How to make a roof on your soul. Do-it-yourself summer shower - step-by-step instructions for building a shower room, from simple to complex. Portable summer shower

It’s a hot day, you’re at the dacha, you need to do something, but you don’t really want to. Sound familiar? I want to freshen up, but there is no river nearby, and it’s not yet possible to set up a swimming pool. A simple do-it-yourself summer shower for your dacha is an excellent solution to the problem of heat and fatigue. Even a small stream of water will refresh you and make you more energetic in just a minute.

This building has another practical purpose - taking care of our health. It is very important to periodically wash off accumulated dust, which may contain, for example, particles of fertilizer. Doctors note that summer residents, who put off all hygiene procedures until the comfort of their home bathroom, very often then go to the doctors with skin diseases and gastrointestinal problems.

This building has many options. Both technically and aesthetically. The principles of constructing any country shower are the same: you will need a frame, fencing, tank and floor (pallet). But incarnations can be very different.

The simplest option is to take a bucket, punch a dozen and a half holes in its bottom and hang it in convenient location. The advantage of this option is its absolute accessibility. But still, ten liters of water may not be enough. And from an aesthetic point of view, such a shower will achieve a maximum of one point. But you don't need to build anything.

If you're not looking simple solutions, That garden shower for the dacha can be made from wood various plastics, metal profile. Each option has its own tricks and pros and cons. For example, you can build a summer shower made of wood with your own hands using a large number of design options, but plastic and metal do not require special protective treatment.

A country summer shower can be made from wood or corrugated sheets

It is very important to consider from the very beginning how many people will use the shower and how often. Two things depend on this key points: tank size and the presence of a special drain.

The comfort of using the shower can also be improved different levels. If possible, it is better to equip not just a shower stall, but with a changing room. Then your things will definitely remain dry. And just the highest chic - this is a whole house, which immediately has a shower, a toilet, plus a dressing room. Of course, this is the most expensive and time-consuming option.

A little trick: The water will heat up faster if you choose a black shower tank.

Where to put it?

The place for installing a summer shower should be sunny and away from trees and any buildings. This is important because the sun heats the water. The second point - do not place the shower where the ground is noticeably lower, otherwise the flow of water will be difficult. The drain itself needs special care.

For example, with infrequent use and a small volume of water, a small drainage layer under the pan is sufficient. And if a shower is being built for a family of several people who plan to wash frequently, then it is better to provide a septic tank. Moreover, it is undesirable to arrange it directly under the base of the shower, otherwise they may go unpleasant odors. It will be enough to retreat 2-3 meters from the building.

Another trick: You can plant moisture-loving crops near the country shower - they will provide natural drainage and decorate the place.

We're working!

Once you have decided on the location, design and material, it’s time to build a shower for your cottage, step-by-step instruction to help you.

  1. Prepare the foundation for the future shower: choose the direction of the drain and make an appropriate slope.
  2. If a drainage hole is provided, dig it in a pre-selected location. Depth - 2-3 meters, diameter - to fit old tires or a barrel without a bottom. There should be a small layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the pit.

