How to properly place a live Christmas tree at home. DIY wooden stand for Christmas tree. How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of plastic bottles

“The holiday is coming to us,” and with it come New Year’s troubles.
Make sure to purchase your Christmas tree in advance.

1. Barrel. Having arrived at the market and pulled out from a pile of branches, cones and needles what you liked, you need to hit it with the butt ( bottom trunk, which once formed a single whole with the stump remaining in the forest) along the ground.
If, as a result of this action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this “miracle” in its place.
If the test was successful, meticulously inspect the trunk for mold, mildew and other impurities.
As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut down in due time, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, the normal weight is considered to be five kilograms, or better yet, all seven.
A very thin trunk is a sign of disease. A healthy tree should have a trunk with a girth of at least 6 centimeters; if it branches, it’s okay, it makes the tree look even fluffier.

2. Needles. Fresh spruce has a bright green color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel the slight oiliness and fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely it has frostbite.

3. Branches. The tree should be fresh; if it is dry, it will begin to crumble in two or three days. A fresh tree's branches are elastic and cannot easily be broken off, while a dry tree's branches easily break off with a characteristic crack. The branches should stretch upward.

4. Transporting the Christmas tree. To avoid breaking branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the tree in burlap and tie it with rope. Carry the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the tree into the house, its top, on the contrary, should be in front.

5. Installing the Christmas tree. If the tree is purchased in advance, then before the holiday itself it is better to keep it in the cold: hanging it outside the window or placing it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was purchased directly on December 31, then under no circumstances should you immediately bring it into a warm room, install it and decorate it: from such a temperature difference the tree can get sick and die. If the frost outside is below -10° C, do not bring the tree directly into the apartment. Let it stand in the entrance for about 20 minutes so that it thaws.

Before installing the tree, you need to clear the trunk 8-10 cm from the bark and plan it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also trim the top of the spruce tree at an angle, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

You can install the Christmas tree in different ways:

Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean, damp sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which it is pre-dissolved. a large number of glycerin or gelatin. Another option is for garden flowers- an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some people recommend adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is covered by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1–2 days.

Container with water. The water at the time of installation must be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. The acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon to water citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk.

Wrapping the trunk. The simplest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which must be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand or in some other way.

Spruce branches can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - thereby keeping the tree fresh longer.

Date of publication: 5-11-2015, 20:27

Install christmas tree It is possible not only in the house, but also on the street. It’s especially good when a live spruce grows in front of the house, then you don’t need to buy anything or bother with installation. By the way, despite the fact that this moment It's still November, you need to think about installing the Christmas tree right now, the same can be said about pyrotechnics. It's best to visit a fireworks store soon because the price of everything will likely be lower than in the second half of December. And also, if you buy fireworks, do it in the Ba-Bah store, which can be found on the website They have a huge collection of pyrotechnics. Moreover, everything presented is of the highest quality. As for the prices, they cannot be called high, at least they are not higher than average.

What you need to install a Christmas tree outside

To install a spruce tree outdoors you will need some kind of holder. The easiest way is to use a steel pipe for this; it can be driven into the ground and you’re good to go. You can also use a portable holder made of wood. Of course, the Christmas tree holder can be welded from rolled steel.

Three ways to install a tree

The easiest way is to use steel pipe suitable diameter. The inner diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the thickness of the spruce trunk. All you need to do is drive the pipe vertically into the ground, about thirty centimeters deep. To do this you will need a sledgehammer. This needs to be done now, because soon the ground will freeze, which will make installing the pipe almost impossible.

The next method is to use a wooden holder. It can be knocked down from solid wood, namely from timber and beams; you can also use boards. In the center of such structures, a square of suitable size is usually arranged. As for the legs, there are usually four of them. You need to place such a stand under the spruce where it is level.

The third way to install a spruce tree is to use another holder, but not made of wood, but of metal. To manufacture such a structure you will need rolled metal and welding machine. From metal, a piece of steel pipe, corners, square pipe, and indeed everything that can be used in this matter.

It is worth noting that to install a Christmas tree outside you will need not only a holder, but also a garland, as well as Christmas decorations. Moreover, it is desirable that the garland be large, like the toys.

So, let's reach the finish line and turn on the acceleration! There is a week left until the New Year and it’s time not only to think, but to start actively preparing the Christmas tree!

We'll leave the debate about whether the tree should be a live one or an artificial one... for later. Personally, I am of the opinion that _ But we’ll talk about this some other time. Now, for those who have an artificial Christmas tree, just click one of the “Like.buttons” and you can safely stop reading further, because the stand is included in the kit and you shouldn’t have any problems with installation. The rest - you are welcome under the cut - I will tell you how, not for the first time, I have easily and simply solved the issue of installing this New Year's attribute
Christmas tree stands come in a variety of varieties. As a child, we had a metal bucket on a tripod with three clamping screws, with which the Christmas tree was clamped like a clamp. It was very convenient - there is little space, it holds tightly and you can pour water so that the tree can stand longer. But... the bucket broke long ago, and we never found a new one like it (though we didn’t really look for it).
For some time we used an ordinary bucket for a stand! Yes, yes - this is the easiest installation method.

1 Method:
What do you need:
1. Bucket (any kind, it can be plastic, we had a wide metal one. The larger the bucket, the bigger size you can place a Christmas tree in it - after all, the Christmas tree is very large, and therefore heavy, which means you need a decent weight of cargo underneath).
2. Several plastic bottles filled with water (bottle sizes vary depending on the size of the bucket and tree).
3. A few ropes for guy ropes (sometimes it is necessary to additionally secure the tree either to the bucket itself in the form of a guy wire, or to a nearby cabinet-battery-shelf, etc.).

What we do:
- Remove excess branches from the bottom of the tree to the height of a bucket.
- The Christmas tree is installed in a bucket :) And it is bursting with plastic bottles on all sides (fixed). Some bottles are completely filled; the filling of others should be adjusted in order to insert them into the bucket to level and secure the tree. Bottles can be alternated - insert some up, others down with their necks. Those that are inserted with the lid up can easily be used to “select balance” during pre-installation: by unscrewing the lid, we drain under pressure excess water and the tree “finds” its place more easily.
- If necessary (if the tree is crooked and warped), it should be attached with small ropes to something (and even to the same bucket, if the bucket is of sufficient mass). The main thing you should pay attention to is that the tree must stand on its own! The ropes only _fix_ it in the desired position, so that if it moves carelessly during a round dance, it does not upset its balance. A correctly installed Christmas tree does not need additional fixation! :)
- And now, fill the bucket with water - with this we create a heavy base for the Christmas tree, and secondly, we extend the time that it will stand. We had it for up to a month and a half, the main thing is not to forget to replenish the water on time - pine absorbs it very well :)

A large bucket under the tree does not always look beautiful... (and ours was a battered bucket, touched by rust...) so the bucket is wrapped in a layer of packing cotton - it turns out to be a beautiful snowball! And the Christmas tree looks like it was installed right in a snowdrift. If your company does not receive devices wrapped in tens of meters of packing wool (not to be confused with medical wool, which is much more expensive) :))) - we are looking for any fabric or cardboard - at your discretion. If only it was beautiful :) In the end, traditional figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden can also be placed.

