How to calculate the size of the stairs to the second floor. Online calculation of stairs: all the subtleties of calculating complex structures. Convenient staircase. What is she like?

The staircase in the house is not just a decorative structure. It serves for convenient and safe ascent to the second floor, attic or upper tier premises. Here we will try to answer the questions how to calculate stairs. It is with this procedure that its production begins.

Type of stairs: features of choice

The choice of staircase type depends entirely on the design features of the building - ceiling height, room size, etc. Taking into account all the circumstances, choose a spiral, one-, two- or three-flight staircase. Examples of such designs can be seen at the following photos

We will not consider the question of how to calculate a spiral staircase, since this type of construction is too complex for an inexperienced craftsman.

The vast majority of homeowners choose marching stairs, which are much more practical and easier to manufacture than their screw “brothers”. Easiest calculate wooden stairs to the second floor, if she has one march. However, such a solution is not always possible (for example, due to lack of space), so in such cases they usually use rotating two- or three-flight structures that can fit into a limited space.

Rotations of flights by 90 or 180 degrees provide landings. In each specific case, the answers to the question how to calculate stairs, will be different, but the calculation method is common to all marching structures. They may differ in set and varieties structural elements Therefore, for someone who decides to independently make a staircase in a house, its drawings and calculations are the primary and most important task.

Basic parameters of the staircase that provide comfort for the user

First on the list of answers to the question, how to calculate stairs, will be a reminder of the existence of basic parameters that ensure comfortable and safe use of it

Among them:

  • ​ angle of inclination, or slope;
  • width or pitch of steps;
  • width of marches;
  • height of risers;
  • dimensions of the opening for the stairs.

These parameters have numerical values. The optimal ranges of their values ​​are determined taking into account the anthropometric data of a person. They are not obligatory for a private developer, but without them you will not succeed. It's better to add another step than to constantly trip on a high riser.

Staircase details and calculation of their parameters

Stairs in the house are high-risk areas, so their construction should be treated with the utmost responsibility. Let's start with an illustration of what parts may be included in the staircase structure:

This drawing will illustrate, how to calculate stairs and not miss important technical parameters. For its production, exclusively high-grade coniferous and deciduous wood is used - pine, oak, larch and others.

Calculations of structural elements are mandatory stage drawing up working drawings or sketches, according to which all the parts are subsequently manufactured and assembled into a single whole. " Short course» rules for how to calculate stairs, you can view and listen to this video:

The main parameters of the stairs are the following numerical expression:

  • the optimal slope of the stairs, or ascent angle, is 35–40°;
  • the distance from the edge of the opening to the step below it should be at least 2 m, unless taller people live in the house;
  • width of steps – 25–30 cm;
  • riser height – 15–20 cm;
  • march width – 100–140 cm;
  • the distance between the balusters is 10–20 cm.

In order to correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor, we suggest that you adhere to the following recommendations. Firstly, the figures given are not absolute dogma and allow for slight deviations. Secondly, the dimensions you calculated should be checked for compliance with the proportions. Otherwise it will suffer appearance stairs.

To check the width and proportionality of steps, two types of dependence are used: 2a + b = 64 cm and a + b = 47 cm, where a is the height and b is the width of the step. The step of the stairs is checked by the first formula, but the digital value of the equality must fall in the range of 60–65 cm. This corresponds to the average length of a typical adult step.

Next drawing

contains basic information about how to calculate stairs and what measurements you need to take. First you need to measure the vertical distance between the floor surfaces of the first and second floors. Then, using the optimal range of slope values, determine where to attach the lower ends of the support beams. The length of the stairs is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

If a single-flight design takes up too much space, choose the option with two flights and a 180° turn. Thus, the ladder will take up almost half as much space, but will cause you more trouble. At the same time, the total length of the structure remains unchanged. The number of steps is determined by dividing the total height of the staircase by the height of the risers in the recommended range. The resulting result is rounded to a whole number.

Support beams can be made in the form of a bowstring or stringer. On multi-flight stairs you can use combinations of them. For staircases on bowstrings, the steps are placed between the support beams in grooves, on corners or support bars. On stringers they are attached on top of the beam. If you are sure that you could calculate the stairs correctly, then it’s time to move on to manufacturing its parts and subsequent installation.

