How to dilute ash for fertilizing: simple recipes from the reference book. Ash is the best fertilizer for gardens and vegetable gardens. How to prepare an infusion from ash.

Which summer residents will refuse to use ash?

But in order for it to be beneficial, you need to feed it to the garden garden crops need it right. First of all, it should be noted that only ash from firewood and plants is suitable for fertilizer. From tree species It is better to use deciduous trees, especially birch. Valuable ash is obtained by burning sunflower, buckwheat, and beans.

On a note

Slag obtained from burning household waste cannot be used to feed plants.


I sift the ashes from burning wood in the stove, barbecue, or fireplace, and throw the coals back into the stove, but not into the garden, since they will harden there and the plants will not benefit from them.

I burn dry plant residues in a structure made of bricks with high walls so that the ashes are not blown away by the wind.

I store all the sifted ash in wooden barrel with a tight lid. Plastic bags are not suitable for this purpose: condensation forms in them.


Ash is used in dry and liquid form. In the first case, the ashes are simply incorporated into the soil as fertilizer, and in the second, a solution, infusion or decoction is prepared from it.

Ash solution: Stir 1 cup of raw material in a bucket with 10 liters of water. Water the plants at the roots with this liquid. It needs to be stirred before use.

Ash infusion: fill the bucket a third with ash, pour hot water to the brim and leave for two days. Then strain and use for root feeding or spraying.

Decoction (for spraying): pour boiling water over 300 g (3 cups) of ash, put on fire for 30 minutes, then cool, strain and dilute in 10 liters of water. For better adhesion to the leaves, add 40-50 g of chopped laundry soap.

Let's try to understand the feeding of specific vegetable and fruit crops with ash.

On a note

Ash spraying of plants is not only feeding, but also protection from diseases and pests (wireworms, aphids, cruciferous flea beetle, nematodes, slugs, snails).


To speed up the growth of young plants, they need to be pollinated with a thin layer of ash every 10 days. When planting seedlings in the ground, add 1-2 tbsp to each hole. l. stove fertilizer. This - good way fertilize the soil and improve plant survival. Ash can also be scattered around them and between the rows.


For better ripening of fruits, plants should be watered with an infusion of ash (0.5 liters per bush) at the beginning of flowering. Repeat feeding every 10 days. For cucumbers open ground It is necessary to additionally spray the leaves with ash decoction. During the period of active growth and budding, it is useful to do 3-4 feedings per month, alternating root and leaf feeding.


When digging up the soil in the fall, 2 cups of ash per 1 square meter should be added to these crops. m. And in the spring - half as much. Onions and garlic can be fed with infusion of ash at the root or watered in the grooves, but no more than 3 times per season.


Digging up the soil, for each square meter It is worth scattering 3 cups of ash, and when planting seedlings in the ground, a handful per hole. By the way, stove fertilizer can be applied to these crops throughout the entire growing season. Before each watering, it is useful to sprinkle the soil under the bushes with ash, and after moistening, loosen the fertilized soil.

Pumpkins and zucchini respond positively to the addition of ash; it is only important not to exceed the recommended doses. For digging, a glass of fertilizer per 1 square meter is enough. m, and in each hole when planting seedlings - 1-2 tbsp. l.


Under cabbage different types when digging a bed, it is added per 1 sq. m 2 cups of ash, and when planting seedlings - a handful in each hole. To protect against pests, plants should be sprayed with infusion on the leaves.


Before sowing these crops, it is advisable to add 1 cup of ash per 1 square meter to the soil. m. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to sprinkle the beds with these root crops with baking fertilizer once a week - just before watering the plants.


When planting this crop, you need to pour a glass of ash (per 1 sq. m) onto the soil surface, and then dig up the soil. When planting, 2 tbsp is added to the hole under each tuber. l. fertilizers During the first hilling, pour 1 tbsp under each bush. l. ash, and with the second - 2-3 tbsp. l. It is also useful to spray potato plantings on the leaves with ash decoction.


