How to arrange furniture in the hall: zoning and room arrangement. How to arrange furniture in the living room: simple rules (23 photos) How to arrange cabinets in the living room

If you need a place in the living room to care for clothes, place it next to the built-in wardrobe (if you have one), partially isolate the dressing area from the rest of the space, find a place for an ironing board (in the same closet, for example) and a large mirror.

The sofa can be installed not close to the wall, but at a certain distance. Place behind him cargo racks, like kitchen ones: they move out in both directions (provided there is enough space for such a reception).

Those who are used to working in the living room should pay attention to angular computer desk – such models are usually compact and designed as ergonomically as possible. If it is important to arrange workplace near the window, extend the window sill using a countertop.

The same technique will allow you to place the so-called coffee area by the window in a non-trivial way: if there is no room for a small table and poufs around it, then table top-window sill and high chairs will do a great job as a coffee bar.

Choose chairs that are light, openwork, and have thin legs. And poufs can be found hollow inside, with seats-lids - and you can store, say, art supplies in them. Or home clothes.

One of the most difficult decisions What we take into account when designing our house or apartment is how to arrange furniture in the living room. Different furniture arrangements in a room will have different effects on its atmosphere, visual appearance and comfort. Is your living room too small? Or, on the contrary, is it too spacious and uncomfortable? By using simple tips, collected in this article, you can create a layout that you will enjoy happily ever after.

The article will be useful to those who:

  1. I decided to update the boring decor a little;
  2. Wants to make his living room more comfortable and functional;
  3. Going to renovate and buy new furniture for the hall.

Proper living room layout: where to start

Careful planning is the key to everything. Today there are many excellent programs on the Internet that allow you to “play” with furniture arrangement options completely free of charge. Try using the Planoplan room planner, Sweet Home 3D or Planner 5D. All of them are very convenient and offer a lot of options for visualizing the living room of your dreams.

Or maybe you prefer to plan the old fashioned way? Then take graph paper or a piece of squared paper. Draw a plan of the room on it, then on a separate sheet, schematically draw and cut out the pieces of furniture that you already have (remember to keep the scale, for example, 1 square = 10 cm). After this, you can move them around as much as you like according to the drawing of the room until you find the arrangement of furniture that completely suits you.

Whatever preparation method you choose, the further procedure will be the same both on paper and in the program. Start visualizing your first option for how to arrange furniture in the living room by placing the largest items: a sofa, armchairs, TV stands, etc. When you choose the ideal location for them, then there will be no problems with the further arrangement of side tables, cabinets, floor lamps and other things will not arise for you. Now let's move on to something more interesting...

I think you'll agree that rearranging furniture on paper or in a program is much easier than physically moving sofas, armchairs and cabinets. But main secret good decision how to arrange furniture in the living room is to take into account all the needs of your family. The living room should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable! Therefore, be sure to analyze how you usually spend your time in it. Do you often have guests over, do you play various games with your children, or do you mostly just watch TV? Prioritizing correctly will help you list the furniture you need and make your living room comfortable for everyone.

Also, when planning a living room from scratch and even when rearranging the furniture a little, you need to keep in mind that comfort largely depends on freedom of movement and the distances between different furnishings. Pay special attention to the following:

  • The most convenient distance between upholstered furniture and a coffee table is in the range from 40 to 50 cm;
  • The width of passages in the interior must be at least 60 cm, and large halls can reach up to 120 cm;
  • It is recommended to place the TV so that its screen is no further than 3 meters, but no closer than 1.8 meters from the sofa;
  • The distance between armchairs and sofas should be minimal to ensure the convenience of conversation and conversation;
  • The same furniture will look different in the store and in your living room. Usually, for large living rooms, furniture with large dimensions is chosen, and for small ones, neat and thin products. If you have small hall, but like, say, impressive modular sofas and armchairs, then simply minimize the number of items in the interior, and vice versa.

Now you know about the basic rules for planning a living room, which means it’s time to show you clearly how you can arrange furniture in the room. First, let's look at classic options furniture arrangement in the living room: symmetry (1), U-shaped layout (2), diagonal (3) and zonal planning (4).

  1. Symmetrical arrangement of furniture - 100% a win-win for all residential areas.

2. The second most popular way to arrange furniture is the U-shaped living room layout.

3. When furniture is placed at an angle to the walls or diagonally, it takes up much more space. Therefore, the third arrangement option is only suitable for large rooms, studio apartments and.

