How to make a wasp trap from a plastic bottle. How to get rid of wasps in the garden We make simple traps with our own hands

Summer is already in the garden, and you can do many different pleasant and cute things. But there are some phenomena that can ruin your mood. These are wasps, there are especially many of them if you are relaxing in an old wooden house. The best way Avoiding wasps means preventing their appearance. To do this, you need to learn how to make a trap for wasps and avoid trouble.

Trap for wasps from plastic bottle easy to make and convenient

A little about wasps

Wasps are not evil by nature, they are even beneficial, since they pollinate flowers, trees, and other plants. They become aggressive among people, and in some cases even use poison against them. It happens that a person bitten by a wasp is forced to see a doctor. Therefore, it is recommended to install wasp traps in every garden.

A large number of insects in the garden means that there is a swarm of them somewhere nearby. Wasps like to make their nests on horizontal surfaces. Under eaves, on the roof, or under a bench. If their number is large, they become aggressive, so place wasp traps in the immediate vicinity of strawberry beds, grape bushes, and other food. A wasp trap is effective in keeping the wasp population in your garden under control. Don't forget that the trap is placed away from the house.

A simple DIY trap

To prepare a natural trap you need:

  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 4 tablespoons salt.
  • 4 tablespoons sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar (so as not to attract bees and bumblebees).
  • Plastic bottles.

Using a sharp knife, cut off 1/3 of the plastic bottle from the neck side around the perimeter. Turn it over and insert it, neck down, into the rest of the bottle. Pour the solution and place it in the place where the wasp swarm is located.

The wasp trap can be filled with any sweet liquid

Ideal insect trap

Traps for wasps, hornets, in addition to harmless forest bees and honey bees, should be placed in gardens and summer cottages as early as June. This is the time when the queens begin to fly around the territories before laying the nest and the time when the swarm is formed. According to arithmetic, the more queens you can catch, the fewer wasp nests there will be in a given area, and the more smaller insects will cause damage through their actions.

During the ripening of fruits and berries, especially around sweet varieties, a whole swarm of wasps hover, they attack not only the fruit, but also humans.

Take a large bottle, but with the same success you can use a 0.5 - 2.0 liter bottle. You will also need wire - preferably galvanized. A thickness of 1.2 mm, available at any hardware store, is very suitable for this purpose. You will also need a stapler, pliers and any well-sharpened drill.

  • Take two identical bottles.
  • Cut off one bottom part, which you use at a later stage of construction.
  • Cut off another bottle top part(about in the middle). You will need two tops and one bottom.
  • Place the part of the bottle that is shorter and made in the form of a funnel, without a cork, into the longer upper part, the neck should be closed with a cork. Last size – throughput DIY traps.
  • After inserting one part into the other, squeeze the bottles lightly and cut them with pliers so that both edges match.
  • Secure the aligned edges of the bottles with a stapler. To make the connection durable and the connection does not rust, connect the edges with wire made of of stainless steel, copper or twine.
  • Use a drill to make holes in the stitched edges of the bottle so that there is room for fastening.
  • The third element of the trap will be the lid (cut off bottom) of the trap.

It is important that the holes drilled along the edges of the two parts of the bottles are located exactly opposite each other. The trap will not tilt to the side, and the lid will be positioned exactly in the center, above the entrance to the trap.

  • The "roof" is necessary because after a few rains, the trap will be filled with water. It’s good to use bottle bottoms for a roof bigger size, than those from which the trap is made.
  • Two holes are made on the roof of such a size that it is difficult to insert a wire into them.
  • Cut out required length wire. It is necessary to bend it in an arc and insert it into the holes made along the edge of the “roof”.
  • After inserting the wire, the ends on both sides are bent with pliers (pliers) towards the center so that it looks like a hook.
  • The ends of the wire bent with hooks are inserted into the holes in the stitched parts of the bottle.
  • The trap is ready. All that remains is to adjust the distance from the entrance to the “roof” depending on the size of the bottles and your preference.
  • The lower part of the trap is filled with a sweet brew of jam or honey dissolved in water. The wasp trap is hung where there is a greater concentration of wasps.

If you hang a trap without a lid, rainwater will dilute the bait.

