corners and joints and properly fill even the smallest cavities.

Modern design rooms using plasterboard is a convenient, simple and cheap option. Understanding the installation technology plasterboard sheets, you can create with your own hands, changing the interior of any room, even a bathroom or toilet, if you use moisture-resistant material. One of the structural elements made from gypsum plasterboard is a niche in the wall. It fits perfectly into any room of a house or apartment, regardless of its purpose.

Any construction and installation process is divided into several stages. The construction of a plasterboard niche in the wall was no exception. Therefore, when starting work, try to break it down into stages.

Preparation of working tools

It is necessary to prepare tools and materials, as well as sketch a sketch of the future design.

Tools you will need:

  • perforator;
  • metal scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • tape measure with marker;
  • plumb line with level;
  • spatulas;
  • screwdriver

From materials:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • metal profiles (guides or rack);
  • putty;
  • tape for sealing seams.

Now we need to make a sketch of a niche in the wall, which looks like a volumetric structure protruding from the wall. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide on its thickness. Some special restrictions This is not the case, but you will have to take into account the size of the room. And what smaller room, the smaller its thickness. Designers have determined the minimum indicator for this size, which is 15 cm.

The shape, height and width of the structure are determined based on the taste preferences of the owner of the house and the dimensions of the room. If you make a plasterboard niche in the wall of a room yourself, then choose a simple, no-frills form: no rounded corners, no multi-level shelves or partitions.

Don't forget about lighting. It is on the sketch that you need to think about where the lamps and sockets will be installed.

Calculation of the necessary materials for a niche in the wall

This stage includes cutting profiles to sizes determined by the sketch. To apply dimensions you will need a tape measure and a marker, and scissors for cutting. Experienced craftsmen At this stage, plasterboard sheets are also cut. It is not recommended for a beginner to do this; there is a possibility of getting confused and cutting the sheet incorrectly to the required size. Therefore, it is better to move the work with drywall to the main stage, where the niche in the wall will be decorated.

Advice for beginners. The length of the profile is 3 m, so when creating the corners of the niche you don’t have to cut it into pieces. You can simply bend the profile at a right angle. To do this, at the bend along the side shelves, you need to make a triangular cutout so that the upper angle is 90º. After which the profile is easily bent at a right angle.

Tips for installing the structure

In order to make your work easier, you need to transfer the sketch to scale onto the wall. That is, draw the outlines of a niche on the wall. To do this you need to use a plumb line and level. It is very important here that the ribs are strictly in horizontal and vertical planes.

Now the profiles are installed exactly along the lines.

  • First, a profile is applied to the wall. Through it, holes are made in the wall with a puncher into which plastic dowels are driven. And then the self-tapping screws are screwed into them with a screwdriver. The distance between the fasteners is 40-50 cm. Thus, the outline of the niche on the wall is assembled.
  • Now we need to make the niche voluminous. To do this, cross members are installed along the entire contour of the structure perpendicular to the wall, the length of which will determine the width of the structure. The distance between them is 40-50 cm. Fastening to the contour is done with self-tapping screws. The upper crossbars are additionally attached to the ceiling if the plasterboard niche in the wall is built up to the ceiling. Bottom to the floor.
  • The outer contour is assembled along the edges of the installed crossbars. And again, the profiles applied to the ceiling are attached to it, the bottom ones to the floor.

So, metal carcass The niches in the wall of the room are ready, you can start on the side of the electrical wiring. Try not to let the wires touch the profiles. It is better to attach them to the frame with plastic clips.

Then you can move on to plasterboard cladding. To do this, you need to measure the dimensions of each section, transfer them to a plasterboard sheet and cut them out with a sharp knife.

This is done like this:

  • The sheet is laid on a flat surface at a low height. It could be a table.
  • Using a knife and a metal ruler or profile along the cutting line, an incision is made into the cardboard layer.
  • The sheet is placed along the edge of the table along the cut line.
  • Lightly press the edge. The sheet should crack straight along the line.
  • The bottom cardboard layer is cut off.

Everything else is simple. The cut section is installed at its destination and fastened with self-tapping screws to profile frame. The distance between the fasteners is 10-12 cm, from the edge 1.5 cm. The screws are screwed into the body of the drywall to a depth of 0.5 cm.

