How to make a niche out of plasterboard with your own hands - step-by-step instructions. Various niches and their plasterboard structures, preparation and installation Making a niche in a finished wall

In this master class you will find detailed description the process of installing kitchen walls and ventilation according to a finished design project. We will talk about the features of installing a false wall with a niche using the “from the center” method and provide detailed photographs of this work performed by experienced specialists.

A plasterboard niche is a popular and effective interior element. She may have different shapes, but invariably emphasizes the taste of the owner of the house. We will tell and show you how to make it yourself.

If you don't have a professional design ready, create a drawing or sketch with dimensions. This way your thoughts and desires will take shape.

Please note that the parameters of the niche in this case are determined by the size of the tiles with which the inside will be lined.

After transferring the marks to the plane of the wall, we begin to secure the guides. This key moment, since further dimensions will be deposited from them.

We create the main frame from the UD profile and check its corners - they must be strictly straight. You can use a tile to check.

Then we cut out and wind the gypsum board strips that will limit the inner plane of the niche.

We install horizontal guides, which we connect to the vertical posts. In this case, the frame is built not from a common plane, but from the center of the element (niche).

Check again how the tile fits in. If there is an error, it is better to eliminate it at this stage.

Attention! When trying on tiles, take into account the putty thickness of 2-3 mm.

Pay attention to the vertical piping of the frame and guides. They are installed after the horizontal stripes.

Thus, fastening and tying the entire structure is much more reliable than if the entire frame was made separately.

We mark horizontal guides under the vertical ribs (step 600 mm).

We install the ribs themselves along the lower guide, first on internal fastenings, and then we place U-shaped suspensions under them.

View of the finished frame without the top row of vertical posts (done in the same way as the bottom one):

We cover the frame with plasterboard using standard technology.

Pay attention to how the corners in the openings and niches are cut ( convenient way). First, we wrap the entire sheet.

Then we cut it horizontally with a hacksaw.

And use a knife to cut it vertically. This method does not require marking and protects against errors during marking - the gypsum board is cut in place, and one of the planes of the niche serves as a guide.

Final view after installing drywall:

All that remains is to prepare the surface for puttying. We open the corners with a plaster float and the joints with a knife.

Carefully checking the accuracy of the horizontals and verticals, we sew the perforated corner with a stapler.

The final view of the plasterboard niche:

If in your case there is a need to use a wall to hang something, be sure to install reinforcements - double ribs. At the same time, U-shaped suspensions should be of a different class - more powerful. In the future, the niche can be given any volumetric view using various methods finishing and decorations - tiles, wallpaper, curtains, fake diamond.

How to properly make a niche from gypsum board with your own hands - an algorithm of actions and options for designing niches in a children's room and kitchen. The functionality of a wall recess, its creativity and subtleties. This and much more will be discussed further in the article.

Plasterboard niche in the wall

A plasterboard niche in the wall is a multifunctional department that has its own advantages. It can serve as a decoration with lighting or serve as an integral part that carries important functions for the owner. Making a niche will not be difficult if you follow a clearly outlined plan.

Relevance of application

There are designs various forms, sizes. This is small, under the fireplace, for books, photo frames and so on. They are produced both in the bathroom and in children's bedrooms.

The design serves for:

  • dividing the premises into areas for relaxation and receiving guests or work;
  • instead of a bookcase;
  • built-in furniture;
  • highlighting the design.

GCR recesses are created above the window for curtains or in the wall for decorative items - vases, dried flowers. The niches are equipped with lighting from spotlights.

A properly created, designed design can visually increase or decrease space. The horizontal arrangement makes the room wider, and the design up to the ceiling increases the height of the room.

A niche for curtains will bring comfort and tranquility. Hidden cornices at the top, equipped with lighting, add a touch of fairy-tale and tranquility.

How to decorate a niche in a plasterboard wall

For uniqueness and highlighting, various finishing materials are used: wood, plastic, wallpaper, paint, textiles, 3D materials.

