How to properly decorate a hallway in a modern style. Design of stylish and modern hallways in the photo Interior of a hallway in an apartment

From this article you will learn:

    How to decorate a narrow hallway

    What mistakes are made when decorating a hallway?

Arranging a hallway is interesting, but never easy. In typical old-style apartments there is no place to roam, since the areas are small. A difficult task arises: how to fit into small space everything you need, while creating stylish interior? After all, it is this part of the house that is considered the face of the home, and therefore its arrangement should be approached with all responsibility. Developing the interior design of this room can set the tone for the design of all other rooms. In this article we will talk about how to decorate a hallway and what you should pay attention to first.

How to decorate a hallway in an apartment

It is the hallway that forms the first impression of an apartment or house, and therefore its design should be taken seriously. If you have not yet decided how to decorate the hallway in your apartment with your own hands, consider the ideas below. It is quite possible that they will help you better understand what exactly you need.

Where to start?

Pay attention to every detail. Decorating walls, ceilings, laying suitable flooring and lighting, competent selection of furniture - absolutely everything matters both for you and for your guests. All components form the overall impression of the room.

Before you start decorating the corridor, decide on the character of the interior. If you are a follower of the classic style, you should most likely focus on traditional solutions.

If you want the room to be original, relevant, modern, rely on more daring design options.

Selecting wall texture and color

How to decorate the walls in the hallway? First of all, choose the right material. The advantage of smooth plaster is that absolutely any design can be applied to it.

An always up-to-date color that fits organically into any interior is beige. It adds coziness to the rooms.

Brickwork looks very stylish in the hallway. Thanks to her, the room looks expensive and expressive.

Photo wallpapers allow you to add any necessary nuances to the interior of the hallway.

The hallway can be decorated quite modestly. But if you choose wisely color scheme, the space will certainly become cozy and beautiful.

You should understand how the designs on the walls affect the overall perception of the hallway. Thus, wallpaper with a vertical texture solves a very important task - it visually lengthens the hallway.

Liquid wallpaper combined with decorative finishing stone for the arch - a win-win option that will never lose its relevance.

Another popular and stylish solution, noticeably refreshing the room, is a combination of tiles with decorative plaster.

You can also decorate your hallway using decorative plaster.

The best flooring options

When choosing a floor covering, remember that its main qualities should be strength and wear resistance. In this case, you should pay attention to the anti-slip coefficient. The material must be safe and comfortable. And, of course, an integral part of modern flooring - Beautiful design. The picture below shows ceramic tile, and in the center – large panel, designed in a classic style.

Tiles have a lot of advantages, but class 32 laminate is in no way inferior to it. This material has many advantages. It is easy to install, its cost is lower than tiles, and the texture and pattern look very natural.

If you have chosen tiles for the hallway without any special frills, you can always dilute the interior with flowers, and it will noticeably come to life.

Don't forget that tiles can be laid in two ways: straight and diagonal. When laid diagonally, the room visually becomes more spacious. This method should be preferred if your hallway is small and there is little light in it. But remember that for a small corridor you should not choose dark tiles. Even laying it diagonally will not save the situation.

If you do not have any special financial restrictions, you can implement the most extraordinary design solutions.

If in the collection floor tiles present decorative elements(inserts, borders), we recommend using them to the maximum. It is possible that the costs in this case will be higher. However, the result will please you throughout for long years and will undoubtedly exceed all expectations.

You can also decorate your hallway using porcelain tiles stylized as stone. This great option, if you like natural noble materials, marble stains and natural unprocessed texture.

The walls and floor should be harmoniously combined with each other. Take this into account when decorating your hallway.

Ceiling and lighting. Good solutions for corridor design

You can order the installation of a stretch ceiling or plastic panels. One way or another, any option has its advantages and disadvantages. But remember that thanks to harmonious, well-chosen lighting and some decorative elements, many of the shortcomings of the hallway will be less noticeable.

Which lamps to choose for the hallway - regular or diode? If the interior of your corridor is designed more in a classic style, then the first option will do.

Decorative stone looks great in the hallway. But not everyone knows that to create volume, it needs to be highlighted correctly. The photo below shows the perfect one for of this interior lighting.

Furniture: moderation is key

When placing furniture in the hallway, think, first of all, about ease of movement and functionality. Small-sized and unique all-in-one options are a very rational solution.

A bench is a must-have in any hallway.

The next option seems a little outdated, but its functionality is undeniable. Notice how perfectly the walls match the façade of the furniture.

This photo shows that it is thanks to the furniture that the interior looks attractive. A beautiful white pouf perfectly complements the overall picture.

Contrasting solutions in the interior have already become classics. Therefore, the combination of black and white always looks stylish and harmonious.

Thanks to the wardrobe in the hallway, you will not have problems storing things. You can store whatever you want in different compartments.

How to decorate a hallway in an apartment: photo

How to decorate a hallway in a private house

Color solution

Color is the most important element of any interior. The choice of color scheme depends on the size, style and purpose of the room. It is very important that the overall range of shades is harmoniously combined with other elements of the corridor. The walls are painted in any color.

How to beautifully decorate a hallway, what color scheme to choose? If you are decorating a corridor in a private house, a win-win option become classic beige and brown shades. Peach and orange colors are very popular today. When choosing finishing materials, pay attention to their composition and texture. Cleaning and washing should not be a problem.

Before purchasing finishing materials, owners of private houses who want to decorate the hallway study various photos in the Internet. In spacious hallways they use warm colors:





If you are wondering how to decorate a small hallway, pay attention to gray, milky, beige, and blue shades. When the color of the walls, floor and ceiling creates an overall harmonious picture, the atmosphere in the hallway seems relaxed.