Holes are cut out for lamps and sockets using a puncher with a special cutting tool- crown. Its diameter is selected to match the diameters of electrical appliances.

Finishing and designing a niche in the room

Let's move on to something else no less important issue, how to decorate a niche in the wall? First of all, you need to seal the joints of the drywall sections. To do this, you need to fill them with putty and apply a special paper strip to the joints. Let it dry and then go over the joints again with a putty solution.

Now you can solve the problem of designing a niche in the wall. There are a lot of options: from simple painting and wallpapering to stone or tile cladding.

If you choose regular painting, then first of all the plasterboard niche in the wall must be treated with a primer. After drying, a thin layer of putty is applied to level the surfaces. After drying again, sanding is done using fine sandpaper. But now you can paint it.

Making a niche in the wall using facing materials- a more complex process. It is carried out using the same technologies as wall decoration. By the way, sections of the walls free from the structure can be decorated with the same plasterboard. They just stick it to the wall liquid nails or adhesives for gypsum boards.

The original design of a niche in the wall is lining the free wall areas with mirrors.

So, this article addressed the question of how to make a niche in a plasterboard wall? If anyone has questions about the technology or has design suggestions, we are ready to listen to your comments.

Drywall is one of the best inventions in the field building materials. Almost none modern renovation cannot do without the use of gypsum board sheets.

Suspended single-level and multi-tiered ceilings, partitions, various niches and shelves, tabletops, window slopes, leveling walls is not a complete list of the uses of this material.

Drywall is a non-toxic, harmless material produced in the form of gypsum-based slabs, lined with cardboard on all sides (except for the top and bottom edges).

The slabs are produced standard sizes: width 1200 mm, length 2500, 3000 mm.

Three are widely known: wall, ceiling and arched, the main difference is the thickness of the sheets. Wall material has a thickness of 12.5 mm, ceiling - 9.5 mm, arched - 6.5 mm.

By area of ​​application, plasterboard is divided into:

GKL– universal material for dry rooms (slabs gray with blue markings);

GKLV– moisture-resistant plasterboard for rooms with high humidity(green slabs with blue markings);

GKLO– fire-resistant plasterboard with increased ability to resist open fire (gray boards with red markings);

GKLVO– moisture resistant with increased fire resistance (green slabs with red markings).

Today we’ll talk in more detail about various partitions and niches that can be made in residential and non-residential premises using plasterboard.

Design of plasterboard niches

Why are niches needed in the interior? First of all, it's beautiful decorative element, Secondly, comfortable spot storage, thirdly, using plasterboard partitions with niches and lighting, you can divide the room into zones, fourthly, with their help you can save on furniture.

Plasterboard niches instead of furniture

Having decorated a blank wall with the help of decorative niches made of plasterboard, where you can place a TV, a decorative fireplace, interesting and necessary interior items, flowers, books, there is no need to buy cabinet furniture.

We complement the design with spectacular lighting, install a cozy sofa in the living room, fill it with textiles, and get a complete and comfortable interior.

Plasterboard niche for hidden cornice

Constructing suspended ceiling from gypsum plasterboard, do not forget to make a niche in the ceiling for installing curtain rods. The hidden cornice is not visible to the eye; we perceive only flowing curtains, as if falling from the ceiling - no unnecessary elements.

Zoning the room

To divide the room into zones, plasterboard partitions are used. With their help you can separate work area from a recreation area, for example, in a children's room. To make the partition lighter and not obscure the space separated from the illuminated part, make it with niches. They can accommodate flowerpots, books, toys (if the partition is being built in a children's room) and other household items.

Using this technique, you can divide the nursery into two parts if the owners of the room are two children. Every person needs their own space. By dividing the room into two parts, you thereby give each child the opportunity to have “their own territory,” but at the same time the children spend time playing together.

The same technique can be used when dividing the living room into zones.

Room zoning in one-room apartment for the living room and bedroom

Niches made of gypsum plasterboard with additional functions

Using plasterboard, you can make niches to accommodate a dressing room or just a closet in the bedroom, children's room, in the hall and corridor. It remains to install opening or sliding doors and a convenient place to store things is ready.

If there is a need to hide an unsightly heating radiator, then you can build a niche for it, which can later be covered with a decorative screen.

