How to make Voskobovich cross-stitch games with your own hands. Mathematical games by Voskobovich: “Voskobovich Square”, “Geocontector”, “Flower Counting”

Our kindergarten operates according to the “Childhood” program. This program requires educational games by V. Voskobovich.We would really like to have these wonderful games in our garden. But, since we do not have the opportunity to purchase them, we made some of V.V. Voskobovich’s games ourselves! Using plywood, fabric, colored oracal, pushpins, colored rubber bands for this.

"Voskobovich Square"

This is a square fabric base with oracal triangles glued onto it. On one side it is red, on the other it is green. By folding it along the fold lines in different directions, the child can create various geometric and object shapes.

The game “Voskobovich Square” develops fine motor skills, spatial thinking, sensory abilities, thought processes, design skills, and creativity.

As in all Voskobovich’s manuals, the child can do this according to the proposed scheme or guided by his own plan. The square can be folded into various shapes: kids can easily make a house with a green roof or candy in a red wrapper, older children will be able to distinguish the geometric shapes hidden in the house.

Target: development of children's constructive abilities.

GAME "Geoconstructor"

With this tablet you can learn numbers, letters, geometric figures, “draw” various objects, patterns, create labyrinths, get acquainted with the concepts of big and small, teach the child to navigate in space and perform tasks according to a model, etc.

Make this game yourself!

You will need: wooden plank, power buttons, ruler, pencil, rubber bands.

Target: develop the ability to lay out corners with rubber bands different types according to a diagram, a sample, according to a verbal assignment, according to one’s own plan, learn to sketch the resulting angle on an additional playing paper field.

« Designing numbers"

We invite children to post numbers using an elastic band on Geocont. Children tell what number they posted and name the carnations. For example, number 2 - carnations C3, F2, B3, K2, O3, G2, G4, Z4, Z4.

All games are made for each student in the group. Play for your health!

« Flower account"

The flower is made of cardboard paper. The numbers from 0 to 9 are written on the petals of the flower, and in the middle is the number 10. There are windows on the petals where numbers (answers) are inserted.

Didactic task: improve counting skills within 10.

Game situation

Guys, look what flower we came across in the forest? (Chamomile)

Now let's play the game "Flower Counting" with number fans.

What number will we add to the numbers on the petals?

I show the number, and you calculate and paste the answer on the flower.

Conclusion: Well done! We completed the task.

teachers, MBDOU "Ishley kindergarten "Buratino"

