How to make a closet yourself. Do-it-yourself wardrobe from A to Z: step-by-step instructions, ready-made drawings and diagrams, videos and photos. Do-it-yourself sliding door adjustment and other assembly features

A closet is always something big and substantial. Along with the bed, it should be installed in any living room. If, for example, there is no TV, microwave oven or a spare towel can still be tolerated, then a closet is simply vital. Wardrobe items scattered around the apartment are not the most presentable sight. Yes, and this is at least inconvenient. Prices in various furniture stores are sometimes inflated by 300% or more of the cost of the product, so it is much more interesting and profitable to figure out how to make a cabinet with your own hands. You don't have to reinvent the wheel - everything has already been done for you. All that remains is to understand the manufacturing technology and adjust the product to the required dimensions. As an example, we will consider a medium-sized wardrobe. This option is quite easy to assemble, convenient and very functional.

Detailing a homemade cabinet

The following dimensions are determined based on the application laminated chipboard. Board thickness – 18 mm. A 0.5mm self-adhesive melamine edge is also used. For facades you can use standard sliding system. It can be bought in specialized stores in finished form or order according to your sizes. Facade system As a result, it costs several times less than a ready-made cabinet. As an example, we will look at how to make a cabinet with your own hands with a height of 2284 mm and a width of 1164 mm. These are the dimensions of the clean door opening. you can adjust the sizes to suit your needs.

Drawers are mounted on the so-called. full roll-out guides from a trusted manufacturer.

Roller guides cannot be used for the internal drawers of a homemade cabinet, because... they take up a lot of space and cannot withstand heavy loads.

Before starting work, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and requirements, even those that may seem insignificant upon superficial examination. It is important to do everything correctly, because... it will take a lot of time, effort and nerves to redo it.

The photo shows a two-tone cabinet made by hand. The purchase of two types of boards is justified in the case when a set of cabinet furniture is being made, but when assembling one product, different trims remain. Color range choose at your discretion.

You will need the following materials:

  • 2 boards 240x65 cm for the sides of a homemade cabinet. It is better to prepare a sample for the baseboard in advance, so that the finished cabinet will fit flush against the wall.
  • 1 board 228.4x55 cm for the partition. Immediately mark the right and left sides on it;
  • 1 board 120x75 cm for the top cover. This board should be rounded and protrude 10 cm forward in relation to the sidewalls - it’s more beautiful;
  • 1 board 116.4x65 cm for the bottom;
  • 2 boards 116.4x10 cm - plinths;
  • 3 boards 50x55 cm for the left shelves on the side of the drawers;
  • 3 boards 64.6x55 cm for right shelves;
  • 2 boards 49.5x20 cm for drawer fronts;
  • 4 boards 50x15 cm for the sides of the drawers;
  • 4 boards 43.8x15 cm for the back and front walls of the drawers.

You will also need hardboard blanks:

  • 231.5x119.5 cm for the back wall;
  • 2 pieces 47.2x50 cm for the bottom of the drawers.

Before starting work, prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowels;
  • hacksaw for metal and wood.

The rods for the hangers are sawed off from a single product with a diameter of 22 mm. This product can be purchased at a store that specializes in selling furniture fittings. The same store sells end fasteners for rods. A single rod is cut into pieces, the length of which should be 1 mm less than the width of the shelves, i.e. specifically in this case 645 and 499 mm. This gap is needed for greater ease of installation.

Handles for drawers can also be bought at a store that sells furniture fittings. Choose beautiful handles that will fit well into the interior of the room.

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Preparing parts

To cut off all the necessary parts with the required accuracy, you need, first of all, a circular saw equipped with a disk with Pobedit tips. If you don't have this tool, most best option– order sawing from some hardware store that specializes in selling hardboard and chipboard, or from companies that manufacture custom-made cabinet furniture – it’s quite inexpensive.

And you can save a lot on gluing the edges by doing everything yourself. The edge is very cheap and can be easily attached to the surface using an iron.

Turn the iron on ¾ of the way highest power and follow the instructions. Place the edge of the selected color with the adhesive side to the end, then iron it. Repeat several times. Then iron the edge with a soft, dry cloth, trying to press the edges as tightly as possible, and trim off the excess using a dull knife. It is advisable to use a dull knife - this will reduce the risk of damage to the laminate. To handle rough surfaces, use fine-grained sandpaper wrapped, for example, around a small block of wood or any other similar object.

Any cabinet, especially one made by yourself, must be durable and reliable. However, at the same time, available ordinary people fasteners. The best solution is confirmations. The size of the confirmations may vary; in the case of this cabinet, products with a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 0.5 cm are suitable. How the fasteners are made is shown in the following image: Fig. 2.

Through holes are made in the plane, and in the end - to a depth of about 60 mm. In this case, the diameter of the holes should be 8 mm and 5 mm, respectively.

The boxes are assembled as shown in the following image: Fig. 3.

The safest thing to do is to make all the cabinet shelves stationary. If desired, several shelves can be made removable by placing them on shelf supports. However, in this case, as practice shows, you have to drill new holes almost every time you need to rearrange something in the closet.

In many apartments, old, Soviet-made furniture has been preserved, long out of fashion, outdated physically and morally, cluttering up the space and so completely small rooms. However, at the same time, it should be noted that most often the material from which it is made has retained good quality, and it can be used for construction modern options cabinets and bookshelves.

