How to conduct planning sessions and meetings. Planning meeting, operational meeting, operational meeting. Organization, holding

2016 is a time to test the strength of companies, and in this regard, now more than ever, it is necessary to keep your finger on the pulse of your sales team every day. I present to your attention a few basics, following which your sales department will become more focused and effective.

In a good way, the company should have 2 meetings between the manager and managers: the first is a general meeting, at a morning planning meeting, the second is an individual, evening meeting, during which the manager carefully delves into the results of the activities of his people, analyzes difficult situations, and conducts individual motivation. But today we will talk specifically about the general morning planning meeting, which is an indispensable tool for managing the sales department and keeping your employees in good shape.

Morning meeting goals:

1. Summing up yesterday

2. Planning your working day

3. Monitoring the reality of achieving monthly plans and developing plan “B”

4. Training of managers on specific examples using a business game

5. Checking the energy level of managers and their additional charge, motivation

That is, for the head of the sales department, the planning meeting is a litmus test for the quality of his work, which will help him react in a timely manner to situations that usually lead to failure to fulfill plans, mistakes when communicating with clients, or the dismissal of managers.

So, 10 Rules for an effective morning ROP planning meeting:

1. Periodicity.

Morning planning meetings should be held not once in a while, not when you are in a good or bad mood, but every day, at the same time. A good planning meeting will be a ritual for starting work, the start of activity for managers. In my practice, I have encountered many examples when a poorly conducted or not conducted planning meeting at all ruined the entire structure of a manager’s day, spoiled the mood and killed the desire to work.

During the morning planning meeting, managers must finally wake up and catch the main idea: Let's start!

2. Discipline

An effective planning meeting has a clear structure, goals and timing (that is, the time allocated for the planning meeting). Any deviation from the structure demotivates managers, but compliance general rules– disciplines and structures thoughts.

The planning meeting should always start and end on time. 15 minutes before the start of the planning meeting, everyone must be present in the office. All tea parties are before the planning meeting. After that it’s just work.

Managers must be prepared for the planning meeting, know all their current indicators and their plans for the day, and not count numbers on a calculator, taking time away from the entire team, or being distracted by calculations instead of listening to the information that the ROP wants to convey to everyone.

For a quality planning meeting with a business game, 45 minutes is usually enough. But, believe me, these 45 minutes can save a lot of time in the future and bring much greater financial results.

3. Energy

The morning planning meeting is a lighter for the eyes of employees.

If the planning meeting is boring, managers will fall asleep even more, and you will not get the desired effect. Don't spread the information out, keep a goal and structure in mind, don't let employees wander from topic to topic, or ask questions that relate to only one thing.

It is important to remember that planning meetings are teamwork, not morning get-togethers. Keep everyone's attention. Say only what concerns everyone.

4. Train your managers constantly!

Every day, at evening meetings, you find out from managers how their day went, what successes they had, what difficulties they encountered, what customer objections they could not handle. The morning planning meeting allows you to bring the most pressing issues to the general discussion.

To do this, you need the manager to briefly describe the problem that he could not cope with yesterday, then you quickly repeat the theoretical part (for example, the “argumentation by calculation method” block), and after that you arrange a business game, where the role of the client is played by the manager who is not coped with the situation. Next, with the help of a short brainstorming session, the whole team comes up with options for solving the situation.

It is especially important that everyone on the team takes an active part in finding solutions. Don’t give ready-made answers; the most effective training is not theory from a leader, but finding ideas through interactions.

Daily training, additional training and support for managers’ skills will allow your managers to constantly develop, improve their sales skills, and not be afraid of difficulties “in the field.”

5. Constantly monitor what is planned

Planning without control is money down the drain (c) ancient Chinese wisdom

I think there is no need to explain separately here. If you don’t control it once, then twice, by the third time managers will either stop doing anything or start lying.

6. Team motivation

It is important not just to identify the results of yesterday for the entire team as a whole and for each individual, but also to identify the best and worst of the previous day, and do not be afraid to demotivate anyone with this - too short time periods are used, and managers have a chance to improve every day.

Use as indicators not only financial (how many sales made, how much money brought in) or activity indicators (number of calls, appointments made and held), but also qualitative indicators(quality of communication between manager and clients). You can either listen to managers’ calls yourself or use reports from the quality control department.

7. Specificity in plans

The manager should not just talk about how many sales he will close today, how many payments he will collect and how many meetings he will make. He must back up his plans with specific company names. Even if he doesn’t have any replies from clients planned today, the manager must tell where he will get today’s plan, who he will call, who he will go to, but the companies must be named, with clear figures in money and quantity.

It is also very important to remember that the manager’s daily plan must meet the achievement of monthly goals. If your manager has a monthly plan of 1,000,000 rubles in payments, then he cannot plan to collect 20,000 rubles every day, since at this rate he simply will not complete the plan.

Set ambitious plans for your managers. If a manager is embarrassed to voice an ambitious plan, or refers to his superstition (“I won’t say it so as not to jinx it,” “I’ll say more now, and you’ll eat my brains in the evening”) - this needs to be treated, and the sooner the better. Accustom managers to high plans, cultivate their internal “limits”.

Also, the manager must believe in his own numbers, not talk “out of the blue” because he has to, but clearly understand that what he said is really doable and he knows how to influence it.

8. Check the readiness of the whole team

Before you release your sales people on a new day, check that they have all the resources - both external (availability of presentation materials, business cards, databases for calling, etc.) and internal - are everyone’s eyes sparkling, or is it necessary to contact someone? then stay and further discuss any difficulties, provide additional individual motivation.

9. PowerfulCTA at the end of the meeting

Come up with some motivating phrase that will be an anchor for starting work and give an additional boost of energy to your managers. The phrase can be anything: “Team, go!”, or “Let’s do it!”, or “That’s it, let’s go!”

This is the so-called anchor, which gives a signal that everything, the morning is over, it’s time to run and win!

10. Visualization

Be sure to include the results of the planning meeting on the scoreboard so that managers can constantly see both their results and the overall result of the team, as well as the percentage of plan completion. Such a board might look like this:

And as a bonus, an example checklist for assessing the quality of a morning planning meeting:

Organize and conduct the planning meeting as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem stated for discussion or set the direction for the development of the situation in a constructive direction.

It is interesting to hold a planning meeting so that the participants have no time to yawn and do not feel like they have wasted time.

Action plan

1. Get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planning meeting.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare the necessary materials and invite participants.

3. Hold a planning meeting.

4. Summarize the results of the planning meeting and familiarize all participants with them.

How to organize a planning meeting

First, what is required to conduct a planning meeting is the question or topic of the planning meeting. What work problem do you want to solve? What positive effect for the work of the organization will be the result of the planning meeting. Familiarize your planning meeting participants with this issue in advance. This way, you will save time during the planning meeting, and the discussion participants may already come with interesting ideas on your issue.

Second– these are the people who will participate in the planning meeting. What profile specialists and what level of managers, or what line employees do you need to find the answer to the question posed?

Third– location of the planning meeting. It is important that this is a separate room or even a special meeting room. Where there will be enough space for everyone, outsiders (employees not participating in the planning meeting) will not be able to disturb you and the phones will not ring.

Fourth– time of the planning meeting. It is desirable that it be convenient for all participants or permanent. For example, daily planning meetings are held every day at exactly 8:30. In any case, when choosing the time for the planning meeting, you will have to focus on its most important participants. And prescribe it in advance, for several hours, or more correctly, days.

Fifth– regulations for the planning meeting. It is important not only to start the planning meeting on time, but also to finish it on time. Determine in advance the order in which issues will be discussed and the time allocated to each participant. Limit it, this will make the reports concise and as informative as possible. For example, one speech is no more than 10 minutes.

Sixth- improvised materials. Minimum Required These are pens and paper for all participants. Take care of this yourself, in advance, so that you don’t have to waste discussion time looking for what and what to write on. You may also need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and tested in advance.

Seventh– leader of the planning meeting or secretary who will record the process and results of the discussion of your issue.

Formats of planning meetings

1. Summing up, information planning meeting.

Such planning meetings can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for heads of all departments of your organization.

Why are such planning meetings needed?

2. Planning meeting - distribution of current tasks.

Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the manager issues tasks for the day to his subordinates. There is also no need to stretch the time - everyone received the task and went to complete it.

3. Planning meeting to discuss the issue raised.

You formulate your question in advance, which was formulated for you life itself and the current situation in your market. Voice the purpose of the planning meeting and send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) for this issue. Determine the rules and secretary of the planning meeting in advance. The results of the planning meeting are sent to all participants. The time for such a planning meeting is no more than two hours. But there are situations when more time is required. In this case, plan organized breaks of 15-20 minutes for tea and just relaxation. (Prepare tea and sweets in advance too!)

4. Creative planning meeting.

Requests for work in coaching
1) Development of creativity resource for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) Resolving internal conflicts, overcoming crises using the resource of creativity

The planning meeting is an important part of the work process. However, it can either become an incentive for an employee, a strong point and a springboard, or completely discourage all desire to work. How to conduct meetings to “ignite” subordinates? How can employees behave in meetings to make sure their time is spent productively?

What are planners for?

For about a year I worked in the editorial office of a magazine about construction and houses. The publisher, who is also the owner, was very fond of planning meetings. We gathered in her office every morning for an hour and a half to two hours and watched a performance by one actor. The stated purpose of this meeting is to tell us at what stage the relationship with advertisers is currently at. Hidden - explain what losers are gathered at this table. I (the editor) and the designer also needed to be present. Only the accountant received the “exemption”: she had to constantly monitor the account for the receipt of money, which did not arrive at all. Because instead of working, we sat at the planning meeting.

