How to properly water a money tree in winter. Money tree - home care, plant flowering. Improper watering and plant diseases

Flower growers grow a variety of plants at home interesting species plants. Such flowers can decorate almost any interior. A plant that looks healthy and well-groomed fits harmoniously into different styles design. The room looks cozy and homely. One of the popular plants is Money Tree. It requires some care. How often to water a money tree will be discussed below.

Description of the plant

Money tree, otherwise Crassula, Crassula, Fat tree, is very popular among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and decorative properties. This plant is native to South Africa. In nature, there are more than three hundred varieties of Crassula.

At home, the most common Crassula is ovoid or oval. This is a perennial tree plant that belongs to the category of evergreen species. There are Crassulas with rounded leaves of a grayish-green color. They have a bluish waxy coating. People also call it " monkey tree", "tree of love" or "tree of happiness".

Crassula has the ability to accumulate moisture reserves in its fleshy leaves, therefore it belongs to the group of plants called succulents. Proper watering plays a huge role in the life of such plants, since excess moisture can destroy the tree. However, lack of moisture can negatively affect the condition of the plant. Therefore, you need to consider in detail the recommendations of experienced flower growers. This will allow you to get a beautiful, healthy, full of energy plant. It will decorate any room.

About the benefits of the plant

Crassula not only decorates the interior, but also has many beneficial properties. It purifies the air in the room. Its leaves contain juice that can fight pathogens. It is used to treat many inflammatory processes, as well as bruises, sprains and swelling.

In addition, according to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the money tree brings wealth and good fortune to the home, attracting financial income to its inhabitants. It is believed that the thicker its leaves, the better the financial situation of the family. A appearance The health of any plant depends on how well it is cared for. It’s not for nothing that they say that the fat woman will attract wealth and prosperity only to the house where she will be provided with proper care. Therefore, when planning to grow a money tree at home, you should consider in more detail how to care for it.

Rules of care

Crassula is an unpretentious plant. However, she also has her own requirements and preferences. Does the money tree like sunlight? Loves very much. For good health, the plant should be placed on southern or southeastern windows. It is not afraid of direct sunlight hitting the leaves. In summer, the air temperature that is comfortable for Crassula is about 22 degrees. In winter, during the dormant period, the required temperature is 12-15 degrees, its gradual decrease to +6 degrees is allowed.

Flower growers who planted a money tree know how to care for it - it’s easy. They feed it with special additives for succulents purchased in the store. Fertilizers are applied after watering in spring and summer once a month. In winter, fertilizing is carried out once every three months.

Plant propagation

The simplest and most commonly used method of propagating Crassula is propagation by cuttings. They are rooted in water or immediately planted in the soil. The choice of propagation method depends on the preferences of the grower. Rooting in water is liked by many owners of this plant.

Which pot should I choose for my money tree? The main requirement is that it must be sustainable. The above-ground part of the plant is quite massive, so the flowerpot should be wide and not too high. A small shoot should not be immediately planted in a large container. A small pot is enough, which needs to be replaced with a larger one as the flower grows.

How to properly plant a money tree shoot? Fill the selected container one third full drainage layer, on top of which soil is poured. The shoot is planted to a depth of about five centimeters. There is a belief that you need to put any coin at the bottom of the pot, and tie the branches of the plant with red ribbons. And then the fat woman will attract money into the house like a magnet.

Soil and planting dates

Experienced flower growers They believe that the main condition for the flowering of a money tree is its planting in March-April. Cuttings planted in mid-summer are much less likely to bloom. However, this is far from the only requirement. We need to pay attention to right choice soil.

What soil is suitable for a money tree? Crassula shoots should be planted in special soil for succulents, purchased at the store. Sod land - the best option for the fat woman. However, it does well in both cactus growing mixtures and universal soil. The soil must be sufficiently nutritious. In this case, the plant will be strong.

Despite its unpretentiousness, the fat plant makes very high demands on watering. Everything is important here - the quality of the water, its quantity, and the frequency of the procedure.

Water requirements

Like most indoor plants, Crassula loves soft, pre-settled water. It should be at room temperature, never cold. It is good to use melt water for irrigation. To prepare it, dial in plastic bottle liquid from the tap and freeze it in the freezer. When the liquid is half frozen, its unfrozen part must be drained, since it is precisely this that contains all the harmful impurities. The remaining part is thawed and used for irrigation.