4. For two-room apartments and other small dwellings ideal option It could be to divide the living room into separate areas, such as an entertainment area and a home office, as in the following diagram.

Furniture arrangement in a small living room

Is your living room very small? With the right furniture arrangement, you are sure to make it look beautiful and comfortable! The main thing is to follow 2 key rules:

  1. Do not block the window with tall furniture, floor lamps or indoor plants;
  2. Leave a clear area at the entrance to the room.

In addition, as we said above, for a small living room it is best to choose thin and oversized furniture, for example classic style or in the spirit of retro-minimalism of the 50s. Narrow wooden armrests upholstered furniture, sofas and armchairs with legs, glass and acrylic transparent cases - they are all simply created to save space!

The following image shows you several win-win ideas on how to arrange furniture in a small room.

How to properly arrange furniture in a room - 10 photos of living rooms

What effect do you want to get from the arrangement of furniture? What do you prefer: a solid living room with a home office or a relaxing lounge? The fact is that the final result will depend not only on the correct arrangement of furniture in the room, but also on the type of lighting, design and color of curtains, as well as other factors. We advise you to pay attention to them when you study the next 10 photos different options arrangement of furniture in the hall.

Also read:

Rearranging furniture in the living room: before and after photos

If instead of renovation you are planning a small rearrangement of furniture, then below you will find some great ways to change the appearance of the room in better side. The first 4 diagrams will show you how you can eliminate common mistakes in living room layout. And after them you will see how different ways furniture rearrangements were put into practice. We hope Dekorin inspires you! Stay with us!

What should your dream living room be like? Epithets immediately come to mind: cozy, comfortable, beautiful. To achieve this effect, it is important to properly furnish and decorate it.

Living room zoning options

Zoning the living room is used in two cases: if the apartment is small or, conversely, large. In the first case, the living room is combined with other rooms and separated functional areas. In spacious rooms, zoning also helps to rationally use free space.

Most often, the living room is divided into two zones, less often - into three. Here are typical options for combining this room with others:

  • living room and kitchen/dining room;
  • living room and office;
  • living room and bedroom;
  • living room and children's room.

Living room and kitchen/dining room

This option is good for one-room apartments and studios, as well as two-room apartments with a spacious kitchen. To separate zones, popular techniques are used:

  1. Corner set. Its reverse side acts as a partition. You can enhance the effect by painting it the same color as the walls or wallpapering it.
  2. Bar counter. Development of the option with a headset. In this case, the bar counter serves as a partition, and at the same time - a dining table.
  3. Zoning with color. The kitchen can be decorated in light colors, and the living room - in more saturated ones. This technique will not only help highlight functional areas, but also visually increase the space. This will not add square meters, but the room will be perceived as larger than it actually is.
  4. Different lighting in each zone.
  5. Shelves and chests of drawers.

Living room and office

It’s easy to select a work area in the living room. From the Arsenal design techniques you can use the following: installing a rack or stand with flowers, a light partition. IN work area a computer desk and chair should be provided. You can place it in the corner by the window.

Living room and bedroom

A bedroom and a living room are often combined in apartments where families with children live. Separate rooms, as a rule, go to children. Parents have to think about how to arrange a cozy sleeping area in the living room, while leaving space for the whole family. The following options come to the rescue:

  1. Separate the bedroom with curtains. It can be fabric curtains, tulle or japanese blinds depending on the interior.
  2. Using a double-sided shelving unit for the living room and bedroom.
  3. Installation glass partition. It looks stylish, however, to create a cozy feeling in the bedroom, you may need to combine the partition with curtains. Another option is to use frosted glass.

In any case, combining a living room with a bedroom will require a functional bed with drawers for things. If there is no room for a bed, purchase a comfortable folding sofa.

Video: zoning the living room and bedroom

Living room and children's room

If you combine a living room with a nursery, the place by the window should be given to the child, and the darker part to the living room itself. If the area of ​​the room is not catastrophically small, you can use curtains for zoning, combining them with a partition, or sliding doors.

In a small room you can use a shelving unit for your child’s toys and books. It will fulfill the zoning task and help save free space.

Furniture arrangement

Before you start arranging furniture in the room, you need to choose the main item, and also take into account other factors: the presence and location of windows, doors, ceiling beams.

In this case, the procedure could be as follows:

  1. Draw a plan of the living room on a piece of paper.
  2. Select the main object. Most often this is a sofa.
  3. First on paper, and then in reality, arrange furniture in accordance with compositional laws.

