How to conceive a child correctly so that everything works out. Effective tips on how to get pregnant quickly. Useful tips for conceiving a child. Which days are better?

The creation of new life is a unique miracle of nature. Unfortunately, a couple of lovers is not always rewarded with such happiness as children. The chances of procreation increase if a woman knows how to get pregnant quickly, successfully carry and easily give birth to a healthy child.

How to conceive a child?

Pregnancy after contraception

If a woman takes birth control pills, she significantly reduces her chances of getting pregnant in the future. Tablets often give a lot side effects. Women 23 years old can start planning a child a few months after stopping the drugs; 30-year-old expectant mothers must wait at least a year. Women over 35 years old may take several years to recover.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after your period?

When the cycle lasts less than 21-22 days, the probability of conception in the first days after the critical days is high. Ovulation can happen around day 7. If the bleeding lasts longer than a week, then it is possible that when it ends, a new egg will already have matured - this will cause the woman to become pregnant at the end of her period or on the first day after it. There is also a phenomenon called spontaneous ovulation, when several eggs are born at once, in this case you can get pregnant almost any day.

Which doctor helps you get pregnant?

Planning a pregnancy usually begins with a consultation with a gynecologist. The specialist should study the woman’s medical record, find out about past births, possibly abortions, and methods of birth control. It is worth giving the doctor complete information about past or currently existing pathologies.

First, an examination is carried out, then the woman receives a referral for various tests. It is also often recommended to undergo examination by doctors such as an allergist, endocrinologist, or surgeon. A woman can be referred to any doctor if the gynecologist suspects any disorder and needs to confirm or refute the diagnosis or undergo treatment.

Usually you have to see a therapist; he can identify hidden chronic diseases that interfere with conceiving or bearing a child. To identify and neutralize infectious foci, you need to see a dentist and an ENT doctor.

It is important to work with a geneticist, especially if you have a family history of miscarriage or a disorder such as Huntington's chorea, Down's disease, Alzheimer's disease, or muscular dystrophy. With the help of a geneticist, the couple will be able to undergo a full examination and calculate the likelihood of genetic diseases in their offspring.

On what days can you get pregnant?

If it turns out that the man and woman are healthy and they have a high chance of conceiving healthy children, then you can begin to actively fulfill marital responsibilities. A proven method of conception is guidance women's calendar for clear cycle tracking. If a woman, for some reason, periodically experiences a delay in her period and the schedule is generally unpredictable, then it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the days of conception and unfavorable days.

So, you should analyze the entire menstrual cycle for six months or a year. It is worth keeping in mind that taking hormones may interfere with adequate calculations of ovulation. When the cycle fluctuations are insignificant and fall within normal limits, then simple calculations can be made.

We take the shortest and longest menstrual cycles. We subtract the number 18 from the shortest cycle and get the starting day - it is from this day that we can talk about a high probability of conceiving a child. For example, a short cycle is 25 days, if you subtract 18 from this number, you get 7, and this means that you can theoretically get pregnant starting from the 7th day from the start of the menstrual cycle.

We carry out similar calculations with the longest menstrual cycle, subtract 11 from it. This value is the last day of the period of high probability of conception. If the length of the cycle is 29 days, you need to subtract 11 and get 18, this means that it is at 18 in the afternoon that you can stop trying to get pregnant. To summarize: a large number of women experience the ability to conceive from days 7 to 18 of the cycle. You can conceive a child with any man on the first try if you know the day of ovulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with adhesions?

About 25% of women are unable to conceive due to adhesions in the reproductive system. This means that connective tissue has grown in the tube itself or between the ovary and the fallopian tube. This happens after operations, inflammation, endometriosis. When adhesions occur, a diagnosis of fallopian tube obstruction is often made.

Fortunately, today it is possible to conceive and bear a child regardless of the condition of the tubes, and even in their absence. It is difficult to view the condition of the reproductive organs and adhesions on them. Exists effective method diagnostics - laparoscopy. If it is determined that the adhesive is blocking the pipe, plastic surgery can be performed. Also, using a laparoscope, the patency of the tubes is assessed and the nature of the upcoming operations is determined.

In rare cases, thanks to the efforts of doctors, pregnancy occurs with adhesions. True, there is a high probability of pathology - ectopic pregnancy, which is the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. If such a violation is detected, the woman is sent for immediate laparoscopy or abdominal surgery.

Is pregnancy possible with ovarian inflammation?

Against the background of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, a frozen pregnancy may develop, infection of the fetus may occur, premature birth or miscarriage may occur, and there may be no embryo in the fertilized egg.

In principle, pregnancy cannot be ruled out if the appendages are inflamed and there are no seals that create obstruction of the tubes and microorganisms that can also interfere with the normal path of the egg.