If you remember furniture walls with numerous cabinets, drawers and cabinets, you can easily imagine how many panels different sizes can be obtained in order to produce more compact, convenient and modern items furniture. How to make built-in furniture in modern design, spending a minimum of money on it, and at the same time freeing the rooms from bulky outdated structures and will be discussed further.

Advantages of built-in furniture

Before moving on to the next sections, it is advisable to understand the advantages of built-in furniture made by yourself.

  • If the furniture is made from material that will be obtained as a result of dismantling old cabinets or other pieces of furniture, then you can get significant savings on the family budget.
  • Everyone knows that even in panel houses Walls are often not perfectly flat. Well, with the help of built-in furniture you can perfectly disguise this flaw, and, again, save on construction work to level the surfaces.
  • Hosts are provided a great opportunity show your creativity when developing a project, and then reproduce your own design and engineering solution, making the most comfortable piece of furniture for use.
  • Serious savings are achieved usable area rooms. Almost every apartment has areas where it is difficult to fit standard pieces of furniture, and for those items that will be made to order, you will have to pay double price. Developing own project, you can provide for all the nuances and dimensions of the area where the cabinet or shelf will be built.
  • And, of course, furniture made with your own hands will give you a reason to be justifiably proud of your amateur talents.

Materials for the manufacture of built-in furniture

In addition to chipboard panels, inherited from disassembled cabinets, other materials can be used to make pieces of furniture.

  • Today, plasterboard is extremely popular, from which not only built-in wardrobes are built, but even entire walls with niches and cabinets for one or even two rooms. This material has become so widespread due to the ease of its processing and the ease of installation, which can be carried out even by novice craftsmen with no experience. Its low price and environmental friendliness are also attractive.

Try to innovate your room with drywall!

How to work correctly with this material, quickly and easily creating various designs, you can find out from a special publication on our portal dedicated to independent construction.

  • Natural wood has traditionally been an excellent material for making furniture. The old masters managed to build cabinets without single nail, and some of these pieces of furniture, made at the beginning of the last century, are still in use today. Wood has many very important advantages compared to other materials - it is environmentally friendly, natural pattern and relief, ease of processing and aesthetic appearance.

  • Plywood is another material from which built-in furniture can also be made. It is often used in combination with wood, covering frames with plywood and making panels. The manufacturing process of plywood involves the use of glue, so it cannot be called a 100% environmentally friendly material, although there are varieties with minimal, almost zero emission of phenol-containing substances.

  • Chipboard is a board made from sawdust and shavings, which are mixed with glue and then pressed into a given shape. Then the slabs are given an aesthetic appearance by lamination or veneering. Such boards can be harmless to health or dangerous, depending on the glue that was used in their manufacture. Soviet furniture most often consists of slabs produced in accordance with GOST under strict control, so it can be called relatively safe compared to modern products of completely unknown origin. If furniture panels purchased in a store, you should pay attention to the environmental safety group - E0 or E1 are required for living rooms.

  • In addition to materials for making furniture, it is necessary to select modern fittings that suit the design - handles, locks, canopies, guides, rollers, hangers, etc. There will be no problems with these furniture accessories, since today they can be found in specialized hardware stores for every need and taste.

Find out how to choose the right one from our new article.

Where can built-in furniture be installed?

Built-in furniture is an excellent way out of small-sized or one-room apartments. It can be fixed, as mentioned above, near walls that have never been used to install cabinets along them. In addition, it will fit perfectly into a wall that has small area surface and too small to install standard cabinet. These areas of rooms mainly include external walls, with window openings located in them, and internal ones - with a door frame located in the center.

They usually try to cover the wall around the window with curtains, without even thinking that it can be functional - this is what the vast majority of apartment owners do. However, if a set of shelves is fixed on its surface, having a shallow depth sufficient to accommodate books, then the structure does not fit the same curtains and cornices. They can easily be fixed not only to the ceiling, but also to the panels of the upper shelves. Having installed such a structure, you can immediately see how much area of ​​the room will be freed from cabinets, and plan it for other needs.


This wall of the room can only be used if it is absolutely dry, without the appearance of mold formations, otherwise the pathogenic microflora will quickly spread to the books, and its spores will hover in the air of the rooms, which is quite dangerous for human health.

Paper is an excellent insulator, and books placed on shelves close to each other will create a kind of heat-insulating barrier, so the room will become warmer.

Another common option for installing built-in wardrobes is in the area of ​​walls around interior or entrance doors. By securing the furniture in this way, you can solve two problems - saving space and additional soundproofing of the room.

Calculation of dimensions and drawing up drawings

Once you have chosen the location where the cabinet or shelving will be installed, you can begin to plan the placement of shelves and doors. The process of making a sketch and drawing with exact dimensions can be done using special applications - they can be found on the Internet. If this path seems difficult, then an ordinary sheet of paper, pencil, or ruler will do.

The first calculation option will be more accurate, since the program will calculate not only all the parameters of the cabinet, but also the quantity and even the approximate cost of parts and fittings.

Video: example of designing a built-in wardrobe using a specialized application

The self-planning method helps you understand all the nuances right on the spot and makes it possible to immediately make the necessary adjustments. But you will have to work very carefully on the drawing, since all the necessary parts will be made from it. Particular care in drawing up the diagram will be required if the parts will be made according to it to order, in a workshop.

If a piece of built-in furniture will be constructed from chipboard, plywood or solid board having approximately the same thickness, then the drawing for them is drawn up in the same way. If plasterboard is used to make a cabinet or shelves, calculations are carried out taking into account the width metal profiles, from which the frame will be mounted, since the narrowest of them is 50 mm wide and 27 mm deep.

