How to make a mosaic on a tabletop. Making a mosaic tabletop with your own hands. Small mosaic or large round table

A beautifully designed interior depends on many details. One of the difficult moments was and remains the decor. Exactly decorative elements make the design style unique. Many people believe that decoration is only about figurines, dishes and textiles. However, furniture finishing is also considered decor.

An interesting design idea is a mosaic tabletop. This decoration will not only decorate, but also renew kitchen set. Mosaic will make the interior luxurious and exclusive, adding Italian flavor.

Advantages and disadvantages of mosaic countertops

Mosaic in kitchen interior looks very organic. This cladding will be a real highlight. But the most important thing is mosaic tiles have excellent performance , which allows it to be used in any type of premises.

Peculiarities! Mosaic is a durable material that is not afraid of mechanical damage and external influences. It tolerates high temperatures well, so the finish is used for surfaces near kitchen stoves, sauna or fireplace heating devices.

Like any decorative design, mosaic has its pros and cons. Let's consider advantages of the material in more detail:

The features of the mosaic are truly impressive, but there are still disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty of installation. Needs to be monitored correct location each element. If one tile is placed even slightly unevenly, the entire pattern will be disrupted.
  2. A large number of seams. This leads to long and painstaking cleaning, because dirt likes to accumulate in the seams.

Despite the minor drawbacks, the mosaic countertop will serve the owner faithfully for decades. The working surface will not only protect the set, but also decorate it.

Manufacturing Features

Mosaic pieces are made different forms and sizes. They can be not only square, but also round, diamond-shaped or hexagonal. Before choosing a shape, it is worth paying attention to the cladding material.

Attention! Laying mosaics in the kitchen is a painstaking task. To make the process easier, tile manufacturers created chips, or in other words, tesserae. These are separate modules, the size of which varies from 10x10 to 100x100. There are several small plates located on them, which form part of the overall pattern.

There are dozens of types of mosaics. Let's look at the most common of them:

  1. Glass. Glass tiles have a unique structure. Thanks to decorative inclusions, the surface of the tabletop will surprise you with its depth and richness of color. How brighter color mosaic, the higher its cost, since it is more difficult to create a rich shade. TO budget options include beige, gray and pale blue material.
  2. Smalt. Smalt is a type of glass, but with a modified composition. During production, potassium salts are used instead of sodium salts, which makes the surface of the tile completely matte. Smalt mosaic is characterized by increased impact resistance, resistance to temperature changes and immunity to aggressive cleaning agents. The cladding will turn the tabletop into a work of art, because thanks to the special production technology it is impossible to find two identical tiles.
  3. Ceramic. Such tiles are similar in characteristics to tiles - they are, in fact, a miniature copy of them. Ceramic mosaics are made from clay, quartz sand and others natural ingredients, so it amazes with its diversity color design. The material is wear-resistant and durable. The tabletop will not lose its brightness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or aggressive chemical substances.
  4. Metal. This type of mosaic was created for modern interiors, but this did not stop it from being implemented in various styles. The material harmonizes well with the dishes and household appliances, which makes the cladding universal. Chips are made from copper, brass, bronze, aluminum and of stainless steel. The tabletop looks original and makes the interior shine thanks to its iridescent surface.
  5. Wooden. Wooden mosaic will suit almost any set. The material looks stylish and unusual, creating the effect wooden parquet right on the table. Among other things, the peculiarity of tiles is that they bring warmth and comfort to the interior, which is important for creating a special homely atmosphere.
  6. Mother of pearl. Mother of pearl is used much less frequently than the listed materials. This finish looks truly magical, creating an “underwater” effect. A mosaic is made from uncut pieces of mother-of-pearl shells. She shimmers and plays different shades even in poor lighting.
  7. Stone. You won't find anything stronger than a stone mosaic. The finish is beautiful and durable. Tiles are made from natural marble, tuff, granite, onyx and other rocks. You should not use porous stones for countertops. They will absorb moisture. To protect the surface use special composition, which fills the pores and creates a dense coating.

