How to make your own liquid soap from soap remnants. DIY liquid soap from soap remnants

For what?

Perhaps you ask me: “Why cook something that can be replaced or simply bought?” The answer is right on the surface!

1. As usual liquid product many preservatives are added. Hence the frequent cases of allergies. Gels are completely contraindicated for people with sensitive skin. Experts warn that such products should not be used regularly. What's the point then?

2. The bars are generally cheaper, but they are not used very economically. From one drop of gel you will get even more foam than required. The dispenser eliminates any unnecessary losses. From 150 g of soap remnants you can make up to 4 liters of liquid product!

3. Soap making is a new space for imagination. Do you prefer simple recipes? I will offer you several “lazy” cooking methods. Do you treat your skin with extreme care? I’ll help you choose the optimal formula!

4. During the process, you can give the product any properties. If you take baby soap, you will end up with an excellent dishwashing liquid. It won't dry out your hands. Shower gels with a peeling effect are prepared from scrub soap. By the way, you can also make body scrubs from coffee and sea ​​salt. I talked about them in detail in other posts.

I hope the benefits of homemade gels have now become obvious. They have all the advantages of store-bought ones and none of their disadvantages.

What are we preparing?

Instead of soap remnants, you can, of course, use whole bars. This is not important. I will offer you several options.

1. Basic

The simplest and most common way.

Take lemon and glycerin. Grate approximately 200 g of pieces on a fine grater. Place the shavings on the bottom of the container and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l. glycerin. If you prefer a thicker consistency, reduce the amount of water.

Now let the preparation brew. The process will take 3 days. Shake the container at least twice a day to make the mixture homogeneous. Finally, pour the liquid into containers. You can cook directly in bottles with a dispenser, but the plastic often melts.

2. Quick recipe

Lazy soap making is good, but not everyone wants to wait. If you are limited in time, you will have to participate more actively in the process.

Grind 100 g of raw materials into chips. In this case, it is permissible to grate it on a coarse grater; you will still warm the mass. Bring 250 ml water to a boil. Place the shavings into a blender bowl, add just a little liquid and start blending. Add boiling water slowly, otherwise most of it will end up outside. If you don't have a blender, just combine the water with the shavings and cook until the latter dissolves.

You have received the blank. You can stop here, but it is advisable to bring everything to the end. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, add 2-3 tbsp. l. into a liquid mass. If you don’t have it on hand and don’t want to go to the pharmacy, use olive oil. It has similar properties. Do you want to give your product a pleasant smell? Add 7-10 drops of any essential oil. I prefer lavender, jasmine and ylang-ylang.

3. Economy option

How to get 4 liters of product from 150 g? No magic, just golden hands and a little time!

As a base you need to take a coconut block or soap. Grind very thoroughly until the pieces practically turn into dust. Place about 2 liters of water on the fire. When it gets hot, but not yet boiling, add the chips and remove from the stove. Mix well. It is advisable to use a blender. When finished, add another 1.5 liters of water and turn on the device again. If you have glycerin, enrich the mixture with 1 tbsp. l.

I give approximate proportions. For some, the mass turns out to be too thick, for others - on the contrary. What to do if the result is far from ideal? Either dilute with water or increase the amount of solid ingredients. You can also stir longer, then the mass will become denser.

4. Herbal

By default, I will suggest chamomile infusion. It softens and soothes the skin well. If you prefer other herbal remedies, then take them.

Prepare a decoction according to standard recipe. Take as many raw materials as the manufacturer offers. If you collected the flowers yourself, then take 2-3 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. Strain the liquid and combine with 100 g of chips. Return the pan to the heat and heat until the mixture is smooth. Remove the foam. At the end, slowly add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and 4 drops of any essential oil. If you want to give beautiful colour, it's time to get out the food coloring.

5. For washing dishes

The number of components is calculated for 1 liter of the finished product.

You will need 300 g of base. It is advisable to use gentle Castile or Marseilles soap, but any will do. Also prepare 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l. soda

Place the liquid on the fire. When hot, divide into 2 parts. Mix one with baking soda and leave the other on the stove. Pour the grated base into boiling water. Stir vigorously. After 3-5 minutes, combine with the second part and boil a little more. Ready!

Accumulated soap does not have to be thrown away. They easily and simply make new soap, which is not inferior in its properties to the one you just bought. How can you make soap from soap remnants?

Liquid soap is the easiest way to make from soap remnants.

To create it you will need other components:

  • hot water;
  • milk;
  • containers for the finished product;
  • grater;
  • plastic heat-resistant container (silicone molds are also suitable).