Ishley village, Cheboksary district, Chuvashia

VOSKOBOVICH'S METHOD The first games of Vyacheslav Voskobovich appeared in the early 90s. Basically, these are construction games and puzzles, accompanied by fairy-tale plots. The most famous of them are “Geokont” and “Voskobovich Square”. Games develop design abilities, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast. There are more challenging games, which teach children to model, relate parts and the whole. In such games, children comprehend theory through practice. The author has also created manuals aimed at learning numbers (for example, “The Magic Eight”) and letters (“Letter Constructor”), and for learning to read (for example, using the universal textbook “Folds”). Voskobovich's games are multifunctional and are intended for children from 2 to 10 years old (although they can be up to 99 years old). A little history Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. He has developed more than 40 educational games and manuals. In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich was an engineer-physicist. The impetus for the invention of games came from two of his own children and “empty” toy stores during the era of Perestroika. Voskobovich, trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toys, came across the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go his own way. This is how his first ones appeared creative games: “Geocont”, “Game square”, “Color clock”. “We abandoned “disposable” products: assembled, disassembled and put aside, we create universal games, which can be creatively used repeatedly,” says Vyacheslav Voskobovich. A little later, the Voskobovich Educational Games LLC center was created for the development, production, implementation and distribution of methods and educational and correctional games. Objectives of the lessons gaming materials Voskobovich Development of a child’s cognitive interest and research activity. Development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity. Harmonious development of emotional-imaginative and logical principles in children. Formation of basic ideas about the surrounding world, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena. Development fine motor skills. Features of Voskobovich's educational games - The games are developed based on the interests of children. By playing with such gaming aids, children get real pleasure and discover more and more new opportunities for themselves. - Wide age range. Children from 2 to 7 years old and older can play the same game. The game begins with simple manipulation and then becomes more complex due to a large number of different game tasks and exercises. - Multifunctionality and versatility. By studying with only one game aid, the child has the opportunity to show his creativity, develop comprehensively and master a large number of educational tasks (get to know numbers or letters, colors or shapes, counting, etc.). - Ready-made educational didactic material systematized by age and educational objectives. - Methodological support. Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Fairy tales and their good heroes - the wise raven Meter, the brave little Geo, the cunning but simple-minded Vse, the funny Magnolik - accompanying the child through the game, they teach him not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships. The most popular games Voskobovich "Geokont" - it is also called a "board with nails" or "multi-colored webs" - is a plywood board with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic nails are fixed on the playing field, onto which multi-colored "dynamic" elastic bands are pulled. As a result of this design produces object silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters. The game set is accompanied by the methodological fairy tale “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava” (the word “geometry” is encrypted in the title of the fairy tale). And the fairy tale begins like this: “One day for the baby Geo had a dream. He was walking around the world for a day, a second, a third, and suddenly the Red Beast came towards him. The kid got scared, ran, and suddenly a voice: “Don’t be afraid of the Red Beast, drive him away with an orange scream.” The kid shouted with an orange scream and disappeared Red Beast, but a tree appeared, on the top of which a Yellow Bird was sitting. The Yellow Bird flapped its wings, circled, the Kid got scared and ran. And again the voice: “Don’t be afraid of the Yellow Bird - drive it away with a green whistle.” The baby whistled with a green whistle - the Yellow Bird disappeared. A lake appeared and a boat stood on the shore. The Kid got into the boat, made a few strokes, and suddenly a Blue Fish swims out. The Kid got scared again and leaned on the oars, but that was not the case. And again the voice: “Don’t be afraid of the Blue Fish, drive him away with a blue whisper.” The Kid whispered in a blue whisper - the lake disappeared, the boat disappeared. Geo stood in front of the entrance to the Violet Forest." Thus, the baby does not just create images on Geocont, but makes the web of the Yuka spider, rays and segments, which are called the “orange cry of the Red Beast,” “the green whistle of the Yellow Bird,” or the “blue whisper of the Blue Fish.” The book contains diagrams and drawings of what a child should achieve. As a result of playing with "Geokont", children develop motor skills of the hand and fingers, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size), mental processes (designing according to a verbal model, constructing symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for and establishing patterns), and creativity. “Voskobovich Square” or “Game Square” comes in 2 colors (for children 2-5 years old) and 4 colors (for 3-7 year old children). The game consists of 32 rigid triangles, glued on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml each from friend to flexible fabric base. On one side the “Square” is green and yellow, on the other – blue and red. The “square” is easily transformed: it can be folded along fold lines in different directions according to the “origami” principle to obtain three-dimensional and planar shapes. That is why this game is also called “Eternal Origami” or “Transformer Square”. The game is accompanied by a methodological tale “The Mystery of the Raven Meter, or the tale of the amazing transformations and adventures of a square.” In it, "Square" comes to life and turns into various images: house, mouse, hedgehog, kitten, boat, shoe, airplane, candy, etc. The child collects figures from pictures in a book that shows how to fold a square and gives an artistic depiction of the same object. This square puzzle not only allows you to play, develop spatial imagination and fine motor skills, but is also a material that introduces the basics of geometry, steriometry, counting material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no age restrictions. "Miracle=crosses" is a game with inserts. The inserts are made of circles and crosses. The crosses are cut into pieces in the form of geometric shapes. On initial stage children learn to assemble cut shapes into a single whole. Further, the task becomes more complicated: according to the diagrams in the “Album of Figures” (attached), the child first collects paths, towers, and then dragons, men, soldiers, insects and much more. The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creativity, “sensory” (distinguishing the colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to “read” diagrams, compare and make a whole from parts. “The Splash-Splash Ship” is a playing field made of carpet in the shape of a ship with a glued plywood hull and printed numbers from 1 to 7. The mast on the hull must be attached according to the colors of the rainbow and according to required quantity Velcro flags - sails. The game develops fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of ​​mathematical concepts, color, height, spatial arrangement of objects, conventional measurement, number of objects, their serial number and digital series. “Math Baskets” - this manual will help the child literally “by touch” to consolidate counting, understand the composition of numbers, and also understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The baby needs to be placed in baskets with different amounts recesses a certain number of mushroom inserts. According to the fairy tale, a child, together with the little animals: Hedgehog-One, Bunny-Two, Mouse-Three and others, collects mushrooms in baskets, counts them, distributes an equal number of mushrooms to the animals and checks who has full baskets and who doesn’t. The animals collect mushrooms, and the baby finds out who has collected more and who has collected less. “Funny Letters” are cards with images of the vowels of the Russian alphabet in the form of acrobat jesters: the first jester curved like the letter A and his name is Harlequin, the other jester twisted like the letter O and his name is Orlekin, U appears to be Urlekin, there are also Jarlekin, Yrlekin, Yurlekin, etc. By playing with cards and singing the names of jesters, the child becomes familiar with letters and practices sound analysis of words; develops attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. "Voskobovich's Teremki" is a unique tool for teaching reading on a visual basis. The game consists of 12 wooden tower cubes different color(2 white, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple, 2 brown) with consonants on the edges, as well as 12 cardboard chest cubes (2 blue, 2 green, 6 double blue-green, 2 symbolic) with vowels on the edges , which are placed into tower cubes to form syllables. And from several “teremki” you can make a word. At the first stage of the game, the child becomes familiar with sounds and letters. On the faces of the first white cube there are the letters B, P, V and F. The child turns the cube in different directions and names the sounds. Then he comes up with what animals could live in this little house: a butterfly, a parrot, a wolf, an eagle owl. In the same way, the child gets acquainted with the rest of the “teremkas”. Now the insert cubes with jester vowels are connected. The blue cube contains A, O, U, E, Y (vowels showing the hardness of the sound), and the green cube contains I, Yo, Yu, I, E (vowels showing the softness of the vowel sound). At the second stage, we learn to form syllables. We put a cube with the letter A into the first “terem” and read the resulting syllable: “Pa”. At the third stage, you can compose and read simple words. The device of the tower cubes allows you to turn the process of learning to read into a series of exciting games. For example, a game of “transformers”, where “house” can easily become “smoke”, and “ice” into “honey”. "Folding boxes." Voskobovich reworked the idea of ​​Zaitsev's warehouses, who created cubes with warehouses. The game-aid "Stacks" is intended for teaching children to read in a storage system. The manual is made in the form of a book, on each page there is a bright picture and a poetic caption with highlighted sections. There is also a CD with voiced warehouse songs, for example, one of them: Goose and goose of goslings We counted only a dozen. The goose and the goose were shortchanged. Everyone was there. What you should pay attention to when teaching your child using Voskobovich’s games: Preparation. Before offering the game to your child, read the guidelines and the game itself. Speech. Mostly children work with their hands and speak little. During classes, ask your child what he is doing, why he chose this particular figure and not another, ask him to retell the fairy tale task or come up with his own plot. Static. When engaging with play materials, the child is most often in the same sitting position. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children and promptly distract them from sitting for too long. Perseverance. Playing with Voskobovich's manuals requires perseverance, and not every child likes or is able to do this. Author-compiler: Daria Koldina

Voskobovich's gaming method

In many kindergartens in St. Petersburg, educators actively use Voskobovich’s play method and his technology “Fairy Tale Labyrinths” for the development of children. This gives, no pun intended, a “fabulous” result. In groups where children play Voskobovich games, three-year-olds do not confuse colors. They call yellow yellow, and red is exactly red, not confusing it with orange. Children distinguish orange from yellow, blue is not confused with green or purple, they distinguish cyan from blue and gray colors. Children playing with Voskobovich's games have no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, or the ability to navigate on a plane. . In addition, these children are excellently prepared for school. They are not afraid to go to school, but they want to learn precisely for the sake of learning itself. And, as a rule, they study well and with interest. Not bad? Indeed, it’s not bad when children, one can say, develop understanding before their eyes and form a fairly high intelligence. This happens approximately with the following pattern: at first the child has below average intelligence, but as he studies according to the Voskobovich method, his intelligence changes before our eyes and grows. First, to an average level of intelligence, then to normal, then to high, very high, and finally the child’s intelligence becomes excellent.