Sprinkle this crop with ash (10-15 g, or 2 tbsp per bush) immediately after flowering. This helps to increase the number of flower stalks and, accordingly, berries.

On a note

Flower plants respond well to stove fertilizer. It is especially useful for roses, clematis, lilies, gladioli and peonies. When planting seedlings, pour 1 tsp into each hole. ash.


When planting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs in the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm, it is worth adding 1.5 cups of ash per 1 square meter. m and mix well with the soil. This fertilizing promotes rapid adaptation of plants, rapid development and strengthening of the root system. Mature trees and shrubs are fed with ash once every 4 years. In every trunk circle Approximately 2 kg of fertilizer is applied.


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The most useful is the ash obtained by burning sunflower and buckwheat, since they contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, mora, manganese, sulfur, molybdenum and boron. All these microelements are necessary for the proper development of plants, and indoor flowers grown in pots especially need them.

It is known that potassium chloride, contained in many store-bought fertilizers, acidifies the soil, which is completely unsuitable for growing indoor flowers and can lead to their disease. Wood ash, on the contrary, prevents the soil from oxidizing and, due to its composition, can completely replace.

But when preparing the composition for feeding, you need to carefully ensure that the mixture does not contain unnecessary elements in the form of rubber, film, packaging containers, nails that may end up on the surface of the initial product, since they are unlikely to benefit your potted pets.

How to prepare liquid fertilizer from ash?

Feeding flowers and indoor plants Wood ash treatment can be carried out both in dry form and in the form of infusion. To do this, from 50 to 150 grams of the substance are diluted in a bucket of water. When adding infusion to the soil, it should be stirred constantly - this will allow the remaining ash, which does not dissolve, but contains a lot of phosphorus, to be evenly distributed over the entire surface. In addition, this infusion is used for liming the soil of domestic plants, since it contains 18-36% calcium carbonate.

When using an infusion of ash to feed plants in the form of fertilizer for indoor flowers, it is important to follow the correct dosage. Therefore, for ease of calculation, we present the values ​​of its weight for different types of containers:

  • a teaspoon contains 2 grams of dry mixture;
  • a tablespoon holds 6 grams of composition without a slide;
  • a two-hundred-gram glass holds 100 grams;
  • a half-liter glass jar can store 250 grams of the substance;
  • a liter jar can hold 500 grams.

What is important to remember when using ash?

This fertilizing should be applied quite carefully, in small portions, to prevent oversaturation of the soil. useful elements. To dilute the correct and sufficiently saturated solution, you need to take only 100 g of dry substance per ten-liter bucket of water, mix thoroughly, leave and use ready-made mixture throughout the season. After the solution has been applied to the soil, its effect continues for another 2–4 years.

Care must be taken when using and storing ash. When working with this fertilizer, it is necessary to protect your eyes, hands, mouth and nose from getting it inside the human body, as poisoning may occur. And you need to store the purchased bag in a dry, cool place, as excess moisture can take away all its useful components from the substance.

Many people don’t even suspect (and I, after purchasing a dacha, due to the lack personal experience on relevant issues), what valuable properties does the ash solution have (, ...) in growing a variety of plants. Wood ash is a natural compound, and a solution made from it can become a faithful assistant to the farmer (in our case, the owner of the plot) in his work. Making a solution from ash is not at all difficult.

This will not be financially burdensome. It won't take much time either. But it will make an excellent fertilizer. And it is also a kind of pesticide, fungicide.

Fiery hello

Excellent ash is born in a fire made from waste organic matter that is running out summer season- pruned grape vines, cut branches and trees, dried raspberries, currants, etc. (but you can also burn them in the spring, when they dry out, and add those frozen over the winter). Fire kills absolutely all insects, fungi, and viruses. Anything that poses a potential threat should not be sent to reheat - a fire is more reliable.

Wood ash contains various calcium derivatives that are partially soluble in aquatic environment. Feeding with an ash solution is a kind of “first aid” - this way calcium is quickly supplied to plant tissues and supports them.

