How to learn English from scratch? Independent study of English. How to quickly and easily learn English? Methods of teaching English

– Where to start learning English on your own?

This question can be asked by two categories of people: very, very newbies and those who have some kind of weathered base from their school days. So let's immediately separate: newcomers - to the left (more precisely, read on in this article), and those who have studied - to the right and . Because the recipe will be different for you.

Now I’m addressing only you, beginners: this article is dedicated to your route from beginner to elementary level. Together with Olga Sinitsyna, head of the methodology department, we described each step in detail and collected all the necessary links. This is the most complete article on the topic. Precisely for those who want to do everything themselves.

Contents of the article: teaching English independently from scratch

1. Alphabet: learn English from scratch on your own and for free

Pay attention to the patterns and differences of the sound system as a whole: in English there are almost no soft consonants, there are long/short and wide/narrow vowels, etc. To understand all this, .

3. First words: learn English on your own from scratch for free online

Since sounds need to be learned as part of a word, at the very first stage you will learn your first English words. You need to start with simple words that are used in everyday life.

6. Learn English grammar for beginners

In parallel with reading and studying entire phrases, you need to understand grammar. But not in theory, don’t delve into it by itself - learn useful English phrases and, using their own example, delve into the essence of grammatical rules. How it works, .

Also watch the video on how to properly teach grammar to a beginner

Let's look at what exactly needs to be understood and remembered at the initial level:

Articles. They are not in the Russian language at all. An article is a function word that is used together with a noun:

an apple (apple)

Here we have used the indefinite article an, because the word begins with a vowel. If a word begins with a consonant, then the article will be - a.

a dog (dog)

But in addition to the indefinite article, there is also a definite article - the. This video will help you understand articles:

Plural. Learn the rules for forming the plural of nouns. This is usually done by adding the suffix -s:

a cat – cats (cat – cats)

Order of words in a sentence. In English it is strict: the subject comes first, then the predicate, then the other parts of the sentence:

I love my job. (I love my job)

IN interrogative sentence the word order is different and an auxiliary verb is added:

Do I love my job? (I love my job?)

It will help you deal with these subtleties.

There must be a verb. Without a verb English sentence it simply cannot exist. And where there is no verb in Russian, .

I am a doctor. (I am a doctor or I There is doctor, literally)

Features of the time system. The English language has three tenses, just like ours: present, past and future. But each time has four forms, and those who study them are constantly confused. You don't need to immediately plunge into this chaos.

Imperative mood– when you tell another person what to do. In English it is formed simply:

Love me! (Love me!) Do it! (Make it this one)

And other topics: degrees of comparison of adjectives, regular and irregular verbs, turnover there is – there are. Full list of topics. And so you and I will gradually get to elementary.

7. Comprehensively, from all sides: how to learn English on your own from scratch

All this - words, phrases, grammar - needs to be improved from 4 sides: listening, writing, speaking and reading. We have collected and described for you independent exercises and materials for working on each skill:

Your level now is zero or beginner. On average, it takes 90-100 hours of study to reach the next level. Decide right away how many hours a day you are willing to study? If it’s an hour, then in 3 – 3.5 months you should reach the elementary level. If it’s half an hour, then multiply the time by two. So set this period as a deadline for yourself.

Now break down this huge goal of “reaching the elementary level” into specific and very clear tasks like “learn to express thoughts in the present tense”, “learn the 100 most common words”, “read a book in English”. Also plan these tasks according to specific deadlines.

Be sure to read it! Or watch the video:

9. What then? How to learn English on your own at home from scratch quickly

Learn English on your own online from scratch

Now you have a clear action plan. All in your hands. If you need simulators to practice English, then. When registering, we will determine your English level and choose a goal together. And after that, the service will provide daily activities for practice: vocabulary and grammar training, short stories for reading, video and audio for beginners. Let's break through together. 🙂

Today it’s time to ask yourself not the question “Why do you need to learn English?”, but “Where to start learning English?” if you don’t know it yet. In this article, we tried to collect useful tips to give a clear answer. The information is aimed at those who are interested in independent study, but will be useful for all students in general.