Find out, with illustrated instructions, from a new article on our portal.

Built-in wardrobe with rear panel

Such a cabinet can be made of chipboard, plywood or solid boards 16 mm thick. Built-in furniture is equipped with a back panel covering the wall surface, or the interior wall itself serves as it.

This cabinet model has a height of 2600 mm, a width of 2400 mm and a depth of 650 mm. This design includes a back panel, but it is quite possible to simply mount the cabinet to the wall.

Parts for assembling the cabinet

For such a cabinet you will need to make the following parts:

the name of detailPart size, mmNumber of parts, pcs.
Side walls2584 650 2
Internal vertical partitions2568 550 2
Cabinet bottom panel2068 650 1
Cabinet ceiling panel with rounded corner2584 650 1
Vertical panel extending beyond the cabinet2600 308 1
Horizontal side shelves with rounded corner634 285 3
Drawers2568 586 220 3
Lower horizontal shelves650 400 1
800 400 1
Upper horizontal shelves650 550 1
800 550 1
Horizontal shelves above drawers550 586 5
Back panels are made of plywood or fiberboard (5 mm thick)2600 665 1
2600 816 1
2600 610 1
Door panels2600 694 1
2560 669 2
Set of rollers 2 sets
Drawer guides550 6 pairs
Shelf holders 44
Metal tubes with a diameter of 15 mm816 1
665 1
Details drawers:
Front and back walls586 220 6
Side walls518 220 6
Bottom panel (plywood or fiberboard)586 550 3
Guides for compartment doors with two lines of runners for movement2068 50 Set (upper and lower)

Manufacturing of parts

Manufacturing parts for any furniture design- a rather complex and labor-intensive process that requires not only high precision, certain dexterity and increased accuracy, but also the presence special tools for working on workpieces.

The first step is marking the chipboard panels, transferring the dimensions from the design drawing onto them and drawing cut lines.
Next, all the cabinet parts are cut out. It should be noted that if the cutting is done with a hand hacksaw, it will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the work will go faster and more accurately if it is carried out using an electric circular saw or, as a last resort, a jigsaw.
To ensure a smooth edge without burrs, the cut must be made with a saw with fine teeth. In addition, it is recommended to stick masking tape along the edge of the cutting line, which will protect the laminated edge from chipping.
If the edges are not quite even, they need to be trimmed with a file, rasp or plane.
If you need to get a perfectly smooth edge of the parts or the model has rounded corners and other pattern configurations, then it is better to contact a workshop where there is special equipment that produces precise, down to the millimeter, cutting of any shape.
If the furniture will be made from panels obtained as a result of disassembly old wall, and the height of the panels will not be enough to build the planned project, then they will have to be increased.
The connection of individual sheets can be done different ways- this is a “groove-tenon”, using dowels or using a special docking strip, into which two separate parts of the panel are installed on both sides with glue.
The last connection method is the simplest, and is accessible even to an inexperienced craftsman.
This cabinet model has shelves with rounded corners.
To cut it beautifully, you need to draw a patterned cutting line using a construction or improvised compass.
When sawing off rounded corners, use a jigsaw, being especially careful.
The sawn parts are numbered and signed.
If there is an appropriate tool, all edges of the parts are finished by milling.
Then the finished parts are installed on the wall, following a certain sequence to simplify the search desired element designs.
The outer end sides of the panels are covered with PVC edges specially designed for this purpose.
The edges are secured to the end using a layer of glue applied to them, which begins to exhibit its adhesive properties after heating. To do this, the edge is placed on the end of the panel and smoothed with a heated iron.
After the panels are processed and ready for assembly, the joints with other parts are marked on them, as well as the fastening of the fittings.

After all the parts have been manufactured, processed and laid out, the cabinet is assembled in accordance with the drawing.

If the cabinet or rack has a back panel that will give the product additional rigidity, then after connecting all the structural elements to it from the back side, sheets of the back wall are attached to the ends of the panels, which are most often made of fiberboard or plywood with a thickness of 3÷5 mm . If the back wall is not planned, then the cabinet frame will have to be attached to the wall.

The presented cabinet can be assembled in different ways, and which one to choose is up to the master himself. Much in this case depends on the quality of the wall. To understand how the assembly is carried out, both installation options will be considered below.