  3. Make a drain from the future shower stall to the hole: dig a ditch, lay it in it waterproofing layer. You can use roofing felt, hydroglass insulation or film, fill it with concrete with reinforcement. It is not recommended to use clay for this; it tends to erode over time, which will lead to contamination of the drainage ditch.
  4. When the drain and pit are equipped, they need to be closed. You can use grates or spreads. This is especially important if there are children and/or animals on the site.
  5. Now you can install the supports for the frame. Standard option how to build a summer shower in the country - make four supports with a diameter of 10 cm, installed in one and a half meter recesses and filled with concrete as a foundation (of course, if the shower is not planned to be moved anywhere). The supports should be 20-30 cm above the surface.
  6. A 10 by 10 cm beam is used as a frame or metal pipes. Be sure to check the vertical using a level or plumb line! This base should be allowed to settle for 2-3 days. If the shower design does not include such complex work, then installation still begins with the verticals of the frame. The height of the building should be 2.5-3 m, and the area of ​​the shower compartment should be at least 1x1 m.
  7. The next stage is the upper and bottom harness.
  8. If the building has a roof, then this is the next stage. In some cases, the roof itself serves as a roof.
  9. The water container is usually plastic or metal barrel or tank (100 or 200 liters). Before installing the cabin on the roof, it is necessary to make an outlet and secure the shower head. If it is impossible to get to the barrel water filling hose, then later you will have to install a ladder nearby to lift the water in buckets. This version of a summer shower for a summer house is easier to build, but more difficult to maintain. You shouldn’t put an open container and hope for rain to fill it either - the rains can let you down. In addition, dust, dry leaves and insects will get into the open container.
  10. Now you can move on to the walls. They can be continuous, from floor to ceiling, or literally cover only the “most interesting” parts. Can be used wooden boards, corrugated sheets, slate sheets, moisture-resistant plywood or lining, and even polycarbonate. The main thing is to make everything smooth and secure well.
  11. The floor is done last. He can be solid with water drain or lattice. This option is suitable if you do not plan to use the shower mercilessly every day.
  12. The final gesture is the installation of a door or curtain, depending on the planned shower model. After this, you can conduct tests and celebrate the appearance of the new building.

A separate article presents popular ones that you can use to build the structure yourself.

Until now we have been talking about the soul as a separate building. But you can simplify your task a little. For example, attach a shower to one of the walls country house . Of course, if you have a wall at your disposal that is illuminated by the sun almost all day. In this case, you will only need two supports, a base for installing the tank, a floor and a drain. If the tank can be installed on the roof, this option also deserves attention.

Finished polycarbonate shower

When most of us hear the word “polycarbonate,” we imagine a greenhouse. The question immediately arises - how to use such a shower, is it transparent? However, a material is produced specifically for shower stalls that will perfectly hide everything. Polycarbonate is attached to metal frame, and the entire structure - to the base, preferably concrete. In this case, anchor fastenings are used.

If you still don’t want to think about how to make a summer shower yourself, then There are now a lot of models of ready-made polycarbonate shower stalls. They can be single or double and even triple - the same combination of shower + toilet + locker room that has already been mentioned. The equipment can also be different and is selected according to the financial capabilities of buyers. For example, a cheaper option is a shower stall with a curtain instead of a door.

No matter how wonderful a polycarbonate shower cabin for a summer house is, you still have to arrange a drain and drainage hole(at large quantities active users). But these efforts are redeemed by the simplicity of further actions. Installation of ready-made polycarbonate booths is a relatively simple matter. And it won’t take much time.

Depending on the design and color of the plastic, such buildings can look very attractive. Of course, it’s not worth showing off a polycarbonate booth and placing it in the most visible place. But the owners and guests at the dacha will be very pleased to look at such a shower and wash in it. In addition, polycarbonate does not require special care.

Which is better to choose, or a barrel? Learn about the pros and cons of containers and the materials they are made from.

Different types of toilets for country toilets described on .

About storage tanks made of plastic for furnishing country sewerage there is information on this link

Enjoy the results

Now you know how to make a shower in your dacha yourself. And if you are sure that country shower you need, then feel free to act. Best result obtained through careful preliminary calculations. And after all the work is completed, you can return to everyday dacha chores - if something happens, you will have a place to refresh yourself.

On the background huge amount Among the varieties of garden strawberries, the ampelous variety stands out. This strawberry with pink, very decorative flowers, uncharacteristic for the plant, is easily recognized by the mother plants that simultaneously bear fruit and the rosettes extending from them. After familiarizing yourself with its care, studying the growing rules and looking at the photos, you can safely begin planting this unusual berry crop.

Features of ampelous strawberries

If regular strawberry bears fruit once per season, and the remontant one bears fruit twice, then we can say about the ampelous one that it is capable of bearing fruit throughout the year.

Thanks to the work of breeders, ampelous strawberries grow earlier than flower stalks are formed, flower buds are laid on them and, accordingly, an additional harvest ripens. Then the mustache itself continues to form the next ones. As a result, you can continuously harvest from one bush.