The design of the hallway is determined by many elements. The color scheme must match the chosen interior style. The ceiling is usually painted white or blue. To decorate the floor, choose light shades to visually expand the space.

Hallway style

How to decorate a hallway, what style to choose? Owners of country houses, seeking to emphasize their status, invariably prefer the classics. Pastel and rich shades are often used in the hallways of private houses. Warm colors are used to decorate surfaces. To place bright accents in the hallway, buy bright carpets, curtains and other accessories.

Art Nouveau style is very popular today. This direction is characterized by soft curved lines and the absence of angles. It seamlessly combines functionality and sophistication, intertwining natural lines with the latest technology.

If you want your hallway to become truly cozy, you can decorate it in rustic style or country. Mandatory elements of a room in the latter style are plain surfaces, rough finishes, and a lot of natural elements.

How to beautifully decorate a hallway in a minimalist style? This trend is characterized by compact objects and a minimum of decor. The premises, designed in a minimalist style, are practical, functional, and organized. When finishing the floor and ceiling, preference is given to a restrained color palette.

The loft direction is often chosen creative personalities. In such an interior there is always open space and a minimum number of partitions. A loft-style hallway should not have unnecessary elements or draperies. For zoning, furniture and materials that imitate brickwork, stone and plaster are used. The hallways are always well lit.

Corridor decoration

Cleaning and washing surfaces in the hallway should not be difficult. For wall decoration, durable coatings with a long service life should be selected so that they retain their attractive appearance over a long period of time. Materials for the floor and ceiling should also be chosen very carefully.

Walls. They are painted and trimmed with decorative stone, ceramic tiles, and panels. When thinking about how to decorate the walls in the hallway, rely on personal preferences. If you choose vinyl wallpaper for this room, you will certainly create an attractive interior. The number of modern color solutions today is countless. Wall coverings with imitation paint or natural brick are very popular, allowing you to create a special atmosphere. They look very attractive.

Thanks to liquid wallpaper, you will also decorate your hallway beautifully. Photographs of various design projects where this material was used confirm that such a coating is a stylish and unusual solution. With its help, issue various surfaces quite simple. This material is varnished to make it easier to maintain.

Paint is a simple and fairly inexpensive option. It is applied to perfectly flat surfaces, so you will have to prepare the base. Durable option decoration of the walls in the hallway - plaster.

Floor. As already mentioned, the flooring for the hallway must be wear-resistant. Tiles are an excellent, very practical and reliable option that does not require special care. Today on the building materials market there are great amount its options are in different colors, so you can decorate the room in any style.

However, the material also has disadvantages. This is a cold surface, which can create some inconvenience. In addition, if a heavy object is dropped on the tile, it can be damaged.

Owners of country houses, when deciding how to decorate the hallway, often choose laminate flooring. This material is durable and waterproof. There are types on sale that imitate valuable wood species and tiles. With intensive loading, the service life of the laminate is approximately 15 years. If part of the floor is suddenly damaged, it can be replaced as soon as possible.

Linoleum is also very popular. It has many advantages, including easy cleaning and excellent wear resistance. That is why this material is often laid in hallways. It should only be laid on a flat surface.

Ceiling. The dimensions of corridors in private houses allow you to create original and memorable projects. Special attention When decorating hallways, attention is always paid to the ceilings, especially if there are any shortcomings there. If you choose the right design option for the top internal covering premises, then you can hide minor defects.

To change proportions, a certain color scheme is used and textures are combined. You can choose the simplest – light, fast and inexpensive – finishing option: painting the ceiling.

Another low-cost repair method is installation. polystyrene foam boards. On the modern market they are presented in a wide range. There are entire collections that imitate other materials. They are glued to the ceiling and then painted a certain color.

How to decorate a hallway in a cottage? For creating original interior you can use mirror tiles and decorative plaster.

Very often, when finishing corridors, other materials are used: modular and suspended ceilings, plasterboard. In the process of decorating the hallway, existing requirements and the decorative component are taken into account.

How to decorate a hallway in a private house: photo

How to decorate a small hallway

To ensure that the decoration, furniture and decorative elements are a single whole, decide on the interior style. If the area of ​​your corridor is small, then it is better to decorate it in modern, classic, Scandinavian, Provence or loft style. All these directions are harmonious, neat, minimalist. You will feel comfortable and pleasant to be in a room designed in one of these directions.

Choice color range for the corridor - a responsible task. It is important to fully express your artistic taste, but not to overdo it. If the corridor is small, it is not recommended to use more than two or three colors. One shade should be the main one, the rest should be used for contrast and highlighting small details.

White coloroptimal solution for the interior of a compact corridor, as it visually expands the space. This color option will symbolize cleanliness and order. You can dilute the interior with black, gray elements or colored inserts, which will look calmer next to white. You can decorate your hallway in other light colors.

How to decorate a narrow hallway

So, how to design a narrow corridor? There are few options here, but they still exist. The first way is to think about which side to place the furniture on. It is better to place it on the side where the doors are far from each other. Furniture items should be placed along this wall.

The second way is to place a wardrobe and a hanger at two adjacent walls: short and long. Also a good solution from a functional and aesthetic point of view.

You should not place furniture along two opposite walls in a narrow hallway. You will constantly bump into corners. To prevent the second wall from looking empty, you can place a mirror on it, hang narrow wall shelves, put decorative elements and various little things on them.