Assembling a cabinet with a back panel

Assembly of the cabinet, fastened with the rear panel, occurs in the following sequence:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
The first step at the place where the cabinet will be located is to level its bottom part.
Unfortunately, the floors are not always level, so if necessary, small wooden pads are installed at one or two corners.
In this case, it is advisable to immediately secure the exposed bottom of the cabinet to the floor surface.
You can, of course, fix it in the corners and in the middle part of the bottom panel adjustable legs, but this is done if the differences in floor height are very significant.
In addition, you need to take into account the height of the cabinet. If it is close to the height of the ceiling, then the legs will not be suitable for the structure, and you will have to use wooden pads.
The front end side of the floor panel must be covered with PVC edge.
Next, after marking, it is necessary to prepare holes on the vertical panels of the cabinet for installing shelf holders, if they are removable, or for furniture corners, if the shelves are permanently fixed.
The latter installation method will make the structure more rigid.
Another way to secure shelves to vertical cabinet panels is to use eccentric screws.
This fastener is more accurate and almost hidden from view, but it is more difficult to drill holes for it, as it requires perfect accuracy.
In addition, runners for drawers are attached along the drawn lines on the walls.
If there are sockets or a switch mounted on the wall near which the cabinet will be installed, and it will cover them from the cabinet panels, then holes of the required size and shape are marked and drilled in it using a drill or jigsaw.
The next step is installation along the lines of the vertical walls marked on the bottom panel.
They will have to be temporarily supported on the sides, since they will not be supported only by the lower fastenings.
To hold them in the desired vertical position, several horizontal transverse shelves should be secured without much delay.
Since this design has side rounded shelves, to secure them it is necessary to connect the outermost vertical panel and the board adjacent to the wall at a right angle.
The board is fixed end side to the outer side wall using eccentric screws from the rear side of the structure.
Having fastened two vertical panels at right angles, you need to immediately install the side shelves.
They are mounted on the side vertical wall of the cabinet using dowels installed with glue, and on the wall panel using confirmations (Euroscrews), which are screwed into the back side of the panel.
Then, the top panel-roof of the cabinet is installed and secured - it is most often mounted using eccentrics.
If the top panel is raised right up to the ceiling, then through it you can fix the cabinet on the ceiling.
Another way to secure the top panel, as well as horizontal shelves on vertical partitions, can be furniture corners.
After installing the top panel, all other shelves and hanging rods are secured.
Next, three drawers are made according to the dimensions indicated in the table.
For more accurate joining of the corners of the box elements, quarters can be selected along their edges.
Drawers can have one front panel or two - internal and front. When installing a double front panel, the drawer handle will be held more firmly.
In the lower part of the side, front and rear walls, slot-like grooves are cut into which the bottom of the box will slide.
Therefore, the assembly proceeds as follows:
- first, the front and side panels of the drawer are fastened together;
- then the bottom part is pushed into their grooves;
- and only after that the back panel is installed with glue, which is additionally fixed with furniture screws.
It should be noted here that you can use ready-made boxes of disassembled furniture wall, replacing only the facade panel with them.
In this case, when drawing up a project, it is necessary to immediately take into account all their parameters.
The second part of the roller guide system must be secured to the side walls of the drawers using self-tapping screws.
The guides can be attached to the bottom or middle of the side panel.
In order not to be mistaken in the correct installation, you need to try on the drawers in the cabinet walls, based on the dimensions given in the drawing.
Next, handles are selected for the drawers.
For them, through holes are drilled in the centers facade panels, and then the handles are screwed from the inside of the drawer.
The next step is to install guides for sliding doors.
The presented model has three door leaves:
- middle, installed on the first line of guides, and having the ability to move to any side of the cabinet;
- two side doors, each of which, when opened, can reach the other along the second line of guides.
According to the markings, the upper rail is fixed for the movement of the sashes on ceiling panel cabinet, and then the bottom rail, onto the floor panel.
Next, spring rollers are attached to the doors, allowing you to easily install the doors into the fixed guide rails.

If desired or necessary, the structure can be fixed not only to the floor and ceiling, but also to the wall through the adjacent side panel of the cabinet from inside the structure.

The installation of compartment doors was mentioned in passing. But this is extremely important point, which requires comprehensive consideration. It is simply more expedient to refer the reader to detailed specialized instructions.

How to assemble and install wardrobe doors yourself?

Special components are sold in stores for such furniture elements. Very detailed illustrated instructions for self-assembly and adjustment – ​​in a special publication on our portal.

Built-in wardrobe mounted directly to the wall

This section of the article will look at ways to attach the same cabinet (or any other) to the wall, without using the back panel. As mentioned above, this option is perfect for hiding uneven walls rooms.

Parts for cabinets are manufactured and processed in the same way as in the previous version or when choosing a different model. Their list and dimensions also remain unchanged, with the exception of the rear panel.

You can add to the list of materials with metal corners, with the help of which the walls of the cabinet will be fixed to the wall, or with timber, which can replace the corners and act as a wall frame. It should be noted that if the cabinet shelves are open, then it is better to use metal corners or a profile for fastening - these elements look more aesthetically pleasing than timber.

To understand how such installation is carried out, you need to consider its options in more detail.

The first option is a prefabricated panel structure

This cabinet can be either open or closed with sliding doors. In this case, the shelves are installed using metal corners. Work on its installation occurs in the following order:

  • The first step is to draw up a design for a closet with the compartments that will be needed - these could be shelves for books, a wardrobe compartment or drawers intended for other needs. In the project, real dimensions are taken on a smaller scale - this is necessary in order not to make a mistake in the width or height of the location of certain parts. Moreover, it is better to make two copies of the project - on one of them put down the dimensions of the location of the parts on the wall, and on the other - the parameters of the structural elements themselves.
  • Next, from a copy of the project, which shows how and where the vertical walls, as well as the top and bottom panels (if provided), will be primarily fixed, the places of their fixation are transferred to the wall. They must be determined by drawing precise vertical lines - along a plumb line.
  • The first to be fixed to the floor is the floor panel of the cabinet, onto which vertical partitions can be fixed.
  • Then, in the places of the drawn lines, the verticality of the wall plane is determined. To do this you need to prepare perfectly flat timber with a cross-sectional size of approximately 50×50 mm and a length almost equal to the height of the ceiling of the room, and a building level, or a level with a length of at least 2500 mm.

A level is placed on the wall at the indicated location, and with the help of it the difference in surface differences is determined. If it is about 3 mm, then this will not greatly affect the installation of the panels - even if a small gap is formed, then with the built-in version of the cabinet it will be almost invisible.