In addition, this variety has excellent decorative qualities and can serve as a wonderful decoration for a balcony, veranda, etc.

Advice. For growing indoors, it is better to select day-neutral varieties that have a very long fruiting period.

In some sources you can find it under the name “curly”, but this is not entirely correct. Strawberries cannot by their nature wrap around anything. Some gardeners, for decorative purposes, simply tie mustaches with rosettes to a support. At the same time, it seems that the strawberries themselves “climb” up.

If you plant several bushes in a flowerpot or hanging pot, the rosettes will flow very beautifully from the mother plant, creating cascades of leaves, flowers and berries.

When considering the fruiting of ampelous varieties, we can definitely say that this is a remontant variety. On the bush you can see buds, flowers and berries at the same time. Thanks to this, in appropriate conditions, you can observe flowering and pick berries almost all year round. Popular varieties:

  • Homemade delicacy;
  • Temptation;
  • Tarpan;
  • Elan;
  • Novel;
  • Balcony stream;
  • Balcony charm.

Almost all of them are hybrids that are adapted to growing in any conditions, are resistant to some diseases and produce a decent harvest. I would especially like to mention the Tuscany variety. Despite its recent appearance, it has already conquered global recognition. Richly different pink flowers and quite large aromatic berries.

Growing options

If you show your imagination and put in just a little effort, the bushes of ampelous strawberries can become a wonderful decoration for your plot.

  • Growing in pots and flowerpots. In this case, you can use any containers for planting. For normal plant development, their depth must be at least 30 cm. Mandatory requirement- holes for water drainage and drainage layer. Seedlings intended for planting should be sprinkled with soil and kept in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Plants should not be planted too tightly or too deep in the pot.

Advice. Self-grown in hanging planter A lush strawberry bush can be a wonderful gift for a beginning gardener.

  • Growing on a trellis. Can be used as a grid metal mesh, wicker fence, etc. Bushes are planted in the soil 30 cm apart. The growing mustache is tied up along the bars.

Advice. The height of the trellis should be selected no more than 1 m. This way the plants will be able to completely cover it with fruiting and flowering bushes at the same time.

  • Planting in the form of a pyramid. For such a planting you will need 3-4 boxes 30 cm high, without a bottom, different sizes. The largest one is placed on the ground in the garden and covered with fertile soil. A second, smaller one is placed on top and also filled with earth. The smallest one is placed at the top. Soil is also poured into it. It turns out to be a cascade of boxes into which seedlings are planted. After growth, this structure looks like a green pyramid covered with flowers and berries.
  • Vertical beds. This method is used for growing hanging strawberries in greenhouses. They are made from wide plastic pipes (diameter about 110 cm). Holes are cut into them at a certain interval, into which, after filling the pipe with nutrient soil, seedlings are planted.

How to plant seedlings

Planting hanging varieties is not particularly different from planting other types of strawberries.

  1. The bottom of the pot or groove in the garden bed is lined with drainage material.
  2. The top is covered with nutritious soil consisting of turf soil, humus, manure and peat.
  3. Waters well. After the soil settles, soil is added.
  4. Planting holes are made.
  5. One plant is distributed into each hole.
  6. The roots are pressed with wet soil so that the core remains at the top.

Advice. In order for the seedlings to take root faster, it is advisable to dip each rhizome in a clay mash.

How to care

Planted seedlings need frequent moistening. It should be watered a little at a time 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, watering is reduced - once every 3 days will be enough. The first flower stalks are removed. This way the plant will devote all its strength to the development of the root system, which will make the plant strong.

There should be no more than 5 mustaches on each bush. All excess is pinched off. Fertilizing is carried out regularly with mineral fertilizers.

Transplantation of ampelous strawberries must be carried out every 3-4 years. In the spring, the antennae are plucked off from the most strong bushes and transplanted to a new bed or into a new container. In the case of a flower bed, you can completely replace the soil and plants.