What is important

It is necessary to refrain from hanging traps during the flowering period of trees and shrubs, which is usually in early spring. It is known that during this period, especially hardworking bees and bumblebees pollinate our trees and shrubs. And it is very unpleasant when harmless forest bees and their sisters, honey bees, fall into a trap, along with wasps.

Wasps appear much later and begin to be visible around mid-June. Keep this in mind and pay attention to the timing of setting traps.

The trap, made by yourself, is made in such a way that its bottom is a kind of drain plug through which you can select the caught insects.

You can even wash it periodically, because in the summer, when high temperatures, the sweet solution quickly turns sour and will repel a swarm of wasps, thereby encouraging these insects to take advantage of the fruits and berries from your garden.

Some people hang ordinary bottles on trees or place them in their dachas. glass jars with sweet syrup poured into them. Practice shows that a significant part of insects, having tasted the “treat”, without serious problems leaves the hospitable vessel. This also applies to flies, wasps, and hornets. Several convulsive flaps of their wings help them get rid of the sweet contents, after which they go outside.

In this trap design, insects encounter an obstacle and can no longer exit the way they were caught. This trap is worth spending several hours making. You should always use a bait solution with the addition of vinegar so that the trap cannot catch a swarm of bees.

During flowering, beneficial bees can get into the wasp trap

A few steps and the trap is done

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle and remove the cap.
  2. Insert the cut neck upside down into the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Glue one piece to the other with masking tape.
  4. Fill the bottle with water with sugar, syrup, you can throw in the fallen fruits and pour in a little vinegar (so as not to catch beneficial bees and bumblebees).
  5. Drill a few holes in the bottle and hang it on a tree, in a place where there are a lot of hornets, wasps and other annoying insects. Keep it a few meters away from the area you want to protect, as the trap will attract wasps.
  6. The insects will enter the wasp trap and will not be able to escape. To enhance the effect, steep parts of the funnel can be lubricated with oil.
  7. When cleaning the trap, be careful to fill the bottle with soapy water to kill any surviving wasps and hornets. You can determine the presence of life by knocking on the bottle with a wooden stick.

Liquid for traps

BROS is a liquid and trap that will allow you to catch hornets and wasps near your home. Liquid bait contains many natural flavors. The validity period is four weeks, it is enough to destroy the entire swarm of insects. It effectively lures insects, and the special design of the trap does not allow them to escape. The trap does not attract bees, bumblebees and others useful species insects, does not contain chemical insecticides, is safe for people, pets and birds.

BROS - trap with baiting liquid

Start Trap

The high efficiency of this trap has been confirmed by numerous tests. By using suitable composition liquid substance that attracts insects, it allows you to get rid of wasps and hornets with high efficiency. Also safe for beneficial insects, bees, bumblebees and others.

The trap is not recommended to be used indoors due to the risk of attracting insects into the house. Greatest efficiency achieved after placement under straight lines sun rays, at a height of about 1.2 meters above the ground.

Ideal for bakery shops, bars and pubs located on outdoors. Also provides external protection for country houses.

Prevention is better than cure

Even if on this moment The problem of wasps in the garden is foreign to you, you need to think about how to prevent it in the future.

  • The easiest way to ensure your safety and protect your home, gazebo or balcony is to saturate everything wooden surfaces environmental impregnation.
  • Cover any holes with a mesh with a cell width of 3x3 mm. Imitation is also well suited for these purposes. wasp's nest attached to the ceiling or wall. It will also scare away uninvited guests.
  • This option is quite bold, because there are few of us who voluntarily want to hang in our house, albeit a fictitious, but still a hornet's nest.
  • Make sure that trash cans are tightly sealed to prevent insects from eating. Install liquid traps everywhere to catch wasps.

Garbage cans must not be left open.

When a wasp removes its sting, a specific smell is released, which serves as an “invitation” to other wasps and even a whole swarm to attack.

The aggressiveness of a wasp can be recognized by its head. The more black spots it has, the more aggressive the wasp is, says Dr. Elizabeth Tibbetts of Michigan State University.

Wasps belonging to the species Dinocampus coccinellae lay eggs in ladybugs! And this is just the beginning. The wasp lays eggs in empty spaces in the ladybug's abdomen and for 20 days the larvae feed on the ladybug's tissues. A cocoon is formed between her legs. The immobilized cow protects herself and the larvae with all her might. Only 25% ladybugs emerge unharmed after such a test and return to normal life, as discovered and proven by scientists from the University of Montreal and Montpellier.

