How to make a device for preparing living and dead water. Homemade device for preparing living and dead water. Properties of dead water

Many of us have heard about the so-called living and dead water. This is discussed in books, this issue is touched upon in cinema, and finally, you can find information about such water on the World Wide Web.

And this is not fiction, living and dead water really exists. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Dead water (anolyte) is a solution obtained as a result of electrolysis, which has a large positive charge and a strongly acidic acid-base balance. Anolyte is known for the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimycotic (antifungal);
  • antiallergic.

Why does anolyte have such healing properties? There are no miracles here, everything is quite natural and can be explained scientific point vision.

The fact is that during the electrolysis process, chlorine and oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide are concentrated in the anode zone.

But they are the ones who help macrophages (the protective cells of our body) destroy the viruses, microbes, and fungi that come across them.

That's why contact of anolyte with a microbial cell leads to destruction of the microbial cell wall, leakage of cell components into the intercellular space, disruption of the functions of the ribosomal apparatus (it is responsible for the biosynthesis of protein from amino acids), and other unfavorable changes.

Living and dead water is certainly beneficial for the body, but so that it does not develop from a means of treatment into the category of “mutilation”, you need to know that:

  • between the intake of dead and living water there must be at least two hours;
  • When using living water not in combination with dead water, a feeling of thirst may occur. There is no need to suffer: drink acidified tea or compote;
  • living water It quickly loses its properties, as it is an unstable active system. At storing living water in a cool, dark place it can be used throughout two days, and then a new alkaline solution (catholyte) should be prepared;
  • dead water can retain its properties for 2 weeks if stored in a closed container;
  • both dead and living can be used not only as a means of treatment, but also as a way to prevent diseases of the body.

But how do you get living and dead water?

Apparatus AP-1 ^

This device has quite high level quality, this is the so-called electroactivator. In its manufacture the following were used:

  • food grade plastic;
  • electrodes made of ultra-strong noble metals;
  • A ceramic glass made from a special type of clay.

Positive features of the product are the following points:

  1. The device looks very nice in appearance;
  2. it allows you to get almost one and a half liters of water in just 20-30 minutes;
  3. the device is characterized by low power consumption - at the level of a 40-watt light bulb;
  4. the anodes of the device are made of titanium and coated with a platinum group metal, the cathodes are made of of stainless steel.

But it should be noted that AP-1 costs significantly more than other devices. So, for a model with an indicator reflecting water quality, you will have to pay about 100 US dollars.

"PTV" ^

This device differs significantly from the previous three, since it is intended primarily for professional activity(sanatoriums, rest homes, medical institutions), although it also finds its use at home.

The main advantages of the device are:

  • low power consumption for a product of this class – 75 watts;
  • thick electrodes;
  • long service life.

Besides, This device does not have a glass in which dead water is prepared. Instead, there are simply two separate containers separated by a special wood membrane.

But still, the disadvantage of this device is its cost. For the device home use 130-140 dollars- already too much.

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A very beneficial activity for health (including weight loss) is water aerobics. Read more about this sport in the article:
, it is very interesting!

Making living and dead water with your own hands ^

In addition to the officially manufactured devices discussed above, there are also homemade ones. We will offer one proven method for making water yourself. So, for this you will need:

  • two stainless steel mugs;
  • several syringes;
  • ordinary wire - a cord with a plug at the end;
  • one diode.

It is better to purchase mugs with handles, since you need to drill a hole directly in the handle and screw a diode into it (you should use diodes with a load of 220 volts, 6-amp).

The mugs themselves should be mounted on a stand made of non-conducting material. To strengthen it, you can cut holes in the stand that are equal in diameter to the bottom of the mugs, or you can simply glue the mugs.

Two syringes are glued together into a single U-shaped tube (to do this you will have to cut their tops), and another syringe is firmly inserted on top (directly into the middle of the crossbar of the imaginary letter “P”).

When homemade device When ready, the mugs need to be filled with water and placed on a stand.

The prepared tube should be lowered into the circles so that one end of the letter “P” is in the left circle, and the other in the right.

After this, the upper syringe is pulled out all the way (thereby filling the tube with water). Then the end of the wire with a positive charge is connected to the diode (remember, it is installed in the handle of one of the mugs), and the end of the wire with a “minus” is connected to the other mug.

The plug is plugged into the outlet and left overnight. By morning, this unique device will produce dead water (in the mug where the diode is installed) and live water.

How to make water in the device? Instructions for use ^

Of course, not everyone will decide to create a device for preparing living and dead water on their own, and therefore you need to know how to work with the purchased device.

So, most devices have a container for living water and a separate glass for dead water (as we have seen, the glass can be fabric or ceramic).

Initially, the container is filled with water, and then the device turns on.

After this, the process of polarization of solutions begins and standard electroosmosis clearly occurs: the liquid flows towards the negative charge (accordingly, the anolyte level drops).

As soon as the redox indicators of the catholyte and anolyte are equalized, the water will flow in the opposite direction due to repolarization.

Like this in an interesting way Factory-made devices provide living and dead water.

What do people say? Reviews about the use of living and dead water ^

All descriptions, of course, are good, but you always want to learn about the use of devices and the water itself from ordinary people. Having collected all the information from the reviews, we offer some of the most common points:

1) self-production the device is quite unsafe, since there is high risk water pollution due to the materials from which this device will be created;

2) the cheapest devices do not achieve the intended effect, and therefore buying them means throwing them away Money to the wind;

3) water can be used to heal wounds. First the wound is treated dead water, and after drying - alive.