Who is this Voskobovich who came up with such a magical technology as the “Fairy Tale Labyrinths Game”? Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich, St. Petersburg resident, physicist by training, father of two small children.

One day he drew attention to the attitude of his children towards toys, which were all “disposable”. At first, the children happily rushed to the new toys. But the potential of these serial production stampings was too negligible. One time the child will disassemble and assemble the toy, another time he will turn it this way and that, the third time... And then? He already knows everything about this toy, he can do everything, and he is not interested in it. What is called "tired"! And every time an attempt to interest children in new toys was broken by the same problem - any toys were disposable, not universal. But play for a child is an understanding of the world, it is the acquisition of skills for entering life, for socialization. And Voskobovich decided to try to come up with games and toys for his children himself. In search of a solution to such a complex problem, he became acquainted with the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go his own way. The first fruits of his thoughts were the games “Geokont” and “Game Square” or, as it is now called, “Voskobovich Square”. Now these are perhaps the most popular games among developed kids. At first glance, Voskobovich's games are not games, but gaming aids. Here's what they look like.


Children's people call Geokont a "plate with nails" or "multi-colored cobwebs." This is, indeed, a game guide, an appendix to a fairy tale. Geokont's "manual" is a plywood board. The board is secured with a coordinate film and multi-colored plastic nails. During children's games and fantasies, multi-colored “dynamic” elastic bands are pulled over these nails. As a result of this design, object silhouettes, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, and letters are obtained. There are a total of 33 studs on the Geokont board: one central one is black, and the rest are combined into groups of studs different colors, except for the top white carnations. The top white carnations symbolize the white ray of light. According to the laws of optics, white color consists of 7 colors corresponding to the 7 colors of the rainbow. Therefore, the white upper ray, hitting the center of the Geokont board, that is, the black stud, is “divided” into 7 rays corresponding to the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This is convenient for introducing children to color scheme. This is also convenient for familiarizing the child with the coordinate system. Each ray is designated by a letter according to color: “B”, “K”, “O”, “Z”, “G”, “S”, “F”. And each stud in the beam has a number 1, 2, 3 or 4. This means that each stud can be given a name. For example "O1" or "Z4".

With the help of multi-colored rubber bands, you can introduce your child to various geometric concepts. It is easier for a child to understand visually what a point or line is - straight or closed, what a right, acute or obtuse angle is, what a segment is, etc. With such a game visual aid, the child can easily recognize and assimilate various geometric shapes - triangle, rectangle, trapezoid. But with the help of Voskobovich’s rubber bands, you can arrange other, very different games. For example, transform geometric shapes into each other by moving rubber bands over nails, or completing a symmetrical half of a shape, or turning a shape over as a mirror.

From rubber bands you can create not only geometric shapes, but also a wide variety of patterns. You can collect patterns using the samples presented in the accompanying album, or you can come up with your own. You can not just make patterns, but according to the algorithm specified by the teacher. The teacher tells the child the names of the nails on which rubber bands should be put, and he creates a pattern and demonstrates the result. For example: "F4, B4, Z4, G4." The result is a rectangle. Or let the child at home, and not in kindergarten, wish for a figure and give the algorithm to the parents, and the parents must guess and collect it on Geocont.

The Geokont playset is an appendix to the fairy tale invented by Voskobovich. This is a methodological fairy tale with a title that encrypts the word “geometry”: “Little Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava.” The fairy tale, typical of the thinking of a physicist, begins like this: “One day, little Geo had a dream. He walked around the world for a day, a second, a third, and suddenly the Red Beast met him. The kid got scared, ran, and suddenly a voice: “Don’t be afraid of the Red Beast.” , drive him away with an orange cry." The kid shouted with an orange cry - the Red Beast disappeared, but a tree appeared, on top of which a Yellow Bird was sitting. The Yellow Bird flapped its wings, circled, the Kid got scared and ran. And again the voice: "Don't be afraid of the Yellow Bird - drive him away with her green whistle." The kid whistled with a green whistle - the Yellow Bird disappeared. A lake appeared, a boat stood on the shore. The Kid sat down in the boat, made a few strokes and suddenly the Blue Fish swam out. The Kid got scared again, leaned on the oars, but no such luck And again the voice: “Don’t be afraid of the Blue Fish, drive him away with a blue whisper.” The Kid whispered in a blue whisper - the lake disappeared, the boat disappeared. Geo stood in front of the entrance to the Violet Forest "...

A child, illustrating a fairy tale, creates images on Geokont using rubber bands and nails. He makes beams and segments called the "orange cry of the Red Beast", the "green whistle of the Yellow Bird" or the "blue whisper of the Blue Fish". The book contains diagrams and drawings of what a child should achieve. As a result of playing with "Geokont", children develop motor skills of the hand and fingers, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size), mental processes (designing according to a verbal model, constructing symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for and establishing patterns), and creativity.

Voskobovich square
“Voskobovich Square” or “Game Square” comes in 2 colors (for children from 2 to 5 years old) and 4 colors (for children from 3 to 7 years old). This magic square can be turned into anything you want - into a house, a boat or candy. Everything a smart kid wants to do: bat, envelope, semaphore, mouse, hedgehog, star, shoe, boat, fish, plane, bird, crane, turtle... This is an incomplete list of only those “transformations” of the Voskobovich Square that are in the instructions. But you can come up with something yourself!

All this is possible due to the fact that this toy is made of fabric. Plastic triangles are glued onto the fabric base. They are multi-colored - green on one side and red on the other. Between the triangles there are strips of fabric along which the square can be bent. By folding "Square" you can introduce your child to geometric shapes (square, rectangle and triangle) and their properties. While playing with the “Voskobovich Square”, a kindergarten teacher can give tasks to train attention, logic or intelligence. For example, having built a house with a green roof, the teacher asks the child how many red squares he sees. The first answer that comes to mind is two, but if you look closely, it is clear that there are three squares. And there is only one green square. And you can come up with an endless number of such tasks! Games with the "Voskobovich Square" develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, determine their properties and sizes. The Voskobovich square reliably develops spatial thinking, imagination, logic, attention, the ability to compare and analyze, as well as hand motor skills and creative abilities. If you have “Voskobovich Square” at home, you can take it with you even for a walk or on the road. It will easily fit into your pocket and will not interrupt interesting games while walking or traveling. For older children, Voskobovich's Magic Square is probably the most popular toy. This four-color Square consists of 32 plastic triangles, also glued to a flexible fabric surface in a certain order. A small space is left between the squares, thanks to which the toy can bend, forming flat and volumetric figures of varying complexity.