Small Christmas tree for New Year 2007. Installed by method 1- a plastic bucket disguised as a snowdrift (for large Christmas trees a 15-liter wide metal bucket was used).

2 Method:
We used this method when the Christmas tree was of medium size (up to 2 meters), and we installed it for a short time.
What do you need:
1. An ordinary stand from an inexpensive fan. IN last years We have such hot summer days... that you bought a “promotional” cheap fan, if not for home, then certainly for work. Unlike expensive models, its stand is collapsible. We take the lower part from it, separating the fan itself.
2. A little adhesive tape (scotch tape) or rope.

What we do:
Actually, that's all! :))
- Attach the Christmas tree to the stand with rope/adhesive tape - and rejoice:) In a cool room, the Christmas tree will stand quietly for up to two weeks and will not fall apart. The stand is light, the tree can be easily moved from place to place.

3 Method:
This year I used it for the first time. Actually, this is a combination of methods 1 and 2. Initially, I was going to use method 2, but then... I felt sorry for the Christmas tree and decided to add some water to it.

What do you need:
1. An ordinary stand from an inexpensive fan (see method 2).
2. A little tape or rope.
3. Plastic bottle (minimum 2 liters. In general, the size depends on the thickness of the barrel. In our case, a 5-liter container was required).
4. I also needed one 30 mm self-tapping screw, but I could have done without it.

What we do:
1. First of all, as before, we free the trunk from the lower branches to the height of our container.

One of the questions that comes to us on New Year's Eve is how to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer, so that one of the main New Year and Christmas attributes will please the eyes of household members and, of course, guests for as long as possible. Below we will list some tricks to ensure that the tree does not fall off longer and remains as bright at least throughout the New Year holidays.

  • Buy fresh spruce. Of course, all the sellers will vying with each other to tell that the forest beauty was cut just an hour ago, but in fact, it happens that cut trees take several weeks to reach their buyers. If possible, buy a spruce directly from a nursery or from sellers you trust.
  • Acclimatize. It is undesirable to immediately place the tree in a room at room temperature from frost; it is advisable to let it stand for about a day on the balcony, in the garage, etc.
  • Give the tree a shower. If possible, rinse the coniferous beauty in the shower: this procedure will not only remove dust and dirt from the tree, but will also saturate every twig and needle with life-giving moisture. After the procedure, let the water drain, and then put the tree in place.
  • Temperature regime. The cooler it is in the room with the spruce, the longer it will last. It is not advisable to place the tree near heating radiators and other heating devices, as this will lead to premature fading and shedding of the needles.
  • Moistening the branches. If you spray the tree with a spray bottle every day or at least once every 2-3 days, this will help the branches retain much-needed moisture. IMPORTANT! During the procedure, turn off the electrical lights to avoid electric shock and short circuit! Try to prevent moisture from getting on the garlands and do not overdo it with spraying.
  • Barrel power. Be sure to place the spruce trunk in a container with an aqueous solution. Various nutrients are added to the water, either all together or separately: sugar (approximately 50 g per 1 liter of water); salt (about 1 tbsp); aspirin (one crushed tablet); chalk (about 50g); lemon juice (1 tsp)

If you are installing a spruce tree on a stand, then it is advisable to place the container with the solution under the stand, lowering the cut into this container. It is advisable to increase the feeding area by cutting the trunk into a wedge, making an oblique cut, or removing the bark from the bottom of the trunk. As it evaporates and “drinks,” it is advisable to update the solution in the container.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand

If you don’t have a stand, or the design of the stand doesn’t suit you, or you can’t install a container with a nutrient solution under the stand, then the simplest option is to put the tree in a bucket of sand and moisten the sand with the same solution. Installed in this way, the tree will be stable and will last for a long time due to the largest feeding area.

Well, if you buy a Christmas tree in a pot, which we wrote about here, then this beauty will delight you throughout your life, and not just during the winter holidays. And if desired, later, it can be planted in open ground, decorating personal plot or by making your contribution to greening our beloved planet.

Happy New Year and Christmas!

An artificial tree lasts for a long time, but a live one lasts only a few holidays. But this time it will delight you with a unique pine aroma, giving you a real New Year's mood.

If you do not have much experience in handling natural wood, then you simply cannot do without our advice. Before you go to the Christmas tree market, carefully read how to choose and install a live Christmas tree for the New Year at home yourself.

How to choose a live Christmas tree

If you decide to choose a live Christmas tree, then do not waste time. If two or three weeks before the New Year there are thick and beautiful spruce trees in the markets, then before the holiday itself there may be bald trees left that no one bought.

In addition to the external beauty of the tree, an important parameter for choosing it is the size, that is, the height. The tree should not touch the ceiling. Alternatively, of course, you can cut down the trunk a little, but tall trees are usually more expensive. Tree width - less important parameter, but still, dressed up, she should not take up the entire room and interfere with the passage of your household.

If you put the spruce in a corner, you can buy a cheaper one-sided tree. Otherwise, you will have to cut off the branches of the too lush crown, which should stand in the center of the room and delight others with its beauty from all sides.

Now you need to choose a high-quality live Christmas tree that will last in your home for a long time. This must be done for several reasons at once.

1. Take your favorite Christmas tree and hit the bottom of the trunk on the ground like a staff. If the needles fall off, then it is better not to take such a tree.

2. Now you need to examine the trunk, if it is very thin, this may be a sign of disease. If the tree is healthy, then the girth of the trunk should be at least 10 cm. But branching is not a sign of mutation; on the contrary, such a spruce is usually fluffy and beautiful. Also inspect the trunk for mold and mildew.

3. The needles of a fresh Christmas tree are rich green. To the touch, if you rub them a little with your fingers, the needles are a little oily and very fragrant. If all this is not so, then the tree is frozen.

4. Branches should stretch upward, be elastic and difficult to break. If they break off with a bang, this indicates that the spruce has dried out and will not last long.

You also need to deliver the selected Christmas tree home by certain rules, having previously packed it in a bag and tied it with a rope. In order not to spoil the lower branches, carry it with the top back, and turn it around with the top before entering the entrance.

Usually on New Year's Eve it is cold, and Christmas trees are stored outside. Therefore, completely different conditions await the forest beauty at home, to which she must get used to before installation and decoration. Keep it in the entrance for about an hour so that it thaws if the frost outside is below 10 degrees. And then leave it for 1-2 days in the hallway (or where it will not disturb you) to warm up, wrapping the trunk below with a wet cloth and covering the tree on top with a dry one. There is no need to untie the tied branches and wash the Christmas tree.

If you bought it in advance, you need to store the tree in a cold room, for example, on a balcony, garage or basement, so that its needles do not fall off.

How to install a live Christmas tree at home

Once the live tree has become accustomed to the warmth of your home, carefully untie and remove all strings, being careful not to damage or break the branches. Measure the height of the Christmas tree and your ceiling, making sure it will fit in the room in an upright position.

The trunk from below needs to be cleared of 8–10 cm of bark and slightly sawed or planed with a sharp knife under running water, since the resin plugs the pores and prevents the tree from absorbing moisture. If at the Christmas tree market the tree was cut down diagonally, then saw off this entire part so that the base is even. Also calculate the distance from the stand to the lower branches; some of them may also have to be cut off.

