How to overclock an old processor. Overclocking the processor through BIOS and special programs. Is overclocking dangerous?

You will need

  • Computer, processor, BIOS skills, knowledge in English in an amount sufficient to read the instructions for the motherboard and understand the meaning of the BIOS parameters.


Raising the clock frequency above the one set at the manufacturer's factory is called "overclocking" or "overclocking". Overclocking a processor increases its heat dissipation and increases the load on processor-related elements, for example. Before overclocking, check that your CPU and case coolers provide sufficient cooling. If the temperature of the processor cores in the “without” state is above 50 degrees, increasing the frequency without cooling is simply contraindicated.

Using the method described in the previous step, open the desktop context menu and click on the “Graphics characteristics” line. This opens the utility that comes with and manages it. Go to the "Parameters" tab and, in the same way as described earlier, select the required sweep value in the drop-down list. Wait until the screen refresh rate change is applied and compare the visual effect with the previous refresh rate value. Save your changes.

Go to the Start menu and launch Windows Control Panel. Find the one called "Screen" and double-click on it. A screen settings window will open, the same as after clicking the “Properties” button in the desktop context menu. You can change the screen refresh rate using the method described in the first step.


Some monitors do not support resolutions greater than 60 Hz.

Helpful advice

Set to maximum possible meaning screen refresh rate for greater comfort while using the computer.

One of the main problems of many relatively old laptops is insufficient video card power. There are several ways to solve this, but the best way is to install a new video adapter.


First, read the instructions for yours. Find out the type of video adapter installed in this moment. This could be an integrated chip or a full-fledged video card. If you encounter the first option, then open the instructions for the motherboard.

Find out if it has slots for connecting a full-fledged video adapter. If you do not have instructions for this part, then go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and find the required information there.

Find out the type of this connector for connecting a video card. Purchase a suitable video adapter. Turn off. Remove all mounting screws from the bottom cover of the device. Please note that sometimes it is necessary to unscrew the screws located in the internal compartments for random access memory or hard drive.

Disconnect several cables going from the motherboard to other devices. Remember what should be connected where. Install the new video card into the existing slot.

Install drivers for the new video adapter. If you do not have a disk with the required software, then visit the official website of the manufacturer of your video card. Download from there programs and drivers suitable for this video adapter model.

Set the required software. If your integrated video card is installed on an Intel chip, the new video adapter will automatically turn on when you launch a powerful application.

Tip 5: How to increase the frequency of a laptop monitor with an Intel graphics card

Modern gaming laptop monitors with associated video adapters are usually configured using software included with the hardware driver. There is an opinion that the problem of Hertzian monitor only exists on computers running Windows control, whose drivers do not allow raising the screen refresh rate above 60 Hz. If you spend a lot of time at such a computer, your eyes begin to hurt, and over time your vision deteriorates. Fortunately, this problem can be solved.

You will need

  • - GPU-Z - a utility for diagnosing the clock frequency of a video card.
  • - the latest video adapter driver for your device.


Type the request “GPU-Z free download” into your browser’s search bar, download the utility and run it immediately. The only parameter that is of fundamental importance in this case is the Default Clock, or the standard clock frequency at which your video card is currently running. If you only need to increase the monitor frequency, then any value above 200 MHz will be sufficient for these needs. The Boost window indicates the maximum frequency to which you can safely overclock the device if the need arises.

On the next Sensors tab, you can also check what state the system devices will be in when operating in different modes. However, for modern technology this is more of a reinsurance than an objective necessity. You won't need this utility anymore.

Now proceed to update the video adapter driver. First, try to perform an automatic update, but there is a high probability that in Windows you will have to do it forcibly, because... Most often, the diagnostic result is the message "The driver for this device does not need to be updated." To do this, go to “Computer” -> “Properties” -> “Device Manager” -> “Video adapters” and select the existing one from the drop-down list. Right-click on it and select "Update drivers..." If the update result is negative, you will have to download and install the most up-to-date software for your equipment yourself.

The later the driver version for your device, the more options it will have. Therefore, first of all, determine the adapter ID. To do this, use the right mouse button to open the drop-down menu on the name of the adapter (most likely it will be Intel(R) HD Graphics, but there are situations when only a standard PnP adapter is installed), select "Properties", open the "Information" tab, in In the "Property" window, select "Hardware ID" and copy the top line from the "Value" field.