Water and soap are taken in equal proportions, and you will need half as much milk. For example, if soap pieces have accumulated in a half-liter jar, then you need to take the same amount of water, but you will need 0.25 liters of milk.

The soap shavings should be grated on a fine grater or thoroughly chopped with a knife, and the resulting shavings should be filled into the prepared container. Then they add it hot water, close the lid, shake well so that the water dissolves the chips.

Now the mixture should be left for a while, but shake the bottle periodically. When the shavings are completely dissolved, a thick soap mixture is formed, into which milk is added and, if desired, essential oils are added.

Solid soap

To do solid soap from remnants, you will also need:

  • molds;
  • hot water;
  • container with a lid.

The remnants are grated on a fine grater, poured into a previously prepared container, and hot water is added to them. Cover the container with a lid and leave so that the chips can dissolve. It is advisable to stir the mixture every 15 minutes.

After a few hours, the soap remnants will completely dissolve, and the resulting mass can be poured into molds, and then placed in a cold place to harden.

The molds should be greased before use. vegetable oil so that you can easily get the finished product later.

After a couple of days, the soap from the remnants is completely ready.

If desired, you can boil the shavings so that they dissolve faster.

In this case, the solution is placed on low heat and stirred constantly. When working, protect your respiratory tract with a filter mask.

Soap in the microwave

A quick way to make soap from soap remnants. In addition to the microwave itself, you will need:

  • 1 liter of soap;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • molds;
  • Microwave safe container and lid.

The remnants are grated or chopped with a knife. Pour them into a prepared container and pour a glass of hot water. Place in the microwave.

Set the power on the microwave to 600 W and run the program for half a minute. Then take it out, mix it, and put it in the microwave again for 15 seconds. Then mix again and put in the microwave. Repeat all steps until the soap dissolves. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not boil.

The finished mixture is poured into molds and refrigerated. After 2 days the product will be ready.

Additives in soap

You can diversify or improve the properties of soap from soap remnants by adding some additional ingredients to it.
For example, if you want to make soap that has a positive effect on the skin, you can use the following components:

In addition, you can add essential oils, which will give the finished product a pleasant smell. For this purpose, you can use any essential oil with the aroma you like, for example, jasmine or rose.

I am passionate about carving soap, and there are always small pieces left after work. It is also very common for soap makers to end up with a lot of residue after cutting the soap. Perhaps, for some reason, a certain amount of old remnants has accumulated in your home. Most of us, of course, throw away those small, ever-breaking pieces of soap. But in vain! After all, they can be given a second life. I would like to tell you how to make soap at home from leftover factory soap.

So, in order to give a second life to the remnants you will need:

  • soap remnants (soap residues) 200 g,
  • grater,
  • glass container in which we will melt the soap,
  • another container, for example a saucepan (since we will melt the remaining soap in a water bath),
  • 180-200 gr. milk,
  • olive oil;
  • molds in which you will pour your soap.

If you do not make soap from leftovers, but use factory soap as a base, then it is best to take baby soap with a minimum amount of fragrance.


Step 1: Grate the soap on a fine grater. Because the smaller the pieces, the easier it will be to achieve uniformity.

Step 2: Pour the milk into the soap shavings. Leave this mixture for 2 hours.

Step 3: Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. olive oil and put it on water bath. Stir gently until the lumps are completely dissolved, avoiding boiling.

When the soap dissolves, you can add various additives to it, for example, crushed rolled oats, ground coffee, etc. And keep it in the bathhouse for a little longer to warm it up properly.

If you want to add essential oils, remove from heat and quickly add a few drops. Essential oils disappear when heated, so mix thoroughly but quickly.

You can add glycerin. It is sold in any pharmacy and is not expensive.

Add whatever your heart desires: honey, vitamin E, oils: jojoba oil, cocoa butter, sea buckthorn and others. Everything can be bought at the pharmacy.

Step 4: Pour everything into pre-prepared forms.

Any mold will do plastic container: mayonnaise jar, cup, packages of pastries, cakes, cookies. It is important that the diameter of the neck of the mold is wider than the bottom. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the soap.

Step 5: Let it cool. Leave for several hours (preferably a day) in the refrigerator.

When, when you press on the soap, you see that it is not pressed through and moves well away from the walls of the mold, you can try to remove it.

Afterwards it is better to put the soap on a newspaper in a dry, warm place so that excess moisture absorbed well. Soap needs about 2-7 days to mature. You'll know it's ready when it becomes stiff, like a normal bar of soap.

If you want to make soap multi-colored, then for this you need soap remnants different colors melt separately, and then pour into the mold in layers.

