How to make wooden thresholds for a porch. Porch to the house: components, drawings and designs, choice of materials, construction. Entrance staircase with canopy or closed

Any owner of a private cottage or estate has at least once wondered what kind of porch design country house choose so that it matches the general architectural style of the building, is comfortable, safe, convenient, cozy, and demonstrates the hospitality of the owners.

Countless options for the porch of a country house, photographs of which are generously replete with the Internet, show us how extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational the owners are in solving this problem. But such diversity does not add clarity; it is very easy to get confused in the abundance.

Semi round porch with closed vestibule

In the article we systematize information about what types of porches for a home come in shape, style, and size. Let's discuss the pros and cons of open extensions, and look at the question of what is best and correct. And we will try to fully answer the question of what it should be, photos will help us illustrate the most good ideas for extensions.


A porch, in essence, is a platform with an adjacent staircase. It can be built-in, designed together with the main building, after the completion of the construction of a private house, with its own foundation, or attached-cantilever; it is not fundamental and solid.

An original idea for a private house, a built-in vestibule and open steps from natural stone

Regardless of what stage the porch for a private house was built, relative to the horizon 23-45 o, everything above is ladder, below is a ramp.

Types of the porch of a private house, photos of the proper combination of a side staircase, an open terrace and a glazed veranda

Of course, the porch must resonate with the main architectural concept of a private house, be comfortable, and meet all the needs of the owners.

Original types of porch wooden house, photo of the fortress extension, where logs and rubble stone are successfully combined

But among other conditions, first of all, the porch must be ergonomic, which means comfortable and practical. All basic parameters for a private house are regulated by SNiP. So, according to the standards, 270-300 mm, and the height is 120-180 mm, the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the tread and riser should be equal to 450 mm.

Porch in a semicircle, small photo open extension for a private house

For a comfortable passage of one person 600-900 mm, at a distance of 1200-1450 mm 2 people can easily separate. If the porch consists of three or more steps, then it is recommended to have a height of 900-1200 mm; in private construction, the height of the fence is not strictly regulated.

Photo of the front porch of a private house, semicircular lines of steps visually smooth out the massiveness of the extension

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the upper platform; it is made below the threshold level front door by 50 mm, as required by fire regulations. The recommended depth of the platform is one and a half times the width of the door, but in practice this criterion is often neglected.

Eclecticism, in the photo there is a project for the porch of a wooden house with a high base, the extension includes a terrace and a covered hallway

The width of the upper podium is limited only by the space in front of a private house and personal preferences, so it can be a tiny patch, or a full-fledged terrace encircling the perimeter of the building.

The patio extension allows you to organize a comfortable place to relax on outdoors, and at the same time not cluttering the architectural ensemble, semicircular curvilinear forms “dilute” the clear geometry of the main private house

Shape, size and design features

It should be noted that modern private construction technologies make it possible to build a porch of almost any shape: rectangular, semicircular, curvilinear with smooth or, on the contrary, sharp lines, trapezoidal, multifaceted, etc.

A semicircular porch to a brick house; in addition to smooth rounded lines, the steps have a vague trapezoidal shape; coupled with massive railings, this design balances the dimensions of the building

The semicircular porch smooths out corners and straight lines; such steps provide comfortable entrance to the home from all sides. The soft outlines of the entrance ensemble further emphasize the hospitality of the hosts. Private rectangular ones look very impressive, or the highlight here is the lowest step, laid out in a semicircle.

A semicircular step made of rough material looks impressive and original

They balance the dimensions of the building; they can decrease in size, but sometimes, on the contrary, they expand and smoothly move into the upper platform. A square or rectangular porch gives the building rigor and graphics.

Corner porch of a private house, photo idea of ​​how to simply and compactly divide the stairs into two entrances

Depending on the size of the upper platform, the porch can be:

  • the terrace is a large open one;
  • patio - most often without fencing;
  • veranda - this is the same terrace, but;
  • or just a small extension that protects the entrance to the house from dirt, dust and precipitation.

A large carved private terrace with a porch, eclecticism in the photo, a mixture of Russian and romantic styles, high steps and semicircular arched design of the columns in the compartment formed an authentic gazebo for a pleasant stay

It should be noted that private houses are often built with a high base; this may be due to several criteria. Firstly, the project, which provides for a technical floor, and secondly, climatic zone, in snowy regions, a high porch is simply a vital necessity, thirdly, due to the difficult terrain. An extension on stilts allows you to make full use of even uneven areas, eliminating labor-intensive and sometimes impractical earthworks.

Closed porch of a wooden house, photo of a veranda on an area with uneven terrain

As for the main site, they can adjoin strictly perpendicular to the facade of a private house, approach from one or two sides, or encircle the site in a circle.

Double-flight porch of a house with a high base

If there is not enough space in front of a private house, a porch is usually placed along the facade, or a turning staircase with several flights is made, with terraces-platforms at different levels.

