How to locate the garage: the distance from the garage to the fence, neighboring area, road and other objects. Is it possible to build a garage flush with the fence? What does this mean in practice?

It’s good when the site is large and convenient. Review the projects, choose the one you need and place buildings, gardens, and yard according to your taste. It is more difficult to equip a small and not very convenient area. It doesn’t matter whether a dacha or a house is being built permanent residence, buildings such as a barn, garage, summer cuisine, a gazebo is always desirable and necessary on private property.

Monolithic brick fence combined with a garage

A rational approach to site planning allows you to save space and significantly reduce the cost of landscaping. One of the options for saving space is projects of fences combined with a garage.
This method of placing a building has its advantages and disadvantages, its fans and opponents.

Shared garage and fence - advantages

To create a unified yard style, a garage and a fence with common borders, must be made from the same material, in a general style.

Projects for the joint construction of a fence and a garage have an option when a common wall with a gate facing directly onto the street becomes common. In this case, the garage door and the gate are made of the same materials, the same color and design.

The second option is a common side wall, and the garage door is located at some distance from the fence gate. In this case, the costs of building two gates are added, but it is possible to park the car in the yard without a garage.

The garage fits best into or, in this case they create a single picture. Finish as common wall, and the rest are carried out with the same materials. They create a rich look.

Another excellent material for this type of placement of buildings is corrugated sheeting. Fences made from it have already become firmly established, and garage designs made from corrugated sheets are an innovation, but quickly adopted by car enthusiasts.

This is the simplest material for building both a garage and a fence on your own, and is also affordable.

Instead of a garage - a canopy to the fence

A common wall makes it possible not to build a permanent structure, but to attach it to a tall one. Building a carport is advisable if you have several cars and it is not possible to build a large garage.

Option for a canopy to the fence instead of a garage

Covered parking within the yard can be added to the fence when it is installed, or can be added later. Such a canopy can be placed either immediately after the gate or on any convenient distance. To prevent water and tree branches from getting on the car during heavy rainfall or wind, it is better to plan the parking lot on the side most protected from the wind.

As a material for covered carports, you should choose one that suits your financial capabilities, the design of the yard, and does not create difficulties during installation.

Standard distances from the fence during construction

On the Internet you can find many questions about how to properly build a fence, whether it is possible to place a garage near it, and what the distance from the garage to the fence should be. Citizens often bombard lawyers with similar questions during personal meetings. For example, Alexey M. from the city of Saratov is interested in: at what distance is a garage built from the fence? If so, how to warn neighbors about this, what document to show or at least refer to it? The answer to Alexey’s question, as well as the construction standards for the main buildings on the site, can be found in our material today.

What the documents say

Indeed, there are certain sanitary conditions and standards according to which a garage, fence, etc. must be built. The minimum length to the border of the neighbor’s land should be equal to:

  • Three meters if it's a building.
  • Four meters if we're talking about about a building in which poultry and small livestock are kept.
  • One meter if other buildings.
  • Four meters if the trees are tall, two meters if they are medium-sized.
  • One meter, if an ordinary bush.

Since the garage can be classified as “other buildings,” during construction you will only need to step back one meter. These standards are provided for by SP 53.13330.2011 Code of Rules. This is true if there are no nearby buildings on the other side of the fence on the neighbor’s property.

If the garage is located close to the fence at a distance of less than a hundred centimeters, this will already be considered a violation. In this case, garages can be either free-standing or built-in, attached to garden house, buildings on the site.

Fence standards

For many people who recently became owners of a plot of land, it becomes a real discovery that even on their own territory they cannot place buildings wherever they want. The location of all buildings and even enclosing structures is regulated by legislation.

Returning to the SNiP law 30-02-97, as amended on March 12, 2001, there are certain standards for fence construction. If this is a fence between neighbors, then the areas must have transparent fences (lattice, mesh). This is done with one single purpose - to prevent shading of the area.

What height should the fence be? According to the standards, you can build a fence whose height will not exceed 150 centimeters. Of course, neighbors can agree on a different fence height verbally, but it is better to formalize the agreement in a written agreement. It will have legal force in any matter if the case goes to court.

It is worth understanding that SNiP is not considered a law as such. He recommends specific standards. Please note that your administration settlement may issue its own regulations based on these rules. This is done in order to comply with the climatic as well as regional characteristics of the territory.