We would have been glad to hear what our employer thought of us, and to see how she could sell over the phone, but the work was stalled. The fact is that money will appear in the editorial office if managers sell advertising. To make an appointment with a potential advertiser, you need to get through to him. And the most realistic time to catch someone on the spot was from 9 to 10, after which people dispersed to their planning meetings, productions and meetings. In general, it was necessary to call just at the time when we were sitting in the director’s office.

It was not possible to break this vicious circle. No, we said that managers need to go to the phone, and the editor and designer would like to return to magazine pages. We have asked many times to reschedule the meeting for another time. But if you gather for the sake of gathering, forgetting about the benefits for the company, Good times won't come soon.

1. Make a plan:

    what is the main purpose of the meeting: to talk about innovations, listen to opinions, solve a problem, collect reports, etc.,

    What issues need to be discussed first?

    what can be skipped and solved on the job if there is no time left, etc.

2. Define your goal

Formulate your request in result format. Not “discuss the problem,” but “develop a solution to the problem.”

3. Fix agreements and assign responsibilities with deadlines

If a proposal for a solution arises, the result of the meeting will be an agreement on what the steps will be, who will take responsibility and in what time frame.

4. Set a “convenient” time

To prevent employees from dragging out reports, to be more focused and to think faster, schedule a meeting an hour before the lunch break or the end of the working day. If they take too long, they will skip lunch or go home later. And, of course, no one wants this.

5. Be closer to the people

If you want to get openness from your subordinates, to listen to what they really think on this issue, sit among them. When you're at the head of the table, you're the boss and your opinion comes first. When you sit next to an employee, you are a colleague, ready to discuss and find a solution together.

General Director of Skladovka LLC, a network of warehouses individual storage things (Self storage),

The meeting should always be prepared by the leader in terms of the issues you want to discuss. Before starting, it is better to send out an agenda on which you want to receive a response or organize a discussion. The meeting should end with a protocol that records the decisions made, the deadline for execution and those responsible.

Each meeting is held according to the principle of continuity, so that people understand the logic of project development and have the opportunity to give feedback and report on problems that arose in the process of implementing decisions.

Meetings on site, rather than in the manager’s office, are very useful. On site, you can immediately see what is really happening at the site, what needs to be done for it to achieve its intended goals.

Working meetings between the head of the organization and representatives of departments ultimately make it possible to monitor whether each department and the enterprise as a whole is moving towards the intended goal or deviating from it.

Director of Development of the company "CentrAgro"

In our company, meetings are classified: councils, committees, meetings, which in turn have a clear time limit and agenda. Only situational force majeure meetings do not have a predetermined agenda. For the rest, documents are prepared in advance and sent by mail to interested parties.

The rules for meetings are:

    do not interrupt each other;

    don't go out;

    turn off phones;

    be on time.

The effectiveness of meetings is increased through the preparation and preliminary distribution of documents, a clear meeting schedule for planning the working hours of employees.

Planners at a distance

Every year there are more and more companies that are abandoning offices and switching to . How to conduct planning meetings when all employees live not only in different cities, but also in different parts Sveta?

Natalia Odegova

Founder of the online training center

I used to work for a large corporation. Now all my employees are from different cities and even countries, and we communicate a lot online. Previous experience allowed us to take the best and change what was clearly ineffective.

People work online in order to have more time, so all planning meetings are much shorter and much more effective. We do not bring together people who cannot influence the resolution of the issue, and therefore do not waste their time. The planning meeting is concise and only to the point. Often this is a Skype call for 5-10 minutes to discuss a specific issue.

There are indicators that we regularly monitor, but we don’t communicate on them at all, but post new data in the general chat and make decisions, discuss new steps for improvement.

Regarding deadlines: since we generally have a lot of freedom, I never squeeze out the shortest deadlines in “development” projects, but ask: “What deadline do you believe in? How long can you answer for?” This approach allows the employee to consciously take responsibility and work on the task with great desire and pleasure.

And intermediate ones help a lot control points, where I look into the process and see if things are moving in the right direction.

    Leave your phone, tablet and other gadgets in the office. You should not take your favorite toy to a meeting with management.

    Remember that the same principles apply at a meeting as at school. Those who listen carefully, nod and ask clarifying questions are doing well. Why do we need to be great at work? That's right - so that they remember about us when they distribute the bonus.

    Another school rule- "eyes to eyes". When praised, send an open look to the manager. Curses start pouring in, start looking for the most interesting line on the table or pay attention to your pen.

    Write everything down All . Then you’ll figure out what’s useful and what can be thrown away. Firstly, bosses really like it when they take notes. Secondly, the records are an alternate airfield if you need to escape. By the way, you can record your thoughts between the leader’s pearls.

    Actively express your opinion if this is provided for in the planning meeting format. Even if you share a banality, you will still look more respectable against the backdrop of your silent colleagues looking at their shoes. The main thing now is to show who is the most active participant here.

    We don’t even talk about sleep, yawning and a blank look. You yourself understand that this is inappropriate.

    If you are completely overcome by boredom, try working in your head. Make a to-do list, think about your project globally. Or just dream.

    conduct meetings effectively to ignite subordinates? How should employees behave at meetings in order to spend their time profitably?"/>

Today I want to talk about a specific management tool. This article is a response to a letter from a friend from Kazakhstan.

"Hello! I need help in the form of advice. I was at a meeting with one district akim (governor in your opinion). He has a problem. There are 2 thieves' deputies who do not work (and do not want to work and there is no sense in them, slackers, they sit for the sake of status) and you can’t fire them either, because they are protecting the top. And they don’t want anyone to do their work. Thus, my akim is in a trap. Because he has to take out the district and needs to do the work. I would like to know how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance..."

I think this problem is faced not only in Kazakhstan, and not only in government institutions. Sometimes such a friend will sit in a company, everything seems to be fine with him, but there are no results. And there seems to be nothing to complain about, and there’s nothing to fire him for. What to do in this case?

I suggest a simple way - a weekly planning meeting

  • The planning meeting should not be long

Maximum - 30-40 minutes.

  • A journal is kept at the planning meeting

This log records everything that managers intend to achieve during the week.

  • The planning meeting begins with the reading of the company's Goal.

This means the Big Goal. For example: “A prosperous Russia making a worthy contribution to world civilization.” After this, the current goal is read out, for example: “Increase income 5 times this year.”

  • After this, the leader of the planning meeting asks the heads of departments to talk in turn about what they did last week to achieve the goal.

At the same time, the main function of the meeting leader is to ensure that the speaker does not “spill water” and does not allow phrases like “we have increased the efficiency of the sales department by 15%.” In this case, he simply asks politely what specific steps were taken and what the result was.

The answer, for example, could be:

We conducted training for sellers. sent more than 500 letters to our potential clients. In total, 118 calls were received from interested clients and 53 invoices were issued for a total amount of 3 million 600 thousand. The total income for the department this week amounted to 1.8 million rubles. which is 15% more than last week.

This answer is acceptable. The leader of the planning meeting can initiate short applause from other leaders.

If a leader is trying to “pour water” or “cast shadows on the fence,” the leader’s task is to ensure that other leaders see this. For example, the following phrase would be suitable: “It’s been a difficult week. We’ve been thinking a lot...”

If such attempts continue, the leader of the planning meeting interrupts the speaker and says that this is the planning meeting and if there are no concrete results, then we move on to the next section. Or he may ask the secretary to read out the notes from the last planning meeting, and what exactly was planned to be achieved this week in this department.

For example:

    1. Conduct a survey about a new product with 400 customers. Made? No.
    2. Issue invoices for a total amount of 2 million 800 thousand rubles. Made? Exhibited for 17 thousand rubles. Conduct training for sellers. Made? No, we were overloaded.
    3. I see, that's enough. Let's move on to the next one.

I would like to note that at such a planning meeting it is revealed and made visible to all other managers who achieves results and really helps the company move towards the goal, and who skillfully pretends to be a flexible hose and imitates useful activities.

  • After everyone has shared the results, a goal for the next week is set for the entire company, and the facilitator gets the participants to agree on this goal.

The facilitator asks the leaders to take turns saying what they are going to do to achieve this goal in their areas, and this is written down in a journal.

Managers can ask other managers to do something extra if their departments are related and they need joint action. An agreement is reached on this and recorded in the journal.

  • After all this, the leader of the planning meeting asks if they are ready to truly achieve the goal this week, and announces START!

This simple and effective form of planning meetings allows you to achieve interesting results. Managers either begin to truly produce and achieve results, or run away from the company under various pretexts, making way for new managers who really want to contribute to the team, and not just pretend to be useful, being in the rays of fame and honor, receiving no earning.

Well, and most importantly, this form allows even very productive leaders to achieve even more, which is what I frankly wish for you.

ARTICLES on the same TOPIC

Open events

Wed, March 27, 2019 - 09:30

In Russia, it is not customary to gather in a team about work tasks. This is due to the fact that everyone is in a hurry to get things done at work, rather than sit at meetings and harp on obvious topics. But what if such meetings were useful for everyone, they were carried out efficiently and quickly? Then it would be stupid to refuse them. Therefore, we are introducing such an event as a “planning meeting” into your company, from the basics to ready-made templates.

Maybe we should not?