High turning three-flight Russian porch

Stairs located on the sides, on both sides of the site, are the optimal way out for narrow extensions. Such designs are appropriate and justified if there is practically no space in front of a private house, it is necessary to make a narrow extension, and at the same time provide a comfortable entrance for several people.

Small, narrow two-sided porch for a private house

It is very convenient when the steps are located in a circle from the main platform. Typically this technique is used in the construction of small, low porches, when it is necessary to provide an entrance on three sides.

Porch of a private house with steps arranged in a circle

Sometimes simple, but unusual and significantly enliven and decorate the architecture of a private home. As a rule, such an extraordinary approach is required to solve several problems at once; the photo below is a clear example of this.

The corner round porch provides entrance to the house from different sides, and at the same time levels the sloping area in front of the house

One of the most impressive solutions for the porch of a private house, but it is almost impossible to implement it as a separate extension, is when the porch is placed under the same roof as the house, or the second floor or balcony is a canopy for the terrace. This configuration is most typical for, where the entrance is most often located on the side.

Corner wooden porch for a Finnish frame house lined with siding

As a rule, such a porch is combined with a veranda or terrace. This design of the entrance group looks solid, it’s very practical solution for private houses with a small garden plot.

Open porch-terrace in Finnish style

Style and materials for a private porch

When developing a style for the porch of a private house, you can use almost any materials suitable for outdoor use, the main thing is that they resonate with the design of the main building.

Concrete porch for a private log cabin

For private construction, as a rule, and, and thread are used - this is not only decorative decoration, but often also significant technical elements of the extension, for example, a porch with openwork and consoles for a canopy, or carved wooden poles and balusters.

Extension made of wood in Russian style

Sometimes it is the combination of several styles at once and different materials as a result, it gives a stunningly beautiful, original and very practical architectural composition of the entrance group.

Semicircular closed porch polycarbonate

For example, the combination natural stone and rough boards gives the structure the solidity, color and originality that are inherent in mountainous regions. Usually this design technique is used to create a chalet style, and it should be noted that it is very popular in Russian latitudes.

Porch-veranda in a chalet style, the rounded edges of the stone contrast in an original way with the clear geometry of the roof

The Mediterranean style of the entrance architectural ensemble is also very popular in modern design private properties. It should be noted that it can be divided into two types. One incorporates notes of Greek and Roman culture; this style is characterized by a large stone courtyard with gentle multi-tiered steps, beautiful finish made of sandstone, heavy metal elements.

The combination of natural flat rubble stone with sandstone elements is always stylish and sophisticated

Another direction Mediterranean style synthesized the flavor of Italian, Spanish and French culture. As a rule, this is typical for coastal areas with uneven areas. The extension is open terraces on several levels, paved with paving stones or clinker, interconnected by small stones. The area near the house is usually lined with a deck board, which is protected from the sun by columns. The perimeter of the terraces is surrounded by massive concrete balusters and this splendor is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flower pots.

The Mediterranean porch style is suitable for rectangular-shaped private properties located on areas with uneven terrain

Separately, I would like to say about the porch-fortress. As a rule, these are relatively small ones, which are held by dimensional support pillars: stone, brick, or thick logs. Such designs give the impression of the reliability of a private home; the abundant vegetation gives a special charm to the porch.

The closed porch of a brick house, the photo well conveys how simple and laconic forms can enliven the appearance of a building

For rural and country houses small porches with glassed veranda. This design allows you to be closer to nature, and at the same time protects the recreation area from precipitation. In addition, for small private houses this additional opportunity expand living space.

Photo of a closed porch to the house, glass partitions allow you to protect the area from precipitation, and at the same time not block the beautiful view from the veranda

When choosing a view, don’t be afraid extraordinary ideas. A well-planned architectural ensemble of the entrance group can radically change the exterior of the house, adding sophistication, sophistication, individuality, and at the same time comfort and coziness.

There are a great variety of design solutions, and each private porch has its own characteristics, determined by the architecture, landscape, materials and needs of the owners. And what the entrance to your house will be like is up to you to decide.

Fashion for non-standard architectural forms returns. And every home owner wants to give his mansion unusualness and originality. This can be done by building a porch. This architectural element will add elegance to the entrance group of the house, enliven general form buildings, and will also serve as protection from snow and rain.

But what type of extension should you choose so that it fits harmoniously into the exterior of the mansion? We will look at what size, shape, configuration, type and style a porch can be in this article. And the most decent options Photos from our gallery will clearly demonstrate the porch of a country house.

The design and purpose of the porch

The veranda for the house has become so an ordinary thing everyday life that few people think about its role. The main purpose of the extension is to make visiting the home more comfortable for a person.

Since the porch is the center of the building’s facade, it needs to be made as attractive as possible. It is often erected after the construction of the house, so care should be taken to ensure that it matches the style of the mansion. For this purpose, a project for the porch of a country house is being drawn up.

On a note: The more harmonious the overall picture is, the more worthy the veranda itself will look.