But, to achieve results, you must adhere to the rules:

  1. A different tone from the general one - what the owner wants to achieve. If it is necessary to visually reduce the room, darken it, then use dark colors. If the room should be spacious, bright - pastel shades, backlight.
  2. To a greater extent, the niche is made in the same color as the general background of the room; in extreme cases, there is a difference of 1-2 tones.
  3. Installed mirrors are visual - you need to pay attention to this.

IN different rooms niches are designed according to the style used.

In the kitchen and bathroom

The kitchen is a frequent place for all family members, as well as for drinking tea with friends. It should always be bright, neat, conducive to conversation. Therefore, niches are designed in bright hues from cleaning materials:

  • washable wallpaper;
  • plastic;
  • indelible paint.

Tea and coffee sets, vases, indoor flowers, and other light objects that emphasize the purpose of the kitchen are installed in the recesses. These could be cookbooks.

Designs used for bath accessories:

  • face masks;
  • body and hair oils;
  • shampoos, conditioners and so on.

Designed to match the overall design. If the room is tiled with black tiles, then the niche will be tiled with tiles that are a lighter tone or, say, Blue colour, brown. Occasionally they make an accent by decorating the shelves in light colors.

In the living room and bedroom

Living room is a large central room in an apartment or house. A recess created in the wall is used for installation decorative fireplace, under TV, aquarium. Sometimes it serves as shelves for books or photo frames with rare photos. Shelves stand out from the general background of the room with excellent materials and colors. Design is often done with 3D elements:

  • wallpaper;
  • volumetric panels, tiles;
  • gypsum materials.

For illumination, spotlights or LED strip are removed.

In the rest room, a recess is made in the wall at the head of the bed. As a rule, lamps for night lighting are installed there, and shelves are created for essential items - remote control, glasses, cream.

The niche is tiled in the same tone as the entire room to create a calm atmosphere. This is a textile that will provide comfort, warmth, and wallpaper, different in design, but of the same tone, with elements of patterns or colors will dilute the monotony.

In the nursery

is a fairy-tale world filled with toy characters, dolls, and children's literature. There is no room for monotony here. All elements are made to stand out. If it’s a girl’s room, calm beige, pink, lilac tones. Dilution is done in gray and white. Niches are also decorated - the recess can be painted pink, and the frame can be covered with wallpaper that covers the walls. Backlight plays 2 roles:

  • standing out from the general background of the room;
  • night light for a child.

When designing a niche in a nursery, you must remember to use safe materials.

How to seal a niche in the wall with plasterboard yourself

To create a structure in the wall you need to carry out preparatory work, as well as make a sketch, drawing, and calculate the amount of material needed.

In the sketch of the gypsum board structure, it is necessary to think through all the details:

  • what the niche is for - for TV, for books;
  • its dimensions - it will be up to the middle of the wall and wide or square-shaped;
  • figured elements;
  • lighting – spotlights, diode strip;
  • its thickness is the size of the recess.

When calculating the size of the recess, you need to think in advance what it will be facing material. If it is a tree, then its thickness is taken into account.

They create for equipment. Ventilation and space for wires are required. If there is no space, the equipment will heat up and start to burn. The TV is positioned so that its screen is in the same plane with the edges of the gypsum board of the product.

After the sketch, all the details are drawn with dimensions. The drawing indicates the pitch for the metal profile, where the wires and cables pass, at what distance the lamps and other elements are located.

To create a niche, you need to prepare the surface. It must be cleaned of old coating, without cracks or holes. Before installing the metal frame, you need to coat the wall with a primer.

Material and tools:

  • profiles – guide PN and rack PS;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening the profile;
  • drywall;
  • dowel-nails 6x40;
  • self-tapping screws for attaching gypsum boards to the frame;
  • straight suspensions, crabs;
  • putty for gypsum board joints, finishing;
  • primer, reinforcing tape;
  • power tools – drill, screwdriver;
  • level, meter, plumb lines;
  • construction knife, metal scissors;
  • spatula, roller.