The current trend is to use minimal furniture in the living room to leave more space. Therefore, the furniture becomes as functional as possible. It is important that it is proportionate to the dimensions of the room. It should also not make it difficult to move around the room.

You need to arrange furniture in the living room based on its size and shape.

In square and narrow rooms they work different rules furniture arrangement. In a square-shaped living room, you can apply the following techniques:

  1. Highlight the center of the room with a coffee table or coffee table. You can maintain the effect ceiling structures and lighting.
  2. When arranging furniture, use the principle of asymmetry. For example, chairs can be placed diagonally across the room, and coffee table put between them.
  3. Furniture can, but does not have to be placed around the perimeter so as not to narrow the room. You can place it in the center and place a computer desk against the wall.

The coffee table is the compositional center around which the sofas stand

Narrow rectangular living room

If you have a narrow room, do not place furniture around the perimeter. If you place it along one wall, it will save more free space. Do not use massive furniture for the same reasons.

Spacious living room

In a large living room, furniture can be located along the perimeter walls or in the center of the room around a table. Its location can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on your tastes and preferences.

Upholstered furniture in the living room

Soft sofa and armchairs - essential attributes living room. The market offers different designs sofas - straight, corner and islands. Armchairs are selected either to match the sofa or contrast to it.

A popular combination is black and white furniture.

Manufacturing materials and upholstery are very diverse. It all depends on your taste and the chosen interior style.

The arrangement of upholstered furniture is carried out taking into account two rules. The first is the presence of a TV or projector. Secondly, the sofa (or sofas) are placed in such a way as to ensure maximum comfortable viewing. The rest of the composition is built from this base. In this case, you need to take into account the size and shape of the room. This is true for cases with one and two sofas.

How to choose a place for your TV

To make watching TV comfortable, it is important to find the right place for it in the living room. Flat screens are usually hung on the wall, and “cubes” are placed on stands, tables, or combined with any piece of furniture.

Most often, the TV is placed on the long wall of the living room. The exception is long walls separated by windows and doorways. In such cases, the TV can be placed on the end wall.

If there are unoccupied recesses and niches in the living room, this perfect place for TV.

In living rooms divided into functional areas, the TV can be placed in the center of the relaxation area. At the same time, his back wall need to be covered with a partition, rack or cabinet so that it does not spoil appearance rooms.

Cabinets, shelves, chests of drawers

The modern concept of living room design assumes minimal furniture. However, under conditions small apartment you have to use each one rationally square meter. Therefore, wardrobes and chests of drawers are often installed in living rooms for storing things.

Convenient built-in wardrobes with sliding doors. If you want to use one, it is important to think through the interior of the living room, taking into account its location, because it will be difficult to change it later.

Shelves will help you store souvenirs and accessories. Modern market offers a wide selection of shelves different sizes, shapes and configurations. They are often placed on the same wall where the TV will be.

Shelving not only performs the function of storage shelves, but also the task of zoning the room.

Desk location

It is not always convenient and possible to place a full-fledged computer desk in the living room. We have to limit ourselves to compact simple models. They are placed in the corner by the window, in a niche or on the balcony combined with the living room.

There are functional tables that, when folded, do not take up space. If you use a laptop, this option will be convenient for you.

Bed in the living room

If you decide to arrange a sleeping place in the living room, it is better to choose a bed with drawers for storing things. If there is no such need, but there is room for a bed, a regular model will do.

You can place the bed by the window, separating the sleeping area with a partition, glass or curtains.

To save space, you can use a folding sofa bed or a transforming bed, which when folded does not take up space.

Furniture styles

Furniture for the living room should correspond to the chosen interior style, which is selected based on the preferences of the apartment owners:

  1. High tech. Furniture in this style is characterized by severity and laconicism of shapes and colors. Popular colors are white, black, gray, metallic. Materials - chromed metal, glass, plastic, leather, textiles. High-tech furniture has a futuristic design.

    Furniture in the living room in high-tech style is distinguished by severity and laconicism.

  2. Loft. Almost any furniture is suitable for loft-style interiors. Classic sofas and armchairs, as well as furniture, look impressive modern design. Designer pieces of furniture are often used in interiors of this style.
  3. Art Deco. Art Deco furniture is sophistication, dear quality materials, carved elements, chic.