Let's immediately agree that we will proceed from the fact that you already have a minimum level of English. This means no advice like “Learn your ABCs” or “First of all, understand the difference between a and the.” So here are the most important tips, which you should listen to if your level of English leaves much to be desired.

Learn the Basics

It would seem obvious, but rarely does anyone follow the rule. Mainly because it seems humiliating. Put your ego aside and learn what you need to know so you don't always have to go back to the basics.

Basic grammar

And the English language has eight main parts of speech with which you can form complete sentences: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, interjection and conjunction.

There are much more temporary forms than in Russian, but the basic ones are enough for a confident start. And over time, you will see that the carriers themselves do not use all of them.

There are also basic points that you simply must know. For example, when should you use any and when should you use some? What is the difference between in, to, on and at?

Basic spelling

Even many native English speakers have problems with spelling, what can we say about us? Very often words are written differently from how they are pronounced. And there is no easier way to make progress here than by reading and writing.

Correct pronunciation

Many people like to put off this task until the last minute, focusing more on reading and writing exercises. But the problem is that later it may be too late to relearn. Start by at least pronouncing 100-200 words correctly.

Learn frequently used words

There are different opinions as to how many words a beginner in English needs to learn: 200, 250, 300, 1000, 2000, 2500 or 5000. It's more a matter of the time you have. But we recommend finding several resources on the Internet with the most popular English words.

Many people believe that this limits their options, but this is not the case. The main thing in the English language is not the words, but the structures that can be built from them. So learn what is necessary, perfect their pronunciation and spelling, and then focus on grammar.

Remember irregular verbs

This is the very bitter pill that needs to be swallowed and preferably as early as possible, so as not to waste your valuable mental energy and stop reproaching yourself.

It is believed that more than half of the mistakes that people make when using English are associated with the incorrect use of irregular verbs.

Many students have been talking about irregular verbs with fear or hatred for several years. But why bother if you can memorize them in a few days and just use them when needed?

Translate books

Of course, you shouldn't take on Galsworthy or Joyce. Take something simpler, maybe even adapted ones.

Here are some more benefits that come from reading and translating literature:

  • Improves spelling: The spelling of some words in English defies any logic. It's better to just memorize them. And if the book is also interesting, then this process turns into an exciting game.
  • Increases lexicon: This will inevitably happen. Yes, a small part will be forgotten after some time, but many of them will be etched in the memory and will remain there forever.
  • Helps to study collocations - grammatically and lexically correct phrases. For example, English speakers say "high temperature" rather than "tall temperature". The exercises are good and useful, but if you also translate the book and see specific live examples, learning happens much faster.

Where to start? First you need to consider several parameters:

  • Year the book was written. You probably shouldn't read 16th century literature if you're just starting to learn English. Start with something more modern.
  • Text complexity. Take the book you want to read and translate. How many unfamiliar words are on one page? If it’s more than 30%, then perhaps it’s not time for it yet.
  • Your age and level of knowledge. It is important to honestly answer yourself what level of English you are at, because many people worry when they take a book that is too difficult.
  • Format. It can be an e-book or paper. In the first case, it is desirable that there be a PDF format - with illustrations. Decide in advance how you will keep notes and notes.

Here is a list of fiction books that can be translated with basic knowledge of grammar and a small vocabulary:

  • "Theatre" Somerset Maugham.
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
  • “For Whom the Bell Tolls” Ernest Hemingway.
  • "Harry Potter" by Joanne Rowling.
  • “The Catcher in the Rye” Jerome Salinger.

What is the point of translating books? In the context. These are not isolated phrases from textbooks (although they are very useful). You can translate the book, then put it aside for a month, and then re-read it again. It turns out that most of the words are already familiar, because they were repeated many times in the text in different situations.

Translating a book is a complex and lengthy process. So be patient and get started. Experiment with genres to expand your vocabulary from different sources.