There are certain design techniques, allowing you to visually expand the space, while the latest developments in the field of storage systems allow you to compactly place all the necessary things and at the same time save space.

Walls, floor, ceiling

To visually expand the room, it is recommended to decorate the walls in light shades, preferably with a slight gloss. You can give preference textured paints or mother-of-pearl plaster. A glossy ceiling (it is better to choose an unobtrusive gloss) is, as a rule, a stretch ceiling. It will reflect light, as well as what is happening in the hallway, visually increasing the area. Also, the top internal covering can be finished with plastic panels. They are inexpensive and also give a good glossy effect.

If gloss isn't your thing, don't use it, but don't shy away from light shades. As already mentioned, for the decoration of the hallway they still give preference to warm colors.

Light is very important in the design of a corridor. It should be plentiful. Hallways almost never have windows. The exceptions are corridors in spacious cottages, and even then not in all cases. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to lighting. You must control the light from different points in the room. Switches use pass-through switches.

Ideally, in the hallway you should place both ceiling lighting, and zonal, for example, at the mirror. In general, you should not forget about the latter when decorating a corridor; it visually expands the space. And if the mirror has beautiful lighting, then it will look win-win.

IN last years Decorative stone is often used to decorate the walls of hallways. In this case, part of the walls is left smooth, simply painted, and the stone is installed only in a certain area.

What other techniques can make a small corridor look more spacious? This is achieved through a carefully designed lighting scheme that creates a cozy atmosphere. In addition, mirrored closet doors can reflect the decor - they expand the boundaries of the room. Also, the ceiling may appear higher due to vertical columns made of raw stone.

If you are thinking about how to decorate your hallway, take a moment increased attention and furniture. Indeed, glossy and mirror surfaces do not look “heavy” and do not burden the space. In this case, the chest of drawers can be chosen to be not very wide: so that it does not interfere with moving around the room, but at the same time fulfills its purpose.

When deciding how to decorate a hallway in a Khrushchev-era building, keep in mind that when decorating small rooms, dark flooring is rarely used. But even if the floor is dark, then everything else (walls, ceiling, furniture) should be very light. Dark details look great on such elements, preferably in the same color as the flooring.

Furniture for a narrow corridor

Once you have decided on the color scheme and texture of the walls, you can begin choosing furniture. The best solution is custom-made furniture. The wardrobe and hanger will be made to fit the dimensions of your hallway, developing individual content (shelves, baskets, etc.) in accordance with your requirements. The only negative is that it is quite expensive.

If you are interested in a cheaper option, you can save money and install modular furniture in your hallway. Today, in almost all respects, solid “hallways” are inferior to it. Modular furniture (shelves, cabinets, pencil cases, cabinets, hangers, benches) are manufactured at the factory in the same style and color scheme. From such a “constructor” you can assemble what best suits your room.

Today they use not only closed, but also open storage systems. But this option is optimal only if you are ready to maintain impeccable order, since everything will be in plain sight. But in open furniture Outerwear dries better.

Some corridors are so narrow that it is impossible to open the closet door. Optimal for small hallways would be a wardrobe with sliding doors, occupying a minimum of space. But such a wardrobe should ideally be built-in: with the same occupied space, it is much more functional than a regular one.

A sliding wardrobe is also good because it can occupy the entire wall, be combined with a shelving unit or an open part in the form of a chest of drawers, hangers, shoe racks, and so on. There are also corner models that allow you to use two adjacent walls, which cabinet and modular furniture usually cannot do. This is an excellent option for linear hallways.

The storage space for shoes deserves special attention. There are special shoe chests of drawers or shoe racks. They are different forms, can be built into the hallway or located separately. The shelves in them are:

  • Folding.

Usually shoe racks with folding shelves narrow, and therefore perfect for small corridors.

  • Retractable.

These chests of drawers are deeper, and therefore they are placed in square rooms or in a corner, usually behind a closet.

To make the most efficient use of space, top part Shoe racks are often turned into seats. It turns out to be both a shoe cabinet and a bench on which it is convenient to put on your shoes.

There is another option - a round, rotating shoe shelf with sectors. A very compact and convenient thing.

10 main mistakes when decorating a hallway

It may seem that, in principle, there is no need to decorate the hallway. However, if the corridor is not equipped or is finished incorrectly, you will feel inconvenienced.

  1. Lack of shoe rack.

Many apartments do not have shoe racks. There is not enough space in the hallway, and therefore the owners do not consider it necessary to install this attribute, fearing that it will clutter up the space. But in the end, the exact opposite situation results: shoes are scattered chaotically on the floor, since there is nowhere to put them, and they take up all the free space at the front door. This is, of course, inconvenient and impractical.

Solution. It doesn't matter how big your hallway is. Modern design solutions allow you to beautifully decorate a hallway of any size. IN furniture stores presented today various options whatnot different sizes where you can store your everyday shoes. For example, you may prefer vertical shelves, roll-top drawers, narrow wall-mounted closed organizers, benches, and so on.

  1. Impractical flooring.

And again the key idea: the corridor is always a passage place, and therefore you should choose a wear-resistant floor covering for it. You should not put laminate flooring, especially inexpensive ones, in the hallway next to the entrance door to your apartment. It will quickly deteriorate.

Snow and rain will cause wet, dirty shoes to leave marks on the floor. This will negatively affect the quality of the flooring. The joints of the laminate slabs into which water has leaked will swell, and the appearance of the floor will completely deteriorate.

Solution. If you do not want to lay expensive material on the floor in the hallway, place it only at the entrance - where the shoes are. Porcelain stoneware or tiles with an original geometric pattern are perfect. Thanks to its attractive appearance, it will decorate the entrance area.