    Art Deco furniture looks expensive and elegant

  4. Modern. Modern Art Nouveau is a step in step with the times. Furniture in this style is functional; it often has a minimalist design, strict shapes, smooth lines, and bright colors. Style feature - unusual shapes and configurations of furniture and decor.

    Furniture in the Art Nouveau style is minimalist

  5. Neoclassical. Furniture in this style is elegant and luxurious. It is made from expensive materials - natural wood valuable species, leather, textiles. It is often decorated with patterns. The neoclassical style requires the presence of certain pieces of furniture, such as a table, bedside tables, and chairs with high backs.

    A living room with neoclassical style furniture looks sophisticated and elegant

  6. Fusion It's a mixture of styles. A simple sofa and modern armchairs can coexist in such an interior. There is also a place for classic furniture in it. Furniture often has bright colors and unusual shapes.

To general form the living room was pleasant, and it itself was comfortable, follow the rules for arranging furniture:

  1. Do not overlap zones in the living room; strictly separate them from each other.
  2. Place the seating area in the living room in the least lit part. This will promote better relaxation. Place a sofa, armchairs and a TV there. The area is illuminated using floor lamps, sconces, spotlights, etc.
  3. The distance from the TV to the sofa and armchairs should be such that it is comfortable to watch from all points.
  4. Interior and balcony doors must be easily accessible.

A design approach will help not to overload the interior and create a feeling of space. In a small living room, use minimal furniture. Let it be as functional as possible. Give preference to light shades.

The use of mirror and glossy surfaces will visually increase the space.

The correct arrangement of furniture in the living room will not only help to rationally use the free space, but will also make it cozy for family and friendly gatherings. Use the tips and examples provided to make your room just like this!

The living room is a place in the house that every family uses for different purposes. Some owners like to organize noisy parties in such a room, others like to gather as a family every evening to watch TV and discuss pressing issues, and there are families for whom the hall can serve a dual role - a common room and a bedroom. That is why the arrangement of furniture in the living room is very important, from correct location Each individual piece of furniture will depend on the coziness and comfort of such a room.

What furniture is needed for the living room

Cozy arrangement of furniture in the hall

The hallmark of such a room in any apartment or house is a large and comfortable sofa. If the room is large, then armchairs that match the sofa will not be out of place. Just a few years ago it was customary to place in living rooms furniture walls, various shelves and cabinets for dishes and books, but today this fashion has passed, they try not to clutter up the space with unnecessary items. In addition to a soft set, they often install a luxurious one. coffee table, a small chest of drawers in a suitable style is also acceptable.

What style should you decorate your living room in?

Designers have several styles according to which you can decorate a living room; the choice of the right one depends only on the taste of the owner. The most common styles for such rooms are:

  1. Baroque;
  2. Modern;
  3. Art Deco;
  4. Country;
  5. Minimalism;
  6. High tech.

The Baroque style is the absence of angularity in the elements; in such an interior there is an abundance of stucco and gilded elements, as well as a large number of paintings, candlesticks, sculptures and flowerpots. A room decorated in this style looks luxurious and majestic. Upholstered furniture should be from quality wood upholstered in velvet or golden brocade.

Art Nouveau is a variety of natural elements, from floral patterns to figurines of birds and animals. Architecture, painting and applied arts should be harmoniously combined here. A living room in this style has large windows and floors at different levels.

Hall in Art Deco style

A hall in Art Deco style is a new fashion trend. The design contains elements of wood, leather, ivory and semi-precious stones. This setting looks very rich and resembles the interior of expensive hotels and liners. All furniture parts are slightly angular, although rounded designs are also allowed.

If you decide to make your living room in a country style, then you should use wood for decoration. All textile parts should have the simplest possible patterns, such as small checks and discreet stripes.

Minimalism style is the absence of any unnecessary decor in the room; everything is done very simply and tastefully. The space is not cluttered with anything unnecessary.

High-tech is a room that contains an abundance of glass and metal structures. There is a lot of light here, various lighting bulbs are hidden everywhere. When arranging such a room, you can use any, even the most unimaginable, details. This room looks very original and extravagant.

How to arrange furniture correctly

Options for arranging furniture in the living room may be different; here it is worth proceeding from the area of ​​​​the room and its purpose. If the room is planned to be used for family and friendly gatherings, then one option for placing furniture will be suitable, and if in addition to this the room will play the role of a bedroom, then you need to divide the space into two zones and arrange it accordingly.