Niches-shelves - a convenient storage place and an accent in the interior

A variety of niche shelves can be made in almost any room: kitchen, living rooms, in bathrooms, hallway, loggia. This design will be an excellent place for arranging various objects, and will also serve as an interesting accent when creating an interior.

In rooms with high humidity, the structure is constructed from moisture-resistant plasterboard. Surfaces can be painted acrylic paint(many people use facade paints, since they are resistant to moisture and mechanical stress). The walls can also be tiled. Mosaic tiles look especially impressive in bathrooms.

How to make a niche from plasterboard with your own hands?

If you decide to build a similar structure in the interior of your home, then you need to stock up the following materials and tools: metal or wooden guides, sheets of drywall corresponding to the purpose of the room, building level, drill, screwdriver, dowels, screws for metal or wood, putty and spatula for its application.

The frame is made according to the drawing of the future structure. The guides are attached to the wall with dowels and connected to each other with self-tapping screws. But details metal profile can be connected to each other using a riveter. In this case, it will be easier to attach the drywall sheets. They will fit tightly to the guides and will not crack during installation.

After erecting the frame, we sew it up with sheets of plasterboard and putty. Next, the surface can be painted, covered with wallpaper, laid out with decorative stone or veneered ceramic tiles, complement with wooden or glass shelves in accordance with the chosen interior style. All that remains is to fill the structure with the desired items and decor and enjoy the work done.

Today's renovation is almost impossible without the use of drywall as the main finishing material. With its help you can achieve ideal surface walls and ceiling, and also create various designs: partitions, niches, shelves and arches.

This material has a number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • availability;
  • ease of fastening;
  • light finishing;
  • available various options sheets differing in basic characteristics.

In addition, making a plasterboard niche with your own hands is very simple. It is enough to know the basics of technology for working with drywall and your home will be transformed beyond recognition.

Niches made of plasterboard can have a wide variety of designs. Among all possible options The most common types are:

  • open type of construction. Open niches from drywall most often installed in the living room to display souvenirs, collections of small items, etc. With their help, you can create a unique ambience for the room;
  • closed type of construction. The most functional and used for storing clothes, books and other things. They are mainly made in the hallway or bedroom, where it is necessary to hide household items from prying eyes;
  • with backlight. Such a niche made of plasterboard will help add additional lighting to the room, and will also allow you to highlight and focus the attention of guests on it in an original way. Looks great if interior decoration combined with the use of mirrors;
  • without backlight. Has the lightest design. A partition with such niches will fit perfectly into any apartment interior.

Niches also differ in functionality:

  • decorative. It is part of the interior of the room and does not carry any special practical load. Such plasterboard niches in the living room will look best;
  • for storing various things. The most practical. Such plasterboard niches in the wall will help rid the room of bulky cabinets And wall shelves. Moreover, they will fit very organically into small rooms;
  • zonal. Such a partition with a niche will help not only visually, but also actually divide the room into several functional zones. For example, in the dining room, kitchen and relaxation area.

Today it is very relevant to use plasterboard structures instead of some furniture elements. Thus, niches made of plasterboard can be used instead of hanging shelves to place a TV in the wall, creating decorative fireplace or dressing room, etc.
All of the above options can be easily done with your own hands. Therefore, the choice of design depends solely on your wishes and capabilities.

Creating a design diagram

If you want to construct plasterboard niches with your own hands, you will definitely need to develop a drawing of the future structure.
The scheme is developed according to the following algorithm:

  • decide on the appearance;
  • select its position inside the room;
  • draw on the diagram the parameters of the wall on which the installation will subsequently be carried out;
  • We plot the dimensions of the niche itself on the drawing. Be sure to calculate it deepening;

Note! The depth of the structure directly depends on its purpose. If a TV is to be installed in it, then the recess should be sufficient to mount and connect it. In such a situation, the recess should be at least 30 cm. If the structure has a purely decorative function, then 10-15 cm is enough.

  • if you plan to make a partition, then we plot the parameters of the room on a drawing to scale in order to correctly assess the dimensions of the structure in relation to the entire room.

The drawing will help you correctly assess the scale of work and buy required amount materials.