For example, in the Volgograd region, it is allowed to build a fence that will stand on the boundary with a height of no more than 2.2 m. Its transparency must be at least 50% of total area fence If the fence is completely opaque, the maximum height of the fence should not exceed 0.75 m.

Placement of the garage relative to the “red line”

It was already noted above that it is not so difficult to comply with the norms of indentation from a fence adjacent to neighbors. One meter is enough for you to serve external walls the buildings. And water from the roof of the garage will definitely not flow to the neighbors.

It’s another matter if the personal plot has access to the roadway. Therefore, it is not allowed to place a garage in the same plane as the fence. According to the rules, it is necessary to maintain at least a five-meter distance from the fence, which is located on the “red line,” or three meters from the fence if it separates the area from the side passage.

Of course, this standard is only advisory in nature. However, if you do not follow it, the consequences may not be very pleasant. But there is a little trick that we will tell you about now. It will allow you to obtain a legal building permit with access from the garage directly to the street.

So, all you need is to build a fence not on the border, but by indenting it at least one meter deep.

Safety regulations

So, we found out what the distance to the garages should be personal plot. Are there any norms fire safety?

It turns out that the fire distance between buildings within the same garden plot is not standardized at all. But if the buildings are located on different garden plots, this rule applies and depends on the material of the supporting and enclosing structures. It all depends on the flammability of the materials. If it is a stone structure, the distance should not be less than 6 meters, if concrete building– 8 meters, if the structure is made of reinforced concrete – ten meters.

How is the distance between objects measured?

It is worth understanding that one person may take measurements and say that the distance between the garage and the fence is 1.2 meters, while another may see only 90 centimeters. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to measure distance correctly. Remember: the distance from the house is always measured by the projection of its parts that protrude, as well as the base. If, due to certain circumstances, the buildings on the site are located at a distance of less than one meter from the neighboring site, it is better to make the roof slope in your direction.

It also happens that outbuilding is in contact with the living space summer cottage. In this case, you need to comply with completely different standards. You will need to make an entrance to each room at a distance of 7 meters.

Six meter law

We talked about the fact that the construction of a garage is permitted if it is located one meter from the fence on the site. However, there is also a six-meter rule. Its essence is that the distance from your garage to the building on your neighbor’s property should be at least six meters. If there are no nearby buildings, then there are no obstacles to building a garage on your property.

But why six meters, and not four or, say, seven? This norm is determined by fire safety rules. If one building catches fire, the flames can easily spread to another structure. This is more than relevant for the garage. So we can draw the following conclusion. We measure six meters from the nearest neighbor’s building and boldly begin construction.

By the way, do not forget that if you are not sure about the suitability of the land for building a garage or something, it is better to order a geological survey of the land. This will make it possible to understand whether the soil will subsidence in the next few years.

Every person who buys a car first of all asks himself the question: where is the best place to keep it? Open parking lots are not the best solution, and closed ones are not always possible to find. But what if you live not in a city, but in a small town where there are no parking lots at all? Of course, in that case the best solution will . It would be even better to build a garage with a utility block.

If it is not possible to build a garage at your summer cottage, then you can use it for these purposes in just a few days.

Wooden garage with utility block

It is in the garage that the car will have the best protection from any influence environment and dishonest people. Statistics show that almost 80% of car thefts occur in cars that are parked not in garages, but in courtyards. And no owner would want to risk his iron horse.

In addition, being in the garage, the car is much less exposed to the vagaries of the weather - snow, rain, wind, and sometimes hail can seriously damage appearance vehicle. If the car is parked in a garage, this is guaranteed not to happen. Also in the garage it is protected from the negative effects of the summer sun, which causes the upholstery to fade, the plastic dashboard to dry out and crack.

Many car owners like that a garage equipped with high-quality inspection hole, allows you to carry out inspections and simple repairs yourself, without visiting a service station.

Of course, the garage is used not only as a room for keeping a car, but also for storage huge amount other things. In private homes this could be bicycles, food supplies, garden tools, winter (or summer, depending on the season) tires and much more.

In some cases, when too many of these things accumulate, garage owners decide to build a utility room to store them. And the most far-sighted people immediately build a garage and a utility unit under one roof.

This allows you to save time and effort, design two combined buildings in advance and immediately gives you the opportunity to store things in the way that is convenient for you.