After the first successful experiments with Geokont and the Magic Square, Voskobovich developed more than 40 educational games and aids. Voskobovich's games develop design abilities, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, the ability to compare, analyze and contrast. There are also more complex games that teach children to model and relate parts and the whole. In such games, children comprehend theory through practice. The author also came up with manuals aimed at learning numbers and letters and teaching reading. Voskobovich's games are multifunctional and are intended for children from 2 to 10 years old. Here are just a few of them.

"Petals" by Voskobovich
Children often have difficulty learning a concept with the help of entertaining and fun games which can be done using the “Petals” manual, you will help your child easily learn basic color standards.

This game or guide is for children aged 2 years and older to better understand the concept of color. After all, children often do not immediately learn all colors and confuse them with shades of colors. For example, they often confuse blue and violet, yellow and orange. Color is a concept for a small child, too abstract a property of an object - it cannot be felt or touched, like, for example, shape or size. Therefore, it is so important to make color tangible and transfer its study into the child’s play environment.

The game "Petals" is a set of 8 multi-colored "petals": 7 rainbow colors + 1 white. Using a special contact tape, the petals, like “thistles,” are attached to the carpet playing field. The play mat can be placed on the floor if your little one likes to play on the floor, or can be attached to any other vertical surface thanks to the two holes on the edges of the play mat. The manual comes with a small instruction manual describing the main games. Based on these games, after your child has mastered them, you can come up with a large number of your own game options. The game “Petals” by Voskobovich develops the child’s color and spatial perception, and also develops the skill of meaningful expression in speech of spatial concepts: “above”, “under”, “between”, “next to”, “left”, “right”. And not only. “Petals” can also be used to develop counting skills (count out the required quantity, determine the serial number, etc.).

"Logo molds" by Voskobovich
This is another great developmental game from Voskobovich. The playing field is divided into 3x3 squares. At the bottom of the field there is a movable ruler. By moving the ruler, you can model geometric and any other composite figures, which are made up of 3 geometric reference figures in red (circle, triangle, square) and 6 composite figures in green. Six composite figures by connecting the upper and lower parts of geometric reference figures. Each composite figure is named based on its similarity to the corresponding object: mushroom, vase, window, etc. You will find these names around the perimeter of the instructions. The child can give his own names to these figures if he wishes.

Each figure can be mentally divided into two parts - top part And bottom part figures. All the figures in the horizontal and vertical rows of the playing field are located in a certain order, that is: in the vertical rows the figures have the same upper halves (tops), and in the horizontal rows - the lower halves (roots). Each piece of the playing field has a plastic nail, which makes it convenient to remove and insert pieces into the cells, like in molds.

There are many options for playing Voskobovich's Logo Molds with kids. They are played both at home and in kindergartens. For example, a mother or kindergarten teacher can lay out a “mushroom” figure on a ruler, and the child needs to find the resulting figure on the playing field and put it in a cell or in a mold. In addition, you can explain to the child what geometric shapes the “fungus” consists of (a circle and a triangle). Another version of the game with Voskobovich’s Logo Molds, a kind of game of Tops and Roots. Take out all the figures from the cells, and then place any figure on the field and give the child the task of collecting only the roots. The baby begins to fill the corresponding horizontal or vertical row. Voskobovich's Logoforms have one more advantage - the figures can serve as coloring books, they can be traced and painted, and various scenes can be drawn with them. Voskobovich's "logo molds" help children develop attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination, and fine motor skills. The child will learn to analyze, compare, and combine parts into a whole.

"Boat" by Voskobovich
Any ship portends an exciting voyage, and Voskobovich’s “Boat Bul-Bul” sails to a mathematical land and takes young sailors there. With such a boat, mathematics turns into an exciting game. And knowledge received in such an unusual form will never be erased from memory. They will become a solid foundation for further success in learning and knowledge of the world around us.

First of all, by playing with Voskobovich's "Ship", the child easily masters counting within 100. With the "Ship" the child can easily navigate concepts such as quantitative and ordinal counting. In addition, the child will easily, as if incidentally and casually, consolidate the concepts of the color and height of objects, their spatial relationships, and become familiar with the concept of “convention” using a “conventional measure” in the form of a flag. With the help of the "Ship" masts, the child will receive not an abstract, but a figurative understanding of counting in tens and the composition of a number.

The masts and flags of Voskobovich's "Ship" are made of plywood. The boat itself and all its elements are attached using Velcro tape to the playing field made of carpet.

"Magic Eight" by Voskobovich Author's technique for children from 5 to 10 years old
Introducing your child to numbers with the help of this unusual tool will give him real pleasure. Doing math will turn into an exciting game. Voskobovich's "Magic Eight" will help develop a child's memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills, spatial and logical thinking, the ability to count, compose numbers and figurative figures.

This exciting and educational game has a base made of a board. Multi-colored parts of the numbers, also made of plywood, are attached to the board using rubber bands. The child must learn to add all the numbers from 0 to 9 from these stick parts. Along the way, the child learns the concept of color with the help of a special Voskobovich counting rhyme. It sounds like this: “Kohle-Ohle-Jele-Zele-Gele-Sele-Fi.” In this rhyme, the initial letters correspond to the 7 colors of the rainbow. The most basic rule is that the colors must go in a strictly defined order. This will allow the child to make numbers not only from sticks, but also mentally. Often, kindergarten teachers give children tasks to find errors in numbers compiled by teachers or other children. The child must correct the incorrect color sequence or come up with his own tasks. At the beginning of classes, you can use the instructions included with the game, which describe some of the game options. For example, the game Encrypt the Number: the number “eight” is laid out in front of the baby. Offer to make the number “nine” out of it and say the rhyme that will result (Kohle-Ohle-Jele-Zele-Sele-Fi). Now you tell your child the code proverb (Kohle-Jele-Zele-Fi), and the baby will lay out the resulting number (“four”).

