How to plant asters in open ground. Growing aster taking into account all the features to obtain beautiful healthy flowers. Planting seedlings and care

Aster is a flower known to everyone since childhood. In autumn it becomes the main decoration of gardens and personal plots. Came to Europe and Russia from Asia. It is believed that a French monk brought seed samples from China at the beginning of the 16th century.

The scientific name of the garden aster is calistemma. There are many types. Both annual and biennial plants are common. Aster is considered an undemanding plant. Modern varieties are able to grow in different climatic zones.

The root system of the plant is fibrous, formed at a depth of 20 cm, and has good restorative properties. The length of the stems depends on the variety. There are low-growing plants, the height of which does not exceed 20 centimeters, and there are also tall ones, about a meter tall.

The stems are strong, straight, green. Bottom part The stem is covered with large dark green leaves. The leaves are smaller in the upper part. They have an oblong shape, jagged edges. The surface of the stem and leaf blades may have slight pubescence.

The inflorescence baskets consist of many petals, the shape of which is tubular or petal-shaped. The color is varied, all shades of red, blue, white. The central part is often yellow. The diameter of the baskets is from 3 to 20 cm.

A novice florist may be confused by the abundance of aster varieties. Before purchasing seeds, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the flower. Flower plant parameters:

  • plant height;
  • bush shape;
  • flowering time;
  • branching pattern;
  • inflorescence size;
  • inflorescence structure;
  • inflorescence shape;
  • appointment;
  • color.

Good seed manufacturers indicate basic information in the product description. It's a good idea to check them out before you buy. Right choice varieties are the first step to a beautifully designed garden.

Planning to plant asters along garden paths pay attention to the seeds of low asters. They grow no higher than 25 cm. Dwarf asters are good for ridges, borders of flower beds, there are double and needle-shaped ones. The color scheme is represented by a wide range of shades, including lavender blue, hot pink and red.

For those who like to make bouquets and gardeners who grow flowers for sale, varieties of medium-sized and tall asters are suitable. Tall asters planted in groups look very impressive. Ideal for cutting.

Particularly impressive are the columnar-shaped bushes with peony-like, showy flowers. Varieties in demand:

  • White Tower;
  • blue tower;
  • apolonia heavenly;
  • roseana;
  • gala

Tall needle-shaped asters are no less beautiful. There are many varieties of this species, you can choose one to suit every taste:

  • Naina;
  • Night star;
  • Timiryazevka;
  • Jubilee white;
  • Blue-eyed;
  • Isadora;
  • blue frost.

Pompom asters are not inferior in beauty:

  • Winter cherry;
  • Harlequin;
  • Foyertot.

When buying seeds, remember that germination is better with fresh seeds collected last year. There is no need to purchase seeds collected more than two years ago. Germination rate will be low.

It is often written on seed packets that the seeds can be sown directly into the ground. You shouldn't follow this advice. The aster begins to bloom no earlier than 3 months from the date of planting, so experienced gardeners recommend using the seedling method when growing asters.

Roughly speaking, sowing time ranges from March to April. To accurately calculate, you need to know the growing season of the plant. All varieties of asters are divided into groups according to flowering time:

  • early;
  • mid-early;
  • late.

When calculating the timing of seed sowing, we assume that early flowering will begin 90 days after sowing.

Mid-early ones will bloom in the very first days of August. At least 110 days will pass from sowing.

Late asters bloom from the last ten days of August until mid-September. When calculating the planting period, take 130 days. If the autumn is warm, the flowering of late asters lasts a long time until frost hits.

It is important to sow the seeds at the right time. This is especially important for gardeners planning to get their seeds in the fall; they should not delay sowing. Seeds will not ripen when sown late.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

When sowing aster seeds for seedlings, not only the climatic features of the region are taken into account, but also the phase of the moon. Like others flowering plants, asters require planting on the waxing moon. You can sow seeds in open ground only in the southern regions. In average climatic zone and in the north of the country you will have to start growing seedlings at home. Moon calendar for 2019 gives the following recommendations for planting asters in favorable days:

  • in March – 9-15, 17-19, 26;
  • in April – 7-13, 16-18, 25.

Seed treatment begins a week before the intended sowing. That's how long it will take planting material to germinate. The date of soaking will be considered the day of sowing, because growth processes begin from the moment the seeds fall into a moist environment.

Dates for planting aster seeds for the Moscow region

The weather conditions of the Moscow region already in early May make it possible to plant aster seedlings in open ground. Plan to plant asters from May 1 to May 20. Growing seedlings requires at least 1.5 months. The end of March is the time to sow the first seeds. You can continue sowing until mid-April.