For these purposes, you can use filtered or rainwater. Used to soften water wood ash at the rate of half a teaspoon per liter of liquid. It is left to stand for 12 hours and used for irrigation.

Watering methods

There are two ways to water Crassula - from above or through a tray. The choice depends on the preferences of the grower. For overhead watering you will need a watering can with a narrow neck and a diffuser. The advantage of watering from above is that maximum nutrients are delivered to the roots with water.

Crassula is not afraid of moisture getting on the stem or leaves. On the contrary, it is recommended to spray the plant with warm water from a spray bottle. In summer this should be done once a week. In winter, it is better to replace the shower with wiping the leaves with a damp cloth approximately once a month.

After overhead watering or spraying, moisture settles in the pan - it must be drained after about an hour.

Watering from below

This method is used when the plant for a long time It was not watered and the soil in the pot was completely dry. It is also used in the exact opposite case - to combat waterlogging of the root system and prevent fungal diseases. With this method of watering, the prepared liquid is poured into a tray, a pot with a plant is placed in it and wait until the moisture is absorbed into the soil. After half an hour, the remaining water is drained.

The disadvantage of this method is that nutrients along with water rise from the bottom up, so the roots will receive much less of them than with top watering. Whitish color indicates nutrient deficiency limescale on the surface of the soil in the pot. It should be removed along with top layer soil to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in it.

Experienced gardeners advise alternating top and bottom watering. This allows you to maintain the necessary balance of moisture and nutrients in the soil.

Watering rules

Since the plant tolerates drought much more easily than moisture, it is especially important to know how often to water the money tree. Excessive soil moisture leads to the development of root rot and subsequent death of the plant. A signal of excess moisture is the lethargy and pallor of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots on them, and the falling of branches. With a lack of moisture, the leaves darken, become soft and fall off.

To determine how often to water a money tree, you need to monitor the condition of the soil in the pot, as well as follow seasonal recommendations. The dryness of the soil is checked not on the surface, but at a depth of about two phalanges of a finger, otherwise the plant can be flooded. A flooded plant can only be saved by replanting it in fresh soil or in old, but well-dried soil.

Seasonality of watering

How often to water depends on the time of year. In summer, it is recommended to irrigate the plant up to twice a week. If the weather is hot, the soil dries faster and you need to water more often.

In autumn, Crassula only needs one watering per week. The soil should be almost dry, because during this period the plant is preparing for the winter dormancy period.

If the fat plant overwinters in a warm room, it is watered up to twice a month. In a cool room it is not watered throughout the winter.

How to water a money tree in the spring, when the plant awakens and begins to actively develop? Watering is resumed up to twice every seven days, depending on soil moisture, which, in turn, depends on the conditions in which the fat plant is kept. Young, fast-growing trees should be watered more often.

To determine how often to water a money tree, you need to consider the conditions in which it grows. The rate at which the soil dries out depends on the temperature and humidity level in the room, the amount of sunlight in it, and how close the plant is to a window or radiator. For example, if the plant is on the balcony in summer, it will have to be watered more often because the soil will dry out faster.

Proper watering of Crassula, taking into account all external factors and seasonal rules will allow you to get great healthy plant, capable of decorating any interior. And of course, to enrich the one who cares for him, in gratitude for good care.

Almost every home has a money tree or, as it is also called, a money tree. Since this plant is unpretentious, there are no special problems in caring for it. It is enough to comply minimum rules, as for any other plant, and the tree will grow to the envy of everyone.

How to properly water a money tree?

The main question regarding growing crassula at home is how often to water the money tree. After all, watering for any plant is the main factor determining its successful development. Everyone knows that different plants your preferences - some people like dry soil and infrequent watering, while others require regular moistening without drying out the soil.

Since the money tree comes from hot countries, then, like many plants of this family, moisture accumulates in its leaves in large quantities, which means that the fat woman can do without water for some time.

Determining when the next time you need to water a pot with a plant is quite simple - the soil should be dry to the touch. IN winter period Soil drying occurs more slowly due to lower air temperatures, but in summer this process accelerates.

In winter, the money tree enters a kind of dormant period, when it should be placed on a cool windowsill and watered only once every three weeks, or even a month. Typically, the time when the plant rests lasts from November to March, after which it is again placed in warmth and the number of waterings is increased. A plant that is cared for in this way grows green mass well during the warm period.