Many people say that after they started using living and dead water, they completely forgot about pills and doctors:

“My children always had runny noses, all year round. And then I decided to use living and dead water. And now for 4 months my children have not been sick at all!”

“My wife suffered from problems with her pancreas. I started drinking water and that’s it! Now she doesn’t have any pain at all, and she doesn’t need diets at all.”

“I started drinking this water just out of curiosity. Now I have it all the time good mood, and I work with such zeal that all my friends are jealous.”

Well, let the treatment with living and dead water benefit you too. Be healthy!

Video about the health benefits of living and dead water:

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35 reviews per article“ Treatment with living and dead water: fairy tales or reality?

  1. Alex11

    Healing with water is interesting. But the names are living and dead water, of course, you immediately remember fairy tales. And accordingly, such names do not add trust. Although the idea itself is interesting.

  2. Paul

    I have been using the Iva-1 water activator for 2 years now, before that I used the Ap-1 activator. To be honest, Ap-1 is an activator that is not worth the money. The anode is not coated with platinum, but with Teflonium material. And this material is subject to anodic dissolution: (I found out that 1 anode electrode costs about 900-1000 rubles. And they sell this AP in bulk for 1500 rubles. Therefore, they saved on the material.
    Now I’m using Iva-1 activator, there’s a really good coating (I submitted it for examination) - it’s really a sputtering of ruthenium (this is a platinum group metal), so it just doesn’t dissolve during electrolysis. In general, it corresponds to its price - 4100 rubles. And about water, believe it or not, it really heals!!!

  3. Elena

    It’s true, my grandmother used homemade medicine to heal tragic wounds.

  4. Sergey

    I made electrodes from silver. I took two silver fifty rubles. One cathode and the other anode, or vice versa, depending on where the + or - of the power source is

  5. Yuri

    Two fifty kopecks of what standard? To make a good silver electrode you need 999 standard - the highest, the standard means how many grams of silver are per 1000 grams. Your fifty dollars are most likely 925 standard - this means that along with silver there are also impurities of other metals and when you supply electric current to such an electrode, on the contrary, you will make the water even worse. I advise you to buy a water silverer, there are many of them on our market, for example, IVA-2 Silver, this installation already has an electrode with 999 fineness. Otherwise it's up to you :)

  6. Marina

    To be honest, the phrase “dead water” sounds somehow strange and even repulsive, but in fact it is very useful, no less than the so-called “living water”. Having learned that the properties of water can be changed, I bought special device and began to use water for medicinal purposes. The result was amazing: I began to feel much better, the headaches went away.

  7. Anatol
  8. Albert

    About unusual properties water, I watched a program on TV. It turns out that water has the ability to change its crystals depending on its surroundings. Scientists took a drop of water and played next to it a recording of some classical music or children's laughter, and the water crystals acquired different beautiful shapes in the form of snowflakes, etc. They did the same thing with another drop, only the recording was different, for example hard rock or curse words. In this case, the water crystals disintegrated into “torn” pieces or took on ugly shapes. Like this…

  9. Julia

    I read an article by a doctor of chemical sciences about ionized water, “Arguments in favor of alkaline water. Letter to the editor from a doctor of chemical sciences." I recommend it to everyone

  10. Holgina

    The idea of ​​dead and living water is interesting, but I don’t want to experiment on myself. It's kind of scary.

  11. Andrey

    I don't trust such inventions. I prefer to drink regular filtered water.

  12. Komzin Boris

    Our water cannot be used for treatment at all; it can only harm health if taken for a long time.

  13. Alexander

    I tried it on myself back in 1985-95. The device was homemade. The pH was checked with ordinary litmus paper. Very effective remedy!!! I made the device and started using it, because I tried a lot of remedies for radiculitis, all kinds of ointments, massage, cast iron, copper shavings... nothing helped. Using J. and M. water, the pain went away in just a few (2-3) days. Before today the pain did not recur. Sore throat is treated within 2-3 rinses, after an hour. Yes, many diseases are easily treated. In addition, the effect of using water is long-lasting. And also, as far as I understand from experience, water is not purified, but decomposed into its component parts. To obtain the F and M components, it is better to use already purified water. Both derivatives are useful! So I recommend it to everyone!

  14. platonii

    And what does the truth cure?

  15. Daniel

    I make living dead water using the IVA 2 device. I mainly use living water, catholyte, for half a year. I noticed a weakening of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. I began to do without many vasodilator medications. I feel better. Living water is certainly not a panacea, but it significantly alleviates painful conditions. It also has a tonic effect.

They have been known since ancient times, but earlier, instead of neat purchased devices, they were made with their own hands. Following historical facts, devices for preparing dead and living water were available back in the 70s. To create two types of water you need this device"alive" and "dead". If you look at the publications of the magazines that our grandmothers subscribed to, you will definitely find a diagram of the device. The water activator was made independently because there was a shortage of goods all over the world, and especially of various kinds of devices and equipment. Let's figure out what the device consists of and how it works with living and dead water. Analogues exist only as professional equipment.

Design and how a DIY water activator works

A do-it-yourself activator treats water by acting on it direct current. Take a special container into which the electrodes will be immersed. In order to do this, you need to understand the operating principle of the device. Dead water collects where the anode electrode is installed. Dead water is separated from living water using a semi-impermeable glass; it can be made from a piece of whatman paper, tarpaulin or any other suitable material. The activator receives a voltage of 220 volts from the network. The voltage is rectified and applied to the electrodes.