We also recommend that you translate film scripts that can be downloaded on the Internet without problems. Great amount colloquial speech will help you learn idioms, slang and simply show in which situation which word is appropriate.

Create a curriculum

Why is this advice being given only now? Because to draw up a plan you need to have at least a small idea of ​​where to go. After all, you want to start learning English on your own, which means you need to collect all the necessary information.

A curriculum is usually a table where you determine what you will study and when. For example, on Monday it’s grammar, on Tuesday it’s pronunciation, on Wednesday it’s vocabulary building.

It's important to stick to the plan no matter what happens. The main problem with most people learning English is that they take “pauses” that last for several months. As a result, you have to repeat everything that you managed to forget. Therefore, you need persistence, patience, discipline and motivation. The curriculum implies them.

The following tips are not as extensive as the previous ones, but can give you a fresh perspective on learning English.

  • Practice the four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening. Many experts in teaching English (as well as other) languages ​​agree that these are four different worlds. You can learn to translate written text and even speak, but without listening comprehension it will be very difficult.
  • Keep a notebook for new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try saying them three times before writing them down.
  • Practice every day. Even if there is a lot of work and other things to do today, schedule at least 15-20 minutes. For example, repeat words or rules.
  • Take our course on and. The first will help you remember words better using mnemonics, while the second will give you a lot of valuable advice, especially for those who have just started studying.
  • Test yourself constantly. This The best way consolidate knowledge.
  • Create an environment where you want, not feel forced, to learn.
  • Regularly review what you have learned in the past. Once a week, review all the grammar and words you have studied so far.
  • Don't rush to quickly move to the next level. This is the main problem of all beginners: without learning the basics, they choose Intermediate textbooks and then make ridiculous mistakes.
  • Newspapers and news sites are an excellent chance to search for constructions in the passive.
  • When working with text, read it first to get the general meaning. And only when repeating, write down words and phrases.
  • If you find it difficult to remember a word, memorize the whole sentence at once. The advantage is also that it will be in context.
  • When learning a new word, think about all its linguistic forms: beautiful (beautiful), beauty (beauty), beautifully (beautifully).
  • Use English wherever you can.
  • Use stickers - this is a great way to remember new words.
  • Remember that if it is difficult for you, then you are on the right path. At this point, you need to stop and spend as much time as necessary, rather than jumping to the next topic. Otherwise it will come back to haunt you in the future.

Services for learning English

We bring to your attention the most popular services for learning English. It should be said right away that you shouldn’t get hung up on any one of them: combine several at once. After all, each service has both its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Busuu. The developers have challenged traditional way training, which they always found boring, difficult and expensive.
  • LinguaLeo. The service is built according to all the rules of gamification. It is considered one of the most voluminous resources in terms of the amount of information: video, audio and text. Basic functionality is free, but for a fee you can expand the capabilities.
  • Duolingo. The developers guarantee that the service will always be free. Each lesson has an element of play. For example, there are hearts: you lose them when you answer incorrectly. If they run out, you have to start over. The resource is ideal for beginners.
  • Learn English. This site is available in English, so it immediately raises the barrier to entry. Here you will find materials for learning English in different formats: games, lessons, chats, etc.
  • BBC English. A very popular and high-quality resource that allows you to learn living and modern English. A lot of materials, including video, audio and texts.
  • Quora. On the site you can learn about English grammar, as well as individual cases of using certain vocabulary. There is a large community ready to answer any, even the most stupid questions.
  • Situational English. Despite the discreet design, the site provides very interesting information about which words and phrases are appropriate to use in different situations. For example, you can study the slang used in business. Or find out which exclamations should be used in this or that position.
  • Engvid. An excellent resource for those who already know how to understand English by ear at least at a basic level. You can watch a wide variety of videos in which teachers explain various grammar topics.