Have you ever tried to hold planning meetings with employees? If yes, then I’m sure you’ve encountered statements such as “We talked about nothing again” at the end of the event. This is a classic situation and it is associated with ignorance of how to conduct planning meetings, and not with the fact that it is generally bad and ineffective.

And in order to immediately put all the dots in place, let’s fix the very concept of what a planning meeting is. And please note, I do not take it from my head, but from any dictionary of the type: Ozhegov, Efremov, Dal, Tikhonov or Kuznetsov. They all give, give or take, the same description.

Planning meeting - a short meeting to evaluate and determine the progress of the assigned tasks.

Keyword- short meeting. This is what distinguishes a planning meeting from a meeting. And since everything in the world is relative, we will determine the maximum limit for how long such a meeting lasts - 60 minutes. Everything else is not a planning meeting, but, as we have already said, a meeting.

Types of planning meetings

Planning meeting is different. At first glance, they are all the same, but in reality their structures and purposes differ from each other. Therefore, you need to know their types and use exactly those that your team needs.

Time spending

We can divide all planning meetings into three times: daily, weekly and monthly. Usually a company only has one of these options, all others are considered unnecessary. Although they all have different tasks and are carried out according to different plans.

  1. Daily planner. Needed in case of active work or motivation of employees. Its duration does not exceed 15 minutes, everything is short and to the point.
  2. Weekly planner. We use it to summarize the past week and make plans for the future. The duration of such a meeting is up to 30 minutes.
  3. Monthly planner. A mandatory event to evaluate the results obtained over a month of work, which is the sum of all days and weeks. Duration up to 1 hour.

Often the monthly planning meeting is extended to 2-3 hours. In this case, according to the rules of the Russian language, this is already a meeting. But since what is more important to us is not the actual name, but the real purpose, we can allow such a meeting until 3 o’clock. The main thing is that all this is to the point.

You should also take into account that there are non-systemic meetings to resolve urgent or pressing issues. Such planning meetings are called unscheduled. They are collected, carried out and finished quite quickly. But they exist and you cannot escape from them.

It would be noticeable if all, or at least many, companies worked as in the joke above. But, alas, such a scheme almost never occurs. Therefore, we move on to the topics of planning meetings.

Topic of the meeting

In addition to the fact that planning meetings are divided into time intervals, they are also divided into topics. Although for the majority, a planning meeting is an assessment of completed tasks for the week and summing up the achievement of the sales plan. This format also exists, but everything is gradual.

  1. Distribution of tasks. The purpose and result of such a meeting is that employees are overloaded with tasks for the near future.
  2. One question. Most often these are unscheduled meetings, the topic for which is separate. standing questions on the agenda.
  3. Brainstorm. We often practice short meetings with a small part of the team to generate ideas on a given topic.
  4. Informational. The same planning meeting that we are all so accustomed to, voicing the actual situation at a given moment in time.
  5. Motivational. People need to be energized, especially if they have a very stressful job. Through such meetings you will have the opportunity to do this, because this is an excellent method of motivation.
  6. Educational. Little knowledge in a short period of time. It won't get boring and will be useful, especially if you do it often.

In reality, our planning meetings are like a snowball from different topics. It's not bad. The main thing is that you can pay enough attention to everything. The strategy of “Hopping across Europe” will not lead to anything good, since it won’t work to eat the fish or wash the frying pan. It is a myth.


Components of a successful planning meeting

Before we move on to specific templates for a planning meeting, let's define the main points of holding such a meeting. Because it is important not only WHAT, but also HOW to do it. Everything is gradual, colleagues, take your time.

  • The reason for the meeting. We've sorted this out; every meeting should have a reason. And everyone should know about him;
  • People. You must know in advance who will participate in the planning meeting and notify the participants about this;
  • Location. Conference room, office or corridor - decide for yourself. I'm sure it's not difficult;
  • Time spending. It takes a specific time, preferably always the same time, for a habit to develop;
  • Meeting regulations. You and staff should be aware of the subtopics and timing of this meeting;
  • Additional materials. Flipchart, paper, pens and other paraphernalia should be ready before the meeting;
  • Curator. Usually the leader of the planning meeting is the boss or one of the managers, but it may well be an employee;
  • Secretary. The person who will record all the results of the planning meeting, the so-called protocol, for further distribution.

If you take these components into account, the effectiveness of the planning meeting will be much higher, because you will be able to properly prepare for it and will know exactly what to say at the planning meeting.

Some of the list is obvious things. But think about how each of the points can be improved relative to the situation now. For example, what other people besides sales managers can be invited to a meeting. Or it can make part of the planning meetings that are conducted by the employees themselves.

And one more significant plus for those who still doubt, see the video below.

Planning meeting plan for implementation

I don't really like templates and samples because they don't take into account individual characteristics every company. But every business is specific (I hear this all the time from managers). But if you are not a timid person, then you can easily transform this sample into a plan for holding a planning meeting for your company.

This is a plan for how to conduct a planning meeting in the sales department once a week; the monthly version will look more ambitious, and the daily planning meeting plan will look more modest. And, of course, the results will be summed up either for a month or for a day. But based on this, you can formulate your plan, regardless of what you have - retail, wholesale or services.

For fans of chips or important nuances

Any action can be done better. Therefore, when we are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of planning meetings, we can say with our eyes closed that there are points for improvement. Are there many of them or few, and most importantly, are they impressive or not, that’s a different question. But you can definitely find them. And here is a list of the most popular improvements from our practice.

Skype meeting. If employees cannot meet in real life, this is not a reason to cancel the meeting. Conduct it on Skype. You can also connect via Skype those who were unable to come and hold a planning meeting simultaneously offline and online.

Only positive. Try to talk about everything at such meetings from the perspective of “How to improve it” and “What was done well,” then your meetings will be more motivational and positive character.

Bonuses for presence. By default, you can fine someone for being absent or late for a planning meeting, or you can give a bonus to those who didn’t miss even one.

Latecomers stand. Those who are late not only receive a reprimand and a lot of contemptuous looks, but also spend the entire planning meeting standing on their feet. Funny? Definitely for you, but not so much for the latecomer.

Keeping time. Determine a specific amount of time for each block, and if you go beyond it, then simply end the conversation. It will be bad at first, then you will learn to be more effective.

Snack before the meeting. You can pour yourself coffee and eat cookies only before the meeting. After the start, the regime applies - “Whoever didn’t have time is late.”

Gift to the active. The most active ones can and should be encouraged. Each planning meeting you can highlight those who participate a lot and give a mini-gift for this. It's a small thing, but nice.

The result of the planning meeting. When the “meeting secretary” summarizes the results, it must be distributed to everyone or, even better, placed in the most visible place for better assimilation.

Briefly about the main thing

In my entire team, 90% of people are team players, so we fanatically love to hold small meetings. Since our team is relatively young (up to 35 years old), it is very difficult for us to hold planning meetings, because everyone strives to laugh and talk “for life.” We could hold a planning meeting for 3-4 hours. But it was like that before.

Now we are a team that really understands the power, the process of planning meetings and what they are needed for. We have internal rules(no telephones, we speak the language of decisions, no negativity, etc.), we have ready-made regulations, there are responsible persons (new each time) and much more. All this helps us to be more effective.

When we come to companies for marketing consulting, the planning meeting is one of the first tools that we implement. And every time we see how “the cart barely moves.” But everything passes. And the main rule in this is not only the quality of the planning meeting, but also its regularity. Therefore, here you can use a slightly modified well-known phrase - “After trying it SEVERAL times, I eat it now.” Happy implementation. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

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How to conduct a planning meeting

Planners, briefings and meetings are an integral part of the working day of almost every employee. Sooner or later, a manager is faced with the need to independently conduct a daily planning meeting. But as often happens, no one really teaches this. Therefore, the question often arises: how to conduct a planning meeting?

Goals of the planning meeting

The first thing you need to do is determine the goals that you want to achieve by holding a planning meeting. As a rule, the main goal of such meetings is to create a single information space among all employees, as a result of achieving higher staff motivation and work coherence. Planning meetings help solve the following problems:

  1. Setting goals and objectives for the team;
  2. Providing general information to the entire team;
  3. Solving general issues;
  4. Motivation and involvement of staff;
  5. Employee training through the transfer of best practices;
  6. Team building

Agree, achieving such goals is of great interest to any manager. That’s why the practice of planning meetings is so common in business. But achieving effectiveness from meetings is not so easy; it is important to adhere to a clearly defined action plan and prepare for each planning meeting.

Planning meeting plan

So, we have determined that the meeting is an important and useful thing, but in order not to turn this tool into another useless torture of subordinates, the manager should approach the preparation of the planning meeting with all seriousness. Previously, we discussed the goals of the meeting; the manager’s task, depending on the goal, is to draw up a plan for holding the meeting. Naturally, the meeting for sellers and for TOP managers will be radically different from each other. Although the structure itself will be approximately the same.

A very important point in conducting any meeting is to give subordinates the opportunity to speak as quickly as possible. It is advisable to involve as many planning meeting participants as possible from the first minutes. This will help set up the team.

Secrets of planning meeting success

The most important! To make a meeting interesting, you must prepare for it. The success of a meeting depends on several important factors:

  1. Information component. The information presented at the meeting should be useful and interesting. If the information is boring and monotonous, then do it interesting way supply of information. Remove boring and unhelpful information;
  2. Emotional component. Even the most interesting topic may be ruined by incorrect feeding. Remember your university teachers; at some lectures the entire audience is asleep, while at others it is completely sold out.
  3. The leader who conducts the meeting. The more authoritative the presenter, the better the audience perceives him. If your authority is not high, carefully work on points 1 and 2.