Experts advise using a mix of materials. The combination of colored glass with flexible tiles is considered optimal. This is a product made from crumbs processed to resemble the texture of a brick. Due to its elasticity, flexible tiles allow you to design a surface of any shape.

Advantages of finishing:

  • resistance to moisture, mechanical damage, frost and ultraviolet radiation;
  • long service life;
  • strength.

This material is ideal for finishing a tabletop with your own hands.

DIY mosaic kitchen countertop

“Nothing lasts forever,” says the well-known worldly wisdom. No matter how hard we try, kitchen furniture sooner or later it becomes unusable. Work surfaces are the first to be affected.

It is completely expensive to replace furniture, as its cost increases every year. There is no need to be upset: it is not difficult to carry out the reconstruction with your own hands. Mosaic tiles will save, refresh and update your countertop. Finishing will not only decorate the product, but will add originality to the entire interior.

Important! Remember that a mosaic countertop has considerable weight. Please pay attention Special attention stability and strength of the foundation. The structure is made of wood or metal profile. It is preferable to use metal, as it is not afraid of high humidity.

Mosaics are used not only for decorating tabletops. It is perfect for decorating a living room, bathroom or creating kitchen apron. Using mosaics to camouflage washing machine, decorate the walls, connect the sink to the screen.

It is advisable to install the mosaic on a new set. The old one may not withstand the weight of the cladding, since it was not designed for such decor. You can make a durable structure with your own hands. It is important to properly prepare the foundation.

Stages of work:

  1. Create a drawing. Any construction works start with diagrams and calculations. At this stage, the presence of shelves and cabinets for storage must be provided. Then determine the quantity required material. Finished drawing transferred to the walls and floor using a ruler.
  2. Frame making. For this they use wooden blocks section 50x50 mm or metal profiles. The choice of material depends on the conditions in which the furniture will be kept. For rooms with high humidity use metal because the wood will begin to rot.
  3. Preparing elements. The timber or profile is cut into pieces required length and fix them on the floor and walls. Vertical guides are screwed to the contours of the frame, connecting them to the upper contour. Then the tabletop is given the desired thickness.
  4. After installation work the frame is sheathed. Professionals advise using moisture-resistant plasterboard or DSP. The cladding parts are cut out according to the diagram and attached to the frame with screws in increments of 10-15 cm. Holes are created in the plane of the tabletop for a sink, stove or communications.
  5. The final stage - table top finishing.

Mosaic pasting

Before decorating the tabletop with mosaics, prepare everything you need. For work you will need:

  • grout;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • antiseptic;
  • tools: spatula, rag, sandpaper;
  • containers for mixing grout and glue.

To ensure that the mosaic is firmly attached to the surface, use plastic adhesive mixtures white . For opaque tiles, any adhesive mixtures are suitable.

Let's consider installation process step by step:

  1. Surface preparation. It is important to carefully treat the countertop and rid it of unevenness. For this you will need putty. Then the surface is cleaned and degreased. To protect against mold and mildew, the countertop is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Applying primer. The surface needs to be primed in two layers.
  3. Making a mosaic. Before applying glue to the surface, lay the tiles on the table and make the necessary pattern. This way you can evaluate the options and correct something in time. After this, you can safely use glue. The solution is applied in a thin layer with a special ridge spatula.
  4. Laying out the mosaic. To make work easier, a special mesh or paper is laid on the tabletop, and tiles are placed on top of it. The parts are aligned and adjusted to the level, forming a pattern. It is recommended to start laying the mosaic from the near edge of the tabletop. Why? It happens that parts need to be trimmed, but it will be less noticeable near the wall. If you need to lay out a specific drawing, then work begins from the center of the tabletop.
  5. Baseboard sticker and grouting. The final stage is the most important, since the attractive appearance of the mosaic depends on it. The ceramic plinth is matched to match the tiles, but if the joint with the wall is well sealed, then you can do without this detail. The grout also varies in color. Apply it with a soft spatula, carefully working out the seams. High-quality grout will extend the life of the coating and make it more durable. Next, the tabletop is left until completely dry. Heating devices should not be used to speed up the process. The longer the tile dries, the more firmly it will adhere to the surface.
  6. Polishing tiles. After drying, remove excess composition with a dry soft cloth. If the mixture has hardened too much, use sandpaper. Then the tabletop is polished with furniture wax and left to dry for a day.