Photo of the front porch of a private house - classic design

Types of extensions

Modern types of porches for the house - elegant and convenient designs, built from modern building materials, which decorate the entrance to the home, making it original and functional. Extensions can be classified into several categories.


The first thing to consider when drawing up a porch project for country and village houses, cottages, small dachas- their size. It is determined by the dimensions of the mansion, as well as building regulations (minimum width is 150 cm, length - 180 cm). For a small house, a small porch of a simple configuration that matches it in style and proportions is suitable.

Small extension with neat semicircular steps

TO standard house a medium-sized concrete structure is suitable. Its height is selected individually, based on the dimensions of the mansion.

Openwork metal forged porch

A luxurious mansion has a large porch. It can be low (with a staircase of only 1-3 steps) and located along the entire length of the wall of the house.

A large terrace for a wooden house is a great place to relax

Advice: Having calculated the optimal dimensions of the extension, they are included in the construction plan.

If the building is located on uneven terrain, for a convenient approach to it, a porch of the house with a high base is built. Since the platform is located at a certain height, a staircase with a large number of steps should lead to it, equipped with railings for safe walking along it.

High entrance porch of a private house, photo

On a high porch, rounded columns will not be out of place. These will serve as supports to support the canopy over the outer door.

Advice: with help design techniques columns can be turned into decorative elements that decorate the front entrance of the house, giving it style and respectability.

High front porch made of concrete with columns


If we regard this design from an aesthetic point of view, it is almost impossible to find two identical porches. Today you can find verandas of various shapes:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • semicircular;
  • round;
  • asymmetrical.
Please note: The shape of the porch is selected individually, in accordance with the overall design of the facade. Square and rectangular extensions have clear lines and give the house rigor and neatness, while round extensions add softness and warmth.

Rectangular and square views of the porch of a private house, photo

The semicircular porch looks unusual and unique. With this simple technique, a mansion can be made more original. The photo below shows a semicircular porch to a brick house.

On a note: It is not at all necessary that the entire structure has the shape of a circle - a rounded canopy or steps with rounded edges is enough.

Add spice to the architecture of the cottage by adding a semicircular porch, photo

A non-standard solution would also be a corner design. A round porch located on the corner of a rectangular house looks very impressive.

The side circular design accentuates the building's exterior

A corner street extension can be not only round, but also trapezoidal or triangular in shape. The complex geometry of the structure should not be dissonant with the main structure, but create a single concept with it.

An example of an original corner porch of a private house, photo

Placement in relation to the house

Porches can be located differently in relation to the mansion. This way you can build an attached structure - a horizontal platform with steps located in front of the entrance to the house.

Attached design for a summer house with a semicircular canopy

The built-in porch, which has a common roof with the house, looks elegant. Such a combined extension should create a single architectural ensemble with the mansion and the adjacent plot.

Cozy internal veranda can be used as a place to relax


When developing a porch design, you can choose any materials that match the style of the house, from traditional (wood and natural stone) to more modern (concrete, metal, brick).


In construction, there are several structural types of porches. An open structure is an extension with a small platform, not equipped with a canopy or railings. This design is used in places that are used mainly in the summer (for example, in the country).

Advice: designs open type It should not be built in areas where there is frequent precipitation.

Open porch with semicircular granite steps

A structure equipped with a roof or canopy is a covered structure. It has no walls, only railings that protect the extension from the street.

Outdoor covered structure

Structure with walls or glass panels and a canopy is called closed. The room is a full-fledged veranda, can have lighting and heating and be used as a gazebo.

Original glass enclosed porch of a brick house, photo

A type of closed extension is a porch with a vestibule. This is a design small area, which provides a comfortable microclimate of the home.

On a note: vestibule - a transition zone on the border with the street, protecting housing from the cold.

Photo of a closed porch to a house like a vestibule

A popular type of extension is a porch-veranda. It is a place for leisure and recreation, and can be closed or open.

Enclosed polycarbonate porch - modern design

A harmonious addition to a cottage made of natural wood would be wooden veranda. And if the extension is closed, it will only improve the thermal insulation of the mansion.

Small closed porch of a wooden house, photo

If the mansion has more than one floor, then you can connect the porch to the balcony. In this case, the connecting element can be columns. In the same way, you can combine the platform with a bay window - the protruding part of the second floor.

Porch with bay window under the balcony

A spacious porch-terrace can be used as a place to relax. The large area can accommodate a table, chairs and even sun loungers.

An open terrace with a porch is located under a common roof with the house

An option for a non-traditional design design is a mini gazebo on the terrace. With the help of plants and comfortable furniture the building can be made more comfortable.

Round porch-gazebo

Extensions may differ not only in purpose and design, but also in the design of the staircase. A staircase with one flight is considered standard, but there are other varieties.

Staircase with flight on two sides

Exit to the site can even be organized from three sides, and the staircase itself can be semicircular or complex geometric in shape.

Note: the canopy and railings not only perform practical functions, but also serve as elements of decoration and design of the entrance group of the mansion.