Tools and materials you will need

Drywall niches can be easily made only if you have the following set of tools:

Necessary tools

  • perforator and drill;
  • building level, tape measure and pencil;
  • spatula and sandpaper;
  • special fasteners, dowels and screws.

In addition, you should purchase the following materials:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • guides and rack profiles;
  • serpyanka, putty and primer.

Today the best manufacturer drywall and all finishing materials for him the German company Knauf is considered.

Preparing for work

The list of preparatory operations that must be carried out before installing the niche frame in a plasterboard wall includes:

  • remove all irregularities from the working surface;
  • treat the wall with a primer;
  • apply markings to the wall using a previously created drawing.

Note! We apply markings based on the level. Otherwise, the niche structure may turn out crooked and uneven.

Frame installation

Many people ask the question “how to make a niche in the wall”? To do this, you first need to create a metal frame.
The manufacture of the frame is carried out as follows:

  • We apply a guide profile to the drawn lines and drill a hole in the wall and in the profile with a hammer drill;
  • fasten the profile with self-tapping screws;
  • in a similar way we form the entire perimeter of the structure;
  • then mounts the rack profiles to the finished frame. We also attach them using self-tapping screws. The length of the rack profiles corresponds to the depth of the niche itself;
  • We attach guides to the removed rack profiles using self-tapping screws.

Ready frame

If a partition with niches is needed, then we construct the frame as follows:

  • First, we install the base from guides on the floor and ceiling;
  • then we connect them with vertical guides;
  • Where necessary, according to the diagram, we attach rack profiles and additional fasteners. The partition structure is ready.

If it is necessary to install additional lighting, after installing the frame we install the necessary wires.
Now the frame structure is ready for further finishing work.

Drywall installation

So, the frame of the plasterboard niche is ready and now it remains to complete it with finishing from plasterboard sheets.
Fastening drywall to a metal frame is carried out as follows:

  • cut the sheets of drywall into the required pieces;
  • we apply them to the frame and fasten them with self-tapping screws;
  • comes first finishing the outer part, and then the inner.

Covering the frame with plasterboard

If a plasterboard niche has additional lighting, then you must first make holes in the plasterboard for spotlights. In this case, installation will proceed as follows:

  • We insert lamps into the prepared places;
  • we connect them to the wiring that was carried out at the stage of assembling the frame;
  • We attach the drywall with lamps to the structure using self-tapping screws.

Now the niche device is ready for final finishing work.

Note! The screw heads should not protrude above the surface of the plasterboard sheets or be strongly recessed into them. Otherwise, the final finish will not be of very high quality and neat.

Carrying out final finishing

Final finishing is necessary in order to give it a finished and aesthetic appearance. The niche and the interior of the room should be decorated in the same style and complement each other.
Final finishing involves:

  • sealing all joints with serpyanka;
  • coating the niche with a rough layer of putty;
  • rubbing the rough putty until smooth;
  • treating the surface of the structure with a deep penetration primer;
  • applying the final putty after the primer has dried. If there are any rough spots, sand them down with sandpaper.

Almost finished design

Now all that remains is to create a niche for the design idea of ​​the room. To do this, you can paint it, wallpaper it, cover it with artificial stone or do decorative stucco from plaster.
It is quite easy to construct a niche from plasterboard. The main requirement is to follow all the recommendations and not skip a single step. As a result, your creation will become a worthy addition to the interior of the room.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings by covering with plasterboard has become quite popular. It turns out to be relatively inexpensive and quick, but at the same time, albeit slightly, the volume of the room is reduced. This option, how to make a niche from plasterboard, may well expand usable space, and not only visually. In any case, plasterboard walls with niches will look great both in the living room and in the hallway, and if waterproof material is used, they will also be used in the bathroom.

Niches made of plasterboard increase the usable space of the room.

A DIY plasterboard niche is an interesting and creative task, completely doable for anyone. home handyman. First you need to figure out what your design will look like and transfer all the dimensions on paper. This will make it easier to calculate how much and what kind of material will be needed. After this, you can purchase the material and prepare the tools necessary for the work:

Glasses for working with drywall, construction level, plaster hacksaw, metal scissors, pliers, side cutters, hammer, knife with replaceable blade, tape measure with lock.