In the hottest summer, you should water the money tree once every 7 days, after making sure that the soil is dry. If you do not pay attention to the condition of the soil, there is a high risk of flooding the root system, which is very sensitive to excess moisture.

A plant that is regularly over-moistened, that is, it is done more often than the soil dries out, over time begins to wither or lose foliage. When examining the root system, it is discovered that it has signs of decay. In this case, it is not always possible to save the money tree.

Another interesting question is whether the money tree needs to be watered after. This procedure is carried out annually and the issue is quite relevant. If rotten roots are found during replanting, they are removed and the plant is planted in dry soil. After this, watering is carried out no earlier than a week later. But if the plant is healthy, then it’s still worth moistening the soil slightly.

What kind of water to water a money tree?

As with any indoor plant, settled water is preferable for watering the fat plant. It is best to store it in an open container so that the chlorine present there, which harms the plant, can evaporate.

The water temperature for watering the money tree should be approximately the same as indoors or a little warmer. But in no case should you take water directly from the tap, because sensitive roots cannot tolerate this.

Watering should be done so that water does not flow from the pot in a stream, that is, very moderately. If there is too much of it, then the tray should be drained rather than leaving water in it, as for most plants.

“Money tree” (lat. Crassula), widely known to amateur gardeners, has other names: “crassula”, “tree of happiness”, “tree of luck”. Belongs to the Crassulaceae family, which includes perennial and annual succulents.

Natural habitat - arid regions of Africa, Madagascar. It has become widespread among plant growers due to its unpretentiousness in maintenance and its decorative qualities. The small, dense leaves resemble coins in appearance, hence the name “Money Tree”.

Curious facts

Adherents of the Eastern Feng Shui system claim that proper watering and careful care of the tree can ensure its active growth and flowering.

This will bring the family financial well-being, harmony in the home, influx of positive energy, neutralization negative influences from outside.

In folk medicine, Crassula juice is used externally for various ailments:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • insect bites;
  • abscesses, cuts, wounds on the skin;
  • varicose veins;
  • sore throat, tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases.

Carefully! The leaves and stems of the “Money Tree” contain arsenic, which categorically excludes their use as an internal remedy. Not recommended for placement in children's rooms.

How to determine that the “tree of happiness” needs watering?

To decorative tree The flowerpot was pleased with its appearance; it needed an appropriate watering regime. In order to understand whether the succulent needs another portion of water, you need to check the substrate to the depth of your finger - it must be dry.

In winter, the soil in the flowerpot dries out much more slowly due to the fact that the temperature in the room is lower than in the spring-summer period.

How often is watering needed?

Crassula, like many plants growing in arid climates, has characteristic feature accumulate moisture in thick, fleshy leaves for a long time and use it evenly to ensure vital functions.

Consequently, the fat plant does not need frequent and abundant watering.
The amount of water consumed by a tree in room conditions depends on the following factors:

  1. Illumination of the location of the flower pot.
  2. Proximity to heating appliances.
  3. Transplant timing.
  4. Individual conditions of detention.
  5. Current time of year.
  6. Humidity and temperature regime premises.

Methods of watering the “Money Tree”

Irrigation of the plant is carried out in two ways:

  1. On top of the substrate. It is advisable to use a watering can with a long narrow spout. Avoid water retention on the soil surface. After 15-20 minutes, check the pan: if there is excess moisture left in it, it must be removed.
  2. Through the pallet. Slowly, in small portions, fill the saucer with water and wait until it is completely absorbed by the root system. Repeat the procedure until water is absorbed.

Important! The root system of Crassula is extremely sensitive to excess moisture. After the watering procedure, be sure to loosen the top layer of soil to avoid stagnation of moisture and rotting of the roots!

Irrigation of the Money Tree soil depending on the time of year?

What kind of water is needed for irrigation?

It is preferable to use the one that has settled for room temperature, or melt water. In spring and autumn it is recommended to warm it up slightly, but not more than 25 degrees.

After freezing in freezer melt water has much less harmful impurities. You need to settle the water in an open container so that the chlorine in it evaporates freely. Most favorable time soil irrigation - evening.

How to properly water the Money Tree after transplanting?

