How to start a fire by friction. Fire from ice. We use chemical methods

You never know what surprises life will throw at you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention a post by Boris Zak, a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to light a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will probably surprise you. :)

A little theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. A fire may occur due to various reasons: heating, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to start a fire we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire using a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing; I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Starting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the jar and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the jar is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it in cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

Place the frame on the stand and pour water.

Carefully pour water

That's it, the fire ignition installation is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is a weave of very thin steel fibers that looks like regular cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself is 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and run the battery contacts across the cotton wool several times.

Starting a fire using steel wool and a battery

Method 5. Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire using IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. Not only will you light a fire, but you will also stay warm. Take a piece of ice and, with light movements of the knife, shape it into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, every child knows how to start a fire with a lens.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, ductile, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium shines in the air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, sodium metal stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats up, melts due to the heat generated, turning into a white ball that quickly moves in different directions along the surface of the water; the reaction produces hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

Sodium + water

Method 9. Flint

Sparks are struck using a flint. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. You can find a wide range of flints on the Internet. Which one you buy does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

Making sparks is not difficult, you just need to prepare good tinder. To do this, use dry, flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder heats up to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to reach a high temperature, a strong blow is needed.

While relaxing in nature, sometimes you want to warm up by the fire, cook yourself a warm meal, or desperately need to dry your wet clothes. On a hike, on a picnic, in the fireplace or stove at your dacha, you can light a fire different ways. But how to light a fire without matches if they are damp or, in case of your forgetfulness, left at home - in the city. It is generally accepted that a woman is the keeper of the fire (hearth), while a man is its breadwinner. It is difficult to predict the situation when he does not have matches or a lighter. Therefore, the information given here is needed by a man first and foremost.

There are many ways to make fire. The main ones are: striking a spark, friction, using a lens.

Living fire from a spark

Fire, as we know, starts from a spark. A spark can be obtained using flint and chair(medieval method).

AND using modern flint(friction of two metals).

The difference between them is that modern version flint when wet does not create a spark. In contrast, flint and steel, abundantly soaked in water, successfully strike a spark.

We were taught how to properly light a fire in a snowy, wet forest at school, but not everyone can do it. The most simple rules, as we know, is the presence of a piece of dry wood, the absence of laziness in order to plan dry shavings (the more, the better) - this will take a lot of time. When making shavings, it is better to cover yourself with a tarpaulin to protect yourself from the wind and possible precipitation. When the fire flares up, you can place wet twigs in the shape of a hut, which, when dried, will also light up. Then you can add thicker branches - the fire will gradually gain strength. The only thing left to do is to get fire from a spark.

To create it, you can use special kits that are commercially available or created by yourself. They include: a skein of linen rags or twine for creating rags, burnt flax tinder, a forged chair, and flint.

Flint is a hard silica stone that can leave scratches on glass.

Kresalo – metal object in the form of a strip of hardened steel artistic forging sizes 6 and 7.5 cm. The 7 cm chair is more convenient to use. The steel blade of a knife can serve as a knife.

Tinder is a material that is easily flammable. Natural tinder can be dry grass or wood shavings, birch bark, fir cones, crushed tinder mushrooms, pine needles and even fine dust created by wood-boring insects. The contents of a bird's nest will also work. Tinder can be cotton wool, wax paper, cotton fabric. Burnt pieces of flax tinder or pieces of birch tinder fungus, made using a special ancient Russian technology, are also used.

A piece of burnt tinder smoldering from a spark can be safely placed in the tin box in which it is stored along with the other pieces - it will safely go out when oxygen supply is cut off.

We make fire using flint - steel, flint, tinder

Juniper bark and birch bark are used as tinder. We create a tinder nest - a lump of crushed juniper bark, which we will then put into a piece of birch bark.

Using a stone and a hammer, we extract a spark, holding a piece of burnt labor or a tinder fungus close to the stone at the moment the hammer hits the stone. A spark hitting the burnt tinder causes it to smolder. The smoldering piece is wrapped in a rag or a lump of natural tinder made from juniper (birch tinder fungus or any other aforementioned material), inflated in the palms, wrapped in birch bark and inflated some more. The fire will certainly flare up.