Complications during pregnancy or spontaneous abortion at the very beginning are often recorded, since inflammation inhibits ovulation and the body does not produce enough of the hormone progesterone. If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the appendages, then you need to be thoroughly examined, as there is a possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

Many cases of conception are characterized by low attachment of the ovum and a predisposition to bleeding, thrombus formation and placental abruption. To assess a woman’s chances of motherhood, she needs to undergo proper treatment, undergo an ultrasound, and undergo a full range of tests. Treatment usually includes hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory medications and vitamins.

What should a man do to get a woman pregnant?

A woman will get pregnant faster if her partner is healthy and makes every effort to improve the quality of sperm as their own genetic material. Obviously, when planning children, there can be no talk of drinking any alcohol or smoking.

A healthy lifestyle, adequate physical exercise and preventing stressful situations in relationships. Stress in a woman can cause ovulation failure. In men who smoke and drink, the sperm are sluggish and there are many non-viable sperm among them, so conception becomes either impossible or of poor quality - a lot of complications arise during pregnancy and the child is born with abnormalities.

If a man has health problems, he must first solve them completely, and then start planning for his children. A man can also increase his chances of conceiving by selecting the most good poses sex so that sperm can more easily penetrate the cervix.

The future dad should pay a lot of attention to his health, eat right and support his soulmate.

How to get pregnant: check and improve the health of both partners, choose a favorable day and have unprotected sexual intercourse

How to conceive a girl?

When a risk of transmitting a certain disease only to male offspring is discovered, parents try to conceive a girl. There are many methods with unproven effectiveness. Today, a 100% known method is preimplantation genetic diagnosis; it is practiced only in combination with IVF. A woman's egg is taken and placed in a medical container, fertilization occurs, and after 3-5 days information appears about what gender this person will be. The embryo can be examined for pathologies.

True, the technique is not used in all countries. To comply with ethical standards, such diagnostics are performed strictly according to doctors’ indications.

To increase your chances of conceiving a girl, you need to have sex 2 days before expected ovulation. To accurately calculate ovulation, you can use pharmacy tests.

In addition, today you can plan the gender of your child based on blood type and Rh factor; your doctor will be able to tell you about this.

Certain eating habits also increase the chances of pregnancy with a girl. For example, for this, the expectant mother is recommended to limit the consumption of potatoes, meat, sugar, and salt for several months. Calcium and magnesium should predominate in the diet. It is useful to eat vegetables such as carrots, beets, onions, and cucumber. In the women's menu for conceiving a girl, you cannot do without rice, seafood, eggs, milk and fruits, with the exception of peaches and bananas.

How to conceive a boy?

It will be useful for mom and dad to know that the likelihood of conceiving a male child is higher if intimacy occurs strictly on the day of ovulation or immediately the next day. There is also a method of planning a boy according to blood. It turns out that women's blood is renewed every 3 years, men's every 4 years. It is believed that whose blood turns out to be younger at the time of conception, the offspring will be of that gender.

It is also interesting that women receiving good food more often they give birth to sons, and with poor nutrition, daughters. To predispose your body to conceiving a boy, you need to focus on foods with potassium and limit, as far as possible, calcium and magnesium. It is recommended to constantly salt food and eat canned cucumbers, fish, legumes, rice, mushrooms, sausage and egg whites.

Fruit drinks or fruits are useful for conceiving a boy. pure form, such as peach, banana, dates. Also include teas and bicarbonate drinks in your diet. mineral water. When planning a son, you should consume less dairy products, nuts, green beans, chocolate, baked goods with milk and eggs, cocoa, seafood, and calcium mineral water.

Vitamins for conception

Popular medications when planning pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin E. There are many vitamin complexes and formulations of drugs that best option The attending physician will select for both spouses. Before using any vitamin, you need to read the instructions and study contraindications.

How to take vitamin E to get pregnant?

If there are no gynecological problems, then the expectant mother is usually prescribed 3 capsules of 100 mg per day. When any complications are anticipated, the dose is increased by two. It is recommended to take tocopherol until childbirth; it is also worth adding products with this vitamin to the menu.

How to take folic acid for conception?

To provide the child with everything necessary, a woman needs about 400-800 mcg of folacin daily. The question of increasing the dose in case of vitamin B9 deficiency is decided by the attending physician. For successful conception, folic acid should be taken 3 months before conception.

What is infertility?

If a couple, after many attempts, cannot have children, they are often diagnosed with infertility. You shouldn’t give up right away, even if unsuccessful attempts to conceive have been going on for several years. It is worth keeping in mind that huge amount Women are unable to get pregnant due to improper planning of marital intimacy in relation to the menstrual cycle or the presence of hidden diseases.