"Magic Eight-3" by Voskobovich

For children from 3 to 9 years old, Voskobovich designed another version of the educational game “Magic Eight-3”. This wonderful game is similar to Magic Eight No. 1, but only bigger size. The game of Eight also consists of a plywood board, to which 7 wooden parts all the colors of the rainbow on one side and one color on the other. Under the details there is a proverb-cipher (KOHLE-OHLE-JELLE-ZELE-GELE-SELE-FI). But this game is more varied in degrees of difficulty. There are three degrees of difficulty.

The first degree is when the child must construct numbers according to the scheme: from 0 to 9 from plain parts. The second degree of complexity is the ability to construct numbers using a verbal model. To do this, parents or a teacher will need to learn a code counting rhyme. In it, each word corresponds not only to a specific part in numbers, but also to the color of the part. When the child understands and remembers this pattern, it will be possible to make numbers, encrypting them with the words of a counting rhyme or the colors of the rainbow. For example, the number “eight” corresponds to the counting KOHLE-OHLE-JELLE-ZELE-GELE-SELE-FI, and the number “nine” corresponds to KOHLE-OHLE-JELLE-ZELE-SELE-FI. The third degree of difficulty is achieving the ability to formulate a mental idea of ​​a number in a word without relying on action. For example, ask your child to remember all the numbers that have a green piece in them without collecting the number. How many are there in total? Thanks to this manual, your child will learn to make numbers from sticks, develop memory, attention, imaginative and logical thinking, hand coordination, and fine motor skills.

"Turtles" by Voskobovich
Author's technique for children from 4 to 6 years old
This is a guide for not just one game, but for as many games as children from 4 to 6 years old can come up with. The details of this unique mosaic are turtle plates and the playing field itself with slots into which these parts can be vertically inserted, thereby obtaining a wide variety of figures from animals, real and fantastic, to various objects that interest children.

The plates differ from each other: there is one single plate, there are plates connected in twos, three, four and five. The connected plates are houses for turtles. Houses of different colors. Using them in games, children simultaneously become acquainted with such mathematical concepts as: “the same,” “more or less.” The educational game set includes beige plates with syllables. The syllables are the names of turtles that live in the Violet Forest. Their names are Fa, Fo, Fu, Fy, Fe and the child must place each turtle in his own house.

Using this game, children will skillfully deal with numbers within five, make various shapes using a reduced scale diagram. This toy will promote the development of imagination, memory, hand motor skills, and provide basic mathematical knowledge.

This far from complete illustrative material about Voskobovich’s educational games gives some idea of ​​the goals of classes with children in game method Voskobovich. This is, first of all, the development of a child’s cognitive interest and research initiative, the development of observation, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity, in addition to the development of sensory and fine motor skills. In addition, a child with humanitarian thinking Mathematical thinking is developing without prejudice to the humanities. And vice versa, a child prone to mathematical thinking will certainly develop humanitarian, emotional and figurative associations. That is, the goal of Voskobovich’s educational games is the harmonious development of both emotional-figurative and logical principles in children. Voskobovich's educational games form in children a basic understanding of the world around them, mathematical concepts, and concepts of sound-letter phenomena.

As far as I have noticed, in last years the concept of educational games has shifted greatly - children's toy stores offer various interactive devices that can speak to the child, blink and play melodies in response to his actions or gestures.

This is all very good, but where is the element of child development in this? Sometimes it seems to me that it’s easier to take an ordinary cube or stone and imagine a whole story around it. This will help the baby really develop.

However, there are also toys that will really help both mother and child - for example, the Voskobovich square. This is a simple multifunctional toy that any child will love.

From this article you will learn

The secret of Voskobovich's technique

In fact, the whole secret of the technique lies in simplicity - the simpler the toy, the more you can do with it. Well, imagine for yourself - let's say classroom for Barbie or Dollhouse- These are beautiful, complex toys, but you can only play one game with them.

And remember your childhood in the sandbox, how you built entire cities and countries with your own hands, organized knightly tournaments, played Cossack robbers (and some, probably, even knives). Simple toys require a lot of effort from children, which is why they are so attractive from an early development point of view.

Voskobovich's toy is a square divided into isosceles right triangles. Typically, one side of the square is painted in one color, and the other in a contrasting color.

This helps the baby explore space. There is also a special instruction for a square - various schemes and suggestions on what and how you can play with your child using a square.

Voskobovich himself was extremely far from psychology and pedagogy, but he loved his own children very much, but, unfortunately, at that time there were practically no high-quality educational toys.

Therefore, the talented physicist came up with and made such toys for his children. The main principles of his methodology were in such aspects as:

  • the opportunity to play for the benefit of the child;
  • development of ideas about the world through unique fairy tales;
  • an opportunity to awaken creativity in a child.

How to use the toy

The Voskobovich square is a funny thing even for parents. In some ways it resembles origami, in some ways it resembles paper clamshell toys from our childhood. You can watch a master class on the Internet on the topic of using the toy, but I suggest using your own imagination first. So what can you do with a square?

  • Try to count all triangles (even compound ones), as well as squares and rectangles. You will be surprised, but this is a really exciting activity.
  • Try intuitive additions. Show your child how to fold a square to make a house, candy, triangle or small square, and then let the baby try to fold something himself.
  • Use different patterns to assemble ready-made square figures.
  • Offer your child a game to develop their imagination - a banal guessing game. Take turns making some figures out of the square so that the other person can guess what happened.
  • Be sure to invite your child to add up any symbols or letters that are familiar to him. As soon as the toy becomes clear, it immediately turns into a favorite. Use recognizable elements to develop your baby's interest.

How to make a square with your own hands

All you need to create an educational toy with your own hands is a piece of flexible, durable material and bright, durable triangles. The simplest and safe way to make this toy - sew it from fabric.

It will be pleasant to the touch, flexible and at the same time very durable (much stronger if folded, for example, from paper). In order to make a more rigid version, you can take a piece of thick cardboard (or thin plastic) and flexible non-marking fabric for the base.

Having made the pattern, you just need to glue the triangles on both sides to the base. You can also watch a master class on making a square from other available materials.

A few notes

I think many people are interested in this toy, so I’ll share my own observations. Games using the Voskobovich method should be used with children starting from two years old. At first these will be the simplest manipulations - the baby will fiddle with a nice bright square, learn to fold it, but every year the game will become more complicated.

Gameplay allows children to do things on their own. This develops responsibility and also gives complete satisfaction from the learning process. At the age of 2-4 years, it is very important to consolidate the positive effect of learning, then in the future it will be much easier to get used to the teaching and educational process.