Go to the website and enter the ID value you copied earlier into the search bar. The system will display several options, from which you will have to choose the most suitable one for your OS. If you can't find the driver you need on this site, try and do a similar search there. Important: when downloading any software, always pay attention to the bitness of your OS.

Download the zip file, open it, find the Setup.exe file, run it and wait for the latest drivers to load. Close all windows and running programs, because... After installing the driver, you will need to reboot the system.

Overclocking a processor was once a very difficult and painstaking task, requiring you to spend hours with a soldering iron, and before that you also had to learn the hardware parts, which were not so easy to find. Now overclocking, also known as overclocking, is not just for enthusiasts; absolutely everyone can afford it. After talking with users, as well as studying comments on other resources, we realized that overclocking still leaves many questions and decided to open a separate section “ About Overclocking“, in which we will tell you how to properly overclock current hardware. In this issue we will tell you clearly about overclocking processors Intel Core i7 - 7740X(4 cores/8 threads) and (8 cores/16 threads), let’s look at how to find the optimal operating frequency and whether the plastic thermal interface under the processor cover will hinder overclocking.

Briefly about overclocking

Let's start with what is overclocking and why is it needed? Overclocking is the process of increasing the clock frequencies of computer components relative to their standard mode, and of course it is needed. in order to get more performance than the manufacturer offers us.

If we talk about overclocking, in our time it is not only a way to get “free” additional performance, but also a sport that is constantly attracting more and more attention. Conventionally, I would divide overclocking into two main types: the first is “home” to increase the performance of your PC; and “sports”, which serves exclusively for setting records and is not relevant at home.

What is required to overclock an Intel processor?

Of course, you will need the processor itself, but there are limitations: Intel processors with an unlocked multiplier are suitable for overclocking. You can determine the model without special effort, its name must contain the index “K” or “X”; this is exactly the example Intel Core i7 - 7740X and which will be dispersed today.
But it’s also worth noting that not all motherboards are suitable for overclocking. Below is a table with the name of the architecture of current Intel processors and the name of a suitable chipset that supports overclocking. Since we have processors based on the Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X architecture, to overclock them we will use a motherboard based on the X299 chipset - ASUS ROG Strix X299-E Gaming.

Choosing a processor and motherboard is only the basis, and in addition to these components, you should also think about the cooling system, RAM, and power supply.

When overclocking a processor, you must be well aware that you will have to work with elevated temperatures and cooling must be at the proper level. Of course, if we are talking about simple “home” overclocking not for record results, the system must be assembled in a well-ventilated case; I think it is unlikely that anyone will assemble an open stand at home. A well-ventilated case does not always mean expensive; an example of an inexpensive but well-ventilated case is a review of which will be on our website very soon.
The choice of cooling system is very important, because overclocking most often depends on temperature, so during extreme overclocking liquid nitrogen is used for cooling, the temperature of which is an impressive -196 °C. More traditional cooling will suit us. But in any case, I recommend using a liquid one, for 2-6 core processors a two-section one, and for 8-18 core processors a three-section one, or, in general, a custom one, and these recommendations apply only to processors on the above mentioned architectures.
There is no point in saving on the power supply; it is important to understand that overclocked components consume more power than usual. Therefore, firstly, you should take it with a reserve, and secondly, take a closer look at high-quality, well-proven brand models.
RAM also affects system performance, but whether it is worth spending a lot of money on purchasing high-frequency RAM is, of course, up to everyone to decide for themselves. For me personally, the optimal RAM frequencies are 2800 MHz and higher. It’s worth understanding that Intel processors are not as tied to RAM as AMD Ryzen, and you won’t have to struggle for long with choosing RAM.

I’ll say right away that the configuration of my test bench was made with reserve for more powerful assemblies and I do not recommend it as a reference, it is simply for information.

Required software set

If we talk about the simplest set of programs, then it all comes down to Intel Extreme Tuning Utility,HWInfo And LinX. As you might guess, Intel Extreme Tuning Utility- software developed by Intel itself to make overclocking the processor directly in Windows as simple as possible, and this is exactly what we need.
HWInfo - one of the best monitoring utilities and despite its small size, it shows all possible indicators. LinX- one of the most demanding system stability tests, squeezing absolutely everything out of the processor.