Decorating furniture with mosaic tiles requires patience and painstaking work, but the result will meet all expectations. Originally designed surfaces will become the center of attraction of admiring glances and will cause a lot of compliments.

Mosaic looks luxurious and elegant on different surfaces, so don’t stop the flight of your imagination on the countertop - apply mosaic finishing to other interior elements.

A mosaic tabletop will make your interior luxurious and exclusive. A wide selection of mosaic tiles in construction stores will help you decorate a kitchen or bathroom in Italian or Oriental styles, giving the countertop strength and durability. You can do this decor yourself if you follow the advice of professionals.


Ceramic mosaic tiles have excellent performance qualities. In the first place is resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion. Mosaic produced using modern equipment and software advanced technologies, practically does not chip and is not damaged by scratches. In addition, it is not at all afraid of moisture, which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, saunas.

Mosaic has a high resistance factor when exposed to high temperatures, so it is used to finish surfaces adjacent to the kitchen stove or heating device sauna or fireplace with open fire.

You can place hot objects (pots, pans) on the countertop without fear of burning the surface. The tile has good frost resistance, so it can be successfully used for finishing a balcony, cottage or barbecue area.

Retail networks offer a wide range of mosaics with high decorative qualities, a variety of colors allows you to choose the ones you need to create stylish interior. Numerous compositions and mosaic panels. For ease of installation mosaic tiles are attached to paper sheets or mesh, they are glued to tile adhesive in blocks or cut out into the desired shape with a construction knife.

The mosaic manufacturing technology makes the color and pattern of the tiles unchanged throughout their operation, the color does not fade or fade due to external factors: ultraviolet radiation, high temperatures, aggressive chemicals household products care This material is easy to keep clean.

Finishing technology

The strength and service life of a mosaic countertop depend on a properly prepared surface for finishing. The first step is making the frame. The structure can be made of wooden blocks with a cross-section of at least 50x50 mm or a metal profile. Metallic profile in rooms with high humidity it is preferable, since the wood can rot. Before starting work, a scale diagram of the frame is drawn on a sheet of paper, and the required amount of material is calculated. After this, ruler marking lines are made on the walls and floor.

Then pieces of timber or profile are cut to the required length. The contours of the frame are secured to the screws on the floor and walls, vertical guides are screwed to them with screws and a rigid connection is made with the upper contour. Gives the desired thickness to the tabletop. If you need a thin tabletop, then the edge of the profile will serve as an edge. The profile is available in various widths: 28x27, 50x40, 65x40, 75x40, 100x40 mm. Select the right size.

The design of the frame can provide shelves or storage spaces. To make curved elements, cuts are made on the sides of the profile in increments of 2-5 cm and bent by hand to the desired radius. Curved elements may require additional stiffeners.

After installing electrical wiring, sewerage, water pipes proceed to the second step - covering the frame. Professionals advise choosing plasterboard with high moisture resistance or DSP. According to the diagram, the cladding parts are cut out and attached to the frame with screws in increments of 10-15 cm, for complex shapes the fastening step is made smaller. A hole is cut in the plane of the countertop for a sink, stove or communications for supplying gas, water, and electricity.

There may be radial parts in the frame - it is better to make them with arched plasterboard.

Flexible gypsum board is moisture resistant and has a thickness of 6.5 mm. It bends well even in a dry way due to the presence of a fiberglass layer in it. For steep relief lines, the wet method is used: one side of the gypsum board is rolled with a needle roller and moistened until saturated with moisture, preventing the back side from getting wet. On a pre-prepared template, from the most convex part, gradually bend the gypsum plaster strip to the edges, fix it, leave it until dry and then attach it to the desired place.

Arched gypsum board is a thin material. To give strength to the structure, it is laid in two layers. You need to cut parts from the sheet along the long side: the arrangement of fiberglass fibers does not allow bending in the transverse direction. The edges of all joints are cut at an angle of 45 degrees to a depth of 0.5 cm, glued with serpyanka using putty for drywall, primed and puttied to hide defects in the joints, since the mosaic requires level base. The frame is now ready for finishing with mosaic.