It is best to use educational games together with methodological manual— there are illustrated tales, various folding algorithms that will help diversify the process.

What to do next

Games using the Voskobovich method allow the child to get acquainted with the world around him, but sooner or later the child will outgrow this wonderful toy. Then it makes sense to have other exciting toys using the Voskobovich method - by the way, they are also easy to make with your own hands, but if you wish, you can buy ready-made ones.

With the help of such games, you can improve your child’s logical and spatial thinking, teach him basic arithmetic skills, and introduce him to modeling and spatial geometry.

I also want to note that it is very important to develop the child evenly. You shouldn’t go into some narrow area; it’s best when the baby is in harmony. This means that from time to time he needs to learn abstract thinking.

By developing a child harmoniously, you can achieve great heights - his creative potential will grow, and his creative and intellectual abilities will increase and improve.


Subject: “Educational games of V.V. Voskobovich in working with preschool children in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Target master class: implement technology V.V. Voskobovich "Fairy tale labyrinths games » V pedagogical activities of educators in our city.


Introduce teachers toeducational games by V.V. Voskobovich , their features, forms and methods of working with games.

- develop creative cognitive interest in games V.V. Voskobovich .

Good afternoon, dear colleagues.

Today I will try to tell you about unique technology Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich “Fairytale labyrinths of the game.” This gaming technology, because play is the leading activity of children, not only in early age, but also throughout the preschool period, as well as primary school age. In other words, on the basis of RIV it is possible to build educational process, from early preschool age to primary school age (from 3 to 10 years).

I want to warn you right away that my experience with this technology is not great.

I met Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich quite recently. Like many, I attended his presentation in our city at the “Teachers of Russia” Forum. Then I listened to his one-day seminar, which he conducted in our city. And already there I finally decided that I would use his technologies in my work.

A little history

Vyacheslav VadimovichVoskobovich - lives in St. Petersburg. He has developed more than 40educational games and benefits . In the past, Vyacheslav Vadimovich was an engineer-physicist.

The impetus for the invention of games came from two of his own children and"empty" toy stores in the era of Perestroika. V.V. Voskobovich , Trying to find an alternative to the usual post-Soviet toys, I came across the experience of Nikitin and Zaitsev, but decided to go my own way. This is how his first creative works : "Geocont" , "Game square" , "Color Clock" .

A little later the LLC center was created« Educational games by Voskobovich » for the development, production, implementation and dissemination of methodseducational and correctional games .

RIVs are based on three main principles:




Goals of activities with game materials V.V. Voskobovich:

- Development the child has cognitive interest and research activities.

- Development of observation skills , imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity.

Harmonious development children have emotional-figurative and logical beginnings.

Formation of basic ideas about the surrounding world, mathematical concepts, sound-letter phenomena.

- Development of fine motor skills .

By playing with such gaming aids, children get real pleasure and discover more and more new opportunities for themselves.

The game begins with simple manipulation and then becomes more complex due to a large number of different game tasks and exercises.

By studying even with just one play aid, the child has the opportunity to express his creativity in a comprehensive manner.develop and master a large number of educational tasks(get to know numbers or letters, color or shape, counting, etc.).

Many games are accompanied by special methodological books with fairy tales, in which various plots are intertwined with intellectual tasks, questions and illustrations. Fairy tales and their good heroes - the wise raven Meter, the brave little Geo, the cunning but simple-minded Vse, the funny Magnolik - accompanying the child through the game, they teach him not only mathematics, reading, logic, but also human relationships.

Target technologies of V.V. Voskobovich “Fairytale labyrinths of the game” - construction pedagogical process, promoting the intellectual and creative development of children in play.

Technology Features:

    Wide age range of game participants.

    Multifunctionality of educational games.



    Interrelation of developmental benefits.

    Step by step.

    Breadth of use.

    The creativity of every game.


    Open source technology

RIVs are aimed at solving the problems of five development areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

    social and communicative development;

    cognitive development;

    speech development;

    artistic and aesthetic development;

    physical development.

When they talk about Voskobovich’s games, they specifically distinguish 3 blocks of educational games:

    universal block - it includes manuals that can be used to solve huge amount tasks;

    subject block - with the help of games included in it, you can teach children a specific subject, for example, mathematics or teach children to read;

    structural block - naturally this includes constructors.

Games designed for children of different ages : early age, up to school age, primary school age and for children with disabilities.

The universal block includes:

1. Fabulous universal remedy“Subject development environment “Purple Forest””,

2. Subject-specific universal products - the “Carpet Larch” complex and the “Mini-Larchik” set,

3. Graphic universal tool - Game graphic simulator “Igrovisor”

Subject development environment “Purple Forest”

Carpet base, rigidly mounted on the wall, size 1*1.25, there is also an option 1.5*2.5 (if space allows). The portable elements are attached with Velcro and can be placed in any order on the base. It is bright, designed for children to see, gasp and want to do something. And as we know, a child learns the world and develops by performing any actions. But for one lesson, you need to plan the space of the Violet Forest that is necessary to solve a specific problem. Young children become scattered very quickly, and if there are too many distracting elements, there will be no result. The kit includes a manual for working with the Violet Forest. It has game tasks for everyone age groups for all educational purposes.

Problems that we can solve:

Familiarizing children with the world around them (seasons, natural phenomena, vegetable and animal world);

Development of cognitive processes (spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination);

Development of abilities for analysis, comparison, generalization, seriation, classification.

Development of reasoned and evidence-based speech;

1 Example: For young children, sensory development is very important, and here we introduce children to shape, color, and size. These are the three main elements that we need to introduce them to. If we talk about color, then for young children we use 4 colors: red, yellow, blue and green. Let's introduce quantities - big and small, and then introduce the concept of average.

“Help the hedgehog collect leaves”

Tasks: - consolidation of the ability to identify a sign - large and small; - development of the ability to group by size.

Materials and equipment: leaves of two sizes, hedgehogs of two sizes

Game situation: The hedgehogs walked through the Violet Forest and saw many beautiful leaves. They liked them so much that the hedgehogs decided to decorate their houses with leaves. The big hedgehog decided to collect large leaves, and the little one decided to collect small ones. But they just can’t cope on their own. Let's help the hedgehogs.