Wires, corrugation, socket boxes for drywall, and lamps are also needed.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a metal frame:

  1. It is necessary to make markings. To do this, use the dimensions from the drawing. Mark all points and lines for profiles and hangers.
  2. For a single plane, plumb lines are used.
  3. The guide profile is secured with dowel nails along the lines on the ceiling, floor, and adjacent walls. The fastening step after the first fastening is 30 cm.
  4. Further on the wall along given points fix direct hangers for PS. It is mounted every 40-60 cm, inserted into the PN and secured to the suspensions.

You must use a level. The frame base must be level. Otherwise, the gypsum board will be deformed.

  1. For creating metal base figured elements, PS is cut on the sides and bent to the required radius.
  2. For structural strength, horizontal beams are created from PS - stiffeners.
  3. The created frame is checked for strength (whether it creaks or wobbles).
  4. In the created base, electrical wiring is carried out in corrugation, as well as all cables.
  5. start with whole sheets. The horizontal seam lines must not coincide. Then the remaining areas are sewn up.
  6. To bend gypsum boards, a wet method (with a needle roller) or a dry method (cutting with a knife) is used.

After frame base will be covered with plasterboard, all joints will be reinforced with tape and putty. The same solution is used to cover all fasteners.

The surface must be coated with a primer or finishing putty. Grout sandpaper.

Sockets and lamps are installed after finishing surfaces.

A plasterboard niche on the wall in an apartment means individuality and neatness. It emphasizes the refined taste of the owner, modernity and at the same time creates comfort in the room.

It’s not difficult to create a niche with your own hands; you just need to follow the algorithm of actions and be careful. Use a level and constantly monitor for evenness and accuracy.

Useful video

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How to assemble plasterboard niches: simple instructions, plus photo report

A very popular solution is a niche at the head of the bed.

Greetings, readers of my blog. Today you will learn how to make niches from plasterboard in the living room for a TV and other equipment. However, those structures, the assembly of which I will discuss later, can be installed with equal success both in the living room and in the bedroom, in the kitchen for the refrigerator and in other rooms where this is necessary.

A distinctive characteristic of the designs that I will discuss below is their simplicity and short assembly time. This means that you are guaranteed to cope with this.

A few words about niches and their assembly

Making a niche in the wall with your own hands using traditional building materials, such as brick, is very difficult, and the project will take a lot of time to complete. The situation is completely different if, as building material use gypsum board. After all, a gypsum board, reinforced with two layers of cardboard, is simply cut and is also easily attached to the supporting frame with self-tapping screws.

There are several types of plasterboard sheets on sale. Some varieties are moisture resistant, others are ordinary and their price is more affordable. Drywall also differs in standard sizes, and above all, in sheet thickness.

What to choose from this variety so that the plasterboard niche is durable and looks good?

It all depends on the purpose for which the quick-assembled structure is being assembled. For example, a niche for curtains or a similar structure that will be used exclusively as a decorative element, can be assembled from thin gypsum board 6.5 mm thick. This material is widely used for cladding walls and ceilings, and therefore is not designed for significant mechanical loads.

If you are building a niche in the bathroom or a TV stand built into the wall, I recommend using a sheet with a thickness of 9 mm or more. Such dimensions provide the sheathing with high resistance to mechanical loads, which is important if the plasterboard structure is assembled for a large-diagonal TV.

If plasterboard niches are assembled in rooms with excessive humidity, it is advisable to use not ordinary plasterboard, but gypsum fiber sheet, which does not have surface paper reinforcement and is more resistant to moisture.

To assemble the supporting frame, you can use two types of materials:

  • Wooden slats and bars are an excellent solution if for some reason you are afraid or do not know how to work with assembly metal structures;
  • Galvanized metal profile - allows you to quickly assemble lightweight metal structures of any complexity, the price of which will be slightly lower than the cost of wooden analogues.

Having compared the characteristics of the listed materials, to assemble the niche we will use a metal profile and gypsum board with a thickness of 6.5 mm, taking into account the fact that we will be assembling a decorative niche.