In order to absolutely correctly choose the appropriate arrangement of interior items, experts advise first placing everything on a sheet of paper. To do this, you need to draw a semblance of your room on a sheet of paper, then cut out all the pieces of furniture that will be placed in the room and slowly, through trial and error, select the most best option. This method allows you to easily decide on the arrangement of furniture without unnecessary movements of heavy objects.

Modular designs in the living room

In order to make the arrangement of furniture in a small living room as compact as possible, it is advisable to use modular designs. This will allow you to make furniture according to custom sizes and visually expand the free space. Upholstered furniture in such a room it is better to place it along one wall or at an angle, then the entire area in the middle will be free. You can complement the interior with a small coffee table. If the hall will be used as a bedroom, then the sofa should fold out, and when unfolded it should not interfere with the movement of household members. The arrangement of furniture in a small living room should be carried out according to the principle - nothing superfluous or disturbing.

When the room is large enough, the flight of imagination when arranging the interior design is unlimited. You can use absolutely any design style, the main thing is that your soul fits into it. The easiest way to arrange furniture is in a rectangular living room. The sofa and armchairs can be placed either near a blank wall or moved towards the window. If you need to divide rooms into so-called zones, you can do this using different levels floor, while the floor is in different zones can be finished in different ways floor covering, for example, in the main part with parquet or laminate, and in a smaller part with linoleum. If the living room is large, then it would be logical to place two identical sofas in it, and they should be placed one opposite the other or at an angle.

What else to complement the living room

A room for receiving guests or holding quiet family evenings can be supplemented with the following elements:

Living room with necessary furniture and accessories

  • TV;
  • Fireplace;
  • Floor lamp;
  • Big hours.

Today, more and more families are choosing plasma TVs that can be hung on the wall. This saves a lot of space, especially if the room is small or narrow. Until the furniture arrangement in the narrow living room is finalized, it’s worth thinking about where to hang the TV. It should hang so that it can be clearly seen from all sofas and armchairs. Typically, a blank wall is chosen for installation, which is located opposite the upholstered furniture.

When space allows, it is worth installing a fireplace. It doesn’t matter what it will be like; even the most primitive design will make the room especially cozy and warm. The fireplace frame can be made of the following materials:

  • Natural wood;
  • Stucco moldings;
  • Natural stone;
  • Artificial stone;
  • Plastic.

It is worth decorating the fireplace panel based on the principle of its operation. So, if it has an open fire, then wood and plastic are not suitable for finishing. The mantelpiece on top is complemented with various decorative items: small figurines, fancy-shaped jars with spices or decor made of metal and semi-precious stones.

A floor lamp can perfectly complement the interior, especially if it is of a unique design. Such a lighting device can not only illuminate the desired area with high quality, but also add antiquity and exclusivity to the design. It should be installed near a chair or sofa.

A non-standard watch will be a good detail that will attract attention. They can be different shapes and size, and it is best to hang them above the fireplace or TV.

Textiles for the living room

In order for the interior to be designed in the desired style, it must be supplemented with various textiles. Carpet, curtains, curtains, rugs and small pillows - all this should be optimally combined with each other. When purchasing a carpet, you should give preference to a product that contains natural wool or cotton; it is this type of carpet that does not electrify and does not attract dust particles. The color should match the furniture or be slightly different; too bright colors are unacceptable.

Curtains should be chosen in warm colors; if the interior design allows, then you can purchase products with geometric ornament, although most housewives prefer plain products. Curtains can be either plain or with a pattern, but always warm pastel colors. If the window area is large, then you can not completely cover them with curtains, but select the length to the middle of the window.

To emphasize the cozy and homely atmosphere, small pillows and blankets to match should be placed on upholstered furniture. These pillows will help you relax after a hard day. working day, and it will be nice to throw a blanket over your shoulders in damp autumn or winter. In addition to its direct purpose, this textile allows you to add a little rustic flavor, which most people associate with home comfort.

Hall lighting

Very important detail In interior design is lighting. The entire appearance of the room depends on how correctly it is chosen. Lighting can be natural due to large windows and artificial. It is important to place all light sources so that all areas are illuminated evenly. For most living rooms, the best option would be a large chandelier complemented by several wall sconces. In this case, the light will be distributed over the entire area of ​​the room.

Why is it so important to furnish the room correctly?