Exercise: put large leaves on the spines of a large hedgehog, and small ones for a small one.

The leaves can be hung throughout the Purple Forest, they can be given to children, or, in order to combine an activity with physical development, the leaves can be scattered on the floor. And then the children will come up, bend down and pick them up.

"Let's give the gnomes leaves"

Tasks: - development of memory attention; - consolidation of knowledge of primary colors; - development of the ability to group by color.

Equipment and materials: leaves of 4 colors, gnomes.

Game situation: cheerful gnomes walked in the Violet Forest and saw many colorful leaves. They liked them so much that the gnomes decided to collect the leaves into bouquets.

Exercise : help the gnomes collect leaves of their color.

Familiarization with the surrounding world.

For example, many forest animals in the fall begin to prepare their burrow-houses for the winter and begin to insulate them with leaves. And our hedgehogs and mice also decided to insulate their minks.

Tasks: - strengthening the ability to select sizes: large, medium, small; - development of the ability to group by size.

Equipment and materials: yellow leaves of three sizes, hedgehogs of two sizes, a mouse.

Game situation: Autumn has come in the purple forest, the leaves on the trees turned yellow and began to fall. The hedgehogs and mice began to prepare for hibernation, but it’s cold in the minks, they need to be insulated. How can you insulate minks? While running through the forest, the hedgehogs saw yellow leaves falling from the trees and decided to use them to insulate their holes. The big hedgehog decided to collect large leaves, the small one decided to collect medium ones, and then they heard a squeak. This mouse came running for small leaves. The minks will turn out warm, cozy and beautiful.

Exercise: Help the hedgehogs and the mouse collect leaves of the size they need.

You should always focus on the abilities, knowledge and skills of children. For some we start with one color and different sizes, and for some people you can connect both color and size.

“Let’s decorate the trees with leaves”

Tasks: - consolidation of ideas about primary colors; - developing the ability to group leaves based on color.

Equipment and materials: tree trunks and colorful leaves.

Game situation: At night in the Violet Forest I was strong wind, so strong that it blew all the leaves off the trees. The forest immediately became gloomy and boring. How to be?

Exercise: Decorate the trees with leaves so that they become different from each other (decorate one tree with red and green leaves, the second with blue and yellow)

Development of mental processes

“Where did the leaf fall from?”

Tasks: - development of attention and thinking; - development of coordination of movements.

Equipment and materials : openwork tree with leaves.

Game situation: The gnome Fi was walking through the Violet Forest and saw that purple leaves were falling from his favorite tree. He began to think about how to get the leaves back. I tried this and that, nothing worked. Let's help the gnome put the leaves in place.

Exercise: pick up the leaves in the holes on the tree crown.

In all examples, we offer to help someone, help to show concern, thereby solving social and communicative problems.

Let's play math

"Colorful meadows of gnomes"

Tasks: - development of attention and thinking; - strengthening the ability to divide objects into three groups by color; - fixing the count to 5, determining more - less.

Equipment and materials: rainbow gnomes, sets of leaves of three colors

Game situation: The gnomes decided to make multi-colored meadows, Kohle decided to make a red meadow, Zele - green, Si - blue. And so that their clearings would not be boring, the gnomes decided to decorate them with leaves.

Exercise: help the gnomes decorate the clearings with leaves of their favorite flowers. Count the leaves in each clearing. Compare who has more leaves or fewer.

"Carpet Casket"

Carpet base, rigidly mounted on the wall, size 1.25*1.25 m, cage size 10*10 cm, designed for children from 3 to 10 years old.

This is, in fact, an alternative to flannelgraph. The flannelgraph has one disadvantage - attached objects fall off it. The carpet printer has all kinds of clips, pockets, Velcro, etc., so that everything is held tightly.

Set “MiniLarchik » the size of a quarter of a carpet, contains almost the same equipment, is convenient for use at home, in individual lessons on the table, especially in classes with children with disabilities.

Carpet Casket contains:

Sensory-constructive elements (strings, circles, multi-colored squares and a whirlpool)

Figurative elements (elephants Lip-lip and Lyap-lyap, images of letters, images of numbers, spatial cards Leo-Peacock-Pony-Doe, 10 colored gnomes)

Sign elements (letters, numbers, signs and negative cards on a transparent basis)

Auxiliary elements (clips, pockets 10, cash register)

Construction of various games and tasks:

    "Multi-colored circles":

– chains (beads)

Layout on a plane

2. “Multi-colored ropes”:


Graphic dictations

1 Example:

We planted a flower, a stem appeared,

A bud is blooming, look at it red,

And one more bud, look, it’s blue (white).

Questions: How many flowers (buds) are there on the stem? (Many, three...) How many red buds? (one) How many yellow ones? (no one)

Finger game - forefinger– bee – sits on the corresponding flower

The bee Zhuzha flew in and buzzed over the flowers.

Choose white color. Has the bee sat down or not?

Additions and complications:

Add or change colors,

Attach smaller (larger) petals around the middle bud (same color (different color), different colored petals)

Bees - yellow circles - attach next to the indicated flower, compare the number of bees and flowers.

2 Example: Bee Zhuzha collects nectar (lay multi-colored paths from the bee to the flowers - white, blue, gray)

Questions and tasks:

A bee will fly along a white path, which flower will it fly to?

Which path should you fly along to get to a flower with a blue center and red petals?

Complications: add the number of flowers, make flowers with the same centers but different petals, or flowers of the same color, but with different numbers of petals

3 Example: Alternation (beads)

Alternating 2-3 colors.

Complication: add size, curved thread, closed.

Follow the example. Complication: change direction.

Do it according to the description: - the first one is red, the second one is green, etc. ( number line); the red bead is between the green and yellow, but the yellow one is on the right.

The color can be set by multi-colored gnomes: Make for Jelly the same beads as Kohle’s, but only yellow.

4 Example: Elephant Blooper is looking for treasure (you can teach your child to navigate on a plane)

Find all the beads to the left of the Elephant,

Who should I ask for a white bead?

Explain to the Elephant how to get to the yellow bead

Lay a string - a path between the beads and assemble them in the following order: red, blue, yellow, white (you get an open broken line of three links)

Arrange the beads according to the description: - give the green one to the lion, - from the well, go right 2 cells and 2 down, put a small red bead. Who is it for?

