How to prepare a bed for strawberries. Preparing a bed for strawberries: determining the area for planting, arrangement and fertilizing. High German beds made from car tires

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​Today many resort to one of alternative ways arrangement of beds for strawberries:

Features of preparing beds for planting

​Now, you know​​Cover the bed with covering material. Most often, black plastic film is used; it does not allow light to pass through, and weeds do not grow under it. Also, the black film quickly heats up in the spring under the sun, so the bed with berries will warm up faster after winter, which means the berry bushes will begin to bear fruit faster.​ ​We simply arrange the tires in the form of a pyramid (we do not make holes), starting from the very large diameter and ending with the smallest.​


​sewing machine;​

​Stages of work:​

​Volume structures of vertical beds are best assembled immediately in a permanent place, because certain difficulties may arise with their transportation;​

Coverings for beds

​Currently, a huge number of the most various designs different shapes and heights. Often they use boxes that are installed in several tiers, or bags suspended on a support and filled with soil. Also used plastic containers and bottles, car tires, pipes, etc. They are placed in the form of a pyramid or whatnot. You can equip vertical beds in a vegetable garden, greenhouse, front garden and, if desired, even in the middle of the yard, since original design can decorate landscape design absolutely any area.​

​Seeds take about 25-30 days to germinate. Young sprouts are very delicate, and they also require very gentle watering: a gentle stream of water and not directly on the sprouts. The soil must be kept constantly moist - young seedlings should not dry out.​

​The first berries in the garden in summer are always our favorite strawberries. We are all looking forward to the opportunity to run in the morning to the treasured, sun-drenched garden bed with a mug or plate and quickly fill it with the long-awaited yummy. But you will also have to put in a lot of effort for a bountiful harvest.​

Preparing seeds and seedlings for planting

I have the same situation with gladioli, which absolutely cannot be planted in one place for several years. I found this way out of the situation: I plant the bulbs and sow white mustard on top. It sprouts earlier, its roots disinfect the soil very well. I don’t let it bloom; I cut it with scissors at a height of about 7-10cm. As a result, I also get this mulching of the soil. Mustard continues to grow all summer, trimmed, and among it are perfectly healthy gladioli.​

​how to choose a place for a strawberry bed

Soil fertilization

​Then you need to make holes in the covering material for planting the seedlings. Here the question may arise - at what distance to plant strawberries. The optimal distance between strawberries when planting in two lines: 15 - 20 cm between bushes in 1 line, between lines 30 - 40 cm.

​If desired, you can place a flower pot on top.​

​wooden block;​

Time to board

​sharp knife;​


​First of all, the pipes need to be cut to the required height. It should be remembered that a pipe with a smaller diameter should be 10-15 cm longer than the main one.​

Strawberry diseases

The bed with berries is placed on the sunny side;

Watering strawberries

​According to reviews from gardeners, such designs have a number of advantages.​

If we are already planting seedlings in the prepared soil, then before planting them in the formed holes, the seedlings themselves need to be slightly trimmed and dipped in potassium permanganate. If the seedlings are not grown, but purchased, and even “dormant”, they first need to be inspected, cleaned and awakened, after keeping them in a warm, sunny place. The best time for planting is May-June. Preferably warm, settled weather.​

Do-it-yourself vertical strawberry bed made from tires and mesh: reviews, photos

​Growing strawberries does not cause any particular difficulties or difficulties, but still requires compliance with even the slightest rules.​

What kind of vertical beds can there be?

​I think you can do the same with strawberries. Sow white mustard among the planted seedlings. Get soil disinfection, mulching and excellent fertilizer for next spring.​

​. Let's move on to the issues of soil preparation.​

Vertical bed for strawberries: reviews

​Modern technologies have developed inorganic covering materials in the form of polyethylene, which does not allow sunlight to pass through, as well as non-woven garden coverings made of polypropylene. Using them as a covering material for strawberries, farmers have achieved remarkable results both in the cultivation and productivity of this berry. By laying film material on the ground and planting strawberry bushes in its slots, gardeners receive a lot of advantages:

​We fill the soil in stages, after installing each subsequent tire.​

​soil and seedlings.​

​soil and seedlings.​

​In the upper part of the narrow pipe intended for watering plants, you need to drill holes necessary for water infiltration.​

Specifics of cultivation

The soil for filling containers must be prepared in advance. It consists of peat, sandy loam soil, hydrogel and fertilizers (rotted compost is perfect);​

  • ​The undoubted advantage of vertically growing strawberries is significant space savings. With this planting method, plant bushes are located one above the other and do not occupy a large area. Productivity at proper care per square meter of such structures can be 6-7 times higher than normal planting. For normal height a strawberry bush will need a height of 26-30 cm, so about 7 tiers can be placed on a 2 m pole. At the same time, the fact that the bushes produce short tendrils that do not take root makes it much easier to care for. Caring for plants, removing their tendrils, fertilizing, picking berries and other work is much easier to carry out compared to ordinary planting of strawberries. Vertical beds for strawberries allow you to special labor process from 6 to 15 bushes.​
  • Strawberries need careful and high-quality fertilizer.
  • ​The bed intended for planting strawberries must be clean, weed-free and well-cultivated.​
  • ​Spread manure on the ground (preferably horse manure!), dig it up and you can plant whatever you want. Manure should be poured at the rate of one bucket per square meter.​

​Strawberry roots are short, so the surface of the soil itself must be fertilized. Also for optimal growth you need good drainage. When preparing the soil for a strawberry bed, it is recommended:

  • The soil around the plant does not dry out and does not lose its beneficial properties;
  • ​Another option is a vertical bed for strawberries made of mesh. The remains of the construction mesh must be bent into the shape of a pipe, secured, lined with film from the inside of the wall and filled with soil. IN in the right places Break through the film in a checkerboard pattern and plant strawberry seedlings. In the future, she will grow a mustache, which will also bear fruit. Seedlings need to be planted from above so that the tendrils, as they descend, can take root lower. That's all! However, it should be borne in mind that on the sunny side the berries ripen faster, and on the shady side they may not appear at all. And yet, plants require frequent and abundant watering.​
  • ​Thanks to the metal cord present in the tire rim, there is no need for frame equipment. A vertical bed for strawberries made from tires is done as follows:​
  • ​Stages of work:​
  • ​To protect the structure from clogging, it is best to wrap the watering pipe with a piece of non-woven material or burlap and wrap it tightly with a strong rope. Cover the lower end without holes with tape.​

Vertical bed made of PVC pipes

​It is recommended to place vertical beds of strawberries with your own hands as close to the water source as possible, because they will have to be watered quite often;​

  • ​Another significant advantage of vertical beds is that they are quite easy to maintain. Due to the fact that the seedlings or berries are located high up, when weeding or harvesting, you will not need to bend low and “break” your back.​
  • ​In principle, the soil is suitable in a variety of ways, you just need to be careful about its fertilization: in the fall (in October), manure is added to the plowed soil, and in the spring, during the planting period, the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are added. Strawberries need to be fed well. Analysis and monitoring of the presence of the required amount of nutrients in the soil is desirable.
  • ​It is necessary to loosen the soil with a rake or cultivator, sometimes it is even better to treat it, according to the recommendation of experienced gardeners, blowtorch(antifungal and restorative therapy).​
  • ​I sowed rye, peas and mustard mixed. I will plow it in mid-summer, with the addition of compost and ash. I also plant in the same place, it’s just that one of the strawberry beds always rests for a year.​
  • ​Dig the soil twice and add plenty of well-rotted organic matter, e.g. garden compost(fallen leaves) and manure (preferably horse manure).​
  • ​Weeds do not grow or grow less, freeing the gardener from weeding;​

The best way to help strawberries overwinter is to take them out along with a lump of soil, bury them in the ground and water them thoroughly. You must remember to compact the soil around it. Additionally, the plant is covered only when necessary.