It is known that infertility can have a psychological basis. Perhaps, for some reason, a woman on a subconscious level does not want to have offspring with this particular partner. Fortunately, today you can get competent support and correct your consciousness. Simple psychological techniques, conversations with a psychologist or psychotherapist help you put your thoughts in order, look into your soul and sort out your relationship with your husband or partner.

Today, in addition to the psychological cause, the following factors are known to cause infertility:

  • chromosomal pathologies;
  • obstruction or absence of fallopian tubes;
  • immunological infertility;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • endocrine pathologies - disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • pathology of the uterus or its absence;
  • endometriosis.

Medical fields such as gynecology, reproductive medicine and andrology offer solutions to the problem of infertility. For example, surgical restoration of a woman's fallopian tubes or a man's seminal canals can be performed. Also today, the IVF industry is actively developing; with such fertilization, twins are often born.

Signs to get pregnant

It turns out that ovulation can be stimulated not only with medications with the help of doctors, but also with folk remedies. If you use any herbal remedy at home, do so with caution. Superstitions and signs of grandmothers do not imply a health risk, but also do not guarantee conception.

You can take superstition seriously or humorously, but there are still some beliefs:

  • when planning a child, you need to buy children's things - when we visualize our desires, they come true faster;
  • you can go on a trip to holy places, then higher powers will help you get pregnant;
  • ficus and willow in the house contribute to the birth of offspring;
  • You cannot call yourself infertile or claim that there will be no children in the family, since words and thoughts are material;
  • you need to stop worrying and let go of your desire to get pregnant, try to improve your life and do good deeds, perhaps the goal will be achieved by itself;
  • you can go on a long vacation to warm countries with your spouse, in such cases the likelihood of conception increases;
  • the adoption of someone else's child is often associated with the subsequent birth of one's own children;
  • you can wear maternity clothes, sit in the place where you just sat future mom, drink from her glass or just stroke your belly;
  • you need to briefly and clearly formulate your desire and sincerely believe that it has almost come true;
  • if by chance you come across a homeless animal in need of help, it is better to shelter it;
  • if you stick Orthodox faith, then prayer to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child should be directed to Saints Joachim and Anna, Peter and Fevronia;
  • It is not forbidden to contact an astrologer; he can draw up a plan auspicious days For different cases life, including conception;
  • if possible, it is advisable to consume kumiss daily;
  • hang a ribbon on a fruit tree;
  • on your wedding day, talk to a pregnant woman or hold a baby in your arms;
  • meditation and self-hypnosis are effective tools for attracting strength and achieving goals;
  • the expectant mother should give her brain a rest and not become emotionally overloaded;
  • you can plan your pregnancy according to the lunar calendar;
  • sex at 2 a.m. promotes conception;
  • It’s good to visit a mud or healing water resort;
  • acupuncture predisposes to pregnancy;
  • get married to your husband;
  • to get pregnant, you need to tie a red thread on your wrist and walk with this amulet, the thread will remind you of your desire;
  • to get pregnant with a boy, you need to put a knife, saw, stone or ax under the bed - these are men's accessories;
  • according to Feng Shui philosophy, there should be no corners in the bedroom; all kinds of Chinese paraphernalia promote harmony and successful conception;
  • on the matrimonial bed there should be one solid mattress, and not two joined together;
  • Contact a Feng Shui specialist, he will tell you how to place the bed specifically in your living space.

Folk remedies to get pregnant

List of herbs for conception

You can purchase medicinal herbs at the pharmacy and drink decoctions strictly in accordance with the attached instructions (also carefully read the contraindications section female grass). So, in improving reproductive function they help:

  • hog uterus;
  • red brush;
  • Hilba grass;
  • knotweed grass;
  • Linden;
  • flax seeds;
  • Dill seeds;
  • plantain seeds;
  • sage;
  • marin root.

Using red brush, sage and plantain for conception

Traditional healers know exactly how to drink red brush to get pregnant. They believe that you need to take the decoction from the 14th to the 28th day of the cycle for one or one and a half months and this will help stimulate ovulation.

We will also consider how to brew sage to get pregnant. Take a teaspoon of pharmaceutical sage and pour a glass of water, infuse and filter. Drink the infusion daily before meals, 60 milliliters, 3 doses in total, it is advisable not to take the product before bed. You should be careful with this plant, it has a pronounced effect on the body and uncontrolled consumption herbal tea may cause any unpredictable consequences.

It is known that plantain is used when planning pregnancy. Most likely, plantain seeds as such have helped few people get pregnant. Probably, this natural remedy was used in conjunction with a whole range of other medical, folk and restorative remedies and measures. Plantain decoction does not distort the menstrual cycle, so you can drink it on any day. This remedy helps normalize hormonal levels. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of seeds and brew a glass of boiling water. Boil the infusion for 5 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons of warm tea 4 times a day. Both women and men accept it.