  • In the case where the wall even visually looks uneven, there are two options to hide this flaw - level the wall with plaster or drywall, or fit the furniture panels of the side walls to the wall. The adjustment will have to be carried out gradually, cutting off the part from the panel that prevents it from completely pressing against the wall. Therefore, the side that will be adjacent to the wall will become uneven, but the front edge will be perfectly level.
  • If the cabinet is mounted between two walls, then it is quite possible to completely abandon the outer vertical panels, installing only internal partitions.
  • When the vertical panels are fitted to the wall, they should be immediately secured to their intended places so that you can begin marking the horizontal shelves, ceiling and floor front strips. To fix the vertical panels, metal corners are screwed onto them in three or four places on both sides. Then, the panel is leveled in relation to the walls, and on them, through holes in the corners, places are marked for drilling holes into which the dowel will be driven in and fasteners screwed in.
  • Further, if you plan to install it on a built-in cabinet, then bars or strips parallel to each other are marked and secured on the ceiling and floor or bottom panel, determining the width of the internal space and intended for securing guide rails for moving the sashes.
  • The next step, between the vertical internal partitions and walls, according to the drawing, the location of horizontal shelves is marked. Just like in the previous version of the cabinet, they are attached to furniture corners to vertical panels and walls. Horizontal shelves will connect the entire structure, secure it to the walls and give it rigidity.

  • Next, rods for hangers and runners for drawers, if provided, are installed; the drawers themselves are made according to the dimensions of the project and installed in place.
  • The final stage is the assembly and installation of sliding doors.

The second option is with a timber frame

This design is most often used to build a built-in wardrobe, since it is the easiest to work with.

aluminum profile

To build it, first a frame is mounted from a wooden beam according to markings on the wall, which immediately determines the dimensions of the cabinet, that is, its height, width and depth. When these values ​​are known, it is easier to carry out the further process of securing the remaining elements of the cabinet and covering it with one of the selected materials.

Lasting wooden frame can be covered not only with chipboard, but also with plywood, wooden or laminated fibreboard, as well as PVC panels- this criterion is chosen by the home craftsman himself, taking into account financial capabilities, design ideas and level of experience in working with a particular material.

On wooden beam It is much easier to attach both corners and panels, so the work after erecting the frame will go quite quickly. The marking of horizontal shelves occurs in the same way as in the previous options, and vertical partitions are usually always formed by timber. Thanks to a more durable design, such cabinets can be equipped not only with sliding doors, but also with hinged ones - in some cases, the second option is preferable to the first.

The third option is with aluminum profiles

It is also quite possible to install a built-in wardrobe using this technology yourself, if you can produce all the necessary parts for the structure. An important condition When choosing the presented option for building a cabinet, the fact is that it can only be installed between two walls, that is, in a fairly narrow room, but across its entire width.

With this approach, to attach the panels to the wall, an aluminum U-shaped profile is used, which has a clearance width between the shelves that is 1÷2 mm greater than the thickness of the chipboard panels from which all other cabinet elements are made. In the presented model, the profile width is 16 mm, with a panel thickness of 15 mm.

The panels are neatly installed into the profile, and often do not require additional fastening at all. In those places where the shelves will bear a higher load, the bottom profile is further strengthened small panel Chipboard.

Work on installing the cabinet occurs in the same sequence as when starting the assembly of any structure attached to the wall:

  • Drawing up a project.
  • Manufacturing of cabinet parts.
  • Marking the wall surface using a plumb line, level, ruler and tape measure.
  • Fastening to the wall according to the markings of the metal profile.
  • Laying and fixing the floor panel and screwing profiles to it for installing vertical panels.
  • Installation of vertical partitions - they are pushed into a profile mounted on the wall and on the floor panel.
  • Next, we try on the top horizontal panel, and the location of the vertical partitions is marked on it. Then, it is removed, and profiles are also screwed to it, which will hold the partitions in their upper part. After this, the top panel is finally installed.

  • Then, all other horizontal shelves are mounted in the same way. They are installed in profiles that are fixed to the wall and to vertical panels. When the horizontal shelves are secured, the structure will become more rigid and durable.
  • If the project includes the installation of drawers, then they must be installed between two chipboard panels, since without support on both sides they may not withstand the load. Therefore, this must be taken into account when designing.

  • In the example under consideration, the structures are planned, therefore, for them, double-slide guides are fixed to the ceiling and bottom of the cabinet to move them, since both doors must move in one direction or the other.
  • The last step is to install the movable door leaves and test them.

To conclude the publication, here is another clear example of high-quality assembly of a built-in wardrobe:

Video: assembly of a built-in wardrobe without a back wall

So, if there is necessary tools Assembling built-in furniture with your own hands is a completely doable task. Much more difficult seems to be the high-quality production of all structural parts. It is best to carry out this process with professional tools, which are not found in every home. Therefore, having completed and thoroughly checked the drawing, having everything necessary materials, it is better to order their cutting and processing in a carpentry workshop - it will be much faster and more accurate. And with high-quality, well-fitted parts, the installation process becomes a real pleasure.

The closet plays an important role in any interior. It is not surprising that strict requirements are imposed on it: not to take up too much space, to be spacious, to have a sufficient number of shelves and drawers. The models on the market do not always fully satisfy individual wishes.

But the online store has both ready-made options cabinets and under individual order. So experienced craftsmen They will assemble the future owner’s closet to suit any of his whims and desires.

For owners of apartments with non-standard layouts, it can be even more difficult to choose an option that fits into the room. In this case, you can order a cabinet from specialists who will take into account all your wishes regarding the design and internal contents.

Unfortunately, this option is not affordable for everyone. Then the best solution the problem will be the use own hands and ingenuity, because assembling a cabinet yourself is not at all difficult!