Manufacturing of staircase parts

The initial procedure of this stage will be the drawing up of a design drawing with reference to the location of its installation, which will allow for complete detailing of the project. Your knowledge about how to calculate stairs, should be implemented in the manufacture of its parts, and this will require actions such as:

  • purchase of lumber. The use of wood with defects is unacceptable;
  • preparing tools such as saws, chisels, chisels, planes, jointers, etc. (although it will be difficult without a combined woodworking machine);
  • purchasing self-tapping screws, wood glue, corners and other fastening materials.

The best choice for stairs is hardwood: oak, larch, beech, ash. The production of parts requires perfect sizing and careful finishing. For example, steps are made for a specific method of fastening them.

In this case, the choice of support beams in favor of a bowstring or stringer is decisive.

When the entire set of parts is ready, a rough (test) assembly of the staircase is carried out.

This procedure is almost always performed even by professionals, and for those who are concerned with questions for the first time, how to calculate stairs and install it, this stage is required. Rough assembly is guaranteed to identify all errors, the elimination of which during final installation is extremely difficult, and often impossible.

The procedure for assembling a wooden staircase

We have already seen that the question how to calculate the stairs correctly, is very multifaceted and involves a large number of recommendations for every aspect of this process. If everything is done according to the rules, then assembling the stairs on site should not give you any problems. The type of support beams also affects the order of assembly. Installation of stairs on stringers begins with their installation. A short overview of this process is presented in this video

Flights of stairs on bowstrings are assembled on the floor and then in finished form installed locally. This is due to the peculiarities of fastening steps and risers, which are clearly visible in the following video


This operation cannot be performed on pre-installed support beams. A common disadvantage Such video lessons are characterized by the long duration of the videos. In this regard, manuals on the topic, how to calculate stairs, are clearly winning.

After assembling and installing the marching structures and platforms, they proceed to installing balusters and railings that form the staircase fencing, which ensures the safety of users. All connections of parts are made with the simultaneous use of hardware and glue. This ensures the durability of the connections and protects the wood from premature wear. If possible, it is recommended to use wooden dowels as much as possible instead of self-tapping screws.

At this point we will put an ellipsis in the answers to the question of how calculate a wooden staircase, manufacture and install it. The topic is too voluminous to cover all the nuances in one article. Fortunately, nowadays there is the Internet, where you can find answers to any questions, including highly specialized ones. And if you manage to build a wooden staircase at home with your own hands, share your experience with others.

No matter how the imagination constructs the appearance of the staircase, calculating its design according to the required type and load is a task of a completely different class of complexity. All kinds of calculators and programs for designing stairs are very helpful in this matter, and we will talk about them today.

PRO100 - simple visualization

Almost any staircase, no matter how complex it may be, can be represented as a collection of simpler steps, strings, railings and risers - boards, in other words. Therefore, drawing up a staircase project will be easiest for those craftsmen who have experience working in furniture creation programs. The well-known PRO100 is well suited for these purposes: sketch out the design simplest staircase You can use it in 30-40 minutes; even a beginner will not have much difficulty getting used to this program.

Of course, furniture programs work mainly with primitives - parts in the shape of a parallelepiped. It can be very difficult to display carved handrails and racks, specially shaped steps and other artistic delights. But if the goal is to determine general parameters, such as height, number and layout of steps, then furniture and general purpose 3D modeling programs will be more than enough.

Of course, not if you undertake to independently draw up a project, the implementation of which will be carried out by another master. Here it is necessary to pay attention to detail and, in the end, the customer receives exactly what he was able to depict, but no more.

The main disadvantage of the PRO100 (as, indeed, of most furniture “designers”) is the lack of any automation for working with stairs. There is no way, for example, to indicate the span dimensions, pitch and height of the steps, so all the work is done from scratch. However, for most amateur projects, standard means of manipulating objects are quite sufficient: grouping, copying, moving, and the like.

It should be agreed that the goal of designing a staircase can be either only a general idea of ​​the design and basic parameters, or a comprehensive visualization with all the curls and carvings, the shape of the turning and the details of fastening all the elements into one beautiful solid product. In the latter case you must have practical experience work with stairs, otherwise the project may not be feasible in principle.