Let's consider a way to light a fire in the forest using the friction method. It can be called the “bow and auger method.”

First you need to stock up on dry moss and create a tinder nest. You should not use paper for these purposes - you are unlikely to achieve anything with it.

Next, you need to build a so-called “fire bow”, carve out a rod or spindle, or drill, that is, that same “drill” - a thick, smooth stick of soft wood (walnut, aspen, juniper, cedar, cypress, willow) 50 centimeters long. , and also create a foundation. Its role can be played by a stone with a smooth depression, a piece of wood (wooden die) of dense rock, or an ordinary tree stump. For this purpose, pine and oak wood is used.

A smooth hole or recess of 1 or 1.5 cm is cut out in a wooden base with a knife. The diameter of the hole or recess in the base must correspond to the diameter of the “drill” rod for a tight fit. A cut is then made in the hole to come into contact with the moss, which will ignite.

Any flexible stick tied with a cord or any rope can serve as a “fire bow”. Insert the rod into the string of the “fire bow”, turning it so that it is in the loop, without tying any knots.

Fire will be produced by friction of the “club” rod against the base.

Place a prepared base with a depression on an island of moss or any other tinder and press it with your foot. Place one end of a stick entwined with a bowstring vertically into a smooth recess in a stone or wooden base. The bowstring is in a horizontal position. Holding with one hand top part the “drill” rod using a piece of bark (so as not to damage the hand), with the other hand we begin intense horizontal movements of the “fire bow”, holding it by the rigid part - the flexible stick.

These movements resemble cutting wood with a regular saw, and the method itself resembles the work of a modern hand drill.

You should not create friction by rotating the “club” with your hands - this is ineffective.

If the moss nest starts to smoke, you need to take it in your palms and fan the fire harder.

When this happens, we place leaves, dry small twigs or other forest materials on top of the nest in the form of a wigwam or a “pioneer” fire. The fire caught fire - be careful not to get burned!

The video shows how to make fire using the friction method.

You can enjoy a fire created using the lens effect only in clear sunny weather. With this method of lighting a fire, the concepts of “sun” and “lens” are inseparable. This method of making fire is the easiest, but requires some patience.

A lens can be anything that reflects light: the glass of a watch or glasses, a piece of ice, a metal spoon or ladle, water in transparent cellophane or hot-air balloon, binocular lens, bottom tin can. These objects focus the sun's rays at one point, which is why ignition occurs. In a dry and bright place, place dry “fuel” - natural tinder or paper - under the lens.

1. WATCH GLASS. To create a lens from two watch glasses, they are placed together, water is poured between them and coated with clay.

2. METAL SPOON. As a lens, it is used together with a cauldron - a carrier of soot and a dense 3-4 centimeter rope of toilet paper with an evenly torn end, which is stained with the soot of the pot. They create the same lens from a deep spoon, bending it even more to deepen it for focusing sun rays. Instead of a spoon, you can use a ladle. In bright sunshine, place the end of the soot bundle close to the middle of the spoon and patiently wait for it to ignite. The peculiarity of toilet paper is that it smolders very well. The rope will definitely begin to smolder, and the soot will create an ember - a reliable keeper of the fire.

If you don't have matches, you can light a fire with ice. But this can only be done in sunny weather. So, we must choose a piece clear ice the size is slightly larger than the width of a brick and we form it into a smooth product in the form of a huge tablet or a very thick lens 5 cm thick. To do this, the surface of a piece of ice is polished, warming it with the warmth of your hands. An ice tablet can be obtained by freezing melted snow or clean water from a reservoir in any cup or pot. The main rule is that the shape of the lens is a thick middle and thinner edges. Then we install this kind of lens on a stump, on a stone or any hill and tilt it, directing the ray of the sun passing through the ice lens onto a hill of dry moss or other highly flammable forest materials.


These “devices” are characterized by a shorter focal length Therefore, they should be located somewhat further from the flammable object - 1-2 cm.


The bottom of the tin can is sanded with chocolate or toothpaste to create a parabolic mirror and used as a lens.

Chemical substances

When mixed, rubbed or struck chemical substances ignite. You should also adhere to the proportions of these substances.