  1. Insufficient lighting.

Not everyone needs high-quality lighting in the hallway. This is often due to the fact that people get used to a single lamp with low power. But it’s still better to take care of good light in the hallway. This way you won't have problems finding the things you need.

Solution. When trying to decorate the hallway beautifully, it is not at all necessary to install spotlights along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. However, you can install a pendant lamp and also add sconces to the wall.

  1. Things on display.

Clutter in the hallway is usually due to the fact that people simply do not know how to properly organize and use a small space.

Solution. Once you order a built-in design of sections where you can place shoes, outerwear, bags and other things, you will save yourself from the messy storage of wardrobe items.

  1. Lack of landing space.

Even in a small hallway you can place a bench for convenient preparation before leaving the house. A comfortable seat, be it a bench or a compact pouf, will be especially useful for children and the elderly.

Solution. When leaving the apartment, be sure to place a chair, stool, ottoman or bench where you can sit down. If the hallway is very small, give preference to multifunctional furniture or folding items: benches with shoe shelves, book stools, narrow chests of drawers with open and closed shelves, and so on.

  1. Impractical wall decoration.

Hallway walls should not be covered with paper paper wallpaper. If they become dirty, it will be impossible to wipe them without damaging the surface. Some types of interior paints are also impractical.

Solution. When thinking about how to decorate the walls in the hallway, pay attention to washable wallpaper. The best option is to combine them with wall panels from lining, polyurethane parts or treated wood. The material for wall cladding should first of all be easy to wash and retain its original appearance after cleaning from contamination (dust, splashes and dirt).

  1. Tiny mirror.

How to decorate a mirror in the hallway? Both men and women find it more comfortable to look in a large mirror in full height. Therefore, small wall mirrors do not allow you to evaluate your appearance “from” to “before”.

Solution. The dimensions of the mirror are usually quite compact. Therefore, even in a small corridor, if desired, you can install a large product on the floor. The main thing is that it has reliable fastenings. By placing such a piece of furniture in your hallway, you will make it comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

  1. Uninteresting interior.

The interiors of the corridors are usually boring and monotonous. But if you are wondering how to decorate a hallway, pay attention to non-standard approaches to design. A beautiful and thoughtful design of a hallway can improve a person’s mood, which is very important, for example, before an important meeting.

Solution. We decorate the hallway with our own hands! Don't be afraid to experiment. Feel free to change the decor, try to decorate this room in a non-standard way. Complete the space with beautiful and original details: a small rug, shaped mirrors, paintings, use brickwork or paint a section of the wall a beautiful color.

  1. Carpet at the entrance.

When wondering how to decorate a hallway in an apartment, you will also have to decide whether to lay a carpet in front of the front door or not. But, one way or another, it should not take up all the space, since this is completely impractical. Keep in mind that dirty shoes will leave marks on it, and the rug will inevitably curl up next to the door.

Solution. If you are used to the fact that there is always a soft covering, but at the same time you care about cleanliness and attractiveness appearance floors, use small rugs or narrow carpet runners. They can be laid behind a shoe bench and, for example, you can stand on them only with your bare feet.

  1. Extra items.

Unless you have special designs in mind for placing a wardrobe in the hallway, we recommend, in order to save space, not to place an ottoman or a massive chest of drawers in your small hallway.

Solution. When decorating the hallway, do not clutter it with unnecessary items. Let there be only essential items - ottomans, mirrors, hangers, shoe racks, a cabinet for small items.

How to decorate a hallway: photos for your inspiration

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A small hallway is a problem in many apartments. To a certain extent, this is true, because the least time is spent in this room, and it is better to use the extra squares for the bedroom or living room, but do not forget that the face of the apartment is set by the first room in the apartment, its beauty and style. And even the smallest room can be cozy and comfortable. What interior design for a small hallway in an apartment will be optimal?

Correct design of a small hallway in an apartment

To take advantage of all the benefits small room as efficiently as possible, you should adhere to three principles:

  • a minimum of things
  • maximum space,
  • maximum benefit.

Remove everything unnecessary. This applies to furniture, clothing and even shoes. Only an uncluttered room will seem larger than it actually is. And vice versa, the largest one, littered with all sorts of rubbish - a cramped closet.

Furniture for a small hallway 2020

Use a minimum of furniture, although stores and catalogs are full of fantastic abundance:

  • ottomans,
  • sofas,
  • cabinets,
  • shelves,
  • hangers and
  • nightstand.

If possible, one closet, spacious and comfortable, with a hanger, without hangers, since hangers are not very convenient for daily use.

If you have space, you can put a hanger rack or hang a wall hanger in a small hallway for everyday outerwear. This is much more convenient than hanging it in the closet every time, and you can’t hang it wet in a common pile, but on an open hanger it will dry faster and safer.

You can also store all the shoes there that are not intended for daily wear, because mountains of boots and shoes standing uselessly in the room will ruin the design of any, even the most stylish room.

How to arrange a small hallway in an apartment

Increase space. If possible, this should be done physically, for example, by using the area of ​​the adjacent room or removing all doorways, replacing them with beautiful, spacious arches.

Or, by removing everything up to the walls and ceiling in the passage, and separating the modern hallway itself in a small apartment from the living room using different flooring, multi-level ceilings and floors, decorated with built-in spotlights.