Aster planting dates for the Urals

In the Urals, asters are planted in open ground from mid-May to mid-June. Late varieties of asters should be sown in late March. Early and medium varieties can be sown on favorable days in April.

Planting dates for Siberia

In Siberia, frosts may occur after May 20th. It is better to plant asters in the garden in the first half of June. There is no point in sowing seeds for seedlings in March. The seedlings will outgrow before the weather warms up. April is a more suitable month for sowing.

Aster seedlings can be grown on a windowsill. Room temperature from 23° to 25° is favorable for seed germination. Windows facing south and southwest are better suited. In addition to seeds, you will need containers for germination, not necessarily large ones, and PVC film to create mini-greenhouses. The soil.

Prepare the soil yourself or buy it. Choose a composition ready for use. They speak well of Terravita soil. When preparing the soil yourself, take in equal shares garden soil, humus, sand. Normalize acidity using ash by adding it to the soil.

You can disinfect the soil the old fashioned way, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. More modern way processing, use of phytosporin solution. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for use.

Pour the prepared soil into containers, spill with water, and let stand for a while. Start sowing. Place the seeds in rows on the surface. Sprinkle soil on top in a layer no more than 2.5 cm thick. Cover the boxes tightly with film and place them on the windowsill.

After a week, the sprouts will emerge. By the end of the second week, the first leaves form. This is a signal - it's time to dive. Plant seedlings in deeper boxes. Maintain a distance between plants of at least 5 centimeters. Very long roots can be shortened. The seedlings will be stronger if they are hardened off after rooting - by taking the boxes out onto the balcony in warm weather. Before planting in the ground, water the plants after the top layer of soil has dried.

Seedlings ready for transplanting after 50 days. The stem is longer than 6 centimeters. The number of leaves is at least 5 pieces. A plant with these parameters can be planted outside. Determine by the weather when to plant asters. Believe weather forecasters or folk signs. According to folk wisdom, if the bird cherry has bloomed, there should be no more frosts. It's time to plant asters.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

The location should be decided in the fall. Penumbra is acceptable. A sunny side more favorable for long flowering. There are no special requirements for the soil. Soils with a light, breathable structure and normal acidity are more suitable for the root system of asters.

You need to remember the plants after which it is not recommended to plant asters. The soil after gladioli, gillyflowers, cloves, tomatoes, and potatoes may contain the causative agent of Fusarium disease. These are bad predecessors for asters.

In the fall, carry out measures to improve the soil structure. Under digging add to each square meter: humus - 0.5 buckets and 2 kg river sand. In the spring, it won’t hurt to add it to very depleted soil. mineral fertilizers: superphosphate - 1 tbsp. l., ammonium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l., potassium salt - 1 tbsp. l.


Dig up the soil again before planting. Calculate the distances between holes based on the size of the plants. Plant low, border varieties close to each other, leaving 15 centimeters between the holes; as they grow, they will merge into a continuous beautiful strip. Tall aster develops better if the bushes are spaced 30 centimeters apart.

Dig holes no deeper than 20 cm, since the root system is located in the top layer of soil. When replanting, do not damage the roots; this will help the plant take root faster. Asters transplanted in cloudy weather will hurt less. If the days are clear, replanting work should be done in the evening, when the sun is already setting. It is good to spill the soil around the plants with warm water. Do not wet the leaves.

Aster does not require much time to care for. Drought can harm it. Abundant watering is necessary on hot days. Many inflorescences form on plants growing in fertile, loose soil. Watering should be done in the morning. Make sure there is no over-watering. Stagnant water causes root rot and leads to the death of the flower. Watering carried out during the formation of buds has a particularly good effect on the beauty and size of the inflorescences.

Aster responds well to root feeding. Apply ash infusion or use mineral fertilizers. Feed for the first time after 14 days. By this time the plants will take root and send out new shoots. Before the buds appear, fertilizer can be added to the soil. Norm per square meter:

  • superphosphate – 2 tbsp. l;
  • potassium sulfate – 1 tsp;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tbsp. l.

During flowering, exclude ammonium nitrate from fertilizing. Application organic fertilizers permissible only on very poor soils.

Keep the soil in your flower beds clean all season long. Remove weeds before seeds appear on them. Upper layer loosen the earth. The depth of loosening is no more than 5 centimeters. Mulching can make soil care easier. A layer of mulch: sawdust, dry grass, chopped bark retains moisture and reduces the number of weeds.

During flowering and active growth, you can pinch the tops of the shoots of some varieties of asters. This promotes the formation of side shoots. Be sure to remove faded inflorescences. Monitor the condition of the plant

Incorrect care, bad weather, contaminated soil can lead to aster disease. The most common diseases of asters are:

  • fusarium;
  • jaundice;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

Plants affected by fusarium wilt. Yellowing and blackening of leaves occurs. The stems wither. There are no drugs for the disease. Only compliance with crop rotation helps to avoid infection.