You cannot leave containers with strawberries outside during the winter. All of them need to be brought into a warm room. If this is not possible, the container is buried in the ground and covered with covering material.

For beds protruding above ground level, special frames are built, the surface of which is covered with roofing felt, lutrasil, etc., and then sprinkled with something insulating, for example, sawdust, straw or hay.

Ampel strawberry - amazing plant, which can become a real decoration for the balcony, personal plot or rooms. And all this in combination with a long period of enjoying aromatic and tasty berries.

Features of planting ampelous strawberries: video

A wooden summer shower for a summer house is small building on the site, but the significance and benefits of which are undeniable. It is difficult to live without a shower during the warm season. In addition, a country shower can be considered a way to save the family budget, since the water in the tank or barrel is heated by the sun.

Any material is suitable for the construction of an outdoor shower, but the most organic and inexpensive option is to use wood.

Of course, you can buy ready-made wooden shower, but if the budget is limited, then it would be correct to make it from scrap materials. Edged boards and timber, as a rule, are available on the site in the form of remains after the construction of a house or outbuildings, if not in full, then partially. Let's consider step by step all the stages of building a simple outdoor shower structure.

How to make a wooden shower with your own hands

First you need to choose the right place, so that it is illuminated by the sun for as long as possible, and ensure elevation. If the terrain does not allow installing a shower at a height, you need to make a small embankment to organize water drainage.

The second point is to prepare the material. To build an outdoor shower, you can use the most accessible and relatively cheap material on the farm - wood (boards, timber), preferably coniferous.

Advantages of wood as a material for making a shower:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • accessible;
  • aesthetic;
  • easy to process.

A significant disadvantage of wood is its susceptibility to moisture and bugs (this can be eliminated through additional processing and periodic maintenance).

Schemes and drawings of a wooden shower for a summer residence

Summer shower made of wood is so simple that drawings for its manufacture are practically not needed. But, in order to understand the design, here are a few examples:

As can be seen from the pictures, the construction of a wooden shower is not particularly difficult. But before you get started, you need to consider the following:

  • lighting. They use a summer shower not only during the day, but also in the evening. Therefore, it is necessary to provide lighting - natural or electric. These could be windows in the wall, open openings or electric lamps. Most often, a country wooden shower is simply left without a roof;
  • ventilation. A completely enclosed wooden shower needs ventilation. To do this, it is necessary to provide ventilation hatches;
  • heating. To be able to use the shower in early spring or late autumn, when the intensity of the sun and the length of daylight are not enough to naturally heat the water, many provide additional heating of the water. Among popular ways heating can be distinguished: installing a stove or water heater, installing a boiler (electric water heater), adding a shower room to the house and connecting to a central water supply, using a boiler.

Tip: when using a boiler, it is better to divide the water tank into two halves or use two tanks and a mixer.
When installing a heated wooden shower, take care of safety, using the wire of the required cross-section, insulating it from moisture, etc.

  • locker room To keep clothes dry, you can leave them outside the shower, or you can make a wooden shower for a summer house with a changing room. Moreover, users advise not to do two separate rooms, but simply separate the shower with a curtain. This will allow you not to waste time, space and material on construction and will leave more space for swimming;
  • bath accessories. For storage, it is enough to make simple wooden shelves. But the location of their placement needs to be thought out. They should be close enough to be reached by hand and not interfere with water procedures.

Construction of a country wooden shower

Making a summer shower from wood is carried out in several stages:

Shower water drainage device

A wooden shower is afraid of moisture, so you need to take care of the quick drainage of water from the shower in the country. Especially relevant for enclosed spaces.

The simplest drain for a shower is to drain water directly into the soil under your feet. But soon a small swamp will form near such a shower, attracting insects and creating an unpleasant odor and unkempt appearance.

A properly organized shower or drain system consists of a floor, a drain and a septic tank.

Septic tank or drain hole should be located at least 3-4 meters from the shower and the volume should be 2 times the volume of the tank.

A drain for a summer shower, a simple option is a ditch, the bottom of which is lined with PVC film. But it's better to use plastic pipe, through which waste water goes into the septic tank.