The conversion occurs due to the formation of a diode bridge. The cathode does its work from the lamp, which becomes a signaling device in the device system and a fuse for the electrode. You can learn about the preparation of living water by the dimming light bulb. If you exclude the incandescent lamp with a parallel switch, the procedure will speed up.

Ready-to-drink water not only becomes alive, its level of alkalis and acids changes significantly, and it can be determined using the pH value. Where the cathode is, the acidity does not exceed 9-10 units, where the anode is less than three. Determine values ​​using special devices or chemical tests.

Stay safe

What is described above is a DIY design to activate water. In any case, there are some points where there are limitations and close attention is required:

when you start making a device for living water, remember that the device is not safe for human health, since it runs on household electricity;

- the device can only be turned on with liquid; operation of electrodes not covered with water can lead to a fire;

- during work operation the walls of the vessel should not be allowed to come into contact with the electrodes;

— the electrodes can only be removed when the mains voltage is turned off;

— do not allow children close to the activator; if you are not present in the room, it is better not to connect it to operation.

Inventors of homemade activators suggest using powerful diodes and high current, calculated from 5A. Processes will go faster and security will increase. When a strong current passes through water, it can not only accomplish its intended purpose, but also heat the water so much that it boils. However, you should not think that at low values, for example at 0.1-0.5 A, the desired result is not achieved. The process that occurs at this moment is called electrolysis, and it can destroy the electrode. That is why professionals who have already gone through a lot and completed more than one device advise using only food-grade steel. Food grade steel has a low magnetic background, so it is ideal in this case. Ordinary stainless steel quickly decomposes, so it is absolutely not suitable in this case. To make an anode, it is recommended to take a high-class and clean schedule.

If present in water great amount impurities, the processing process will be several times lower. If you take it, then it is, of course, chlorinated and should sit for 3-4 hours. To remove iron, run through filters.

Functional homemade devices

If you don't already know about useful properties am activator, then read how many benefits they provide for health, help in caring for indoor plants, both living and dead water are present everywhere. The beneficial properties and healing properties of water are obtained by enriching water with ions. Various alloys use additives that prevent corrosion from occurring on metal surface, create strength and aesthetics. prevents bismuth, molybdenum and other substances from entering the liquid. Some liquids can cause allergies. If substances accumulate in the body, they become a health hazard and can lead to cancer.

To avoid concerns, it is better to use a magnetic activator that is manufactured in production. Modern technology contains electrodes made of non-magnetic food steel in its devices. A magnetic activator separates liquids using a ceramic bowl. Manufacturers are responsible for the operation, safety and service life of this type of device. It is best to exclude negativity.

You can often hear the concept of a “magnetic” activator. This is a device that can change the level of calcium and magnesium salts; when heated, scale appears. IN industrial production there are no less important device converter. The magnetic activator operates at high frequencies and has a generator.

The technique of making the devices is complex and difficulties will certainly arise when copying.

If you decide to make a magnetic activator yourself, you will need to prepare:

— purchase special programs or electronic circuits;

— in order for the operation to last as long as possible, high-quality structural elements are needed that do not have to be taken out for maintenance and will not need to be adjusted;

— diagnostics and even your own laboratory or special equipment;

— have experience working with electronics and understanding complex developments.

Even if you don’t make a magnetic activator, you can always do the simplest one outlined above. An activator for the home is as necessary as air, especially in our modern world, where the water is far from perfect quality. The magnetic field will prevent scale from forming. Designs for the production of activated water are presented for informational purposes only. Everyone makes an activator device for themselves independently and is fully responsible for the safety of their home, health and life when working with a “homemade product”.

After completing work with the devices, you should rinse all elements, especially those where there was dead water. Living water can easily deal with greasy stains, while dead water has a bactericidal effect and can replace peroxide, especially when required a large number of liquids. After handling, wash your hands thoroughly to remove negative energy. If your budget does not allow you to buy an activator, then homemade work Just perfect option for you. The choice is yours, but remember that activated water is simply necessary for normal life.

The electric activator of water changes its structure at the molecular level and saturates it with monomolecules by simple electrolysis. As a result, the user receives “living” and “dead” water, which is increasingly used for medicinal purposes. According to biophysical and biological indicators, such water is considered more active, and its natural properties are enhanced. Let's take a closer look at the work of such an activator and the benefits of the resulting water.

An electric activator is a simple electrical device for restructuring or activating ordinary water. In one cycle, the device simultaneously activates water or an aqueous solution of two types: catholyte (live, alkaline) and anolyte (acidic, dead). Each device consists of several elements:

  • main bowl for converting alkaline water;
  • removable container or glass made of fabric, ceramics;
  • mains power supply;
  • top cover of the device.

The large bowl of the electric activator is made from safe food grade plastic, it is in it that ordinary water is structured into “living” through electrolysis. A removable container made of ceramic or fabric serves as a diaphragm (partition) between the catholyte and anolyte, and acidic “dead” water is structured in it.

Below in the activator cover is located four electrodes: a pair of anodes, with a shell with a chemically resistant coating and a pair of cathodes made of food or stainless steel.

The electrodes of the activator, developed and manufactured in industrial conditions, are not destroyed by electrochemical processes, which makes them different from home-made devices.

During each conversion cycle, an electric current enters the water through the electrodes, changing its catalytic and reaction activity. Electrolysis also changes the entire chain of intermolecular interactions, and, as a result, affects the structure of water or an aqueous solution at the physical level. In other words, under the influence electric current in tap, distilled or filtered water molecular structure changes.