  • ​First of all, we make holes for the seedlings using a chisel. We place the tire on the block and punch out “windows” in several places from the inside.​
  • ​First of all, you need to cut out two rectangles, the size of which corresponds to the future vertical bed, but taking into account an allowance on each side of approximately 1.5-2 cm.​
  • ​Now we drill in the pipe with large diameter holes for strawberries. This is done using a drill with a special attachment. Most optimal size is considered to be 15 cm, the distance from each other is approximately 20-25 cm. A space from the ground of at least 15-20 cm is left below.
  • ​You also need to immediately think about protecting the structure in winter: will it be brought indoors, covered, etc.​
  • ​Due to the fact that vertical strawberry beds are located high from the ground, plant roots and berries are protected from damage by small pests and rodents. And due to the pyramidal or cylindrical shape of the structure, birds cannot land on it and eat the crop.​
  • ​Also, based on the results, further adjustments are made to the required application rates mineral fertilizers. Magnesium, for example, is added before preparing the soil, phosphorus - before planting the strawberries themselves, nitrogen and potassium - half before planting, half as fertilizing during the flowering and growing season. For 1 hectare, 50 kg of phosphorus, 80 kg of nitrogen, 100 kg of potassium and 100 kg of magnesium are taken. Experts also recommend adding micronutrient supplements. Strawberries are also required to be mulched twice a year. The first - during the ripening of the first harvest, the second - in the fall. Mulching is carried out with peat and sawdust; some prepare their own version from herbs growing in the garden. Strawberries should be mulched between the rows without touching the leaves.​
  • ​Since strawberries are a very capricious and demanding plant, we prepare the soil for planting very carefully.​
  • ​Actually, it is extremely undesirable. If there is no other option, pour some ash and dig it up. When digging, carefully select all the roots - make holes and fill them with fertile soil from the place where the strawberries did not grow (preferably with well-decomposed manure, that is, humus) and plant.​

​Remove pieces of clay, if any.​

Vertical beds made of plastic bags

​In winter, if there is not enough snow to cover the strawberry bushes, they are protected from freezing by mulch;​

  • A vertical strawberry bed can be kept indoors or on the balcony in winter. To do this, when stable frosts set in and the soil in the container begins to freeze, you need to cover the strawberries on top with sawdust so that the temperature under them is not lower than -4oC. When a thaw occurs, plants should be ventilated, since above-zero temperatures can cause warming. In the spring, as soon as stable positive temperatures arrive, around the beginning of March, you need to free the strawberries from shelter.​
  • ​Install on permanent place and fill it with soil for stability.​
  • ​Sew them together or solder them with a special soldering iron, sew on a strong handle that can withstand the weight of the bag of soil.​
  • ​Next below, put a plug on the pipe, install the structure vertically and securely attach it to the support.​

​For work you will need:​

  • ​Growing strawberries in such beds is especially attractive to children, who help care for the plants with great enthusiasm. In addition, they can eat berries directly from the bushes without washing them first.​
  • ​If autumn planting of strawberry seedlings is carried out, then best time from mid-August to the end of September. That is, it is still quite warm, and the nights are not so cold, and the soil is still acceptable for demanding heat-loving strawberry sprouts. Well, in the spring we plant seedlings as soon as the first good warm spring days begin. We also lay beds on the south-eastern, southern and south-western sides of your dacha. If there are southern slopes that are well illuminated by the sun, then these are generally very good exposures for growing strawberries. The sun will help us grow our strawberries.​
  • ​Experts often advise making several annual beds, since there is an opinion that the first bed is just beginning to bear fruit, the second year is the most productive, and the third year is already in decline and must be completely replanted at the end of the season. The acidity of the soil should be 5.5-6.5, the soil should also contain humus (3-4% manure, or better yet more, although humus is combined only with sandy soil can cause fungal infections, so you need an equal mixture of peat, humus, sand, etc.).​
  • ​if you are going to plant it now, then just feed it. It is the strawberries that I most like to feed with grass. I fill the barrel with grass, fill it with water and leave it for a couple of weeks. I use the liquid from there to feed all the plants. and grass - for strawberries. I don’t use manure for strawberries. and chemistry only if there is a conscious need. but ash is a must.​
  • ​You can add a little ash.​
  • The microclimate that is organized under the film is very suitable for strawberries, it forms more adventitious roots and becomes stronger;

Vertical beds made from car tires

​Strawberries can be grown in many ways, for example, in containers that have different modifications. A cascade or slide of pots with different sizes. In addition, for a vertical bed you can use ordinary bags, which are sewn from material used in gardening (for example, spunbond or other agro-fabric that allows air and moisture to pass through). These bags are hung or placed on a pallet.​

​We prepare subsequent tires in the same way and lay them in the form of a pyramid to the desired height. However, it is worth considering that a vertical bed for strawberries that is too high will cause inconvenience during watering.​

  • ​Fill the resulting bag tightly with soil fertilized with nutrients.​
  • ​Now we insert a narrow watering pipe into it, and fill the 10 cm gap between them with gravel or expanded clay.​
  • ​PVC pipe having a diameter of more than 150 mm;​
  • ​Growing strawberries in vertical beds has some of its own characteristics:​

Pollination also plays a role in obtaining a rich strawberry harvest - it is worth taking care of this component of the future abundance of berries. Many people place hives near the beds and even sow clover nearby - then the strawberries will be pollinated better. But if the variety is self-pollinating, then this is not a problem. Self-pollinating varietal strawberries should be planted in a separate bed: popular varieties include Selva, Elisanta, Tribute, Queen Elizabeth, Maria, Tristar and others.​

  • ​Many people recommend covering the breast with some kind of material.​
  • ​I hope you didn’t have any diseases or pests in this area. otherwise you definitely need to take a break. or use chemicals. which one - depending on what problems you had.​
  • ​It is not recommended to plant strawberries in a newly prepared bed. Prepare the strawberry bed and let it sit for a week, or better yet two, only then start planting the strawberries.​
  • The leaves of the plant are protected from soil, which protects them from infection by pests and diseases that multiply in the soil;

Some people also make vertical beds with their own hands, similar to a trellis. To make it, take a garden metal mesh, twist it into a pipe and fasten it together.​

Method two

​We fill the assembled structure with earth, carefully plant seedlings in the holes, water them and wait for the first strawberries to appear.​

  • ​Make cuts for planting strawberries (the distance between them should be approximately 20 cm).​
  • ​Fill the rest of the space tightly with earth and gradually fill it with water so that there are no layers of air left.​

​PVC pipe, which has a diameter of 100 mm and a length 15 cm longer than the previous one;​

But what about in winter?