Methods for wasp bites from the 15th century

  • · Wrapping with mallow leaves.
  • · Lubricating the bite site with laurel oil.
  • · Lubricate the affected area with vinegar and salt with the addition of honey.
  • · Use geese droppings.

Unlike talk, wasp venom has a neutral, not alkaline, pH of 6.8 - 6.9, and is not used in the treatment of diseases.

Wasps are beneficial insects. They excellent helpers gardeners and gardeners - get rid of pests, pollinate fruit trees and shrubs. But, at the same time, their bites cause dangerous allergic reactions. Their importunity causes a lot of unpleasant moments for amateurs countryside holiday. And in the apiary, these predators hunt for bees and can cause serious damage to the inhabitants of the hives.

There is no point in using ordinary traps designed for mosquitoes or flies against wasps - they do not attract them at all. Poisoning with insecticides is also not suitable - many beneficial insects will suffer.

The most reliable way is to find their nest and destroy it. But most often this can be very difficult, if not impossible, since it may be located far outside the site or in some hard-to-reach place. You can, of course, hang sticky tapes throughout the area designed to catch flies. Sooner or later, the wasps land on them and stick. But this does not happen too often and not in large quantities.

It is much more efficient to use special devices, which will not harm bees and other beneficial insects - traps for killing wasps. They are usually made of non-toxic materials and are completely harmless to the environment.

We are pleased to offer you best traps for operating systems that can be used in garden house, in a summer cottage, in a vineyard or in any other place where these insects appear. They are reliable and easy to use, beautiful and affordable.

Based on the results of testing by specialists, the most effective traps for wasps are:


The Wasp Trap, developed by the famous Swiss company SWISSINNO, is one of best helpers in the fight against wasps.

  • This trap weighs only 30 grams.
  • Dimensions: 5x5x15 centimeters.
  • Natural bait, the smell of which can spread over a large area, is supplemented acetic acid. This allows you to not be afraid that bees will get into it along with wasps.

Buy now for RUR 486

Wasp Trap is very easy to use. You just need to remove the lid, place the bait inside the container and fill it with water so that its level rises to the specified mark. Now all that remains is to shake it and hang it on the wire included in the kit. It is best to place the trap at a height of 2-10 meters from the ground in places where there is a concentration of wasps.

After some time, when the water level in the tank drops, it will need to be added - just enough so that the dead insects remain in the solution. It is better to do this in the evening, when the wasps are less active. For reliable protection in large areas it is recommended to use several such devices at once, placing them close garden paths, on trees and bushes.

Wasp trap Argus garden (bottle insert)

This cute bright yellow trap looks like a flower. It was developed in Russia, and is nothing more than an insert for a bottle. The shape is like a funnel, which is easy to enter but impossible to exit. It is sold in a set of two pieces.

Buy 2 pcs for 61 rub.

To install the Argus garden of this model, you need to take a medium-sized plastic bottle and make two cross-shaped holes in it with opposite sides. Then pour bait into the bottle and insert it into the resulting slits of the trap. You can make another small hole at the top so that the smell spreads faster around the bottle, the cap of which should be screwed on.

Equipped with this addition, the bottle is simply installed in the place where wasps most often accumulate. Attracted by the pleasant smell, they penetrate into the trap through the crowberries, but will not be able to get back out. In addition to wasps, this Argus garden option is also suitable for exterminating flies.

Osolovka Argus garden

This Argus garden model is suitable for catching not only wasps and flies, but also hornets. It opens using a special plastic “lamb”. Liquid bait (apple juice, beer, sugar syrup, liquid honey) is poured up to the red limit line. After refueling, the device is suspended in such a way that it is protected from gusts of wind. The place should be chosen at least two dozen meters from the wasp nest, but not too close to people.

Buy now for 100 rub.

After two days, the hanging trap should be checked and, if full, discarded. If there are no wasps in it, you just need to move the device to another place.

When choosing which wasp and hornet trap to buy, please note that all three models do not contain any toxic substances, are completely safe for others and do not harm the environment.