The cathodic electrochemical effect on the liquid converts some of the salts into hydroxides, giving the water alkaline properties. The concentration of hydrogen increases, and the concentration of nitrogen and oxygen, on the contrary, decreases. Due to the manifestation of stable and unstable acids (sulfuric, persulfuric, hydrochloric), anodic treatment intensively increases the acidity in an aqueous solution, significantly increasing the redox potential.

Using the device

Using a household electric activator for tap or distilled water does not cause any difficulties. The action algorithm is simple:

  • water is poured into a ceramic (or tarpaulin) flask to the top level;
  • water is poured into a plastic bowl 1.5 cm below the edge of the ceramic diaphragm;
  • connect the activator to the power supply.

The structuring process lasts from 10 to 40 minutes: the longer the device operates, the higher the concentration of microelements. After 40 minutes, the electrolysis action stops and the device should be turned off. Between cycles it is recommended to take short breaks from 5 to 20 minutes.

To avoid overheating During activation, it is important to monitor the temperature of the plastic bowl and power supply. The current supply increases when the water salinity is too high. For the same reason, it is impossible to pour a saline solution to form a catholyte and anolyte in one cycle.

Upon completion of activation, the water is allowed to settle for about an hour; the catholyte may appear in the container. white coating or sediment throughout the entire interior area. Its use is prohibited; later the sediment must be drained into the sewer. Collects on the walls of a ceramic glass white coating, the user manual indicates the frequency of cleaning the anolyte container. Usually, before every tenth cycle, the glass is placed in vinegar. Electrodes made of stainless or food steel can be wiped with any household rag, while black electrodes can be cleaned independently; it is unacceptable to clean them mechanically or with special means.

Catholyte and anolyte, belonging to the class of metastable elements, over time they lose their unique properties. The effect of activated water lasts for 7 hours after treatment. There is no point in storing water or saline solution in the refrigerator; the liquid must be consumed immediately.

"Living" and "dead" water

The purpose of operating each activator is the restructuring of water, and any electrical appliance contains two containers; in one process the device makes both “dead” and “living” water. For example, the increasingly popular AP-1 looks like a regular filter jug, inside of which there is a small additional capacity.

The definitions of “living” and “dead” water are arbitrary; in both cases it is ordinary water with an altered molecular structure. The term “living water” means catholyte, which stimulates all biological processes, and “dead” - anolyte, means a slowdown.

There are many different opinions about the miraculous properties of healing water. You can argue for a long time whether this is a myth or reality, but you cannot deny the physical processes that occur at the molecular level.

The benefits of “living” water

Living water or catholyte has alkaline properties, has a high pH value - about 10 units. Under the influence of electric current, some of the molecules decompose into hydrogen ions. Alkaline water promotes vital functions and has a strong biostimulating effect. Therefore, it is used to cleanse the body, heal wounds, and seeds treated with “living” water bloom and germinate faster.

Naturally, such water cannot be called a panacea for all diseases and can hardly be taken as an independent medicine. At the same time, its benefits to the body are difficult to downplay:

  • water enriched with alkali promotes the healing of all wounds and burns;
  • helps cure peptic ulcers;
  • cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins faster;
  • increases arterial pressure and strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial, healing effect on the kidneys, liver, and the entire digestive system;
  • enhances the effects of medications taken.

Features of dead water

Dead water or anolyte is endowed with retarding properties and stops any biological processes. She's being used for disinfection:

  • peeling vegetables or fruits, which increases their shelf life;
  • disinfection of any items;
  • in alternative medicine to destroy allergens, fungi and other bacteria.

Anolyte is acidic water with low level ph (3 – 4 units), when interacting with bacteria, it destroys cell walls and blocks protein synthesis. To put it simply in simple language– “dead” water freezes the vital activity of microorganisms, which is useful for humans in the fight against various diseases.

Review of modern electric water activators

Below we present the most popular examples of industrial activators. Despite their widespread use, not all of the presented models cope well with their task.

Apparatus AP-1

Electric water activator AP-1 is one of the most popular . The device is different good production quality:

  • the main container is made of high-grade plastic;
  • heavy-duty electrodes made of titanium, platinum and stainless steel;
  • The ceramic diaphragm is made from a special type of clay.

A 70 W activator consumes no more than 40 W during operation, which makes it quite economical. In one cycle of 20–30 minutes, AP-1 is capable of activating almost one and a half liters of structured water. The AP-1 device is not stylish and modern design, but will easily and discreetly fit into any kitchen.

The cost of AP-1 is slightly higher than similar devices, thanks to the built-in water quality indicator.

"Health resort"

The simple device is available in two versions: with a ceramic or canvas glass. The second one will cost a little less. "Health resort", staffed ceramic glass, is close in price to AP-1, but is significantly inferior to it in quality and functionality.

The design is very similar to AP-1:

  • plastic container;
  • glass made of ceramics or tarpaulin;
  • stainless steel electrodes.

Its advantage is the price; otherwise the device attracts little attention. Naturally, Melesta will cope with its main task, but it has some disadvantages. For example, the design only implies fabric glass, which is inferior to ceramics. Instead of four electrodes, only two are installed here, made of food steel. The external characteristics of the device will not earn more than three points: rough execution and mediocre design.

Naturally, the shortcomings do not affect the quality of the water; the activation result will be similar to AP-1 or professional PTV. But the service life, ergonomics and aesthetics are still unfinished.