Despite the popularity folk remedies, you shouldn’t get carried away with them. It is better to undergo treatment with traditional medications and use herbs only as directed by a doctor.

If you have health problems and you decide to have a child, you must completely rely on medical help. After examining the man and woman, the doctor will choose the safest, most effective and fastest method of planning offspring.

Pregnancy occurs during ovulation during sexual intercourse. But ovulation and high-quality sperm are not all that is needed to quickly get pregnant. There are some nuances that need to be taken into account.

Wise nature is designed in such a way that in conditions unfavorable for the development of the unborn child, conception is impossible, even pregnancy freezes if negative factors. You can get pregnant quickly if you exclude these factors and follow our recommendations.

What to do to get pregnant faster.

Stress prevents you from getting pregnant

Stress is one of the leading reasons preventing pregnancy. Even absolutely healthy couples, due to stress and increased nervousness, cannot get pregnant quickly. Learn to relax: auto-training, aromatherapy and aroma baths, massage (SPA, hydromassage) help well; in extreme cases, you can resort to sedative herbs.

Bad habits prevent you from getting pregnant

Women who smoke are less likely to get pregnant quickly. The fact is that eggs are laid at the birth of a girl; new ones do not appear during life. That is, all the harmful effects and toxic substances remain in the eggs and can cause inability to fertilize or pathology in the unborn child. Nicotine and tar are deposited in the liver, which weakens its function of cleansing the body; the liver tries to work more intensely and produces too many androgens - hormones, the excess of which prevents ovulation. Smoking reduces the level of estradiol in the blood, which means it reduces the chance of getting pregnant. Men who smoke have fewer sperm and are less motile. Caffeine has a similar negative effect on conception.

Eat right.

To get pregnant faster, your diet must contain large quantities of greens and vegetables, cereals and breads rich in folic acid, sunflower or olive oil to get enough vitamin E and fruits. Women with anovulation are recommended to eat nuts and legumes daily. To get pregnant quickly, be sure to eat yogurt, cottage cheese or full-fat milk every day.

Stabilize your weight.

Women who are too thin or too curvy may have problems conceiving. As a rule, they arise not specifically because of weight, but because of hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is excess weight, therefore, it is incorrect to suggest that those wishing to become pregnant bring their weight to generally accepted norms using weight loss diets; this will only do harm. To begin with, if your weight is too different from the norm, visit an endocrinologist. I would like to note that women whose weight is constant (and its size is unimportant) can become pregnant much later. faster than women, whose weight fluctuates.
Men also need to think about their weight: when weight fluctuates, fewer sperm are produced.

Limit your medication use, especially antibiotics, analgesics and antihistamines (for allergies), they interfere with the maturation of the egg.

Antibiotics negatively affect the liver, and disturbances in its functioning interfere with pregnancy. Antihistamines prevent the onset of ovulation.

Do not use lubricants during sexual intercourse, they create an environment that kills sperm. Some people recommend using egg white instead of lubricant - under no circumstances! There may be so many pathogenic microorganisms in the protein that treatment for them will only prevent you from getting pregnant quickly.

Avoid oral sex without a condom, because the oral cavity has a completely different microflora, and also because salivary enzymes decompose sperm.

Clear your energy field. In other words, clear karma, restore the balance of energies in the body - you can call it differently, but the meaning is the same. Sincerely ask for forgiveness from anyone you may have offended. Be sure to sincerely ask your grandparents for forgiveness for everything, and if they are no longer alive, ask for forgiveness and blessings mentally. This step is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Get a ficus at home. Plants are good at absorbing the negative energy of apartment residents, especially plants with large leaves. If there is too much negative energy, the plant may temporarily stop growing or even die. Be sure to bury the dead plant in the ground and you can start another one. You'll see how quickly you can help treat many diseases for all residents of the apartment.

Don’t throw words around and don’t wish anyone harm, don’t say that your situation is deplorable, don’t complain. Say: everything will be fine with me. Recommendations for setting up your energy field.

Get a talisman, let it be small soft toy, which you will then give to your child.

Thought is material, and at the beginning of all creations lies fantasy. Imagine what your long-awaited child is like, what he will be like when he grows up: his appearance, character. If you know how to draw, draw it, and your thoughts will definitely come to life.