All that remains is to package it beautifully, after which original gift hand made, you can give it to friends and acquaintances.

This process is very exciting, try it and see for yourself!

Admire, rejoice, give as a gift!!!

There are always a few leftovers in the bathroom. They remain from old bars of soap, which are almost impossible to fully use, and it’s a shame to throw them away.

Inhale the fragrant remains new life perhaps if you cook a fresh hygiene product from them.

How to make a solid bar of soap from remnants

It can take any shape, color, and also have a variety of scents.

To make soap from soap remnants at home, you need to follow safety rules and tips for making the product.

For the soap making process you will need the following components:

  • remnants of old soap;
  • grater;
  • forms;
  • dishes with lid;
  • hot water.

A high-quality and fragrant product is obtained by following the following sequence of actions:

  1. The existing bars of soap are grated.
  2. Soap shavings are transferred to the prepared dishes.
  3. The container is filling hot water.
  4. Close the lid so that the soap shavings dissolve in the water. To speed up the process, the composition is constantly stirred.
  5. If necessary, components such as:
  • essential oil;
  • cream;
  • flavoring;
  • natural scrubs.
  1. When everything is dissolved, the soapy water is poured into prepared forms.
  2. The preparation is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days. The composition will harden and take the desired shape.

To get a quality product you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Essential oil is added 10-12 drops.
  2. The shelf life of the composition is reduced due to the presence of natural products in the composition.
  3. Soap is poured into silicone molds for baking or in dishes intended for soap making.
  4. The thick composition can be diluted with warm water.
  5. If the remnants used in the process of creating a new product are too old and hard, then you will need a hammer to grind them.
  6. Sugar will help thicken the mixture. 20 grams of product are added to the soap solution.
  7. Home remedy is good for skin. This is achieved due to the presence in the composition of such medicinal herbs, How:
    • lavender;
    • St. John's wort;
    • mint;
    • chamomile;
    • Melissa.
  8. Chemical dyes are replaced with food dyes. They have natural composition, which minimizes the risk of developing allergies and negative reactions. If you add coffee, you get soap brown tint, yellow- from saffron or calendula, and the red tone - from beets.

Attention! The unpleasant odor emitted by soap during cooking cannot be eliminated with various fragrances and flavors. Once the cooking process is complete, the aroma will improve.

Taking advantage simple tips, you can prepare a high-quality hygiene product.

How to melt soap in the microwave?

An easy way to make a quality bar of soap is to use the microwave.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • special dishes for the microwave;
  • remnants;
  • perfume, essential oil, milk.

Old pieces of the product are ground into shavings. It pours into the dishes. Then you need to add a little hot water, cover with a lid and place inside the equipment.

The microwave power is set to 600 W. The equipment starts up for half a minute. After this, the container is taken out, the contents are mixed and sent back for 15 seconds.

These manipulations are performed until the soap shavings are completely dissolved in the water. But the composition should not boil.

The workpiece is poured into molds and put into the cold, where it will stay for 2 days. During this time, the soap will harden and become suitable for use.

Not all old soap is suitable for melting in this way.

If the composition contains a lot of fragrances, then after the soap-making process a specific smell will remain inside the equipment for a long time. It will soak food heated in the microwave.

How to make soap from soap remnants: cold and hot method

The cold method of soap making begins with the lye being filled with ice water in a separate container. The mixture should be left to cool.

To do this, use a water bath or microwave. All oils are mixed together until smooth.

Wait until the alkali and oil mixture reach a temperature of +37...+38 degrees. It is best to measure it with an electronic thermometer.

When this happens, the lye solution is mixed with the melted oils. The resulting composition is filtered through a sieve and thoroughly mixed.

Then the mixture is whipped using a blender. This is done until the composition acquires a viscous consistency. Then flavors, dyes and other substances are added to it.

The soap preparation is poured into molds and left for 1 day. During this time, the composition completely hardens. Then the formed pieces are taken out and wrapped in film.

In this form they are stored for another 4 weeks in order to be completely ready for further use.

With the hot soap making method, the sequence of actions remains the same until a viscous base is obtained.

  1. Cover the dish with the preparation with a lid.
  2. Place the container in a water bath.
  3. Boil the mixture over low heat for 3-4 hours.
  4. Stir soap solution every half hour.

The result is a gel-like mass that does not stick to your fingers. The composition is filled with selected additives. When everything is ready, the workpiece is poured into molds and left for a day. During this time the composition will thicken.

Soap made from colorful pieces

To create it you will need:

  • colorful remnants;
  • melted clear soap;
  • molds;
  • alcohol.