Floor installation for a wooden shower

Two common options:

  • wooden floor in the shower. To use this floor, you need to do it under the shower drainage system. To do this, you need to dig a recess equal to the area of ​​the shower to a depth of 300 mm. The pit is filled with crushed stone and sand. A wooden pallet or grate is installed on top;
  • concrete floor. In this case, a deeper recess is dug - up to 400mm. A cushion of crushed stone and fine gravel is placed at the bottom, and concrete is poured on top. So that water can freely leave the shower, you need to pour concrete at an angle, and use a pipe to drain it.

Tip: If in the future you plan to make a wooden shower for a heated cottage, use a concrete floor.

Construction of a wooden shower frame

Since the shower will be made of wood, the same material will be used for the frame.

Considering that the water tank located at the top of the shower will be quite heavy (when filled), and the shower structure itself is subject to wind loads, it is better to choose timber with a cross-section of 100x100 mm for the racks.

Advice: if you plan to hang wooden door It is better to immediately provide additional racks. They are dug into the ground at a certain distance from each other. The gap is equal to the width of the doors plus the width door frame, plus a gap of 2-3 cm.

To install vertical racks, you need to drill (or dig) holes up to 1 m deep. The depth depends on the location of the shower. If in a fenced place 0.5 m is possible. A sand and crushed stone cushion is laid at the bottom of the pit, and racks are installed. In order for the tree to last longer, it must be pre-treated with resin, machine oil, drying oil or wrapped in roofing material. Next, the racks are concreted.

To protect the racks, you can install metal blanks with a size equal to the parameters of the beam or cylinder and concrete them. Then hammer wood into them.

Advice: the front pillars should be made longer than the rear ones by 50-100 mm. Thus, during rain, water from the roof will flow towards the back wall of the shower.

After the concrete has dried (hardened), further construction can begin.

All racks, set strictly in level, are connected by upper and lower trim.

Advice. To make the top frame simpler, you can assemble the frame on the ground, install it on supports from above and secure it with cap screws.

Material prepared for the website

Please note, when planning a slatted wooden floor, the bottom trim will serve as a support for the joists, so it must be well secured. With a concrete field, the bottom trim serves to secure the finishing wood.

The top frame is covered with a roof and the tank is installed.

Construction of a wooden shower with your own hands - video

  • the tank should be dark in color, it will attract the sun's rays;
  • wall thickness affects the heating rate;

Advice. To make the tank heat up faster, cover it with a sheet of glass or make a greenhouse out of polycarbonate.

  • The tank must be frost-resistant. Otherwise, it will have to be removed for the winter;
  • for safety, place the tank at the back or side of the cabin;
  • when planning a heated shower, give preference to a metal tank;

Tip: installing a float in the tank will allow you to take water from the top of the tank, it warms up better there.

  • To freshen up, one person needs at least 20 liters. Please take this into account when choosing the tank volume;

Advice. To ensure the best water pressure in a summer shower, the tank must be installed vertically. If heating speed is important, install the tank horizontally.

Installing the tank does not create any difficulties; the main thing is to securely fasten it to the roof. Before installation, you need to make a hole in the bottom of the tank (barrel) for a watering can with a tap (if it is not provided by the manufacturer).

Tip: the water tank needs to be periodically cleaned and an antiseptic (for example, potassium permanganate) added.

Wall cladding and door installation

The walls of the summer shower are covered with prepared boards. The door is hung last. Following the logic of construction, it should be wooden. But wood often “leads” from moisture, so many advise using a film curtain as a door. Of course, if you have a major outdoor shower, then it is better to take care of installing a high-quality wooden door.

This is an area of ​​work that children can be involved in. Varnished, painted in one color or in all the colors of the rainbow, it will add zest to the overall appearance plot.

Additionally, you can decorate the summer shower with pots of flowers or plant climbing plants near it.

Photo of a wooden shower for ideas and inspiration


Now that you know how to build a wooden shower with your own hands, don’t hesitate, start building and get the opportunity to pamper yourself with a few minutes of pleasure after a hard day!