Beautiful staircase built in a semicircle


In order for the extension to harmonize with the house, it is better to think through its design in advance. Thus, a stone structure can be designed in the style of a medieval fortress. For its design, facing stone and forging can be used.

Play with contrasts - decorate stone structure fresh flowers

Adherents of strict lines and symmetry will like classic design extensions in European style. Its components are glass door, openwork lattice, many colors.

An extension created in the best European traditions

How to make a veranda for a wooden Finnish house? Project of a porch of a wooden house in Scandinavian style provides a symmetrical facade with a porch of simple design (with a canopy and stairs). And when designing and finishing it, they try to preserve the texture of natural wood.

Neat extension in Finnish style

Porch village house made of wood can also be decorated in the Russian style. For this, logs and carved parts are used.

Russian style - types of porch of a wooden house, photo

How to build a porch and what design to choose

The main parameter by which the type and configuration of the extension is chosen is its combination with the mansion. Everything needs to be planned out at the design stage. To prevent the structure from sagging, it must be built on a strong and reliable foundation (according to all SNIP standards). A canopy is erected for protection from bad weather. Thus, the porch of a mansion is not only an important architectural element, but also a relaxation and comfort area.

Bottom line

Porch like business card home, can be of any configuration and size. The most important thing is that the structure protects the mansion from cold and bad weather, and also creates an overall harmonious architectural ensemble with it.

An originally designed entrance to a house can give even similar buildings a unique look. Exactly what type of wooden porch will be depends on the wishes of the home owner - the choice of options is unlimited. Let's consider the main stages of construction wooden porch, nuances of technological operations and a number of construction features. Having carefully read the recommendations set out in the article, the reader will be able to do all the work with his own hands, regardless of the drawn up (selected) drawing, and build an excellent wooden porch with a canopy.

If we consider in detail the available pros and cons of lumber, and also focus on their reasonable cost, then, despite the variety of wood, there are not so many options. There are mainly 3 recommendations, and all of them are for coniferous species. Why is clear. They are less susceptible to rotting than larch trees. What exactly should I choose?


Despite the fact that the wood is resinous, it is clearly not suitable for a porch. The fact is that the structure of this tree is characterized by increased porosity. The strength of the material depends on this characteristic, and the relationship between the parameters is inverse. Since most structural elements will be subject to intense loads (the weight of a person, snow cover on top of the canopy), including dynamic loads (gusts of wind), this is not an option. Firstly, there is no need to talk about the reliability of fastening the elements. Nails, self-tapping screws, and screws will not hold firmly in such wood.

Secondly, spruce is hygroscopic. Since no one will paint a wooden porch with moisture-resistant compounds (all the beauty of the wood is lost), you will have to treat it with antiseptics. But the effect will only be short-term, given the specific location of the structure (outside the building).

The durability of a spruce porch is nothing more than a “myth” launched by companies specializing in this field. The main reason is the ease of processing workpieces. Hence - minimum time for the execution of work. But few clients look at the estimates, especially since not everyone will understand all the details, and will not distinguish one breed from another.


Excellent choice of wood both in price and durability. If not for one thing, there is a better option.


The peculiarity of any porch is that all its parts, even despite the canopy, are constantly in conditions of relative dampness. Slanting rain (or snow with a side wind) will definitely fall on the steps, not to mention the railings and other parts. We should not forget about the vapors rising from the ground. Invisible microscopic droplets of moisture, even in dry, windless weather, will penetrate deep into the structure of the tree.

The main difference between larch and others coniferous species– in a specific resin. Without going into details, it is enough to note that when wet it only gains strength. It is not for nothing that this wood is always used for making support frames and backfills lower crowns log cabins

If we think about long-term maintenance-free operation of the porch, then the best choice- this is larch.


You should start by choosing the dimensions of the porch. It can be built not only from wood, but also from other materials. However, there are some generally accepted norms that you should be aware of. Whether to adhere to them or not is the decision of the home owner, but the parameters indicated below are optimal for both the convenience and safety of moving up the stairs.

All indicated linear characteristics are in cm.

  • Span width – 90±10. More is possible, less is undesirable.
  • The steepness of the stairs ranges from 30º to 45º.
  • The number of steps is odd. This is explained by the fact that the foot with which a person started moving up the stairs must be placed on the porch landing (when climbing). Height – about 17±2.5; The width of the board (tread) is 26 – 30. Narrow steps are dangerous, and wider ones are inconvenient to climb.

When drawing up the drawing, you need to take into account that all steps must have a certain slope forward. Otherwise, rainwater will stagnate on them.


In principle, you don’t have to put them on a wooden porch. But only if there are only 2 - 3 steps. If the span is large enough, a staircase railing is installed for safety reasons. Optimal height railings - 85 - 95. Sometimes they are placed on a low porch, but their main function in this case is purely decorative.