The PTV device is designed for professional use in sanatoriums or dispensaries, but it is often purchased for home use. The advantage of the water activator is its resource; here the manufacturer installed thick electrodes, which significantly increases its service life. The device power is only 75 W.

PTV is also distinguished by its design: instead of a ceramic glass for anolyte, the device has one container separated by a wood membrane. The only drawback of the activator is its cost, but best quality requires it.

Every person dreams of a long and happy life, which is not overshadowed by various ailments. And traditional medicine has always sought to fulfill this desire. She has accumulated vast experience in studying medicinal plants and many recipes have been created to relieve various diseases.

One of the miracle cures offered by traditional medicine is water, which is called living and dead. Do you remember how in fairy tales, when they used this method to resurrect a dead hero? First he was sprinkled with dead and then living water.

History of application

The gifts of nature have long been used by humans for medicinal purposes. One of them that deserves special attention, - “life-giving water.” Even in ancient manuscripts, researchers found a mention that during his military campaigns along the mountain ranges of the Pamirs, Caucasus and Tien Shan, Alexander the Great found a source of healing water. He collected the liquid into a jug, but his daughter stole it and poured it on herself. As a result of this, she became invisible and immortal.

There is also information that many Popes, Chinese emperors and others the mighty of the world This is why expeditions were organized in search of an elixir that would allow one to obtain immortality. All these fairy tales and legends are clear confirmation that our ancestors knew about the existence of living and dead water.


Today you can make living and dead water with your own hands. And in ancient times, people took it from natural sources.

The dead one was in stagnant lakes and swamps. This liquid was not consumed internally. It was used only by healers for various external potions. The water of mountain rivers, glaciers and waterfalls is considered alive. It was drunk and also used in the preparation of various medicines.

Modern research

Today, to obtain healing liquid there is no need to search for its sources. To do this, it is enough to make a living and dead water apparatus at home. When used as a result of hydrolysis, so-called activated water is obtained.

Soviet scientists were busy studying the properties of this liquid back in the 80s of the 20th century. However, the results of all experiments and experiments were simply kept secret for the general public. However, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. After some time, doctors and traditional healers learned about the results of the experiments. And here the work of Western researchers played a big role. Their results could be read in published scientific articles.

Research has proven that living water, also called catholyte, becomes negatively charged due to hydrolysis. This transformation helps it obtain high regenerating and immunostimulating properties. This makes it possible for a liquid that has undergone the hydrolysis process to become healing and be used to get rid of many ailments.

The unique properties of such water were confirmed by the USSR Pharmacological Committee. At the same time, it was said about its absolute harmlessness not only for external, but also for internal use.

The water that accumulates near the positive electrode after electrolysis is called anolyte. Its unique properties have been known to traditional healers since time immemorial. Thanks to this water, people managed to escape from rotting wounds and bedsores.

Obtaining healing liquid

In order to get activated water, you do not need to look for some distant and sometimes inaccessible sources. To do this, just open the tap and use a special device.

Based on the basic concepts of chemistry, living water has alkaline properties. They contribute to the healing effect. The properties of dead water are acidic. That is why it exhibits a disinfecting effect.

Electric current passing through plain water radically changes its existing internal structure. At the same time, it erases harmful environmental information contained in the liquid. After such treatment, the water is divided into living and dead. Moreover, each of these two fractions has medicinal qualities.

Experiments on the use of activated liquid

The first apparatus of living and dead water in our country was invented by N. M. Kratov. The idea of ​​creating this device did not come to the author by chance. In 1981, Kratov was treated in hospital. There he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma. Simultaneously with this pathology, he suffered from an inflammatory process in the kidneys. The course of treatment in the hospital lasted for a month, but did not bring any tangible results. That is why doctors offered Kratov surgery. He refused surgery and was discharged home.

At the same time, Kratov’s son suffered from a long-term non-healing wound. And the author, who created the apparatus of living and dead water, began to test the properties of the healing liquid on the affected area on his son’s skin. The results were not long in coming. The wound healed within two days. Such success inspired the inventor. He began to take this water himself, and soon his health improved. Along with the adenoma, radiculitis and leg swelling went away.

Application area

In addition to Kratov, the healing properties of such water were studied by G.D. Lysenko, as well as whole line authors. As a result of the research, it became obvious that water, both living and dead, can rid a person of almost fifty items various diseases, starting with a sore throat and ending with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

This list also includes such common diseases as colds and flu, runny nose and radiculitis, hypertension, etc.

Making at home

In order to use the healing liquid, it is enough to make a device of living and dead water with your own hands. Of course, such devices are not difficult to find on sale. Buying and delivering them will not be difficult.

However, the purchased apparatus for obtaining living and dead water, when examined in detail, has quite simple design. This makes me think about saving money. After all, the price of such a device is not so low. It is much easier to make a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands. It will only require a little time and a small amount of materials. The skill of our masters is always present.

Main details

In order to build a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands, you will need:

Glass jar;
- diode bridge that rectifies the mains voltage;
- a bag made of waterproof fabric;
- two electrodes;
- power cord.

With help skillful hands all these details can easily turn into homemade apparatus living and dead water.


This part must be made of food grade stainless steel. Salad bowls left in the house from Soviet times are perfect for this role. But if they are not there, then any utensils made from stainless steel will do. A graphite rod can be used for the anode.