Rules for holding a planning meeting

Late employees

Someone always tries to be late for a meeting. Such employees are highly destructive and must be fought desperately. I would like to ask you to agree in advance with all team members what we do with those who are late. There are several examples: a latecomer brings coffee or fruit to everyone, a latecomer tells a joke, a latecomer sings a song, etc. The most important thing is that everyone knows the rules and everyone follows them. If the rule is thought out and accepted by the team, then you will reduce lateness to a minimum.

Same meeting time

It is very important to maintain a clear meeting schedule. There is nothing worse than unscheduled meetings; it disrupts the plans of subordinates and does not allow them to prepare properly. The attitude towards such meetings is initially negative, which is not conducive to working.

Any meeting must be notified in advance; it is best not to change the dates and times of meetings unless necessary.

Don't delay meetings

It is very important to follow the timing; if you have determined that the meeting should not last more than 30 minutes, then keep your word. The longer the meeting, the less effective it is. If you need to decide difficult questions and it takes a long time to work out the details, then create working groups of competent employees. Often, most of the meeting is spent on working out organizational issues, and most of the listeners drop out of the dialogue altogether.

Only the presenter speaks

I often observe a situation where employees are afraid of their boss and as a result the meeting turns into a monologue of a dictator. As a rule, all this happens in deathly silence, and tension is felt in the air. A directive management style is not appropriate at meetings; it contradicts the essence of this event. Ideally, all participants should speak at the planning meeting.

Discussion of private issues

Sometimes one of the planning meeting participants may try to use this event to resolve his private issue. For an employee, raising a question publicly is usually beneficial. This approach can turn the meeting into a farce. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop such manipulations and set a time for resolving private issues.

Impact of the meeting on work

Everything that you agreed on at the meeting must be carried out and controlled on your part. If there is no control, employees will quickly adapt and stop following your orders.

How to check the effectiveness of a meeting

The effectiveness of a meeting is fairly easy to test. Ask your subordinates what happened at the meeting? 5 minutes after the meeting, 3 hours later and the next day. The answers to these questions provide feedback to the planning meeting organizer. If there is a lot of information, force employees to take notes. But everyone should record information in any case.

“Plannerka” as a way to increase the loyalty of company personnel

If your company has two or more people, then communication, that is, the exchange of information, is an integral element of your management activities. After all, information is the connecting link of all parts of the organization. Violation of communication (errors in the transfer of information, poorly structured exchange, etc.) across levels, for example, boss - subordinate or sales department - purchasing department, always entails a decrease in performance indicators. And here one of your main tasks is to provide employees not only with tools or raw materials, but also, most importantly, with information to perform their duties efficiently, and, therefore, to increase the profits of your business.

Communications in an organization can have the most different shapes and be implemented in various ways. A good example communication is holding “planners” (meetings, “flights”) with employees. Today we will talk about what a planning meeting is, and, most importantly, why it is necessary to regularly gather employees in one place, as part of a series of posts on HR on our blog.

Why do you need a planner?

A “planning meeting” can be characterized as a short operational meeting to discuss work results and current problems. Options for solving these problems can also be discussed, but then it will be a longer meeting on a specific issue. And the main goal of the “planning meeting” is to control the current situation and monitor current problems in the company’s work.

Let’s figure out what to say at the planning meeting and what questions you answer together with your employees:

  • what you managed to do yesterday (the day before yesterday, last week), why;
  • what could not be done, why;
  • what and how we plan to do today (tomorrow, on next week), what results we expect.

It is also necessary to note the role of the “planning meeting” in forming the loyalty of the company’s personnel. Staff loyalty, or, in simple terms, loyalty to the company is formed among employees not only and not so much due to wages and other material benefits (although they certainly play a role). Loyalty cannot be bought. Then how to conduct a planning meeting to increase it? Loyalty arises through properly structured communication. Thus, a “planning meeting” can become an excellent tool for increasing this very loyalty.

During the planning meeting, barriers between departments of the company are broken down and disunity is reduced. Everything that happens in the company (plans, tasks, problems) becomes closer and clearer to every employee, which increases people’s motivation and interest. After all, if the employee does not know (incomprehensible) long-term and short term goals company, its performance indicators, tasks for the coming week, this inevitably leads to demotivation and, as a consequence, deterioration in work results and loss of control.

On the other hand, if you know how to conduct a planning meeting correctly, then employees understand well what is happening in the company, in each department, rejoice at their common “successes” and achievements, and share (simply share, even if they do not solve jointly) problems. It is through such experiences that can be obtained at the “planning meeting” that loyalty and team spirit are formed.

A well-organized “planning meeting” allows you to quickly and effectively stimulate staff to solve daily problems and motivate them to achieve common goals. This is one of ideal tools formation of team spirit among employees - in this regard, it must be emphasized that it is especially important to hold planning meetings during the period of introducing changes in the company. Through the “planning meeting” it is easy to receive feedback from staff and adjust the innovation plan.

Signs of the effectiveness of a planning meeting are its results - they planned something, received feedback, resolved a controversial situation, disseminated or collected new information, etc. By the way, it happens that employees, and sometimes managers, perceive the “planning meeting” as a waste of time, but in fact, this can only be said about an ineffective, incorrectly organized “planning meeting”. In this article, you will learn how to conduct a planning meeting so that it is beneficial.

Rules for organizing planning meetings

First, the start and end times must be fixed and known in advance to all participants. It is better not to gather employees for more than 30 minutes: the work of the company or department will “stand down.” If the company is small, you can gather all departments together, if it is large - only the heads of departments (they will conduct internal “planning meetings” themselves) - one way or another, an adequate approach to the composition of participants is needed.

Secondly, according to the location of the “planning meeting”. How to conduct planning meetings in the sales department, if not separate room, meeting room? You can gather everyone in the manager’s office or simply in the largest office. By the way, if there is not enough space, it is even better to hold the “planning meeting” standing - people will not be “in the mood” for a long conversation: everything is short and clear, to the point.

In addition, today there are services that allow you to hold meetings and conferences online (for example, Skype). This a good option, if your company is very large or its departments are located in different geographical locations.

Thirdly, how to properly conduct planning meetings in the sales department and how often should this be done? The frequency of this event may vary. In some companies it is customary to “get together” every morning, in others - on Mondays or at the beginning and end of the week. It all depends on the specifics of the company’s work, the intensity of business processes, the speed of receipt of new information and the quality of connections between departments.

Fourthly, like any other effective communication, it is better to start a “planning meeting” with a positive and end with a positive. It is necessary to discuss problems, but it is good when the “planning meeting” ends with some inspiring words from management, a call to action (“We are a team!”).

In conclusion, we emphasize that the “planning meeting”, as a form of communication within the organization, is an excellent way to increase the loyalty of your employees and make them “more loyal” to the company. And loyal employees definitely bring profit, while disloyal ones bring only rumors, speculation and mistrust.

Recognition from colleagues, praise from superiors, friendly, warm atmosphere in a team - this is all a “proper planning meeting”, which creates a healthy desire to “break” competitors for your company. This is what you need - moving forward. So “plan” wisely - bring everyone together, solve problems and inspire!

High conversions to you!

Daria Khoromskaya, head of HR department at LPgenerator

image source Pavel Kirillov

why and how to carry it out, pros and cons - SKB Kontur

A planning meeting is a derivative of the English plan, a short working meeting dedicated to the progress of the planned plan. According to their typology, all planning meetings can be divided into categories according to three criteria - specific, temporary and quantitative.

According to the specific criterion, all planning meetings are divided into reporting (short meetings at which managers report on the progress of the relevant tasks), discussion (briefings on the topic of possible changes in the chosen path to achieve a particular goal) and motivational (meetings at which tasks are distributed and roles are defined in the process of working on a question or task).

According to the time criterion, a planning meeting can be a daily, weekly, monthly process.

According to the quantitative criterion, the planning meeting can be either mass (for all employees) or closed (for a separate initiative group, managers, board of directors of the company.)

Why hold a planning meeting?

If you organize this process as a good tradition before the start of the working day, it will help to discipline the team (reduce the number of morning delays), more clearly outline goals and objectives for employees (after all, as you know, a rational plan for the day is much more effective than a plan for six months) , will make it possible to see the real results of work more clearly (if the reporting of the team to the leader and the leader to the team become mandatory elements of the planning meeting). In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, a well-conducted morning meeting can invigorate employees, increase productivity, and motivate them to work effectively throughout the day. This psychological aspect certainly plays an important role in establishing positive relationships between employee and employer, and also promotes team unity.

Why do many people consider planning meetings a relic of the past?

Firstly, most people attribute the very emergence of this process to those times when they had never heard of a telephone, and had no idea what the Internet and multimedia technologies were. It turns out that the only way to meet in person and discuss important work issues was precisely those planning meetings. Due to the lack of operational means of communication, a lot of questions accumulated, and such an action took a lot of time (on average three to four hours). On this occasion, one famous American economist once remarked: “If there are planning meetings in your company, then you are on the right track. All that remains is to fire all those who go there and leave all those who are working at this time.”

Secondly, the majority office workers They have a negative attitude towards planning meetings precisely because approximately 20% of the time is devoted to this, and, as many of them note, the boss’s speech lasts on average half the time allotted to this process.