Component options:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and sugar (in a ratio of 9:1);
  • Cover the potassium permanganate with tinder (for example, a cloth or napkin), carefully drop 2-3 drops of antifreeze or glycerin on top;
  • Sugar and potassium chlorate (ratio 3:1).

Pour potassium permanganate and sugar onto a dry wooden board (not rotten) and grind it with a stick as you do in a mortar. After 20 seconds, fire appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

The produced fire can be transferred to the original homemade wooden “stump stove”. To do this, you need to cut a thick log into 6 parts and tie these parts in the form of a stump, without tightening them tightly. Then place the thin bark of this hemp (birch bark) in the middle of our “stove” - between the logs. With the fire you have obtained, you can ignite birch bark and safely place a kettle or bricks on the “stump stove” that will warm your home. You will need 10 of these bricks; they can be heated periodically on a miracle stove.

Whether you are a tourist, a hunter, a fisherman, or just a random traveler lost in nature, armed with such information, you will feel much more confident.


The program "Galileo" about ways to make fire without matches.

Galileo experiment: Fire by friction.

Experiment in Galileo: potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

In extreme situations, it is essential to know how to start a fire. Thanks to fire, you can boil water, cook food, sound a signal, dry clothes and keep warm. Situations may arise when you do not have access to aids, so you need to know how to make fire without matches and a lighter.

Starting a fire using the standard method.

Before moving on to the question of how to light a fire without matches and a lighter, let's talk about standard starting methods. Any survival kit must have matches or a lighter.

Matches can be of several types:
- wind and moisture resistant
- elongated with a long piece of wood
- non-grate matches that can ignite when rubbed against any surface

Proper storage and use of matches is also important:
— matches needed to be stored in airtight packaging
- if there are very few matches, then they can be split in half
- if the matches are damp, you can dry them by rubbing them on clean, dry hair
- always have a spare box of matches

A lighter may be more effective for starting a fire. Lighters are divided into alcohol, gasoline and gas. When choosing a lighter, you should not take the cheapest ones. Inexpensive lighters quickly evaporate alcohol and gasoline, and they can fail at any time. Always have a spare flint.

Procedure and rules for making a fire

For successful breeding fire, the following rules and procedures must be observed:

1. To start a fire, you need to find tinder or a material that is easily flammable. Ideal for this:
- paper
- textile
- thin dry birch bark
- dry grass
- cones
- dry tinder

2. Prepare firewood and brushwood. The brushwood burns well. As soon as the brushwood flares up, you need to add firewood, which will be the main fuel. The brushwood must be dry. If the heat is high, then you can use damp firewood, the moisture from them will quickly evaporate.

3. You should be especially careful when choosing a place for a fire. The fire should be as far as possible from tents, dry trees, and buildings to avoid fire. If the place where the fire is lit is damp or covered with snow, then it is necessary to make an elevation of stones and earth.

4. Select the type of fire and arrange the firewood accordingly. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen to the fire.

5. Get a fire and build a flame. Use matches, a lighter, or strike a spark and light the tinder, then light the brush. As soon as the brushwood flares up, you can set fire to thick wood.

How to start a fire using a lens

If you don't have matches and a lighter, you can start a fire using the sun and a lens. The sun has always been an unlimited source of energy, and on a clear day you can easily start a fire using a lens or even a piece of glass. To start a fire, you need to concentrate the sun's rays at one point. Concentrating the rays, ignite the tinder and build a fire.

If you don’t have lenses, then glasses, a mirror, the shiny bottom of an aluminum can are perfect, and winter time even a piece will do pure ice. A plastic bag filled with water is also suitable for starting a fire. Using your hands, shape the bag into a lens shape and concentrate the sun's rays. To start a fire using ice, use your hands to shape it into a lens shape. If you start a fire using an aluminum can, it can be sanded down for greater efficiency.

Making fire by friction

The most ancient method of making fire is friction. When friction occurs, the surfaces play out and you can get fire. Since ancient times, a bow drill was used to produce fire by friction, then flint and steel began to be used. Currently, flint and alloys of some metals are used as flint. Main feature flint is that it is not afraid of wind and water; the sparks produced can reach 3000 °C. To successfully start a fire using flint, you need dry tinder, which can be a significant problem in some conditions.