In the solid residue after the combustion of organic matter, a lot of potash (a special potassium compound) is formed. What is valuable to us is that potash dissolves perfectly. By the way, we quickly transfer the combustion products from the fireplace to a dry place. Dew, rain, snow contribute to a significant loss of valuable macronutrients.

Ash solution - first of all potash fertilizer. Potassium regulates water metabolism. It is important for young tissues, growth points, new leaves, buds, and fruits. Feeding roots absorb moisture better, the influence of harmful salts is reduced, and the processes of respiration and photosynthesis of the plant are normalized. It has been observed that the presence of calcium helps in the uptake of potassium.

Phosphorus in the ash residue is significantly less than potassium. But phosphorus is contained in the form of compounds that are perfectly absorbed by plants. The microelement composition is also rich. True, the components vary significantly depending on the original organic raw material. But all of them are very useful for the development of any agricultural crops.

Feeding seeds with ash solution

It is very useful to saturate the seed material of any crops with nutrients before sowing. For these purposes, we take an ash solution prepared in advance - two days before soaking. Stir a teaspoon of ash in a glass of water and filter it after two days. Pour the liquid into a wide, shallow bowl. We place any seeds in it: small ones for 1-2 hours, large ones for 4-5 hours. Then lightly dry and sow.

Which plants are it very useful for?

Ash infusion can be produced regular feeding various cultivated plants on summer cottage(except for “lovers” of sour substrates - hydrangeas, conifers, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, etc.). When potassium, available for rapid absorption, is added to the plants, they immediately respond to it. The cucumber family is especially responsive to such events - cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, and melons. Nightshades - potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - will also be grateful to the solution. The assistant will be pleased with root vegetables - celery, carrots. The decorative plant will respond with a lush growth of green mass, abundant flowering. Fruits and berries will gain more sweetness.

Known obvious signs potassium starvation on zucchini and especially cucumbers: ugly pear-shaped fruits are formed, with a swollen “nose” and a narrow tail. The foliage becomes brown at the edges and becomes covered with spots.

Preparation and methods of adding a solution from ash

It is not forbidden to feed a garden, vegetable garden, or flower garden with a solution of ash throughout the entire season that pleases us. We carry out activities on the site a couple of times a month, alternating watering and foliar feeding. During cold weather, when it works slower root system, foliar spraying is more effective.


Mix 3 cups of dense ash or 4-5 cups of ash in three liters of water and cook for 20-30 minutes. When it cools down, filter and add water, getting 10 liters of liquid fertilizer. It is suitable for any type of fertilizing. When watering, we spend half a liter per hole of vegetable and flower crops, a bucket for 1-2 square meters of ridge. For trees and shrubs we increase the dose.

If you add a couple of tablespoons of green or laundry soap to the liquid, you will get a spray for aphids, caterpillars and other sucking and gnawing pests. We also use this solution in the fight against the initial stages of a fungal disease such as powdery mildew.

Ash infusion

Pour a couple of glasses of ash into a bucket of water and leave for a day or two. After straining, use in the same way as a decoction.

Gardeners have long been using ash for the benefit of their beloved garden. It is an indispensable, accessible, cheap product with a wide spectrum of action. Today we’ll talk about how to use ash to fertilize plants on the site. Ash is used not only in gardens and vegetable gardens, but also for feeding house flowers.

Ash as a fertilizer - how to use it?

Useful properties of ash

Ash obtained from burning various wood waste or firewood has beneficial properties. Most of the substance is calcium, about 40%, then potassium 10%, and phosphorus 4%. These are indicators of ash obtained from the combustion of birch firewood. In the ash coniferous species trees, the percentage of these elements is smaller.

Why is calcium needed?

  1. Plants especially need calcium during the growth period; it improves the consumption of nutrients by young plants. A lack of calcium can lead to poor plant development, even death.
  2. Calcium improves soil structure, neutralizes acidity, and promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms. Makes it easier for plants to obtain the necessary nutrients from the soil.

What is potassium needed for?