Preparatory stage

Each room has its own type of construction, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the main ones.

Wardrobe with closed facade– straight model with hinged doors. To open them, you need to provide additional space; do not forget about this if you are making a closet for the hallway.

A cabinet with an open front has no doors, and its contents are in plain sight. It makes certain demands on order.

The wardrobe doors are mounted on a rail mechanism and open, moving to the sides. There are designs with top and bottom rails; which one to choose is a matter of taste.

Ideal design for built-in wardrobes

A corner cabinet fills a corner. Suitable for any size room, as long as it is square or similar in shape.

Having chosen a suitable design, you can begin to create a project for the future cabinet. Since this piece of furniture lasts for many years, it is worth considering what functionality may be required from it. It is better to build a drawing on whatman paper, recording all measurements there.

Decide on the location and dimensions of the cabinet. If there is a niche in the room - ideal, but if it is not possible to build it in, choose a place where nothing will interfere with it.

Consider the internal content: the location and number of shelves and drawers, their sizes, additional elements like mezzanines or interior lighting.

Do not forget about the choice of external decoration and decorations. The colors “oak”, “alder”, “beech” are the most popular today. Or you can choose wood with an interesting pattern and leave the original pattern. Get creative and decorate the doors with a carved pattern.


The material can be natural wood, plywood, MDF or chipboard - all of them are used by furniture manufacturers.

Wood is environmentally friendly, does not require additional decorations, and is convenient to work with. A wooden cabinet will last for many years and will look solid and impressive. Ideal choice for interior in classic style.

Plywood consists of glued veneer sheets (birch or trees are used coniferous species). This one is cheap practical material Suitable for making almost any furniture. It is best to choose laminated plywood (FOF brand).

Chipboard (chipboard) is the cheapest and most common option. When assembling your own closet, this is usually what you use. Short-lived.

Self-adhesive melamine film is also useful for processing the side edges.

The diameter of the rod must be at least 22 mm. The easiest way is to buy it in a specialized store. You can also buy pens there.


  • Ruler, tape measure, pencil and others for taking measurements and drawing.
  • Level.
  • Jigsaw or hacksaw for cutting.
  • Screwdriver or drill and screwdriver.
  • Glue.
  • Ratchet key.
  • Iron for gluing the edging film.
  • Accessories. Each door opening mechanism has its own kit.
  • It is better to buy confirmations for a cabinet made of chipboard that are 7 cm long and have a diameter of 0.5 cm.


First of all, measurements are taken and a drawing of the future cabinet is constructed. The final result depends on a correctly drawn up drawing, so approach it with all seriousness.

It’s not difficult to make cabinet doors with your own hands, the main thing is to correctly calculate the dimensions. If its vertical height is less than the height of the opening, the door will not completely close it, and if it is more, it will not fit. When finding the horizontal dimension, we must not forget about the fastening elements: they will add a few millimeters to it. The width of the doors should be ~3 mm less than the opening.

Now you need to mark the placement of the fastening bolts on the sawn parts and drill all the holes.

Assembly begins with installing the bottom and attaching the walls to it. Make sure that assembled wardrobe fits into the allotted space and other furniture will not interfere with the opening of the doors. If you are making a wardrobe, the guides are installed at this stage.

The location of drawers and shelves is outlined, shelf supports and guides are installed. They must be strictly parallel to avoid distortion.

It's time to install the top shelves and roof. A gap of ~7 cm is left between the ceiling and roof for the installation of confirmations. Fastening is done manually and finally tightened with a ratchet wrench.

The side shelves are attached to 4 confirmata (two on each side); in some cases, dowels (small wooden cylinders) are used. One end of the dowel is inserted into the cabinet wall, and a shelf is put on the other.

The last step is to install the doors. Before installation, attach the handles with the curve outward. Especially important for sliding doors correct installation mechanism. Take your time, act carefully.

It's time to start finishing touches. Treat the sections with decorative film and decorate the facade. Install mirrors, interior lighting and other elements.

Tricks and nuances

Rely on existing cabinet designs when designing yours.

A corner cabinet requires more care in design and assembly than a straight cabinet, so it may be too complicated for an inexperienced person.

If you lack experience, it is better to entrust cutting out the parts to a master. His hand will not tremble, and the cuts will be smooth and neat.

To avoid getting a part smaller than needed, consider the thickness of the saw. The wall thickness must be at least 18 mm. Otherwise, the strength of the structure will be insufficient.

While working on the drawing, pay attention to the curvature of the floor. If the floor is not level, gaps may appear between the doors. To avoid this, adjust the installation awnings for a swing mechanism, and change the height of the wheels for a sliding mechanism.

Guides for sliding doors should be parallel. Be extremely careful when marking and installing guides for drawers and shelves.

Drill holes for confirmations symmetrically. Use the correct size drill bit. The exact number of confirmations depends on the number of parts. The confirmations are covered with plugs matching the color of the structure.

Installing a mirror begins with installing a seal around the perimeter. The film is glued to the chipboard slices using an iron. Iron it with a cloth, pressing it as tightly as possible. The edges can be trimmed with a regular knife.

Study photos of handmade cabinets: you will get a charge of inspiration and note interesting ideas for yourself.

We hope our tips helped answer the question of how to make a cabinet with your own hands.

Photos of do-it-yourself cabinets

A wardrobe is one of the most necessary pieces of furniture, which is definitely in every apartment, but if you moved to new apartment or decided to update the interior, sooner or later the question will arise that it is necessary to update this very useful element.