Installation of plasterboard construction

Now we’ll learn how to make a niche out of plasterboard with your own hands. The assembly instructions are as follows:

  • We measure the mounting surface, in this case the wall, and, in accordance with the measurements and our preferences, we make a drawing;

  • Using putty, we completely level the wall, since after installation is complete, it will be very difficult to level the niche openings;

  • We grind the surface leveled with putty and coat it with a primer to prevent dusting;

  • By using laser level(if this is not the case, we use a spirit level and a plumb line), in accordance with the prepared drawing, we apply markings on the mounting surface along which the profile will be attached to the wall;

  • Using tinted laces, we connect the marking points into the perimeter along which the installation will be carried out;
  • In accordance with the markings required amount profiles of suitable length;
  • In the profile, according to the diameter of the prepared screws, we drill through holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other;
  • We apply the profile pieces prepared in this way to the wall according to the markings made;

  • Inserting a pencil into the holes, transfer the location of the holes to the mounting surface;
  • Using the marks made, we drill holes to the depth and width of the dowel;

  • We attach the perimeter of the sheathing to the mounting surface;
  • Using cutting pliers, we install vertical posts that will be pushed forward relative to the wall;
  • We strengthen all connections made with cutting pliers with self-tapping screws;
  • We cut strips of drywall in width equal to the distance by which the front part of the niche will protrude forward from the wall;

  • We fasten the prepared strips perpendicular to the wall along the perimeter of the niche;
  • From the underside of the fixed strips of drywall, at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other, we attach reinforcing jumpers that will make the end part of the structure more rigid;

  • We also strengthen the sides of the frame with jumpers installed perpendicular to the wall;

  • We cut and fasten the longitudinal jumpers;

I recommend that before you start covering the frame with plasterboard, you take several photos of the assembled metal structures. As a result, it will be easier for you to navigate the location of the profiles to which the gypsum board will be attached.

  • From these blanks we assemble the front side of the niche frame, as shown in the photo;

  • Similarly, we assemble the frame of the front part along the entire perimeter of the opening;

  • We assemble the frame on which the LED strip will be attached;

  • We completely cover the transverse opening of the side console with plasterboard;
  • We completely cover the side console with a solid sheet;

  • Then, using a hacksaw according to the markings made, we cut out a rectangle and open the opening;

  • We sheathe the front edge of the frame on which the lighting will be mounted;

  • After the entire structure is assembled, we check that the seams between the pieces of drywall are cut at an angle of 45°, and also make sure that the heads of the screws do not protrude above the surface;
  • Prepare the putty mixture;

  • We glue the technological gaps with serpyanka and align the seams;
  • We completely plaster surfaces covered with plasterboard;

  • After the putty has completely dried, sand the surface and prime it for subsequent painting.

So, I told you how to make a niche in the opening of which you can install large mirror or push in a sofa, closet or other. I offered a photo report on the work done so that you have a general idea of ​​how to work with drywall and metal profiles. Now that you know how to work, I suggest you familiarize yourself with examples of niches in the interior.

Examples of niches in the interior

I'll start with something unfinished, but very interesting project. The design you can see on next photo, certainly suitable for small spaces.

In the niche it will be possible to place a lot of modern household appliances, such as a thin TV, a small stereo system, etc. The only obvious drawback of this design is that it is very difficult to assemble due to large quantity small details.

The next photo shows a similar design, but with smaller dimensions and with built-in lighting. This technique is perfect for a bedroom or living room.

In this case, the niche is designed not as a functional, but as a decorative element on which lighting fixtures, photo frames and various trinkets can be placed. That is, a niche is, in fact, a large beautiful lamp in the interior.

This niche attracts decorative design made using wallpaper. The layout of the lighting fixtures is interestingly implemented. But, unlike the first example, this design is not functional, but serves as a decorative element of the interior.

At the end of the review, I suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of a functional, well-made design, combined with a tastelessly implemented color scheme illumination. If you don’t pay attention to the eye-catching lighting, you can assume that such a niche will be an excellent addition to a children’s room or living room.