​The placement of strawberry bushes in the garden should be approached logically. The optimal arrangement of bushes is 45 cm from each other in a row, with rows 60 cm wide from each other.

The berry ripens while remaining clean, as it lies on the film and not on the ground;

Growing strawberries on the balcony

​Insert a sewn agrofibre bag inside the mesh, secure it and cut holes in it for planting strawberry seedlings at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm.​

​Vertical beds, photos of which are presented in our article, look very harmonious not only in the garden, but also on the balcony.​

​Plant seedlings.​

​We plant strawberry bushes in the holes.​

Planting strawberries under covering material.

​drill and chisel;​

​Difficulty with watering. The soil, which has a limited volume, dries out quickly, so it will have to be watered almost every day. If it is not possible to visit the site often, then it makes sense to think about drip irrigation. There is another little trick: the soil in vertical beds will remain moist longer if you add hydrogel (small balls that absorb and retain water when watering, and then release it to the plant). You can buy it in almost every garden or flower shop.

  1. ​Proper watering in growing strawberries has great importance. Watering should not be done with a copious stream of water, but rather by drip. But a sufficient daily volume of water is also necessary: ​​the soil under the strawberry bushes must be well moistened, but not flooded, otherwise the strawberry roots will begin to rot.​
  2. ​It is also highly recommended to treat and globally clean the top working layer of soil for a new planting, since during the work of the bed (ideally a 3-year cycle), the soil gets tired and depleted, and a lot of soil accumulates. harmful insects and their larvae. Experienced gardeners do not recommend growing strawberries in beds after tomatoes or potatoes. The break in use should be about 6-7 years. But after grain crops, the soil becomes very suitable for growing strawberries and has a suitable chemical composition.​
  3. ​I also made a bed again in the same place, threw out the old one, and planted a new one. I started preparing everything in the spring. First, I dug up the old one, picked out all the weeds with my hands, collected humus, and in July, when the first rosettes began to appear, I began to make holes and before planting, I applied Gigantic Berry complex fertilizer into each hole. This is a humus-based fertilizer with a long-lasting effect. The bushes immediately took root and grew very well before frost. And in the spring they already bloomed and there was a normal harvest. But this year they have so many berries and they are very large. The main thing is good care, and it doesn’t matter where you plant it.​

​Yes, strawberries take up a lot of space, which is why they are often planted in rows around the garden or in vertical beds, which we will talk about later in this article. But, before you plant strawberries along the garden, think about whether you will need to protect the berries from birds. Perhaps chickens are walking around your property, or you live near a forest, and forest birds will get into the habit of pecking at your delicacy. If you are afraid of birds, it is better to make a compact rectangular bed for strawberries - it will be easier to cover it with a net and save the harvest.​

  • ​Rippers feel comfortable in the ground - more worms gather, which has a beneficial effect on the looseness of the soil and its natural fertilization;​
  • ​In addition, you need to cut holes in the bottom of the bag for exit excess moisture. Next, this entire structure is placed in a large pot and filled with a soil-sand mixture for stability. Such containers can be made quite tall, resulting in your own bed with growing strawberries on the balcony.​
  • ​For it you will need:​
  • ​Further care is regular watering and fertilizing.​
  • ​All subsequent plant care involves regular watering, which occurs through a narrow pipe. In the future, all fertilizers will be applied only in liquid form.​
  • ​burlap and rope;​
  • ​Higher feeding requirements. In small volumes of soil, nutrients are quickly “eaten up” by plants. Almost two weeks after planting, they will need additional feeding from outside. You will have to feed strawberries with fertilizers regularly - at least once a week.​
  • ​As a result, there is a serious list of conditions for a responsible attitude to the cultivation of such a crop as everyone’s favorite aromatic strawberries, but compliance with them will give the desired result: a delicious harvest on your table and grateful smiles for your family.​

​Many recommend covering new beds with film or, as was previously practiced, roofing felt, sometimes waterproofing, and even pine sawdust for environmental friendliness ( pine sawdust or needles have long been used as an antifungal agent and a base for even the construction of houses: a layer was placed directly on the ground under a wooden or clay floor, especially in humid and rainy climates). Seedlings should be placed in the film slits in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30-45 cm from each other. But there is an opinion, based on personal gardening practice, that the film accumulates fungi, mold and insect larvae; Moreover, it is not environmentally friendly and unhygienic.​

Fruitful strawberry beds - where and how? |

​This summer was a warm and dry spring. Our neighbors' strawberries, which were processed in the fall, ended up in dry conditions. Last year I didn't process strawberries. she went under the snow with dry, uncollected leaves. I cultivated the area only in the spring of this year. Under last year’s dry leaves, the ground was damp. This year I won’t be cultivating the plot in the fall either. I’ll just water it with fertilizer

When planting strawberry seedlings, you need to be careful. All stems should be on the surface, while the roots should be tried to be deepened. Take your time when doing this job! By covering the roots too heavily, or compacting the soil too tightly, you risk destroying them, dooming them to rot without moisture escaping. And if you don’t deepen the roots enough, they will simply dry out. Achieving the right balance when planting strawberries is important.​​Inorganic covering material for strawberries can be changed every 3-4 years (this is the period during which it is recommended to replant strawberry plantations, updating them).​ ​The concept of “growing strawberries” in Many people associate it with a labor-intensive task. Caring for this plant took a lot of time, and the harvest did not always correspond to the effort expended on it. Therefore, lovers of this tasty and healthy berry have always looked for ways to improve its cultivation and settled on a wonderful method - mulching. For this purpose they used natural materials- sawdust, straw, mown annuals, but planting strawberries under covering material has proven itself as best option mulching

Preparing the soil for strawberries.

​tires of different diameters;​

  • ​Car owners sometimes have car tires that become unusable, which can also be used to create wonderful vertical beds.​
  • ​You can make such compact vertical beds at home yourself. To do this you need to purchase:​
  • ​plug or reinforced tape;​

​Soil freezing in winter period. In winter, the soil in vertical beds turns into a dense, hard and impenetrable lump. The roots of the plant cannot withstand the cold test and die. To prevent this from happening, the vertical strawberry bed was initially designed to be mobile and portable. In this case, during the cold season it can be brought into a frost-free room.​

Arrangement of strawberries in the beds.