Thirdly, if planning meetings in a company take place every day, then soon this will definitely turn into a kind of formality. After all, most of the tasks that a successful businessman sets are long-term, and a daily report in two sentences will sound like this: “Everything is fine, we are working on it.” The need for a daily planning meeting usually arises at the moment when an enterprise begins to implement a new strategic task in a critically short time frame, or during a crisis. At such moments, it is really necessary to constantly monitor the situation and watch for the slightest changes.


Any meeting, even the shortest one, should have its own regulations. One way or another, it helps to work through pressing issues much more productively, making the process more dynamic and effective. In the rules good manners distribute regulations to employees evening time so that they can think through all the issues raised and come up with a constructive, meaningful proposal. Among other things, it is worth considering that by the time of the morning meeting, each employee must have a copy of the regulations in hand. It is important to assign responsibility to a specific person who would keep track of time (if the speaker exceeds the time limit described in the regulations, this delays the process of the meeting and, as a result, negatively affects the mood of the team).

To conduct or not to conduct? That is the question

The planning meeting is, of course, an important process, at least in the context of timely goal setting and motivation of employees, but the time has come to go beyond the ordinary understanding of this term. Perhaps it is not so important to gather the entire team in a stuffy office every day, but to master conference technology on Skype. It is also important to take into account the fact that a constructive planning meeting should last no more than 15–20 minutes. Reporting on the activities of each department can be accepted and discussed with managers during the day, and the morning time can be devoted exclusively to the alignment of forces, determining tasks and priorities.

In any case, each entrepreneur chooses his own management concept, however, in order to understand a little more carefully whether short meetings are necessary for your working staff, it is worth weighing the pros and cons:

Disciplines the team;

Possibility of morning motivation of employees;

Clear setting of goals and objectives;

Opportunity to be creative and conduct planning meetings in an unconventional style;

Lengthy planning meetings tire and reduce the productivity of employees;

Unregulated meetings are usually ineffective.

Secrets of an effective planning meeting -

The planning meeting is an important part of the work process. However, it can either become an incentive for an employee, a strong point and a springboard, or completely discourage all desire to work. How to effectively conduct meetings to “ignite” subordinates? How can employees behave in meetings to make sure their time is spent productively?

What are planners for?

For about a year I worked in the editorial office of a magazine about construction and houses. The publisher, who is also the owner, was very fond of planning meetings. We gathered in her office every morning for an hour and a half to two hours and watched a performance by one actor. The stated purpose of this meeting is to tell us at what stage the relationship with advertisers is currently at. Hidden - explain what losers are gathered at this table. I (the editor) and the designer also needed to be present. Only the accountant received the “exemption”: she had to constantly monitor the account for the receipt of money, which did not arrive at all. Because instead of working, we sat at the planning meeting.

We would have been glad to hear what our employer thought of us, and to see how she could sell over the phone, but the work was stalled. The fact is that money will appear in the editorial office if managers sell advertising. To make an appointment with a potential advertiser, you need to get through to him. And the most realistic time to catch someone on the spot was from 9 to 10, after which people dispersed to their planning meetings, productions and meetings. In general, it was necessary to call just at the time when we were sitting in the director’s office.

It was not possible to break this vicious circle. No, we said that managers need to go to the phone, and the editor and designer would like to return to magazine pages. We have asked many times to reschedule the meeting for another time. But if you gather for the sake of meeting, forgetting about the benefits for the company, good times will not come soon.

1. Make a plan:

    what is the main purpose of the meeting: to talk about innovations, listen to opinions, solve a problem, collect reports, etc.,

    What issues need to be discussed first?

    what can be skipped and solved on the job if there is no time left, etc.

2. Define your goal

Formulate your request in result format. Not “discuss the problem,” but “develop a solution to the problem.”

3. Fix agreements and assign responsibilities with deadlines

If a proposal for a solution arises, the result of the meeting will be an agreement on what the steps will be, who will take responsibility and in what time frame.

4. Set a “convenient” time

To prevent employees from dragging out reports, to be more focused and to think faster, schedule a meeting an hour before the lunch break or the end of the working day. If they take too long, they will skip lunch or go home later. And, of course, no one wants this.

5. Be closer to the people

If you want to get openness from your subordinates, to listen to what they really think on this issue, sit among them. When you're at the head of the table, you're the boss and your opinion comes first. When you sit next to an employee, you are a colleague, ready to discuss and find a solution together.

CEO Skladovka LLC, a network of warehouses for individual storage of things (Self storage),

The meeting should always be prepared by the leader in terms of the issues you want to discuss. Before starting, it is better to send out an agenda on which you want to receive a response or organize a discussion. The meeting should end with a protocol that records the decisions made, the deadline for execution and those responsible.

Each meeting is held according to the principle of continuity, so that people understand the logic of project development and have the opportunity to give feedback and report on problems that arose in the process of implementing decisions.

Meetings on site, rather than in the manager’s office, are very useful. On site, you can immediately see what is really happening at the site, what needs to be done for it to achieve its intended goals.

Working meetings between the head of the organization and representatives of departments ultimately make it possible to monitor whether each department and the enterprise as a whole is moving towards the intended goal or deviating from it.

Director of Development of the company "CentrAgro"

In our company, meetings are classified: councils, committees, meetings, which in turn have a clear time limit and agenda. Only situational force majeure meetings do not have a predetermined agenda. For the rest, documents are prepared in advance and sent by mail to interested parties.

The rules for meetings are:

    do not interrupt each other;

    don't go out;

    turn off phones;

    be on time.

The effectiveness of meetings is increased through the preparation and preliminary distribution of documents, a clear meeting schedule for planning the working hours of employees.

Planners at a distance

Every year there are more and more companies that are abandoning offices and switching to a remote format. How to conduct planning meetings when all employees live not only in different cities, but also in different parts of the world?

Natalia Odegova

founder of the online training center

I used to work for a large corporation. Now all my employees are from different cities and even countries, and we communicate a lot online. Previous experience allowed us to take the best and change what was clearly ineffective.

People work online in order to have more time, so all planning meetings are much shorter and much more effective. We do not bring together people who cannot influence the resolution of the issue, and therefore do not waste their time. The planning meeting is concise and only to the point. Often this is a Skype call for 5-10 minutes to discuss a specific issue.

There are indicators that we regularly monitor, but we don’t communicate on them at all, but post new data in the general chat and make decisions, discuss new steps for improvement.

Regarding deadlines: since we generally have a lot of freedom, I never squeeze out the shortest deadlines in “development” projects, but ask: “What deadline do you believe in? How long can you answer for?” This approach allows the employee to consciously take responsibility and work on the task with great desire and pleasure.

And intermediate checkpoints are very helpful when I look into the process and see if things are moving in the right direction.

    Leave your phone, tablet and other gadgets in the office. You should not take your favorite toy to a meeting with management.

    Remember that the same principles apply at a meeting as at school. Those who listen carefully, nod and ask clarifying questions are doing well. Why do we need to be great at work? That's right - so that they remember about us when they distribute the bonus.

    Another school rule is “eye to eye.” When praised, send an open look to the manager. Curses start pouring in, start looking for the most interesting line on the table or pay attention to your pen.

    Write down everything, everything. Then you’ll figure out what’s useful and what can be thrown away. Firstly, bosses really like it when they take notes. Secondly, the records are an alternate airfield if you need to hide from the menacing gaze. By the way, you can record your thoughts between the leader’s pearls.

    Actively express your opinion if this is provided for in the planning meeting format. Even if you share a banality, you will still look more respectable against the backdrop of your silent colleagues looking at their shoes. The main thing now is to show who is the most active participant here.

    We don’t even talk about sleep, yawning and a blank look. You yourself understand that this is inappropriate.

    If you are completely overcome by boredom, try working in your head. Make a to-do list, think about your project globally. Or just dream.

    Don’t take the planning meeting as a waste of time. This is part of your job. And if the boss agrees to pay you a salary for spending time in his office, that’s his right. But how productively you spend this time depends on you.

© Natalya Zhilyakova, RJob

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Planning meeting in the department: an effective tool or a formality?

The head of the department is a very busy person. Indicators, regulations, solutions to complex problems, organizing everyone and everything to move towards the goal - everything is on his shoulders. The more correctly the set of management tools is selected, the more more effective manager. Is it worth spending time on such a tool as a planning meeting in a linear unit?

Even in companies where planning meetings are mandatory and regulated, managers often approach them formally - just shoot for show and move on with your work. They consider planning meetings a waste of time, which was invented by theorists. Their motto is: “Practitioners need to work, not deliberate.” At the same time, in companies where planning meetings are optional and are a personal initiative, there are managers who, without additional reminders, gather employees at a certain time and talk to them.

Why do these “strange” managers waste their precious time so “ineffectively” if no one obliges them to do so? I've had to look deeply into this issue lately. The crisis required top managers to dive deeper into the business. The rules of the game in the market have changed, and in order for a company not only to stay afloat, but also to use the crisis to strengthen its position in the market, it needs to become closer to customers - external and internal.

To quickly respond to changes and increase the level of control over the situation, I, among other things, began to regularly join planning meetings in departments, compared various styles their management. The figures were indicative: it turned out that of the 12 single-profile departments in which both sales and contract enforcement are carried out, the highest and most stable indicators are those where planning meetings are held weekly. And this is no coincidence.

The purpose of the planning meeting

If the manager, when asked about the purpose of the planning meeting, answers: “Because it’s supposed to,” it’s better not to hold it at all. Any formal events “for show” only work at a disadvantage; they teach you to work not for results, but for the “appearance of moving towards the goal.” The name “planning meeting” suggests that its goal is to update the movement according to the planned plan towards the set goals.