Now place the tree vertically and inspect it from all sides. It will be better if someone helps you do this. The most beautiful side of the tree should attract the eyes of those entering the room so that it is immediately visible. Moreover, if the tree stands in a corner, all the beautiful and fluffy branches should be in plain sight, and not against the wall.

A live Christmas tree is installed in a special stand designed specifically for this purpose. It has legs, a sand pot and barrel holding bolts designed to be customized to size. After installation, check whether the tree is level and not leaning to the side. You can replace such a pot with a bucket of sand, but there is no guarantee that a tree decorated with toys will not fall when you least expect it. The lower part of the trunk must be covered with sand by at least 20 cm.

A living Christmas tree needs special care so that it lasts longer, does not dry out and does not crumble. First of all, it needs to be watered. It is better to do this the first time when your spruce is not only installed, but already decorated. Fill the container with hot, but not boiling, water to clear the pores of resin. Next waterings needs to be done every day with water room temperature, settled or from the filter.

What will help lift the New Year's mood? Of course, a living Christmas tree that will give you a joyful holiday feeling, warm memories and the expectation of a miracle! Every adult is in a hurry to please their children.

In order for your holiday tree to bring a lot of joy, you need to know how to choose the right live Christmas tree for the holiday. And then it will remain fresh during all the New Year's festivities. Read on to learn how to choose, install, and keep a living beauty fresh at home!

What you need to know when choosing a live Christmas tree

Choosing a beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year is not so difficult, but you need to try a little and be attentive. There are certain criteria for choosing a New Year's beauty; read about all this below.

First of all, shortly before you go to the store or market to purchase a tree and choose a live Christmas tree, decide where exactly it will stand:

  • in the middle of the room it would be preferable to choose spruce symmetrical and chic from all sides;
  • but if you put it in corner, then it will do one-sided.

We advise you to first determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling in your home in order to choose a live Christmas tree of the appropriate height. Usually they buy a spruce 1.5-2 meters long. The height of the festive prickly attribute is measured not from the very top, but from the beginning of the first branches. Also think in advance about how you will place it: in a pot of sand, a bucket of water, or a cross.

Interesting to know! The very first Christmas tree was erected in the French countryside of Alsace in 1600 and was decorated with roses made from brightly colored paper.

  • We recommend purchasing it during the day in order to notice all the flaws in the wood.
  • When you come to the store, you should find out when the tree was cut down, carefully examine the branches - the needles should not fall out. Shake the trunk to see the number of fallen needles. Several needles, of course, will fall to the ground (if more fall out, this should alert you).
  • Fresh spruce has bright green, shiny needles. The spruce needles should be fragrant and oily (feel them to check).
  • Dry needles without the characteristic smell of pine needles will tell you that the tree is damaged or frostbitten.

  • You can check the freshness of a spruce tree by bending a branch. Flexible, elastic branches will tell about good condition tree, and vice versa, hard, dry branches will indicate that the tree is old and will not last long.
  • There are often cases of sellers processing live spruce trees for longer storage. How to avoid falling for the trick? Just smell it if you notice a strange smell (possibly acrid and disgusting) - of course, you shouldn’t take such a spruce.
  • There is an opinion that it is better to choose a live Christmas tree with a thicker trunk, because this indicates its condition. A thick trunk is considered to be 7-8 centimeters in girth.
  • Inspect the cut of wood; you should not choose one with dark stripes on the cut or with mold. Mold and mildew can spread into your apartment, so it is especially important to pay attention to this. There must be resin on the cut; a large amount of resin indicates that the tree was recently cut. At the same time, you need to make a new cut for the holiday tree at home; excess resin will interfere with the absorption of water.
  • Carefully inspect the spruce - the lower branches should stick up.

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree

The best time and place to buy

Live Christmas tree for New Year's celebrations It’s better to purchase 5-7 days before the holiday, since spruce can be stored in fresh 2-4 weeks.

It is advisable to buy a Christmas tree from a tree nursery or market- they are grown especially for the New Year, and therefore you will probably not be an accomplice in the illegal logging of young coniferous trees.

It is necessary to use a special mesh or fabric to wrap the holiday tree after purchase. To do this, carefully bend the branches from top to bottom, wrap them with netting and secure the whole thing with rope so as not to break the branches on the road.

It is advisable to drag the New Year's miracle with the trunk forward to avoid damage. But to bring it into the house, on the contrary, top first.

How to bring a beauty home

So, you have chosen the perfect Christmas tree for the New Year! But how to bring her home so that she doesn’t “lose” all her beauty along the way?

Most convenient way transportation after purchase - transportation by car. You can bring a Christmas tree by car like this:

  • In the trunk. But the space in the trunk is quite limited, so this option is suitable only if the tree is very small.

  • In the cabin. If the Christmas tree does not fit in the trunk, then you just need to fold down the rear seats and carefully place it.
  • In a trailer- the simplest and most convenient way to transport a holiday tree, but not everyone has a trailer.
  • On the roof. The optimal transportation option, especially if there is a roof rack installed on the car's roof - you just need to secure the winter beauty and that's it.

If there is no trunk, then you need to put thick fabric on the roof; if there are roof rails, tie them to them; if not, then you can pass ropes through the slightly lowered rear doors.

To bring a live Christmas tree home and not harm either the car itself or the tree, The following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Before loading the tree onto or into the car, you need to carefully tie it with a rope (so that the branches do not break off and it becomes more compact).
  • It is advisable to wrap the tree with a bag/polyethylene/cloth. This is necessary in order not to scratch the car or stain the interior.
  • When transporting, handle the New Year tree very carefully.

There is another interesting option transportation - sledging. It is suitable for those who live close to the sales points.

What to do after you bring her home

Leave the New Year tree in the entrance or hallway of a private house for 30-40 minutes, during this time the tree will adapt to your temperature regime.

How to properly install a Christmas tree

It is considered the most correct and the best optionsecure a live Christmas tree at home in a bucket of sand. Many people simply place it on the cross and wrap it in a damp cloth. It’s better, of course, to choose the option with a bucket of sand, it will be more reliable and the tree will last longer.

To install a live Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Just clear the bottom of the trunk of branches (about 15-20 cm) and trim the bark. The safest way to do this is with a special knife or hatchet.
  2. The trunk is dipped deep into a bucket, the sand is compacted and the tree is leveled vertically, simultaneously placing stones or bricks in the bucket of sand. This will help secure it well at home.
  3. The stand can be decorated beautiful fabric or bright paper.
  4. Next, to beautifully install a live Christmas tree in your apartment , need to be coveredthe space on which it will stand, brightly colored wrapping paper, cloth. Now the crumbling needles will not fall on the floor and get clogged in the cracks; similarly, the needles will be spread around the house to a lesser extent.
  5. And if you have Small child, then at the end it is necessary to trim the lower branches so that the child does not get hurt by the needles.

This simple option will help you install a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and preserve it for a longer period. Convenient for both a private house and an apartment.

Video: how to install a live Christmas tree at home

How to keep a living tree for a long time

Even after the New Year holidays, it’s nice to admire a live Christmas tree in a room in an apartment or private house. It perfectly decorates and enlivens any interior. But how long does a live Christmas tree last at home? It can remain in excellent condition for about 2-3 weeks. To extend the “life” of a festive tree and delay yellowing and shedding of needles, you can use some tricks.