Carriers of jaundice are aphids and cicadas. The disease is viral. Symptoms: growth retardation, sheet plate It brightens and the buds stop forming. Recommended preparations for spraying:

  • pyrethrum;
  • actellik;
  • pirimor.

If infected a large number of plants should be destroyed by burning.

Rust affects asters growing near coniferous plants. The spores damage the leaves, causing the plant to wilt. Weekly treatment of plantings with Bordeaux mixture (1%) helps.

Powdery mildew can be identified by white plaque. Thickened plantings and excess moisture become infected with fungus. You can save plants with the help of drugs: topaz, foundationazole.

Aster seeds, especially late varieties rarely ripen in street conditions. It will take at least 50 days from the start of flowering. The weather often prevents ripening. Rain and low temperatures cause the seed heads to rot.

Experienced gardeners dig up aster bushes, place them in pots and ripen the seeds in room conditions. Requires at least 2 weeks. Light is required for seeds to ripen. Flower pots are rotated around an axis.

Withered flowers are cut off. Store in the dark, wrapped in paper. Optimal temperature storage rooms are no higher than + 5. In such conditions, seeds are stored without losing germination for about 2 years.

Asters. Growing seedlings: video

Good afternoon friends!

Most gardeners are happy to grow unpretentious and amazingly beautiful annual asters in flower beds, flower beds and front gardens. Lush and long flowering in late summer - early autumn pleases gardeners and decorates the local area.

Like every crop, aster has its own rules of agricultural technology, compliance with which will allow you to enjoy its blooming beauty every year without any problems. We'll talk about how to do it today.

Place for asters

The plant is very light-loving and does not grow well in shaded areas of the garden. It is contraindicated to grow annual aster in one area from year to year due to the accumulation of pathogens in the soil, for example, fusarium. The aster should be returned to the old flowerbed only after 4 years.

Like most cultivated plants, asters love well-drained, fertile, fertilized and structured neutral soils. Soils with a slightly alkaline reaction are also suitable. Light loams and sandy loams with acidity within limits are most suitable for them. If on your site clay soil, then it should be loosened by adding river sand, tyrsa,.

Preparing the soil for asters

It is advisable to prepare the area for the flower garden in the fall. To begin with, they dig up the soil to a depth of a spade and simultaneously add organic matter - compost (ripened) or mullein (necessarily rotted, since fresh farm animal manure placed under asters can provoke damage to flowers by fusarium).

Acidic soils need to be alkalized. For this late autumn based on the incorporation of 400 grams of carbonated lime fluff per square meter. The meter increases the pH by 1.

Spring digging is carried out if the site was not prepared in the fall. At the same time they add garden compost(1/2 bucket per sq. meter), superphosphate and potassium magnesium (10 g/sq. meter). Instead of potash fertilizers It is allowed to use wood ash (200-400 g/sq. meter).

In other cases, the soil is loosened to a depth of 18 cm. Pre-sowing preparation soil is carried out a month before planting flowers in open ground. During this time, overwintered weed seeds germinate, which makes it possible to carry out high-quality weeding, loosening to a depth of about 6 cm and leveling the soil surface with a rake within the day of planting.

Planting asters in open ground

Annual flowers are grown through seedlings for earlier flowering and obtaining seed material. Plants also develop excellently when planted from seeds and directly into the ground, while they are less susceptible to dangerous fusarium and are characterized by a longer period of late flowering. Most summer residents practice sowing asters directly into the ground.

Seeds germinate well in warm soil. As a rule, in middle lane Asters are sown in early – mid-May. The time for the first shoots to appear is 3-3.5 weeks. The depth of planting seeds in the furrows should be from 0.5 to 0.8 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 15-20 cm.

The soil should first be moistened abundantly. Evenly distributed seeds are covered with a layer of fertile loose soil or sand, and in dry weather they are mulched with a thin layer of humus or compost (1-2 cm) to conserve moisture, or the flowerbed is covered with non-woven material until seedlings emerge.

When 2-3 true leaves are formed on the seedlings, the plantings are thinned out, leaving a distance between plants of about 12-14 cm, taking into account the fact that some seedlings may fall out. It is not necessary to destroy excess flowers; they can be planted in another place, for example, in the front garden, along paths, in a combined flower bed.