Plants require potassium to form

  • Fruits
  • Tubers
  • Bulbs

By receiving a sufficient amount of potassium, plants tolerate temperature changes more easily, are resistant to various types of diseases, and are less affected by pests. A lack of potassium can cause growth retardation in young plants.

What is phosphorus needed for?

Phosphorus is responsible for metabolic processes in the plant, photosynthesis, and ensures normal growth and development of fruits.

Adding ash to the soil improves structural composition soil, normalizes acidity levels, promotes the development of microflora.

What plants benefit from ash?

Ash is useful for plants that prefer alkaline or low acidity soils. Plants from the cruciferous family love ash very much. When fertilized with ash, cabbage is less susceptible to pests and fungal diseases.

Potatoes are responsive to ash; the potassium contained in the ash stimulates the formation of large tubers. Adding ash to the planting of legumes will increase their productivity. Carrots will protect against their worst pest, the carrot fly. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants love ash.

Some fruit trees Feeding with this fertilizer is useful, the benefits will be:

  • Cherry
  • Slive
  • Currant

When should ash not be used?

  1. It is forbidden to bring ash under those plants for normal height which require soils with high acidity.
  2. Excess calcium in the soil limits the application of ash. Symptoms of excess calcium: leaves become lighter, lose color, flowers lose leaves, shoots of tomatoes die.
  3. Excess potassium indicates that there is no need to add ash. Signs of excess: leaves fall off, fruit taste deteriorates.

How to prepare an infusion of ash

An infusion of wood ash, among gardeners, is considered the most useful fertilizer. It is usually used for:

Preparing an infusion to improve the soil

Method No. 1

Dissolve 100 gm of ash in a bucket of water and leave for 24 hours. Spill soil under indoor plants.

Method No. 2

Pour a tablespoon of ash into a liter of boiling water and let it steep. Shake the container with the infusion for a week. Then it can be used to water the ground under seedlings, or ridges with vegetable crops or flowers.

Preparing an infusion to combat plant diseases

Sifted ash in an amount of 300 gm, pour boiling water, put on fire for half an hour. Cool the broth and pour it into a bucket of water. Use the infusion for spraying plants.

Preparing an infusion for pest control

You will need three kilograms of ash, a bucket hot water, mix them and leave for two days. In no large quantities Dilute half a piece of laundry soap with hot water. Add the solution to the bucket with the ash infusion.

How and when to use ash as fertilizer

After harvest, in the fall, experienced gardeners, start autumn processing soil. Most often, ash is used to improve the soil. The principle of application is simple: it is evenly scattered over the surface of the earth, and then dug up.

After harvesting, they begin to prepare the soil for the next season. In areas with heavy soils, you can add ash for digging. It is better to fertilize light sandy, sandy loam soils in the spring, since the fertilizer can erode over the winter.

Calculation of the amount of ash for autumn digging is done based on the structure of the soil.

  • On soil of average fertility, apply per 1 sq. m. about 1 kg. ash.
  • Fertile, chernozem soils require less fertilizer; the rate can be halved.
  • On thin soils, clayey, loamy, sandy, increase the amount to 1.5 kg per 1 sq. m.
  • In spring, ash can be applied to ridges prepared for planting, into rows or holes during planting.

Application of ash for grapes

Grapes love potassium; ash is a natural source of potassium. Its content in the ash is sufficient for normal development vines Experienced gardeners carry out work on feeding grapes in the fall, after harvesting.

Prepare an infusion: mix five buckets of water and 300 gm in a large container. wood ash. This volume is needed to feed one vine in the autumn.

In the spring, dry fertilizing is carried out, up to two kilograms of ash are used per plant. The soil is dug up along with the ash, and in the summer it is sprinkled with ash. upper layer soil to control grape pests.

Foliar feeding with ash is done after sunset, in dry, windless weather.

The solution is prepared as follows: one part ash, two parts water. They insist for two days. The finished infusion is diluted with three parts of water.

Fertilizing with ash is not carried out every year; it is enough to do it once every three years. This will make it easier for gardeners to fight fungal diseases of grapes and provide them with all the necessary microelements.