  • perforator;
  • grinder and/or metal scissors;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • level, plumb line, tape measure, pencil;
  • stationery knife, hacksaw;
  • putty, a container for it, spatulas;
  • serpyanka;
  • fasteners: dowel-nails, bugs.

Additionally, you may need a needle roller, glue, paint, dry building mixtures, for example, rotary gypsum, power tools. But this depends on what kind of design you come up with.

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Technology for installing a plasterboard niche

The simplest option for placing a niche in the wall is to move its lining to a distance equal to the depth of the niche. Such niches may have a small width, 15 centimeters, but you can build not one, but 2 or 3 of them, and equip them with additional shelves and mirrors.

Installation of any niches begins with marking the base wall according to the drawing and installing a metal profile on it along the perimeter of the niche.

To cut and align the profile exactly according to the markings, you will need scissors or a grinder, a tape measure and a building level. For fastening we use dowel nails.

In our case, you can use almost any profile, rack-mount or guide, since the recess of the niche is not wide and does not imply a large load. To cut and align the profile exactly according to the markings, you will need scissors or a grinder, a tape measure and a building level. For fastening we use dowel nails. Then we begin to assemble the frame for cladding the wall.

It’s more convenient to start by placing the guide profile (GP) on the floor of the room. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the required distance from the main wall, taking into account the thickness of the plasterboard. Typically sheets with dimensions of 2500x1200x12.5 mm are used. We make marks and draw a line along the profile. You can transfer the marks for the ceiling NP using a plumb line, or you can do it differently. Assemble the frame from the upper and lower NP, installing vertical rack profiles (SP) of the required height along the edges.

The profiles are usually 3 m long, so they will need to be trimmed. It is better to measure the height of the profile in each place where it will be installed separately.

The profiles are usually 3 m long, so they will need to be trimmed. It is better to measure the height of the profile in each place where it will be installed separately. IN different places room height may vary by 1-1.5 cm. Each room is imperfect and has its own errors. By applying a level, we achieve a strictly vertical position of the racks. Now the guides need to be secured to the dowel nails. If desired, you can assemble such a frame using only NP around the perimeter. When moving from a wall to a floor or ceiling, it is enough to cut the side walls with scissors and bend it at a right angle.

Exactly opposite the profile fixed to the main wall, we place vertical racks and horizontal jumpers between them according to the size of the niche. Then we install jumpers from the racks in the direction of the main wall. These can be profiles for fastening shelves or simply connecting jumpers at the corners of the structure. We attach it to bedbugs.

If such niches run along the entire wall, the frame will be strong enough, otherwise it needs to be fixed to the wall additional profiles and jumpers.

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What to do if you need a wide and durable niche?

For making shelves and niches big size use a regular galvanized profile with a back width of 75 mm. The products of the German company Knauf are also distinguished by their high strength.

The combination of a metal profile with plasterboard allows you to make a wide variety of designs of arbitrary shapes and sizes. Everyone is well aware of the multi-level furniture wall - slide. You can build such a wall yourself using gypsum plasterboard. You just need to choose a more durable profile.

To make large shelves and niches, use a regular galvanized profile with a back width of 75 mm. The products of the German company Knauf are also distinguished by their high strength; they use thicker metal. The frame for the shelf itself is made somewhat differently.

From whole piece profile, a rectangular frame is bent, which is attached with dowels and nails to the wall. In the place of bends, only the side of the profile is cut, then the adjacent sidewalls are fastened with self-tapping screws (bugs) or a cutter. If the frame is long, it is reinforced with transverse jumpers spaced no more than 400 mm from each other. Covering the frame with plasterboard on top and bottom gives it additional strength.

Two such frames, fastened together by jumpers, form a frame for wall cabinet, and if you attach them with profiles to the floor, you will get the base of a rather voluminous niche built into the wall. By combining such designs with each other, you can create built-in furniture with shelves, niches, and cabinets of any configuration. Gorka is no exception.

Even more original things can be done if you use a flexible profile from Flext for installation. Each profile section consists of 2 L-shaped halves with locks at the ends. This allows you to create a profile of the required length, with the ability to obtain a closed structure of any shape. Using Flext together with a regular profile, you can include round, oval, heart-shaped elements, and so on, into a frame for plasterboard walls with niches.