  1. Cut the existing soap into pieces of different sizes.
  2. Mix everything and add alcohol to glue the remnants.
  3. In a separate bowl, add clumped colored soap to the clear melted soap.
  4. Allow the composition to dry completely.
  5. Slice ready-made soap into pieces.

It is much easier to prepare than solid soap. The structure can be preserved if only liquid ingredients are added to the product.

These include:

  • milk;
  • perfume;
  • essential oils.

The liquid product is prepared from the following components:

  • remnants;
  • hot water
  • additional ingredients.

Also during the preparation process you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • grater;
  • beautiful container for the finished product.

Technology for making liquid soap:

  1. Grate the soap remnants.
  2. Place soap shavings into the bottle. As a result, it should fill more than half of the container.
  3. Pour in hot water.
  4. Shake the bottle. This will help the chips dissolve completely.
  5. Add the selected liquid component.

After that, it is poured into a beautiful container.

What is homemade soap made from?

The quality of soap depends on the materials used in its creation. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to each ingredient.

Soap base

It comes in the form of shavings or remnants.

The soap base consists of:

  • water;
  • alkalis;
  • oils

The base is sold in finished form or made independently.

Base oil

Gives the finished soap useful properties:

  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • mitigation.

The main advantage of oils is the absence of a specific odor. The component is used 1-2 teaspoons per 100 g of base.


It is better to use natural food colors. They will not cause harm to health, nor will they provoke the development of negative reactions in the body.

These include:

  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • food colorings;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • seasonings

The base oil gives the workpiece a specific shade: fir - green, cinnamon - brown.


To decorate soap, use any available means.

Among them:

  • glitter;
  • dried flowers or individual petals;
  • twigs and leaves of various plants;
  • pieces of dried fruit;
  • coffee beans;
  • seeds.

The product will receive beneficial properties by adding one or more ingredients from the list:

  • milk;
  • coffee beans;
  • ground coffee;
  • melted chocolate;
  • crushed fruit seeds;
  • cereals.

What tools are needed?

Make your soap interesting or unusual appearance Special molds will help. The soap will freeze in them.

Commonly used:

  1. Old silicone baking utensils.
  2. Children's molds for making Easter cakes.
  3. Special containers for soap making.

They should be made of silicone, rubber, plastic.

Particularly popular forms are:

  • colors;
  • animals;
  • geometric shapes.

It all depends on the capabilities and imagination of the person making homemade soap. As a result, the finished product has an unusual shape.

Homemade Soap Recipes

There are several recipes for obtaining a bar of beautiful and fragrant soap. The main thing is to correctly follow the sequence of actions and calculate the dosage of ingredients.

Ingredients used for the recipe:

  • crushed soap remnants – 100 g;
  • glycerin – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • ginger, cinnamon, cloves - ½ tsp each. in a crushed state.

You can give your new soap an interesting shape using a small plastic cup. A clean yogurt container works great.


  1. Melt the soap shavings in a water bath or in the microwave.
  2. When the base acquires a liquid consistency, add glycerin to it.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly. Dissolve honey in it.
  4. Add ginger, cinnamon, and cloves to the resulting mixture.
  5. Pour the mixture into a clean a plastic cup and put in the freezer for 1 hour. During this time, the composition will harden.

To remove the finished soap from the mold, you need to gently press on the edges of the cup.

It has antibacterial properties. Soap is good for people with problem skin.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • baby soap – 100 g;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide – 100 ml;
  • glycerin, camphor and ammonia– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid – ½ tbsp. l.


  1. Baby soap is grated.
  2. The shavings are filled with water and left for 4 hours, which will allow the soap to soften slightly. A water bath will completely melt the soap base.
  3. The remaining ingredients are added, except for hydrogen peroxide. It is poured in in a thin stream after mixing all the components.
  4. The workpiece is poured into molds and placed in the cold for 2 days. During this time the soap will harden. All that remains is to remove it from the molds.

To create the tool you will need:

  • baby soap – 100 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil – 5 ml and 17 ml, respectively;
  • ground coffee – 3 tsp;
  • patchouli essential oil – 6 drops.


  1. Grind baby soap. Place the shavings in a saucepan. Place the dishes in a water bath to completely dissolve.
  2. When the composition is transformed into a homogeneous mass, remove from heat.
  3. Add oil. Mix the preparation thoroughly.
  4. Add ground coffee and stir until smooth.
  5. Pour into prepared containers.
  6. Place the molds in the cold to allow the soap mass to harden.