The grapes will reward you with increased productivity, good growth, and tasty berries.

Application of ash for tomatoes

For good growth tomatoes, they require sufficient amounts of potassium and calcium. These elements are needed for the proper formation of the bush and large juicy fruits.

Feeding can be done in several ways. Depending on the amount accumulated, per heating season ash. If there is a lot of it, you can scatter half a glass into the trunk circle of each bush. wood ash. When watering, it will penetrate the soil and feed the tomato bush.

If there is not much ash, you can do more economical feeding. Make a shallow groove around the bush, pour a quarter cup of ash into it, and sprinkle earth on top.

Another way is liquid plant nutrition. It will take a day to obtain the infusion. 100 gm is diluted in a bucket of water. ash.

For each mature plant It will take two glasses of infusion; young plants require less.

Using ash for cucumbers

Cucumber is a crop, for the normal development of which, during the period of growth of vines and formation of ovaries, a large amount of potassium and calcium is required. These elements are present in wood ash. Ash and the substances it contains regulate the water-salt balance of the plant.

There are two fundamentally different ways feeding plants, one dry, the second in an aqueous solution.

When dry feeding method, sifted ash is scattered over the entire area of ​​the cucumber ridge before watering. During heavy watering, ash naturally gets into the soil. There she will work both to improve the quality of the soil, normalize acidity, and feed young plants.

Another feeding option is more labor-intensive.

You need to prepare an infusion of ash. It sits for a week. Pour 3 tbsp into a liter jar of water. l. ash.

Consumption of the finished infusion is half a liter per adult bush. Before fertilizing, cucumbers need to be watered well so that the roots do not suffer from burns when applying fertilizer.

Using ash for onions

Onions often suffer from a fungal disease - root rot. Feeding it with ash can reduce crop losses from this disease. Ash has good antifungal properties.

It is effective to use the dry method of fertilizing, spraying ash over the surface of the onion ridge, followed by abundant watering of the soil. You can add ash when spring training ridges for planting. Spring application of fertilizer can save onions from damage by the onion fly and reduce contamination of the soil by its larvae.

To feed, you need to prepare an ash infusion, at the rate of three tablespoons of ash per liter of water. Make grooves along the entire length of the ridge, pour ash infusion over them and sprinkle soil on top.

Ash against pests and diseases

Ash universal remedy, gardeners use it as a fertilizer and as a means of combating plant pests and their diseases. Dry and wet methods of processing plants are used.

Ash successfully protects the garden from Colorado potato beetle, cruciferous flea beetles. Snails and slugs do not like ash; just sprinkle a circle around the vine with ash, and the snails will not climb on it.

When planting potatoes, you can pour half a glass of ash into the hole and mix it with soil, this will reduce the amount of wireworms in the garden. Having cooked soap solution ash, in evening time You can spray all plants that are damaged by aphids. Its quantity will decrease significantly.

In the spring, when preparing a bed for onions, you need to add ash to the soil. After digging, the ash will act on onion fly larvae and repel other pests. In addition, ash will reduce crop losses from root rot.

A soapy solution of ash helps in the fight against garden pests, caterpillars, hawthorn, aphids, and codling moth. Spraying the garden is carried out after sunset, in calm weather.

Ash can help in the fight against cabbage enemies. A glass of ash is stirred in a bucket of water, left overnight, the strained solution is used to spray cabbage. The main thing is to carry out this treatment before the butterfly years begin. Spraying should be done every day.

There is a recipe for an infusion against it. For three buckets of water, a bucket of ash, and boil for about an hour. The finished infusion must be filtered and used to spray gooseberries. Treatment should be carried out after the end of flowering and the end of the formation of ovaries.

Dusting soil contaminated with larvae with ash will lead to their death.

In the morning at dawn, using a fine sieve, pollinate the plantings white cabbage. This will save her from cruciferous flea beetles.

In places where grapes grow, there are a lot of slugs and snails. Ash will help fight them too. It is poured around the plants on the ground. They will not be able to crawl through the ash; the plant will be less damaged by pests.