If we consider this event from the point of view of the Deming cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Akt), then the planning meeting is a regular monitoring (Check) of activities in order to draw conclusions and, if necessary, adjust the movement (Akt). But there are statistics for this! Is it worth gathering additional people? It’s definitely worth it, and the main functions of the planning meeting help us make sure of this.

Main functions of the planning meeting

1) Informational. Employees have few ways to obtain information about the situation in the company and on the market:

  • official published information that is sometimes missed or not fully understood;
  • gossip, often very far from the truth, but discussed with great pleasure in dining rooms and smoking rooms;
  • first-hand information, with explanations and emphasis on important points, which is given by the manager at the planning meeting, paying due attention to working out objections and reducing the effectiveness of word of mouth.

And it is mandatory to inform employees about the department’s progress along the intended path.

2) Control. In addition to dry and categorical numbers, it is possible to monitor the atmosphere in the team and clarify the reasons for success or decline in performance. Based on the results of the planning meeting, failures in the chain of interaction within the department and in the company are often identified, and the manager immediately begins to take action to eliminate them.

3) Motivational. Employees need attention. Let us recall the famous Hawthorne effect in management - labor productivity increases due to the fact that attention is paid to the activities of employees. Planning meeting one of the best ways regularly remind employees that they are important and that their work is given enough attention.

One of the employees in the department had a breakthrough, a takeoff - a good reason to recognize achievements and, if necessary, support the competitive spirit in the department. And besides the numbers, you need to see the eyes of your employees. The manager should carefully look and listen to his employees. The employee’s behavior has changed, the passion has disappeared - a reason for the manager to include an individual conversation in the weekly plan.

4) Educational. In this function, the planning meeting is an indispensable tool for simplifying difficult managerial work leader. During the week, a work case that was indicative of everyone happened - the manager writes it down and makes it public knowledge at the planning meeting. Thus, the annoying need to repeat the same thing to different people many times is a thing of the past, and we regularly and consciously “sharpen” our working tools.

5) Organizational. A good practice is to invite representatives of related departments to planning meetings, especially at times of innovation. An opportunity to establish or adjust interaction, resolve conflicts, and exchange experiences.

6) Disciplining. Motivation as a management tool has one very significant drawback: its effect is short-lived. Few people are capable of self-motivation, and it is people with this ability who most often become leaders.

Discipline, regular rituals and rules, including planning meetings, are designed to help motivate employees. A planning meeting is an event. Employees are getting used to the fact that they will need not only reporting in numbers, but also a willingness to justify their indicators. Questions are prepared for the planning meeting, employees collect and submit to the manager cases that they think should be shown to the entire department. Like a family dinner on Fridays, the planning meeting becomes a habitual disciplinary action according to the rules, when everyone must put aside their affairs, be sure to be present at the workplace, and finally turn to each other. This is especially important.

How often to hold planning meetings

I believe that daily unit meetings are only suitable for new hires who need a mentoring style of management and support every step of the way. For an established team, planning meetings should be weekly. The main thing is that they are carried out on the same day, at the same time, and approximately coincide in duration and order of actions, which will preserve the disciplinary function.

An example of a possible planning meeting scenario:

  • The manager makes an informational message; based on the results, employees can ask clarifying questions.
  • The manager announces the planned indicators and asks employees questions about them. If necessary, schedules individual meetings.
  • The manager talks about the illustrative case of the week or introduces the invited employee.
  • The manager clarifies whether there are urgent work issues that are important for the entire department and require discussion at the planning meeting. Evaluates issues, makes decisions - what to discuss immediately, what will require a delayed decision.
  • The manager talks about plans for the current week - significant events, meetings and concludes the planning meeting.

Time costs

We take a long time and waste time - this is the main reason why managers refuse to hold planning meetings. It leads to a complete abandonment of this tool, or it all comes down to a short monologue by the leader without feedback from subordinates. Only informational and slightly disciplinary functions are retained.

This is actually a problem: managing “personally” is easier than working with a group. Managing group dynamics is the art of a good leader. His goal is to conduct a short and clear planning meeting, and at the same time receive feedback from employees, which will help correct the movement if necessary. The optimal duration is up to 20-45 minutes. It is this time that has been ingrained in us since childhood as a period of concentration.

The power of a leader is that he sets the rules. To ensure that the planning meeting does not drag on, you need to enter into a “planning meeting contract” with your employees. For example:

  • We only discuss general issues, private we take out for individual solution.
  • Let's keep it short and to the point.
  • We don’t get distracted by work issues; we switch our phones to vibration mode.
  • By stating a problem, we offer a solution.
  • We discuss non-work issues during non-working hours.

The set of rules may vary depending on the situation. The main thing is that the manager manages the regulations and does not delve into the problems himself. The purpose of the planning meeting is to identify, and the decision can be made later, carefully weighing and studying all the details while the department is working. The main thing is to show employees that the reported problems are being resolved. Sometimes situations arise in which the planning meeting goes beyond the allotted time, and tension in the team is clearly visible. Then you need to arrange an additional meeting, often after hours. This is the skill of a manager - to prevent the situation from escalating, to identify markers that show negative aspects in the team.

Of course, it will take time to implement the planning meeting tool in the department. Sometimes you have to carry out more than one event before the tool becomes truly effective. When a manager becomes open to feedback, he will be surprised to hear many unspoken things that employees have long wanted to say, but never had the chance. And then I asked! You will have to think through the roles of your subordinates and their use in group dynamics, work with objections, argue for top level. Many managers do not go through this particular path of formation, and go into individual management, which is much more labor-intensive and less effective, when there are only two steps left to success.

Managers who are fluent in this tool use it in their departments with great success, because they were able to evaluate its effectiveness. The planning meeting is not a relic of the past and not a formality, but one of the most modern and effective tools that helps in solving the most difficult task in management - achieving the goals of the unit. But it is these goals that make up the success of the entire company.

How to effectively convey information to the team?

Some people view a planning meeting as a short-term meeting to determine the priority of work and current tasks, while others see it as a waste of time. Does it make sense to hold such meetings or is only the manager’s opinion sufficient? Let's try to figure it out together.

TOP 5 most necessary articles for a businessman:

Why do managers need a planning meeting?

Planning meeting (from English word plan) is a meeting that is short in time, but significant for the success of the chosen strategy, dedicated to the consideration of current work issues.

Why do you need a planner:

  • Conducting such mini-meetings helps to evaluate the results of the work done step by step and serves as a guarantee for the timely resolution of all current problems. They are not used for a global search for solution options. Separate meetings, not limited in time, are devoted to this. The main task of the planning meeting is to promptly discuss the current situation, monitor current issues and their solutions.
  • Daily participation in the discussion of the company's strategy and expressing opinions on its improvement form the staff's loyalty to the company, stimulating the loyalty and performance of employees no worse than material benefits. Proper communication is the basis for successfully motivating employees to mutually beneficial cooperation based on loyalty and respect.
  • An active discussion of current issues in the morning at a planning meeting erases the boundaries of the company’s departments and makes the team more united. Every employee feels significant part in implementing plans, solving assigned tasks or problematic issues. The interest of the staff stimulates their participation in the successful activities of the company. Lack of understanding of clearly defined goals and objectives of paramount importance, opacity of long-term plans and short-term prospects demotivate employees, reduce manageability and performance indicators.
  • It is extremely important that the manager conducting the planning meeting can correctly convey to employees information about the current activities and difficulties of each department and the company as a whole. This unites and makes both success and problems common. It is the feeling of importance of each employee in achieving common goal, emphasized at the meeting, forms and maintains loyalty and team spirit in the team.
  • A professional approach to conducting a planning meeting ensures its success, which is an excellent incentive for employees in solving everyday problems and motivates the desire to achieve results. Considering that such discussions provide an opportunity to receive all the necessary information from staff in a timely manner, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of such mini-meetings during the period of innovation in the company. Quick response and elimination of errors allows management to avoid risky situations and guarantees the success of the chosen strategy.

Signs of the effectiveness of the planning meeting are its positive results. Resolving issues, short-term planning, obtaining or distributing new information, responding to feedback - everything that constructively affects the work process. If holding a planning meeting is perceived as a waste of time and chatter that yields nothing, then this is a direct mistake of the management, who do not know how to clearly organize either the meeting or the work as a whole. This article will teach you how to conduct effective meetings with employees. By understanding the basic rules of a planning meeting, you will be able to receive and analyze operational information during a short meeting, draw timely conclusions, and set your staff up for collective success.

What functions does the morning planning meeting perform?

1. Informational.

To assess the real state of affairs in the company, its competitiveness and success, employees can use several sources of information:

  • MASS MEDIA. Various publications about the company, quite irregular and often irrelevant. General information and no specifics.
  • Behind-the-scenes conversations. Most often, gossip that does not provide any reliable information.
  • Regular planning meetings, at which the manager not only expresses his opinion and describes the situation first-hand, focusing on particularly significant points, but also gives employees the opportunity to bring up topical issues, constructive proposals for discussion and jointly analyze the stability of the situation in the company and in each of its department

2. Control.

In addition to monitoring digital indicators of work success, planning meetings help management see the real picture of relationships in the team and assess the impact of the microclimate on the rise or fall of indices. Thanks to these meetings, you can manage all parts of the work process, find weak points and eliminate shortcomings in a timely manner.