The use of drywall in modern design solutions is a popular trend that is only gaining momentum every year. Its popularity is largely due to the ease of its installation, excellent leveling ability, as well as its affordable cost. Another advantage of a gypsum plasterboard niche is the ability to replace some furniture. But the downside of this material is that it contributes to the loss of space in the room, but this can be easily dealt with by using plasterboard niches, which you can make yourself with your own hands. Their advantages are that they can be made to suit any interior, and they will reflect the individuality of any room.

What is this article about?

What types of plasterboard niches are there?

  1. Wide and shallow - they fit perfectly into any bedroom, due to their shape they fit well with beds or wardrobes and serve bedside tables at both sides. The most convenient and popular are models with built-in lighting.
  2. Thin and shallow - such models are created specifically for installing fairly large equipment, for example, for a TV. After all, it is not recommended to mount it on the wall, because the resulting structure is not particularly reliable. In this case, a stand can be a way out of the situation, but it will not fit any design, because it looks rough and inappropriate, and the drywall will be almost invisible and very harmonious.
  3. Corner ones are the most functional designs; they can serve as shelves for any accessories, as well as as original design solutions, for example, a corner false fireplace.
  4. Multifunctional are niches that can be used in various directions. They look great as stands for clothes and shoes or even for the refrigerator. Drywall is great for decorative finishing corridor, for example, you can use it to create a backlit frame for a mirror with a small shelf for various small items.
    All models are very comfortable and stylish, each of them can not only decorate a room, but also become a good addition, adapted to different functions. The design also creates a certain comfort in the room, for example, you can make corner fireplace from plasterboard, which will decorate the room, make it stylish and cozy.

Deep niche Wardrobe niche TV niche Corner niche

Where to start the work, and what stages does it consist of?

Before starting work, it is tedious to make markings. It will depend on how much area will be involved, as well as on the time of installation (during the process of complete renovation of the premises or the post-renovation period), because when general repairs already in its first stages it is necessary to have a drawing of future niches and shelves. If they need to be installed after repair, for example, to fix plasma, then it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

Stage 1

Marking – it is worth noting here that before the procedure it is necessary to level the surface, get rid of bumps, irregularities and roughness. After this, you need to draw all the lines, they must be perfectly even and located strictly perpendicular to each other. To avoid unevenness in the niche frame, you can use a special level, which is great for creating even markings.

Very important point The marking is that you need to calculate all the dimensions as accurately as possible, not forgetting the thickness of the plasterboard sheets, as well as the size of the screwdriver, because it must fit into the structure for installing the side walls.

Stage 2

Fastening profiles - all profiles must be secured along the lines through a sealing tape; dowel-nails are perfect for this, because they are recognized as the most convenient and strong.

To finish the ceiling and floor with a profile, you also need to adhere to the parallel fastening technique (they must be parallel to the wall), and they must first be cut to their full width. This step is done so that in the future you can easily insert side profiles.

Stage 3

Installation of side edges - they must be pre-cut and prepared, which consists of sewing vertical guide profiles onto them. After the preparation procedure is completed, you can begin installation. You need to carefully attach the workpiece to the frame and attach it with self-tapping screws.

If the side walls are automatically level, then work in progress correctly, clearly and harmoniously. Next, you need to proceed to installing the profiles into the side faces of the frame. One of the flow profiles must be installed at the top of the niche, and the other at the bottom. To facilitate the procedure, it is better to temporarily fix the profiles with self-tapping screws; this will allow you to cope with the work yourself and without resorting to the help of professionals.

Before installation, you need to make sure that all the sides are located exactly at right angles to the plane of the wall, this is necessary in order to avoid distortions. Next, you will need 4 pieces of PN slightly shorter than the thickness of the box, which need to be installed in vertical blanks, but so that they rest on the horizontal ones and secure it all with self-tapping screws.

Stage 4

Inserting vertical PP - they must be installed in the previously obtained segments, and then mounted into the box itself. To give the frame greater strength and stability, you can supplement the structure with special ceiling profiles, one of which is installed between the floor and the beginning of the niche, and the other between the ceiling and its end.