​Everyone knows that strawberries are the queen of the garden. As a rule, not a single amateur gardener can do without these beautiful, healthy and tasty berries on his plot. A vertical bed for strawberries is an excellent replacement for the usual planting method, which takes up quite a lot of space on the site.​

​Agrofibre is now becoming very popular, the reviews about it are quite good: the ground receives sufficient aeration, weeds germinate less easily, and the berries then do not touch the ground, the harvest is cleaner and there is less risk of rotting.​

Planting strawberries.

​this year, due to weather anomalies, I will not weed the strawberries, let them go with grass in winter, there will be a shelter and we will cover them with all the foliage, although they do not recommend, supposedly all the sores on the foliage, I will treat them with phytosporin,​

​Make small holes for each bush. Exposed plant roots should be fanned out and covered, so that each has its own space to grow.​

​Of course, strawberries feel much better under the covering material than in open ground. This conclusion is reached by summer residents who have devoted many years to growing strawberries and have gained experience in various kinds of improvements in the cultivation of this berry. Understanding how important the role of covering material is in the quality of the harvest comes as a well-deserved bonus of their many years of work in the country. Therefore, even gardeners who prefer organic mulch (it deteriorates faster, decomposes and is a breeding ground for fungi and harmful bacteria) actively use inorganic covering material for strawberries, which has earned their trust through experience.​

Alternative bed options for strawberries.

​Planting strawberries under covering material​

How to prepare a bed for planting strawberries, if the previous crop was also strawberries? There is nowhere else to plant

Anna Malchikova

​soil and plants.​
​For work you need to prepare:​


​durable film with a thickness of 0.2 mm or more;

New day

​soil, drainage and seedlings.​

Boris Stepanov

​Before making a vertical bed for strawberries, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with several valuable tips:​

lazy person

​A vertical strawberry bed is one of the ways to grow these wonderful berries while saving space in the garden.​
​Such ground covering technologies are due to the need to preserve seeds when it comes to germinating seeds for strawberry seedlings, and the need for free access sun rays to them during the germination period, as well as the further competitive ability of the sprouted seedlings against grass and weeds.​
​I trim the bushes and mulch! Mulch retains moisture and warmth and prevents weeds from growing! I sprinkle the fertilizer directly on the mulch!​

The Scarlet Flower

​After planting, water (but do not flood!) the bushes so that the soil at the roots settles a little. Then, in most cases, you don't need to do anything. But still, if you feel that your strawberries will still lack moisture, you can sprinkle the ground with a little mulch, this will prevent all the moisture from evaporating. This is done only in cases where it is very hot outside.​

how to prepare a strawberry bed for the winter

Vyacheslav Ivanov

​Are you interested in the issues of the proximity of crops in the garden beds? Read the material: Desirable and undesirable proximity of vegetables in garden beds.​

Valentine Capricorn

​How to prepare the ground for strawberries - dig up the beds for the strawberries, apply fertilizer. It is best to add horse manure, as well as any humus. Also good for growing Victoria, strawberries, garden strawberries- straw. It can be introduced into the ground when digging the soil. It is best to make a raised bed. It will heat up faster and it is easier to attach the film to such a bed.​

How to prepare gladioli for planting video

Strawberries (aka garden strawberries) are a very tasty and healthy berry. But in order for the plant to produce juicy, aromatic fruits, it is important not only to select the crop variety and provide proper care perennial plant. An indispensable condition To obtain a bountiful harvest, proper preparation of the planting site is essential. We will tell you how to prepare a bed for strawberries, what soil is suitable for the normal growth and development of the plant, and what time is best to plant the crop.

When strawberries are grown in one place for more than 3 years, the berries become smaller and the yield decreases, so after this period the planting site is changed.

Preparing a bed for strawberries begins with choosing optimal location landings. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture, which must be taken into account when planting. If groundwater close to the surface of the earth, the beds are made high so that water does not stagnate on them. It is equally important to provide the plant with good lighting throughout the day. Lack of light will negatively affect the quality and quantity of the harvest.

The best predecessors of strawberries are considered to be grains, cereals and legumes. But the crop cannot be planted where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage are grown - the plant can become infected with various diseases.

Soil quality

To ensure a bountiful harvest, strawberries need to be planted in suitable soil. Suitable soil for planting:

  1. easy;
  2. well permeable to moisture and air;
  3. fertile;
  4. free from spores, mold, viruses and insect larvae;
  5. with low acidity (optimal pH level is from 5 to 6).

Strawberries will not develop and will not yield on limestone and saline soil, or excessively acidic soil with a pH value below 5.


The optimal composition for strawberries is humus or turf soil. Feels comfortable berry crop on medium loamy soils that contain many organic components and are not acidic. But such soil is heavy and requires additional application of loosening agents.

Rotted sawdust is a good leavening agent. If the raw material is not sufficiently rotted, it is soaked in a urea solution (2 tablespoons of urea diluted in 2 liters of water per 10 kg of sawdust). After a couple of hours, add ash to the soaked sawdust and mix everything.

Peat can be used for loosening - it absorbs and retains moisture well. But some gardeners believe that peat is not suitable for strawberries because of its acidity. If you use peat, then you need to add at least a glass of ash to each bucket. It is important to remember that ash can only be added to the soil in the fall, since the calcium it contains will interfere with the full growth and development of the plant in the spring.

To loosen the soil, you can use clean, coarse-grained river sand, but not more than a tenth of the total volume of the mixture.

Beginning gardeners who do not have their own experience can use a soil substrate consisting of equal quantities of:

  • turf soil;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • small sawdust (from deciduous trees).


Typically, turf soil is inhabited by larvae of insect pests, fungal spores and other pathogens of typical strawberry diseases. Therefore, mandatory soil treatment is required, which is carried out in early spring, after the ground thaws. To get rid of weed seeds, spores and insect larvae, use ammonia water (1 liter per 5 meters square areas) or the drug Roundup.

Soil preparation

How to prepare a bed for strawberries to grow healthy plants and get a bountiful harvest? The preparation process includes several stages. This:

  1. cleaning the selected planting site (sticks, branches, leaves and debris must be removed from the site);
  2. digging up the soil and applying fertilizers;
  3. marking and forming beds.

The earth is dug up deeply onto the bayonet of a shovel. If strawberries are planted in summer or early autumn, loosening the soil should be done no later than a month before planting. For spring planting Strawberry soil needs to be dug up in September. When digging per square meter of land area, add:

  • 6–8 kg of humus or compost;
  • 50 g of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • about 80–100 g of superphosphate;
  • 50–60 g of potassium salt.

If strawberries are planted in the spring, fertilizers are applied in the fall of the previous year. If the sowing dates for strawberries are scheduled for late summer and early autumn, the soil is enriched nutritional components in the spring.