Stretch ceilings raise the ceiling very well, light color, glossy - like a mirror surface, reflecting the entire room in its surface, they make it 1.5-2 times taller. See examples of hallways in small apartments 2020, real photos:

If, after demolishing a wall with a door, the transition between rooms seems too empty, good decision there will be a decorative gazebo or arch with shelves. Large shelves will allow you to place indoor flowers on them, as well as make the hallway lighter, thereby increasing it visually.

Ideas for a small hallway

A good solution would be sliding sliding doors to the entire height of the wall. But they should have two to four doors, so that when family members usually arrive, one door can be opened, and when many people are planned at the same time, the entire door can be opened completely.

Such a simple technique will allow guests not to crowd a couple of squares, undressing to easily enter the apartment, and the owners will warmly welcome their dear guests.

The right solution would be to use mirrors or translucent glass for such doors:

  1. the first will allow you to make the hallway larger, more spacious, reflecting the room and doubling its area;
  2. the latter will add a little light from the remaining rooms, also visually expanding the room.

Make the most of it. Whatever one may say, you need to undress and take off your shoes in the first room of the house. Therefore, it is good if it has a place for shoes, a closet or a clothes hanger. It wouldn’t hurt to have an ottoman to make it comfortable to take off your shoes. A key holder and an umbrella stand will come in handy.

What to do if the design of a small hallway in an apartment only allows you to place a shoe mat in it?

Built-in furniture or niches in the walls will come to the rescue. There is no need to try to cram as large a cabinet as possible into the wall. If the wall allows, you can make a 1.0-1.5 m closet, with wall hooks, shelves for shoes and hats. If not, then a wall hanger 0.5 m deep will be fine. Here are photos of options for a small hallway 2020 in an apartment:

Wardrobe in the hallway

A sliding wardrobe can be an excellent option, and custom-made furniture will allow you to successfully use every free centimeter. It is better to make a sliding wardrobe up to the ceiling, so that the space under the ceiling can be used as a mezzanine.

You can also store winter clothes or those clothes and shoes that are rarely worn there.

A mirrored door in such furniture will noticeably increase the space of a small hallway, but if the shelves are very high, it is better to make the upper part of the door matte so as not to “stretch” the room even more.

In addition to the general principles of arranging a hallway in a small apartment, there are several approaches to make the design as stylish and beautiful as possible.

Color spectrum

Don't underestimate the power of light colors in decor small rooms. A successful combination of various light shades allows you to make a room:

  1. Above - light shades are best used in decorating the upper part of walls and ceilings.
  2. Wider - a wide, light central part of the wall will visually expand the walls, making a small hallway more spacious.
  3. Longer - lighter walls of the narrow part of the room (not much, a tone or two softer than the rest) will lengthen and prolong the room.

Of course, in order to make the most of the play of light and color, you need to have good imagination and taste, but computer design programs allow you to “try on” this or that painting or furniture even before renovation.

Decorating the hallway with furniture

As already mentioned, built-in furniture, wardrobes, and wardrobes save space well and do not clutter up the space. wall hangers, niches in the walls, etc. It’s good if the furniture is also in light colors, preferably warm (beige, yellow, pink, green, blue).

The best option furniture for the hallway will be made to order, this approach will save a lot of space by making a flat cabinet on the entire wall, taking into account all the nooks and corners of your tiny hallway.

Lighting in the hallway interior

How to decorate lighting in a small hallway in 2020? The hallway is almost always a room without natural light. Therefore, you can add natural light only with the help of an arch opening into the adjacent room with windows.

It is advisable to use all types of lighting in such small spaces. Directional wall lamps allow you to advantageously highlight the necessary decorative elements - niches, corners, thus expanding the room.

Also, long wall lamps, whose angle of inclination is adjustable, can visually lengthen the room, raise the ceiling, and move the walls apart. This technique is called light stripes.

You can additionally illuminate the mirror with spotlights, making preening before going out more comfortable. Diffused light will save energy when there is no one in the hallway.

Fluorescent lamps, softly illuminating the space, enlarge a small hallway, especially if the light is directed at the mirror. The main thing is that, in general, the lighting should be close to natural and be pleasant to the eye and perception.

Decorative design of a small hallway

Quite unusual, decorative elements look beautiful, creating the illusion of a large room. First of all, it's always like this lucky element, like a large mirror, but it should be a light shade.

Imitation of a large aquarium built into the wall, best with colored lighting from bottom to top.

The pattern on the walls, floor and ceiling must also be chosen correctly - it is best to take washable wallpaper, decorative putty, with medium or large drawings, so that there are quite a lot of them, but so that the drawing does not flicker and does not merge into one background.

The direction of the pattern will help lengthen or expand the room. Thus, oblong pictures on the floor directed to the side make it visually longer.

Ideas for a small hallway - a pattern on the wall, directed upward, visually raises the ceiling. Such simple tricks help make a dark, tiny room light, spacious and very comfortable.

The use of different textures, colors of the same material, and multi-level floor coverings allows you to zone the hallway in a small apartment if doors and walls have been demolished, or if there is no hallway at all, there is only a large hall.

There must be a corner in the living room in order to throw off clothes and shoes with street dirt and dust.

In order for the design of a small hallway in an apartment to be successful, it is necessary to think through the complete design, including furniture and the type of finishing materials and coatings used, even before the renovation, then the resulting result will be holistic and complete.

And the use of simple techniques of spatial illusions will create the impression large room in the tiniest room. Successful planning and successful results! Modern hallways in small apartments, real photos and videos in our selection:

The hallway is a special place where relatives and guests are greeted and seen off. Modern hallway with original design will allow everyone to feel the atmosphere of the apartment from the threshold; it is by this that the tastes of the home owner are judged. If you design this space incorrectly, you can ruin the entire picture of the home’s interior, worsen or completely ruin the first impression.