  • In order for the tree to stand longer and the needles not to fall off, sand is watered cold water with a spoonful of sugar and a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it. Experienced people advise add a regular aspirin tablet to the water or use warm water and a few drops of acetic or citric acid. This will help keep the living tree in excellent condition until the New Year and until the end of the holidays.
  • If you use sand, sometimes sand needs to be watered several times.
  • She does not like dry air, for this reason the room should be provided humidifier or every day spray branches water from a spray bottle. They will help you properly care for your living Christmas tree for the New Year.
  • Using a simple wet rag it is also possible to put up a live Christmas tree. Simply wrap it around the barrel and secure it in the cross. The only thing, don't forget to wet the rag sometimes, otherwise it will begin to crumble.
  • You can help prolong the freshness of a live Christmas tree if you place it away from heating devices and ovens.
  • Do not use for decoration candles and homemade electric garlands.

How to recycle after the holidays

Unfortunately, the Christmas tree will sooner or later begin to dry out and crumble. Please remember that it must be disposed of properly.

You need to prepare for disposal in advance, because most often, when dismantling and disposing of a tree, it is impossible not to litter it with crumbling dried pine needles. To avoid this, you need to carefully remove the dried tree so that you don’t have to pick up needles throughout the house and in the entrance.

Here's how to properly dispose of your Christmas tree:

  1. put on your mittens and outerwear with long sleeve;
  2. cut the branches as close to the trunk as possible and carefully place them in large bags;
  3. Now you only have a bare trunk left, you can throw it in the trash without worrying that you will litter your apartment or entrance.

By the way! There is no need to throw away elements of the Christmas tree. You can make various crafts and decorations from wood.

Video: how to properly dispose of a Christmas tree

By following all the above recommendations, you can easily select and install a living fragrant beauty both in the apartment and in the house. All that remains is to decorate it beautifully and festively. By the way, as for decorating the main symbol of the holiday, here you can bring your wildest ideas and ideas to life. We wish you to choose the most beautiful living tree for the New Year!

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

In contact with

Involves creating a festive atmosphere. To do this, you will need a forest beauty, which must be installed reliably and efficiently. Some people prefer artificial Christmas trees because they are easy to assemble and disassemble. But such plastic analogues are inferior to real beauties, because they cannot boast of the luxurious aroma of pine needles and fluffy spruce branches.

Lovers of real Christmas trees know how difficult it is to install a beauty from the forest. After all, an artificial Christmas tree is sold together with a stand, but natural wood requires a special approach in this matter.

There are many methods to install a Christmas tree.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of sand

To do this you will need a bucket of stones or sand. A Christmas tree is placed in the center, which is sealed on the sides with the selected material. People used this method several years ago, so each owner had a bucket in his apartment that was waiting for its time. Currently, this method is used extremely rarely as a result of numerous disadvantages, including sand getting on the carpet and many others. Therefore, if you choose it, the sand must be constantly moistened. This will allow the Christmas tree to be held more firmly in the bucket. The method of installing a Christmas tree in a bucket has its advantages, as it will take longer to dry out and delight you with its beautiful green appearance for a long time.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a bucket of plastic bottles

Not every city dweller can find sand in December; for this reason, a more modernized method with plastic or glass bottles is suitable. To do this, you need to take plastic bottles and fill them with water, thanks to this the tree and the bucket will receive good stability. You need to put them upside down and distribute them tightly throughout the bucket, and then install the Christmas tree in the middle. After that, fill the bucket with water and disguise it all with rain or a white cloth. This way the tree can stand for a long time.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - cross

The cross is reliable design, firmly holding the tree in the presence of dogs, children and cats in the house. In order to build a crosspiece, you need hands and minimum set tools (hacksaw, hammer, nails). Today you can buy a spruce with a cross, which is made individually for each tree. If you cut down the tree yourself, you can make it yourself. To do this you need to take any wooden base. This could be a board, a fence picket or a block. The manufacturing process consists of connecting two bars perpendicular to each other using a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars. Then screw the screw into the tree trunk.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - a leg from an office chair or fan

Broken tripod from office chair It is considered the most original and quite convenient installation method. A stand from a cheap fan will also work. Nowadays, this promotional item breaks very often, and the models have collapsible stands. Installation will take about five minutes of your time. To begin, cut off the lower branches of the spruce tree, insert the trunk into the hole in the leg and secure it with tape or rope. This creates a tree that can be moved around the perimeter.

How to put up a Christmas tree without a stand - kitchen stool

The stool must be turned upside down and placed conifer tree to the bottom and tie it to the legs using a rope. This method is suitable for small and not very lush forest beauties. You can also place the tree in some kind of container that will fit between the legs.

These simple rules installing a New Year's attribute will allow you to enjoy the smell of pine needles in the house. If you install and secure the tree correctly, it will delight you and your children throughout the holidays, and after they are over, the tree can be easily removed, leaving a minimum of debris.

The New Year holidays are approaching and everyone has long been thinking about when the first lights on the holiday tree will be lit in their apartments or houses. Indeed, the wait is not long now, the markets are already crowded various types New Year's trees different sizes and from different materials. It seems that all that’s left to do is select and install. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. A Christmas tree is not only a beautiful, decorated tree, but also a big waste if used incorrectly. Therefore, today we want to dwell on the question of how not to spoil your holiday: put up the Christmas tree correctly.

Felled spruce: how to properly prepare the tree for installation

After you have visited the Christmas tree market and purchased a fluffy beauty, do not rush to bring it into your apartment. Let her get used to the change in temperature a little, and, if possible, live on your balcony, in a cool hallway or garage for as long as possible. We advise you to put up the spruce just a few days before the holidays, so it will delight you with its freshness longer.

When you are ready to install the holiday tree, remove a couple of large lower branches (you can ask the seller at the market to do this), just do not throw them away, but set them aside, they may still be useful for additional decoration. The place of the log house should be updated by sawing off a few centimeters. This will help the wood soak up water more easily when you install it there. Before bringing the spruce into the room, tap it several times on the floor, this will help get rid of already dried needles. In order to extend the life of a felled tree, we recommend adding a few aspirin tablets or a couple of tablespoons of glycerin to the water; they serve as preservatives that will keep the tree alive for a long time.

Ways to set up a holiday tree

Despite the simplicity of the task, in fact there are quite a lot of basic methods (methods) for installing a Christmas tree. Let's look at each of them:

- installation in a bucket filled with sand or stones. This method was the most basic a few years ago. In every apartment there was always such a bucket, waiting for its time. However, it is now used much less frequently;

- installation in a bucket using bottles filled with water. Not every city resident can easily find sand, so the use of plastic or glass bottles will be more acceptable;

- installation using a cross. Nowadays, it is quite free to purchase fresh spruce with a cross already installed. But, if you didn’t come across one, or you cut down the tree yourself (only with the appropriate permission), then we will briefly tell you how to make a cross yourself. You will need two bars that will need to be connected perpendicular to each other. Then we first install a large self-tapping screw at the intersection of the bars, and then screw it tightly into the tree trunk.

- installation using a leg from an office chair. This is the most original and even the most convenient way. If your chair breaks, don’t be sad; its “tripod” can be an excellent basis for a holiday tree. And the installation process itself will take no more than five minutes. You just need to insert a tree trunk into the hole of the “tripod” and voila, you get a spruce that can move.