Video about using ash on the site

Using ash in garden plots as a fertilizer and means of combating pests and diseases will allow you to get a decent harvest of vegetables and fruits. Keeps plants healthy and reduces the number of pests. Allows you to get an environmentally friendly clean products for a healthy diet.

Ash is an affordable and reliable means of plant nutrition. Ash contains a complex of useful substances that contribute to the proper development of various crops. Let's learn more about ash, analyze the benefits and possible harm, and describe options for preparation and use.

Composition and benefits of ash

The composition of ash is very rich, but we will not describe all groups of elements, but will pay attention to the main, most valuable components:

Despite the undeniable benefits of ash, it must be used correctly. Sometimes uncontrolled application of funds leads to very disastrous consequences. Contraindications:

Excess ash in the ground threatens the death of beneficial microorganisms (worms, bacteria, etc.) living in the soil. The process of their restoration takes a long time.

Which ash is better

The most useful is the ash after straw, it has the richest composition, but the product from combustion remains a more affordable, no less effective option deciduous trees. For clarity, let’s present the ratio of nutrients in the table.

How to get ash for fertilizers

It is more convenient to burn leaves, compost and grass in metal barrel. The action can be carried out in several stages - a new portion is placed on the prepared ash, burned, etc. After receiving a sufficient amount of ash, the barrel is transferred to a storage room or the material is poured into prepared metal or plastic (only after complete cooling) containers, carton boxes won't fit.

It is more convenient to burn wood and small branches in a barbecue or in a box made of fire-resistant material. In this case, the place should be protected from the wind as much as possible so that when collecting the ashes do not fly away, the bottom of the grill is equipped with holes; if desired, in order not to lose some of the ash, a sheet of tin is placed under it. The concentration of useful substances in the coals is minimal, they are not extinguished until they completely burn out, and in the end the result should be ashes. The material is collected after complete burnout and partial cooling; a flat, wide metal spatula with high sides is ideal for this purpose.

It is permissible to burn any material directly on the ground, but it is better that the resulting ash is clean. Yes, and you will have to collect the ash immediately, otherwise it will very quickly become damp and unsuitable for use. If collection is postponed until later, the material must be protected as much as possible from moisture, since water will neutralize a significant part of the useful substances. After each procedure, the ashes are covered and should also be stored in dry conditions.

When collecting ash for the garden, do not add sheets of glossy magazines, chemically treated or painted wood, plastic, foam and rubber to the fire. The combustion product must contain only natural materials.

How to make fertilizer from ash

Let us describe universal recipes for ash fertilizers suitable for feeding almost all garden crops:

  1. The solution is the simplest option; all the work consists of pouring a glass of ash into a bucket of water and stirring.
  2. Infusion – 100 grams of ash per 10 liters of water, leave for a week.
  3. Decoction - 300 grams of ashes are sifted, poured with a small amount of boiling water, boiled for half an hour, cooled and filtered. The resulting decoction is diluted in a bucket of water, and when spraying, 40 grams of soap are added to the liquid.

Attention! Ready-made fertilizers can be stored in a dark, cool room throughout the summer season, useful material do not disappear.

Using ash in the garden

Dry, undiluted ashes are simply scattered over the beds, added to planting holes or brought in for digging. Liquid products go for watering and spraying.