Preparing for overclocking and how to quickly find the limit

Modern motherboards do everything possible for this. in order to maintain stability in any situation and while we don’t realize it, they themselves adapt to the working regime. To start overclocking, let’s put everything in its place, Intel XTU on one side of the screen, and HWInfo- on the other hand, this will allow us to observe the parameters that are most interesting to us, namely: the maximum voltage supplied to each core and the temperature of each individual core. After installing the applications, we can safely start overclocking the processor. IN Intel XTU in the tab Basic Tuning worth raising Processor Core Ratio one step, and then apply the settings by pressing the key Apply. This action will set an increased multiplier and thereby raise the processor frequency. After installing an increased multiplier, you should go through the benchmark by pressing the key Run Benchmark. If you successfully pass the benchmark, you should pay attention to the maximum voltage (the voltage is worth remembering) on ​​the cores and their maximum temperatures, and this information, let me remind you, is available in HWInfo. After reading the information, we raise the multiplier again and repeat all the procedures until, in the end, the computer turns off abnormally or freezes completely (in this case, to turn it off, you need to hold down the power key for 5-10 seconds to turn it off).
So, for example, the base multiplier Intel Core i7 - 7740X- 45, that is, its maximum frequency can reach 4500 megahertz. With simple manipulations, we raised the multiplier to 49 and, accordingly, the frequency to 4900 MHz. Is this the limit? - No. To further search for the optimal frequency, you will have to look into the BIOS to set the processor's adaptive power mode. Next, set the voltage higher than the maximum obtained during the previous testing. So, for example, the maximum voltage is completely automatic mode was 1.257V, we set the value a little higher, in my case it is 1.260V and the increase limit to this voltage is 0.050V. At this stage you need to be as careful as possible. Maximum permissible voltage The one I can recommend is 1.350V, raising the voltage any further could be dangerous for your processor. Although, if you delve into the documentation for the processors, then for Skylake, Kaby Lake, Coffee Lake the maximum permissible voltage is as much as 1.520V, but constant operation of the processor at such a voltage is probably not acceptable.
After successfully loading the system, you should also try to raise the multiplier and run a benchmark; if the system does not pass it, you should return to the BIOS and add the voltage again, but you should not turn it up too much, but keep the maximum target at 1.350V. For example, our sample Intel Core i7 - 7740X Stably maintains a frequency of 5 GHz at 1.360V.
Checking the stability of the system is an important step and first you should take a 5-minute stress test in Intel XTU and monitor temperatures in HWInfo, which should not exceed ∼95°C. Although when exceeding permissible temperature The processor itself will reset the frequencies. Our task is to find maximum frequency and at the same time find for her minimum voltage - this will reduce the temperature. If your processor conquers high frequencies during the benchmark, but during the stress test in Intel XTU gets very hot and drops frequencies, then it is worth reducing the multiplier, and with it the voltage.

The next stability test is LinX and it should be treated with respect, but not used as a reference for checking stability, much less as a means of determining the maximum temperature of the processor under load. The reason is simple: during the stress test, the Intel Linpack package is used, which actively uses AVX instructions and creates a peak load on the equipment, which does not develop even during editing of the most complex videos and 3D projects. For this reason LinX remains the best stress test for equipment, but it will show a load that is never reached during operation; accordingly, during its passage, throttling is possible, which is not achieved under normal load.
After successfully passing all the tests, you should set the ones found optimal parameters in the BIOS, and this is the multiplier and the optimal voltage.

Example of overclocking Intel Core i7 - 7740X

As can be seen from the text above, our processor sample reached a stable frequency of 5 GHz at a voltage of 1.360V, which, however, is not surprising; in fact, this is the same well-known Intel Core i7 -7700K, only with a locked video core and packaged for the LGA2066 socket. And this is only a plus; motherboards for LGA2066, as a rule, have more reliable and accurate power systems.
We will evaluate the performance increase in a real work task of rendering in Adobe Premiere Pro short video in FullHD 30 fps in the H.264 codec. Render time is indicated in seconds and overclocked Intel Core i7 - 7740X completed it 7% faster.

Example of overclocking Intel Core i7 - 7820X

- these are 8 cores and 16 threads, and a fairly high Turbo Boost frequency of 4.3 GHz for a HEDT platform, and at the same time significant heat dissipation - 140 Watts. One thing to remember when overclocking HEDT processors is that even the slightest increase in voltage can lead to a significant increase in heat dissipation. Our sample processor ran at a completely stable frequency of 4.7 GHz with a maximum voltage of 1.310V per core.
Speaking about the increase in performance when rendering small video in FullHD 30 fps in the H.264 codec in Adobe Premiere Pro, the render time is indicated in seconds and the overclocked version was 8% faster.