3. Motivational.

Company management does not always have the opportunity to pay attention to each employee and the work they do. One of the positive aspects of holding planning meetings is the universal recognition of the achievements of a distinguished person and his encouragement, which develops a competitive spirit in the team. Otherwise, when negative changes are noted, a timely individual conversation aimed at clarifying the employee’s problems, the reasons for their occurrence and providing the necessary assistance will be relevant. It is important for any person to realize that his work is worthily appreciated, that he is interesting as a professional, and involving him in discussing company affairs will only improve his skills.

4. Educational.

The planning meeting also acts as a training element of management. Demonstration of a successful case to the entire team at once, general discussion of the details relieves the manager of the need to prepare each employee separately, saves his time and sharpens the staff’s working tools.

5. Organizational.

The planning meeting protocol allows for the invitation to discuss colleagues from related departments. This makes the most sense in the case of innovations. Timely adjustment of interaction, exchange of experience and detailed discussion eliminate conflict, building mutually beneficial relationships in the team.

6. Disciplining.

Without proper management participation, discipline and order in the company are unlikely to be optimal. Systematic preparation of reports on completed tasks in qualitative and quantitative indicators, identifying problems in the work process, drawing up pressing questions, searching for answers - everything that is regularly prepared for the planning meeting - disciplines people, organizes them and stimulates them to cooperate with each other. There are other levers of control, but material motivation is short-term, and not everyone is capable of self-motivation. It is important for the team to get together and discuss the next labor plans, understand your tasks and choose the right strategy.

In what form can a daily planning meeting be held?

No. 1. Summing up, information planning meeting.

A planning meeting held with the aim of obtaining up-to-date information about the progress of the work process in the context of divisions and departments, about their current and planned activities, emerging issues and problems is a so-called information planning meeting. Such meetings do not require daily holding. It is enough to gather the heads of all departments of the company for half an hour once at the beginning of the week to outline a work plan for the next five working days. Information planning meetings are especially important for managers of fairly large companies that have at least four departments under their control.

No. 2. Planning meeting - distribution of current tasks.

Planning meetings of this format are held every morning. The goal is for employees to receive tasks for the day. The manager should not waste a lot of time - give everyone instructions, formulate the final goal, and briefly give instructions.

No. 3. Planning meeting to discuss the issue raised.

In the work activities of a company, there are situations, tasks and problems that require considerable time to discuss. In this case, the question is prepared in advance and voiced to colleagues, time is given for preparation. necessary information. At the same time, you determine the schedule of speeches, and a secretary is appointed. Typically these meetings last up to two hours. It should also be taken into account that the discussion may drag on and breaks will be announced for 10–15 minutes, which means tea and sweets may be needed. The results of such a planning meeting are usually sent to all its participants via the company’s document management system.

No. 4. Creative planning meeting.

Creative planning meetings are held when there are insufficient or complete absence of own ideas. Such meetings are organized on the principle of brainstorming, when all participants express thoughts on the topic that come into their heads, even the most ridiculous ones, and from them the most interesting and relevant ones are selected. Any other creative method of finding ideas will work for such a meeting.

No. 5. Planning meetings as a way to resolve conflict situations in a team.

In any team, the presence of obvious and hidden conflicts is inevitable. Often the only way out of a critical situation will be to have a direct discussion between employees. A free and open discussion of a problem reduces its significance; the opportunity to express one’s position without unnecessary accusations and insults transforms the energy of destructive conflict into positive energy of creation. Deep-rooted misunderstandings between colleagues can be competently resolved by contacting HR specialists, an organizational psychologist, or even senior management. To conduct the discussion, a planning meeting topic that is neutral for opponents is selected. There is no need to warn participants that the meeting is dedicated to resolving a conflict situation. People should feel comfortable, free to express their point of view and not understand that their conversation is being carefully monitored and directed in a constructive direction by a leader. The results of the analysis of the observation, its results and conclusions must be conveyed to each participant in the conflict.

Approximate planning meeting plan

Let’s assume that an informational meeting, lasting about half an hour, is held once a week, on Mondays. So, the planning meeting regulations:

1. Informational introduction by the head of the company. Answers to clarifying questions from employees.

2. Discussion of planned indicators, the level of their achievement at this stage. Questions from the manager to colleagues, in some cases - scheduling individual meetings.

3. Demonstration of an illustrative case as an example of work or presentation to a meeting of an invited employee.

4. Identification of particularly pressing problems that require immediate solutions and discussion at the planning meeting. Analysis of questions and search for answers.

5. Informing meeting participants about planned events for the next five working days, short review upcoming events, meetings, achievements and possible difficulties. After this, the leader finishes the planning meeting.

Why do we need planning meeting regulations?

For a meeting to be successful, it must be regulated. Clearly organizing the sequence and timing of speeches and discussions optimizes the work of those gathered, makes it more specific and more productive. Questions at the planning meeting can be varied, therefore, in order not to delay the process, it is common practice to send the material to the participants of the morning meeting in advance. The employee is given time to think about the topic, prepare information, an answer or a meaningful proposal, as well as study the regulations for the future planning meeting. Perhaps he will have questions for other participants. It is necessary to appoint a person who, during the planning meeting, monitors compliance with the time limit allotted for each item of the mini-meeting plan. Prolonging a speech or discussion, repeating the same thing, or a long debate on one issue introduces negativity and reduces attention to no less important topics, which spoils the entire working mood of the team.

When drawing up regulations for a future planning meeting, the manager should rely on the following points:

1. There must be a specific purpose of the planning meeting, a known composition of participants.

2. The agenda must include information about the topic of the meeting, its objectives, and issues proposed for consideration.

3. The presence of the leader, the secretary taking the minutes, and the participants responsible for preparing answers to the planning meeting questions is required.

4. Meeting participants must be informed in advance regarding the date, time, location and agenda of the planning meeting.

5. The secretary keeps minutes of the meeting, where he enters the instructions issued and decisions made.

6. The minutes are agreed upon, approved by the manager and distributed to all meeting participants and task performers.

7. Control over the execution of instructions is carried out by the responsible person. Compliance with deadlines and quality of execution are clearly monitored.

8. The minutes of the planning meeting are kept for analysis and use in finding solutions to similar issues.

How to organize a planning meeting

  • The first thing the planning meeting organizer needs to pay attention to is a clear formulation of the question and definition of the purpose of the meeting. The manager needs to think in advance what information will be needed to solve the work problem, who can provide it, what will be a positive result of the meeting, and which specialists to familiarize in advance with the issues raised. Proper organization planning meetings will increase its effectiveness, eliminate unnecessary conversations, focusing the attention of those invited to a specific topic.
  • The second is the composition of the participants. The manager, knowing what kind of information interests him, must determine which specialists, managers or employees own it and can give answers to the questions posed.
  • Third, clarification of the venue. To obtain serious results, it is necessary that outsiders do not interfere with the discussion. The hall for holding the planning meeting must be separate, impenetrable enough and large enough to accommodate all participants.
  • Fourth, determining the start time of the meeting. The most the best option there would be a choice of a constant day and time for planning meetings. However, if necessary, such meetings can be held at any time convenient for all its participants, especially the most important ones. The time is discussed in advance, several hours or even days in advance.
  • Fifth – drawing up regulations. The planning meeting should both begin and end at a predetermined time. Information must be presented as clearly and understandably as possible. It is for this purpose that the order of questions and the time of each participant’s report are regulated. For example, no more than 7 minutes are allotted for a speech.
  • Sixth, pay attention to all the necessary details. Pens, paper, water, projector, screen, laptop, printer, etc. Everything should be prepared in advance and not take up time at the planning meeting. It is better to check the technique further.
  • Seventh - the appointment of a planning meeting secretary to record the process, the results of the discussion and prepare the planning meeting order.

What issues to discuss at the planning meeting

The main task of holding planning meetings is to draw up mini-strategies and plans for each working day. The second task is to evaluate the previous day, reports, analyze identified problems and help in solving them. You can create a table where employees will enter received instructions, goals and a mark on their completion. It is better to open access to all employees of the department and its head.

For example, tasks and goals can be divided into:

  1. by clients on a specific day;
  2. for payments for a specific day;
  3. By accounts receivable and the work carried out on it.

The third task is typical for thematic planning meetings. Here it is important to devote the maximum time of the meeting to a given topic or discussion of a previously stated issue.

How to conduct planning meetings creatively, eradicating boredom

  1. Nothing has such a beneficial effect on the work mood as a change of environment. For the planning meeting to be creative, it is better to choose unexpected place to carry it out. It could be a street, a cafe, or just cozy space within walking distance from the office.
  2. The timing should also be unusual. Half an hour before a break or end of work, during a lunch break or in the middle of the working day.
  3. Creativity may be expressed in the selection unusual material or issuing it not to every participant, but only to some.
  4. Turning off phones during planning meetings - required condition to focus on solving the task at hand. You can put them together, emphasizing the cohesion of the team.
  5. Organizing a planning meeting not in a meeting room, but via conference call or via Skype will also be creative.

The choice of holding method should be dictated by the objectives of the meeting. You should not solve global issues at planning meetings prepared in the form of a game. It looks more like a farce and a waste of time. Discussion organizational issues, competitive amateur performances, corporate events, incentives, etc. - these are suitable topics for creative planning meetings that reveal the potential of employees.

Like any other meeting, a creative mini-meeting ends with words of gratitude from the manager for participation and summing up the results. He can make notes about conclusions, further goals and what was found at the planning meeting effective solution work problem.