No specific standards for this issue does not exist. But logic dictates that the size of this part of the porch should be sufficient for several people to be on it at the same time. Since a canopy is provided, in relation to a private house, the dimensions of the site can be chosen larger. This will allow you to install 1 - 2 benches and a table on it and get a kind of mini-veranda. For rural areas - a good solution.

The porch area should be approximately 5 cm below the entrance door to the house. The explanation is simple. Under the influence of temperature and dampness, flooring boards will begin to deform (play). If they are laid flush with the threshold, then it is not a fact that there will be no problems with opening the front door.


For a wooden porch, if it is erected after the completion of the building as an extension, there are only two options - a pile base or a column base. You cannot “tie” the tape to the foundation of the house. Due to the discrepancy in weight, structures will shrink differently. As a result, cracks appear not only in the thermal and waterproofing, but also in the concrete itself. This is one reason. The second is that, taking into account the small dimensions and mass of a wooden porch, as well as significant financial investments, the construction of a monolithic base is not justified.

Pile foundation

It can be set up in a day, as you will need no more than 4 to 6 supports. To install screw piles According to the location, two people are enough. All that remains is to mount the support frame on which the wooden porch will be erected.

Columnar foundation

The main disadvantage of this solution is that you will have to drill the soil (hence, you will need a special machine), or dig holes. In the first case, you need to pay for the service, in the second, you need to spend much more time. And the consumption of concrete solution will increase slightly.

What to use for supports:

  • Pipes. Metal or asbestos-cement products into which the solution is poured after installation. But for a wooden porch you can limit yourself to the last type of product. After curing artificial stone they will provide the required strength of the base. To minimize the risk of destruction of supports (as a result of corrosion), it is advisable to paint them with moisture-repellent compounds.
  • Beam, log. To prevent rotting, the workpieces should be processed. In order to save money, you can use traditional technologies. For example, saturate the wood with machine oil (processing oil). It’s even better to additionally coat the end parts of the workpieces with liquid tar. There is also a technology for smoking coniferous wood. When exposed to heat, the resin contained in its structure forms a durable, moisture-impermeable layer. After this treatment, the wood does not rot for many years.
  • When installing pillars, it is necessary to place metal elements (vertically oriented) in them, to which the supporting frame of the wooden porch will be attached. Options - reinforcing bar, iron pin. The meaning is clear - to eliminate the risk of the structure shifting in the horizontal plane.
  • Regardless of the type of supports chosen for the foundation, you should adhere to general rule their installations. They are buried so that the ends are below the soil freezing level. Otherwise, seasonal soil heaving will begin to push them to the surface. As a result, the porch is skewed, deformed individual elements, disruption of their connections.


About her design features has already been said. It remains to add that the minimum recommended board thickness is 25. Trying to save money by using thinner samples will have consequences. For example, when moving heavy loads (household appliances, furniture), the steps may simply not withstand the load. Therefore, you need to focus on the location of the porch.

If it is at the main entrance to the house, then the boards should be massive. If it is erected in front of the door leading to the site (to the patio), a “twenty” will be enough. The diagrams show options for wooden porch stairs. Although the slab foundation in the second picture is not the best choice.

When fixing steps on stringers, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws rather than nails. This will have a positive effect on the maintainability of the porch stairs. And the likelihood of cracks appearing in the wood is reduced to zero. But nails can split it. Plus - additional fasteners in the form of metal corners, strips, and so on. They will increase the strength of the joints.


The choice is significant. But we are still talking about a porch made of wood. Therefore, such a factor as the compatibility of materials comes to the fore. What does this mean?

  • Aesthetic component. It is necessary to determine how the canopy will look against the background of the house.
  • Characteristics of materials. First of all, their thermal expansion is implied. For example, the combination of wood + concrete (or metal) is not the best.

From this point of view, for houses made of stone (brick), reinforced concrete, cellular concrete There is no need to make a wooden canopy. Optimally - a metal frame covered with polycarbonate, corrugated sheet or soft tiles. For example, like this.

If the structure is wooden (or sheathed with this material), then it is better to install a rafter system from bars. Covering - tiles, slate or sheet iron.

  • You can choose any type of roof - hipped, arched, two- or single-pitched. If it is flat, it must be installed with a slope to ensure spontaneous drainage of snow crust or rainwater.
  • When installing wooden rafters, the interval between supporting elements should not exceed 30 cm.

What to consider:

  • Wood preparation. It is quite difficult to do this efficiently on the site. Yes, and it will take a lot of time. Therefore, for a wooden porch it is advisable to purchase industrially dried lumber. They are more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the tree will not “lead” over time.
  • Surface treatment of workpieces. Doing this manually, just with a plane and sandpaper, is both time-consuming and pointless, since high quality cannot be achieved. Better to use grinder. If not buy, then rent.
  • Exterior design of a wooden porch. It's hardly worth using paint. The beauty of wood lies in the fact that its naturalness itself is an interior decoration. If, after grinding the front (side) surfaces of the samples, varnish is applied to them, then the appearance of the porch will be magnificent.