Planting strawberries in the summer should be done after rain or watering, while in the spring the soil is still wet and it is not necessary to water the holes when planting the crop.

For normal growth, strawberries need free space, and when planting bushes close to each other, they may die.

Formation of beds

There are many ways to create beds for planting strawberries, but the most common are the following:

  1. simple method;
  2. low German beds;
  3. planting strawberries in barrels;
  4. planting strawberry bushes under agrofibre.

Easy way

Most often, simple beds about 20 cm wide are set up for strawberries. The distance between planted bushes is from 30 to 40 cm. The optimal width of the furrow between each row of plantings is 30–40 cm.

The beds are located on a hill: the furrows separating the rows are made 20–25 cm below the plantings themselves. This ensures good drainage of rainwater, which significantly reduces the risk of the spread of pests and strawberry diseases. The optimal direction of the beds is from east to west. With this arrangement, the strawberries will be illuminated evenly throughout the day.

Low German bed for strawberries

The essence of the method is that between the rows of strawberries, not ordinary furrows are made, but fences are placed from boards or bricks, flat or fibrous asbestos-cement sheets.

Low German beds are made from 20 to 40 cm in height and 40–80 cm in width. When arranging wide beds, strawberries are planted in two rows. The distance between neighboring strawberry bushes in a row is 40 cm. Furrows are laid between the beds or passages are made from broken bricks, paving slabs.

Preparing a bed for planting strawberries using this method includes several stages.

  1. The location of future beds and paths is determined, and the site is marked.
  2. A trench up to 40 cm deep is dug.
  3. The bottom of the trench is filled with shavings or sawdust, pieces of wood, old newspapers and other materials that take a long time to rot.
  4. The remaining space of the trench is filled with nutritious soil mixed with humus.
  5. The earth is being leveled.

This is what a low German bed looks like.

Watering planted plants can be done:

  • from a hose under the root system (to avoid water washing out the soil, wrap the end of the hose with a rag);
  • from a watering can in a circle (in hot weather and drought, about 10 liters of water are consumed per square meter of land).

A site prepared in this way has a number of advantages:

  1. easier access to plants;
  2. fencing prevents the spread of diseases and pests to healthy plants;
  3. the tendrils of strawberry bushes do not get tangled.

High beds made from barrels or tires

They differ from low beds in height, which is about 80–90 cm. Their main advantage is convenience: when performing agricultural work, you do not need to bend low. Such beds are easier to clear of weeds and mulch. Harvesting is also easier. But the planting size with this method will be small - after all, no more than 4-5 strawberry bushes will fit into one tire or barrel.

Stages of formation:

  1. filling a barrel or tire with a mixture of soil and humus;
  2. watering the soil with plain water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. planting strawberry bushes (no more than 5 pieces in one barrel or tire);
  4. covering plantings with film, providing more fast growth plants.

When growing strawberries in barrels, the soil needs to be changed every two years, at least. This will make it possible to maintain high crop yields.

Strawberries planted in tires and barrels are easier to care for.

Planting under agrofibre

Planting strawberries under agrofibre is an accessible and convenient method, less labor-intensive compared to growing crops in the usual way. More often, gardeners use black agrofibre, but under harsh growing conditions the material can be used white. You can purchase agrofibre at any specialized store.

The preparation of the beds is carried out in a similar way: the soil is dug up and loosened, fertilizers are applied, and an area for crops is marked out. After preparation, the fiber is laid.

The material is placed in such a way that one side of the film covers the other by 15 cm. Along the perimeter, the agrofibre is pressed down with stones or other heavy objects, and sprinkled with earth. Then the material is fixed metal studs(the wire is cut 60 cm long and bent in the middle). The prepared staples are installed at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

Next, in places where bushes are planted on agrofibre sharp knife make cross-shaped cuts. The cut corners are turned away and a strawberry bush is placed inside. Planting is not done too deep; strawberries are watered immediately after planting.

Further care is carried out in the same way as for conventional cultivation culture. However, labor costs will be minimal, since there will be no need for intensive control of weeds and pests, and pruning of tendrils (they practically do not grow in strawberries under agrofibre).

Agrofibre helps protect the plant from frost and preserve the harvest in rainy weather.

Mulching the soil

  • roofing felt;
  • glassine;
  • packaging cardboard;
  • straw;
  • dry grass;
  • sawdust.

The mulch layer protects not only from weeds, but also from various diseases. All kinds of rot do not affect strawberries, since the berries do not come into contact with the soil. As a result, crop productivity increases.

Boarding time

The crop can be planted in spring, depending on weather conditions in mid-April or early May. But optimal time strawberry planting - August and early September. It is not advisable to plant strawberries later - the plants will not have time to prepare for winter, which will affect their further growth and development.

It is important to observe the timing of planting strawberries for another reason. If you do not have time to plant the crop by the end of September in the fall, you may not be able to wait for the next harvest at all, since the slightest frost will lead to the death of the plants.

Knowing how to prepare a bed for strawberries, you can prevent many problems that arise when growing crops. Proper placement of beds will provide plants with rapid growth and development, protection from diseases and pest attacks. And the time and effort spent will be compensated by a bountiful harvest.

Planting strawberries in the fall is relevant not only in small garden plots, but also in farms. After all, the crop was and remains the most common berry grown for sale in the world. China produces the most strawberries (over 3 million tons annually). Russia is in 9th place, Ukraine is in 15th.

Strictly speaking, the crop should not be called strawberry (this is a completely different plant), but garden strawberry, pineapple or large-fruited. It appeared 300 years ago from accidental cross-pollination wild species. A hybrid of Chilean and Virginia strawberries, named Victoria, became the progenitor of all modern garden varieties.

Comment! For convenience, and so as not to get confused, further in the article, pineapple strawberries will be called strawberries.

When is the best time to plant strawberries: autumn or spring?

In all regions of Russia and neighboring countries, except the northern ones, it is correct to plant strawberries in the fall. In the south, this is the only possible time, because the sudden heat will not only prevent the bushes from taking root, but can also destroy the plant.

Only in the North-West is it not recommended to plant strawberries in the fall. If you shift the timing to mid-summer, it will be too hot for rooting, and frosts are already possible at the end of August. So you'll have to wait and plant strawberries in the spring. In the summer, all flower stalks will have to be cut off so that the crop takes root well, but next year you can harvest a full harvest.

Important! It will be possible to plant strawberries in the spring only when the snow melts and the soil warms up.