If you are a big fan of books, although you can't live without them, here are some works that may be useful:

  • “It is impossible to teach you English” Nikolai Zamyatkin. The book is a must for anyone who wants to succeed in learning English. The author tries to destroy all misconceptions that prevent you from mastering a foreign language.
  • "Building your vocabulary" Marvin Terban. An excellent textbook for learning new words. You can replenish your stock by playing a variety of games.
  • "English vocabulary in Use". Level: Elementary. Oxford Word Skills. Level: Basic. If you are taking your first steps in English, then you cannot do without these books. They will help you expand your vocabulary with frequently used words through games and exercises.
  • "Tree or Three?" Ann Baker. The sooner you start working on your pronunciation, the more success you will achieve. In this manual you will find diagrams showing the correct position of the speech organs, as well as hundreds of exercises for practicing the pronunciation of similar sounds.
  • "New English File". Level: Beginner. "New Total English". Level: Starter. « Upstream". Level: Beginner. This list of three books is great because it allows you to work on all the skills at once. All textbooks are in English, but beginners should not be afraid of this, because the vocabulary in them is selected as simple as possible, and the pictures help to understand the meaning of the task.
  • "English Grammar in Use"(red, blue and green books) Raymond Murphy. The three books are respectively divided into Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. This is a cult textbook that is suitable for both schoolchildren and students, as well as adults. The form of presentation of the material is a thematic reference book with exercises.
  • Oxford Practice Grammar. There are three levels: Basic (Norman Coe, Mark Harrison and Ken Patterson), Intermediate (John Eastwood) and Advanced (George Yule). The manual is suitable for students of any age. Each textbook contains more than 100 lessons, each of which is aimed at studying one aspect of grammar. The theory is explained in great detail and there are many illustrations.
  • "Grammarway". There are four levels: Basic Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate (all textbooks written by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley). Each manual contains from 12 to 20 lessons. The advantage is that there is a Russian-language version, and the manuals themselves have bright graphic content.
  • "Round-Up". There are six levels: Beginner Elementary, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Intermediate Upper-Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate. The textbooks boast a convenient structure for presenting the material, the presence of a Russian version, simple explanations and bright illustrations.
  • “Collection of exercises on English grammar” Krylova I.P., Gordon E.M. In it you will find various exercises on the course of grammar of modern English. The material for the assignments are individual sentences and coherent passages from the works of Anglo-American authors of the 19th and 20th centuries.

And finally, one video in which the teacher tells you where to start learning English. Humor and meaning are included.

We wish you good luck!

Known fact what's the most popular language in the world is English. Knowing it, you can communicate with a resident of almost any country. All this is possible due to the fact that English is an international language and is spoken in 106 countries around the world. It's not hard to guess to be successful person it is necessary to expand your linguistic boundaries. Learning English from scratch is not that difficult if you know where to get information from and how to use it. This article will help you learn everything you need to learn English on your own absolutely free.

Once you recognize the need to learn English, it's time to take action. Modern technologies of the 21st century allow you to learn on your own new language without teachers. Thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language quickly and efficiently. To do this, just find websites and video lessons in English, sign up for online courses or take online lessons. In addition, you can find a lot of material that clearly explains English for beginners.

Before you start learning a language, you need to understand where to start learning.

If you have at least some long-forgotten English skills, then mastering the language on your own will be easier. After all, if you once learned grammar and words, then you already have some basics of the English language and everything you need will emerge in your subconscious, as soon as you start going through the program.

If you have never touched English or foreign languages, it doesn't matter. Find an English tutorial that makes sense to you. In such books, as a rule, basic rules and words are written, which are enough for a foreigner to understand your speech and you can conduct a basic dialogue.

If you are interested in deeper and effective learning language, then you will have to look for special literature or find a site on the Internet that tells you how to learn English from scratch, for free. Such sources exist in large quantities, so studying the Internet on the whole foreign language will not be difficult and you can rest assured that your knowledge will be up to par.

So, if you decide to learn English from scratch, this article will help you figure out step by step how to organize your training without the involvement of expensive specialists and at the same time get up-to-date information about the language.

if desired, available to everyone at home

How to organize independent learning of English?

How long do you plan to study English?