Choosing a place for the New Year tree

When thinking about a place for a holiday tree, you need to remember that you need to put up the tree in the same way as for small children. Most suitable place will become the far corner of the room, where the movement of household members is reduced to a minimum. In addition to safety, you should also worry about the “well-being” of the most magnificent beauty. Try to install it as far as possible from radiators and other heating devices, preferably closer to natural light, otherwise in a couple of days it will turn from a beautiful green tree into a herbarium.

Basic mistakes

The rules for using and installing a holiday tree are quite simple, but many still celebrate the New Year in the company of a stale or damaged tree. In this regard, we would like to once again draw your attention to the most common mistakes:

- installation of felled spruce near heat sources will cause it to dry out quickly, even if it is in water;

- placing the Christmas tree close to the wall. Someone may dispute this statement, because such an arrangement will make the spruce more stable and prevent a possible fall. We agree on the one hand, but on the other hand, hard branches and tree needles can damage the wallpaper and paint of the walls;

- installing a tree in the middle of the room. Dancing around the winter beauty is undoubtedly fun, but it greatly increases the risk of her falling, and besides, the spruce will simply get in the way;

As for the artificial Christmas tree, you should avoid errors related to branch straightening. After you take the tree out of the box, you don’t need to straighten the branches in an orderly and clearly parallel manner, let it be chaotic and slightly sloppy, because this way it will look much more natural.

Where to put the Christmas tree after the holidays?

When all the fun festivities end and everyday life begins, the question suddenly becomes, what to do with the symbol of the holidays. Do not rush to take the spruce to a landfill or burn it. Needles can serve as an excellent cover indoor plants, will become excellent humus in a compost pit in the garden, or small animals (hedgehogs, mice, frogs) can build houses from them.

I think it's time to think about this. In general, the sooner you start, the longer it seems to me. So let's start, and let's start with there are many ways to install it, everyone has their own. Who puts a Christmas tree on a cross, but on such a cross, especially if the room is warm, it will not stand for long. There is a lot of hassle with sand, especially in the city, where it is not always at hand. There is another, very simple way to install a Christmas tree.

Installing a Christmas tree in the apartment

To do this, we will take one and a half liters or 2.5 liters and use them to install the Christmas tree in a bucket. We fill the bottles with water, so they will give the tree and bucket good stability. They need to be turned upside down and distributed tightly throughout the bucket, and a Christmas tree should be placed in the very center of the bucket. Then we pour water into the remaining volume in the bucket and disguise this entire unsightly stand with something, preferably something white, of course - the same sheet or other material reminiscent of snow.

Food for the Christmas tree

Although the tree is no longer alive, it still, by inertia, continues to slowly “drink” water, and sometimes it “drinks” 2-3 liters a whole day. Therefore, you should not forget to “give her water”; it is better to do this every day. Like this, in the water your tree can last for a very long time, of course, under optimal conditions for it. Just don’t forget to add water and make sure that the water doesn’t sour or spoil; you can use various solutions for this. Such solutions are also good feeding.

Before you install the tree, you should definitely “update” the place of the frame on the trunk and also remove the bark at the bottom of the trunk by 10-12 centimeters.

Nutrient solutions for the Christmas tree there are a lot. Everything is simple here too, you don’t need to bother and it’s better to use what you have in the house. For example, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, you can add the same salt that is used for baths (preferably with pine extract), you can add sea salt or just iodized table salt. Quite suitable as such additives, essential oil, again coniferous (10 drops per the same liter of water); 2 or 3 aspirin tablets, a couple of spoons or mustard. To extend the life of your Christmas tree, you can add glycerin to the water (stir 2 tablespoons in 10 liters of water), a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar or the same aspirin tablet.

With this attitude, there is a good chance that your tree will not fall off until March 8th. But in this video there is another very interesting option for installing a Christmas tree. Be sure to check it out.

P.S. If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends. I will be very grateful to you for this.

found. But since I promised to show a couple of options for installing a Christmas tree on a quick fix, then you will have to make a new one. This is a simple matter, but you never know, maybe it will be useful to someone.

I’ll make a reservation right away. By Christmas tree I mean tree. coniferous height from two meters. You can stick a meter-long stump into a bucket of sand and not have to worry about it. But, to be honest, this is not a Christmas tree. This is a potted plant. A Christmas tree is when the star is above your head, not under your armpit. I have nothing against artificial ones. Beautiful, practical, convenient. Just a view plastic Christmas tree always brings me to the same thought. If the Christmas tree is artificial, then why isn’t Olivier made of papier-mâché? Logically, if the Christmas tree is plastic, then the herring under the fur coat should be synthetic. Plastic champagne, plastic caviar, dummies instead of gifts, inflatable latex guests. Convenient, practical, beautiful. No one falls face down on a salad, no one vomits vinaigrette in the toilet, no need to wash or finish anything, wipe it with a cloth in the morning and put it away. And that’s it, I forgot. Well, isn't that great?

In short, I am a supporter of a living Christmas tree. And I try, whenever possible, to go to the forest rather than to the market to get it. It’s not about money, it’s just strange somehow, living in the forest, to buy a Christmas tree at the market from Azerbaijanis. A Christmas tree is not a watermelon. But by and large, it doesn’t matter where the tree comes from, the main thing is that it exists. And when there is a Christmas tree, you need to put it up somehow.

There are a million ways and options. You can stupidly buy a crosspiece like this at the market or Christmas tree market.

I won’t talk about the disadvantages of this method; anyone who has encountered it knows. If you don’t have the time, opportunity, or desire to do this, then there are several simple, practice-tested ways to install a Christmas tree carefully and reliably with your own hands.

Option one. Cross.

In my understanding, the crosspiece should be of such a design that it would hold the tree in the presence of chaotically moving objects in the house, such as dogs, cats, children, drunk relatives. The only way to knock her down was to fall flat from the stool. You can make a reliable crosspiece in an hour with straight arms and a minimum of tools. With experience - half an hour maximum. In general, according to the mind, the cross is made each time for a specific Christmas tree. He throws it out with her.

What is needed for this?

Some kind of wooden base. Anything will do, a board, a block, a picket from a neighbor's fence. Last year I bombed a pallet that happened to turn up in the yard. It didn’t turn out particularly beautiful, but it was reliable.

This time the base will be a 5x4 block like this.

To be honest, it should be wider. The wider the beam, the more securely it holds the tree. But it is what it is.

Tool. The maximum set is a tape measure, a hacksaw, a pencil, a square, a drill, a screwdriver, and a dozen self-tapping screws. Minimum set - hacksaw, tape measure, hammer, a dozen nails.

We cut off, trying to maintain a semblance of a right angle.

Let's figure out how it will all fit together.

We measure the thickness of the butt of the tree. (Since our hole is square, then the butt can, in principle, be cut and made square. But if you don’t have experience, it’s better not to. You can wear out the tree and be exhausted yourself)

We set aside this distance from the edge of each block. (It’s better to take a little less so that the butt grips well. My butt thickness is a little more than five centimeters. I set aside exactly five.)

I immediately set aside the second distance, the line along which the bars will join. This is half the thickness of the bar.

We drill, countersink, screw.

Well, that's all in principle. You can put up a Christmas tree. Having previously placed some kind of water cap at the bottom.
If necessary, level the trunk with wedges.