Good luck with your home improvement!

What do you think could be a useful additional area to the home, or a place where you can have a good time and relax? That's right - it's a porch. It happens different sizes– from very small to options the size of a standard room in the house. Today in our article we will discuss the porch at the dacha - photos and finishing options. This is a small but very important article that will teach you how to properly approach its construction and selection of materials. Also here you will get a couple of tips regarding the latter.

How to make a porch at the dacha with your own hands quickly and beautifully?

Before you start making a porch, you should focus on the most important aspect - the material. Follow these tips:

  • The porch must blend organically with the house itself. Therefore, first of all, we decide on the material - for a wooden house we choose a wooden material, for a brick or block house - a similar one (with tiles, expanded clay) and so on.
  • Decide on the design of the porch depending on the structure of the house. It can be round, rectangular, square.
  • Depending on the type and width of the doors, decide on the width of the porch itself.
  • It must have an odd number of steps. For a porch with more than 5 steps, it is necessary to make a railing for safety.
  • Before construction, always make a sketch and calculate all the nuances. This will serve you well and will prevent you from making mistakes.
  • The location of the porch should not interfere with your movement to any areas of your home.

As for assembling the porch itself, we will analyze both popular options - concrete and wood.

Building a concrete porch

Here we will look at the step-by-step instructions.

STEP 1: Pit.

At this stage, you need to collect as much information as possible about soil freezing in the area. This is required so that the foundation of the porch does not settle and collapse as a result of warming or floods. The pit is usually dug to a depth that corresponds to the freezing level.

When the pit is ready, the walls and bottom are leveled. This is all covered with crushed stone and compacted.

STEP 2: Pouring the foundation.

Here we will already need concrete mortar. It should be quite thick and mix well.

The solution is poured into the pit. Then the surface is leveled and it waits for it to harden (about 1 week).

STEP 3: Formwork.

We erect the formwork. It’s not difficult to make - we take some boards and knock together two side panels from them, the dimensions of which should correspond to the sides of the country porch.

Then the verticality is checked with the level readings. We are securing the whole thing for future filling.

STEP 4: Pouring concrete.

We make a reinforcement grid that is placed both at the very base of the porch and on each future step. We pour concrete into the formwork. Then we level the surface and check everything with a level.

We let everything harden for 1-2 weeks and then main basis the porch is ready. Only then will it be a matter of small things - removing blemishes and cosmetic finishing.

We build a porch from wood

Unlike a concrete porch, a wooden porch uses piles as a foundation.

STEP 1: Marking.

We make markings and designate the places where they will be located support pillars. The most sacred rule in this case is that there should be at least 4 pillars at the corners of the entrance area, and the rest at a distance of about half a meter from the foundation of the house.

STEP 2: Strengthening the pillars.

Under each foundation pillar it is necessary to dig a hole, the width of which should correspond to the diameter of the support, and the depth should be at least 80 cm. We equip the bottom of the holes with a cushion of sand and gravel

STEP 3: Pouring the pillars.

Let it harden for 1 week.

STEP 4: We fix the logs and lay the flooring.

After all these steps, steps are made to the porch and final finishing is carried out. The porch is ready.

Options for finishing a porch with a canopy made of polycarbonate and metal

Polycarbonate is an excellent and strong material that is designed for very long term services. It is not subject to corrosion and other destructive factors. Among its advantages are the following:

  • Has light weight.
  • It is very easy to carry out installation work.
  • Fireproof material. It does not ignite for a very long time and does not allow the fire to spread.
  • Resistant to temperature changes. Operating range from -40 to +120 degrees.
  • Service life is about 40-60 years.
  • Plastic and very flexible. You can create almost any design design.
  • Has many colors.
  • Easy to care for.

Polycarbonate goes well with metal. Below we will look at several in photographs. design solutions use of this material in finishing the porch.

Finally, we will provide you with a general overview various options country porch. Perhaps some decisions will prompt you to take some bold construction actions regarding this part of the house.

, I advise you to study. We also figured out how to make a porch for a brick/block house and for a wooden house. In any case - if you study in more detail building codes in this direction, then you can build a very cozy and practical porch, which can be very comfortable on cold winter nights or on hot summer days. It all depends on your desire and the flight of design ideas. And, of course, it depends on the budget and scope. Have fun building!

The porch of a country house is most often built from metal, wood or concrete. The choice of a specific material depends mainly on the architectural features of the building itself. Each type of street staircase has its own construction technology.

They will be discussed in this article. You will learn not only how to properly make a porch for a house from one material or another, but also how to tie it to the foundation of the house and what its own foundation should be like.

Choosing material for the porch

The choice of material for the porch of a house mainly depends on what its walls are made of. So, near the facade of a wooden building, it is best to build a structure made of boards and timber. A concrete or brick house can be attached to a concrete or metal structure. For finishing, tiles, bricks, wood or even plastic are often used:

Wooden porches for a country house

Wooden porches have a number of undeniable advantages. They are beautiful and require virtually no additional finishing. Such designs are somewhat cheaper than other varieties.