Possible errors during overclocking

Most often, novice computer hardware enthusiasts repeat the same mistakes, and we decided to tell you about the bottom right away:

  • The most common mistake is choosing too high a voltage, which does not lead to anything good. Don't be lazy; finding the optimal voltage leads to a reduction in power consumption and heat dissipation of the processor.
  • Selecting an unstable frequency. For example, you set a high multiplier, benchmark in Intel XTU goes flawlessly, but LinX crashes or the computer shuts down/freezes. You have chosen too high a frequency at which the processor is not able to operate stably. And there are two options: or activate AVX Instruction Core Ratio Negative Offset — an option in the BIOS that reduces the frequency when executing AVX instructions; or reduce the multiplier in general for all cores.
  • Complete trust in the motherboard. Most motherboards, especially gaming or overclocking series, are equipped with automatic overclocking profiles and, it would seem, very convenient, but without exception, manufacturers set a high voltage to maximize compatibility even with unsuccessful processor samples. For this reason, I highly recommend choosing the voltage yourself.
  • Using a low-quality power supply. According to standard Intel ATX A deviation of ±3% on the power line is allowed; low-quality power supplies during increased load can go far beyond these limits, and this leads, at best, to system shutdown, and at worst, to failure of components.
  • Trust the recommended settings for overclocking. More and more often I notice that some bloggers and people in the comments recommend settings for the optimal voltage and multiplier for a specific processor model. A processor is technically a very complex device, and if all processors of one model are identical in appearance, then everyone’s crystals are different, some are more successful, some are less successful. Moreover, the difference can be not only between different processors, but also between different cores of the same processor, for example, our i7 - 7740X works stably at the frequency of the first three cores, and activating this frequency on the fourth core completely and irrevocably leads to system shutdown . For each processor are selected optimal settings, and the recommendation that someone’s system works stably with these settings does not guarantee that everything will work the same for you without failures.

Does the plastic thermal interface under the processor cover interfere with overclocking?

The question is, in fact, complex, but there is an answer to it. For reference, previously Intel processors used a metal thermal interface under the processor cover, but starting from the third Intel generation Core, as well as Intel Core X processors, from this year are equipped with a plastic thermal interface (in simpler terms, thermal paste) under the cover. As you know, any thermal paste has a lower thermal conductivity than a metal thermal interface, and during overclocking the processor, naturally, may encounter the fact that the thermal interface is not able to remove such an amount of heat.
In new generations of processors, as you can see, overclocking is relevant and processors reach frequencies significantly higher than the nominal ones. Another question is, what will happen if you replace the thermal interface with a more efficient one? Based on the tests of my colleagues, replacing the thermal interface, which absolutely leads to loss of warranty, allows you to achieve an additional 100-200 MHz, and even then not always. Is it worth the effort? More likely no than yes. Moreover, the Intel thermal interface is designed for optimal processor operation long years and does not deteriorate its properties over time.


Overclocking has now become extremely simple and requires a minimum amount of knowledge, the basis of which we have tried to outline in this article. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. In the following publications, we will evaluate the effectiveness of overclocking in various usage scenarios, and then we will talk about the sports component of overclocking. In order not to miss interesting news and announcements, subscribe to our

To increase your computer's performance, you can overclock its processor. The most in a safe way is changing the BIOS settings. Before you start mastering this area, it is very important to study and have the motherboard manual on hand during overclocking. The instructions must be followed clearly and consistently; doing things on your own can lead to disastrous results.

Let's start by updating the BIOS to the latest version; to do this, go to the official website of the manufacturer of our particular motherboard (mostly such sites are in English), go to the “Downloads” tab, select the “BIOS” section. Click on the “View Detail” link opposite the motherboard model, in the page that opens click on the “floppy disk” label opposite downloads to download the update to the BIOS.

Install the update and restart the computer. To enter the BIOS, press the “delete” key during boot. It is advisable to write down all current BIOS settings on a piece of paper. Firstly, this will allow us to clearly see what exactly we have changed, and secondly, if something does not work out, it will be possible to return to the previous positions.