Second way. Cup.

This option does not require any tools other than a screwdriver and a dozen screws. You also need some kind of massive base. I have two scraps lying on my balcony kitchen countertop, remaining after installing the stove and sink. You still need three corners. There is an abundance of such corners in every household store.

Everything is quite simple here. Find the center and draw a circle.

We put the corners and screw them in.

You can put up a Christmas tree and secure it. Five minutes of time.
If you wish, you can take polypropylene plumbing pipe suitable diameter

and cut a piece from it.

You will get a glass.

Having pulled a pair of condoms onto it from below, you can safely pour water.

A not particularly aesthetic appearance can be easily draped with improvised means.
Well, that seems to be all. All this homemade work took me three times less time than writing the post.

Option three. Stool.

If you’re on the edge and don’t have anything at hand, you can stupidly turn the kitchen stool over and tie the Christmas tree to the legs :))

And in conclusion.

If anyone has problems with their hands, or is a girl, then you can come and pick up this cross for yourself. I can even write on it “Hell of Daragoga Rocketcheg for eternal memory.”

If possible, show how and what your Christmas tree is. Just wondering.

About the quality of photographs.
Since during the shooting the shket left for some New Year's performance and took my camera with me; I had to take pictures with what was at hand. I had a test smartphone Highscreen Boost II at hand. The camera, of course, is not its strongest point, but for everyday needs, and given my humanitarian crankiness, it is quite suitable. Fortunately, with such a battery, you can click without worrying about saving battery.

Happy upcoming year everyone!

Tested: the longer you wait for a holiday, the less prepared you are for it: We actively purchase gifts, trying not to forget anyone, we manage to stock up on groceries so that we don’t leave the house for the next couple of weeks, and the most important thing - the symbol of the New Year, the Christmas tree - is purchased at best a couple of days before the main holiday. At worst - in a couple of hours. How then can you have time to set the table and set up the Christmas tree? Calmly! There is an exit. Even three or even more! So, the Christmas tree...

....Christmas tree in a chair on wheels

Well, this is the easiest option - just find the bottom part of an office chair somewhere - break a new one or find an already broken chair - it’s your choice....
And then simply install the Christmas tree in this stable and mobile cross!
Great base for a Christmas tree!

WHAT YOU NEED: a stick (a pipe, a mop or a regular “lazy one”), the length of which depends on the height at which you are going to hang the tree; strong rope, self-adhesive hook, which after the holiday, if desired, can be easily removed from the wall.
PROCESS. Place the stick against the plinth and fix it at an angle of 40 degrees using a rope and a hook on the wall (photo 1).
It remains to attach (tie) the Christmas tree to the free end of the stick (photo 2). The connection point should be slightly above the center of gravity of the tree: this is necessary so that the green beauty hangs freely.
The New Year tree will get the opportunity to “float in the air”, practically without relying on anything, thanks to the laws of physics: the tension of the rope and the force universal gravity will become equal.
This installation of the Christmas tree takes only a few minutes. The rope can be disguised with tinsel or rain. This will give the installation a futuristic look. You don’t have to reveal the secret of “weightlessness” to guests and relatives: just say that you are a wizard (which doesn’t happen on New Year’s Eve!). The main thing is that you don’t forget about the secret yourself, so that on the morning of January 1, when you discover the effect of weightlessness in the apartment, do not try to “go into outer space.”

WHAT YOU NEED: an old office chair on wheels, or rather the lower part of it.
PROCESS. Carefully disassemble the chair, leaving the support on the casters. The freed bushing will serve as a nest for the Christmas tree trunk. By the way, if there is no old unnecessary chair, you can disassemble the new one and put it back together after the New Year celebration.
We adjust the diameter of the barrel to the hole using an ax or knife, and assemble the structure.
The “mobile tree” is easy to move and therefore will not disturb anyone during the holiday. People who have already experienced this “know-how” claim that after a couple of hours of feasting, many try to invite the Christmas tree to dance.

WHAT YOU NEED: knife, hacksaw, drill, drill and steel pin 10 - 15 cm long along the diameter of the drill. Well, and, of course, the tree itself.
PROCESS. We saw off the lower part of the tree with a tier of branches (the so-called butt), and turn it over. Doesn't it look like a cross? Let's use it. We remove the bark, drill a hole in the butt trunk for a metal rod (Fig. 1) and the same in the main trunk of the tree.
We connect the structure using a rod (Fig. 2). For greater stability, the “cross” branches need to be attached to the floor. On March 8, 2007, when you are supposed to throw away the Christmas tree, don’t forget to leave the bottom part: it will come in handy in a few months!

  • Friday, 9 December 2016 15:42
  • Vitaliy R
  • Despite the fact that the vast majority of our compatriots prefer live New Year trees, only a small number of people know how to properly prepare a New Year's beauty for installation and exactly how to place it in their home. And although this question may seem unimportant, in the end it is compliance with certain important rules will allow the spruce to remain beautiful and lush for as long as possible, delighting household members and guests with a festive pine aroma and aesthetic appeal throughout the New Year holidays.

    First of all, immediately after purchasing a Christmas tree, you should not bring it into your apartment or house, since any natural wood, and especially freshly cut ones, do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. therefore, the spruce must be placed on a cool balcony or garage for several days, and then brought directly into the apartment or house.

    How to install a Christmas tree

    Another question that may seem ridiculous to many. However, there are at least four ways to install a New Year's beauty, and here they are:

    • Installation in a bucket of sand or stones. This is one of the most popular ways installation of a Christmas tree, which ensures excellent stability of the tree, which is especially important if there is a cat or other pets in the house.
    • Installation in a bucket using plastic bottles filled with water. This method should be considered as an alternative to the previous one, since not every city resident can find sand, especially in frosty weather.
    • Installation on the crosspiece. You can even make such a device with your own hands, which will require two wooden bars, which need to be connected perpendicular to each other, and a large self-tapping screw that will be screwed into the tree trunk.
    • Installation on the leg of an office chair. Enough original way installing a Christmas tree at home, which will take no more than five minutes of time. However, if you use a leg, you must first remove the wheels of the former chair so that the spruce does not start rolling around the room at the most inopportune time. Among other things, it is unsafe.

    Also, answering the question of how to install a live Christmas tree at home, it is necessary to note one more important nuance, namely the choice of a place in the home to place it. When choosing a place for the New Year's beauty, it is worth remembering the safety of small children and pets. That is why the most suitable place for spruce is the farthest corner of the room. in which the movement of household members is reduced to a minimum.

    With all this, do not forget about caring for the plant itself. It is better to install the tree so that it is as far as possible from heat sources (radiators, etc.) and as close to natural light as possible. Otherwise, within a few days, a beautiful evergreen tree can turn into a dried herbarium.

    Date of publication: 5-11-2015, 20:27

    You can install a New Year tree not only in the house, but also on the street. It’s especially good when a live spruce grows in front of the house, then you don’t need to buy anything or bother with installation. By the way, despite the fact that at the moment it is still November, you need to think about installing a Christmas tree right now, the same can be said about pyrotechnics. It's best to visit a fireworks store soon because the price of everything will likely be lower than in the second half of December. And also, if you buy fireworks, do it in the Ba-Bah store, which can be found on the website They have a huge collection of pyrotechnics. Moreover, everything presented is of the highest quality. As for the prices, they cannot be called high, at least they are not higher than average.