The third step is gluing the mosaic. The choice of mosaics is huge.

  • Mirror tiles. Visually enlarge the space and hide unevenness.
  • Smalt mosaic- opaque glass, melted at special conditions mixed with permanent pigment. Gives a richness of color refraction. One of the most durable materials.
  • Venetian glass- the most expensive and spectacular type of tile. It features a beautiful transition of color and transparency.
  • Mosaic made of natural stone. It will add nobility to the finish, but not all types of stone can withstand high humidity in a bath or sauna - this information must be obtained from sellers before purchasing.
  • Porcelain stoneware mosaic. A win-win in terms of durability, wear resistance and resistance to various temperatures and moisture. It has a wide range of colors and textures.

The simplest option is pasting with tiled mosaics fixed on mesh, paper or silicone. The tiles are selected according to color, texture and composition already at the stage industrial production– the master can only glue the finished fragments. The surface is primed, and tile adhesive is applied with a special ridge spatula. Moisture-resistant glue is used; in the presence of a vibration factor, for example, the proximity of the subway, deformable glue is selected.

It is worth considering that transparent tiles will make the adhesive layer visible, so white tile adhesive is selected for glass.

They begin gluing from the front edge of the tabletop, and trim the details at the wall. The end part is finished last: select the appropriate arrangement of tiles at the joint, observing accuracy and thoroughness of gluing - this will be the most visible part, which will be most exposed to impact. All work is carried out using a building level and is constantly checked to ensure that there are no voids under the mosaic tiles.

The fourth step is gluing the baseboard and grouting the seams. Ceramic plinth for tiled mosaic is selected to match the tile. It is also attached with glue. You can do without a plinth if you seal the joint with the wall well cement mortar. The seams are rubbed special means for grouting, which happens various colors. After this, you can install the sink, faucets and connect communications.

Italian sink

Anyone familiar with the architecture of Italy has probably paid attention to the beautiful mosaic ensembles in the interiors, where everything is made of mosaics: tables, sofas, flower vases, bath bowls and sinks. Today, anyone can install an Italian sink in their home. The technology is the same: decorate an old faience sink with mosaic or install a bowl cast from concrete. You can cast it yourself by using instead silicone mold two dishes of different diameters.

You will have to lay out the mosaic on the inside of the sink manually, one tile at a time, making sure that the edges of the tiles are in the same plane and do not protrude and do not create roughness. It's a painstaking job, but you'll be rewarded with a luxurious interior.

Mosaic from improvised materials

It is not necessary to purchase a mosaic - you can use broken ceramic tiles, pottery shards. You can try your hand at an old wooden country table. The main condition is a durable tabletop. Sand the surface, treat it with wood primer, and fill deep cracks or chips. For ceramic mosaics, cut and glue fiberglass.

After this, apply tile adhesive and cover the surface with pieces, adjusting them in size and color. To make a complex design, first it is applied to paper in full size or drawn directly on the prepared surface. You can make an ornament from a pattern around the edge and in the center or arrange the mosaic pieces according to the color scheme - here you need to use your creative inspiration.

It's even easier to renovate your dining table by decorating from computer disks. The discs are cut into pieces of the required size, arranged according to color, and the pattern is determined. By the way, shiny disk fragments do not need any specific pattern: they look beautiful even in a chaotic arrangement.

Mosaic is one of the first methods of artistic decoration. Traditionally, it is used for floors and walls; mosaic paintings are less commonly laid out. However, the range of applications of this technique is much wider. For example, it is popular to make tables from mosaics. Next, we’ll talk about all the intricacies of this process.