A room in which guests often gather or the whole family likes to sit deserves special attention. There should be everything for a good rest, but at the same time there should be nothing superfluous. Examples of furniture arrangement in the living room can be found in printed publications or on the Internet, on websites of relevant topics. But you don’t need to completely rely on the advice of designers; first of all, everything should correspond to the taste and needs of the owner.

Many modern living rooms today serve as more than just a place for rest and relaxation. Despite the fact that the living room was originally intended for receiving guests and having a good time, today it also serves as a study and a place to sleep. Professional designers will tell you how to arrange furniture in a room if it serves more than one function.

You need to start arranging furniture by drawing up a room plan. In reality, moving furniture is much more difficult than trying to visually arrange it in the living room first. It is important to pay attention to detail in your plan.

When drawing up a layout plan, you need to mark in the figure the location of windows, doors, lighting fixtures, ceiling beams. Take into account if this is a walk-through room of a two-room apartment.

When arranging furniture, it is very important to decide on the main item. It is from this that you should start and arrange furniture around it. The most common item is usually the sofa.

Step-by-step actions in arranging furniture:

  • Draw a plan.
  • Decide on the center of the arrangement.
  • Fill the space correctly.
  • Apply compositional laws to the arrangement.

When filling the space, it is important that the pieces of furniture are at a sufficient distance from each other. They should not interfere with free movement around the room. It is very important that the furniture is proportionate to the size of the room.

Options for arranging furniture in the living room

Today, designers advise using a minimum amount of furniture in the hall. It is better to give preference to free space, which is so necessary for every person today. Of course, furniture arrangement options will depend on the area of ​​the room and the personal preferences of the room owners.

Today, many living room owners cannot boast of a large room area. However, even in small apartments you can arrange the furniture so that the room looks spacious.

For arranging small living rooms it is best to use modular furniture. The modules can be placed along the wall, while upholstered furniture can be placed along the other wall. With this arrangement, the middle of the room will be free.

Furniture arrangement options:

  • For a small room it is better to use minimum set furniture. If the living room additionally acts as a bedroom, the folding sofa should be placed taking into account its unfolded state.
  • A large living room is best divided into functional areas. A good option to decorate the living room there will be an arrangement of two corner sofas, which will create a comfortable and cozy place for relax.

Modern technology allows the arrangement to be done very compactly and beautifully. For example, a plasma TV can be hung on the wall, which will significantly save space. Installing fireplaces is very popular today.

Ideas for arranging furniture in a rectangular living room

When arranging furniture, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the room. Its geometry has a huge impact on the arrangement of furniture and zoning of space. Designers use completely different techniques for arranging furniture in square or rectangular rooms.

Carriages, or rectangular rooms in Khrushchev should be designed differently than rooms with square geometry.

When arranging interior items, it is important to ensure that the room remains proportional. It is important to avoid typical mistakes, which are allowed by the owners of rectangular living rooms. To do this, you should definitely use space zoning techniques.

Rules for arranging furniture:

  • Select the compositional center of the room. Starting from it, create a work area.
  • Do not restrict the boundaries of the room. There is no need to place furniture exclusively around the perimeter. Upholstered furniture can be placed in the center, and the desktop can be placed against the wall.
  • Use the principle of asymmetry. The armchairs can be arranged diagonally, and the coffee table can be placed between two armchairs.

When settling in rectangular room It is necessary to pay attention to the color decoration of the room. A good visual technique would be to separate the walls horizontally. In order for the space to be harmonious, it is best to decorate it with furniture in warm and dark shades.

Narrow living room: how to arrange furniture

Very often the shape of a room can make it difficult to decorate. To a large extent this concerns the arrangement of furniture. Thanks to the correct arrangement, the living room can be made visually wider.

It is important to note that the narrow shape of the living room is emphasized by furniture placed along the walls. This common mistake, which is allowed by people new to interior design.

A narrow room should be divided into functional areas. In order to make the room wider, you need a passage along one wall. All furniture can be placed along the opposite wall.

Features of furniture arrangement:

  • Perform zoning correctly.
  • Avoid placing furniture along all walls.
  • Do not use massive furniture.

Upon registration narrow room For any area, it is important to properly zone the room. Selected areas should not be cluttered with furniture. It is better to decorate the room in light colors.

Professional designers will talk about techniques for correct and practical zoning of a room. The arrangement of furniture depends on many factors: the area of ​​the room, its shape, the amount of furniture and things that will be stored in the room. It is important not to clutter the living room with unnecessary and bulky interior items.