Online services for obtaining drawings

You should start getting acquainted with programs for designing stairs with all kinds of online services and calculators. Their capabilities are severely limited by the web platform: although there are ways to carry out detailed calculations and qualitatively visualize a product “without leaving the Internet,” the development of such software costs too much and is almost never justified.

And yet, such programs have one advantage: they provide the user with the opportunity not to install additional software, but to carry out preliminary calculations on the go. One of the popular sites offers a schematic display of the staircase - the plan and section of the steps - according to the set of parameters you entered. It is possible to generate, in just a couple of minutes, diagrams of stairs, both simple single-span and spiral, and with landings, and with winder steps.

Another popular site is Free input of parameters is not available here, but the parameterization form is quite “smart” and will itself offer valid options for the user to choose from. It is possible to choose one of six types of stairs (including multi-flight, rotary and with complex shape steps), as well as calculate fences and balustrades, resulting in a drawing with the main dimensions and an isometric sketch. The website is almost a complete analogue of the previous one, but it has a rare opportunity to have a three-dimensional overview of the designed staircase, albeit with a very primitive display quality.

Sites of this kind have a number of pleasant features. Most of them belong to companies professionally engaged in the manufacture and installation of stairs. Therefore, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the photo gallery finished products and roughly estimate the cost of the project.

Features of working at Staircon

Online design tools greatly limit your freedom when designing unique staircase designs. If you need more individual approach, you will have to use either CAD programs (Autodesk, SketchUp), or pay attention to specialized software.

The Staircon program is a very, very good option, even for one-time use. Despite the abundance of functions, this product is quite easy to master, even when using the non-Russian version. Almost each of the settings windows has a small preview, which clearly displays the nature of the changes being made, plus all customizable parameters are immediately applied to the main scene. All work is carried out by parameterizing either the staircase as a whole, or individual platforms and spans, or even each step separately.

The program has three main views: general plan, sketch and three-dimensional model. Moving sequentially from one to the other, the user first configures the parameters of the staircase pocket, then the general configuration of the staircase, for which there are several dozen built-in templates. Finally, the job is completed by detailing small details such as fencing or handrails and selecting materials (including metal and glass).

As a result, the user receives design documentation, a list of parts and materials, or a rendering of a visual scene with quite acceptable quality.

Calculation of physical and mechanical parameters

Many people are interested in the question: how to use programs to calculate stairs based on load. Upon closer acquaintance with Staircon and similar tools, it turns out that the calculation of technical parameters for load is already built into the bowels of the program, and it simply will not offer to use material sections and design of nodes that do not correspond to at least the average level of throughput load.

As with everything, individual calculations may be required here, especially when attaching steps to the wall on only one side, when working with suspended stairs, or when calculating concrete spans with a large dead weight.

Unfortunately, these calculations will have to be done manually: no matter how perfect the program is, you should not rely on standard algorithms. No design tool can take into account the load-bearing capacity of the walls, as well as the strength of individual materials for the execution of the staircase itself.

Is it worth learning CAD and 3D modeling?

If you do not have experience developing in Autocad or 3ds Max, you should not pay attention to this class of programs just for designing stairs. The only exception is when you need to create a really high-quality visualization or fit a staircase into the overall interior visualization plan, which is quite rare in amateur practice.

But if you are already familiar with programs for 3D modeling and drawing production, familiarizing yourself with special software for stairs may turn out to be a waste of time. As we have already said, CAD programs cannot space steps at the same distance or automatically adjust the line of barriers to changes in the configuration of the span.

However, in reality such capabilities are needed when developing only very large projects. In other cases, you can use standard linking and grouping tools, or find an appropriate plugin for working with stairs.

In most cases, a ladder is a mandatory attribute country house. In addition, structures of this type can be used in two-level apartments or offices. Stairs today not only perform a practical function, they are also additional items interior and add zest to the overall design of the room.

Staircase options

According to certain design features, stairs can be represented by marching, spiral or a combined variation. The total area and layout features of the room will determine which of the above types of structures is most appropriate to use in a particular case.