The effectiveness of such devices depends largely on what you put in the wasp trap. As bait, you can take any aromatic and sweet liquid - compote, sour jam, honey diluted with water. But if there is an apiary nearby, it is better to choose a bait that will not attract bees - these beneficial insects not only collect nectar, but also pollinate plants. As a rule, bees do not react to treats made from rotten meat, mash or beer, which flies and wasps are very fond of.

Homemade wasp trap from a bottle

It’s not at all difficult to make a homemade wasp trap with your own hands - from an ordinary plastic bottle. The manufacturing technology is so simple that even a child can handle it. Let's take a closer look at how to make a wasp trap from a bottle. Any transparent bottle with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters will do, for example, from under mineral water or carbonated drink.

Step one: close the bottle with a cap and cut it off with scissors or sharp knife about a third of it is the upper part, the one with the neck.

Step two: unscrew the plug from the top and insert the resulting funnel with its neck down inside the bottom part.

Step three: we secure the joint with adhesive tape or a stapler, but not “tightly”, but so that the structure can be disassembled when needed.

Step four: pour a fragrant bait inside the bottle.

Step five: we install or hang the resulting trap in places with the largest concentration of wasps.

This design works very simply. Attracted by the smell of the bait, the wasps penetrate the bottle through the neck. Having had enough, they try to take off, but invariably run into a transparent wall or the joint of the edges of a cut bottle. In any case, they fail to get out. They can hit the walls, crawl along them, but only one or a thousand manages to find a way out. The vast majority of insects sooner or later fall down into the solution. You can even add some kind of odorless insecticide to the bait to speed up this process.

It’s a good idea to pierce additional holes at the top so that the smell of the bait spreads more easily and attracts insects faster. But these holes should not be too large, otherwise the wasps can escape from the trap through them.

The resulting design is reusable - when too many insects accumulate, you can simply shake them out by temporarily separating the funnel and the bottom of the bottle. Then fresh bait is poured into it and installed back.


Wasps that appeared on suburban area, cause a lot of trouble for the owners. They can start under the roof, in the attic or even in the house. These insects pose a threat of human bites, which can subsequently cause allergic reactions. In addition, wasps spoil the harvest of fruits and berries.

Purpose of traps for wasps

A variety of methods are used to combat harmful insects. First of all, these are aerosols and chemical solutions, but they will help destroy pests only in the nest, and these products also disrupt the ecological balance on the site. Thus, people have adapted to creating wasp traps using improvised materials with their own hands.

In many people, the bite of this insect causes a strong hypersensitivity reaction, and therefore, it is known great amount ways to fight wasps. who often require emergency care to prevent complications.

If you find a wasp nest, you can try to destroy it, but insects are distributed throughout the entire area, so it is better to try to make a special trap.

Types of wasp traps

All known types Based on their design, similar containers are classified into several main types:

  • Traps with a flat surface, sometimes with partitions.
  • A container with holes cut into the sides.
  • Funnel traps through which wasps get inside.

Surface traps should attract wasps primarily by their color, usually yellow. The rest of the traps are usually transparent, so the wasps seem to collide with them. In any case, after contacting such an invention, the wasp either sticks to it or gets stuck inside where it is poured. plain water with an admixture of active substance.

Containers also attract wasps with their bright color, as well as their aroma and can simply be placed along the route of adults and their larvae. Funnel devices are classified by the orientation and diameter of the funnel in relation to the container.

Types of bait in traps

Most often, a honey solution is used as bait - 1 tablespoon per full glass of water. Or it could be diluted jam - it’s better when it starts to sour slightly. It is also acceptable to use beer or fruit compote.

The following bait solution recipes are considered the most popular for traps:

  • 2 full tablespoons of granulated sugar and half a liter of beer;
  • Mix 3 full tablespoons of granulated sugar or honey with 70 ml of wine vinegar, and dissolve the resulting mixture in half a liter of water;
  • Mix sweet white wine with honey or granulated sugar and 30 ml of mint syrup.

The lures listed assume that the traps will emit strong aroma, which actively lures wasps. For this purpose, a hole is cut at the top of the trap, which will not allow the insect to escape outside, but will spread the smell even close by. In addition, when filling the trap, its conical part should be heavily doused with bait, this will help make it even more effective.