If the apparatus for preparing living and dead water is assembled using a half-liter jar, then the length of the electrodes should be 100 mm. However, this volume can be increased. In order to create a device for living and dead water with your own hands, you can take a three-liter jar. In any case, the electrodes can be extended. Their size should be such that the distance between the metal and the bottom of the glass container is at least 5-10 mm.

Stainless steel sheets suitable for the manufacture of the anode and cathode should be 0.8-1 mm thick. Some craftsmen claim that they created the apparatus for making living and dead water using aluminum electrodes.


This part will be needed to separate the resulting water fractions. As a rule, a tarpaulin is used to make a bag. This could be a piece from a fire hose or a gas mask bag. But in any case, the material for the bag should not contain any impregnation. In order to ensure that there are no foreign substances, the prepared piece must be placed in water and boiled. The components used in impregnation will manifest themselves when heated.

The length of the finished bag must be in full accordance with the height glass jar, which is used to create the apparatus. When cutting this part, cut off the required length of the tarpaulin. The bottom of the bag is sewn up with a piece of the same material or food-grade plastic is inserted.

Device assembly

The diagram of the apparatus that receives living and dead water is quite simple, and you can familiarize yourself with it in the article. To assemble the device, a U-shaped cut is made on the positive electrode. It is necessary to place a cloth bag on the anode. It will collect dead water. There is no need to make such a cut on the cathode.

Both electrodes are attached to the jar using an ordinary nylon lid. However, here it is worth using one trick. Due to the fact that such lids have a small mechanical strength, it is best to attach the electrodes to them using an insulating sealing gasket. This will avoid unpredictability of their behavior during work. Such gaskets are made of fiberglass (without foil) or any plastic. This part has the appearance of a rectangle with rounded ends. Two holes are cut out on it, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the electrodes. The gasket is installed on plastic cover. During operation, when living water and dead water are formed, the device releases gases from the liquid. For their exit, an additional hole is provided in the lid.

Next, a rectifying diode bridge is attached to the electrodes. It is important to mark the positive and negative outputs to the plate (“+” and “-”). For safety reasons, the bridge can be covered with a lid. When using a threaded diode, the thread must be attached to the positive electrode.

There is another way to assemble a similar circuit. It can be performed with a rectifier bridge. In this case, living and dead water will be produced even more intensively. The device (reviews from craftsmen confirm this) will become four times more powerful. Accelerating the process of preparing healing liquid is especially important when using it systematically.

A power cord with a plug is connected to the diode bridge. Its length must be at least 500-700 mm. It is important to isolate all exposed electrical connections, because for the process that results in living water and dead water, the device consumes an alternating voltage of 220 V. Next, the electrode, which is marked with a minus sign, is placed in a canvas bag, water is poured into the jar, and the whole structure begins to work when connected to the electrical network.

Preparing water

Getting the healing liquid is quite simple. To do this, pour water into a cloth bag. Next, a positive electrode is placed in it. This entire structure is immersed in a jar of water. And here there are also some nuances. The water in the jar should not be filled to the brim. It should be slightly below the top edge of the bag.

The whole process lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. Next, the electrodes are removed from the jar. This must be done very carefully. Otherwise, a mixture of the two resulting fractions will occur. At the end of the process, the water from the cloth bag is poured into a separate bowl.

Assembling a device with a different design

Due to the need for careful handling of the resulting fractions this device is not very convenient. In addition, certain safety precautions must be observed when the live and dead water apparatus is operating.

The instructions for it warn that all manipulations of pouring water and removing the final product must be done without plugging the device into a power outlet.

A device whose design does not include the use of a fabric bag is considered more convenient. In this case, you will need to take two containers. However, banks are not suitable for this. Such containers are distinguished by the absence of a neck and steep, straight edges. The design of the electrodes in such a device remains unchanged. The only difference between such a device is that the anode and cathode must be installed in separate containers. Electrical contact must be ensured between the electrodes. To do this, they are connected with a cotton band wrapped in gauze, which is pre-soaked in water. Such a part will allow ions to move freely. As a result of the operation of the device, both living and dead water will be produced. Moreover, each of them can be seen in a separate container. This allows you to simply disconnect the installation from the network at the end of the work and obtain anolyte and catholyte immediately, and in equal volumes.

In the scheme of this design, as in the previous version, it is advisable to use a light bulb with a power of 15 W. They are usually used in sewing machines and refrigerators. At short circuit electrodes, the light bulb will play the role of a fuse, and if the process does not have any failures, it will act as an indicator. At the beginning of water production, the light from it will be quite bright. Towards the end of the process, the light will begin to dim. The signal about the end of the production of activated water will be its complete shutdown.

Rules for using healing water

The catholyte prepared in the device is an alkaline solution with a bluish tint. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste with a pH of 8.5 to 10.5. Catholyte, or living water, is able to retain its medicinal properties at least two days. Only in this case it is important that the storage conditions are met. Living water should be kept in a closed container and in a darkened room.

The analyte has a yellowish tint. In addition, the difference between dead water and living water lies in its astringent, sour taste and somewhat acidic aroma. Anolyte retains its properties for half a month. But this only happens when it is stored in a closed container. The acidity of such a liquid is from 2.5 to 3.5 pH.

Activated water should be heated before use. However, some caution must be exercised. Water should be poured into a ceramic or enamel bowl and heated over low heat. Using an electric stove will cause a loss of its beneficial properties. It is strictly forbidden to bring such water to a boil. In this case it also becomes useless.