Girls, hello!!!
Read this information, maybe it will be useful to someone:
9 rules for successful conception
The most important thing that is required of a man is that his sperm be mobile. The fact is that the male reproductive cell carries all its “fuel” on itself. And it absolutely needs energy: if there is energy, the sperm will run far, if there is no energy, it will stop in place. And then there can be no talk of any conception. Therefore, a man needs to be properly prepared in advance, at least for the last two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse. To do this, he must be fed correctly: The preparatory diet includes: meat, any nuts, vitamin E, succinic acid(it improves overall metabolism). This diet increases sperm motility. In addition, before a man goes to bed to conceive, he must abstain from sexual intercourse for 2 to 3 days. Abstinence is necessary so that the required volume of sperm accumulates and so that the sperm has time to mature. To prove to their patients the need for abstinence, specialists usually cite a case well known in sexological practice. American married couple for a long time suffered from infertility. It turned out that the desire to have a child was so great that they worked on it two or three times a day. After the doctor forbade them to engage in excess, hypersexual Americans managed to conceive a child.

Sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception should be one-time! The first intercourse is the most decisive. All other moments are actually just pleasure. There is a scientific explanation for this. During the first sexual intercourse, the most high concentration sperm. After it, the concentration decreases by 2 times. And then, as experts joke, there will be only water.

As soon as ejaculation occurs, the penis must be immediately removed from the vagina so as not to splash a puddle of sperm. Then the probability of conception will be much higher. (By the way, the same rule must be followed for another reason - if a man has some kind of inflammation, then spending extra time in the vagina will increase the woman’s risk of infection.)

RULE FOUR. If you really want to have a child, it is advisable not to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse. The fact is that during orgasm, the cervix rises, and sperm, like climbers, will have to conquer this peak. And, as you know, even men do not like to go the extra distance. If sexual intercourse is carried out without orgasm, the cervix remains in place, a puddle of sperm easily covers the entrance to it, and sperm freely penetrates inside. However, some women assure sexologists that they became pregnant at the peak of mutual ecstasy with their sexual partner. But these are just their personal fantasies. In such cases, specialists, laughing, simply shrug their shoulders: they say, they were lucky, and thank God.

RULE FIFTH. It is very important to choose the right time to conceive. Typically, in the middle of the cycle, a woman is more fertile. At this time, the egg matures. Days can be calculated by basal temperature, which is measured, as you know, in the anus. In addition to the two days of ovulation (the maturation of the female egg), 5-6 days before it are considered favorable for conception - this is how many days the sperm lives, waiting for the “bride,” and all this time it is capable. It is also possible to become pregnant within 6 days after ovulation, since the female egg remains viable throughout this time. Previously, many religions specified times when sexual activity was strictly prohibited. Usually 7 days after menstruation were prohibited. The custom was strictly observed: the woman was required to present a clean sheet, which meant the end of her period. And this was the starting point of the forbidden time. Therefore, the peak of sexual activity occurred precisely in the middle of the cycle, when the probability of conception was highest. Thus, religion strictly and categorically instructed women to become pregnant. However, there are cases where a woman became pregnant during menstruation. Experts consider this a failure in the cycle.

RULE SIX. Before intercourse, it would be a good idea for a woman to douche with a soda solution. The fact is that she often has inflammation, which she doesn’t even know about. Because of it, an acidic environment is formed, which is very harmful to the health of sperm - they simply die in it. Baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment.

RULE SEVEN. After ejaculation has occurred, little depends on the man. Then everything depends on the woman. She should definitely lie down and not jump right out of bed, even if she really wants to take a shower. By the way, you also need to be able to lie down. In the normal position of the uterus and cervix, the woman should lie on her back with her knees pressed to her chest. If she has a bent uterus, she needs to lie on her stomach. In this position, the cervix will be able to sink into the puddle of sperm. There are times when advice from a gynecologist is required. For example, if a woman has inflammation of the appendages, the cervix may turn to one side, and only the doctor will determine which direction. Then after intercourse you need to lie on the side where the cervix faces.

RULE EIGHT. It is very important to choose the right position for conception. Among them there are those that promote pregnancy, and vice versa. True, the choice in favor of pregnancy is small: - it should be a classic position, that is, in a lying position. It is extremely difficult to get pregnant while standing: all the liquid will simply pour out. In general, all non-classical positions are of little use for pregnancy. Well, for fun, you can choose whatever you want. There are exceptions to this rule. If a woman has a bent uterus, then sexual intercourse should be carried out in the “behind” position. Lying on your stomach or leaning on your knees does not matter.

RULE NINE. After sexual intercourse, you need to completely relax, let go of everything. And maintain such a detached, elevated state for the next two or three days. If this does not work and the woman remains waiting, in a restless, nervous state, it is better to take valerian. Experts advise staying in a state of euphoria for a reason. This is necessary so that there is no disruption of the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes. They are the ones who are known to propel the sperm to its destination. If the potential mother worries too much, the tubes contract incorrectly and do not move the sperm. The consequences can be unpleasant: either the long-awaited fertilization will not occur, or there will be an ectopic pregnancy.
And finally, the most important thing: stop exhausting yourself and your body by waiting for a miracle... A miracle does not happen according to “orders” - you need to trust it and that’s it!