How to make your own insect trap from a bottle

When the need arises to bait wasps in a summer cottage, the thought of purchasing an industrial trap immediately arises. For high-quality protection, you will need not one, but several traps, depending on the area of ​​the territory, and these devices are not cheap. So, many people prefer to make traps with their own hands from available materials. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

Before starting production, you should make sure that the insects have not yet settled in nearby buildings and have not built a nest there. To do this, you will need to observe for some time where the insects fly, and also carefully check everything hard to reach places, which can be chosen by wasps. If you find a nest, it is enough to simply break it, but if you are afraid to do this, it is recommended to place a trap near it.

To build a device yourself, it is important to study in detail how to make a trap for wasps. Steps to create a trap with your own hands:

Making your own device for catching wasps will not require much time or large expenses - it is a quick, easy and very inexpensive process .

The main advantage of a self-made trap compared to a device bought in a store is that there is no need to spend money, because the trap is made from scrap materials. Any sweet liquid is used as bait, or preferably fermented compote, the smell of which becomes especially pungent.

The action of such a device is based on the instinct of all insects to move toward bright light.

For production you will need:

  1. Take a cylindrical container - from which the body is made - the main part of the trap. Sometimes metal cans with the bottom removed are used for this.
  2. Made from durable metal mesh make a cone, the diameter of its wide part should coincide with the diameter of the first workpiece. A hole with a diameter of 2 cm is left in the upper part of the cone.
  3. The cone is fixed inside the cylinder with the top up, and the top hole is also covered with a mesh or an old sieve.

The finished device is placed on a stand so that there is space at the bottom for placing bait. Wasps are attracted to its aroma, and after a treat they strive for light - so they find themselves in a closed space from which they cannot get out. Simple and reliable mechanism.

And also see:

Advantages and disadvantages

All devices have their advantages and disadvantages.


  • A trap for wasps from a bottle or jar has a simple mechanism of action, its effectiveness does not suffer from this.
  • Harmless destruction of harmful insects and environmentally friendly products.
  • Possibility of placing the trap anywhere - in a room, in a barn or outside.
  • Cheap and reusable.


  • It is impossible to completely and forever drive away insects - they can appear again.
  • There is a constant need to keep track of every device being in use. To do this, the product must be periodically cleaned and the bait inside it changed.

A wasp trap is the most convenient and simplest way to eliminate insects. They will help in the country, in the garden and in the garden, where wasps actively hunt and get their own food. Even a few properly made devices for catching these insects will allow you to reduce their numbers on the site in a short period of time.

To combat wasps, it is not necessary to purchase expensive drugs. There are many ways to create with my own hands traps that will help eliminate these pests as soon as possible.

Practice has shown that a wasp trap is the easiest way to get rid of these creatures on the site or while relaxing on fresh air. Materials that are always at hand are quite suitable for its preparation. This primarily means that there is no need to expend too significant material resources.

To prepare the trap you will need:

  • empty plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • wire.

The manufacturing process is quite short-term. Experienced specialists will create a trap within just a few minutes. Wherein this device sometimes it works much more efficiently for a variety of products and drugs that are currently easy to purchase in special retail outlets. Many consumers have already become convinced of this.

Trap for OS production

To make such a trap, you will need to take a two-liter plastic bottle, using scissors to get rid of its upper third along with the neck. If you don’t have scissors at hand, then it’s quite suitable for this task. regular knife. The lower part of the bait should be filled with a substance that will attract the attention of wasps. Often this is some kind of liquid sweetness.

Then you need to twist the lid that remains on the top of the container. The next step is to place the cut portion of the bottle into the remaining half of the bottle. The neck should point downwards. In order for the aroma of the bait to spread much faster, you need to make small holes above the substance, but this is not at all necessary. The most important thing is that the insects subsequently cannot free themselves from the trap with the help of these holes.

Quite often, such a product is finished on branches. tree species. For this you will need wire. It serves as a fixing agent. First you need to make two holes in the upper part of the trap and insert the wire there. This creates a reliable and comfortable handle. If necessary, larger containers can be used. The fact is that an effective wasp trap can attract enormous attention from the presented pests in one day. In addition to wasps, larger hornets can also respond to bait. Because of this, a 5-liter container can serve as the basis for preparing a trap.