If both dead and living water are used at the same time, then between their doses you need to take a break of at least one and a half hours. In the case of local application, the pause is much shorter. It is only 10 minutes. This dosing regimen can be explained by the fact that when the analyte and catholyte are mixed, they are neutralized. As a result, the healing liquid simply loses its activity.

Every person dreams of a long and happy life, which is not overshadowed by various ailments. And traditional medicine has always sought to fulfill this desire. She has accumulated vast experience in the study of medicinal plants and has created many recipes that relieve various diseases.

One of the miracle cures offered by traditional medicine is water, which is called living and dead. Do you remember how in fairy tales, when they used this method to resurrect a dead hero? First he was sprinkled with dead and then living water.

History of application

The gifts of nature have long been used by humans for medicinal purposes. One of them, which deserves special attention, is “life-giving water.” Even in ancient manuscripts, researchers found a mention that during his military campaigns along the mountain ranges of the Pamirs, Caucasus and Tien Shan, Alexander the Great found a source of healing water. He collected the liquid into a jug, but his daughter stole it and poured it on herself. As a result of this, she became invisible and immortal.

There is also information that many Popes, Chinese emperors and other powerful people organized expeditions in search of an elixir that would allow them to obtain immortality. All these fairy tales and legends are clear confirmation that our ancestors knew about the existence of living and dead water.


Today you can make living and dead water with your own hands. And in ancient times, people took it from natural sources.

The dead one was in stagnant lakes and swamps. This liquid was not consumed internally. It was used only by healers for various external potions. The water of mountain rivers, glaciers and waterfalls is considered alive. It was drunk and also used in the preparation of various medicines.

Modern research

Today, to obtain healing liquid there is no need to search for its sources. To do this, it is enough to make a living and dead water apparatus at home. When used as a result of hydrolysis, so-called activated water is obtained.

Soviet scientists were busy studying the properties of this liquid back in the 80s of the 20th century. However, the results of all experiments and experiments were simply kept secret for the general public. However, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. After some time, doctors and traditional healers learned about the results of the experiments. And here the work of Western researchers played a big role. Their results could be read in published scientific articles.

Research has proven that living water, also called catholyte, becomes negatively charged due to hydrolysis. This transformation helps it obtain high regenerating and immunostimulating properties. This makes it possible for a liquid that has undergone the hydrolysis process to become healing and be used to get rid of many ailments.

The unique properties of such water were confirmed by the USSR Pharmacological Committee. At the same time, it was said about its absolute harmlessness not only for external, but also for internal use.

The water that accumulates near the positive electrode after electrolysis is called anolyte. Its unique properties have been known to traditional healers since time immemorial. Thanks to this water, people managed to escape from rotting wounds and bedsores.

Obtaining healing liquid

In order to get activated water, you do not need to look for some distant and sometimes inaccessible sources. To do this, just open the tap and use a special device.

Based on the basic concepts of chemistry, living water has alkaline properties. They contribute to the healing effect. The properties of dead water are acidic. That is why it exhibits a disinfecting effect.

Electric current, when passing through ordinary water, radically changes its internal structure. At the same time, it erases harmful environmental information contained in the liquid. After such treatment, the water is divided into living and dead. Moreover, each of these two fractions has medicinal qualities.

Experiments on the use of activated liquid

The first apparatus of living and dead water in our country was invented by N. M. Kratov. The idea of ​​creating this device did not come to the author by chance. In 1981, Kratov was treated in hospital. There he was diagnosed with prostate adenoma. Simultaneously with this pathology, he suffered from an inflammatory process in the kidneys. The course of treatment in the hospital lasted for a month, but did not bring any tangible results. That is why doctors offered Kratov surgery. He refused surgery and was discharged home.

At the same time, Kratov’s son suffered from a long-term non-healing wound. And the author, who created the apparatus of living and dead water, began to test the properties of the healing liquid on the affected area on his son’s skin. The results were not long in coming. The wound healed within two days. Such success inspired the inventor. He began to take this water himself, and soon his health improved. Along with the adenoma, radiculitis and leg swelling went away.

Application area

In addition to Kratov, the healing properties of such water were studied by G.D. Lysenko, as well as a number of other authors. As a result of the research, it became obvious that water, both living and dead, can save a person from almost fifty types of various diseases, starting with tonsillitis and ending with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

This list also includes such common diseases as colds and flu, runny nose and radiculitis, hypertension, etc.

Making at home

In order to use the healing liquid, it is enough to make a device of living and dead water with your own hands. Of course, such devices are not difficult to find on sale. Buying and delivering them will not be difficult.

However, the purchased apparatus for obtaining living and dead water, when examined in detail, has a rather simple design. This makes me think about saving money. After all, the price of such a device is not so low. It is much easier to make a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands. It will only require a little time and a small amount of materials. The skill of our masters is always present.

Main details

In order to build a living and dead water apparatus with your own hands, you will need:

Glass jar;
- diode bridge that rectifies the mains voltage;
- a bag made of waterproof fabric;
- two electrodes;
- power cord.

With the help of skillful hands, all these parts can easily turn into a homemade apparatus of living and dead water.


This part must be made of food grade stainless steel. Salad bowls left in the house from Soviet times are perfect for this role. But if they are not there, then any utensils made from stainless steel will do. A graphite rod can be used for the anode.

If the apparatus for preparing living and dead water is assembled using a half-liter jar, then the length of the electrodes should be 100 mm. However, this volume can be increased. In order to create a device for living and dead water with your own hands, you can take a three-liter jar. In any case, the electrodes can be extended. Their size should be such that the distance between the metal and the bottom of the glass container is at least 5-10 mm.