    What you need to install a Christmas tree outside

    To install a spruce tree outdoors you will need some kind of holder. The easiest way is to use a steel pipe for this; it can be driven into the ground and you’re good to go. You can also use a portable holder made of wood. Of course, the Christmas tree holder can be welded from rolled steel.

    For windows, the most important thing is to take care that the decorations do not block the natural light, so it is recommended to place colored lights in the frame. We can also centralize the lighting at the top or bottom of the window, and on the opposite side there are garlands and red balls mixed with some gold loop. At this point we can intercalate other types of hanging figures, such as deer, pine trees, snowflakes, stars or Santa Claus figures.

    They are similar to traditional Christmas lights but can be controlled remotely using an app downloaded to mobile phone. So we can choose when to turn on and off, set schedules, set flicker frequency and intensity in real time, something kids love. Wearing home interior.

    Three ways to install a tree

    The easiest way is to use a steel pipe of a suitable diameter. The inner diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the thickness of the spruce trunk. All you need to do is drive the pipe vertically into the ground, about thirty centimeters deep. To do this you will need a sledgehammer. This needs to be done now, because soon the ground will freeze, which will make installing the pipe almost impossible.

    When we think about Christmas decorations, top part the list is a Christmas tree. This is the first thing that should capture the point of view, and for this reason to look for it is a room in a free circulation area and that does not cover the light that enters the windows.

    When choosing a tree decoration, we must maintain harmony with external decoration and decorations for windows, frames and fireplaces. Tree size: The rule is simple: large for large spaces and small for confined spaces. In fact, if the house is very small, then there is a small artificial pine. This year, as a novelty, some people prefer metal trees up to 70 centimeters high.

    The next method is to use a wooden holder. It can be knocked down from solid wood, namely from timber and beams; you can also use boards. In the center of such structures, a square of suitable size is usually arranged. As for the legs, there are usually four of them. You need to place such a stand under the spruce where it is level.

    Colors: Although it may not seem like it, we can innovate with a color palette. Cecilia Frias told us that many elements that had not been seen before, in copper tones, pale pink, mint, are used to avoid the typical green, white and red. We also have clients who love the combination of silver and blue to brighten up both your tree and your living room.

    A gentle touch: There may be fake wrapped gifts around the tree. They are made very simply by wrapping empty boxes with papers in the same color range and adding ribbons and bows. If the wood is small and goes across the table, choose small drawers. Important: if the tree is very decorated, we save it to decorate a lot of its surroundings to avoid saturation of objects.

    The third way to install a spruce tree is to use another holder, but not made of wood, but of metal. To make such a structure you will need rolled metal and a welding machine. From metal, a piece of steel pipe, corners, a square pipe, and in general anything that can be used in this matter is useful.

    In Bolivia, Christmas has a very deep religious meaning, which is represented primarily in the drawing of the Nativity or Nativity. If the space is large, we can add some numbers and place them on the table near the tree; if there is not enough space, it is enough with small figures of the Virgin, Joseph and Child Jesus.

    A crib for children that adds tenderness to the decor and will delight the little ones

    There are thousands of ideas to dress up furniture with Christmas details; but it is important to always go for some touches and not completely cover the furniture with decoration. "It's very popular this year to buy pillows with Christmas motifs such as trees, reindeer or words embroidered in gold," our design link says. Another nice decorative detail for the table is to add loops to the backs of the chairs. You can use ties to hang silver or gold jewelry, as well as pineapples, branches, bells or balls.

    It is worth noting that to install a Christmas tree outside you will need not only a holder, but also a garland, as well as Christmas decorations. Moreover, it is desirable that the garland be large, like the toys.

    There is such a good one convenient option crosses for the Christmas tree.
    Of course, you can just put sand in a bucket and put a Christmas tree in it, or you can make something original and interesting if you want. For this, we will need such available materials.

    It all depends on the size of the tree, the larger the tree, the larger the cross should be. Now, we weld the coffee can to the plate.

    To increase stability, you need to solder stiffeners to the can on three sides, as in the photo.

    And we fix the wooden boards into a cross using glue.

    All that remains is to secure the can with screws to the wooden crosspiece. We also screw in screws from three sides to secure the tree.

    That's it, all that's left to do is fix the tree and decorate it to hide all the ugly places.

    The tables are the stars of Christmas Eve. Flat or plain tablecloths, white or red, are preferred. Classic decorations include candles, branches, red ribbons and pineapples. Ideas in: A very popular trend is to place Christmas balls in glass jars, and a subtle detail is to turn the glasses into a table with balls inside, with small candles, thick, making your own Christmas candle holders.

    The most elegant items are now fashionable, like large trays with Christmas motifs such as turkey or other foods in silver and gold tones, matching bowls and plates with edges and gold or silver. The same is true for the napkin item, with finer fabrics and also with certain embroidery in these shades and always accompanied by some decorations such as animals or angels, explains Cecilia Frias.

    Now we have a large artificial spruce, but before we always bought a live New Year's spruce, for which a metal stand was specially made from metal corners welded in the shape of a cross, in the center of which a pipe was welded, the diameter of which was well suited to the thickness of the trunk of the young spruce. The height of the pipe is about 25-30 cm, so that the trunk of the tree is securely and steadily fixed in it. This entire metal structure was painted with green paint (the color can be any desired, especially since the stand is draped with something for a more aesthetic appearance anyway).

    Candles: Alone or in small groups, they can be on low-height bases or in candelabra. The important thing is that they do not interfere with the view of visitors between them. Flower arrangements: Mistletoe in portals, fir branches on the windowsill or holly on the tables. Place them as little touches here and there, depending on personal taste, without overusing them.

    Flower poinsettia is a trend used in Christmas tables

    Stockings: These are traditional decorations to dress the mantelpiece or hang in neat groups, with Christmas flowers and, if you like, printed motifs.

    Now, of course, there are no problems - I took out the artificial “forest beauty”, collected and hung toys and other decorations. Looks like it's alive, but there is one significant drawback- does not smell like pine. But we found a way out of the situation: we put small live spruce branches with a fresh pine aroma under the artificial Christmas tree. That’s when you really feel the New Year’s fairy-tale atmosphere of the wonderful holiday that we all love so much.

    What can never be lost is a small tree to decorate tables. Its decoration should match a range of colors, so it is better not to overload it. In more serious professional premises, the balls and garlands of these seedlings should be gold or silver.

    How to install a live Christmas tree at home

    What is used a lot this year is to buy gold or silver trees, explains Cecilia Frias. In more informal settings, colors can be mixed and decorations need not be limited to spheres. Always with good taste and the criteria for not recharging the gaze may include batons, Santa figures, bells, stars or ribbons.

    We make it very simple. Since the fall, I have always had soil for seedlings on my loggia. We put the Christmas tree in this soil. We expose the end of the tree trunk. The bucket of soil where we put the spruce is large. My husband also makes two clamps from wood. The clamps are also placed in the bucket. One end of the clamp rests against the wall of the bucket, and the other against the barrel. The New Year's beauty stands strong. I wrap the bucket in beautiful shiny paper. You can decorate it in another way, just show your imagination. In general, it’s simple, inexpensive and beautiful. Yes, we also water the Christmas tree from time to time. That's why she doesn't shed her needles for a long time.