In the absence of flint, you can build a simple bow drill. For a bow drill you will need a flat piece of wood, a rod and a flexible branch for the bow. A rod rests against a flat piece of wood and is driven into rotation by means of a bow. Friction arises as a result of which fire can be produced. In a flat piece of wood it is necessary to make a groove for the rod and a channel for removing coals. A branch 1 cm thick is suitable for the rod. As a bow string, you can use rope, laces, or a belt cut into thin strips. The rod is rested against a piece of wood and wrapped around a bowstring. Moving the bow back and forth with the help of a bowstring, we transfer the rotation to the piece of wood. As a result of friction, the temperature rises. You need to add tinder to the groove. As soon as smoke appears, the tinder is fanned until a fire appears.

In extreme cases, you can do without a bow, then you will have to rotate the rod with your palms. But this method not effective.
Although this method Starting a fire without matches or a lighter is simple, but starting a fire will require skill. You may not be able to start a fire the first time.

Starting a fire using a chemical method

You can start a fire using chemical reactions. To do this, you can use the following components:
— Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and sugar in a ratio of 9:1
— Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and glycerin (strictly use 1-2 drops)
— Potassium permanganate and antifreeze. For this method, pour 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate onto the paper and add a few drops of antifreeze. The paper is rolled tightly and covered with tinder. As a result of slow oxidation, heat is released.

You can use cartridges to start a fire. You must be extremely careful with this method. It is necessary to remove the bullet, shot and hammer in flammable material (birch bark, cotton wool, moss). Next, we shoot into the ground next to the prepared tinder. In addition, you can ignite gunpowder using a chair.

The next method of starting a fire is quite exotic. You will need a battery and foil. The foil is folded in the middle to create a narrow place. Next, the battery poles are short-circuited using foil. Strong heating will occur in the twisted place, which will help build a fire.

In extreme situations, you definitely need to know how to turn off the fire with the help of those around you natural materials. Do not rely solely on matches or other conventional methods of starting a fire. This chapter explains the basic principles of starting and maintaining a fire.

Fire is extremely necessary for any person who finds himself in an extreme situation, both physically and psychologically. It helps you not to lose heart, it warms you up, it helps clothes dry quickly, it boils water, and finally, it can be used for signaling and cooking. It follows from this that you, by all means, need to learn how to make a fire using available materials and maintain it.


The combustion process involves the presence of three factors - air, fuel and a heat source. In order to make a fire, you need to prepare the material for it and make sure that all three factors are present. Be patient, practice and you will achieve results.

So, to start a fire you will need tinder, kindling chips and fuel.

Tinder is any material with a low combustion temperature. It is very easy to set fire to. It is best if the tinder has a fine-fiber structure and is always dry. As tinder, you can use the bark of some trees and shrubs, dry wood, leaves and grass ground into fibers, dry thin shavings, resinous sawdust, bird nest litter, fluff, rags, cotton wool, natural wool, ground pine resin, paper or porous rubber.

Always have tinder with you and store it in a waterproof container.

Wood chips have a higher ignition temperature and are added little by little to the smoldering tinder when starting a fire. Wood chips are used to raise the temperature of a fire to a level where even higher fuel can be added. high temperature ignition.

As kindling you can use wood chips, dry thin twigs, pine needles, as well as any dry wood soaked in flammable liquids (gasoline, alcohol, etc.).

The fuel does not have to be dry, but remember that wet wood smokes a lot. The best fuel for a fire is well-dried wood, such as that cut from the inside of a fallen tree, as well as thick, dry branches (usually dead trees are dry inside, even if they have been wetted by rain). Firewood cut from freshly felled trees can be used in combination with dry firewood. If there are no trees around, large tufts of dry grass, dried plants (such as cactus), dry animal droppings or peat can be used as fuel.

FIRES AND bonfires

The place for making a fire must be chosen with special care. Remember that your fire should be a source of warmth, comfort, protection from darkness and predators, and a fireplace for cooking.

If you need to start a fire in deep snow or on muddy ground, raise the fire pit above the ground by building a platform for it. To do this, drive four spears into the snow or into the ground, place two poles crosswise on them, on top of which build a platform of freshly cut branches, soil and stones.