Of course, it is much easier to walk around furniture stores, study the product in various online stores and buy it there, because that’s what the vast majority do.

Pros of making your own cabinets

But a homemade cabinet has significant advantages:

Material. You can choose exactly the material that suits you and meets all your requirements. There are a lot of materials from which you can make a cabinet. This includes chipboard, MDF, natural wood, and even drywall.

Size. A homemade cabinet can be of absolutely any size. You can make a closet of a size that will ideally fit the dimensions of your apartment.

Design. Store-bought cabinets often cannot boast a wide variety of colors and patterns, which cannot be said about homemade ones. A handmade wardrobe can be of absolutely any color and wear absolutely any patterns.

Cabinet shape. The shape of the cabinet depends on its function; the most common types of cabinets are: built-in, freestanding, corner and diagonal-corner. You must decide exactly which form will be most optimal for you.

Guaranteed no allergies. It often happens that the coating with which the cabinet is painted (paint, varnish, impregnation) can cause allergic reaction, especially in a child.

A cabinet coated with unknown mixtures and placed in a closed space can be hazardous to health. The advantage of a cabinet made by yourself is that you choose the coating yourself, taking into account all the features.

Where to begin?

To start making a cabinet with your own hands is to create a detailed drawing on which it will be depicted in great detail. In addition to the drawing, exact dimensions and calculations are required required quantity details.

After making the drawing, make sure once again that all dimensions are accurate, have no errors and exactly correspond to the location that you have chosen for the cabinet.

Now, having a clear idea of ​​the dimensions that are needed, you need to choose materials.

You can take materials left over from other projects, or you can go to a specialty store and buy everything you need (including door handles, fasteners for shelves, door runners, mirrors, jigsaw and much more)

How to make parts?

In order to make the necessary parts, you will need a tape measure, a drawing drawn up in advance and a simple pencil. On the material that you purchased, make marks that correspond the right sizes, and connect them. Roulette will help you with this.

How to assemble a cabinet?

First you need to create the frame of the future cabinet so that further assembly is less problematic. To do this, you need to drill identical holes on two side walls and mark the locations of future fasteners, and then assemble everything using a screwdriver.

After you have assembled the main frame, you need to move on to attaching the doors (if they are included in the cabinet model you have chosen). If the doors are ordinary, then they need to be hung on hinges, and if you have chosen a wardrobe, then you need to install and respond to special guides.

After you have assembled the frame and installed the doors, it is time to install the shelves. This should be done carefully, having first measured everything with a tape measure and made symmetrical notches so that the shelves are at the correct right angle.

A small but very important device – a level – will also help for this. It will help you understand at what angle you are going to install the shelves.

According to the previously applied marks, you need to attach the fasteners, and the shelves to them. Their number and diameter depend solely on your desire and the purpose for which the cabinet is made.

How to distribute the shelves?

If you are making a bookcase, the shelves can be located a short distance from each other. You can mark this distance on the frame using a book of the most common format. This way the books will definitely stand properly.

If you are making a clothes closet with your own hands, then the shelves should be at an average distance from each other so that a sufficient number of stacks of clothes can be placed on them, and one section of the closet can be made without shelves at all and then clothes can be placed there on hangers.

If you are making a closet for shoes, then the shelves need to be made very close to each other, focusing on average height Your shoes. This will help save space and not make the closet unreasonably large.

How to decorate a closet?

If your cabinet is made of natural wood, first you need to cover it with a special solution that will prevent the tree from becoming rotten over time. After this, the cabinet can be left in its natural color, or it can be painted using a special wood paint.

If a plain cabinet seems too uninteresting to you, you can arm yourself with a simple pencil, brushes and acrylic paints, draw sketches with a simple pencil and outline it all with acrylic paint.

The patterns with which a closet can be decorated can be very different, from circles and stripes to complex ornate patterns.

After any painting, the cabinet must be varnished so that its appearance remains attractive for a long time.

How are wardrobe beds and wardrobe ladders made?

Wardrobe beds have recently become increasingly popular, especially among teenagers and people living in very small apartments.

The wardrobe bed is quite easy to make. To begin with, a frame is made like for an ordinary bed, but higher, and then shelves and doors are built down. Such cabinets save a lot of space and look modern and interesting.

The only thing is that it will be quite difficult to climb onto such a bed without help, so it’s worth placing a chair or a small ladder nearby.

You can also use a ladder cabinet for these purposes, which will help save space even more. Simple but strong sections of shelves stack on top of each other to create a ladder and are tightly connected. Such a ladder can be attached to the bed or made into a mobile element that can be moved to any desired location.


Making a cabinet with your own hands or buying it in a store is everyone’s choice, but a cabinet made with your own hands has more benefits, rather than purchased.

Such a cabinet will definitely look good, because its dimensions are ideal for the space in which it is located.

Anyone can make a closet, even without anyone’s help, so you don’t have to be afraid that nothing will work out.

Today, the problem of lack of furniture in the house is not as acute as, for example, in the middle of the last century. And yet, in some cases you need “your own” cabinet, that is, made with your own hands. Sometimes this is required by the interior features, sometimes you want to realize your creative impulse, and sometimes this is the only furnishing option with limited financial resources. But in any case, the cabinet must be made with high quality so that the item turns out to be good-quality, practical, functional, visually attractive and durable.

Table of contents:

Make or assemble yourself different kinds cabinets will help detailed instructions and advice from professionals.