How to conceive a child the first time? In fact, this topic remains relevant to this day for a long time. In general, all issues related to women are of interest. Especially for those who really want to give birth as soon as possible. Or those who have problems conceiving. Many people share tips and tricks on how they managed to get pregnant on the first try or very quickly. What techniques help you conceive? What should a woman know about at this moment?

No guarantee

The first thing you have to take into account is one very interesting fact: The female body is full of mysteries. Conception to this day is considered purely individual feature. And doctors cannot give a 100% guarantee that even a perfectly healthy woman can get pregnant the first time.

That is why it is recommended to be mentally prepared for failure. You shouldn’t think about them all the time, but you shouldn’t assume that all the suggested tips mean 100% pregnancy on the first try. Recommendations will only help speed up the process and increase the likelihood of success. So the first time?

Medical examinations

Not the best mandatory item from the point of view of conception, this means undergoing a complete examination of the body. Special attention needs to be given to the reproductive system. Moreover we're talking about both about women and men.

You should not get pregnant if you have certain diseases. Yes, and illnesses complicate this process. Especially when it comes to women. First, you will need to treat the disease, and only then take actions that will facilitate early conception.

  • laboratory - take blood and urine tests;
  • gynecologist (he will prescribe smears);
  • urologist;
  • therapist;
  • Ultrasound room (it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and thyroid gland);
  • Laura.

Only in a healthy state can one deal with issues related to pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only having problems with pregnancy, but also putting the unborn baby in danger. However, if the couple is healthy, it is enough to make sure that both partners do not have sexually transmitted diseases.


How to conceive a child the first time? There is one “golden” rule that will help 100%. Even if not the first time, you will be able to get pregnant quite quickly if you follow the recommendations.

The likelihood of a successful pregnancy increases in the middle of the menstrual cycle. After approximately 14 days (with a cycle of 28 days), ovulation occurs. If fertilization of the egg occurs at this moment, then the probability of conceiving a baby is high. Accordingly, many recommend having unprotected sex on the day of ovulation.

For women with irregular periods this question becomes problematic. But how can you conceive a child the first time, using knowledge about ovulation? To do this, you just need to regularly go for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and also “catch” the specified period. Modern definition ovulation at home - using special tests. They are somewhat reminiscent of pregnancy tests. But such devices must be used approximately 10-12 days from the start of the menstrual cycle.

Regularity of acts

What other ways are there to get pregnant quickly? Conceiving the first time is possible with regular intimate life. Moreover, it is worth noting that ovulation should not be neglected.

It is recommended to have unprotected sex with your partner every other day. And no more than once a day. Frequent ejaculation in a man reduces the speed of sperm. This, of course, negatively affects the likelihood of conception.

A little advice: it is necessary to begin sexual activity in such a way that sexual intercourse (one of them) must occur during ovulation. This technique will increase the likelihood of conception several times. Perhaps these are the principles you need to follow in order to get pregnant as quickly as possible.

Choosing a pose

Next tip- This is an unproven method that increases the likelihood of pregnancy. How can you get pregnant the first time? The methods can be varied. And some recommendations have not been confirmed by doctors. But they are common among women.

For example, you should pay attention to the choice of position during sex. Optional advice, but it provides an additional guarantee for the success of conception. It is best to choose positions in which sperm does not flow out of the vagina. For example, “missionary” would do.

In any case, there is no need to dwell on this moment. You just need to remember the laws of attraction. It is not recommended to end sexual intercourse in “woman on top” positions.

Vitamins to help

A modern person, even a perfectly healthy one, quite often lacks vitamins to enrich the body. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant the first time are recommended to start taking folic acid approximately 2-3 months before the planned conception.

Men are also targeted. They are also recommended to take folic acid. Once a day, 1 tablet. Additionally, you can start using drugs to improve sperm quality. For example, "SpermActiv" or "Spermaktin". You can buy these products at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is not prohibited to use them without consulting a doctor, but it is not recommended.


How to conceive a child the first time? The next piece of advice is to improve your diet. A person's diet plays a huge role in fertility. Must be adhered to healthy eating. Less fat, flour and sweets. More vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables.

The rules apply to both partners. That is, both men and women should start practicing proper nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • sour cream;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • pineapples

If you regularly consume the listed products, your body will be enriched with vitamins. A woman's fertility will improve, and a man's sperm quality will improve. Accordingly, you can hope for a successful conception of the baby. It is recommended to adjust your diet approximately a year before planning pregnancy. Not a required item, but it really helps.

Bad habits

You should pay attention to the presence of bad habits in the couple. The thing is that scientists have already proven that people with a craving for smoking or alcohol have less fertility. More precisely, the presence of bad habits has a detrimental effect on pregnancy planning.