5 Example: Lip-lip the elephant comes to visit

Complication: pebbles on the path

Questions and tasks:

What paths lead to the gnomes? (red, blue, green, straight, curved, broken)

What paths does the red carpet intersect with?

What circle stones lie along the green path?

Help the Elephant follow the verbal description or the diagram (sequence of stones-circles)

Picture transformation:

What changed?

Which path is not blocked with stones?

Explain to the Elephant how to get to Kokhla?

How else can you get to it?

Connect the Elephant with the gnomes (yellow, red, blue, green) with different ropes (green, red, blue)

Questions and tasks:

A player with his eyes closed moves his finger along the path according to the direction of the other player.

Path with a change: go along the red one, go to the green one, then to the blue one

Go in the direction and for a given number of cells: first we go along the green path 3 down, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left. Which gnome did you come to?

Find the shortest route to Kohla.

How can Jelly get to Zela?

Addition: lay a yellow path to Sele so that it intersects only with the red and blue ones


Universal gaming complexes

Set “Fairytale image”

Set “Reference Designers”

Set “Miracle Constructors”

Set “Iconic Designers”

Set "Game square"

Set “Playing Maths”

Reading through Play Kit


"Boat Plop-Plop"

Five colors, five masts of different heights, flags that can be removed and put on.

Fingers work on the boat (you need to correctly pick up the flags with your fingers). The sailors, the frogs, and the captain, the goose, help us play with the boat. In order for our boat to set sail, we need to put things in order, we need to remove our flags and wash them. Then arrange them on the table by color and dry. And then we begin to put it on, help the children, explain to them. We put the smallest pile on the small one, and so on. As an option, you can put little flags on your fingers and go into a dynamic pause - dance like little frogs. And then we turn into kids again and continue stringing flags onto the masts. You can hold a carnival on the boat. To do this, you can decorate the boat with a garland. And we string flags onto strings different ways(V big hole or small, randomly or according to a pattern, choosing a specific color). You can put it on children in the form of beads or bracelets and again arrange a dynamic break - a carnival. On masts you can make vertical rows and horizontal rows. And when we collect the entire boat, it should set sail on the waves (the movement of the boat sailing on the waves is performed with the right and left hands).

Reference construction sets “Flashlights”

At first glance, these are ordinary earbuds. But no matter how it is. Nothing just happens in RIV. Variability: - inserts (for the little ones. Moreover, when we find houses, the red color in the house may light up, and then we turned off the light and the red went out, the green light came on); - geometric shapes; - design according to diagrams; - free design; - stencil drawing.

When we introduce geometric shapes, we take out the shape, trace it with our fingers, and try to roll it on the table. When exploring the triangle, be sure to run around the corners (oh-oh-oh), light a light (the same green or red color). We do the same with the square (we touch it 4 times).

When we start designing, for young children we use 1 in 1 diagrams (on an A4 sheet we draw a diagram, either black and white or color). Schemes are included in the instructions for the manual. When the child masters the technique of overlaying the diagram, you can move on to laying it out on the table. Also according to the diagram, but on the table. Then there can be free design. A fairy tale plot is invented and the children build it on the table, teacher in the Violet Forest. And everyone together builds a house for a gnome or a bee, imagining and developing the plot. Next, you can use a small diagram. As a stencil drawing, you can simply outline geometric shapes, or you can again return to the fairy tale and go through it all, outlining the details. You definitely need to come up with a plot around some fairy tale hero and at the end, for example, we put a bee on a car and talked about how it drives the car, and we definitely teach how to put the games in place.

Reference construction sets “Turtles. Pyramid"

7 colors, three sizes (large turtle - dad, medium turtle - mom, and small baby)

Stringing is used, the ratio is in size, it can be built both on the table and on the playing field (correctly explain to the child where the head is, where the legs are).

Variability: stringing by color, size, planar and volumetric design, design according to diagrams, free design.

Schemes are also included. We also draw them. There are many options.

"Miracle Crosses 1"

Primary colors, inserts, quantity and composition of numbers. It is fashionable to lay out a vertical tower, horizontally - a train, a ladder, design according to diagrams (diagrams are attached)

“The Miracle of the Honeycomb” is a continuation of the Miracle of Crosses (a new color is added, the design is diversified)

Game square or the well-known Voskobovich square.

At an early age, we teach children how to fold (towards themselves, away from themselves, through a corner, along). It turns out a chocolate bar in a green (red) candy wrapper for gnomes, cookies (small square). We feed the gnomes (yum-yum-yum). By folding it diagonally, we get a slide, on which fingers or various characters can roll in turns. At the same time, we activate speech. We make candies, houses, envelopes.

Magic eight

Variability: - work on the playing field or on the table; - pulling out sticks, putting them under the rubber band; - single-color and multi-colored laying out of sticks (rotation); - work with one and two hands; - work with verbal instructions: show, put, find...; - modeling from sticks on the table (fence, house, flower)

Cord - baby

We tie a knot at the end of the string. We start with learning to dive and emerge. Then we teach them to bend around the buttons. This movement is more subtle and develops children's fingers well. And as you know, any action with your hands contributes to the development of speech and thinking. When we have mastered the actions with one hand, we do the same with the other hand. In children under 3-4 years of age, the main hand does not stand, so by developing both hands, we develop both hemispheres. To complicate the task, you can offer diagrams and verbal instructions.

Reading through play

We are preparing the articulatory apparatus in children. We use cards Harlequin, Irlekin, Urlekin, Orlekin, Erlekin. We don't teach them to read, we develop the articulatory apparatus. We show off our favorite jesters and sing their favorite song (Oooh). We make sure that children position their lips and tongue correctly. Then we move on to syllabic singing.

To do this, you can use “Folders” - this is an album with pictures and songs and a disk. Songs can be used as a background for the game.

Designers can be combined with each other.

"Igrovisor" gaming graphic simulator

Recommendations : Educational games by Voskobovich can and should be used in joint group, subgroup and individual activities with students, also help organize independent activity children with games. Use guidelines author, and also not be afraid to experiment.

Literature :

1. Inserts for games.

2. Educational games by Voskobovich . 2015 publishing house TC SPHERE. Edited by V.V.Voskobovich , L. S. Vakulenko.

Thank you for your attention!

Head of GBDOU "Kindergarten No. 91"

combined type" __________ O. E. Vygovskaya