It is worth highlighting the most popular and frequently encountered types of mosaics:

  • Glass mosaic. Is undisputed leader among facing varieties. A huge selection of a wide variety of textures and textures, a wide palette of all kinds of pure and combined colors have made glass mosaics so popular. It is environmentally friendly and resistant to moisture and chemicals, so it is recommended for coating in bathrooms.
  • The ceramic variety of mosaic is the same tiles, since it is manufactured using a similar technology, with a difference in size. A protective layer of glaze is required.
  • Stone mosaic. It is interesting primarily because of the naturalness of the material, and is often made from minerals, as well as remnants of marble production. Most often used in combination with ceramic and glass mosaics.
  • Metal mosaic. It consists of blanks coated or embossed, which are assembled into matrices and form a pattern. Metal mosaic has not yet become widespread due to the tactility of metal. In fact, such a mosaic is an excellent conductor of cold or heat and therefore its use is dictated more by questions of taste than by expediency.
  • Wooden mosaic. More often used for interior decoration, including even sanitary areas. Thanks to the naturalness of the wood and its resistance to abrasion, this mosaic will last quite a long time.
  • Porcelain tile mosaic. It is obtained by cutting ceramic granite slabs. Since the elements have significant weight, this type of tile is more appropriate to use for cladding walls and floors.

According to experts, optimal choice will be a color combination tempered glass with flexible tiles, which are products made from marble chips processed to match the selected texture of stone or brick. Like glass, flexible tiles have:

  • moisture resistance,
  • high mechanical strength,
  • durability,
  • high level of frost resistance,
  • retains colors during prolonged exposure to sun and moisture,
  • resistance to chemically aggressive environments.

Thanks to high level the aesthetics of the material and the ease of its installation, it is this combination that will give the selected object a spectacular artistic image.

Making a garden table frame

Many will rightly note that it is easier to buy a ready-made wooden or plastic table and start decorating it. However, what is most valued is the table that was made with your own hands and certainly from natural wood. Since mosaic already involves the creation of an art object, there is no point in buying a standard base from an assembly line. The finished product will not look very impressive. Assembling a garden table with your own hands is not so difficult if you clearly decide in advance on its design and dimensions.

If you plan to create a small table on one leg, or a large one on a single base post, it is important to consider that the table will be less stable and durable. For the base, either a thick beam or, even better, a wooden post is suitable. It is optimal if its diameter is at least 20 cm. Tabletops for these models are made round or with a small oval. The easiest option is to knock down the boards and cut them to the desired shape. Minus - it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, it is better to use gluing technology. The finished tabletop is attached to the base using furniture corners with inside and self-tapping screws on top, which must be placed so that they go through the base directly into the leg. Of course, the space for the screws is pre-bored with a drill of the same diameter as the head of the screw, to a depth of 4 mm, so that they are securely hidden flush.

Making a table from mosaic and wood is quite simple. If you plan to assemble a structure with four legs for better stability, then 8 elements will be enough: 4 planks for the frame and 4 legs. In order to make it comfortable for people of different heights to sit at the table, it is necessary to choose a leg height of 75 cm, taking into account the thickness of the tabletop. That is, if its thickness is 2 cm, then the length of the legs will be 73 cm.

The wood for the legs is carefully sanded using sandpaper different fractions, from two to zero. Next, they are mounted into the frame using metal connecting corners. For a table frame designed for four people, an ordinary board 20 mm wide and 100 mm high is sufficient; the load is distributed according to the principle of columns, so the table can withstand quite a lot of weight. Frame garden table should have indentations of 20-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop on each side. The base is installed using furniture corners on the frame, after which it is securely fixed with wood screws.

However, that's not all. Of course, mosaics can add spectacular beauty to any item, and this is precisely why it is valued as an excellent way of decoration, but it hardly makes sense to completely cover the table on all sides, including the legs. Even a figuratively laid out table top with a base made of simple, albeit polished, timber will also not cause that ecstatic delight in people who see finished products. To create something truly original, it makes sense to do some decorating on the wooden base as well.

You can do this with the help of a cutter and artistic skills. However, if there are none, then there is a way out. It is enough to take any pattern and make a template out of it - by printing the required design on paper. Then the main lines are carefully cut and then the drawing, when applied to a wood surface, is traced along the lines with a simple pencil. Next, using a cutter, the design is transferred to the wood. By changing the angle of inclination and position it is possible to create a complex geometric pattern. Those areas of wood that will not be decorated with mosaics, it makes sense to cover them with several layers of ship varnish, which will preserve the natural color of the wood without giving it yellowness, or cover it with stain, which will recreate the appearance of more valuable types of wood. This wooden garden table will pleasantly please the eye and will decorate any summer cottage.