You can strive to create the hallway as attractive as possible, but first of all you need to remember its functional purpose. It is the hallway that welcomes all home and guests. Here they take off shoes and outerwear, which may be wet or dusty. They also store gloves, umbrellas and hats here, which means you need to arrange a special place for them.

This room not only welcomes us, but also sees us off, because this is where we stay before leaving the apartment. In fact, this is the most “passable” place in the apartment, which means its functionality is in the foreground.

“Hallway” is the entrance part to a home, which may consist of an entrance hall, or include a hall, a separate part of it, or a long corridor.

Fashionable finishing materials

Considering the functional purpose of this space, it is necessary to use materials that will be as resistant to abrasion and wear as possible, and able to withstand moisture and dirt.

Material requirements:

  • Easy cleaning.
  • Increased wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The requirements for furniture will be similar: expensive wood looks out of place here, because it can be quickly damaged.

Hallway flooring:

  • Ceramic or stone tiles.
  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Linoleum.
  • Cutting down natural stones.

Now a new laminate is gaining popularity, which is characterized by its high resistance to moisture and water. Natural parquet is not used here, as it quickly deteriorates. It is best to paint the walls or use moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Modern furniture for the hallway

Nowadays it is best to use multifunctional furniture for the hallway. For example, a bench for putting on shoes can be used as a storage box, and an ottoman that you can sit on will be a “safe” for accessories, etc.

A number of necessary pieces of furniture and technical equipment:

  • Shoe rack. If the dimensions allow, then you can put a cabinet for shoes, the upper part of which will serve as a glove table or a shelf for bags and other small things.
  • Closet. This piece of furniture can be found in almost every apartment, because it stores outerwear and many other things that cannot be found anywhere else for storage. The closet can be fundamentally small, or it can be an entire closet or dressing room.
  • Ottoman or seat. A place to comfortably put on your shoes can serve as an element for storing small items, and is also sometimes mounted with a hanger to save space.
  • Rug. No matter how good the floor is, a small rug by the door is an essential element of the hallway interior. As soon as you cross the threshold of the house, you immediately stand on the rug, which absorbs the bulk of the moisture and dirt brought from the street.
  • Mirror. The larger the mirror here, the better, because every person, when leaving the house, will definitely look in the mirror, put himself in order and admire whether the selected clothes are suitable for leaving the house. Girls and women can do their makeup here, or just fix their hair. The best option would be a human-sized mirror for a good overview.
  • Lighting. It is this that greatly influences the design of the hallway and its perception. The owners can choose from several types of lighting, for example, general (near the entrance, immediately illuminates all the necessary space), local (for illuminating individual areas - closets, mirrors, places for shoes, etc.), decorative (allows you to place the right accents and emphasize originality design ideas and solutions, visually increases the space).
  • Other interior elements. These can be key holders, comfortable tables, an umbrella stand, a hanger and a number of other decorative items. Designers and experts agreed that there is no point in overloading the hallway with decorative elements that are not useful. Therefore, most items should have a functional purpose and justify their presence.

Design and choice of modern colors

In both small and large hallways, the style of minimalism is relevant and interesting. It is he who will help make the room as functional, discreet as possible and eliminate unnecessary clutter.

Scandinavian style is also used for the entrance, which combines environmentally friendly safety and simplicity of design.

Regardless of the chosen style, you need to be restrained in decor, try to let the decorative role take on functional furniture. For example, you can use an original hanger, which will look interesting and create a pleasant impression.

The color scheme should emphasize the peculiarity and importance of this space, visually enlarge the hallway and adjust its proportions. Often there is no natural light, so the use of dark colors is not preferable.

  • White in all shades.
  • Beige (peach, coffee with milk).
  • Gray color in light colors.

In the hallway you can also use active colors, but only as additional ones or combine them with light ones, all depending on the style. Beige will go well with chocolate or sand color. White color looks elegant when combined with blue or its shades. In general, you need to make the hallway so that it does not seem gloomy or too dark.

An exception to the rule may be a large hallway with high ceilings. Here you can use bright colors, sharp contrasts and transitions, which will visually make the room smaller and make it more comfortable.

The theater begins with a coat rack, and any apartment begins with a hallway. This is exactly the room that a person enters first upon entering, and therefore creates the first impression of the rest of the house and the taste of its owner. Usually this small sizes an area in which outerwear and various household items are located, however, even such a seemingly insignificant room can be turned into a beautifully decorated room that sets the tone for the rest of the apartment. There are a lot design solutions, which will help add special charm and zest to the corridor or hallway, indicating the taste of the owner of the home. There are also a lot of tips on how to decorate a hallway of one size or another.

The overall impression of guests about your home depends on the design of the hallway.

Basic design rules

First of all, it is important to decide on the style in which the hallway will be decorated. Naturally, it should not differ from the design of the rest of the apartment, since it will look ugly and tasteless. Next, you should consider the size of the room, because the smaller its size, the less room for maneuver with furniture remains, therefore this moment It’s important to think ahead.

Take your hallway style seriously

The lighting in the room should be bright, since these rooms usually do not include windows in their design. When choosing furniture, it is important to take care of it functionality, since in this room there is unlikely to be a place for elaborate but insufficient chests of drawers, the set must fully fulfill its main task.

The furniture in the hallway should be spacious and not take up much space.

Protect your floor with a non-marking material

How to decorate the walls?