Stainless steel sheets suitable for the manufacture of the anode and cathode should be 0.8-1 mm thick. Some craftsmen claim that they created the apparatus for making living and dead water using aluminum electrodes.


This part will be needed to separate the resulting water fractions. As a rule, a tarpaulin is used to make a bag. This could be a piece from a fire hose or a gas mask bag. But in any case, the material for the bag should not contain any impregnation. In order to ensure that there are no foreign substances, the prepared piece must be placed in water and boiled. The components used in impregnation will manifest themselves when heated.

The length of the finished bag must be in full accordance with the height of the glass jar used to create the apparatus. When cutting this part, cut off the required length of the tarpaulin. The bottom of the bag is sewn up with a piece of the same material or food-grade plastic is inserted.

Device assembly

The diagram of the apparatus that receives living and dead water is quite simple, and you can familiarize yourself with it in the article. To assemble the device, a U-shaped cut is made on the positive electrode. It is necessary to place a cloth bag on the anode. It will collect dead water. There is no need to make such a cut on the cathode.

Both electrodes are attached to the jar using an ordinary nylon lid. However, here it is worth using one trick. Due to the fact that such covers have little mechanical strength, it is best to attach the electrodes to them using an insulating sealing gasket. This will avoid unpredictability of their behavior during work. Such gaskets are made of fiberglass (without foil) or any plastic. This part has the appearance of a rectangle with rounded ends. Two holes are cut out on it, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the electrodes. The gasket is installed on the plastic cover. During operation, when living water and dead water are formed, the device releases gases from the liquid. For their exit, an additional hole is provided in the lid.

Next, a rectifying diode bridge is attached to the electrodes. It is important to mark the positive and negative outputs to the plate (“+” and “-”). For safety reasons, the bridge can be covered with a lid. When using a threaded diode, the thread must be attached to the positive electrode.

There is another way to assemble a similar circuit. It can be performed with a rectifier bridge. In this case, living and dead water will be produced even more intensively. The device (reviews from craftsmen confirm this) will become four times more powerful. Accelerating the process of preparing healing liquid is especially important when using it systematically.

A power cord with a plug is connected to the diode bridge. Its length must be at least 500-700 mm. At the same time, it is important to insulate all open electrical connections, because for the process that results in living water and dead water, the device consumes an alternating voltage of 220 V. Next, the electrode, which is marked with a minus sign, is placed in a tarpaulin bag and poured into a jar water, and the entire structure begins to work when connected to the electrical network.

Preparing water

Getting the healing liquid is quite simple. To do this, pour water into a cloth bag. Next, a positive electrode is placed in it. This entire structure is immersed in a jar of water. And here there are also some nuances. The water in the jar should not be filled to the brim. It should be slightly below the top edge of the bag.

The whole process lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. Next, the electrodes are removed from the jar. This must be done very carefully. Otherwise, a mixture of the two resulting fractions will occur. At the end of the process, the water from the cloth bag is poured into a separate bowl.

Assembling a device with a different design

Due to the need for careful handling of the resulting fractions, this device is not very convenient. In addition, certain safety precautions must be observed when the live and dead water apparatus is operating.

The instructions for it warn that all manipulations of pouring water and removing the final product must be done without plugging the device into a power outlet.

A device whose design does not include the use of a fabric bag is considered more convenient. In this case, you will need to take two containers. However, banks are not suitable for this. Such containers are distinguished by the absence of a neck and steep, straight edges. The design of the electrodes in such a device remains unchanged. The only difference between such a device is that the anode and cathode must be installed in separate containers. Electrical contact must be ensured between the electrodes. To do this, they are connected with a cotton band wrapped in gauze, which is pre-soaked in water. Such a part will allow ions to move freely. As a result of the operation of the device, both living and dead water will be produced. Moreover, each of them can be seen in a separate container. This allows you to simply disconnect the installation from the network at the end of the work and obtain anolyte and catholyte immediately, and in equal volumes.

In the scheme of this design, as in the previous version, it is advisable to use a light bulb with a power of 15 W. They are usually used in sewing machines and refrigerators. If the electrodes are short-circuited, the light bulb will play the role of a fuse, and if the process does not have any failures, it will act as an indicator. At the beginning of water production, the light from it will be quite bright. Towards the end of the process, the light will begin to dim. The signal about the end of the production of activated water will be its complete shutdown.

Rules for using healing water

The catholyte prepared in the device is an alkaline solution with a bluish tint. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste with a pH of 8.5 to 10.5. Catholyte, or living water, is able to retain its healing properties for at least two days. Only in this case it is important that the storage conditions are met. Living water should be kept in a closed container and in a darkened room.

The analyte has a yellowish tint. In addition, the difference between dead water and living water lies in its astringent, sour taste and somewhat acidic aroma. Anolyte retains its properties for half a month. But this only happens when it is stored in a closed container. The acidity of such a liquid is from 2.5 to 3.5 pH.

Activated water should be heated before use. However, some caution must be exercised. Water should be poured into a ceramic or enamel bowl and heated over low heat. Using an electric stove will cause a loss of its beneficial properties. It is strictly forbidden to bring such water to a boil. In this case it also becomes useless.

If both dead and living water are used at the same time, then between their doses you need to take a break of at least one and a half hours. In the case of local application, the pause is much shorter. It is only 10 minutes. This dosing regimen can be explained by the fact that when the analyte and catholyte are mixed, they are neutralized. As a result, the healing liquid simply loses its activity.