In this case, you won’t have to reschedule later a large number of things from one room to another. In addition, when constructing both buildings, you can use the same material, so the aesthetic side only benefits.

Where to get a project for construction

Of course, before you start building a garage, especially if you are also planning a utility block, you need to have a project with you. This greatly simplifies the construction process, and also makes it possible to easily and quickly calculate the quantity building materials that will be needed for construction.

And here the question arises: where to get projects for garages with a utility block? There may be several possible solutions.

The easiest, fastest and cheapest is to create a project yourself.

In this case, you do not have to contact specialists, wait for them to start working on your project, and also pay a lot of money for their services. The garage and utility block are built according to fairly simple drawings.

Project and drawing of a garage with utility room and canopy

The main thing is to clearly check optimal sizes and wall thickness. On the one hand, the room should be spacious enough to make it comfortable to stay and work. On the other hand, it should not take up too much space on plot of land. The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the thickness of the walls. That is, how quickly the room will freeze in winter.

Read also

How to make a roof drain

If nothing comes to mind, you can look at the numerous photos of garages that are available here. Surely the options you see there will suit you or inspire you to create a project that suits you.

If you can afford to spend extra money on construction, you can turn to specialists. Yes, you will have to wait for some time and pay a considerable amount for their services. But the resulting project will be calculated down to the smallest detail.

Availability, location and size of windows, wall thickness, optimal area premises - all this will be designed with really high quality. This means that you will not have any problems during the operation of the garage.

An example of an original garage layout with a workshop and a gazebo

Of course, before you start designing, seriously think about what kind of premises you need and how they should be located. For example, many people like a utility block with a bathhouse and a garage, where all the buildings are under one roof. On the one hand, it is convenient and saves space.

On the other hand, a bathhouse is always a source of increased danger, because in most cases it is heated with. Therefore, think seriously: do you want to locate the garage in close proximity to the bathhouse? Or would it be better to place them at some distance from each other?

The reason for this approach lies in the fact that if the requirements are violated, either your neighbors or the administration of the locality in which the private household is located may file a lawsuit against you. And most often, court decisions are not made in favor of the violator, and therefore it is better to protect yourself in advance than to demolish a building or completely reconstruct a fence as part of the implementation of a court decision. Please note! In addition to the requirements contained in SNiP for fences, there are also local regulations. They must be taken into account, but in this case negotiations will have to be conducted with the administration of the locality. Practical implementation of SNiPs Requirements for the fence itself If you are building a fence with your own hands, then the first thing you need to take into account are the standards for building the fence itself.

Standards for building a garage on the site

If construction is already underway on a neighboring site, then options are possible. Situation one: you have a good relationship with your neighbor. Enter into negotiations with him, negotiate all distances, record your agreements on paper and, in order to give them legal weight, get notarization. Situation two: the neighbor does not want to make concessions. In this case, the six-meter rule works against you.
You will have to measure six meters from the neighbor's building closest to your site (that is, 5 meters from your fence) and plan a site for the garage at this place. By the way, it is better to play it safe and add another half a meter, because if at least one corner of the garage is closer than 6 meters to any building on the neighbor’s property, then in the event of a conflict, the garage can be demolished by court decision. The threat of garage demolition may also arise if the distance to the red line is not maintained.

I'm planning to build a garage and need some advice.

  • Adjacent fences should not be made higher than 1.75 m. Optimal transparency is from 50 to 100%.
  • The fence material should not heat the air on the side of the neighboring plot, therefore, when erecting a fence between households, it is worth abandoning the cladding with metal sheets.
  • Also, hollow bricks should not be used, as they can accumulate moisture. This can also cause complaints.

Distances from the fence to objects The following information contained in SNiP for the construction of a fence concerns the distances from the fence to different buildings: Distances between buildings on adjacent plots

  • The distance from a residential building to the fence on the border with a neighboring household is at least 3 meters.

Garage in line with fence

  • If the site faces a side passage, then you need to retreat 3 meters from the edge of the roadway. This rule can be circumvented if the fence is moved deeper into the site rather than placed on the border.

    Then the situation allows for two interpretations, from the point of view of the law.