When performing work, it is worth remembering that you need to lay polyurethane tape between the wall and the profile. After all the steps have been completed, you can safely move on to covering the frame.

How to sheathe a plasterboard structure?

You need to start work by attaching the sheets to the niche, to do this you should first install the sides, and then the top and bottom edges, for this you need to use self-tapping screws of dimensions 3.5x25/35, and you need to make sure that the caps are pressed into the sheet by about 2 mm . After this, you can move on to cladding the pediment.

The best materials for shelves of this design are plywood and chipboard.

It is worth noting that joints between the sheets should not be allowed to form near the corners, and the position of the sheets must be monitored; the beginning and end of the niche should in no case interrupt the sheet, their ends should extend beyond the niche.

Once the structure is completely ready, you can begin finishing the plasterboard niche. Here you can turn on your imagination. Wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, artificial stone, etc. On the slider below you can see examples of niche finishing.

Paint finishing Stone finishing Original finish Wallpaper

What kind of lighting is there?

The most convenient and practical are considered to be a niche made of plasterboard with lighting, which can also be done with your own hands, which is why they have recently gained wide popularity. There are 2 backlight options:

  • Spotlights (this is a rather labor-intensive option, because its installation requires the creation of wiring, as well as additional financial costs and time. It is perfect if it is held indoors complete renovation and it is possible to lay new wiring);
  • LED strips (this is an excellent option when implementing partial repair, and this option is the easiest to install, which should begin when the niche itself is completely ready).

For your convenience, a video on installing a niche illuminated from LED strip

Installing the backlight

First of all, it is necessary for everyone lighting fixtures. Next, you need to secure the lighting strip around the perimeter of the inner wall of the frame. But if you need the light to be directed into the niche or hidden, then you need to create a side, onto the edge of which you need to attach a metal profile, and on it, in turn, a plasterboard strip. So that the side does not stand out too much and fits as much as possible into general design, they recommend sheathing it with gypsum boards right along with the niche.

If you need to illuminate the ceiling, then for this you need to solder the contacts or combine them using connectors, and you may need to extend the tape.

Such lighting is not only very convenient to use and beautiful, but also contributes to proper diffuse lighting, as well as saving on electricity.

The content of the article:

A niche in the wall is a special cavity that can have different shapes and purposes. IN small spaces it creates additional space, and in spacious rooms it decorates the interior as a decorative element. Setting up a niche is not a complicated process when its creation is envisaged at the design stage of the house. If the room is already in use, then all problems with the manufacture of such a structure will be associated with the material that was used in the construction of the walls.

The main types of niches in the wall

Niches can be vertical and horizontal, functional and decorative. Their shape and purpose depends directly on the solution that a given wall element must fulfill.

Horizontal niches are constructed in rooms where low, elongated furniture, such as a bed, is located. If the wall of the room is short, making a horizontal niche on it will visually increase the length of the structure.

When planning the location of a niche near bulky furniture, a window or door, it is better to make it vertical. In this case, such a wall element will visually increase the height of the room.

In functional terms, installing a niche in the wall helps to mask the shortcomings of the room layout associated with the placement engineering communications: heating radiators, pipes, metering devices, etc. In a room, a niche can serve as a shelving unit, a closet, and become a place to store various things. Recesses in the wall are used to place furniture, equipment and household appliances. Quite often there is a bar in a niche.

Decorative niches can completely transform a room, standing out against the background of the wall. color scheme and drawing attention to yourself using the built-in lighting system. Such recesses are used to store beautiful vases, photographs, figurines and various souvenirs. If the dimensions of the niche allow, you can place an aquarium or small flower pots in it. Decorative niches visually increase the size of a room, giving it a modern or gothic aesthetic.

