How to learn to sing correctly at home. Vocal lessons for beginners: free videos to practice at home

There is something creative in every person: some are interested in drawing, dancing, some have found themselves in acting, some sing, and it is singing that we will talk about today. Or more precisely, about how to learn to sing beautifully and not be afraid of your voice.

Of course, every singer will tell you that learning to sing on your own is a very difficult task; you need a teacher, or better yet, a master, who will give you a voice. Difficult - but achievable, therefore, a person who really wants to learn to sing will do it, regardless of all the difficulties.

Singing is one of the most the best ways self-expression of a person, his feelings and thoughts.

From this definition we can conclude that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, because we can convey our thoughts using colloquial speech, so why not learn to do it through singing? Please note that in order to learn to sing, it is not so important to have some kind of technique, it is much more important to approach this creativity with all your heart and soul.

How to learn to sing

Ear for music

The first thing you need to do is start training your ear. You may ask, why hearing and not voice? - because your voice will improve during training, but many people have problems with hearing from the very first lessons. Let's understand this concept so that we can continue to work with a certain base.

Ear for music– a set of human skills that allow him to fully and objectively evaluate music or some sounds, see its advantages and disadvantages; Hearing is the most important factor for successful human musical activity.

Types of musical hearing

  1. Relative hearing is a person’s ability to find and reproduce pitch relationships in melody and music. intervals, etc. It should be noted that the pitch of the sound is determined by comparison with the reference sound. Relative hearing is necessary tool for every professional musician.
  2. Absolute pitch is a person’s ability to find the absolute height of sounds without comparing them with reference sounds. This type of hearing is innate, and as scientists say, cannot be obtained artificially (through various exercises), but development in this activity continues.
  3. Intonation hearing is a person’s ability to hear the “expressiveness” of music.
  4. Inner hearing is a person’s ability to clearly imagine individual sounds, harmonic and melodic structures. This is a type of hearing that allows you to hear and perceive music within yourself, without any external interference.
  5. Modal hearing is a person’s ability to distinguish the modal-tonal functions of each sound separately.
  6. Harmonic hearing is a person’s ability to hear chord combinations of sounds in their correct sequence, and also arpeggiate with your voice.
  7. Polyphonic hearing is the ability of a person to simultaneously hear several separate voices (two or more) in a song.
  8. Rhythmic hearing is the ability to motorly experience music, feel the musical rhythm and copy it exactly.

There are several other types of hearing, but I have drawn your attention only to these six main ones. It would be good if you could distinguish them without any notes or cheat sheets.

How to learn to sing Vocal lesson for beginners No. 1

The nature of musical hearing

An ear for music is specifically related to a person’s musical talent, which is expressed to a greater extent by his emotional experience and perception of the musical image. Various aspects and subtleties of musical hearing are studied in such specialized sciences as psychoacoustics, musical psychology, psychophysiology of hearing, and musical acoustics.

Development of musical ear

The development of hearing is dealt with in such a special discipline as solfeggio. Let me note that everyone has an ear for music, it just needs to be developed. So, let's start developing our hearing, and the first thing we will turn to is unison.

Unison is a phenomenon when sounds from different sources sound at the same pitch. Our task is this: to learn to adjust our voice to any sound that we hear. There are several exercises to achieve this result.

First exercise “finger in the sky”:

You may wonder why it is called that? Because you have to select voices by making different sounds, and it’s almost impossible to do this the first time.

The essence of the exercise is as follows: being near the source of the sound, try to repeat it, making different monotonous sounds (“o-o-o-o!”, “a-a-a-a!”, etc.), After some time, you will definitely be able to repeat the required sound, the main thing is to practice.

Second exercise “Carpet bombing”:

The essence of the exercise: we stand next to the source of a monotonous sound, and begin to make different sounds with our voice, moo, hum, in general, experiment with our voice. We make sounds similar to the noise of a chainsaw, the hum of an accelerating car or a flying airplane, etc. In music, this technique is called glissando, but we will call it “entrance”, with our voice, we, as it were, collect all the sounds in a downward or upward direction.

So how do we now determine when we have reached unison? - you ask. Everything is very simple, in physics there is such a thing as resonance, this is when two sounds merge into one and amplify it twice. It is when this phenomenon occurs that it will mean that you have achieved unison. After this, your imagination will begin to flow, you will become more and more interested in doing this, because... you have already achieved some success.

Well, we talked about such a concept as musical ear, and found out what it is the most important criterion in order to learn to sing beautifully. After familiarizing ourselves with a certain theory, we discovered 2 exercises to improve hearing. You need to do them regularly to continually improve yourself.

The ability to hear yourself:
Another equally important factor is the feeling when you can objectively hear yourself from the outside. At first you will be very disgusted with your voice, do not be alarmed by this, this is a normal phenomenon. But over time, such a defect should pass, and then you will simply need to record your voice, and then listen to them in order to analyze your mistakes. Let it be a voice recorder or programs on a computer, the main thing is that the sound is clear. By doing such exercises, you will get rid of many mistakes, and your voice will become more and more perfect.

In order to learn to sing well, you need to learn to breathe correctly. You should not breathe haphazardly, suffocating while singing and thereby making unnecessary sounds. Breathing should be as close to normal as possible. Try to inhale sharply and exhale slowly and smoothly. It is very important to control the length of exhalation and the depth of inhalation. The muscles of the diaphragm and ribs are involved in breathing. Please note that oxygen must enter through the nose! In order to learn how to breathe correctly and do it easily, regularly perform the exercises that we will discuss below.

Now let’s figure out exactly how breathing is involved in the singing process. The source of sound that comes from your body is your vocal cords. Sound is produced as a result of the closure of these same vocal cords. A stream of air vibrating them comes from the bronchi, resulting in sound. This is the whole process in a big abbreviation, in fact it is a little more complicated.

Let's look at exercises that develop breathing:

Exercise 1: Very useful exercise with a candle, which develops a smooth and slow exhalation. The essence of the exercise is as follows: place a lit candle in front of you (at a distance of 20 cm), draw a small amount of air through your nose bottom part ribs After this, exhale air smoothly and without unnecessary jerks in the direction of the candle, while the fire should not go out. This exercise will help you avoid unnecessary jerks and jumps when singing. In addition, the exercise develops the duration of exhalation, which will have a positive effect on your personal data.

Exercise 2: As mentioned earlier, in singing breathing the lower ribs and diaphragm are most involved in the work. This exercise specifically targets this muscle group. Lie down on the floor or any other hard surface, then place some weight in your abdominal area (this could be several heavy books). Now you just need to breathe evenly for a short time. This exercise may seem strange to beginners, but in fact, when performed, the diaphragm muscles are strengthened, which promotes proper inhalation.

Vocal lesson. Sound attack. Singing on a support. Jazz techniques


It’s not for nothing that we combined such concepts as breathing and articulation into one group, because personal indicators of this data must be developed in totality, otherwise there will be no result.

Now let's look at a few exercises to develop articulation.

Exercise 1: This exercise develops chewing muscles, joints and ligaments. Open your mouth wide, mentally pronounce the vowel “A” and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do several reps. You can also make the exercise more difficult by pressing on the lower jaw with your fist.

Exercise 2: Exercise strengthens the cheek muscles. Take turns inflating, then the right, then left cheek, and then retract both. Perform several repetitions.

Exercise 3: Probably a well-known exercise is tongue twisters. Learn and repeat tongue twisters at high speed throughout the day, i.e. If you have a couple of free minutes, you can devote them to this activity. This way you will develop your language, and your words will not be distorted. At first, do not try to pronounce tongue twisters very quickly, let it be slowly, but efficiently. Be sure to pronounce the endings of words rather than chew them. Over time, increase the pace, and soon the results will make themselves felt.

Emotions are a very important factor in singing. Agree, no one will be interested in listening to a person who came out and muttered something to you, and, in fact, such a person will never be able to sing. What I mean is that when anyone goes on stage creative person must present to people his attitude, his views and emotions towards the object of his attention. In this case we are talking about songs. The singer needs to convey all the feelings inherent in the song; these can be experiences or, on the contrary, joyful emotions.

Therefore, before performing a song, be sure to tune in to it, feel its character, harmony, repeat it again and pay attention to all the little things. After all, knowing the song is a natural necessity, without which the performance will not work. Once you've dealt with your emotions, mix them up with a variety of gestures. Entire books are devoted to this topic, but I presented to you brief information, which is worth paying attention to.

As I said at the beginning of the article, it is best to hire a voice coach. He will thoroughly engage in your training, and most importantly, he will constantly point out your mistakes, which will self-study impossible. Although a voice recorder will come to your aid here. If you still decide to study, then do not give yourself a day off and do not shirk your studies. Another very important factor in your success is constant public speaking. It doesn’t matter who it will be, the main thing is that they listen to you strangers. Don't be afraid of criticism, it is your main teacher.

Group classes are also a big plus. Firstly, you will have more interest in singing and secondly, you will always learn from your partner.

This concludes this article. Good luck!

To answer the question about the correctness of singing, you must first decide on the evaluation criteria. As you understand, I, like all mortals, cannot give a clear answer to this question, even from someone I heard, but I have one thought... I remember once I wrote an article about the disagreements of various world schools about the process of singing, that article could serve as a good addition to this one, follow the link later, read it, you will like it.

The thing is, I’ll be honest, that according to the Internet resources of Yandex and Google, about 2,000 queries a month look exactly like this: “How to sing correctly,” and if people enter this, they probably want to hear an answer to it. I didn’t take this title out of thin air, but at the request of the working people, to put it briefly.

If you forget for a moment about the differences between all kinds of musical and vocal genres such as: academic singing, pop, rock, jazz singing, soul, reggae and even rap (not everyone can read rap well, not everyone has diction and expressive means Enough talk), forget about personal and generally accepted preferences, and just try to find the ideal, then we will get an interesting picture. Suddenly it turns out that in your search you need to turn to the reason for the appearance of singing, namely, to folk singing, the kind of singing that appeared earlier than shells and tendons stretched across bent stick, i.e. music instruments. One way or another, whether We appeared on Earth thanks to God, Evolution, Arrived from another planet, etc., Everyone will agree that singing appeared as a way to copy the voices of animals, sounds of nature, as a way to express grief - with a groan, to express joy - a cry, etc.
I want to say, as I already wrote in the article “”, that Vocals are a bridge between the mental and material worlds, which means it is just an instrument for expressing the inner human world into the surrounding world into the projection of the world of other living beings, and this applies not only to vocals, but also to music in general.
We've sorted out the purpose, now to the criteria
I would suggest looking for this most correct singing through comparison and synthesis best qualities many of the most outstanding vocalists and would try to break down those same qualities into categories like:
2. Voice brightness
3. Density of timbre
5. Ability to withstand tessitura (high, low)
6. Register fusion
7. Voice mobility
8. Freedom (physical and psychological)
Well what can I say? This list can be continued until tomorrow, but in any case, you and I will come to the conclusion that most of these qualities, I even dare to say the word “All,” are available to everyone! And the first thing that stands in the way of the development of all these qualities, for most vocalists, is the last point: “Freedom!”
It is freedom that is the first thing that should be born in a vocalist at the beginning of training, for some it comes earlier, for others later, for most it does not come at all, but what can you do... One way or another, the one who freed his body by freeing himself with psychological side, he will not know the barriers to vocal development, and indeed to development in general!
Freedom, as I already wrote, means: and, makes a person like the universe, liquid like water and hard like stone. Correct singing should be harmless, even useful, developing all organs, healing, and then it will automatically become limitless in all its technical capabilities. Our problem is that we cannot always realize our capabilities, which are limitless by nature, but hidden behind years of complexes, doubts, fears, laziness, and the vocalist must be able to sing every time as if he had just been born and after the song dies, he must sing like in last time! But this does not mean that at this thought he should scream in fear or whine that he is going to die. I mean, every time he should be like a blank slate, he should sing and nothing else, his brain should be occupied only with singing.
Once I heard a parable about a Buddhist monk who achieved enlightenment and many people who came to him asked him: “How to achieve enlightenment?” To which he replied: “every time I do something, I do it in the best possible way and nothing else, I am busy with only one thing, but when I am busy with it, I don’t think about anything else.” “When I walk,” he said, “I just walk and enjoy walking, like the first and last time, and the same goes for everything else.” This monk was completely concentrated on everything he did, he did not have uninteresting or unloved activities, he did everything with love. I think this knowledge will help you, as it helped me; it’s not always possible to think and follow his advice. I’m not a monk, after all, I’m like everyone else, and in many ways much worse, but sometimes that’s the only way I can find a fulcrum in any unclear situation.

“Private singing is free, natural, healthy, natural singing, and nothing else, and all other qualities are a free bonus in addition to liberating yourself.”

Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to just get up from their chair and immediately sing like this, but these are topics for other articles, or rather for months and years of practice. I think with the right singing we figured it out.

Many of us want to learn to sing, and every person has a song or several songs that they dream of performing beautifully. We deny that we have neither hearing nor a voice when we are asked to sing, but at the same time we take great pleasure in singing along with our favorite vocalists in the kitchen or in the shower. Perhaps some of you yourself sometimes compose and play out melodies in your head. How to sing a song in such a way that it penetrates oneself and hooks the listener? How to learn not just to whisper under your breath, but also to delight your friends or audience at karaoke? Let's figure it out in 7 simple steps that will help us sing a song beautifully

We are all, to one degree or another, susceptible to feelings of fear and shame. I wrote about this in more detail in. There is nothing unusual in this, because we live in a society where there are norms and standards. Living examples of great performers and amazing vocalists keep us silent. Forget about it! Everyone expresses themselves as best they can, the main thing is to put their soul and emotions into the performance of the song. Now you are not rushing to the big stage, so don’t let the responsibility weigh on you. At the very least, you will amuse your friends, and this is also worth a lot. Treat your singing with ease and humor! By the way, there is a theory that a person first sang and then spoke. Sing a song Anyone can do it and do it their own way. So, my first advice is to relax!

Step 2: Gradually increase your number of listeners

No one forces you to immediately demonstrate your creativity to your parents or friends, but showing the teacher what you can do today is the right decision. After all, he can guide you and become the first understanding listener, and not just nip your endeavors in the bud. Often we hear in response: “You don’t need to sing.” But if you want to sing, sing and don’t listen to anyone, it means you need to release your emotions, which means this is important for you. Try first sing a song alone, then sing it to a teacher or a really good friend, parents. Then gather a group of 3-5 people and sing for them. Yes, it will be difficult for you to move from one stage to another, but each time you will overcome yourself, and then you will perform at a friend’s anniversary or start a solo career.

By the way, there is another backup trick: find yourself a partner who also wants to sing. Take on this task together, because company is always more fun, and it will be easier for you to start demonstrating your vocal skills.

Step 3. Practice singing not only with the performer, but also with minus

The downside is that it’s an instrumental “track” without vocals. Usually singing along with a performer is not very difficult, but sing a song to minus Without the support of a vocal “track”, of course, it won’t be so easy. But that's why there are steps. Without achievements at one stage, transition to another is impossible. So, practice the first verse of your favorite song with the performer. Then do the same with a minus. Don't make the most common mistake - don't rush to sing the song from beginning to end. When you have finished the first verse, have analyzed the shortcomings, when you are already confidently entering in the right places and do it rhythmically and cleanly - go to the chorus and then beyond. Don't think that 2-3 times will always be enough for you. Do this, if not everything works out well at once, and 20-40 times. Even professional vocalists train for a very long time before recording, believe me! If you don't know where to find the minus, I suggest you go here: . By the way, you can change the tempo and key there, but this does not always have a good effect on the quality of the minus.

Step 4. Record your performance and analyze it

I think that it is no secret to you that we ourselves hear our own voice differently than those around us. If you record yourself on a microphone or voice recorder, you will understand how you really sound. We don't always like it, but the fact remains. In order to improve and love your voice, you need to work on it. You can read about how to do this.

While working on a certain composition, you constantly need to record yourself with a voice recorder. And there is no need to rush here. First, we record the first verse: without a minus (clear voice), then with a minus, analyze all the rhythmic and intonation inaccuracies, monitor the diction, correct errors and record again. Always work on your mistakes. This recommendation is relevant not only for the article “How to sing a song.”

Step 5. Play the vocal part on the piano or ask a teacher/musician to do it for you

It is important for you to hear the melody not only in a song with words, but also separately from the arrangement, without words. This way, your brain remembers the main thing: the sounds you need to reproduce with the words. When listening to a vocal part performed by a keyboard, try to imagine the arrangement of sounds: which one is higher, which one is lower, by how many tones. Even if you are not at all familiar with musical literacy, you should at least learn the basics. Soon I will definitely prepare an article about musical intervals. If you do not have the opportunity to play a vocal part, then know that our Free Voice Academy provides this service. . After receiving the material, you will sing solfeggio: instead of words, pronounce the names of the notes that you sing. It is also useful to sing a vocal part using different vowels or combinations of sounds.

Step 6: Work on the Lyrics

It is simply impossible to sing a song well without emotions. If you pronounce the text insensitively, falling into notes and rhythm, then the main component will still be missed.

So, in the work on the text there is two aspects:

Picture/emotion. You should clearly define what you are singing about. It doesn't matter if it's your song or if it was written by someone else. Find yourself in her, because she is close to you, if you like her. Draw pictures in your head, pronounce each phrase with meaning, imagine the people and situations that accompany this song. Sing a song beautifully- means living every word in it.

Diction. The words must not only be felt, but also clearly pronounced, so that your listener enjoys the beauty of your singing, and does not try to isolate whether there is any meaning in it. Even if it seems to you that everything is fine with your diction in life, do not be lazy to do a simple exercise, because in a song your diction should be even better. Regarding the performance of songs in a foreign language, in particular, English language, then it’s better to write a transcription here.

Step 7: Set a date for when you will perform this song in public.

You must have an end goal that will guide you. Perhaps it will be your birthday, which you are going to celebrate at karaoke, where you finally decide to sing for your friends. Perhaps you just want to surprise your loved one. You can plan, go to the studio and record your song with a minus, like my students do. I consider this an achievement! 😃

You have imagination, but you get the meaning. We need a goal to go towards! So put it on!

I think you've got it figured out how to sing a song. If you have any questions, write in the comments. If you need help preparing a song, then!


A person today can do what he loves only because he has the desire and time for it. Thanks to modern technologies, classes and techniques, everything is possible - even learning to sing. How to do this if by nature you have neither hearing nor a voice, we will tell you in this article.

Of course, you will not learn to sing “Carmen’s Aria” in one day, but with regular training you will achieve excellent results and will be able to sing well among your acquaintances and friends. And this is already quite a lot.

Well, are you ready to learn to sing? Then we will be happy to reveal to you the secrets of preparation, tell you about the exercises, chants and special methods of real singers. So, let's go!

How to learn to sing on your own at home?

There are many reasons to learn vocals. This could be a desire to give a song to a loved one or to sing at a party. And even if the phrase “You have no voice at all” has been ringing in your head since childhood, just forget it - the time has come to learn to sing. This is your life, this is your time. Everything depends on you!

If you start such activities on your own, remember that they must be systematic. Like any other creative activity, singing requires some effort. Experts often say: success is only 10% of talent and 90% of hard work. Get ready to work on yourself, study video lessons, talk to vocalists you know, they will definitely tell you where to start. And they won’t be mistaken if they recommend starting with physical exercise and breathing. Are you surprised?

How to learn to sing if you have no voice? First of all, take care of your own body, ligaments and breathing. Of course, the mood for good result won't hurt here either. Just forget that you have no hearing or voice, replace it with perseverance and desire.

Find yourself a source of inspiration - your favorite song, or compositions performed by your favorite artist. While listening to music, you will learn to sing yourself, imitating the voice of your idol. If he himself has a voice.

It's all about adjusting the sound and training the vocal cords. Now let’s begin the exercises that will help you learn to sing if you still think that you definitely don’t have a voice.

Voice training exercises

Let's start with the simplest thing: training the respiratory system, as this has a good effect on voice production. Be sure to take on special classes and don’t forget to do them.

  • Tilts. Yours starting position: in a standing position, the arms hang along the body, the legs are spaced shoulder-width apart. We lean forward, lowering our hands down, almost to the floor. We control our breathing. Tilt - quickly inhale through the nose, starting position - exhale through the mouth. Take your time and watch your own feelings. Repeat the bends eight times, and then do twelve more approaches.
  • Breath. Before you learn to sing on your own, you still need to listen to various recommendations specialists. And this is what they report. The so-called abdominal breathing will help you sing beautifully. With this method, your chest and shoulders remain still while your diaphragm works to create sound. In order to learn to breathe with the diaphragm, you need to take a lying position, straighten up, and put your hands on your stomach. Breathe by raising your belly as you inhale and slowly lowering it as you exhale. See how your hand moves? Now try repeating the same breathing, but in a standing position. It will be more difficult. However, you need to constantly practice and soon you will be able to hit high notes easily without worrying about running out of air.
  • Tongue Twisters. Practice your diction regularly. This will help develop your speech apparatus and quickly memorize song lyrics.

Chants to improve your voice

Probably all artists know well that the path to the big stage always begins with singing. It doesn’t matter at all whether you sing with friends with a guitar or want to teach your child to sing. You need to be able to sing in order for your voice to flow without obstacles.

In order to learn to sing well at home, you need:

  • Sing various vowel sounds. Vowel sounds are called that because they can always be sung. Each individual sound has its own articulation characteristics. The student must stand in front of the mirror and watch own person. To form the sound “a” we open our mouth wide, as if we are stretching our chin to our chest. We try to sing the sounds “e” and “e”, like real opera singers, opening our mouths in a half-smile. “And” - we smile and gradually move our mouths to our ears. “Oh,” we pressed the bagel between our lips. “Y” - we want to put on lipstick and smile a little. By repeating such exercises in front of a mirror, you will be able to remember the position of your mouth and lips in just one day.
  • Warm up the ligaments. We quickly remember all the chants that are familiar to us from music lessons at school. True, the teacher did not tell you that you had no voice or hearing - everyone sang with her.
  • Don't overdo it. Don't try to sing too high or loud. Watch the film “Come Tomorrow” by Evgeny Tashkov. He talks about the aspiring singer Frosa Burlakova. We are sure that you will learn a lot from it that is interesting and useful for yourself and your own voice.
  • Take care of your voice. It is better not to sing on the street, and also do not drink hot chocolate/coffee or cold drinks before singing.

How to learn to sing beautifully?

Sometimes thoughts come to us that it would be very good not just to be able to sing, but to sing beautifully. But you just need to prepare yourself and your own voice for full public speaking. Listen to the composition in the recording: and at this moment sketch the graphs of the movement of the melody. After all, everyone knows that notes can be low and high, short and long. Study the song, note when the melody went down and when it went up. Control your own voice according to this schedule. How long it will take you to learn to sing beautifully using this method depends only on you. Perhaps in a week you will be able to train so much that the owners of the karaoke bar will not want to let you go at all.

Don't forget one more important nuance, if you don’t know how to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice, always choose a song you know in your key. Otherwise, you run a high risk of finding yourself in a very unpleasant situation. And most importantly, do not stop in your own achievements. After all, your desire, as well as hard training, will help you unlock your potential, as well as develop your own natural voice.

Video lessons: How to learn to sing if you don’t have a voice?

Remember the main thing - everything is in your hands and depends only on you!

From scratch, if you don’t want to spend significant money on vocal teachers and certainly don’t have the opportunity to graduate from a music school or conservatory? If there is a desire, methods will be found.

Where to begin?

It is quite possible to learn to sing from scratch, but the first thing you must remember is that you will need patience and daily practice. Vocal art is like building a house.

First of all, the foundation must be laid well so that later the entire structure does not float. from scratch on your own? To get started, learn all about vocal support. It often happens that people make extraordinary efforts, but not where it is really needed. Having bulging veins in your neck won't help matters at all. By forcing your throat, you will be able to squeeze out some kind of verbal construction in falsetto, but when it comes to concerts, you will not last long. Already on the third song you will be wheezing and “catching roosters”. The right vocal support will help you learn to sing from scratch correctly and without causing harm.

Vocals are a sport of their own

The first rule is do no harm. In general, the voice is a rather delicate instrument that needs to be worked on for a long time in order to establish the right habits. Ligaments are the same muscles that need to be trained. Even if you thoroughly know the theory and send air to the right resonators, you will not be able to sing long and powerfully if you are not trained.

We advise you to perceive vocals not only as an art, but also as a sport. The rules are the same here. You cannot suddenly do the splits - you should not immediately sing notes in the upper and lower register. Start chanting from the middle and only then move on to the extreme points of the range. Educational literature can help you learn to sing from scratch at home. In our progressive times, when information is publicly available, this is absolutely no problem.

Knowledge is available

Find a training course and follow it. And then this is for the laziest. If you are a true lover of collecting quality knowledge, check out the literature on singing. Many people treat music, looking at it from the outside, as a spontaneous phenomenon. Like, creative people they feel something and, on a wave of inspiration, create masterpieces.

But it is worth noting that this is a science of its own, no less complex and fascinating than technical knowledge. Of course, it is unacceptable to compare them, but to learn to sing beautifully from scratch without mastering basic theory, most likely, you won't succeed. Of course, there are unique people who do everything instinctively, but remember: there are not that many geniuses. And, most likely, their skill is a consequence of good genetics, physical characteristics and experience. Everyone's connections are different. Your range and sound output depends on this.

A number of factors influencing the result

If you went to gym, you've probably met people who could exercise for a short time and get beautiful biceps, and those who could for a long time carry dumbbells, but did not grow in width, but only acquired a nice relief. Predisposition also plays a high role in vocals.