Benefits of autumn planting strawberries

Planting strawberries in autumn has a number of advantages over spring, even in those regions where timing does not matter, and rooting is successful in any case:

  1. If you plant strawberries in the fall, they will produce a good harvest next summer.
  2. The bushes take root well in cool weather - less moisture evaporates and they do not dry out.
  3. It is better to plant the crop in the fall and give it the opportunity to rest and slowly build up the root system. Growth processes in winter do not stop completely, they just become very slow.
  4. After spring planting, the plant will try to bear fruit, because the flower buds have already been formed in the previous year. You will have to cut them off, otherwise the bush that has not had time to take root well may die. The appearance of flower stalks in itself weakens the culture.
  5. In autumn, the soil has had time to warm up well, and it gives off heat for a long time. If an early frost suddenly hits, the bushes can simply be covered with agrofibre or lutrasteel overnight, and then removed. In spring, the soil is just beginning to warm up. A decrease in temperature can cause irreparable harm to the plant. And planting the crop “later” is only possible in the North. In other regions, this cannot be delayed - the heat will come, and the question will be about survival, not about rooting.
  6. There is a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the spring; it is better to plant everything you can in the fall.

When to plant strawberries in the fall

It is impossible to give advice on which month to plant strawberries in the fall that is suitable for all regions. The country is large, what is good for the Moscow region is not suitable for the North-West or Krasnodar region. The timing of planting strawberries in the fall must be determined independently. You should focus on the climate and weather forecasts.

In autumn, you need to plant strawberries after the heat subsides and the rainy season begins. Then there is a greater chance that rooting will be successful.

Landings can be:

  • early autumn (August - mid-September), suitable for all regions except the southern ones;
  • mid-autumn (from September 15 to October 15), when strawberries can be planted almost throughout Russia, except for cold areas;
  • late autumn, which ends 15-20 days before the expected start of frost, and most suitable for the south.

After which you can plant strawberries in the fall

It is best to plant green manure in front of the strawberries:

  • lupine, vetch, and other legumes are a source of nitrogen;
  • rapeseed and mustard saturate the soil with phosphorus and cleanse the soil of a number of diseases and pests;
  • buckwheat is rich in potassium;
  • oats destroy the nematode.

You can use rye, wheat, and other grains. All green manures clean and improve the structure of the soil, increase the humus content in it, and inhibit weeds. They need to be planted and mowed several times a season, and the greens should not be removed from the site, but left in the garden bed.

But many gardeners do not have the opportunity to borrow usable area green manure. In front of the strawberries you can plant:

  • legumes;
  • cruciferous vegetables (radish, radish, etc.);
  • onion garlic;
  • greenery;
  • carrot;
  • corn.

Landing is contraindicated:

  • nightshade crops;
  • sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke;
  • fennel;
  • raspberries;
  • zucchini or cucumbers;
  • cabbage

Naturally, it is unacceptable to plant strawberries in the same place where this crop previously grew. Many decorative flowers, for example, buttercups, will also be undesirable precursors for garden strawberries.

Proper planting of strawberries in autumn

Very important right choice location and planting - not only the size of the crop depends on these factors, but also whether the crop will take root in a new place.

How to prepare a garden bed for planting strawberries in the fall

For almost all crops, it is recommended to prepare the planting site in advance. This is vital for strawberries. After all, if you dig up the soil and immediately plant bushes, after watering or the next rain it will sag. This will cause the growing point (heart) to become deeper and the plant will die.

Advice! If you need to do everything quickly, after digging, water the soil with a hose or watering can so that it settles, and only then proceed with planting.

Before planting the bushes, dig up the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet, and carefully remove all the roots of weeds and pebbles. For 1 sq. m add a bucket of humus, a liter jar of ash and 40 g of double superphosphate. If not organic fertilizers, add minerals according to the instructions. It is better to take preparations specifically designed for strawberries. The soil is given 2 weeks to allow it to settle or is watered.

Ideally, you should prepare the bed for strawberries in August.

Choosing a suitable place

It is best to choose a sunny, level or slightly sloping place protected from cold winds to plant strawberries. Recently, many varieties have appeared that are less demanding on lighting. They are called "neutral day strawberries."

In low light regular varieties They also bear fruit, but their berries are smaller and more sour, and the harvest is not so meager, but much smaller than it could be in an open place.

Landing in the south early strawberries also placed in the most illuminated places. They are not suitable for mid-season and late varieties. The bushes suffer from the heat, and even if they bloom, the berries do not set or produce a meager harvest with small fruits. The reason is too bright active sun and heat. So, for example, in Ukraine, in open ground, few people decide to plant varieties of medium or late dates maturation. But the early ones grow in every area.

Important! In the southern regions, mid-season and late varieties need to be shaded with a special net, or planted so that at midday they are under the canopy of trees with an openwork crown.

What fertilizer to apply when planting strawberries in the fall

For landing strawberries will do loam or sandy loam, rich in humus, with a slightly acidic reaction. Heavy, sandy and wetlands are unsuitable. If you plant strawberries in a low area, they will not receive enough light and heat, and the roots will rot from excess moisture. In the northern regions, the crop can be placed on specially constructed high beds.

In organic farming, when digging up a plot for strawberries in the fall, add a bucket of humus per square meter. m and a liter jar of ash. If these organic fertilizers are not available, you can get by with mineral fertilizers. It is better to use those specially designed for strawberries, strictly following the instructions on the package.

Important! The crop does not tolerate fresh manure.

Strawberry planting scheme in autumn

Strawberries are the most common berry crop. There are many ways to plant it in the fall, from simple carpets to completely exotic ones - in pipes perforated in the sides of barrels.

Often, even experienced gardeners complain that they bought a seemingly wonderful variety, but it does not grow for them. No, no, they know how to grow strawberries, look what a wonderful bed with huge juicy berries! Only the variety is different.

The thing is that when choosing a planting scheme, you need to focus not only on your own preferences, but also on the characteristics of strawberries. What is good for one variety is not necessarily suitable for another.

Carpet planting of strawberries

This is the easiest way to plant. The bed is made no more than 1 m wide, holes are dug according to a 20x20 cm pattern. Then the strawberries are simply given the opportunity to fill the empty spaces, growing freely. Over time, the crop will cover the entire bed, and will truly resemble a carpet.

This type of planting of strawberries in the fall is usually practiced by busy people who do not have the opportunity to tear off the mustache and loosen the rows. But along with the bushes, the leaves also grow; over time, the green mass will begin to shade the berries, they will become smaller and more sour in taste than if they received enough sunlight.

Carpet planting makes sense for people who will not care for their beds much anyway. It’s better not to pick the berries yourself best quality than none at all.

But there are varieties for which carpet planting in the fall is preferable. There are strawberries that grow and grow quickly. For example, the Chamora Turusi variety comes into full fruiting the next year and produces a lot of runners, but after three years the old bushes can be thrown away - they just take up space. After 3 years, the best young rosettes should be planted in a new place in the fall.

Also, the carpet pattern is correct in open ground for remontant varieties, bearing fruit on young rosettes (whiskers). They need a place to root and their own feeding area. Such strawberries will also have to be replanted more often than once every 5 years.

Planting strawberries in a row

To plant strawberries “in a row” in the fall, grooves are made at a distance of 80-90 cm. Bushes are placed in them every 20 cm and covered with soil. Over time, they will grow and form dense rows. Those mustaches that extend beyond the line are removed, and it is not necessary to do this manually.