Preparatory stage

The first step in any more or less creative endeavor (and not only) is, of course, design. This means you need to create a project for the future cabinet. And for this, consider:

  • location of the invention;
  • full dimensions (that is, not only width, depth and height, but also the number of shelves, as well as the distances between them);
  • visual characteristics of the product (color, material, decorative elements, etc.).

After the future cabinet is schematically depicted on paper (or in a computer program, if an advanced user is planning to create it) and all the dimensions are written down, the design stage can be considered complete. And proceed directly to the manufacture of the item.

And for example, take the instructions for creating a closed wooden cabinet. And not necessarily from expensive “thoroughbred” wood. You can just use chipboard.

DIY wardrobe step by step

You should start with a drawing, which is created based on the drawing diagram and the desired dimensions. The future cabinet needs to be “broken” into its component parts and drawn each separately, to scale. Special software can help in this rather complex matter. There are many such programs today, and some of the most popular are Autocad and Basis Furniture Maker.

After creating the drawing, you should start cutting the material. This is if you have experience, certain knowledge and skills, as well as quite expensive special equipment - a machine for sawing chipboard. If any one or all of the conditions from the list do not exist, it is better to seek help from professionals, in a specialized workshop. The cost of this kind of service will be very inexpensive, and the result will be much better than at home when sawing the material with a jigsaw with the probable formation of chips.

The finished parts of the future cabinet must be arranged into groups, in the order of assembly. Make your own choice necessary accessories. And to do this, finally decide on the door opening system. These could be doors:

  • swinging (to the sides, down, up);
  • or coupes sliding along guides.

The number of shelves for furniture must be indicated on the diagram and drawings. According to this information, the quantity is calculated:

  • formats (for assembling walls, partitions);
  • rivets for standard formats;
  • shelf holders;
  • guides for drawers;
  • and other elements.

You should also determine the edge dimensions for the chipboard.

Cabinet assembly

At this stage, the amateur master will need a certain tool kit, which includes:

  • a drill and several drills for it of different diameters;
  • screwdriver;
  • and iron.

You need to assemble the cabinet by following a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Once again, carefully examine the drawings.
  2. Check whether the parts are laid out correctly: which comes from what and which is adjacent to which.
  3. Select a drill of the required diameter to make holes for the formats.
  4. Mark the holes and drill them using a drill. The holes must be made neat and symmetrical so as not to spoil the appearance of the future piece of furniture.

  1. Using a screwdriver, you will need to assemble the cabinet frame onto the comformats.

In the future, with a conventional (i.e. hinged) system, the cabinet doors will need to be strengthened with the help of canopies. And if we're talking about about the compartment doors, screw the guides.

The next stage is to apply markings under the shelf supports and guides in the places where the shelves and drawers will be located. When applying, maximum precision will be required so that in the future both the shelves stand and the drawers move strictly parallel, and not at random.

When the markings are applied, all that remains is to drill the necessary holes and screw the shelf holders and guides.

At the final stage of assembly, the cabinet is brought to visual perfection within the project. It will be necessary to make an edge along the chipboard seams. And to do this, “arm yourself” with an iron and a thin towel without lint and terry, made of natural fabric. The edge will need to be carefully applied to chipboard board and glue it through the towel with an iron. After sharp knife just take it and trim off the excess from the edge.

At the very end, you need to put plugs on the formats. And a beautiful closed cabinet, made by yourself, is ready. You can complement it with lighting from the inside or even built-in lamps, as well as a mirror on the door/doors and other visually attractive and at the same time functional details.

Built-in wardrobe

The currently popular wardrobe can also be created independently. Moreover, almost any configuration (except for radius ones, which require experience and professionalism) and any content. It is not difficult.

For example, a wardrobe can be arranged in a niche. There you only need to install doors that move along guides, and such a cabinet already has the bottom, top and side surfaces.

You can also create a wardrobe with your own hands along a blank wall (it will become back wall furniture) - from one side wall to the other. Such cabinets are made in small one-room apartments, since such a design (with all its capacity) visually “eats up” very little space, and with proper decoration it also adds to the room free space, if you use, for example, mirrors along the entire facade of the product.

You can also create a wardrobe yourself in the opening interior partition. This optimal solution for apartments with an open plan in modern monolithic houses.

Also, a sliding wardrobe can be a cabinet one, but the material for it must be chosen more expensive than chipboard. Made with high quality, it perfectly zones both budget premises and luxury penthouses without interior doors.

Such designs can be divided into straight and angular. And also on those leaning against the wall and placed across it. With the help of the latter, the space is zoned, and both sides are frontal, without a rear.

For independent execution, the simplest is a wardrobe built into a niche. And the one who decided to create it must act according to the instructions below:

  1. Select material.
  2. Determine the extent, nature and methods of placement of internal content.
  3. Decide on the method of connecting the doors and design them.
  4. Select shelf hanging technology.
  5. Prepare the existing niche accordingly (repair/put in order).
  6. Make the necessary measurements and calculations.
  7. Make a diagram, make a drawing.
  8. Purchase materials and, having decided on the fittings, buy them too.
  9. Order or carry out cutting of blanks yourself (if we are talking about wooden material).
  10. Assemble the cabinet according to the project.
  11. Install interior lighting.
  12. Perform finishing interior and exterior finishing.

Wardrobe materials

Designing any cabinet begins with choosing the material. If we talk about wardrobes, they look best on:

Internal filling

The internal contents of the wardrobe will determine the internal layout of this very content. And here the following placement rules apply:

  • raw must be kept separately;
  • the necessary, as well as small, items should be placed directly in front of the eyes;