It is necessary to ensure that installed structure met all the necessary ergonomic requirements.

Marching staircase

This design of the staircase is distinguished by its reliability and extreme ease of manufacture.

The structure in this case will consist of one or several flights (this is the name of a straight fragment with steps).

To maintain ergonomics, the number of steps in one flight should not exceed sixteen.

Spiral staircase

This structure consists of a support rod around which steps are arranged in a spiral.

Total area of ​​the classical variation spiral staircase does not exceed one square meter, as a result of which it can be installed even in small rooms. The peculiarity of such a staircase is the possibility of its location anywhere in the room.

Combined staircase

In this case, we are talking about an arched architectural structure.

The combined staircase combines elements of marching and spiral structures. This allows you to implement design tasks of any level of complexity.

Before starting the corresponding calculations, it is necessary to take into account the specific layout of the room. You should also take into account total area rooms. It may be necessary to create a project that will coordinate all further actions during the installation work. On initial stage The following points should be taken into account:

  • distance from the ground floor floor to the ceiling;
  • features of the location of the walls;
  • features of the placement of doorways;
  • total area of ​​the room;
  • planning features.

The height of individual steps of the stairs should be absolutely identical. It is recommended to avoid the formation of differences in these indicators. Width landing should be equivalent to the width of the march. The length of one straight fragment with steps should be no more than 3 m. The minimum indicator in this case will be kept at 1.5 m.

The size of each individual step depends on the total number of these elements. The length of the span or section is also taken into account. The total width of the staircase is determined by the required level bandwidth. The minimum value for one person will be 0.7 m.

The level of comfort during ascent and descent will depend on the height of the steps. Most often, this indicator varies from 12 to 20 cm. The optimal depth of the steps is 28-30 cm. Provided that an uneven step is implemented, these indicators should be calculated based on the total length and height of the structure.

How to determine the angle of inclination?

The angle of inclination should be such that a person can move forward proportionally while walking up the stairs. The formation of the final indicator will depend on the height and width of the steps.

In most cases, it is recommended to settle on a number that is in the range from 23 to 37 degrees. It should be noted that a very steep angle of inclination can somewhat complicate the procedure for lifting and transporting heavy objects up the stairs.

Important! The greater the angle of inclination of the staircase, the less space may be required to accommodate it. However, too steep an angle significantly complicates the procedure of climbing to the second floor.

If the angle of inclination is less than twenty-three degrees, then you can resort to installing a ramp. This flat design will make it easier to descend and ascend. It should be noted here that a staircase with an inclination angle of more than forty degrees can become an insurmountable obstacle for users.

Parameters of railings and fences

When carrying out the appropriate calculations before installing the stairs on the second floor, you should take into account the parameters of the railings and some of the structure’s fences. In particular, it is necessary to determine the following points:

  • baluster height;
  • handrail length;
  • height of support posts;
  • railing width

The optimal width of the railing will be equivalent to 100 mm. This indicator will contribute to the comfortable use of the stairs by an adult. Railings are most often located at a height of 900 mm. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that the height of the baluster will be approximately 800 mm. In this case, you should pay attention to the method of installing the baluster. If this element is mounted in grooves, then its length should be slightly longer. The final indicator is formed taking into account the depth of the groove.

As for determining the height of the support posts, you should also pay attention to the installation features. If the support used is installed on steps, then its length will be identical to the height of the baluster. Provided that the stand vertical stand is installed on the floor, then the height of the placed support should be added to the standard height.

The length of the railing should be equivalent to the length of the flight of stairs. Total length This element may fully correspond to the dimensions of the staircase or be slightly larger. The increase in indicators tends to increase if the handrail extends beyond the steps.

The staircase structure can be prefabricated or monolithic. The first variation of the structure is not very popular, since installation work in this case will involve certain difficulties. In addition, all relevant work must be carried out at the construction site.

Prefabricated stairs made from large-sized elements are in great demand. The installation procedure of the entire structure does not involve any particular difficulties. This variation of stairs can be used not only in private country house, but also in buildings public importance. Additionally, marches of structures of this type can be reinforced with frames.

Flights with solid steps are presented in the form of a panel, which is significantly reinforced on the sides through the use of special stiffening ribs. The upper plane of such a panel has a stepped structure.