If you want to achieve the maximum effect from scrubbing, then use coarsely ground coffee.

The following are also used for this:

  • poppy seeds;
  • crushed grape seeds;
  • oatmeal flakes;
  • cosmetic clay.


Making soap at home is easy. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions and technology.

Thanks to this you can find useful applications the remaining soap and create an original hygiene product with your own hands.

The easiest way to make soap at home is to melt down factory residues - you always have them in the house. As a result of this exciting and low-cost hobby, you can make your own soap various forms and colors. Products home production enriched with essential oils, seasonings and decoctions medicinal plants. Such beautiful and even medicinal briquettes will delight every member of the household, because soap is a necessary means for keeping the body clean.

Preparing for soap making

Usually, having started making soap from soap remnants, home producers can no longer stop and they no longer have enough of them. At first, they buy new briquettes of baby or neutral soap for shavings, then they switch to professional kits and prepare it from scratch. By melting in the microwave and using a mixer, you get faster results. But even without a microwave in a water bath, this process is no less entertaining.

Even if you have the necessary raw materials at home, you need to prepare to make soap from remnants. For the most simple way need to prepare:

  • Grater.
  • Container for dissolving soap remnants.
  • Dishes for melting.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Olive oil.

You can use silicone baking molds - this procedure will only make them cleaner. Children's toy dishes and any small food containers are also suitable. Important condition when choosing forms - convenience when pulling out the finished piece, which means that the dimensions of the upper part should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the bottom.

Soap made from soap at home

It is quite easy for beginners to set up a small home factory for making their own soap. If you make soap from soap remnants according to a child’s order, then his interest in body hygiene will be more pronounced.

Step by step instructions:

  • To speed up the soap-making process, it is better to grate the soap remnants on a fine grater. In grated form, it will dissolve faster, and the resulting solution will be more homogeneous.
  • Mix soap shavings (200 g) into a glass of milk and leave for two hours.
  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Place the solution in a water bath and stir gently until absolutely homogeneous. Avoid the appearance of bubbles.

If foam appears, it must be removed. Uniform mass is an indicator of product readiness. This mass can already be poured into molds. But as a rule, manufacturers show imagination and add all kinds of ingredients to it. It can be ground coffee, honey, berries, and even rolled oats flakes. To obtain multi-colored options, colored soaps are melted separately and poured into molds alternating.

After introducing the additives, the mass must be additionally heated in a water bath. Glycerin and pharmacy vitamins are also added. Essential oil is injected into final stage and quickly, so that it does not have time to dissipate, stir before sending it into molds pre-lubricated with oil (can be olive, vegetable or Vaseline).

Cooling in the molds may take about a day in the refrigerator. The strength is determined by pressing a finger; if the mass cannot be pressed and it comes away from the walls well, it is removed. The pieces are laid out on paper and left in a warm place to evaporate any remaining moisture. The indicator of readiness is the hardness of the resulting product. This usually takes from two to seven days.

Making a product from remnants is really simple. Actions carried out step by step and without haste will definitely please you with the results. Children will especially be happy with this soap.

Preparing liquid soap will surprise you even more with its simplicity of production: grated soap (2/3 of the container volume) is placed in a plastic dispenser, filled to the top with hot water and mixed by shaking. Let it brew for three days, and the product is ready. Liquid soap can also be made with glycerin by adding it in the amount of one capful.

Cooking recipes

The protracted process of soap making usually does not stop when all the household soap has been used. Then they buy baby soap, turn it into shavings, and then into their own favorite soap. You can make it with your own hands and using household scraps. Depending on the ingredients, housewives themselves create recipes and come up with names for their products. Vitamin:

  • soap shavings - 100 grams;
  • almond oil - two tablespoons;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - a tablespoon.

Place the container with the mixture in a water bath, stir and gradually add boiling water (200 ml). After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add a tablespoon of glycerin or vitamin E and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour the mixture into pre-prepared molds and leave to harden for a day.

Helpful advice! If you place the mold in hot water for a few seconds before removing the soap, it will come out faster. You can, on the contrary, first place it in the freezer - then when it thaws, the soap easily leaves the mold.

For problem skin:

  • Soaps in the form of shavings – 200 grams.
  • Borax – half a teaspoon.
  • Camphor alcohol and glycerin - a tablespoon each.

Add water to this mixture gradually, one spoon at a time. When receiving the mixture in the form of sour cream, beat with a mixer until a semi-liquid cream consistency is obtained.

Tonic soap, thanks essential oil sage, has the ability to heal wounds, improves blood supply to the skin and has a tonic effect. Will be needed.