Features of work

The traps described above are currently used not only in open areas. Summer residents often use small baits inside their living quarters. The fact is that wasps react to odors that indicate cooking. First of all, this concerns the aromas that fish emit. In fact, the products are quite easy to attach to the table. To secure the bait, regular wide tape is quite suitable.

Simplicity of manufacture and the absence of serious material costs make it possible to produce many similar traps. They can then be easily positioned in different parts at home and also on site personal plot. The positive thing is that the fight against annoying insects occurs absolutely without the use of toxic chemicals.

Wasps that have gotten into the habit of flying into your country cottage area, can create a lot of problems and ruin any vacation. Not only do they not allow you to do canning or harvesting in peace (and wasps love to hide in a vineyard, for example), but meeting them also promises serious trouble, since the bite of these insects is very painful, and can cause allergies in some people. You can fight them by destroying nests, but this method effective only in the spring, when they are lethargic. In the fall, it only embitters the wasps, but does not allow them to completely get rid of them. Therefore, at the end of summer, summer residents should take care of installing special traps. We'll tell you how you can independently build a simple but effective structure for catching annoying buzzing creatures.

Shop traps

The first question concerns feasibility. Today, specialized gardening stores stock factory-made traps for wasps or flies. So is it worth spending time and effort on making your own analogue when you can just buy one already ready product? We answer: of course, it’s worth it. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the effectiveness of store-bought traps is still in question - they are rarely bought, they are tried even less often, so it is difficult to judge how useful they are.

Secondly, the price. Individual copies are simply prohibitively expensive. But even if the cost of the product is within reasonable limits, do not forget that to successfully combat wasps you will need several traps, which will have to be hung in the most likely occurrence insects Thus, a complete set of osolov will not be cheap in any case.

At the same time, the two models of traps, which will be discussed below, are distinguished by their simplicity of design and low cost. And their effectiveness has been proven by successful application experience, which has spanned more than one year.

Model No. 1 - Wasp trap from a bottle

The basis for its device is an ordinary transparent plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. You will also need a small container for bait. Best suited for these purposes plastic cups pill bottles or film containers that are used in older cameras.

First of all, you need to use a knife to cut off the top of the bottle. At the same time, you need to try not to spoil it, since it will still be needed in the future. Next, use glue to secure the bait container to the bottom of the headless bottle.

Then, use an awl to make several holes in the bottom of the bottle. This is necessary to ventilate the internal space, as a result of which the smell of the bait will come out, otherwise it will not attract wasps. The holes need to be pierced at a level just above the top edge of the bait container; later it will become clear why. Now all that remains is to prepare the mounting holes in the top of the bottle - a wire or rope will pass through them, on which the finished product will be hung on a tree, vineyard or veranda wall.

Having placed the bait in the right place (a small piece of fish or meat is best for this), pour so much water into the bottle so that its level is just below the top of the glass. Moreover, you should use soapy water rather than plain water, since it is easier for wasps to escape from ordinary water and take off. Now you need to insert the previously cut neck of the bottle, turning it over with the cone down and unscrewing the cap.

When the ready and fully equipped trap is in place, the smell of the bait will attract wasps, they will climb inside through the open neck, taste the meat or fish, and then try to fly away. Having hit the inverted dome, the insects will fall into the water and drown.

Model No. 2 – “Flying into the light” trap

The action of this trap is based on the instinct of insects to fly towards the light all the time. You've probably seen more than once how flies or wasps persistently beat against glass, although there is open window. We will take advantage of this innate property.

So, to make a trap you will need a cylindrical container. This will be the body, that is, the main part of the structure. You can use metal paint cans after removing the bottom. You will also need to make a cone from a strong mesh, the diameter of the lower part of which will coincide with the diameter of the body, and at the top it will have a hole about 2-3 cm wide. The cone is attached inside the body with the top up, so that a few centimeters remain from it to the edge of the entire structure. The upper opening of the can-case is also covered with a fine mesh - suitable option This is what an old sieve is for.

The finished trap is placed on pebbles or blocks so that the bottom remains free space 2-3 cm high, into which the bait is placed. The bees, attracted by its smell, penetrate into the lower part of the trap, and, having had their fill, rush towards the light. The tapering walls of the cone direct them towards an opening at its top, through which they enter an enclosed space. Simple, reliable and effective.