Useful information For owners of Gigabyte motherboards, it will be that when you press “Ctrl+F1” in the BIOS, auxiliary options will appear. We find the item Advanced BIOS Features/Advanced/Power BIOS Features, this depends on the type of motherboard, you can find out more in the manual. Open it and set all “Spread Spectrum” items to “Disabled”, then save by pressing “F10” and restart the computer.

We return to “Advanced”, open “DRAM Configuration”, set the MemClock memory frequency value an order of magnitude lower than the current one, for example, the value was 667, then replace it with 533MHz, save, reboot. In the BIOS, look for HyperTransport Frequency/HT Frequency and change the set “AUTO” to *4 or *3. Save the changes and reboot.

In the BIOS, look for MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.) /JumperFree Configuration/μGuru Utility. In the menu that opens, set the frequency parameter “PCI-E Clock” to “101MHz”. Opposite “CPU Voltage Control” we set the voltage supplied to the processor by default (this information can be found in the documentation for the processor or the “CPU-z” program), save and restart the BIOS.

Everything is there in “M.I.T.” find the CPU Clock Ratio multiplier, depending on the type of processor, set its value to x9-x11. After that, in the CPU Frequency / CPU Clock/Speed ​​parameter we set the calculated value for the “FSB” bus: we divide the nominal processor frequency by the multiplier that we just set, and select the resulting value in the item. Save the changes and reboot the BIOS.

In setting up M.I.T. We begin to gradually increase (10-15-20) the FSB bus - the CPU Frequency value. Save the BIOS and start Windows. To check whether the processor is working normally, you need to warm it up, for this we create an archive (500MB - 1GB in size), then unzip it, there should be no errors. Then we test the processor using the CPU-z, S&M, CoreTemp or Everest program. If the tests are completed successfully, then you can still raise the FSB bus and test the processor again.

You should not set all BIOS parameters at once, as this can harm the system. If situations arise that when loading operating system When testing or playing games, the computer reboots, then in the BIOS you need to slightly increase the voltage value on the processor. Periodically monitor the processor temperature using a program during overclocking. At high temperature The processor's performance is lost, which can cause the system to crash. If necessary, it is worth replacing the thermal paste, and possibly the cooler on the processor.

For personal computers are two large companies- Intel and AMD. If there are alternative solutions, they are either too few to somehow displace the presence of the first two, or they are outdated models (they actually existed before).

When visiting various sites and forums dedicated to computer components and processors, in particular, it becomes obvious that overclocking is now an incredibly popular topic. Intel processor.

A little theory

Overclocking, or overclocking (from the English overclock) is an increase in the standard microcircuit above its nominal value. For example, it is known that the dual-core frequency is 3300 MHz. This is the value provided by the manufacturer, at which stable, long-term operation of the microcircuit is guaranteed. However, with the help of several settings, it is possible to “make” the device operate at a higher frequency: 3.5 GHz or more (if you’re lucky). This gives a noticeable increase in productivity, sometimes exceeding 50%. For example, it was overclocking 4 that allowed this model for a long time exist on the market together with the new Core2Duo. Without increasing the frequency, the comparison was clearly not in favor of the fourth Pentium, but overclocking completely changed the situation. Now, of course, these processors have already disappeared from computers, significantly losing performance even to modern budget models.

On the other hand, even now, by overclocking the Intel Celeron processor (cheap modifications), you can achieve an increase in the speed of performing mathematical operations.

There are two types of overclocking. One is the prerogative of enthusiasts. As a rule, flasks with liquid nitrogen installed on the processor are used to cool extremely overclocked cores. It is quite clear that it is impossible to work with such a system, and the results obtained are used to determine the theoretical “ceiling”.

Ordinary users are more interested in the second method. When performing it, overclocking an Intel processor involves increasing frequencies less, but maintaining the standard air system cooling. This makes it possible to use the computing system in the usual way.


The operating frequency of the microcircuit is determined by two indicators - its reference value and its multiplier. That is, 1000 MHz can correspond to 100 MHz*10. Thus, overclocking an Intel processor is possible by increasing any of the multipliers. In order to stop the possibility of such performance increases, Intel has blocked changes in the main multiplier in its latest chip models. The exception is the “K” series, where it can change both up and down. And since these solutions are quite expensive, the only overclocking available for an Intel processor is through the reference frequency. To change it, you need to go into the motherboard BIOS (the “Del” button immediately after turning on the computer), find the section with frequency settings, specify manual mode and set the desired value. For example, 100 MHz is now standard. Therefore, you need to specify 110 MHz, save the changes and restart the computer. The result depends on the multiplier. So, for the mentioned Core i3 it is 33. Thus, instead of 100*33=3300 we get 110*33=3630. 330 MHz free!