Comment! Most often, such planting is practiced where strawberries are grown for sale - in large and small farms.

Sometimes on the Internet or even in printed publications you can find advice to plant rows at a distance of 50 or even 30 cm. This is wrong - mechanized cultivation of row spacing will become impossible, and harvesting will become more difficult.

Thus, it is best to plant industrial varieties.

Checkerboard planting of strawberries

Planting strawberries, in which the bushes are placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 to 50 cm or more from each other, is called checkerboard. The spacing depends on how large the mature plant is. Whiskers should be removed regularly.

So it’s better to plant strawberries, which form a powerful high socket. If a variety produces few tendrils and grows in one place for more than 5 years (for example, Black Prince), it forms many horns, which need space and a wide feeding area.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

If you plant or move your own strawberries or strawberries dug up by neighbors in the fall, there will be no problems. But you need to buy seedlings only in nurseries or from trusted manufacturers.

The point is not only that you can purchase different varieties than planned. Producers send or sell bushes in containers (they are expensive, transport a large number of uncomfortable), or with roots treated with a clay mash to prevent drying out.

The leaves quickly evaporate moisture, causing the roots to lose it. The plant withers, if it is planted, there is a high probability of the bush dying. At markets, sometimes unscrupulous sellers dip the roots of seedlings in boiling water - in this way they revive them, albeit for a short time. Leaves, flowers and berries (if they are present on the bush) become fresh and beautiful. Shortly after planting, the strawberries die. At least the plants don't survive until spring.

In any case, seedlings purchased with an open root system must be immersed in water for at least 3 hours. room temperature, after adding an ampoule of epin to it.

Important! Plants whose roots are covered with clay mash also need pre-soaking.

Leaves should be regularly sprayed with warm water before planting.

General rules for planting strawberries in autumn

Before planting strawberries in the fall, prepare the beds, apply fertilizer for digging and allow the soil to settle. If you plan to place bushes in rows or in a checkerboard pattern, there is no point in “feeding” the entire area:

  • Fertilizer is applied to the rows per 1 square meter. m area;
  • pour a handful of humus, a tablespoon of ash, a teaspoon of superphosphate or mineral fertilizing according to instructions.

To plant strawberries correctly in the fall, you need to remove some of the leaves. How much depends on the timing. If there is guaranteed to be a month or more left before frost, only 2-3 young central leaves are left, the rest are carefully cut off at the base. This way there will be less evaporation of moisture and the root will grow faster. And the leaves will grow in the fall before the onset of cold weather.

When there is less than a month left before frost, the weather is already cool, and moisture evaporation is not as intense. Only the broken and oldest leaves are cut off, the rest are left.

Strawberries should be planted in the fall so that the heart (the center of the rosette) is strictly on the surface of the soil. Burying will lead to damping off. After winter, the high growth point will be squeezed out, the roots will be exposed. Both of these, in the worst case, will lead to the death of the plant; in the best case, the strawberries will have to be replanted in the spring; they will suffer for a long time and will not produce a harvest this year.

After planting in the fall, the bushes are watered abundantly and mulched with peat or humus.

Planting strawberry seedlings in autumn

It is easiest to plant freshly dug plants in the fall. Bushes taken out of the ground with a lump of soil are placed in the holes at the required depth without soaking. Then they should be sprinkled with soil, squeezed and watered.

Strawberries purchased from afar, dug up the day before, require pre-soaking in a solution of epin or simply in warm water. Only when the bush is saturated with water can it be planted in the ground.

Planting strawberries in the fall by dividing the bush

There is a strawberry, like the Black Prince, which produces very few whiskers, but forms a powerful rosette of many horns (up to 15 pieces). Such varieties are propagated by dividing the bush. Strawberries should be planted in the fall. Seeds will not produce a pure crop, even if only one variety grows within the site; bees will bring pollen from another from a neighboring one.

The bush is dug up, the roots are shaken off the soil and the horns are carefully separated from each other. Doing so better with your hands If this does not work, use a pre-sterilized knife or pruning shears. All “extra” leaves are removed (depending on the timing of planting in the fall), the roots are shortened to 10 cm.

The old horns are thrown away. Those whose roots are affected or have no roots at all - too. The rest are soaked for 3 hours or more. Then the strawberries need to be planted as described above.

Planting strawberry mustache

The best strawberries will not grow from large rosettes, but from those that give the most good berries. Selection is based on this. And the most beautiful mustaches come from bushes that bear fruit poorly - they do not expend energy on the formation of berries. But they are not the ones that need to be planted in the fall.

To improve the quality of daughter rosettes, the tip of the tendril is cut off after 2 young plants have formed. If by the time the strawberries can be planted, a small bush has managed to sprout roots, it is dug up. The tendril connecting it to the mother plant is cut off - it can rot in damp soil.

You need to plant the bushes as described above. The main thing is not to deepen the growth point.

Important! If they do not have time to plant the rosettes immediately, they are left in the water.

Secrets of planting remontant strawberries in the fall

Actually, remontant strawberries need to be planted in the fall in the same way as regular ones. Even fertilizers are added to the soil in the same volumes. Features include further care. True, remontant varieties may require staggered planting big square nutrition. When carpeted or stitched, the strawberries will quickly grow and fill all the free space.

Before planting in the fall, all flower stalks of remontant varieties must be cut off. If they begin to appear later, they are removed by holding the bush with your hand. The crop spends a lot of energy on flowering to the detriment of everything else - growing green mass, rooting.

Caring for strawberries after planting in autumn

If you plant the bushes correctly in the fall, you won’t need any special care until spring.

Watering strawberries after planting in the fall

In dry weather, plantings need regular watering. It is recommended to use warm, settled water. If this is not possible, you should at least fill buckets and leave them to stand under open air so that the temperature of the liquid is equal to the environment.

But you should not overwater the seedlings - cool weather coupled with excessive dampness contributes to the development of rot.

How to feed strawberries after planting in the fall

You should not feed strawberries right away, even if the soil was not filled with fertilizers before planting the bushes. You can water the crop with a solution of drugs that stimulate root formation. Good result Foliar treatments with epin and zircon will give. They stimulate the development of strawberries’ own protective properties.

After a sudden frost, heavy rains or other troubles, it is simply necessary to spray the plants with epin - this drug reduces the effects of negative factors.

Shelter for the winter

If there is a layer of snow 15 cm thick on the bed, the crop can easily withstand frost of 30 degrees. Usually, adult bushes without shelter begin to suffer at -12⁰ C. The owners must take care of young plants; they cannot be planted and then allowed to freeze.

You can cover strawberries with dry corn stalks, spruce branches, straw, and brushwood. Good use of leaves fruit trees, but only if they were not sick during the season.

During short-term night frosts, the bed can be covered with agrofibre, spandbond or lutrasteel.