It is very important to choose the right place to make a fire. The Special Aviation Service has many years of experience in starting fires in disaster situations in any location. Here are the basic rules:

Choose a protected place for the fire.
- Do not light a fire in close proximity to a tree or bush.
- Clear the area for the fire - remove debris, fallen leaves and pine needles from the ground, exposing the soil within a meter radius from the center of the fireplace.
- If the ground is wet or covered with snow, build a fire on a bed of thin poles, on top of which is a layer of soil and stones.
- At strong wind It is better to light a fire in a pre-dug hole.
- When it is windy, cover the fireplace with stones.


If possible, it is better for you to build a reflective wall made of stones or logs around the fireplace. It will perform two functions - direct the heat from the fire in the direction you need and protect the fire from the wind. You can build a reflective wall in such a way as to direct the flow of heat towards your shelter. If your camp is located near a rock, do not light a fire directly at its foot - it is better to organize your camp in such a way that the shelter is located between the fire and the rock, the heat from the fire is directed to the rock using a reflective wall. The stone absorbs heat well, and the heated rock will warm your back.

Do not place wet or porous stones in or near the fire - they may explode from the heat. Also do not use slates, soft rocks, cracked or hollow stones. Before covering the fireplace with stones, test them for suitability - knock one against the other. If there is a cavity in the stone, especially one filled with liquid, the liquid will expand faster than the thickness of the stone when heated, which can cause an explosion, and the resulting fragments can injure or even kill you.


People struggling to survive must be able to light a fire without matches, which is especially important if the disaster lasts for a long time. There are several simple ways making a fire without the help of matches, four of which are shown in Fig. 11. When making fire, try to wait until there is complete calm or stand with your back to the wind.

Flint and chair (Fig. 11.1)
Hold a flint and a flint over the tinder. Using a hammer to strike the flint from top to bottom, direct sparks toward the tinder until it smolders, then fan the smoldering tinder until it ignites.

Battery (Fig. 11.2).
If you happen to have a charged battery at your disposal, attach pieces of insulated wire with bare ends to its terminals. Holding the insulation, short-circuit the wires. At the point where the wires are shorted, the wires will begin to spark and heat up. Sparks can ignite tinder or wood chips. Immediately after you get fire, take the battery away from the fire.

Be careful when starting a fire with a battery! Protect it from heat, fire and sparks, as an acid battery produces explosive hydrogen, which can split if ignited. battery and burn you.

Lens (Fig. 11.3).
Concentrate the sun's rays on the tinder using a “fire glass” - a camera lens, a plano-convex lens from a flashlight. In a pinch, you can even use a shard of bottle glass.

Reflector from a flashlight (Fig. 11.4).
Unscrew the reflector from the flashlight, insert a piece of tinder into the hole for the light bulb (you can use a cigarette) and point the reflector with the bell at the sun. Moving the tinder back and forth, find the point where the reflected rays converge and wait for the tinder to smolder.

Making fire using a bow drill (Fig. 12).
This is one of the oldest methods of making fire, very useful for modern people. Find a straight stick of strong wood, 30-45 cm long and about 3 cm in diameter. Round one end and sharpen the other.

Make a holder from strong wood - a flat plate with a blind hole in the middle, into which the rounded end of the stick would freely fit. The holder should fit comfortably in your hand. To reduce friction, add lubricant, such as soap, to the hole in the holder.

Make a bow from a springy branch about 1 m long and up to 3 cm in diameter. Use a strong rope made of non-slip material as a bowstring (nylon is not recommended). You can use a leather strap as a bowstring. The string should have some tension, selected experimentally.

The base board is made from soft wood and is about 30 cm long and about 15 cm wide. In the base board, at one of the long edges, it is necessary to make a funnel-shaped through hole, exactly matching the shape of the tip of the stick. When the tip rotates, strong friction should occur in the hole (1).

Standing on your right knee, step on the base board with the sole of your left foot, fixing it securely. It is recommended to first place the base on two blocks of wood to allow air access to the tinder.

Place the tinder near the recess of the base board. Then wrap the bow string once around the stick, insert its pointed end into the recess of the base board, and the upper, rounded end into the hole in the holder (2). Holding the bow drill by the holder with your left hand, with your right hand begin to move the bow from side to side (3) until the tip begins to smoke. After this, transfer the embers to the tinder (4). All that remains is to add wood chips and fan the fire (5).