    For windows, it is designed to dress its outline with lights of the same color. You can also decorate the walls and ceilings with several balloons of different colors and hang red ribbons. What you should always remember is not to saturate the spaces. Decoration is the touch that decorates environment without hiding it or dissolving it.

    Now apply these ideas just to achieve a special Christmas atmosphere in your office or your home. 20+ Christmas Decorating Ideas for Your Home. On December 6th it already exists, there is nothing that would not be enough to take advantage of these holidays to invent and decorate your home, your home, your family, Christmas.

    DIY Christmas tree stand

    For a tree to stand well, it needs a good base.

    The basis for a Christmas tree can be anything. For example, if you are a student, come up with a bucket in which bottles of water are placed in a circle, and the center should be empty.

    As it shown on the picture:

    Simplicity and originality are the spaces that mark the choice of these ideas. Ideas designed so that all family members can participate in its creation without spending much. These are ideas with elements that we have around us, only because we give a different vision. In short, fun and original ideas that will not go unnoticed by your guests and will further enhance the feeling of home in your home on these dates so close to the family.

    We love this photo to attract thousands of ideas for this Christmas, there are a lot of details. Table track made with pine branches alternating with green leaves. Interweaving garlands of lights. The rustic touch of Christmas is provided by the wooden chest. A simple glass canister protects the sail. We love the tablecloth, so trendy this season. The bell is used to attach tags that determine the place they occupy at the table. There are very few Christmases in a pure state.

    Such a base, of course, is not very beautiful, but it is very affordable and everyone in the house will have the tools for this.

    The main thing if you use this method is to properly cover the bucket of water so that no one can see what you are holding the tree on)

    The most popular stand, which can be made from 2 boards and a pair of nails, is also suitable.

    We love the simplicity of this Christmas wreath made with dried branches and moss. In the photo we see the red strokes characteristic of Christmas. A wish list for the whole family to write this Christmas. Christmas cards are placed on a simple rope, secured with tweezers, to decorate the ladder, which at the same time serves as a hanger. Very practical idea for this Christmas.

    In this photo we love the staircase railing, surrounded by a green garland intertwined with a line of light. Just touch this idea to create a Christmas atmosphere in your home. If you're short on space, this idea is super simple and full of creativity. The glass jars are placed in a triangular shape with Christmas elements inside. The styling ends with a simple garland of light bulbs, a star in the highest part of the tree and a garland of silver balls.

    In order to make it, you need to cut a hole with a diameter the size of your tree trunk; the boards can be rounded at the ends so that no one hits.

    It is better to place the Christmas tree in sand or earth + sand, then it can stand for quite a long time. I also have a bucket in which greenery grows on the loggia in the summer, and on New Year’s days it serves as a container with soil for the Christmas tree. Place the bucket with the Christmas tree upside down inside old stool, the tree is additionally fixed to it with a cord. Afterwards everything is covered with tinsel.

    Take advantage of those glass jars that you have at home. Inside is the red color of the Easter flower, so characteristic of Christmas. If you like simple things, this idea is perfect for decorating any corner of your home this Christmas.

    Independent boxes that are labeled to identify the person to whom the gifts are addressed. An idea that confirms that small details are very important and more so on these dates next Christmas. Some colors that are evident in this still life painting idea to decorate your home this Christmas. Red balls are stacked inside glass lid, metal cups that serve as makeshift vases to place green tint some pine branches. Everything about this idea breathes Christmas.

    If you urgently need a stand, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle, which needs to be cut into two parts. Paste into each other. A cylinder is inserted into the neck; this could be a suitable cosmetics bottle. Set up the Christmas tree, pour water. The plastic bottle is very light; you can add additional sand or stones to make it heavier.

    Old cross-skis on the wall serve as the basis for an Advent wreath. Either back could add more body to the crown. We love this idea for Christmas at home. In tones, "craft" is a Christmas idea. And as gifts that match blue, like a rope that holds and wraps a pine garland stair railings. We look at trees made from worn wooden sticks, typical of those that drag the sea to the beaches. This gives us great idea to take advantage of this Christmas holiday and take these to our beautiful beaches wooden sticks to make the tree like a family.

    I have never used a stand for a Christmas tree, because if the tree is alive, then the trunk must be in the water, but this does not happen with a stand. My option is this:

    I take a metal bucket and put the Christmas tree in it, and along the edges I lay cobblestones, specially prepared in advance, on top I push the tree with slats, there are 4 of them, hammering them between the walls of the bucket...

    And in conclusion

    Garland in shades of brown and green serves to stand out above the white fireplace. The idea of ​​mixing dry brown tones with green tones provides a very good contrast to brighten up any corner. Create a Christmas tree with pine cones. Make yourself a cone-shaped foam base. Basic anchor in container. The lower part has larger pineapples and the upper part has smaller ones. Cover with foam by gluing a sheet of moss between the pine cones. The idea is to make this Christmas like a family.

    Make your own crown to welcome your guests this Christmas. Get creative with different details like feathers or pinecones tied with a simple cotton bow. A 100% customizable idea to make with your family this Christmas.

    The tree in such a bucket will not stand strong enough, so I tie four sticks to the bucket at an angle...

    Then I fill it with cold water, add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar and a spoonful of vinegar (I once read it to make the tree last longer), and then add more every day cold water depending on how the level goes and after a while I add sugar...

    If the tree is alive, then you need a bucket and water is needed as for flowers, usually, so that the bucket does not turn over, they put a weighting agent inside - stones, you can make wooden spacers on the bucket in the form of a cross, which will not allow the tree to fall, and at the bottom there will be stones in the bucket and the bucket will be hold on, for aesthetics we hide the bucket under a white cloth or cover it with cotton wool.

    I have an artificial tree and everything is much simpler: attach a crosspiece to an old stool and insert the trunk of the tree and cover the entire stool with fabric, decorate it with tinsel, there is no smell, but you don’t have to throw away the tree after the holidays and there is no garbage - there are no needles either.

    There is a bucket with stones on the balcony, in which we place the Christmas tree, pressing it between the stones. We add water to this bucket, the tree remains fresh and green for a long time. We drape the bucket with white cloth. True, this year we bought a stand with a simple design. An iron container is about three liters with three screws that are welded to it, the tree is clamped between them, water is poured into the container, this design certainly looks more aesthetically pleasing than a bucket with stones.

    I usually put a Christmas tree or pine tree (it’s better, it almost doesn’t fall) in a bucket of sand. The trunk at the bottom must be cleared of bark and excess lower branches removed. Then I fill the bucket with sand, spill it with water, make a hole in the center and immerse the tree trunk in the bucket. To make it fit easier, you need to screw it in. It holds strong, and if you water it regularly, it lasts a long time.

    If we remember our distant Soviet childhood, we had an iron stand, otherwise I would call it the technical term “pipe in a pipe,” when the tree itself is inserted into a pipe of smaller diameter, and into the pipe larger diameter water is poured so that the tree can stand in your house longer without losing its precious needles. Schematically, this stand looks like this:

    This design is made of thick-walled pipes to weigh down the stand and provide normal stability for the stand. You can also make holes in the cross itself so that you can screw this stand to the floor, and this will already be a super-stable stand (if, of course, you want to spoil your floor).