Preparing the base

Wood is a rather complex and capricious material, so it is important to approach the installation of mosaics on it with special care and some points should be taken into account:

  • In relation to wood, you cannot use soluble mixtures prepared in cement based,
  • excessive humidity adhesive composition can cause swelling of wood and subsequent deformation of the mosaic layer,

  • When laying mosaics, it is necessary to use glue with a high degree of elasticity. For example, Atlas-Plus glue has exactly these characteristics, and at the same time its retail price is $12 per bag weighing 25 kg,
  • Wood tends to dry out due to hot climates and swell due to humidity, so the base for the tiles must have a layer of primer,
  • Mosaic elements can also be laid using regular liquid nails, but it is better to use special mosaic glue, which is a more convenient and economical option.

Garden tables, photos of which are presented in the article, are an excellent highlight for any interior.

DIY mosaic table

When the tabletop has been primed, it is necessary to apply markings using a pencil, along which the drawing will subsequently be laid out. It is important to remember that all details of the future composition should be large in size, and at the same time you should refrain from excessively right angles and lines. After the drawing has become complete, it is necessary to choose one of the methods for cladding.

1. The first way to lay a table with a mosaic involves using simple PVA glue or liquid nails and grout. The mosaic elements, applied along the lines of the pattern, are placed on glue. After a day they move on to grouting the joints. Next, use a damp cloth to remove excess grout from the surface of the table. The mosaic should not be subjected to any loads during the day in order to allow the material to acquire its final strength.

2. In the event that to decorate a table there is no need to resort to complex artistic compositions and a design from mosaic elements of the same size and shape is sufficient, it makes sense to use the method of transferring ready-made designs from a paper base to the surface of the tabletop:

  • Carefully place the mosaic sheet on a pre-prepared adhesive mixture with the paper base facing up. Moreover, it is important to know that using a white mixture will help the glass mosaic to get rid of the manifestation of shades on the surface;
  • gently blot the paper with a damp cloth until it begins to freely separate from the surface of the mosaic elements;
  • remove any remaining paper without applying any force so as not to move the position of the elements;
  • after paper base has been completely removed - it is necessary to give the laid out pattern a day to harden before applying grout;
  • further, when the seams are sealed with grout, you need to remove its excess with a damp cloth.

3. The third method involves laying mosaics using a grid. This is one of the most simple ways, which involves carefully immersing the mesh base with the mosaic laid out on it into the adhesive solution so that the entire mesh is evenly immersed to the same depth. Next, the drawing is left for a day to harden and proceed to finishing- applying grout. In the event that there are traces of dried grout on the surface that cannot be removed with a damp cloth or sponge, it is worth using light solvents such as White Spirit, but it is advisable to carry out cleaning procedures with its help no earlier than a week after finishing works

Each of the methods is good in its own way and demonstrates that a table with mosaics will be a good and noticeable decoration of any dacha. Moreover, a mosaic does not necessarily need to be purchased; it is quite possible to create a beautiful pattern or picture from fragments of old broken tiles or alcohol bottles.

From Kate Riley who will teach you how to make this gorgeous mosaic table in just one day! We give the floor to the author and get inspired by a great DIY idea.

DIY mosaic table for the cottage and garden

So, you've already seen the mosaic table I made this week for the seating area in my garden. This was just the kind of DIY project where I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to do it myself, combining it with a “I’ll figure it out as I go” strategy. I knew what length, width and height the table I needed. And I also wanted it to be unique and luxurious. So I just came up with it and began to implement what came to mind.

I call it a "coffee table" but this design would work great as a bench too. You can make the frame whichever you like best and would be better suited to your style, such as tiles or treated wood. The benefit of making something yourself is that you get the exact measurements you want as well as a completely unique piece.

I made the table, painted it and decorated it with mosaics in just one day, starting with buying lumber. I only used pine and mahogany because I was in a hurry: the store had a huge selection, so I just grabbed the pieces in the size that suited me.