Planting strawberries in the fall is preferred in all regions except the North-West. Sticking to simple rules, even novice gardeners can easily do it. Have a good harvest!

An experienced gardener knows that strawberries are a very finicky plant that must be planted in a special way to obtain a good harvest. It is worth planting berry bushes in August or September. What beds would be ideal for strawberries, and is it possible to create a fruitful plantation yourself? Let's talk.

Where to begin?

We'll tell you how to prepare a bed for strawberries. This is what is of particular interest to novice gardeners. The first thing to do is choose a site for planting strawberries. It should be quite large, since the berry bushes need to be planted at a decent distance from each other. Also, the potential site should not be in the shade, since strawberries need a lot of light for normal growth.

How to prepare a bed for planting strawberries:

  1. It is necessary to completely remove large debris, including leaves, branches, and sticks.
  2. Next, the entire territory of the potential strawberry bed should be dug up (best to the depth of a spade bayonet).
  3. Then you should sprinkle fertilizer (ideally, at least one bucket of humus per 1 square meter of planting).
  4. All that remains is to mark out the area for the beds and the stripes separating them from each other.

You should not plant strawberries too crowded, as this plant needs space for normal growth. If a gardener plants all the bushes end to end, they will most likely die.

When picking strawberries, you need to carefully move along these furrows, trying not to damage the integrity of the holes.

The size of the ideal bed and a few more nuances of planting

When the preparation of the bed for strawberries is completed, it is necessary to proceed directly to the planting itself. There are certain nuances here:

Strawberries must be planted extremely carefully, trying not to damage the roots. After planting all the plants is completed, it is necessary to proceed to watering the beds. Each bush needs to be watered separately at the root, trying not to touch the leaves. If a gardener irrigates strawberries with a hose at random, his beds will quickly be washed away, and the plant itself may suffer, because now it is very easy to pull it out of place.

It is very important to comply optimal distance between all the strawberry bushes.

If the plants are too close, they will begin to develop much more slowly. Also, close proximity will lead to the rapid spread of various diseases. When the strawberries begin to bloom and send out tendrils in the spring, the plants will begin to tangle with each other, disrupting the organic coexistence.

Beds made with full respect for all distances are much easier to weed. If the plants are located too close to each other, when weeding the area, the risk of damaging the strawberries will increase.

Strawberry bushes should grow in one place for no more than 3–4 years. After this period, the plants must be carefully dug up and transplanted to a new place where the soil has already been prepared. the right bed. If you continue to grow berries in the same area, the yield will be noticeably reduced, and the risk of death of strawberry bushes will increase.

German low bed - a convenient way to achieve a high yield

How to make beds for strawberries? This is a question to which there are several answers. The soil preparation system described above is considered the simplest, but not the most effective.

The German system of planting strawberries and wild strawberries has long gained mass popularity, and now many summer residents use it. The essence of such a system is that between the rows of plants, not simple furrows with a small depression are made, but real fences made of boards or bricks.

The size of the strawberry bed should not be more than 40–80 centimeters. If you make a large marking, leaving at least 80 centimeters, then the plants should be planted in two rows.

How to make a comfortable garden bed:

  • First, you should mark the area, determining where the strawberries and fences will be located.
  • Next, you need to dig a trench 40 centimeters deep, placing long-term rotting products, such as wood or old newspapers, at its bottom.
  • The remaining volume must be filled with soil mixed with humus, after which the ground must be smoothed evenly.
  • Now you can plant strawberries in 1 or 2 rows, leaving furrows 40–50 centimeters in size between the beds.

In these places, after planting is completed, it will be possible to lay out paths made of paving slabs or bricks.

Each plant must be planted at a distance of 40 centimeters from the other. This will help increase the productivity of strawberry planting.

There is a special way to water a plant in a German garden bed. It is best to do this with a watering can, in a circle, avoiding the roots being washed away. If you use a hose, then you need to water the plants at the root, while wrapping a rag around the hose itself. This technique will help provide planting with moisture and reduce the risk of root erosion.

If a person waters plants carelessly, the risk of erosion of holes and paths will increase. As a result, instead of a neat garden bed, there will be a pile of plants mixed with washed-out bricks and pieces of wood.

The presence of humus in the soil and the optimal amount of fertilizer will significantly increase plant productivity. It is believed that in such a bed you can get the largest and best harvest.

Convenient beds for strawberries - video

High German beds made from car tires

Proper strawberry beds do not have to be located on the ground. Many gardeners now prefer to plant plants in car tires or old barrels. This technology is convenient for several reasons:

Execution sequence:

  1. The first thing to do is to carefully fill the car tire with soil mixed with humus.
  2. Then the soil must be watered with water - plain or with the addition of potassium permanganate.
  3. Now that the soil is perfectly prepared, you can plant strawberry bushes in it. It's about O small sizes planting, because no more than 4–5 bushes can be placed in one tire with the ground. This concludes the preparation of the high strawberry bed.
  4. The gardener can additionally cover the strawberries with film, since this way the bushes will grow much faster, giving a good harvest.

It is believed that when growing strawberries in tires, it is necessary to change the soil at least once every two years. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the productivity of the improvised hole at a very high level.

Pipe beds

Tiered beds for strawberries are now made from the most bizarre and unexpected materials. For example, some gardeners suggest planting strawberries in old wide pipes pre-filled with soil with humus. The width of the strawberry bed in this case is automatically set by the size of the pipe, and plant development occurs without any difficulties.

So, there are the following options for planting strawberries in pipes:

This option has become especially widespread because it is extremely simple and convenient. You can take plastic or metal pipe large diameter, make holes in it along the entire length of 10–12 cm at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. Next, you need to fill the pipe with soil with the necessary fertilizers and start planting strawberries.

Such beautiful beds are simply easy to make and extremely convenient, because you don’t need to worry about the appearance of pests or weeds. When the strawberries begin to grow, they will automatically develop in the space limited by the hole in the pipe, making harvesting easier.

Beds made from bags

Another way to create beds involves using old, durable sugar or flour bags. How to arrange strawberry beds in a similar way, and what you will need for this:

Strawberry (or garden strawberry) is a herbaceous perennial from the strawberry family, cultivated in many gardens and orchards to grow tasty, sweet and very healthy berries. The amount of sucrose in strawberries reaches 10%. In addition to sweetness, berries contain various acids (citric, malic, phosphoric), pectin, vitamin C, carotene and minerals (iron, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, copper and fluorine). The strawberry harvest is one of the first in the summer succession of fruits (fruits, nuts, berries, herbal plants and shrubs). In the southern regions, the first strawberry harvests appear at the end of May. In central Russia you can enjoy the ground berry in July.

Remontant varieties allow fruiting to occur twice per season. New plant varieties have been developed using selection methods that bloom and produce crops throughout the season. You can get early tasty berries in mid-spring in heated greenhouses. How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse? How should the soil be properly prepared for planting strawberries in a greenhouse?