What does it mean? A year in advance (or better yet, even earlier), a man and a woman (she first of all) need to give up smoking and alcohol. It is also recommended to start maintaining active image life. The absence of bad habits is a huge plus that will definitely help you get pregnant. But this does not mean that people who do not drink alcohol or tobacco do not have problems conceiving. However, even doctors advise excluding bad habits. This is especially true for those who are diagnosed with infertility.

Lie down for a while, or “birch tree”

If you're wondering how to conceive a baby the first time, there are some slightly absurd tips to consider. But many women follow them. And at the same time, they assure that the methods really help conception.

For example, most representatives of the fair sex note that after unprotected sexual intercourse it is recommended to make a “birch tree” without getting out of bed. Or rather, carefully move towards the wall and lean your outstretched legs against the wall. And raise your pelvis a little. “Birch” is an exercise that is also often used. the first time? Various methods are offered. It is advisable to combine them all.

Instead of the described process, doctors recommend not getting out of bed immediately after intercourse. It is best to lie down for 15-20 minutes. And only after that you can go to the shower. This way, the most active sperm will not come out of the vagina with excess sperm.

A little about the influencing factors

Now it’s clear how to get pregnant quickly. Methods and negative factors (some of them) have already been proposed. What else affects the effectiveness of conception?

Among the most common problems are:

  1. Constant thoughts about failures to conceive. Many people recommend not focusing on the problem and not thinking about it. “Let go” and hope for the best. Actually this is not the best advice. Not thinking about failures and coming to terms with them is not as easy as it seems.
  2. Stress. To increase the likelihood of conception, you need to be in a favorable environment. Less stress. It is recommended to exclude it completely if possible.
  3. Constant pressure from relatives. Questions from the series “When will there be grandchildren?” very stressful. It's hard to believe, but they lead to problems conceiving a baby. Therefore it is better to put on this topic taboo.
  4. Heredity. We shouldn’t forget about her either. If women in the family had problems with pregnancy, then it is possible that this trait will continue to be passed on.

Now it’s clear how to conceive a child the first time. The rules are simple, but not everyone can follow them. You'll have to be persistent.

Some couples spend their whole lives worrying about contraception, while others cannot conceive a child even without protection. Getting pregnant is not as easy as the average person might think. Of course there is a large number of examples when pregnancy occurs in a couple who did not expect it at all. But there are other cases when a couple tries to become parents for a long time, but does not succeed. What could be the problem, let's figure it out.

There are a number of immutable factors that affect fertility. But there are other circumstances that are completely subject to change, and all you need is the desire to move towards the intended goal.

Step #1. What should you do at the beginning of your journey?

1. It's time to stop using contraceptives

Certain methods of contraception may affect your body's systems a little longer than you might think. The minimum period required for the female body to conceive changes after the use of contraceptives.

  • Hormonal contraceptives - such as OCs, hormonal injections or a hormonal ring. After them, the female reproductive function needs a period of adaptation and there may be a long period of correction of hormonal levels.
  • IUD - intrauterine device - before attempting to conceive a child, it must be removed with the help of a medical specialist.
  • If you used barrier methods of protection (caps or condoms), then you don’t have to worry about adjusting the menstrual cycle, you just need to cancel them. But remember about sexually transmitted infections, because until now they have reliably protected you.

2. Find out your ovulation days

If you make love precisely on the days when your body is most ready to conceive, then your chances of getting pregnant will increase several times. There are a number of rules for tracking ovulation:

  • You need to count from the first day of your last menstruation. If we average the values, then for a significant number of women ovulation occurs on the 14th day after this date. (Is this why you should only make love to your husband on the 14th day? Not exactly, see point 3 for clarification)
  • Download a smartphone app that you can use to track your cycle. This is not difficult to do, just use a search engine.
  • Measure your basal body temperature. She will grow a little during ovulation. Keep a thermometer near your bed and take your basal temperature every morning when you wake up (try to do this at the same hour every day). A woman's readiness to conceive increases 2-3 days before her temperature rises. You need to track its value for a month and you will be prepared for the next period.
  • Watch out for cervical mucus that remains on your panty liner. It seems disgusting or funny, but it is a fairly working method. When the discharge is clear, sticky and looks like raw egg white, it means you have entered your fertile period. It is advisable to continue the “relationship” with your husband every day for 3-5 days after you notice the above signs.
  • Use ovulation tests. They can be purchased at any local pharmacy and even at the supermarket. This is the simplest method, but it requires small material costs.