American soldiers special purpose USA use simple rules when making fires in camp conditions.

Save your matches for lighting a well-prepared fire, and don't waste them on lighting cigarettes or poorly prepared fires.

Always carry dry tinder in a waterproof container.

IN winter conditions The fire must be lit on a platform raised above the snow so that the fire does not melt the snow and go out.

A fire on a peat bog or humus soil must also be lit on a raised platform to avoid causing fire to spread and cause a fire.

In the forest, in order not to cause a fire, the place for the fire must be cleared of fallen leaves, bark and pine needles.


There are many types of fires, and each one serves a specific purpose. Main types of fires suitable for use in extreme situation, shown in Fig. 13. You must be able to fold and light any of them.

Safe night fire (1). This type of fire allows you to sleep next to it without the risk of burning wood rolling up and burning you. Place two large logs of freshly felled wood on top of the burning wood. The logs, under the influence of their own weight, will push the burning wood away from you and your shelter. Make sure before going to bed that the fire is built tightly - then it will not burn strongly, but throughout the night. Pay attention to the location of the reflector wall.

"Long" fire (2). It can be placed in a long pre-dug groove, oriented in the direction of the wind. You can place it between two parallel laid logs of freshly felled wood and above the surface of the ground. The logs will prevent the burnt firebrands from rolling to the sides. They should be at least 15 cm in diameter (the larger the better). You can place cooking utensils on top of the logs. It is better to place the logs on two logs of 3 cm height to facilitate air flow to the fire.

T-shaped fire (3). This type of fire is good for cooking. The fire is ignited in the “crossbar” T, and the coals for cooking are raked into a groove - the “leg”.

"Teepee" (4). Suitable for both cooking and heating. Requires a large supply of firewood. The kindling should be placed inside the tipi, thin twigs should be placed around the tent, and thicker twigs should be placed on top of them. In the direction from which the wind is blowing, the tent must be opened to provide traction. You should light a fire with your back to the wind, placing fuel on the leeward side.

"Star" (5). Used when there is a shortage of fuel or when you need a small fire. The fire is lit in the center, the wood is moved to the center of the fire as it burns out. For ease of cooking, some of the firewood can be removed. This type of fire requires hardwood fuel.

"Keyhole" (5). Dig a keyhole-shaped hole in the ground with the leg oriented in the direction of the wind. Such a fire has the same meaning as “long”.

"Pyramid" (7). Several layers of firewood are stacked crosswise. This type of fire burns for a very long time and can be used to heat the shelter throughout the night.

"Hut" (8). Firewood is stacked in the shape of a log house. The fire burns very brightly due to the good air flow inside the “log house,” but it quickly burns out. It is good to use for cooking or as a signal.

Carrying fire is the simplest way to save equipment for making it and the strength needed to get it in a new camp site. Carrying fire was used primitive people and is still used by some primitive tribes. As with all things survival, you'll need practice to get the hang of making fire cans and tubes before you actually need them. Remember also that you will need to have several fire carrying devices ready to use.

In Fig. 14 shows two effective ways When carrying fire, the most accessible option for you is a fire tube, since you may not have an empty, usable tin can at hand.

Fire can (1). Place a few glowing coals surrounded by pieces of tinder and wrapped in grass and leaves in a medium sized tin can. You must first punch holes in the sides of the can for ventilation.

Fire tube. Take a large piece of soft bark and place dry tinder on it (2). Roll the bark into a tube and secure it with rope or wire rings evenly along its entire length. Place coals in the top hole of the bundle so that the tinder begins to smolder (3). The tube must be kept oriented towards the wind (4). If the fire tube catches fire, the flame must be knocked out or spit into the tube so that only slow smoldering continues.

There are several other ways to transport fire, for example, carrying a smoldering log and periodically fanning its smoldering fire (you can simply wave the log, but first you need to make sure that you have enough strength for this). A lot can be said about the meaning of carrying fire - the moral factor plays not the least role here. It is very important to first learn all the skills for transporting fire, and only then apply them in practice.