  • If a central road passes near the site, then 5 m are retreated from its edge.
  • According to fire safety standards, free-standing capital garage must be located at least 3 m from a residential building.
  • It is advisable to move the garage at least a meter deeper into the site. The gates, when opening, should not block the roadway or interfere with passage and travel along the street; also, a car parked under a canopy should not interfere with passage along the road.
  • To be on the safe side, add another half meter to these distances.

    Garage close to the fence


    If such a line runs along the external border of the site, then the construction of any buildings is possible only at a distance of 5 meters from it. However, if you are not lazy and agree on this issue, then you may well get permission to build a garage adjacent to the fence, especially if the fence is not built close to the red line, but at least a meter away from it.

    So it’s quite possible to build a garage in a fence. Regarding the buildings existing on your site, you can locate the garage in the way that is most convenient for you: closer to the gate or behind the house. All distances between buildings on one site, recorded in various standards and rules are for advisory purposes only.
    All these restrictions apply to permanent buildings and do not apply to temporary ones, which include prefabricated garages made of sandwich panels.

    Dist. from the garage to the neighbors - whoever builds first is right? (see snip)

    If nothing has been built on the neighboring site, you are lucky and you can build anywhere in compliance with other standards (distance from the fence, from buildings on your site, from red lines). Construction on a neighboring site, if it starts later, will be carried out taking into account your buildings.


    Important! It is the distance to buildings on a neighbor’s property that can cause conflict and litigation. Even one corner that is closer than it should be matters.

    The rules for the location of buildings relative to each other on your site are advisory in nature. Red lines and placement in relation to them Red lines indicate existing or planned property boundaries common use and separate state territory from private territory.

    Is it possible to build a garage flush with the fence?

    Fire safety standards are more stringent: in accordance with them, the distance between two buildings made of poorly flammable materials located in adjacent areas must be at least 6 meters (and if the buildings are wooden, this distance increases to 10 meters). It is believed that in the event of a fire, such a distance will not allow the fire to spread from the burning building to the neighboring one.
    But the legal restrictions don't end there. There are so-called red lines, that is, the boundaries of public areas.
    Inside these lines there are government facilities such as power lines, communication lines, engineering structures or roads. The distance from your future garage to the red line should be at least 5 meters.
    The instructions require maintaining at least a five-meter setback from the fence located on the “red line”, and a three-meter setback from the fence separating your site from the side passage. On the one hand, this standard is advisory in nature, on the other, non-compliance can lead to unpleasant consequences. What to do if you want to place a room for a car along the line of the outer fence - as shown in the photo? Garage with access to the street. Violation or not? There is a little trick that allows you to get permission to build a garage with access directly to the street. To do this, we build a fence not on the border of the site, but retreating at least 1 meter deep. This creates a situation that can be interpreted in two ways, which means there is a possibility that the decision made will be in your favor.
    All 6 meters. Therefore, the distances between the garage and the house are measured with a tape measure from the base very accurately, so that there are no grounds for a lawsuit and demolition of the building. Read also about a foundation made of foam blocks for a garage - here. And how to fill strip foundation with your own hands. The requirements of the State Fire Safety Inspectorate (garage construction standards from the fence - 3m) can be relaxed by a set of fire safety measures in the garage equipment:

    • lack of heating;
    • compliance of electrical wiring with TEEP rules;
    • equipping lighting lamps with protective shades;
    • presence of a fire extinguisher;
    • equipment at the entrance of the fire panel with everything necessary to fight the fire.

    There is one more nuance: if the garage is located under the same roof as the house (attached or built-in), the distance of the garage from the neighbors’ fence is determined as for a residential building - at least 3 meters.

    Is it possible to build a garage flush with the fence?

    So, what should the fencing of a private house be like? The standards for the construction of fences state: External fence - no higher than 2 meters

    • It is recommended to make an external fence (i.e. a fence that is not adjacent) no more than 2 m high. The transparency of such a structure should not be less than 50%.
    • This norm is advisory, therefore, it is impossible to legally prohibit the construction of a higher and denser fence. On the other hand, if the permitting authorities receive any complaint (for example, a solid high fence impedes the movement of wind and a draft is created on the street), you may be subject to legislative action. order to oblige to reduce the height of the structure.

    Advice! When planning to erect a fence more than 2 m high, it is better to coordinate it with the local administration in advance.

    As a rule, the cost of the issue is relatively small, but you will “insure” against possible problems.