Technology for installing a niche in the wall

Most often, niches are made in brick walls and plasterboard structures. Making recesses in main walls is very problematic, since this requires special permission from the technical supervision services of buildings. Usually it is extremely difficult to obtain, since such an event violates the load-bearing capacity of the wall. But to construct a niche, you can use another brick wall located along the floor slabs that have a lower load. However, it is much easier to make a recess of any size in a plasterboard wall or frame cladding structure. You don't need permission to do this, but necessary calculations will have to be done. Let's consider both options for making a niche.

Niche in a plasterboard wall

Before you make a niche in the wall with your own hands, you need to display the future structure on the drawing and calculate its dimensions, taking into account the electrical wiring and all technological gaps. Depending on the humidity of the room and the shape of the future niche, you need to determine the type of drywall. Wall gypsum plasterboard has a thickness of 12.5 mm, arched gypsum board has a thickness of 6.5 mm, and ceiling gypsum board has a thickness of 9.5 mm. Moisture-resistant sheets are always green, the rest are gray.

To work you will need Consumables and tools: galvanized metal profiles, GKL and perforated corners, screws, primer and gypsum putty, construction level, metal scissors and knife, screwdriver, dowels and hammer drill.

From the drawing to the wall, according to dimensions, it is necessary to transfer the plan of the entire structure, taking into account the niche and indicating the location of its shelves, figured elements and lamps. The wall must be smooth and clean. If necessary, it can be plastered.

First, the frame of the future structure is made. The profile guides must be secured along the marking lines using dowels and a hammer drill. The fastening pitch is no more than 400 mm. On curved sections of the frame, profiles must be cut along their flanges and bent to the required radii before fastening.

After fixing the guide profiles of the future structure, you need to add volume. To do this, you should step back from the wall to the depth of the niche, and then secure it in accordance with it horizontal profiles on the floor and ceiling. After this, they should be connected by vertical posts.

To form the contour of a niche in the frame, it is necessary to cut pieces of the profile of the required sizes, bend their ends at an angle of 90 degrees and secure them to the racks and the wall. The profiles are fastened to each other using small self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.

Care should be taken to illuminate a niche in a plasterboard wall at the stage of manufacturing the frame. Electrical wiring must be laid in special plastic boxes. They look quite decent, so cutting out a cable groove in the wall is not required.

The front part of the resulting frame and its attachment to the wall should be reinforced with stiffeners. Their fastening must be done from the racks at equal distances along the length.

Covering the niche frame with plasterboard sheets should begin with its curved elements, if any. After cutting the sheets, they must immediately be tried on at the installation sites. It is advisable to cover the slopes of the niche and its front part with solid sheets of plasterboard, if the dimensions of the structure allow. In this case, it will have greater rigidity. Docking gypsum boards near the corners of a niche should not be allowed. Fastening plasterboard sheets casing to metal frame performed with 25 mm self-tapping screws using a screwdriver. The screw heads should be slightly recessed into the thickness of the material.

After completing the cladding external corners niches should be fixed with a perforated profile, coat the joints of the plasterboard sheets with putty and stick reinforcing sickle tape on them. Then apply gypsum mortar over the tape and perforated corner and level it with a spatula. The recesses from the fastening caps of the sheets must also be sealed with putty. After the solution has dried, the treated surfaces must be sanded with fine sandpaper. Now the niche is completely ready for finishing.

Important! All installation operations of frame profiles must be controlled with a building level and a square. Only in this case can you get a niche of the correct geometric shape.

Niche in a brick wall

A brick niche can be rectangular or arched. In the second case, to mark it on the wall, a kind of “compass” is used, consisting of a thread with a pencil attached. When planning the work, you should increase the size of the planned recess by 3-5%, leaving room for decorative finishing. The thickness of the brick wall for arranging a niche should not be less than 400 mm.

Before making a niche in a brick wall, you need to prepare grinder with a stone disc, hammer drill, hammer and chisel. In addition, you need to have protective equipment: gloves, special glasses and a respirator. This is important, since dismantling masonry is always accompanied by an abundance of dust and flying fragments.

Niche arrangement in brick wall you should start by making a recess for the upper lintel, which will hold the top of the wall while dismantling the masonry of its lower part. The length of the lintel will be greater than the width of the niche, so the upper horizontal recess must be made with a margin of 300 mm relative to the transverse size of the lower planned cavity.