Caring for flower beds with asters

To grow good asters in open ground, you need to know that this crop is quite demanding of moisture, but does not tolerate its excess. A lack of water in the soil during drought affects flowering - the inflorescences become smaller and become smaller. In hot weather, planting asters is shed rarely, but abundantly, at a rate of up to 25-30 liters per square meter. meter of plot.

Plants require frequent loosening to increase soil aeration. They are carried out after each watering or precipitation. The soil is loosened to a depth of 6 mm while weeds are removed.

Hilling up of plants is carried out before the bushes begin to branch. This event helps to enhance the development of the root system. The height of the soil during hilling is about 6-7 cm.

Feeding asters increases the size of the inflorescences and the duration of flowering. Flowers respond best to watering with mullein solution (1:10). It is also possible to fertilize flower beds mineral compounds.

The first feeding is carried out after thinning. For each meter of planting, 20 grams of urea (urea), 45-50 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium chloride are used.

The second feeding is done when the buds are forming to enhance the nutrition of the inflorescences. Nitrogen compounds are not present in it; it is enough to enrich the soil with phosphorus (50 g of superphosphate) and potassium (10 g of potassium sulfate).

The third feeding is advisable during the beginning of flowering. The composition is the same as the second time. Asters also respond well to watering with ash infusion.

Following the recommendations given, carry out growing asters in open ground on your own summer cottage or in the front garden near a multi-storey building it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced gardener. Wishing you beautiful and variegated blooms! See you!

One of the most common types of annual flowers in dachas and personal plots is, planting and caring for it in open ground is not particularly difficult.

Currently, there are over 800 varieties of this crop. Based on the type of inflorescences, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • simple or not terry;
  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • densely double.

Asters are also classified according to the shape of the bush:

  • pyramidal;
  • columnar;
  • oval;
  • spreading.

The varietal diversity of this flower is impressive. So, how and when to sow asters?

Sowing time

The timing of sowing asters largely depends on the growing conditions and climatic characteristics of the region. To obtain earlier flowering, it is recommended to grow them through seedlings. Plants sown immediately in the ground or before winter will bloom much later.

Aster seeds very quickly lose their viability. Therefore, when purchasing them, you must pay attention to the expiration date and choose only the freshest seed material.

Beginning gardeners very often ask: how many asters sprout? If the seeds are fresh and of high quality, and the conditions are favorable, then the emergence of seedlings takes only a few days. In cases of a significant drop in temperature when sowing in the ground or insufficient humidity, the emergence of seedlings may be delayed up to 7-10 days. There is no point in waiting for sprouts to appear after this time.

Growing seedlings

Growing aster seedlings is not particularly difficult. With the seedling method, sowing is carried out in mid-March in light and sufficiently nutritious soil. For example, you can use peat soil to grow seedlings of flower and vegetable crops. The optimal temperature for germination of aster seeds is +20°C.

After emergence of seedlings, it is reduced to 15-18°. This prevents the seedlings from being pulled out. Aster seedlings are not particularly demanding. It is enough to loosen and water young plants in time.

When sowing densely in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, you can pick them.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Inexperienced gardeners very often ask: when to plant asters in open ground and are they afraid of return frosts? Planting begins when warm, stable weather arrives. In most regions this time falls at the beginning of May. In colder and rainier weather, these dates may shift by a week or even two. In general, aster seedlings can safely tolerate frosts down to -3°, so after planting they do not require additional shelter.

To improve the survival rate of plants in open ground, they must be hardened off for a week before planting.

Now we have learned how and when to plant asters, now we just have to deal with subsequent care.

Outdoor care

Growing aster in open ground is not particularly difficult. Open, well-lit areas with well-drained soil are best suited for planting. Also, this crop grows and develops best when protected from cold northern winds.

Among the main measures for caring for the annual aster, it is worth noting timely weeding, loosening the soil, etc. It is also worth knowing that when growing this crop, you should not overly thicken the plantings. This will lead to the occurrence of various fungal diseases.

Planting and caring for aster in open ground is impossible without fertilizing. Especially if the plants are grown for later cutting into bouquets. The plants are fed for the first time two weeks after planting the seedlings. For this purpose complex ones are used. The second feeding is carried out during the budding phase. For it, it is best to choose fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. The asters are fed the third time after flowering begins.

Under no circumstances should fresh manure or other organic matter be used to feed asters. Their use may contribute to the appearance of fungal diseases.

Regular removal of fading inflorescences also contributes to the abundant and long-lasting flowering of asters. With systematic pruning, plants retain their decorative qualities until late autumn.

Landing annual aster and subsequent care for it in the open ground does not require any special skills and is available to anyone. The main thing is to give the plants due attention and provide appropriate care. And then they will definitely thank you with an abundance of large and bright inflorescences and a long flowering period.

Video about planting and growing asters