Learning English on your own is easier than it seems. First, determine how long you plan to study and over what period of time you plan to learn the language. Honestly decide for yourself, if superficial knowledge is enough for you, then learning basic words and basic grammar in 3 months is quite possible. If you want to master an intermediate level of English, prepare to devote 3 days a week to this for at least a year. And, of course, if your goal is to know English perfectly, then when you start learning English, get ready to practice the language every day, learn something new and improve your knowledge every year.

What do you need to learn a language?

Depending on your needs, you need to stock up on materials and tools. To learn the basics of English for tourism purposes, a tutorial and a dictionary with basic words and phrases will be enough. If your goal is more global, you need a good and high-quality dictionary, a grammar textbook and various audio and video lessons in English. It is a known fact that communicating with a native speaker is the best way to acquire speech skills. If you have the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker, take advantage of it. As an alternative, watching English films without translation (subtitles are acceptable) or reading English fiction in the original are also suitable. Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write down new words and always have it with you so that you can repeat the words while in a traffic jam, on the way to visit or at any other time.

Set yourself a goal

As soon as you decide what level of English you need and how much time you are ready to learn new words and rules, set yourself goals. By achieving each new small goal, you overcome the path of learning English from scratch, step by step. Each new step is a new level for you. It will be relevant if you set yourself approximate deadlines:

  1. Learn the entire alphabet in 2 weeks;
  2. Learn correct pronunciation in 3 weeks;
  3. Learn the basic tenses (present, past and future) in 1 month;
  4. Learn a minimum vocabulary of 300 words or more in 50 days;
  5. Learn to compose complete sentences in 1.5 - 2 months.

Create a class schedule

Once you have decided on all the main points, it's time to organize your work. Decide which day you study grammar by watching educational videos, solving tests, or reading. At a minimum, you need to spend an hour studying, learning about 5 new words every day. On Saturday evening, watch episode 1 of your favorite English series without translation, believe me, this will greatly help you in learning the language. Over time, you can move from TV series to films, and from there you can start reading books in English.

Surround yourself with English

In addition to the dedicated time for learning the language, it is necessary to fill the space around you with English speech and words. For example, hang up leaflets with new words in your apartment, listen to the news in English (again, everything is available on the Internet). Find a foreign friend with whom you can communicate every day on Skype or correspond. There are special sites where oral and written practice of a foreign language is possible. If you have the opportunity to go abroad, where English is spoken, for 1-2 months, this will be the most educational and interesting trip for you, since you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself entirely in the English atmosphere, without creating it artificially.

will pass quickly and successfully if you learn to read English text, master vocabulary and grammar, listen to speech, learn to write and practice pronunciation

Free sites and online programs for learning English from scratch

So, the Internet can become your main assistant in learning English. The main thing is to find useful sites and video courses and look at them every day, looking for new words, interesting videos and grammar rules. A program for learning English at home can be based on ready-made online courses, or you can combine viewing useful videos, read books and even use chat rooms to communicate with native speakers. You can learn English easily and quickly if you choose the method and method that you like. Below you will find various resources for learning English from scratch, from which you can choose what you like best.

Learn to read correctly and quickly in English

  1. Reading English Consonants - Alphabet and Sounds
  2. Alphabet and basic reading in English- video, part 1, basic knowledge;
  3. "A" in a closed syllable, sh pronunciation and much more- video, part 2, pronunciation of the article and some sounds;
  4. Reading rules and pronunciation ar, are, air, y, e, ch- video, part 3, rules for reading complex sounds.

It is also good to read magazines ( in English aloud or silently. You can find any material that interests you.

Memorizing new vocabulary

To prevent new vocabulary from being hard labor for you, the best way is to download and install special applications for your phone so that you can learn vocabulary even outside the home, when you can just take out your phone and not waste time in a traffic jam/subway/queue, but learn the language.

For business negotiations the channel will be useful Business English Pod.

Another good way to learn new words is to solve crossword puzzles of English words:

Listening to English speech

To understand English, it is important to listen to foreign speech as often as possible. These can be songs (, audio recordings and audio books ( To constantly expand your vocabulary, it is useful to watch news in English (, foreign TV programs, films and series in English. But first, you should take a short online course on understanding English speech. YouTube will help you with this.