You should not increase the frequency too much, since it is tied to Sometimes it may be necessary to slightly increase the core voltage (done in the BIOS). Also note that budget motherboards may not support overclocking.

If you are not satisfied with the performance of your PC, then upgrade it. First of all, install more modern processor. But this is not the only way. You can get a more powerful computer without replacing its components and without spending money. To do this, the processor is overclocked, which in slang means “overclocking.” We'll tell you how to overclock a processor via BIOS in our article.

Why is overclocking possible?

The power of the machine depends on the number of operations performed per unit of time. It is set by the clock frequency; the higher it is, the greater the performance. Therefore progress computer technology accompanied by a constant increase in this characteristic. If in the first computers, assembled on relays and lamps, it was several hertz, today the frequency is measured in gigahertz (10 9 Hz).

The standard value, which is automatically set by the generator on the motherboard, is set by the manufacturer for a given processor model. But that doesn't mean it can't work faster. Reinsurance of 20–30 percent is always given so that all microcircuits in the batch work stably even in unfavorable conditions. The frequency can be raised, and this is done in hardware, without making changes to the electrical circuit.

What besides operating speed changes during acceleration?

More intensive work requires more energy. Therefore, when overclocking a laptop processor, it is worth considering that the battery will drain faster. Desktop machines require power supply reserves. The heating of the microcircuit also increases, so if you decide to overclock, make sure that a powerful cooling system is installed; your computer’s standard cooler may not be able to cope with the increased temperature.

From the above we can conclude: a more powerful power supply and cooling system will be required, it is necessary to control the temperature and stability of the equipment.

Is overclocking dangerous?

Early BIOS and processor models did not provide temperature control. Overclocking the machine could burn out the processor, so few people took the risk. Today, such a probability is small; if overheating occurs, the system itself switches to standard values clock frequency.

Overclocking using programs and via BIOS, which is better?

Overclocking a processor can be done using two methods:

How to enter BIOS

We will try, although this is a little difficult, since BIOS versions differ for different motherboards, to provide the most detailed instructions:

Acceleration by raising the bus frequency

This way is more profitable. This is also the only method for Intel processors that do not support increasing the multiplier. At the same time, not only the processor, but also other system components are overclocked. But there is one thing: RAM cannot always operate at an increased frequency, and the operation of the machine will be disrupted not because the processor is not stable at an increased frequency, but because of a memory failure. True, many motherboards allow you to adjust the clock speed of the RAM.

Now in more detail what to do:

Overclocking using a multiplier

The operating frequency of the processor is a multiple of the bus frequency. This parameter is set by a hardware multiplier. For example, the bus operates at 133.3 MHz, and the processor at 2.13 GHz - the multiplicity is 16. Changing the multiplicity to 17, we get 133.3 * 17 = 2266 - 2.26 GHz - the operating frequency of the processor. By changing the multiplicity, we do not touch the bus, so only the processor is overclocked, all other elements of the system work stably, the same as before overclocking. Overclocking the processor through the BIOS using this method somewhat limits the range of frequencies that can be set, but this is not critical.

In order to perform this operation, you need to find this parameter in the BIOS settings. His signatures are different - “ CPU Clock Multiplier», « Multiplier Factor», « CPU Ratio», « CPU Frequency Ratio», « Ratio CMOS Setting" Similarly, we increase this parameter and look at the stability of operation and temperature. It is not necessary to conjure with the frequency of RAM. The only pity is that this method does not work for all processors.

How to cancel overclocking

If something goes wrong, you can reset the BIOS settings through the menu item " Load Optimized Default" If, due to the settings, the BIOS itself has stopped loading, then you can enter standard mode using the following operations:

What else needs to be considered when overclocking

Let's talk about some more minor nuances of overclocking:


This article talks about overclocking the processor, which can be done in two ways: through the BIOS or using special utilities, about which read our article about. More attention was paid to overclocking through the BIOS, increasing the bus frequency or multiplier. This must be done gradually. It is necessary to monitor the processor temperature and check its stability. That's all we wanted to tell you about overclocking. We hope our article will help increase the performance of your system.

Video on the topic