In the selected location of the wall, mark the contour of the niche and knock down the plaster at the location of the lintel. When the rows of masonry become visible, you need to adjust the height of the contour taking into account the upper support beam. The top row of masonry to be removed should consist of bricks arranged in a spoon. If according to the markings this is not the case, the line of the upper notch for the jumper must be lowered a row lower.

After this, using a perforator hammer and a chisel, you should prepare a groove for the jumper. Is the masonry removed horizontally to a depth? brick and height 150 mm. Shards of bricks from the excavation must be removed after finishing work.

After this, you should prepare a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:1:2 and install the formwork on the made excavation.

It will require a couple of boards. One of them needs to close half of the groove in height and nail it to the wall. Now you will need five reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 mm. They must be laid on a centimeter layer of concrete, previously poured into the formwork after attaching the boards. The second board should be placed higher than the first, leaving a gap between them to fill the space with concrete. After a week, the concrete will gain strength, after which you can continue working.

It is convenient to make the main recess for a niche in the wall using a “grinder” with a circle on the stone. The side lines of the outlined contour must be cut to a depth of 120 mm, and then the bricks must be removed from the masonry in rows from top to bottom using a hammer and chisel.

At the end of this process, the verticality of the walls of the niche must be checked with a level, leveled with putty and its surface sanded, and then proceed to finishing.

Features of the design of niches in the wall

The design of a niche largely depends on its purpose, but artistic taste in this matter is also important. This interior element can be finished various materials. These include:
  • Artificial or natural stone. An excellent option for decorating niches located in kitchens or living rooms. The convenience of this design is ease of cleaning. In order not to complicate it, it is better to line the horizontal planes of the niche with stone with a less “torn” surface than its walls.
  • Laminate. It is more suitable for wall niches in sleeping areas. This material is used to cover the slopes and shelves of the niche located at the head of the bed. Its advantage is that the lighting, which is an invariable attribute of such a niche, will not highlight flaws made when leveling the surfaces. In addition, installing laminated boards on walls is not at all difficult, and anyone can handle it.
  • Draping with fabric. This design of a niche will bring comfort and coziness to the room. Fabric drapery is also good for decorating the head of a bed.
  • 3D panels or tiles. This material is truly universal, as it can be made from plaster, metal, leather and even carved wood. With its help, niches are created in rooms for absolutely any purpose. There can be only one limitation in the use of 3D panels - the size of the recesses in the wall. If the niches are small, such finishing will become somewhat problematic.
  • Painting finishing. It is also universal and consists of puttying a niche and then painting it. When decorating a recess in this way, you must choose moisture-resistant paint. This will make the niche easier to use and clean.
  • Decorative plaster. With its help, any structure and relief can be formed on the surface of a niche. The material has great amount varieties and is suitable for designing a niche in the wall of a room for any purpose.
Today, wall niches are not just a cavity, but an unusual space that should harmoniously fit into the style of the interior. Therefore, when making such a recess, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:
  1. Niches are usually used as a corrective functional or decorative element in rooms that have technical deficiencies and layout flaws that require camouflage.
  2. It is important to maintain reasonable proportions of the size of the niches in relation to the dimensions of the rooms.
  3. The color of the inside of the niche should be lighter than its background, otherwise it may feel like there is a hole in the wall. The arches of the recess can be made a tone darker in relation to the main one.
  4. If the coatings when decorating a niche have different textures, you need to take into account their compatibility.
  5. Mirrors help visually expand the internal space of the recess.
Very important element The design of a decorative niche in the wall is to illuminate it. Most often it can be side or top and is implemented using spotlights or LED strip, which fits into pre-prepared recesses. They create not only additional soft lighting for the room, but also allow you to transform its space, giving the room a special mystery.

For example, narrow corridor can be visually expanded if low horizontally extended niches with rear mirror walls and an upper LED backlight. The effect will be stunning.

How to make a niche in the wall - watch the video: