How to properly line a house with sand-lime bricks. Tips on how to brick a wooden house. Brick cladding of a house made of cellular concrete

Among the various options for reducing the thermal conductivity of walls, improving the appearance and protecting buildings, it should be noted, which is considered a worthy alternative to tiles and plaster. Knowing how to design the facade of a house, you can always make your dream of an attractive exterior of the building come true. Finishing work involves preparing the necessary tools and materials, as well as performing certain steps.

The services of professional masons, capable of high-quality cladding of wooden or, are not cheap. Deciding to brick a building with your own hands if you have the ability to handle mortar and build walls finishing material refers to an alternative option that allows you to save significant money.

A wooden house lined with brick has its positive and negative characteristics. The list of its advantages and advantages includes:

  • reducing the level and risk of rapid fire;
  • obtaining monetary savings due to achieving the effect of heat and energy saving;
  • security effective protection wooden walls from the effects of negative natural factors;
  • the possibility of extending the life of the house without carrying out major repairs over an extended period of time.

To the negative aspects of making a decision to impose wooden house brick refers to the difficulty of combining materials with different characteristics, the need to create and strengthen the foundation, as well as the elimination of rigid connections between the main and additional walls.

Types of bricks for finishing wooden houses

For execution finishing works For external wall surfaces made of wood, you can use a wide range of bricks, which differ in price, production technology, quality and performance characteristics. Its varieties include:

  1. Ceramic brick is an inexpensive type of building material, which is highly hygroscopic and can be destroyed by exposure to low temperature mode. To protect it from the negative effects of natural factors, coating with hydrophobic compounds is recommended. Frost resistance of the material varies from 25 to 75 cycles.
  2. Hyper-pressed or unfired facing bricks are distinguished by an attractive surface that imitates natural wild stone and a wide range of colors. Its frost resistance varies from 75 to 150 cycles in the presence of a protective layer of hydrophobic impregnation.
  3. It is considered a high-strength, dense finishing material. Its frost resistance is within 100 -150 cycles. Facing wooden house This type of brick is an expensive, but most attractive in appearance option.
  4. Sand-lime brick, used to clad a wooden house, is the cheapest material. Low frost resistance of 25-50 cycles, high thermal conductivity, and high weight are among its disadvantages. It is not recommended for cladding wooden buildings built in the northern regions of the country.

How to make the facade of a wooden house brick

Finishing a frame or wooden house with facing bricks involves following tips and recommendations professional craftsmen. These include:

  • carrying out work to create a reinforced foundation necessary to support the brickwork, including laying a reinforced frame at the bottom of the trench and several layers of roofing felt to provide waterproofing;
  • carrying out cladding of a wooden house after its complete shrinkage after 2-3 years and treating the walls with an antiseptic;
  • use in the form of sheets of mineral wool, which will be laid between walls made of wood and brick;
  • eliminating gaps between sheets of insulation;
  • making ventilation holes in the brickwork at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other and installing grilles on them to protect the structure from rodents and large debris.

Stages of brick cladding of a wooden or frame house

When facing a frame house with bricks or a wooden structure, preparatory work begins, including the preparation of the necessary tools, building materials, a thorough inspection of the foundation and floor beams of the home. Then they move on to the main stages of finishing with popular finishing materials. These include:

  • strengthening and expanding the base of a wooden or frame house using a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building to a width exceeding the dimensions of the future brickwork;
  • replacing floor beams that are unsuitable for further use or performing a full replacement load-bearing structures;
  • fixing fishing line to pegs along the walls of a wooden or frame house for a width exceeding 1 meter, for quality creation building angles equal to 90;
  • checking the level of location of future brick walls in the vertical plane;
  • leveling the base part by applying a concrete mortar consisting of cement, lime paste, sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 9, or making it from a dry building mixture;
  • filling the sheathing and laying insulation sheets;
  • fastening ;
  • brick lining of wooden or frame walls houses with a masonry thickness of 12 cm;
  • maintaining a ventilation gap of at least 60 mm between surfaces made of finishing material and wood.

Veneering wooden or frame houses you need to know how to properly connect a brick wall and a surface in the construction of which wood was used. For these purposes, it is recommended to use galvanized metal pins, thanks to which it is possible to make a good connection of wall surfaces from different operational and quality characteristics materials. It is also necessary to reinforce the brickwork by installing a special welded mesh every 4-8 rows of facing material.

A brick-lined wooden or frame house is the key to creating comfortable living conditions for all family members without carrying out major, current repairs walls over a long period of time. But, besides brickwork, you can consider other options:

  • if you have timber, then;
  • and much more.

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Before covering a log house with bricks, you should find out the feasibility of this work. Will cladding a log house lead to a deterioration in the quality of the wood? Will the tree rot? These are the two main questions that usually arise for any owner of a wooden house.

A wooden house is faced with brick to strengthen, insulate, and make the structure more aesthetically pleasing.

Prerequisites for the work

If you have a house built from quality timber, his attractiveness is beyond doubt. Cladding work will only lead to unnecessary additional costs. The log house should be covered when a plank or frame building is built. It is especially advisable to carry out exterior finishing when the house was built a long time ago. Over time, the wood dries out, which causes cracks to appear. Brick cladding will not only improve the aesthetic properties, but also thoroughly strengthen the structure.

When covering a wooden house with siding, air access to the wood is blocked, which leads to its premature rotting.

Some “experts” claim that the log house of a wooden house can be made attractive by finishing it with siding. But this is a fundamentally wrong design decision. Using siding will not allow the wood to “breathe”. As a result, it will rot. An important role in the implementation of cladding of a log house is played by climatic conditions. When the region is dominated by cold winter or wet weather, wooden building It is definitely better to veneer it with brick. Firstly, it will increase the thermal insulation and sound insulation properties of the building. Secondly, the service life of a wooden house will increase.

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Types of facing bricks

Bricks for cladding a house are characterized by a huge range and perfect quality surfaces. There are four main types of finishing materials:

  • silicate;
  • ordinary ceramic;
  • hyper-pressed;
  • clinker.

Varieties facing bricks: silicate, ordinary ceramic, hyperpressed, clinker.

To make sand-lime bricks, lime, sand and a minimum amount of special additives are used. It rightfully belongs to the facing materials. But it is best to use it for interior wall decoration and when creating interior partitions. Sand-lime brick has excellent sound insulation properties. At the same time, this finishing material has low frost resistance and thermal insulation.

The most common method of cladding a log house is to use ordinary ceramic bricks. This material has:

  • long operational period;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities.

The only drawback of ceramic bricks is their high absorption of moisture, which can destroy the finishing material. For this reason, the created brick wall must be coated with a special water-repellent composition.

The production of hyperpressed bricks is based on sand-cement mixture, to which stone chips, expanded clay, limestone and slag are added. The facing material is characterized by plasticity, good thermal conductivity and low vapor permeability. A significant “minus” is the appearance of microcracks, which can increase under the influence of humid environment.

Clinker brick is the most expensive material for finishing a log house. It is made from high quality clay, which contains special additives and is fired. Basic positive features clinker bricks:

  • strength;
  • long operational period;
  • low moisture absorption.

The disadvantage of the material is increased thermal conductivity, which causes additional thermal insulation work.

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Preparatory work

This stage involves a thorough inspection of the foundation and floor beams of a wooden house.

A solid buried foundation, created below the freezing level of the soil, is the main requirement when facing a wooden house with brick.

To cladding a house with bricks, you first need to strengthen and expand the foundation of the house.

The walls of the log house do not bear a huge load. For this reason, in most cases, an insufficiently strong foundation was laid for the house. When finishing a building with brick, the load on the base will increase significantly. The foundation inspection is carried out as follows. A hole is dug using a drill. The depth and features of the foundation are determined. Often rubble stone was used as a foundation under old buildings. In this case, you will have to create a reinforced belt around the entire perimeter of the building. Its width should exceed the dimensions of the future brickwork.

The expansion of the base is accompanied by the installation of an additional layer of waterproofing. For these purposes, roofing felt is usually used, laid in 2-3 layers. And only after this the new foundation is poured. Before facing the house Special attention is given to beam floors. This is especially true for old buildings whose beams may have cracked or become moldy. If you have outdated, dilapidated beams, it is better to completely renovate the load-bearing structures. All wood must be treated with an antiseptic and compounds designed to counteract negative influence mold, mildew, insects, fire and damp environments. The quality of ventilation between the beams must also be checked.

To cover a log house with bricks you will need following materials and tools:

  • concrete mixer;
  • brick (50 pcs/1 m²);
  • metal pins (10 pcs./1 m²);
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • wood;
  • buckets;
  • roofing felt;
  • antiseptic for wood processing;
  • grinder with a disc for stone;
  • Master OK;
  • pick;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • rule;
  • roulette;
  • wooden slats;
  • fishing line;
  • nails;
  • axe;
  • wooden pegs;
  • a tool designed for cutting seams.

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Technology of brick cladding of a wooden house

At the initial stage, precise measurements of the angles of the structure being created are carried out. A fishing line is stretched along the walls of a wooden house. Wooden pegs are used to secure it. The fishing line is located from the walls of the building at a distance exceeding 1 m. This is the only way to qualitatively create angles equal to 90º.

Scheme for facing a wooden wall with bricks: 1-vapor barrier, 2-load-bearing wall, 3-thermal insulation, 4-fiberglass or metal connections, 5-facing brick.

The accuracy of the angles is checked by applying the fishing line to opposite corners in a diagonal direction. If the distance along the diagonals is equal, then the location of the corners is marked correctly. To determine the outside of the brickwork, the fishing line is placed above the base of the foundation. The next stage is checking the vertical level of the future walls. To do this you should use wooden slats and level.

If the logs interfere with the brickwork, they must be cut off with an ax. The most common technology is cladding a log house to a thickness equal to half a brick. Standard distance from log walls to the brickwork should be within 20 cm. The width of the brick is 12 cm.

The gap obtained between the stone and the wood serves as ventilation duct. This will prevent moisture from appearing under the facing material. During masonry work, it is imperative to create ventilation holes at a distance of 3 m from each other. To prevent insects from entering the holes, they are covered with a fine mesh. If there is an uneven base part, leveling the surface is carried out by applying concrete mortar. The strip foundation is covered with roofing felt along the entire perimeter. The brickwork should not be in direct contact with the base.

Laying the facing material on the log house is done using a fishing line, level and rules. After passing two or three rows, you should move a little to the side and use a plumb line to check the correct vertical position of the wall being built. After the cement has set, it will be difficult to carry out any work to eliminate inaccuracies in the masonry. To achieve maximum stability of the brick, you should use a special welded mesh for masonry work.

When doing half-brick masonry, a mesh is simply necessary. Its installation is carried out in increments of 4-8 rows of bricks. The mesh should not protrude beyond outside finishing material. It is covered with a small layer of concrete mortar. The mesh should not be an obstacle to the seam cutting process.

Mineral wool, which is located between the timber of the house and the facing brick, is perfect for insulation.

You should immediately take care of additional insulation of the house. Mineral wool, which is attached to a wooden structure, is quite suitable for these purposes. The presence of a fibrous structure in the insulation leads to an improvement in the natural ventilation properties of the structure, which is the key to the safety of the wood and its resistance to rotting. Maximum stability of a brick wall when cladding a log house is achieved by using galvanized metal pins. With their help, erected Brick wall securely connects to the wall of a wooden house.

The pin fastening pitch is:

  • horizontal direction – 1 m;
  • in the vertical direction - every 4 rows of timber (or logs).

Joining the seams between the laid bricks requires the presence of a small depression up to 1 cm deep. It is designed to prevent destruction of the masonry as a result of moisture. Masonry work is carried out in sunny weather. After they are completed, the erected wall is covered with plastic film.

Over time, a wooden house not only loses its attractiveness, but also loses ground in terms of thermal insulation. The wood begins to crack, sag, and rot in places, which leads to loss of heat in living spaces. A way out of this situation can be a beautiful brick cladding.

Thus, a wooden house lined with brick not only acquires a renewed appearance, but also becomes much stronger, given that during masonry both parts of the house are tied together. In addition, an additional foundation must be installed under the new brick lining, which increases the load-bearing capacity of the building.

Below you will find information on how to veneer a wooden house with brick so that it has a good appearance and appropriate strength.

Brick selection

The building materials market offers modern craftsmen a lot of brick blocks for decorative and basic monolithic masonry. There is plenty to choose from. So, you can cover a wooden house with the following types of building materials:

  • Ceramic brick. Made from baked clay and has average density. Ceramic blocks are able to absorb moisture by 14%, which makes them less resistant to water than other types of material. However, ceramic brick retains heat better and is easier to install.
  • Sand-lime brick. This type of blocks is less prone to moisture absorption (only 6-8%) and at the same time has a lower cost. Sand-lime brick provides good sound insulation and a reliable, attractive appearance of the house.
  • Clinker brick. The most expensive and at the same time having higher specifications material. Blocks are produced by firing at temperatures higher than ceramic bricks (1200 degrees). The blocks are characterized by increased resistance to moisture, frost and ultraviolet radiation.

Important: if the purpose of the cladding is decorative design at home on a low budget, then sand-lime brick is ideal. If there is a desire to strengthen the strength of the building and at the same time provide high-quality heat and sound insulation, then optimal options will become clinker or at least ceramic bricks.

Advantages of brick cladding of a wooden building

Cladding a house with brick blocks has its pros and cons. The main advantages include:

  • Improving fire safety at home. Brickwork is resistant to fire even when directly exposed to it.
  • Increasing efficiency when heating a house. Heat loss from a brick-clad building is reduced to almost zero, which means that heating costs for the house will also be reduced.
  • The wood of a finished house is protected from the negative effects of precipitation, which in turn helps to extend the life of the house.

But with all the positive aspects, brick cladding also has several disadvantages, which, with a competent approach to the work, can be successfully eliminated. These are:

  • Possible accumulation of moisture in the insulating material as a result of the formation of evaporation between the two walls of the house. Subsequently, such moisture will lead to freezing of the walls or their rotting. To avoid this, when installing the cladding, you should leave ventilation gaps along the perimeter of the masonry. And to protect the walls from rodents and debris, the ventilation openings are covered with grilles.
  • It is also worth remembering that over time the tree changes its configuration (settles, dries out, etc.), which can lead to rupture of the ligaments. A flexible connection of walls in the form of steel wire of the required cross-section will help correct the situation.
  • To construct a foundation for brickwork, it is necessary to use a higher grade of cement to ensure the bearing capacity of the base.

We calculate the material

To properly clad a wooden structure with brick blocks, you need to select the right amount of material. It is worth remembering that a supply of building materials will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises at the construction site.

So, the calculation of standard bricks is made according to the principle of block consumption per 1 m2. It is generally accepted that there are about 50-55 blocks in this area. Therefore, it is worth determining the area of ​​each wall of the house, summing them up and, as a result, simply multiplying the resulting number m2 by 55. At the same time, it is advisable to buy a reserve of 10-15% in case of an unexpected battle at the construction site.

Important: when performing calculations, do not forget about deducting window and doorways from total area walls

  • Ready cement mortar for bricklaying, calculate according to the principle of 2 kg of ready-made mixture per 1 m2 of cladding.
  • The masonry mixture is mixed from sand, lime and cement in a ratio of 9:2:1. All bulk materials are combined using construction mixer and dilute with water to the consistency of soft sour cream.

Important: for laying bricks you can also use ready-made mortar. But its cost is several times higher than preparing a cement-sand mortar with your own hands.

Don’t forget about the quantity of finished concrete mixture for pouring the foundation. It is calculated by multiplying the perimeter of the base by its width and depth. As a rule, these parameters for the Moscow region are 0.3 meters and 0.5 m.

Brick lining of a wooden house is carried out in compliance with construction technology. Its strict adherence guarantees excellent results for many years:

  • So, first of all, before cladding a building made of wood, it is imperative to treat the wood with an antiseptic. Moreover, the tree needs to be processed in stages, once a day for 2-3 days. This coating protects the wood under the cladding from rodents, insects, rot and mold.
  • Also, do not forget that the existing foundation may not withstand the load of the brickwork. Therefore, it is necessary to install an additional base under the blocks. Along the perimeter of the house with a gap of 5-10 cm from the main base, a trench of the required width and depth is prepared. The bottom of the pit is compacted and filled with sand, which is then thoroughly compacted. The next layer of the pie is roofing material, which is placed on the walls of the formwork and covers the bottom of the trench. Pour into waterproofed formwork concrete mortar with its mandatory reinforcement. A week after pouring, the formwork is removed, the foundation is covered with film and left for a month until completely dried and settled. In the process of pouring the base, it is worth connecting it with the existing foundation of the house. This is done by installing reinforcement with a cross-section of 12-14 mm into the old base and pouring it into the new one.

Important: work on lining the house should not begin earlier than a month. The foundation must reach its final strength.

The walls of a wooden house must be insulated before facing. This can be done with mineral wool or polystyrene slabs. You can also use expanded clay, which is poured between two walls of the house.

Important: if sheet material is used for insulation, it must be remembered that the sheets are attached in two layers so that upper layer material covered all the joints of the bottom. This will protect the house from drafts and cold.

Brick laying is done in a bandage, shifting each brick of the upper row by 8-10 cm relative to the vertical seams of the lower row. In this case, you need to start laying strictly from the corners of the house, setting the horizontal rows using a building level. Between the laid corner bricks tension the control cords, which will allow more thorough control of the level of the masonry. By the way, it should be controlled not only horizontally, but also vertically, for which a special plumb line is used. The thickness of the seams should not exceed 14 mm.

It is necessary to cover a wooden house with obligatory bandaging. To do this, anchors are screwed into the wooden base of the building at a distance of every meter, which are connected to brickwork. Vertical anchors are installed every 4-5 rows of masonry.

Important: the dressing must be installed in a wooden wall at a slight angle so that the shrinkage of the wood and brick walls does not lead to destruction. The brick cladding is removed right up to the roof eaves.

Advice: if the master has doubts about carrying out the work independently, then first you can invite an experienced mason who will begin the laying and teach a couple of lessons.

Houses lined with brick are encountered with enviable regularity. Such buildings are not only distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, but also by their reliability and durability. Many owners decorate their homes with high-quality and wear-resistant bricks themselves, saving money on the services of professionals. Of course, you can actually do this yourself, but it is important to take into account the features of the specified building material and read the instructions.

Features of the material

Brick is rightfully recognized as the most popular building material, which is found very often. Brick houses and buildings lined with brick can be found on every street. Many consumers choose these products. The distinctive characteristics of modern facing bricks include its attractive appearance coupled with wear resistance.

In addition, this raw material is not afraid of negative external influences, bad weather conditions and mechanical damage. Break or break quality brick not so easy, so it is simply irreplaceable in the cladding of private houses and summer cottages.

According to experts and home craftsmen, today’s facing bricks may in some ways be inferior to other facing materials in their external characteristics. However, recently this trend has ceased to be relevant. In different retail outlets people can meet various options bricks. It can be not only red and smooth elements. It is possible to choose textured options in other colors that look very interesting.

Using reliable facing bricks, it is possible to form an additional protective layer for the walls. In this way, it will be possible to protect these bases from the penetration of destructive dampness and moisture. In addition, heat loss from brickwork is usually significantly reduced, which is noted by many owners.

In most situations, in the desire to decorate a house with brickwork, people rely on their “wants”. In this case, quite a lot is missed important points, which have a direct impact on the brick itself and the façade made from it. Experts say that the design material for the facade of the house must be thought out at the design stage. There is no point in leaving this matter “for later”.

If you do not pay attention to this rule, then after making the box a lot of problems may appear. It may turn out that the width of the foundation base is not enough to support the facing brick, because during construction the owner decided to additionally insulate the wall structures.

Thus, a facade made of facing bricks has a more significant load-bearing capacity, which can exceed these foundation indicators, which will result in cracking of the masonry. It is quite possible to cladding a house with brickwork with your own hands. Of course, this process cannot be called very simple and easy. In fact, this is labor-intensive work, but it is possible to cope with it. The main thing is to observe all the nuances of the cladding and act step by step, following the technology.

Advantages and disadvantages

Today, many users choose brick as a facing material. For this reason, facades made from it are most often found. Such popularity of brickwork is explained by the many positive qualities that are inherent in it.

Let's take a look at their list.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the attractive appearance of the brick cladding. Thanks to this design, the house can become much more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Brickwork can provide good protection main wall material(for example, from foam block or timber). Being behind the bricks, the base will not be subject to the destructive influence of precipitation and other external factors that can cause serious damage.
  • There are many different materials, with the help of which it is possible to effectively design a residential building, but brickwork is recognized as one of the most reliable and wear-resistant solutions. For example, the same facade plaster is more susceptible to mechanical damage.

  • Brick is not afraid of exposure to aggressive ultraviolet rays. When in contact with them, the masonry does not lose its color and presentation, which cannot be said about the popular today vinyl siding or painted corrugated sheet.
  • Decorating the façade of a house with brickwork allows for additional insulation of a residential building, as many experts say. Of course, the thermal insulation properties of brick are not highly effective, but the combination of hollow building material and insulation makes it possible to achieve a good effect.
  • Another significant advantage of brick cladding is that it makes the house even more fireproof. Brick itself is a non-flammable building material, and it does not support combustion itself in any way. If there is a wooden base underneath, then it simply needs to be closed, as it is susceptible to fire.

  • Brick-clad facades boast durability and wear resistance. They are not afraid of external influences or harsh weather conditions.
  • Brick is characterized by minimal moisture absorption, so it does not crack over the years and does not lose its positive qualities, even if it is located in a region with frequent rains.
  • A brick-lined facade does not require complex and regular care unlike the same wooden one.

It doesn't need to be processed antiseptic compounds and other protective equipment. Brickwork is the protection itself.

  • This building material is famous for its environmental safety. It does not harm human health or the environment. Moreover, brick has the ability to destroy harmful substances - they are simply removed from the base. During rains, this lining is self-cleaning.
  • Brick can be used for both outdoor and interior decoration buildings.
  • Facing brick is famous for its frost resistance. You can safely turn to it, even if you live in a northern climate. In addition, these materials are not afraid of temperature changes - under their influence the masonry is not damaged and does not lose its positive qualities.

  • It is not necessary to trust professionals to work with facing bricks. It is quite possible to decorate a house yourself - you just need to follow the instructions and use high-quality raw materials.
  • Brickwork has a good soundproofing effect. A house with such a facade will always be protected from annoying street noise.
  • Modern facing bricks are available in a wide range. In retail outlets there are products of different textures and colors, so everyone can choose the optimal models.

As you can see, brickwork has many advantages. That is why it is so widespread. Many consumers do not even have a question about how to decorate the facade of the house - they immediately purchase a suitable batch of facing bricks. But we must not forget that, like any other building material, it has its own weak sides, which you also need to familiarize yourself with.

  • Brick is susceptible to the formation of a noticeable white coating called efflorescence. Due to such formations, the appearance of the lined building can be seriously damaged.
  • It should be kept in mind that brick cladding is not cheap, especially when compared with other options. For example, using the same Don board will cost several times less.

  • In stores there are too many low-quality building materials that do not last as long as we would like, and during operation such products cause many problems. This is why professionals say that only European bricks should be used - there are practically no defects in them. But such options are not found so often, and their authenticity cannot always be verified.
  • When selecting facing bricks, you need to make sure that all building materials are selected from the same batch. If the shades do not match, it will simply not be possible to correct the situation, and it will be very noticeable.
  • Despite the fact that you can build brickwork yourself, such work can still hardly be called simple and easy. Cladding a house with brick is labor-intensive and sometimes very expensive.

  • Brickwork creates a serious load on the foundation. This is why experts strongly recommend working out this question still at the stage of preparing the project and plans for future construction.
  • It must be borne in mind that the use of facing bricks can lead to a noticeable decrease in ventilation. Because of this, moisture may accumulate in insulating materials, which will negatively affect their properties.
  • With such a finish, the shrinkage of the wall bases will be different, so it will not be possible to firmly and rigidly tie the base to the cladding.
  • In stores you often find bricks that do not have ideal geometry. Working with such products can be difficult.

  • Such facing materials may be subject to shedding if you choose products of the wrong brand (not having high enough strength).
  • Brick is a building material that is very often damaged during transportation. Often it turns out to be chipped - the edges fall off. You cannot continue working with these elements.
  • Brick can collapse if low-quality raw materials were used in its manufacture. Improperly processed limestone, always present in clay, often remains in the mass of products. Because of this, noticeable “dubs” appear in the bricks. In these places, products absorb moisture especially strongly, and then completely collapse.

You can see that facing bricks also have many disadvantages. However, you may never encounter many of them if you initially purchase high-quality products manufactured in accordance with all norms and rules.

There are several types of facing bricks. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Ceramic. This type is the most common. Such products are made from clay and special mineral additives, from which a special mixture is obtained. It is passed through dies, and the output is a formed block, which is then sent to the kiln for firing. In such conditions, the building material turns out to be very practical and then serves for a very long time. It is characterized by strength, low moisture absorption, reliability and resistance to wear/destruction.

  • Clinker. This type of brick is classified as a separate category, although it is one of the varieties ceramic products. Clinker models are also made, and starting materials similar. The only difference is a more stringent firing mode. After this stage, the brick turns out to be almost monolithic - it acquires increased strength characteristics. Such products last a long time and are extremely difficult to damage. However, we must keep in mind that clinker is not the most effective sound insulator.

  • Hyper-pressed. This building material is made without the use of clay. A lime-cement mixture is used with a number of specialized additives used to obtain more high level strength and different colors. During the manufacturing process, hyperpressed building materials are not fired. Such products are also distinguished by their impressive weight. They can have a beautiful stone texture.

  • Silicate. Sand-lime facing bricks are produced from silicate sand, water and lime. Such building materials are characterized by high moisture absorption rates, and therefore are not resistant to frost. Service life also suffers due to this feature. For this reason, sand-lime bricks have been purchased quite rarely in recent years.

Types of masonry

There are several types of brickwork. Let's get to know them better.

  • Spoon type dressing. This is the simplest masonry. With it, the stones are shifted by a quarter or half the length. In the construction of houses, such options are used very rarely, but in facing work this is a common solution.

  • Chain dressing. During construction wall structures In one brick, such a dressing will be as reliable as possible. In such work, one row is a bond row, and the second is a spoon row with parallel laying of two stone elements with the seams staggered.

  • Multi-row dressing. In the process of carrying out work, in extremely rare cases, every second row is made into joints, and there is no need for this, because because of this, the strength level of wall structures will suffer minimally. For this reason, in most cases, from 2 to 5 (sometimes 6) spoon rows are combined with one splice row.

  • Lightweight. As for lightweight masonry, it is usually used in low-rise construction. This method is characterized by the presence of large voids in the wall structure. Most often they are filled with insulation.

Walls built using lightweight technology consist of two walls connected to each other using brick ties or special metal ties.

  • Reinforced. This type of masonry is used if it is necessary to build high-strength and strong brick structures. Reinforced masonry is relevant if you need to connect the cladding with load-bearing wall, take care of additional structural strength.

  • Decorative. Thanks to this method of masonry, it is possible to create a beautiful architectural image of the facade of the house. If you turn to this option, the building can be made very impressive; it will stand out among other buildings.

  • Bavarian. This masonry technology is considered German, but this type of design has many different buildings located in many European countries and even in Russia. With this technique, bricks of different colors are mixed - they do not alternate evenly.

  • Facial. With this method, only facial building materials are used, which can be found in modern retail outlets with various kinds of decorative effects. There are simply countless varieties of such masonry. However, in most situations, when finishing facades, the classic technique is used - half-brick masonry.

  • Openwork. With this masonry option, spectacular perforated structures are obtained. They are erected using the spoon method of laying half a brick; they simply leave small gaps between the joints of adjacent bricks and carefully close the seams.

Required Tools

As mentioned above, it is quite possible to do tiling work both inside and outside with your own hands. But before that, it is extremely important to stock up on everything necessary tools and devices.

Let's take a look at their list.

  • trowel (this is another name for a device such as a trowel);
  • hammer-pick;
  • grinder (with its help you can cut bricks as accurately and accurately as possible);
  • level and plumb;
  • rule;
  • order;
  • jointing;
  • special construction cord;
  • square

Please note that the number of tools used largely depends on the qualifications of the craftsman carrying out the facing work. Thus, more experienced masons with a wealth of knowledge can use very few tools. If the employee is less prepared, he may need a much wider range of tools.

Preparatory stage

If you decide to decorate your home yourself using brickwork, then you should first carry out a series of preparatory work. You should not neglect them if you want to achieve a good and sustainable result. Make sure that the foundation of the house, as well as its overall structure, is designed for the installation of brickwork. The foundation must be constructed in compliance with all building codes. It must withstand significant loads. Cheap and simple bases in this case will not work.

You should also make sure that the base of the house is made of raw materials such as monolithic concrete(both are acceptable concrete blocks). The foundation itself must be sufficiently wide. This requirement is especially important because it is on the foundation structure that the facing brick will rest. In some situations, bricks are placed on special steel angles, which are attached to the base using anchor bolts.

In addition, it is allowed to organize an additional foundation if the quality of the main one leaves much to be desired. Another foundation must be poured along the perimeter of the building, retreating about 30 cm from the first foundation.

The additional structure will need to be covered with waterproofing material. A roofing material laid in two layers is ideal for this. You can fasten it to the previous base using anchor bolts.

Next, you should pay attention to the roof structure. It is very important to take a closer look at the roof. In most cases, in old houses, the cornice part does not protrude beyond the perimeter of the building by more than 25 cm. With such a structure, the bricks will become endlessly wet and may even be subject to destruction. After about 5 years of such use, the brickwork will become unusable. This problem can be solved in one sure way - you will need to coat the walls of your home every year with a special waterproofing compound, but keep in mind that such products are quite expensive.

If you plan to cover the main wooden walls with brickwork, then before starting work you will need to coat the wooden bases with antiseptic compounds. If you are decorating external walls, then you need to buy the appropriate product for them. For external work, you should not purchase internal impregnations - they will be of little use. In addition, it will be necessary to attach a vapor barrier material to the wooden walls using a construction stapler. These coverings should be laid with an overlap (minimum - 10 cm).

The appearance of the house is its business card. Without beautiful modern and well made exterior finishing the house will look like a dull, unfinished structure. The longevity of your home will directly depend on the quality of the material and the work performed.

Today on the market there are great amount materials for exterior finishing of buildings. This is siding (plastic, metal), tiles for facades, all kinds of Wall panels, plaster, but the most popular is still facing brick.

Modern brick has extensive color scheme and a large number of textures, which gives the building an exceptional unique design.

There are several technologies for the production of facing bricks and, based on this, it has its own name and different characteristics. There is ceramic, hyper-pressed, clinker, silicate. Let's try to understand the features of each of the types of bricks available on our market and try to decide for ourselves which one is suitable for us.

Material selection

Ceramic brick

Ceramic bricks are made from clay and are relatively inexpensive. It has both disadvantages and advantages. The disadvantages include high hygroscopicity 6-14%, which depends on the type of clay used for production. When water gets into the pores and then freezes, the brick may begin to crumble. To reduce this factor, after facing the walls, the brick is coated with a special hydrophobic composition. Ceramic bricks are quite fragile and can begin to deteriorate during transportation. Frost resistance ranges from 25 to 50 cycles.

The advantages include: a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes, a relatively inexpensive price, environmental friendliness of the material, good thermal conductivity, good sound insulation.

Hyperpressed brick

Hyperpressed brick is obtained by pressing a lime-cement mixture followed by drying in a warm room. The addition of coloring pigments allows you to obtain a larger range of colors. In fact, it is an artificial stone shaped like a brick. It has the texture and characteristics of natural stone. Its strength characteristics are superior to silicate and ceramic bricks. Frost resistance ranges from 30 to 300 cycles.

Minuses. Mass production in our country has not yet been developed and, as a result, the price is high. An uneven surface (under a stone) will allow water to flow into the pores and destroy the material. After covering the walls, just as in the case of ceramic bricks, they must be treated with hydrophobic impregnation.

Before purchasing hyperpressed bricks, you should pay attention to the date of its production. This brick can be used after 15-20 days from the date of its production. During this time, it gains 80% strength and will not break during transportation.

Sand-lime brick

For the production of sand-lime bricks it is used quartz sand. The cheapest brick and most often used for the construction of main walls, and not for finishing the facade. It has a short service life of 15-50 cycles. Quite heavy (3 kg), therefore, a wall made of such bricks will require a more powerful foundation.

Heating costs will also be higher than those of competitors, since sand-lime brick has high thermal conductivity (from 0.38 to 07 W/m°C). In warm southern regions In our country, you can line a house with such a brick, but just like the ceramic and hyper-pressed bricks described above, after facing the walls, it is necessary to treat them with a hydrophobic impregnation.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick, like ceramic brick, is made from special type clay, but the difference in firing technology gives it higher strength and a wide variety of colors. Clinker brick has a frost resistance of 100 to 150 cycles, which speaks of its durability. Such a brick is not cheap at all.

When choosing bricks for cladding a house, you should pay attention to one more fact - the presence and shape of the holes. Solid brick weighs more, will require a stronger foundation and is more expensive than hollow brick. A brick with small voids will cost much less masonry mortar, and the strength of the masonry will be higher than that of bricks with large holes.

When starting to build a house, it is necessary to provide and pour a foundation of sufficient width in order to eliminate in the future all the difficulties and additional costs for its modification.

General points

To get a smooth and beautiful wall, laying bricks with your own hands must be done along a tightly stretched horizontal cord, and to maintain vertical joints you must use a plumb line. Laying begins from the top level of the plinth and using mortar the horizontal level is leveled. To obtain identical seams, metal rods are used. The rod is laid on the edge of the previous row, and then the solution is placed. Using a trowel, the mortar is leveled and the brick is placed on it. After laying the brick, the rod (template) is removed from the seam and cleaned of the mortar.

It is best to use ready-made masonry mixtures as a mortar for masonry.

How to cover a wooden house

The most difficult object to cladding with bricks with your own hands is a wooden house. The whole point is that it is necessary to provide a ventilated air gap (at least 50 mm) between the brick and wooden wall Houses. To ensure air circulation between the masonry walls, ventilation ducts are left in the first row, and outlet openings are left at the top under the roof.

Determined required amount vents based on the calculation of 75 cm per 20 m2 of wall. Bottom vents close ventilation grilles from the penetration of rodents. Before you start laying bricks wooden walls must be treated with an antiseptic solution. If you want to insulate a wooden house, mineral wool is best suited as insulation. A wooden house cannot be insulated with polystyrene foam, since it is vapor-tight and the wood underneath will deteriorate.

Worth remembering! You can cover a wooden house with bricks only after it has completely settled.

A wall made of facing bricks must be tied to the main wall of the house with flexible connections. To do this, nails 120 mm long are driven into the upper part of the beam (log) at an angle of 45° at a distance of 50 cm from each other. A piece of knitting wire is tied to them in the middle. The nail is driven all the way in or bent to form a hook. The wire stretches from the nail to the middle of the brick and is spread apart by 15-25 cm. The dressings are “spread” evenly over the entire area of ​​the wall.

How to cover a foam block house

A ventilated gap is also required between a wall made of facing bricks and a wall made of foam concrete, since the vapor permeability of cellular concrete is higher than that of brick. When laying bricks close to a wall made of aerated concrete, condensation will form between the materials, and as a result, when it freezes, the destruction of the material.

A house made of foam blocks is covered with bricks in the same way as a wooden house. Screw nails or galvanized perforated metal strips are used to connect two walls. The number of ties must be at least 3 pieces per 1 m2.

Do-it-yourself brick cladding of a house will breathe new life into an old building and give a unique, wonderful look to a new one.

Video. Laying clinker bricks.