How long does it take to learn to sing from scratch? It all depends on the person’s physical characteristics, his habits and efforts in studying. Regarding lifestyle, it’s also worth putting in a word. Singing is a physical job in which, if you want to produce a powerful and beautiful sound, your chords must be plowed and hardened. You may have noticed that many opera singers tend to be overweight. We do not encourage you to grow in breadth, but only say that for good vocals you need strong health.

You need energy

You should push the air out of your ligaments. Even more so if you plan to give concerts and not sing one song. from scratch? It’s worth telling you a secret that everything is done from nothing, including vocal training. It's about that these opera singers once did not know how to sing. Predisposition is good, but without regular work and knowledge of the basics, it is impossible to sing beautifully right away. But the fact is that singing is generally considered not a natural process, but rather mastered, let’s say, in the process of evolution and used for artistic purposes. Again, a parallel can be drawn with rhythmic gymnastics. In order for the connections to perform the right job, you need to train them and not make sudden movements. What does a good athlete need? Good physical condition.

When figuring out how to learn to sing at home from scratch, remember that proper physical condition will greatly help you. So get enough sleep and eat. It is not at all necessary to grow to the size of many opera stars, but your diet should be rich in all the necessary substances.

Don't look for easy ways

Many people start looking for information about what to eat to sing better. Maybe have a drink a raw egg or something else? There are recommendations that alcohol contributes to the process. Perhaps a small dose in emergency situations will help warm up the throat, but you should not make it a habit. There are other more useful rituals that will help you understand how to learn to sing at home from scratch.

Every day, do chants to the accompaniment of the keys. If you don't have a piano, the Internet can help, find an electronic piano and play intervals. Learn about aperture. This is the “compartment” for air under the lungs. Yes, yes, you need to get air there. IN ordinary life we don't use this part of the body for breathing. Especially women who are more prone to chest breathing.

Develop your vocal support every day, find exercises and learn to work with your diaphragm, send air down, otherwise you will simply lose your voice. Spare your throat.

A healthy body has good vocals

And if you are seriously wondering how to learn to sing at home from scratch, forget about cigarettes. If a glass of cognac can still be regarded as medicine, then tobacco cannot be considered under any pretext.

It's interesting to hear "smart" advice craftsmen that in this way you can make your voice more masculine, give it a hoarseness, or make it easier to master extreme vocal techniques. Don’t give in to provocations, these are all excuses from lazy and poorly motivated people who are too lazy to quit. Better get some exercise.

When is it time to have fun?

Many may think that all this is good, but somehow too difficult. After all, it seemed that singing was fun and carefree. You want to rest, after all. Understand that laying the foundation is a very important process that simply must be done correctly. But no one has canceled the pleasant benefits that singing will give you. This is where the fun begins.

You were probably inspired to think about vocals by some talented people, from whose lips pure honey flowed, not words, touching your heart, reaching the very depths of your soul. And you, apparently, want to sing just as well. Start imitating them. Play your favorite songs and try it out. You already know how to do it right. Now you can.

Apply force when you are absolutely sure that you will not harm yourself. When you feel like you can keep up with the performer and sing in unison with him, find the negative of the song and sing along to it. When you feel confident at this stage, take out the recorder and record. Now is the time for analysis. Compare your singing with your favorite artist's performance, notice what you missed, correct it and repeat the procedure. Sing karaoke.

Work on mistakes

The most important thing is to track your shortcomings and correct them. The good thing about the recording is that it is very difficult for the singer to hear himself from the outside if he sings acapella. After all, in essence, you send sound forward and hear only part of it. It is advised to close one ear to hear yourself better. But it’s still better to use a voice recorder periodically. After all, you plan to record your own songs someday in a professional studio. So go ahead and train.

The most important thing is not to overdo it. Singing is a passionate and infuriating thing, but you don’t need to overwork yourself. If you feel tired, rest. It's good if you feel it in your stomach. This means that your support is simply not powerful enough. But it will improve over time. If soreness and discomfort appear in the throat, it means that you have jumped from the support to the ligaments. It is better to end the session and give yourself a rest. Always be mindful of your aperture.

Over time, you will simply develop the habit of singing correctly. Not by yourself, of course, but thanks to your responsible and painstaking work. Fortunately, this work is very pleasant, and with due diligence, success awaits you. Everyone has a voice. The main thing is not the range, but the ability to use it. And everything will work out for you.