Clothes for walls can come in a variety of forms, but the most popular options are plastering and wallpapering.

  • Plaster. This option has a greater scope of imagination, which can be realized on the walls of the hallway. First of all, the plaster can be painted, which makes it possible to enliven the room not only with any colors and shades, but also to add any patterns and ornaments. Second solution - decorative stucco, which may be limited ordinary imitation brickwork, or can decorate the walls with a variety of panels and bas-reliefs. It all depends on the customer’s requests and capabilities.
  • Wallpaper. The decision to hang wallpaper is the simplest and most constructive, however, there are also a lot of solutions to choose from. In addition to conventional paper materials, vinyl wallpapers are widely used, which, although more expensive, are more durable and easier to clean. Bamboo wallpapers, which create an imitation of natural material, are also in great demand.
  • Other methods. Considering current trends, wall decoration is in increasing demand artificial stone. This is a quite practical, albeit expensive decor option. Also popular are plastic panels, ceramic tiles, and a combination of two or more different solutions.

Decorate the hallway walls with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster with three-dimensional elements will become a real decoration of the hallway

Decorative bamboo panels will give a stylish look to a Japanese home

Ceiling and lighting fixtures

For convenience, the hallway should be filled with sufficient light. The absence of windows in a room makes it dark by default, so for a comfortable life, light should come not only from the ceiling, but also from wall lamps. The choice of ceiling lamps directly depends on the design of the ceiling itself. The following options are the most popular here.

  • Stretch ceiling. Fast, practical and inexpensive. The ceiling is easy to clean and serves its users well for a long time. In this case, you need to take care of lighting in advance, since installing new lighting on a ready-made structure is quite problematic. Usually the choice is made on LED spotlights, which give quite bright light stable and quite economical.
  • Plastic panels. The lighting solution is similar with suspended ceilings, however, in this case there is more flexibility for subsequent lighting upgrades.

Beautiful stretch ceiling in the hallway

A wide range of plastic panels will allow you to decorate the hallway in accordance with your choices

The lamps themselves can be ordinary incandescent lamps, "housekeepers", LED lamps. As practice shows, LEDs are the most practical and are in great demand, but in this case, much is decided by the preferences of the customer himself.

Lighting in the hallway should emphasize its design and decoration

Wall lighting fixtures are placed in the most dark places rooms that ceiling lighting cannot cope with. The modern market is overflowing with an assortment of various sconces and wall lamps; it is not difficult to choose the necessary product for the interior design of any room.

Wall lamps can, in addition to illumination, create a beautiful pattern on a vertical surface

There are a lot of solutions for decorating a hallway, and they are focused on the style of the room. Among the main elements of the interior are mirrors, which will not only visually increase the size of the room, but will also play an important functional role. Wall decoration can be done in various ways: playing with colors and designs, photographs in frames, stucco molding and decoupage of interior elements. Decorating the hallway with indoor flowers looks beautiful, but this option is only possible with sufficient natural light hallway

Wide mirrors visually increase the space of the hallway

Classic style provides interesting elements decor – mirror molding, table candelabra, massive wooden table as a bedside table in the hallway

It all depends on the scale of your imagination, but it is important not to overdo it with decorations and make them in the design style of the rest of the apartment. By and large, the interior of the hallway should have a minimalist character, embodying practicality and comfort.

In a modern hallway it is necessary to adhere to minimalist trends

Mirrored wardrobe doors expand the visual space of the hallway

Layout features

Planning a small space is quite difficult, so first of all you need to pay attention to the interior elements that are actually needed in everyday life. A convenient design solution is to occupy one of the walls of the room with furniture (wardrobe, hanger). In the smallest rooms you can get by with just a hanger, but it is worth remembering that an open hanger requires constant order, because things on it are always in sight. The location of the doors will tell you which side to choose (they should open comfortably without catching furniture).

An open hanger in the hallway provides more freedom, but requires constant care

A small hallway can be made aesthetically attractive

You should not place furniture on both sides of the hallway, in which case it will create inconvenience in the use of the room even for one person, not to mention large families. In addition to a hanger and a closet, the hallway should contain an armchair (ottoman, chair, depending on the size of the room and the wishes of its owner), as well as a shelf for household items and a mirror. The remaining elements of the decor are desirable only if they do not create a clutter.

Low soft ottoman – essential attribute any hallway

Furniture for large and small rooms.

A minimalist option for any hallway is a wardrobe and a hanger. Ideally, furniture should be made individually, selecting sizes and colors for each room specifically. In order to save space, you can resort to the option of modular furniture and corner cabinets. If there is so little space that an open cabinet door is inconvenient, then you can resort to the option of a wardrobe, which will help save a few extra centimeters of space. Spacious hallways can be equipped with solid large wardrobes.

Use hallway cabinet furniture in a narrow hallway space

Advice! You can use the lower compartments of the closet to store shoes, or you can add a separate shoe rack to your decor. Its dimensions and design also depend on the size of the hallway. For a spacious room, you can consider the option of a set with a folding door, for a small one - with a sliding door or even an open one. A shoe cabinet with a soft top can also serve as a seating area, eliminating the need for an armchair or ottoman.

A narrow loft-style hallway does not require a lot of furniture. You can limit yourself to the bare necessities – a hanger and a shoe rack

Ideas for storing things in the hallway

For small things that a person uses every day (outerwear, umbrella, other household small things), free access places are perfect - a closet, a hanger, a shelf for keys, a floating console, etc. In addition to everyday items, which are usually stored in convenient and accessible places, it is rational to store many other items in the hallway. Well-designed furniture (hollow ottomans, niches, mezzanines) will help with this.