Construction of a porch to the house. Photo of an aesthetic and easy-to-manufacture design

Wooden street stairs are usually attached only to a log or cobblestone building or to a bathhouse. But there are exceptions to every rule. The simplicity of the design of such stairs makes them extremely popular, and often a carved or ordinary wooden porch can be seen on concrete or brick houses.

A wooden staircase can also be attached to a concrete house

Should I make a porch out of concrete?

Concrete options for porches can be poured. They are also built from blocks. This design can be made at the entrance to a concrete or brick building. The main advantage concrete stairs durability is considered. How to fill a porch with your own hands and how to make it from blocks will be discussed below.

Concrete marches look very beautiful and at the same time solid and solid

Metal constructions

Do-it-yourself metal porch at the dacha It is best to make it from a corner or profiled pipe.

On a note: Structures made from galvanized material are very beautiful. However, making them at home is hardly possible. In order to make such a staircase you need significant experience in working with welding machine. Therefore, at the entrances to private houses you can often see painted metal structures made of ordinary steel.

It is better to make wooden steps on street stairs made of metal. In some cases, they are also made of metal.

Using wooden steps you can build a very beautiful metal porch

You can build a porch at your dacha or in a country house using: different technologies. The choice of a specific one depends on what material will be used for its manufacture:

Assembling a wooden street staircase

First, let's look at how to make a porch with your own hands wooden house. You can build even the simplest wooden porch so that it turns out reliable only by drawing up a project in advance. In this case, the stairs must be calculated taking into account the following factors:

  1. The tilt angle of a comfortable march varies from 27 to 45 degrees;
  2. The width of the step should be approximately 30cm, height 17cm;
  3. The height of the railing should not be less than 90cm.

How to build a porch with your own hands. Drawings of convenient street stairs

To make a simple wooden staircase you will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Edged boards for steps and stringers;
  2. Beam minimum 80*80mm. It can be used to make porch supports;
  3. 3cm board for bowstring or stringer;
  4. Beam 50*50mm for making railings and canopy frame;
  5. 2cm board for covering the canopy.

They continue to build a wooden porch with their own hands by installing supports. To make them durable, it is worth treating their ends with automotive oil. Under them, holes about half a meter deep are dug in the ground at a distance from the wall equal to the width of the upper platform.

A durable porch can be built only by arranging reliable supports

At the next stage, the upper platform is knocked together. Next you will need to make stringers or a bowstring. One end of the stringer is attached to the upper platform, and the other is supported on a concrete pad. Then they begin to fill the treads and risers.

DIY wooden porch. Photo of the process of installing steps on stringers

Advice: Steps during construction wooden stairs For a private house, it is better to fasten it not with self-tapping screws, but with bolts and nuts. Weak fasteners from constant load in the future they will simply blab.

So, we have looked at how to build a wooden porch with your own hands in stages. However, without railings and a canopy, the structure will be unfinished. Balusters are mounted on metal studs. Next, the handrail is attached to the bolts. After this you need to make a visor by sheathing wooden frame boards.

Making reliable railings with your own hands when building a porch is not so difficult

How to Build a Welded Metal Porch

Now let's figure out how to build a porch for a metal house. The technology for constructing such structures is slightly different from the method of assembling wooden ones. Install supports from a pipe, angle or profile of at least 50*50mm. Next you need to make the frame of the upper platform. The bowstring should be made from a channel or corner.

A porch to a metal house can be made using a welding machine

When building a porch, the steps are welded from a corner in the form of frames, to which the racks are welded to the height of the riser. Next, the resulting elements are welded to the bowstrings, to their upper edge. Then the edged board is screwed to the corner.

Since metal is a material that does not tolerate moisture, a canopy must be made. You can equip a metal porch with your own hands, for example, with a canopy made of corrugated sheets. In this case, the frame should be made from a steel angle.

The construction of a metal porch requires the installation of a canopy

If you like arched, dome or curved canopies, you can use polycarbonate instead of metal profiles. You can make a curved frame yourself using a pipe bender. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to it using self-tapping screws with thermal washers.

You can make a very interesting shaped visor from polycarbonate

Important: The holes for the fasteners should be slightly larger in diameter than their rods. When installing the sheet, the screws themselves do not tighten too much, since polycarbonate sheets expand as temperature increases.

How to build a concrete march

A concrete porch should be attached to a stone building. You can make it with your own hands as poured or block.

Monolithic porch. How to build

When constructing a porch made of monolithic concrete, formwork is used. Its shape depends on the chosen form of the march itself. The easiest way to make it is from a board, and it is a multi-tiered structure (according to the number of steps). All steps must be reinforced. The concrete mixture is made from cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1*4*4.

To build a concrete porch, you need to make multi-tiered formwork

On a note: A semicircular, round or oval porch made of concrete looks very beautiful. In this case, during construction, the formwork can be made of tin or plastic.