Expert opinion

Visualization on the board is an effective means of conveying information

Alexander Vinogradov,

Founder and CEO of startup Revenga, Moscow

I have no doubt that displaying sentences on a board is very fruitful. Participants in the discussion are much more active in expressing their opinions, offering various options. My previous office had about eight of these boards. We hung them in every department and in the common meeting room. There have been cases when the board was replaced by a specially painted wall, which made it possible to write with an ordinary marker and erase it with a sponge. However, the paint was not of very high quality, it quickly became unusable, and we returned to the regular format meeting board.

Discussing any issues with a marker or chalk and a blackboard is very effective. Everyone sees your point of view, understands it, agrees, and if not, then they write their own. As a result, joint efforts easily solve any problem.

The board is convenient not only for holding planning meetings, you can place important notes and reminders on it, any diagram looks clearer, you can write down step by step and immediately discuss the process, or come up with a new product. Writing down thoughts removes their narrow-mindedness and allows you not to miss a single detail, especially if the process lasts more than one day. I would like to use my example to convince my colleagues and newcomers that there is no need to consider having a board as a compulsion to publicly express your thoughts. The board is an indispensable attribute of successful work. You are used to using e-mail, Skype, and here too - having realized the convenience and benefits of discussion on the board, be sure to place it in your office.

Many years of practice have confirmed my opinion that all disputes, erroneous decisions and problems are always the result of an unwillingness or inability to listen to the opinions of others. In such cases, I learned to give a marker and ask me to write or draw what they are trying to convey to me. I draw or write from above as I see it. By comparing the pictures, we see the problem more clearly, and understanding the problem is already half of its solution.

A new look at conducting planning meetings: meetings “on your feet” and at the signal of Elvis Presley

Most people, when they hear the word “meeting,” imagine an uncomfortable room, a relaxed listening to long, drawn-out reports, an inconclusive and not always clear discussion of some issues. Such an environment does not allow staff to concentrate, realistically assess the situation and express a useful opinion, and the manager is forced to constantly attract the attention of those gathered and remind them of the topic of the planning meeting.

Distinctive feature a successful leader is the ability to organize and carry out maximum effective meetings employees. The regulations prepared by him clearly define the topic of the meeting and do not provide the opportunity to escape from it or move on to another. Specific issues require specific solutions.

To come to a constructive proposal, you don’t have to sit in your chair. Active time makes “stomping ground” planning meetings more and more popular, most often held in high-tech companies, where innovative approaches to solving any issues are quickly picked up. Such meetings “on their feet” allow top managers to avoid protracted negotiations with a large audience, which may not even be included in the process in question, but expressing empty opinions.

For example, management at Atomic Object, a software development company, starts each morning with a standing meeting. Mandatory presence, keeping discussions of non-working issues to a minimum, clear questions and the same answers make these meetings as productive as possible. It has been practically proven that the duration of such planning meetings “on your feet” is no more than seven minutes; the staff receives the task and immediately goes to complete it. This format does not allow you to relax; on the contrary, it mobilizes and puts you in a working mood.

The Wall Street Journal claims that such quick meetings were often held during World War I, when delay in making a decision was like death. Business later adopted this practice to quickly exchange or clarify information and set short-term goals.

Science also became interested in the innovation. Research by Alain Bluedorn, an American scientist and representative of the University of Missouri, conducted in 1998, showed that holding planning meetings while standing takes a third less time, and the results are no worse than meetings held in the hall in the usual format.

In 2011, VersionOne conducted a survey of more than 6 thousand employees of various high-tech companies. 78% of them confirmed the presence of daily short meetings.

An innovative planning meeting held while standing is not the only trick Western entrepreneurs use to optimize work with staff.

One of the famous tricks of Mark Tonkelowitz from Facebook is organizing short planning meetings 15 minutes before the break. He claims that this approach greatly motivates employees to speak briefly and only to the point.

Holding quick meetings eliminates employee tardiness. Delayed workers should not be allowed into the ongoing discussion, as they may not have heard all the information, and by delving into it, they will only slow down the process.

Adobe Systems employee Jan Witucki equated the time losses due to lateness of participants in daily planning meetings to the time spent on developing a new software product, and introduced a fine of $1 for each delay.

Another innovative nuance can be announced by the Turnstone division of the furniture company Steelcase, which uses the music of Elvis Presley, in particular, his “A Little Less Conversation” as a signal for staff meetings.

In the activities of any company, there are situations when there is no time for either serious meetings or “stompboxes,” as planning meetings held while standing are called. In such cases, experienced managers recommend using mobile technologies and hold meetings without interrupting production. Of course, virtual communication and resolving issues through corporate email or chat will not replace live contact, but sometimes this is the best way out. Although standing meetings are held in importance, they surpass not only traditional meetings, but also meetings using advanced technologies.

Effective planning meeting rules

Rule #1. Availability of preliminary discussions. Initially, the problem is considered in small groups, a consolidated solution is developed, and it is submitted for general discussion. A preliminary analysis can also be carried out e-mail. Having received a letter from the manager with instructions and necessary material, the employee studies the question, prepares an answer and sends his options for solving the problem to his superiors.

Rule #2. Set the exact start time of the meeting. Based on experience, successful managers have noticed that if you call a meeting at 13-00, then it will start at least at 13-10. But if you set the start at 12-13, then the staff takes it literally.

Rule #3. Prepare a written agenda. Even the shortest meeting should be orderly. A written agenda for the planning meeting should be prepared in advance and sent to invitees so as not to turn a serious discussion into unnecessary disputes.

Rule #4. Interest of participants. Control of the meeting must not be delegated to any speakers. Careful organization, variety of tempo, format and speaking styles will make the discussion as effective as possible. When two opponents participate in a meeting and have stopped paying attention to the others in the dispute, you can change the image of the meeting and organize, for example, a meeting between two opponents.

Rule #5. Brevity and scope of speeches. The leader's speeches should be brief and full of information. You should voice the problem, express your point of view and stop. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the speaker. Even if his opinion is completely at odds with yours, let him finish his speech, and only after that defend his position. This is not just an element of politeness, it is an emphasis on the priority of your views.

Rule #6. Each speech has a short summary. The topic of the meeting and the summary of each report on the board will be visible to all participants. This will help you stay on topic and discuss only pressing issues.

Rule #7. Each participant has his own place. To avoid conflict, people who have opposing views on the issues being discussed should not sit opposite each other. It’s better to unobtrusively plant them next to each other without drawing attention to it.

Rule #8. Formation of an action plan. It is important to show the staff that the opinions expressed during the planning meeting are important for the entire team. Based on jointly made decisions, a clear action plan is formed, which everyone is obliged to adhere to, including the company’s leaders.

Rule #9. Limiting manager participation. The manager does not have to be a participant in all meetings, only those where his presence is really necessary. At the same time, he must know exactly why he is going to the event, what he must convey to the staff and what information to receive. Only people involved in resolving the issue are invited to planning meetings, since a large number of participants significantly complicates the discussion process.

What can be done to improve the efficiency of planning meetings

Planning meeting time is devoted only to the most important things. Information related to the core work of specialists with clients can be received without personal interaction.

In addition to general planning meetings, it is necessary to hold planning meetings for the administration and planning meetings for the head of the company without the participation of employees, only by the management team.

The work of the team must be measured by pre-designed, clear indicators. This is the number of meetings, calls, invoices issued or sales completed that a specialist must complete in a certain time. You also need to know exactly how it will be assessed. For example, if the call is successful, it entails arranging a meeting, identifying needs, updating data, etc.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of the transaction, tools for tracking its progress are introduced. The main points in working with a client are recorded - from the first call to the receipt of funds in the current account. Clear parameters for the transition between transaction stages are determined. You should also pay attention to progress in relationships with clients.

The key to increasing profitability is monitoring the dynamics of changes in the customer base. Quantitative analysis of newly arrived consumers, lost and returned customers will help to take timely measures and prevent risk situations.

Expert opinion

Do employees come to planning meetings as something routine? There is a solution!

Valery Metelitsa,

General Director of the Lindner company, Moscow

In our company, Monday morning begins with an hour and a half planning meeting. We listen to reports from specialists about the work done during the week, I set out the tasks and plans for the current week, and together we discuss the progress of projects. Over time, staff activity at planning meetings decreased. People began to perceive such meetings as something unimportant, they are sleepy, there is no emotional return, and they may even be late. And I came up with an idea, the purpose of which was to diversify the routine event and introduce an element of novelty into it.

To do this, I prepare in advance short but very exciting speeches on a wide variety of topics: positive attitude in psychology, unusual stories from the lives of outstanding people, self-realization and self-improvement, unrealistic scientific achievements, etc. I take some stories from books, facts from the Internet, some from periodicals. I tell, I read, I quote. Sometimes I use a flipchart - I post information, then comment. The most important thing is that the information interests everyone without exception.

My blog on the resource about success also helps me. There I test themes, analyzing reviews from friends, subscribers, and business partners. Stories help me favorably influence my subordinates; examples of success always inspire and awaken the desire for self-improvement.

To be honest, initially the staff took everything very warily. The looks and whispers gave everything away. But now “morning readings” have captivated almost everyone. Uninvited specialists may also come to the beginning of the planning meeting. For example, at the first part of the planning meeting, dedicated to reading, I always see the secretary and the chief accountant. Bottom line: morning planning meetings have become very popular and interesting for employees. Lateness has stopped, people are active, are interested in the next topic in advance and are waiting for something positive. Meeting productivity has also increased. The dry format of the meetings was diluted with an element of drive and positivity. The readings have given rise to discussions, and my colleagues are talking more openly with me and with each other. Many offer their own examples and topics. I suggested to the head of the sales department that we prepare information about brain fitness.

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