  1. English with Jennifer. The page has a special section “understanding fast English speech”, where in 20 lessons you can acquire good skills.
  2. The channel link may also help you Real English, where you can find many videos in which real people They speak English, each video has subtitles.
  3. Another useful channel British Council, where you can find a selection of educational cartoons with various situations in which people communicate in English.
  4. It will be no less useful comprehensive study of English with the BBC on YouTube channel.

Learning and improving grammar

The main thing you need to learn is grammar. Tenses, verb forms, pronouns and much more can be studied using the textbook “English Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy, which describes English tenses, verbs and sentence construction in a very accessible way. This textbook can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded for free. Any that you understand will also work. free books on grammar, which can be downloaded.

But you can learn grammar using any resource for adults and children. One of the most interesting ways for beginners - subscribe to one of the channels on YouTube:

You can also start learning English grammar on the following web resources:

And don’t forget to take English tests, some can be found here -,,

Reading adapted texts in English

Adapted texts are very useful when learning English, especially at the beginner level. You can download them. So, we learn to read and immediately understand the meaning of the text, avoiding cumbersome sentences and unnecessary constructions. On this site you can find both easy texts and more complex ones to improve your reading technique. Here, in each work, simple phrases are used and translations are given. You can also find simple texts. In addition to the texts themselves, on the site you can repeat the reading rules and some words. Remember, to read even adapted literature, you need basic knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of reading rules.

Improving speech skills

Perhaps the biggest problem for a person who wants to master English is finding English speakers to practice speaking with. Communication is a very important part of learning because communication helps you learn desired timbre, pronunciation and learn new words. To find English speaking interlocutors, you can use one of the sites below. All you have to do is register and the doors to the world of English speech will open before you.

English is one of the languages ​​of international communication. Wherever you are, whatever continent you end up on, it is its knowledge that will help you establish contact with local residents. Therefore, most people want to know this foreign language, if not ideally, then at least at a conversational level.

Why study English

First, let's identify the main reasons that can serve as excellent motivation for learning English.

  1. Education abroad. Almost all foreign universities require knowledge of English from foreign students. One of the conditions for successful admission is passing an international language exam, at least at the Upper-Intermediate level.
  2. Internship or work abroad. Many international companies they want to see smart, hardworking employees in their ranks, but at the same time it is important not only to be an expert in their profession, but also to speak English at a fairly high level.
  3. Vacation abroad. Do you want to relax? Then it will also be useful for you to know at least a little English Intermediate level. Even though you may not be able to fully understand English, you can ask for directions to a museum or order lunch in a cafe without any problems.
  4. Self-development. You strive to be better and not just physically. Learning English will be a wonderful opportunity not only to broaden your horizons, but also to train your memory, thinking, and also get the opportunity to read your favorite books in the original and not have to wait for the dubbing of a new episode of your favorite TV series.

Who can help with language learning

Of course, the best way to learn English is through courses or with the help of a tutor. But what if this is not possible? There is not always time to travel to a tutor, and this pleasure is not cheap. In this case, you can try to learn the language on your own.

Friends and acquaintances can help you with this. First of all, find a practicing translator or English teacher. Ask him to help determine your level of language proficiency, as well as select the necessary textbooks and materials for studying. After talking with you and asking you to take certain tests, he will be able to tell you what exactly you should pay attention to when learning a language, and will identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Next, you will need a friend or acquaintance who speaks English or is fluent in it. With its help you will develop your speaking skills. It’s good if you have a friend who studies English and is ready to communicate with you periodically, but it’s even better if you meet a native speaker on a social network and periodically correspond with him and even call him using Skype.

Learning English on your own

You have decided to start learning English on your own. Then you should familiarize yourself with a number of tips and recommendations that will help you not only quickly, but also effectively learn a foreign language.

Study methods

First of all, it’s worth saying a few words about the basic methods and techniques of learning a foreign language. Textbooks and courses are based on them.