Below see how you can build a porch with your own hands (video):

How to Build a Block Porch

In order to make a neat porch of a country house from blocks or foam blocks, markings should be made. Next, the foundation is laid. The ladder is laid out with ligation of the seams. After construction, a block structure, just like a monolithic one, must be faced with tiles or boards. In this case, you will get not just a solid, but also a beautiful porch.

The porch can also be built from concrete blocks

Approximately the same technology is used to make a porch with your own hands from brick or stone.

How to tie a ladder to the house

If the porch of a village house is built during its construction, it is poured simultaneously with the foundation of the building.

Important: The foundation of the street staircase is laid at the same depth as the foundation of the house itself.

It is best to build a porch at the same time as the building itself

However, more often the connection of the march to the building is done after its construction. In this case, you should follow the rules for connecting the porch to the plinth, which will be discussed below.

Concrete staircase. How to build a reliable

When attaching the porch of a private house with your own hands, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to attach heavy structures rigidly to the foundation and plinth. In this case, roofing material or polyethylene is laid between the march and the house. It can also be plywood or boards impregnated with bitumen. The fact is that an extension is usually made to a house that has already shrunk. A heavy concrete or brick staircase will definitely sink.

Iron and wooden porch

If you make your own porch from wood or metal, you can attach it directly to the base. In this case, during construction, bars or a metal corner are nailed to the wall. A wooden frame or iron frame of the upper platform is attached to them at one edge.

You can build a metal porch by attaching it directly to the house

What could be the foundation of the porch?

We hope you now understand how to properly attach a porch to a house with your own hands. Only one question remained unexamined, namely, what its foundation should be. You can make different types of bases for outdoor stairs.

Concrete pad

When constructing light wooden and metal stairs, a small concrete pad is usually placed under them. Next, let's see how to fill such a support. They do not lay it across the entire width of the porch, but only under the first step of the flight. Thus, it serves as a support for stringers or bowstrings. Its installation is carried out as follows:

  1. In the place where the ends of the stringers will subsequently be located, a square pit the width of the porch is dug. Its depth depends on the weight of the street staircase structure and is usually 30-40cm;
  2. Formwork made of boards is installed in the pit. Next, sand or gravel is poured onto its bottom in a layer of 10 cm;

DIY porch. Photo of the process of installing a concrete pad under the march

  1. After this, the bottom is filled with a three-centimeter layer of cement mortar;
  2. A reinforcement cage is installed on the resulting support, which can be made from a 12mm rod;
  3. Next, the formwork is filled concrete mixture. In this case, for one part of cement grade 300-400, four parts of sand and the same amount of crushed stone are taken.
Advice: In order to remove possible voids in the solution, you need to pierce it with a rod, shovel or wooden stake in several places.
  1. At the last stage, the surface of the filled pillow is carefully leveled. In this case, it will be possible to build the most stable porch.

If a wooden or metal staircase has a very wide or long flight, it is worth building a thicker cushion. Wooden or concrete pillars The upper platform should have a thickening at the very bottom.

A concrete pad under the porch can have enough big sizes. It can also be built with steps

Columnar foundation for the porch to the house

Sometimes wooden stairs are simply supported on pillars during construction. In addition to the supports of the upper platform, two more are buried in the ground wooden bollard under the march (instead of a concrete pad). You can make supports for bowstrings in the same way. metal stairs from pipe sections. Such a foundation is cheaper than a pillow and is easier to build, but it is less reliable.

You can build a porch with different types of pillars

Strip foundation

The design of a porch is technologically quite complex if it is built into the veranda. In this case, most often during construction, a strip foundation is poured under the entire structure.

DIY porch. Photo of a foundation pit for a strip foundation

This event consists of several stages:

  1. After the marking is made, a trench is dug around the perimeter of the veranda;
  2. Sand is poured onto its bottom;
  3. Next, formwork is installed along the edges, which can be made from boards;
  4. Then 5cm thick blocks (reinforcement supports) are laid at the bottom of the trench;
  5. The reinforcement is knitted from 12mm rod;
  6. After it is installed in the formwork, the latter is filled with a concrete mixture of the same composition as for a simple concrete pad;
  7. The formwork can be removed one day after pouring.

How to build a porch. Pouring strip foundation

Important: The veranda and the march itself are erected no earlier than two weeks after the foundation is laid.

How to build a slab foundation

Next, let's see how to make a slab foundation for a street staircase. This type of foundation is installed under heavy structures - concrete and brick. He represents monolithic slab under the entire area of ​​the stairs. It pours in about the same way as a pillow. The depth of laying depends on the depth of the foundation of the building. Usually it is 50-70cm.

It’s not very difficult to make a slab foundation for a porch

On a note: The thickness of the sand or gravel layer according to SNiP must be at least 10 cm.

So, now you know how to build a porch with your own hands. Depending on its type, different techniques can be used. Under the lungs street stairs You can make the foundation cheaper and simpler. Heavy structures require a more reliable foundation.