Making a fire in winter without matches is no different from making a fire without matches, lighters or cigarette lighters in any other season. In this case, if there are no matches at hand, methods of starting a fire using methods that were used by our distant ancient ancestors, who managed to tame fire, come to the rescue.

There aren't that many ways. And they are based on the use of improvised means.
Let's consider situations when you need to ignite
fire, but no matches or lighter at hand, no car either
nearby, and, accordingly, a cigarette lighter, which could be used
use, gasoline and battery are also missing. To begin with, to
make a fire without matches, you need to collect dry materials that burn well
and ignite quickly. This mixture has a name - tinder. Feature of tinder
that it only takes a few sparks to ignite. Tinder is easy to make from
things that are literally lying under your feet, and you can also
donate not-so-needed clothes, accessories, and small paper items
bills, store receipts, disposable sanitary wipes, nasal
scarves. From natural materials you can use twigs, dry moss and leaves,
bird feathers, finely chopped tree bark. If possible, then rags
or pieces of paper need to be soaked in alcohol or perfume. If you don’t have alcohol-containing alcohol on hand
liquids, then there is no need to moisten the tinder with anything, especially with water, since water makes tinder
it will not burn at all and will become useless.

several ways to start a fire without the help of matches, cigarette lighters and
lighters. The first method is optical. But it requires bright sunlight, and
at dusk or cloudy weather this method is not suitable. Mirror, lens
camera, glasses, binocular lenses can be used as an item for
focusing the sun's rays on tinder. In winter, you can make a focusing lens
on one's own. In a small flat
pour water into the container, and when it hardens, the lens will be ready, with it
with help, you can start a fire.

the second is chemical. It is based on the chemical reaction of potassium permanganate powder with glycerin.
However, not everyone may have these items with them. This method is good
known, it does not require much time and effort. It is the simplest, unlike
other methods of starting a fire without matches.
You need to pour a small handful of manganese powder, drop 2-3 drops on it
drops of glycerin and immediately remove your hands, and please, the fire is burning, now
you need to light the tinder immediately. All. Chemical reaction gave you warmth, light and
opportunity to cook food.

the third is physical. It is based on human physical strength. In order not to
wipe your hands bloody, you need to make an object like a bow, from which
they shoot. This method is the most difficult and time-consuming. You can make an onion from a branch
birch or hazel. The length of the branch is about a meter, thickness - 2-3 cm. It can be used as a bowstring
use rope. You also need a pine stick made like a pencil, then
there is a pointed one at one end, 25-30 cm long and about 0.5 cm thick. We still need to make
support for the “pencil”, it can be a dry stump or a log. Needs to be cleaned
remove it from the bark, make a hole, cover it with tinder. Wrap the pencil once
string, insert the sharp end into the hole and press the “pencil” with your left palm
hands, start moving the bow back and forth. To avoid rubbing a hole in your hand, place it on your palm
you need to put a cloth or tree bark. When the tinder begins to smolder, you need to
blow, and when the fire flares up, put dry branches into the fire.

the fourth is geological. This method requires flint and steel. Silicon
Any hard rock can become. The flint needs to be brought closer to the tinder and
hit something steel with it, for example, a knife blade.
You need to hit so that the sparks fly closer to the center of the tinder. It should be done
several times until the tinder begins to smoke. Then you need to blow on
smoking tinder. If you have alcohol-containing substances with you, you can
pour a small amount of them into the burning tinder. If on a steel surface
If you can’t light a fire, you can try to do it with two stones.
You need to hit each other with sliding blows, keeping them close to the tinder.

another method based on the force of friction. Need metal
wire and wooden block. Wrap the wire twice around the bar and
each take turns with a friend to pull the wire towards themselves. From friction wire
get hot, and then you need to bring it to the tinder.

you are a hunter or you have some kind of firearm with you, and on the street
winter, you can light a fire using gunpowder from a cartridge. We need to get gunpowder
from the cartridge, pour it onto a stone, and with another stone begin to grind the gunpowder over
the first stone. It will ignite due to friction, and then the burning gunpowder must
throw tinder.

remember a very important thing. In winter, you need to make a fire in advance.
a piece of land cleared of snow. If you do not clear the snow from the soil, then
A fire built with great difficulty may fall under the melted snow. A
if, moreover, the snow covers the fire after this, then it may even
go out.