It is strictly forbidden to allow the soil near the newly planted “tree of happiness” to become waterlogged. This will prevent it from taking root due to rotting of the young roots. Moderate watering is required with regular removal of excess water from the pan. Transplantation is carried out only in spring.

How to spray the “tree of luck”?

To provide the most favorable conditions for growth and flowering, the green darling is sprayed in the spring and summer.

The number of repetitions of procedures is 1 time per month. Sequencing:

  1. Using plastic film, cover the substrate in the flowerpot to prevent excess moisture.
  2. Prepare warm settled or melted water.
  3. Spray Crassula from all sides with a spray bottle.

In winter there is no need to carry out such manipulations. To remove dust, you need to carefully wipe the fox with a damp soft cloth.

Attention! Spraying should be done in evening time, or strictly in the shade. If you leave the plant open sun rays, then drops of water will play the role of a lens, and the leaves will get burned.

Improper watering and plant diseases

What to do if the “tree of happiness” is overwatered?

The consequences of excess moisture are detrimental to the plant. To save the tree, you need to remove it from the pot and dry the roots and soil separately. If roots affected by rot are noticeable, they should be cut off. It is recommended to add crushed charcoal to the newly prepared substrate for planting.

Possible mistakes when growing the “Money Tree”

The most common mistake among novice gardeners is to judge the moisture content of the substrate by its top layer. Whereas water can stagnate in the lower layer of soil.

The degree of watering should be determined to the depth of two phalanges of the finger. Lack of watering and drying out of the soil for a long time is no less dangerous for Crassula. In this case, not only the leaves of the plant dry out, but also root system- it will be difficult to revive the tree.

Answers to pressing questions about growing the “Money Tree”

  1. What fertilizer is suitable for Crassula at home and how often to use it? Answer: Feeding with special fertilizer for cacti and succulents is necessary, from April to August - once a month.
  2. Why, with the right and regular watering Crassula leaves wither, turn pale and fall off, the plant loses decorative look? Answer: Probably, cold, unsettled tap water is used for irrigation.
  3. Why does water stay on the soil surface for a long time when watering in small portions? Answer: very dense and heavy substrate, no drainage, no loosening of the soil.

Useful video

Learn more about watering a money tree from the video below:


“Money tree” is a fairly unpretentious plant. Thanks to your decorative qualities and relatively small sizes Perfect for any interior.

Pledge harmonious development“tree of happiness” - the correct watering regime. Excessive watering more dangerous than a temporary lack of moisture. Regular waterlogging leads to rotting of the root system. In this case, it is not always possible to save the tree.

Money tree or Crassula refers to indoor plants, which they love to grow. It is believed to bring good luck and women's happiness. In order for your favorite flower to look healthy, you need to properly care for it. One of the care issues is how to water a money tree at home?

Watering a money tree at home

Excessively abundant watering can be very harmful to the plant. Overmoistening is detrimental to its root system; root rot may occur.

Watering can be done in two ways:

  1. Through the pallet. First, pour a certain amount of water and wait until it is absorbed. Then you can add a little more water so that the substrate is well saturated.
  2. Above. With this method, the soil should be loosened so that there is free access of oxygen to the roots.

In the summer, once a month the plant can be given a shower, after which it is necessary to remove any remaining water from the pan.

In winter, the flower is occasionally wiped with a damp cloth.

How often should a money tree be watered?

As a rule, in summer the flower is watered once every 2-3 weeks, and in winter - once every 4-5 weeks.

By learning how to properly water a money tree, you will ensure the health and prolong the life of your favorite plant.

People who have an attractive flower of the Crassulaceae family growing at home are interested in how often to water a money tree. According to popular belief, this indoor culture serves as a kind of aggregator of material well-being.

Crassula (another name for the tree) is able to live without painstaking maintenance. However, to achieve enrichment it is important to ensure proper care and watering. After all, this way you will eliminate the possibility of weakening the branching structure of the plant.

How often should you water a money tree?

Don’t worry if water randomly sprinkles the leaf of the Crassula or the stem part - the flower has a stable “character”. However, this representative of the home flora does not have an excessive love of moisture. Thanks to the remarkable structure of the leaves, the plant retains water for a long time. After all, Crassula came to us from the arid African region, adapting to the local living conditions. Therefore, you do not need to worry too often about how to water the money tree.