You cannot do without a high-quality staircase design program in Russian. Good options there are, but many of them are not Russified and are inconvenient to use. Depending on the technical complexity of the project, professional engineering software and simple utilities are used for calculations.

Program interface for designing stairs

There is a whole set of tools for modeling spans and 3D images of staircase structures. To choose the necessary software, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of various software products.

Professional engineers use universal products as programs for designing stairs in Russian. Most often in design companies used: ArchiCad, AutoCad and Lyra.

Besides modeling general design programs allow you to select the material necessary for construction, take into account its quantity, calculate the costs of work and prepare technical documentation. Since each staircase requires an individual approach, general construction programs are ideal for designing any type of structure.

Designing a staircase in ArchiCAD

They do equally well, and concrete marches. The software is not easy for the user; it requires specific knowledge and skills.

SolidWorks is a little easier to use. The program is designed to create structures for industrial facilities. It allows you to design a 3D model of any level of complexity and issues design documentation. The software is equipped with animation, projects the possibilities of movement, falling, and has different degrees of rendering. SolidWorks makes it easy to check the fit of stair parts.
If you are engaged in the construction of stairs professionally, it is worth mastering the work with such tools. But for the sake of a one-time construction, it is hardly advisable to study complex engineering tools for weeks.

Designing a staircase in SolidWorks

Custom software for designing stairs

Tools have been created specifically for calculations and modeling of private structures that are easy to use and provide enough information to carry out the work. Such staircase design programs in Russian are not too difficult to use. Anyone who is familiar with graphic editors can master the principles of operation.

Read also

DIY steps to the second floor

Specialized design programs

Specialized software includes those programs that are designed specifically for designing stairs:

Names of various staircase design elements


A program for designing stairs, which allows you to quickly prepare a layout, draw up documentation for monitoring the work and estimate. The finished flight of stairs can be viewed in 3D and edited at any time. To create a model, you need to set only a few parameters, the rest will be calculated automatically by the program. The tool allows you to upload results to other programs, for example AutoCad, both in whole and in detail.

Compass Staircase

Compass Staircase or Compass is used to create detailed structures and non-standard flights of stairs with winder steps. It has a large library of parts and the ability to combine them. The program allows you to prepare drawings at a scale of 1:1. The speed of drawing a layout practically does not depend on its complexity.

"Stairs" for AutoCad

A specialized application for AutoCad offers 25 basic models. The collection reduces the time spent on projects individual order. Contains corner models, spiral, curved models and straight stairs.

Wagemeyer GmbH

A convenient and simple program for designing stairs, with detailed elaboration of elements. Allows you to display an image for a 3D presentation. Provides a complete cost estimate for the project.

The software is designed for several types of stairs: steel, spiral, wooden. In addition, you can simulate options for installing railings and steps on existing structures made of any material: concrete, steel, wood, stone.
The size of the designed flight is limited to three floors. When making mistakes involving a violation building codes, the program highlights them. It is possible to print each part separately for its production.


The program is used both for working with templates and with custom-made projects.

Optimizes structural calculations for lifting and span heights. Calculations occur automatically based on the specified parameters. Suitable for all types of stairs. The program is convenient for visualizing the layout in the context of a building project.

Of the custom products, SEMA is one of the most difficult to master. All of the above programs are well suited for those who make custom stairs, especially when using CNC machines.

Specialized and engineering software is licensed and not distributed free of charge. The video shows the process of building a ladder in the SEMA program.

Self-construction of stairs in own home should always be preceded by calculations and drawing up a project - an assembly drawing. Without this, it is simply impossible to build a truly comfortable, reliable and interior-decorating structure. When carrying out the necessary calculations, naturally, they start from real conditions, that is, from the features of the location of the future staircase.

One of the basic parameters of any staircase is the size of its steps - their height and width. These quantities are not taken arbitrarily - they must obey certain rules, which are based on maximum convenience and safety of people moving around flight of stairs. There are several methods for determining the mentioned parameters - using tables, using Socalled the "safety formula" stairs, according to the graphical construction of its profile. We offer the reader a calculator for calculating the size of stair steps. It needs some explanation, which will be given below.