3. Make love

After determining your ovulation period, get down to business. How often you make love and how long it lasts can affect your chances of getting pregnant, so read these tips:

  • Start with regular PA shortly before ovulation. This is necessary because the egg lives for about 24 hours, but sperm remain viable in the fallopian tubes for up to a week. To make sure you hit the target accurately, it's best to start early.
  • Better often than rarely. Do not look at the fact that sperm can live up to 7 days; those that are younger “work” better. Try to make love at least every other day (or more often) when you are ready.
  • Do not use spermicides, lubricants or chemical irritants. Items intended to enhance pleasure and prevent conception should be avoided at this time.
  • Relax and forget about your goal. Try to get maximum pleasure, in which case the sperm will reach the cervix in more favorable conditions.
  • After PA, lie down for a while. You don't need to throw your legs higher than your body, but you shouldn't stand up either. It has been established that a horizontal position after the end of PA for a quarter of an hour increases the chance of conception by 50%.

4. Pregnancy test

After ovulation has passed and you and your partner have done everything that depends on you, it’s time to wait. Some women are very worried and cannot remain idle, but they still need to wait for the next menstruation and in case of their absence, you can take the long-awaited pregnancy test, or better yet several. If you are very impatient, you can try using following methods, which with a high degree of probability can judge conception:

  • Do not stop measuring your basal temperature; if it remains high for 14 days after ovulation, you are most likely pregnant.
  • About a week after conception (plus or minus 2-3 days) it may begin. This is very a clear sign the onset of conception.

Step #2. How to get pregnant if you can't. Increased fertility

1. Don't get upset too early

Most couples fail to get pregnant the first time. Out of 100 couples, only 15-20 succeed. However, 95% of couples achieve what they want naturally, but within 2 years after the start of the journey. You can't control every factor in your fertility, but you can do a few. simple actions to increase it.

Fertility is the body's ability to conceive offspring.

2. Plan your pregnancy in a medical facility

Even if you don't have any problems with reproductive function, planning pregnancy is a very good idea. Your doctor will examine you in a gynecological chair and prescribe a series of tests. Here are a number of diseases that can affect the ability to conceive:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - affects ovulation;
  • endometriosis - suppresses fertility;
  • diabetes - if uncontrolled, it can contribute to the appearance of birth defects in a child;
  • Thyroid diseases - like diabetes, if constantly monitored, do not harm the fetus or pregnancy.

3. Watch your health

If you haven't thought about it before, now is the time to pay attention to your health. You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by keeping your body in good shape.

  • Lose weight. Research shows that obese women have more problems not only during conception, but also during pregnancy. If your body mass index is high (above 25), then you should definitely go on a gentle diet and exercise physical exercise at least 3 times a week. Measuring body mass index is easy. To do this, your weight in kilograms must be divided by your height in meters squared. For example, Anya weighs 87 kg and is 1.64 m tall. The following calculations are obtained: 87/ (1.64*1.64) = 32.3. As you can see, it is advisable for Anya to start monitoring her weight, because the index is quite high.
  • However, you don't need to lose too much weight. Women with an index less than 18 may stop menstruation and begin having difficulty conceiving.

4. Take vitamins

Before pregnancy, you need to start building up nutrients in your body. For example, by taking folic acid before pregnancy, a woman reduces the risk of neural tube defects in her child several times. It is advisable that your set of vitamins contain iron, folic acid and calcium.

5. Watch your diet

There are foods that contain substances that can affect fertility and even the developing baby.

  • Eating pesticides is very harmful, so choose only natural products.
  • Avoid trans fats, which are found in processed baked goods and sweetened foods. There is an opinion that a diet with high content trans fats can lead to infertility.
  • Avoid eating raw or lightly processed fish, unpasteurized cheeses, vegetables that do not look fresh, and meats that contain nitrates.
  • Eat a diet rich in organic plant products, which include grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found in these foods improve your health cellular level and promote a healthy uterine lining.
  • Certain types of protein can improve fertility: tofu, chicken, eggs and seafood are high in omega 3 fatty acids, selenium and iron.
  • Milk, kefir and natural yogurt also very useful.

6. Monitor your partner's health

Provide your man with foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Ask him to limit his intake of alcohol, caffeine, fat, sugar, and smoking for 3-6 months before conception.

For your partner, you can also choose a complex of vitamins that necessarily contain selenium.

7. Avoid stimulants and depressants

In our country, it is customary to relax only with alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and even harder drugs. But these "rest" stimulants should be excluded for a woman who is planning a pregnancy. Be sure to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking excessive amounts of coffee before you become pregnant.

8. Combat sexual dysfunction and psychological problems

Sometimes the desire to conceive a child takes over a couple so strongly that they stop feeling the pleasure of PA. A man and a woman begin to look at their intimacy only through the prism of conception, and this is extremely wrong. Try not to let temporary problems in conception ruin your relationship. Perhaps you should forget about the problem for a while, go on vacation and let the situation go. Some couples will benefit from an experienced sexologist or psychologist. You need to know that there is always a way out and not make your partner to blame for all the troubles.