Consider the following points when deciding whether to supply a flower with water:

  • degree of daylight brightness;
  • distance of removal of heating equipment;
  • intervals between root transplants;
  • season;
  • humidity level in the room;
  • ambient temperature;
  • other conditions in your premises.

in spring

In spring, it is enough to spray the plant with moisture once a week, which is noticeably more often. winter mode courtship. This is due to the rising air temperature outside. It is possible to increase the frequency of irrigation to 2 times a week if the succulent shows vigorous and steady growth or there is insufficient humidity in the house. It is advisable to bring the temperature to 20 degrees.

Together with the implementation water procedures You can also feed the crop. If the owner practices spraying, he will certainly provide shade. To be extra safe, you can spray the flower in the evening. After all, when watering a money tree in the spring using a sprayer, there is a risk of the sun entering through the lens-shaped structure of the drops and subsequently burning the leaves.

in winter

Winter makes adjustments to the peculiarities of caring for a fat woman. There are nuances that should be remembered when carrying out various procedures:

  • slow rate of drying of the soil inside the dishes due to decreased heating of the environment;
  • the need for location on the windowsill without excessive heating.

During the cold season, it is better to save on supplying water to the root of the plant. A watering interval of 1-2 times a month is enough to maintain the life of Crassula. Recommended temperatures are within 10-15 degrees. And if you have to spend the winter in a harsh climate or the air temperature drops below 10 degrees, you can completely abandon irrigation. Remember that the crop discussed in the article comes from Africa and goes into a “hibernation” stage in winter.

in autumn

We figured out how many times to water a money tree in winter, and also said that in cold weather the flora needs rest. However, the frequency of taking water procedures in autumn is higher than in winter - once a week. In addition, you no longer have to worry about feeding.

In summer

When it gets tough outside summer heat, adhere to the following care recommendations:

  • increase sprinkling frequency up to 2 times per week;
  • Give the Crassula a stream of oxygen by moving it to the balcony or taking it to the garden;
  • constantly apply fertilizers;
  • take care of the timely supply of moisture to the leaves.

On the other hand, remember that during the cool period of summer there is no need to get carried away with watering. Especially if the soil in the pot is moist. Otherwise, you risk seriously damaging the health of the tree and then it will be difficult to revive it.

How often should you water a money tree in a room?

In addition to the irrigation method described above, take into account the presence of excess moisture in the container tray. If the pot is flooded, remove the plant from it, drain the soil and go over the Crassula with special means.

It happens that you need to leave the house for a while. How many times should a money tree be watered under such conditions and how, in principle, should the corresponding action be carried out? Thanks to its love of drought, the crop is able to tolerate the absence of moisture for a certain period.

Before leaving, keep the dishes out of the sun, and also irrigate the flower and sprinkle the soil with wet expanded clay.

How to properly water a money tree at home

Pay attention to organizing proper sprinkling of the plant:

  • use a watering container with an extended tip;
  • take your time during irrigation;
  • avoid accumulation of liquid on the soil;
  • after an incident, grind off for 15 minutes excess moisture from the pallet.

To make a profit

In accordance with Taoist feng shui practice, the crassula is designed to promote attraction financial flows. Many people believe in the ability of a flower to accumulate an aura of wealth in the home.

However, to reach its potential, the fat woman needs care. You need to know the specifics of choosing a pot, soil, feeding and how to water a money tree.

But we got acquainted with the practical side of the service. Now a few words about the energy of looking after a plant:

  • when you get your next profit at work, put the coin in a bowl near the crop;
  • count the leaves when watering;
  • mentally associate the appearance of the leaves with iron money.

How many times to water

Make adjustments to the flower's watering schedule if its growth slows down. When the growing season begins in spring, it is important not to ignore the need for life-giving moisture. On the contrary, at the end of the growing season, reduce the water consumption for Crassula.

When the leaves begin to fall, this indicates that frequent watering. At the same time, the plant trunk is subject to rotting from the root system. Refrain from irrigating for several days after transplanting.

What to water to make it bloom

After placing the culture in a new container, the response to moisture increases. Therefore, the initial life in another pot requires careful adherence to the watering regime. Sprinkle the symbol of prosperity carefully with water to avoid problems with the root. It is allowed to make an exception and moisten the money tree after an emergency transplant caused by preliminary excessive flooding.

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