Wooden parts for a table measuring 46 x 127 x 46 cm:

  • two pine boards 19 x 127 cm;
  • one pine board 7 x 127 cm;
  • two bars 245 cm long and 5 x 10 cm wide, cut into the following parts: 2 elements 36 cm long for the upper support, 4 legs 33 cm long, 2 elements 38 cm long for the lower support.

I used a saw to cut the pieces and wood screws to join the boards together (see photo).

After that I started working on my legs. I wanted the table to be stable, and I planned to make cross-shaped legs (in the letter X), as in this master class, but in the end I settled on a more simple design"Roman numerals". To make the table 46 cm high, I subtracted the height of the top and bottom legs and the thickness of the tabletop from this value, resulting in a length of legs of 33 cm, and attached them to the top of the table with wood screws at an angle of 45°.

This is what a wooden table/bench base should look like: assembled form. As you can see, this is a very simple design: boards joined together form a tabletop and rest on two legs on each side. We did not put a board between the legs to stabilize it because it is a relatively small product with a strong construction. But if you're making a longer piece, consider installing a board like this for maximum stability.

If you want to decorate your craft with a mosaic, choose the size of the surface of the table/bench so that it perfectly matches the size of the mosaic, then you will not have to cut it with a tile cutter. I bought a mosaic with a combination of blue and green for $9 per sheet and calculated the sizes wooden elements, knowing in advance the length and width of the mosaic sections, and also taking into account that I can fill small seams with grout.

I primed the legs and then painted them with the same brand of super durable white paint. I came to the idea of ​​decorating surfaces with mosaics gradually, thanks to several successful implemented projects, but the basic principle of operation is always the following: first, the mosaic is glued onto white glue for stone and ceramics, which is applied with a spatula to the surface to be decorated. Sometimes I buy glue in large packages (you need to mix it yourself), but this time for convenience I used already ready mixture.

Since learning how to lay tiles is a very useful life skill, I involved my student in this activity.

We cover the rough ends of the tabletop with strips of mosaic - masking tape fixes them in in the right place until dry. Tip: instead of long ribbons of 12 tiles, I cut the mosaic into strips of 4 elements so that they become lighter in weight and do not slide down.

When the glue has dried, apply the grout with a special spatula (for small products I use a narrow spatula). Use a sponge to remove excess grout and let it dry.

I really love the color combination and rainbow sparkle that this unique piece added to the seating area. This is how the “we’ll figure it out as we go” idea turned into an elegant and bright mosaic table in our garden!

Original text and photos: Kate Riley (

In this article, the News Portal “site” wants to invite you to make a table with your own hands, the tabletop of which will be decorated with mosaics.

Making a mosaic table can be in an inexpensive way recovery old furniture, as well as a simple and cheap activity that you can do in your spare time.

To create a table you will need the following materials, which you can easily buy at any craft store:

- old tabletop (suitable old table);

- small tiles (as an alternative, you can use broken plates);

- grout for tile joints;

- cement-based adhesive;

- rubber gloves to protect your hands .

Table preparation

In order to properly adhere the tiles to your future table, you must make sure that the tabletop is completely clean of any dirt that may have accumulated on the table.

Use a soft sponge and some warm, soapy water to thoroughly clean the countertop, then dry thoroughly. If necessary, sand the surface.
Before you start gluing the tiles, you should think carefully about where you are going to place the tiles. You may want to create some kind of pattern or even a design.

Application of tiles

You can use small tiles, or you can beat large ones.

To glue the tiles to the countertop, you will need to use a cement-based adhesive. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves to avoid getting glue on your hands.

Once all the tiles are glued to the countertop, you will need to use a soft tile grout to seal any gaps between the tiles. You can apply the grout with a spatula or with your hands wearing rubber gloves.

After applying grout, wipe off excess as quickly as possible. Do not wait for the solution to dry as it will be very difficult to remove.

Your mosaic table is ready.

Do you want to be original? Then instead of tiles, try using tin beer bottle caps or wine corks. In a word, any materials and your imagination are suitable for decorating a table.