The role of an ottoman will be played by a locker with a soft top, and the shelf for hats can be two-tiered

The wall in the hallway will combine the functions of the furniture used

How smaller hallway, the smaller and more elegant the furniture should be

Combine the wall in the hallway with a full-length mirror

Make a niche in the hallway wall for hangers and corner shelves

Any, even the smallest hallway, can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to correctly approach the issue of planning, repair and installation of furniture. A tasteful hallway will set the tone for the rest of the apartment and become its face, speaking about the owner’s sense of style.

Another 50 photos of examples of hallways with interesting design

Designing a hallway is an interesting and challenging task. Few owners of apartments in old buildings can boast large areas. So you have to rack your brains: how to place everything you need in a small area, and even do it in a way that looks stylish.

Arrangement of the hallway depending on the shape of the room

Stylish bright hallway with a beautiful ergonomic design- This business card any home. Therefore, you should not neglect the design of this room. When starting to plan the renovation of this part of the apartment, decide for yourself what functions it will perform: the role of an intermediary between rooms or be the main element of the interior of the entire home.

Most of the standard apartments in our country cannot boast of spacious corridors and hallways. For them, usually 2 to 5 m2 are allocated. Like other rooms of today’s “typical” rooms, they can be small, narrow, rectangular, square, or L-shaped in shape. Sometimes an unsuccessful configuration can only be corrected by radical methods of remodeling the entire apartment. However, before changing the plan, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the options we offer for finishing such premises.

Proper arrangement of a small hallway is a pressing issue for many apartment owners, both in houses of the socialist period and in new buildings. The main task of the residents of such apartments is to create a hallway that is functionally convenient for all inhabitants of the house.

Some design techniques will help to visually expand the space:

  • use light, cool colors to decorate wall surfaces and ceilings;
  • replace bulky chandeliers with sconces or small and Spotlights. Additional ceiling lighting will be relevant;
  • equip all existing doorways leading from the hallway to the bedrooms, sliding systems- they don’t “eat” usable area an already small room, unlike a standard door;
  • hang a mirror on the wall: “raise” too much low ceiling A full-length vertical mirror will help, and a horizontal mirror will help expand the space.

In a narrow and disproportionately long hallway, it is not recommended to use a monotonous color. All available space must be zoned, breaking up the monochromatic perspective, using bright accessories, different textures and colors of finishing materials, games of contrasts.

Colors such as cream white, sand white, light yellow are perfect. To prevent the walls from getting dirty, their lower part can be “dressed” in washable wall panels.

Especially long corridor A large painting hung on the wall opposite the front door will help to visually shorten it.

The narrow space of the hallway should not be cluttered with furniture. Only the essentials for life should be here. In the area of ​​the front door, it would be advisable to place a built-in wardrobe of minimal depth and with mirrored sliding doors, a small bench and a shelf for shoes.

The light in a narrow hallway should be bright enough. Ceiling lamp A few spotlights and wall sconces will perfectly complement it.

If the average city ​​apartment in a high-rise building, as a rule, it is equipped narrow corridor or a small hallway, then in country houses a larger space is allocated for it, which can be decorated creatively and fashionably.

To visually “fill” the space, use rich colors for decoration: green, burgundy, blue or brown.

The use of different textures in the decoration of walls, ceilings and floors, such as decorative plaster, textiles, suede or wood, will provide the interior of a large hallway with a representative, rich look.

From a spacious hallway of the correct shape you can make a place not only for storing shoes and things, but also for receiving guests. Corner furniture, a radius wardrobe or a soft sofa with bright upholstery are perfect.

Give preference to a lot of decor. A variety of floor and table vases, flowerpots, textile draperies, photographs and pictures on the walls, and textured shelves will look great.

The main theme of minimalism is laconicism and expressive geometric shapes, determining the clarity of the composition. The color content is calm, using only a few soft shades.

In addition to black, white and gray colors, the use of all soft tones is allowed, but to give the interior richness, you can add a couple of bright, eye-catching touches.

An important detail of minimalism - free space. Since the hallway is usually small in size, this can be achieved with a minimum of decor and a large amount of light that flows from lamps hidden from view.

If the plans do not include drastic changes with the removal of partitions, mirrors will visually expand the hallway - an important accessory in creating a style.

As a distinctive element in the high-tech style, one can highlight the use of chromed metal, glass, plastic and clear lines. Items made from these materials emphasize the severity and formality of the setting.

Interesting color combination hi-tech is a discreet gray color, maybe black, contrasting with the bright decoration of walls or furniture.

For those who do not consider themselves adherents of such new views, you can apply the already traditional tips for arranging a hallway. Register it in modern style You can do this by wisely using colors, lighting and choosing the right furniture.

Since the corridor is the smallest room in the house, everything, including the color of the walls, should work to create visual expansion. The easiest way to achieve this is by painting the walls in light colors.

If this idea seems impractical, there are a few tricks you can try. First, paint the bottom of the walls (or wallpaper) in a more dark tone, and make the top part tender pastel colors, or completely white.

The second option is to paint opposite walls different colors. In the area of ​​the door, where the wallpaper gets dirty faster, make the wall darker, and on the contrary - lighter. At the same time, it is not necessary that the color scheme coincide in tone, since the walls of a narrow hallway painted in different colors will contribute to its visual expansion.

For a corridor with low ceilings, it is better to choose wallpaper with vertical stripes that will lengthen the walls. Spacious hallways with good lighting can be painted in any rich color: crimson, red, blue, lemon, purple.

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