After a hard working day on earth, sometimes you want to cleanse your body of dirt and refresh yourself in warm water.

If there is a body of water suitable for swimming nearby, then good. And if not, then it’s time to think about installing a summer shower at your summer cottage.

What you need to know about summer showers

There are two types of this structure:

  • With natural heating from sun rays. This shower is simpler in design. But you won’t be able to use it on cloudy and cold days.
  • With artificial heating. In this case, you will need to think about the type heating device and take care of its proper design. But such a shower will not depend on the vagaries of the weather.

A shower cabin with a tank can be purchased at the store. Its cost varies from 5,000 to 18,000 thousand rubles, depending on the materials.

Such a shower will last much longer and the water in it will heat up faster and retain heat more reliably. For a shower design, a square-shaped tank is more suitable. It is more stable and roomy.

In addition, this shape speeds up the heating of water. The size of the tank depends on the number of people who will use it during the day. But remember, the larger the tank, the slower the water warms up in it.

Now we will consider the stages of preparation and construction of a summer shower with heated water.

Preparatory work

It all starts with choosing a place where the shower will be located. It should be protected from the wind and exposed to the sun's rays as much as possible.

The first condition is necessary to prevent the possibility of catching a cold due to a draft after taking a shower.

The second is to make water heating more efficient. Even if you are designing a heated shower, a natural one will help reduce energy consumption. And an important factor is that it is better to place the shower close to a pond or water intake tap.

Having decided on the location, it’s time to think about the size of the structure. The standard is a square-shaped shower with walls one and a half meters long and a little more than two meters high. But if among the potential shower users there are complete or very tall people, this must be taken into account when designing the cabin.

An important factor is what materials will be used in the construction. You can use a frame from wooden beams. It's environmentally friendly, but not very durable.

Therefore, they prefer to make the shower frame from metal, and everything else from wood. In this case, you should prepare tool kits for working with both metal and wood.

The last point that needs to be considered before starting construction is the drainage device. There are several options. The simplest one is that the water goes into the soil under the booth.

This is not entirely convenient, because you will have to leave gaps between the boards in the floor, and this in turn will lead to drafts in the shower. A more common option is to drain the water into a specially dug cesspool or septic tank.

To do this, install a tray on the floor of the shower stall. It is specially placed with a slope so that the used water does not stagnate and does not require additional effort to clean after taking a shower, and a pipe or hose is placed from below, the other end of which is directed into the hole.

Construction of a summer shower

Construction begins with installation vertical racks. If the soil in your area summer cottage is not reliable, then it makes sense to build a foundation under each rack.

The frame of three walls can be strengthened using cross beams. This way you can be sure that the structure will not fall apart in a couple of years under the weight of a tank or something else. And on top you need to arrange a platform for a water tank.

The sheathing is carried out with already prepared material in two layers (external and internal), between which insulation is laid if desired.

This extra layer is necessary if you plan to use the shower in the spring or fall when the weather is not warm enough. After completing this part of the work, the door is hung.

Finally, the tank will be installed. First installed inside a heating element(heating element) on metal brackets, and so that it does not touch the walls. Then a hose equipped with a water intake tap is connected to the tank, and an electrical cable is connected to the heating element.

All this should now be installed on the prepared platform on the roof and secured metal cables. You can build something like a greenhouse on top: stretch the film (preferably dark color) onto wooden beams.

This will attract heat without leaving it. At the final stage, it is worth checking the tightness of the system again and, if necessary, using rubber gaskets or silicone seals.

If you have limited time or funds, you can arrange a shower option. He settles down near the wall country house, to which a water container and a shower head are attached. In this case, the shower walls are replaced with curtains made of tarpaulin or cellophane, attached to a light wooden frame.

A dacha always combines a place of both work and relaxation. Therefore, make sure that the working conditions are comfortable and the place of rest is pleasant. A heated summer shower will help you with this.

Photos of ideas for a summer shower in a summer cottage