Cultures Feeding
Potato Before planting, the tubers are sprinkled with a little ash or placed in holes (2 tablespoons). Fertilizer strengthens stems, increases fertility and promotes the accumulation of starch in root crops. Ash is also added during hilling, the first time in the same amount as during planting, and the second time half a glass. Once a season, you can feed the potatoes with infusion or decoction of the leaves.
Cucumbers, zucchini Fertilizing is carried out no more than 3 times during the entire growing season. Dry ashes are scattered between the rows (50 grams per square meter), after which the beds are watered. When using the infusion, no more than 500 grams are poured under one bush, the procedure is carried out immediately after the main watering. Ash should be used when buds open, as well as during periods of mass appearance of ovaries and fruiting.
Tomatoes, peppers Crops need ash when the first buds bloom, as well as during active fruit set. When dry feeding, no more than 60 grams of ash per square meter is used. For watering, take 500 grams of liquid fertilizer under the bush. low growing variety, and a liter for tall people. In total, during the growing season, 2 feedings are carried out in different ways.
Cabbage When preparing the soil for planting a crop, add 2 cups of ash per square meter for digging or 2 tablespoons into each hole. The decoction and solution are prepared according to the standard recipes described above, but the infusion can be made differently. 1/3 of the bucket is filled with ash, filled with water to the top, left for 3 days, filtered. For watering, the infusion is used in its pure form, and for spraying it is diluted (2 liters per bucket of water). The first root feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting, it is advisable to use a solution. Subsequent sessions are repeated every 2 or 3 weeks, and the last one 20 days before harvest. Recipes and methods (irrigation or watering) alternate. Additional spraying or dusting can be done if pests become interested in the cabbage.
Beets, carrots A couple of days before the appointed sowing date, when preparing the beds, add a glass of crushed plant ash per 1 square meter. When the first shoots hatch, sprinkle the beds before watering (the amount of ash is the same).
Strawberries, garden strawberries The bushes are fed at the root and at the leaf level; you can also add ashes between the rows. The recipes are standard. Fertilizer consumption – liter per square meter. You need to fertilize before flowering and when all the berries are collected. When scattering ashes between rows, it does not need to be sifted. For foliar feeding, take 2 grams boric acid and potassium permanganate, 15 ml of iodine and 50 grams of ash, dilute all ingredients in 10 liters of boiling water. Spraying is carried out on the same day in the evening.
Grape Root feeding - in early spring 150–200 grams of ash are scattered around the trunk, dug up and watered. Foliar feeding - a kilogram of ash is poured into a bucket, filled with water to the top, left for 24 hours, filtered. The mixture is diluted at the rate of 0.5 liters of mother liquor per bucket of water and the treatments are carried out several times, the last one a month before cutting the bunches. The recipe is suitable for irrigation, but ash is added to the soil only once a year, either in dry or liquid form.
Trees and shrubs Planting any seedling begins with preparing the hole and soil for backfilling. About a kilogram of ash is added to the ground; it will stimulate root growth. Repeated feeding (dry ash for digging) is carried out in the year of the first fruiting, subsequent ones every 3–4 years.

Attention! One of the main advantages of ash is the complete absence of chlorine compounds in the composition, which raspberries, blackberries, currants, grapes and strawberries really dislike.

Ash can be fertilized garden flowers(roses are especially responsive) and almost all garden crops. When fertilizing onions and garlic, the product is alternated with infusions of bird droppings and mullein. There are controversial reviews about radishes and turnips; some call ash the best remedy to fertilize these crops, and other gardeners complain that when using ashes, the root crops become coarser and go to waste.

Using ash in a greenhouse

For greenhouses, the recipes and proportions of ash fertilizers are the same as for open ground. However, in such conditions it is necessary to pay more attention to the condition of the soil and not allow it to become alkalized. Organic matter with an acidic environment will help maintain balance; alternate them, but do not combine them.

Spraying and fertilizing seedlings

When preparing the soil for seedlings, add a small amount of wood ash to it. It is advisable to carry out the first root and foliar feeding of seedlings when they acquire the first 3 or 4 leaves. Most often, ash is used when growing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage.

To enhance growth and protect young plants from insects and diseases, once every 2 weeks they are watered at the roots with an infusion of ash. A glass of dusty ash is poured into a bucket of water and left for 2 days (stirred from time to time). A decoction for spraying seedlings is prepared as described above in the standard way. Treatment is carried out once every 10–14 days.

Ash is a natural gift of nature for gardeners, intended for feeding plants, structuring, and normalizing the condition of the soil. The product has been tested and highly appreciated by many summer residents, especially to the taste of adherents of organic farming.