  1. Communicative method, implies active communication with native speakers or with people learning English. Its main task is to teach a person to speak and not be afraid of communicating in English. At the same time, not only speaking is trained, but also listening and writing.
  2. Intensive methodology involves studying and practicing stable phrases and expressions, which are most often found in English.
  3. Linguistic and sociocultural method involves learning English with immersion in the culture and history of Britain, studying its traditions.

You may be wondering how to choose the right method. There is no clear answer to this question. One technique is more suitable for some, and another for others. But it's best to use all three, which will help you master the English language better.

Finding out the level of knowledge

Before you start learning a language, you need to determine your level of knowledge. To do this, you can take special tests or, as already mentioned, communicate with a practicing teacher.

There are six levels of English proficiency:

  1. Beginner level or Beginner, involves learning English from scratch.
  2. Elementary involves knowledge of simple phrases and individual words.
  3. At Intermediate level you know the basic rules of grammar and can construct simple sentences.
  4. Upper-Intermediate - average level, implies understanding English speech, the ability to independently construct stories and translate texts.
  5. Advanced– assumes an extensive vocabulary, the ability to speak at the same pace as native speakers.
  6. Upper-Advanced- advanced level, which allows you to pass international exams with high marks.

Depending on your level of proficiency, you will have to select textbooks and Additional materials.

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Selecting textbooks

One of the most important stages in learning English is choosing a textbook or tutorial.

When choosing a benefit, you should pay attention to several important points.

  1. The year of publishing. You should not use old textbooks and tutorials from the end of the last century. The newer the textbook, the better. The language is constantly evolving, rules and vocabulary change.
  2. Dictionary. Be sure to make sure that at the end of the book there is a dictionary with which you can translate the texts given in the textbook.
  3. Answers to exercises. Another important point. If you intend to learn the language on your own, then you will probably need to check the exercises you have completed.
  4. Availability of reference diagrams and tables.
  5. Disc with audio materials to the exercises.
  6. Try to find a textbook, each lesson of which illuminates new topic.
  7. Make sure each topic has exercises not only on grammar, but also phonetics and vocabulary. Try to choose a study guide that uses different types of tasks - translating texts and sentences from English into Russian and vice versa, constructing sentences, inserting missing parts of a sentence, phonetics exercises.
  8. A huge advantage would be the presence of exercises in the textbook. on phraseology.

Certainly, the best option there will be an acquisition teaching aids from well-known British publishers specializing in English language teaching, such as Oxford University Press or Cambridge University Press.

A set of textbooks from these publishers usually includes: a reading book, a workbook, a grammar notebook, a CD with audio materials, and a teacher’s book in which you can find answers to all tasks. True, such a kit is not cheap, and not everyone will be able to study books in which even the tasks are given in English.

Selecting audio and video aids

It’s not enough to study from a textbook. It will help you master only the basic rules and expand your vocabulary, and the use of audio and video materials will help you improve your proficiency skills.

You can use audio aids when traveling to school or work, or listen to them before bed. It is best to use a selection of thematic audio lessons.

Watching films in English helps not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to master pronunciation and remember intonation stress in a particular type of phrase.

When using films for learning, follow these simple tips:

  1. Select movies with subtitles.
  2. Try to find a movie or TV series that you have already seen. In this case, focus on your level. It is likely that you will have to start learning the language from children's cartoons or the TV series “Extra”.
  3. Watch the movie in small portions initially., 10-20 minutes a day.
  4. Write down unfamiliar words and expressions in order to translate them.

Use thematic video courses to learn English. These could be video lessons on English phraseology and grammar. Dmitry Petrov’s video course “Polyglot” is quite popular, in which the rules of English grammar are explained in simple and accessible language.

Books to read

To develop your vocabulary, as well as improve your writing skills, you should read fiction in English. This will help you remember how to spell this or that word, get acquainted with the construction of phrases and sentences, and phraseological units.

For reading, use adapted literature. These books are written using the most commonly used and used words and expressions that you know. Most books indicate the level for which it is intended. It would be good if audio versions were attached to them. This way you can not only read the book, but also simply listen to it, while following the text.

If your level of English is already quite high, then you can try reading your favorite English authors in the original.

It will be a big plus if the book comes with additional materials, such as summary books, biography of the author, exercises on grammar and vocabulary, tests, questions for discussion. Answers must also be provided for the exercises.

We create favorable conditions

To successfully learn a language, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Be sure to create a study schedule. Classes must be systematic. Try to set aside three or four days a week for this. Classes should last at least an hour, or even two.
  2. Alternate grammar lessons with vocabulary lessons, watching movies. If today you focused on studying the rules, then next time you will spend most of your time translating the text or composing dialogues and letters.
  3. Practice in a quiet, peaceful place. You should not watch TV or listen to music at the same time. Try to make sure that no one distracts you during this time.
  4. Take breaks from studying. Exercise for 25-30 minutes, then allow yourself a break for 5 minutes.
  5. Use different programs and applications for learning English, solve crosswords, play various linguistic games.

The right approach to learning is the key to successful language acquisition


Phonetics implies knowledge of the alphabet and the sound of each letter or their combinations. When starting to learn English, you should learn the English alphabet with the pronunciation of each letter.

Considering that in English words do not always sound the way they are written, you will have to devote a lot of time to learning new vocabulary. In this case, it is worth using a dictionary, studying and remembering the transcription of each word.

When working with the textbook, be sure to do phonetics exercises. Usually such exercises are accompanied by voice acting on the disc. You will be asked to read and repeat new words or phrases after the speaker. At the same time, not only the pronunciation of a particular word will be practiced, but also the intonation for various types phrases.

Reading and vocabulary

You can read texts in English either with or without reading comprehension. In the first case, you need a significant vocabulary, which you develop over time by reading new texts, doing exercises, listening to audio courses or watching videos.

Reading without comprehension means that you can simply read the text without understanding its essence. To do this you will need knowledge English alphabet and the correspondence of letters and their combinations to sounds. But even in this case, no one will give you a complete guarantee that you will be able to read this or that word correctly. In any case, you will have to resort to the dictionary every now and then, checking yourself.

To replenish your vocabulary, you need to read new texts, watch films in the native language. In this case, all unfamiliar words should be written down in a special notebook, and then their transcription and translation should be found.

A big plus would be the creation of special cards. The English word is written on one side of the piece of paper, and its translation on the other. Go through these cards and try to translate words in your free time, and you will quickly expand your vocabulary.


There is an opinion that it is not necessary to have a large vocabulary, the main thing is to know English grammar. In part, this is true. Knowing the correct construction of a particular construction, you can easily compose a sentence or even write an entire text by consulting a dictionary.

Basic exercises that will help you master grammar - translating sentences from Russian into English, constructing phrases and sentences from the proposed set of words, filling in gaps in the text or choosing one of several answer options, opening brackets in which you are asked to put this or that word in the correct form.

Very popular are exercises in which you are asked to reconstruct a sentence, making it interrogative, affirmative or exclamatory, and change the tense.

All types of exercises should be used for effective learning.


Writing is closely related to grammar and vocabulary. During development exercises writing not only knowledge of grammar is consolidated, but also vocabulary, the ability to write words correctly, without errors.

The most used exercises for developing written speech are filling in gaps in words and correcting texts. But the most commonly used method is writing various letters and essays, writing autobiographies and resumes.

Oral speech

The last component is oral speech. It is practiced by composing and voicing dialogues and oral answers to questions posed. To improve oral speech, the method of retelling texts, composing and memorizing topics is used.

If you are learning English on your own, then it will be enough for you to communicate at least 10–15 minutes a day with a native English speaker or an acquaintance who is also learning or speaking English.

Despite the fact that many are sure that it is almost impossible to learn English on your own, this is far from the case. The main thing is the presence of strong motivation, a properly selected textbook and additional materials for it, as well as systematic and diligent learning. Follow our advice and you will definitely succeed.