How to properly apply craquelure varnish on glass. What is craquelure? Decoupage with craquelure. Two-component pastes for craquelure

Craquelure is the art of non-natural aging, which involves the formation of miniature cracks in a layer of paint. The surface coated with this varnish acquires an interesting, beautiful structure.

This is achieved through the use of special varnishes applied to the surface of the object.

The varnishes used in the crackle technique come in two main types:

  1. One-step (single-phase) - great for beginners, for those people who have just started practicing this technique. This craquelure looks like a cracked enamel surface; the first layer or base is visible through it.
  2. Two-step (two-phase) is more difficult to apply, but at the same time, it is more beautiful, cracks form in the varnish itself, which allows it not to overlap the previously applied image, which allows it to be used on different surfaces.

When using a one-step varnish, you must first apply the primer, wait for it to dry, then apply the paint. Varnish is applied on top and, without letting it dry completely, paint is applied on top, then some kind of design is applied.

If a two-step varnish is used, then first the surface is covered with shellac varnish; it should be applied in 2-3 layers, waiting for each layer to dry.

After drying, the top of the product is coated with a two-step craquelure varnish; after it dries, the resulting cracks are rubbed over oil paint, pastels, etc. The design is again applied on top and shellac varnish is applied to secure it.

Description and technique of applying craquelure varnishes for decoupage

All craquelure varnishes used in the decoupage technique are divided into two main types: one-step or one-component and two-step or two-component. The only difference between the two types of varnish is that one varnish is a one-component one, applied between layers of paint. A two-component varnish is applied to a layer of shellac varnish, then it is grouted, the image is glued and a layer of regular varnish follows.

Sometimes two-component varnishes are applied directly to the prepared and glued design, thus creating an antique effect.

Such varnishes can be bought in specialized stores; there are quite a few types of them, so before purchasing it is worth familiarizing yourself with their range and characteristics.

To apply such varnishes correctly, you should adhere to a certain technique:

  1. A one-component varnish is applied in a thin layer to the prepared surface using a soft kolin brush. Apply so that no brush marks remain, after which you must wait until the layer dries.
  2. When applying two-component varnish, be aware that it can be very sticky, so you should not touch it with your fingers to avoid leaving fingerprints and also be careful not to get dust on it. The second coat is applied after the first is almost dry, and after that the product must dry, in accordance with the instructions for this type of varnish.

One-step craquelure in decoupage: master class

In order to learn how to make decoupage with your own hands, it is worth learning from more experienced people or watching a video on the topic of a master class on decoupage, such a video will allow you to understand everything in more detail. One-step craquelure is considered one of the complex elements used in decoupage, but at the same time, it is a bright and expressive technique, and objects made with it look quite unusual.

One-step craquelure consists of cracks in the coating layer through which the underlying surface is visible.

In order to achieve this effect, the following steps should be taken:

  1. The workpiece is primed, then, when it dries, paint is applied to the places where the craquelure varnish is supposed to be applied. Paint should not be applied twice and one should strive to cover as much as possible large area. After the varnish has dried, paint the main color is applied to it and wait for it to dry.
  2. After this, you can start drawing a picture, you can use photographs, cover the surface with beautiful napkins or some kind of drawings. After this, you can start varnishing with regular varnish.

With this technique, there is one important condition, this is the need to correctly combine a set of brushes, layers of paint and drying of each layer.

Perhaps no one-step craquelure technique has as many conditions and features as other decoupage techniques, but the effect will be more interesting and beautiful.

Two-step craquelure in decoupage: master class

Two-step craquelure is the most common technique in decoupage. It represents cracks in the varnish layer on finished surface, for example, on glass, wood, metal and even furniture.

As a rule, two-step craquelure is sold in a set consisting of two jars, one component is applied to the other.

Wherein upper layer cracks, and so that the cracks are clearly visible, they are rubbed with different grouts.

To ensure high-quality decoupage using this technique, you should use the following tips, step by step:

  1. The workpiece should be almost completely ready, with a pattern applied to it, and it is desirable that it should already be varnished, and there should be several layers of varnish.
  2. Next, the first part of the craquelure varnish is applied to the surface; it should be dried according to the instructions, and it is advisable to dry it until it is not completely dry. After this, the second part of the composition is applied, and you also need to wait until cracks appear. After this, the cracks are grouted and the entire product is varnished.

Two-step craquelure can be water based or not, be slightly yellowish or completely transparent, etc. Gradually, with the acquisition of experience, a person will work with 2-3 types of such varnish.

Decoupage with craquelure on a bottle step by step

For creating beautiful decoupage, you will need certain materials and tools; materials can be bought both in regular stores, for example, acrylic paints and primers, and in specialized stores, in particular, craquelure varnishes.

You will also need soft wide brushes, sponges, etc., and a surface on which all the work will be done, for example, bottles:

  1. The bottle should be washed, all stickers should be removed, then it should be primed and wait until the primer dries. After this, it should be painted with acrylic or water-based paint of the selected color; the paint can be applied either with a sponge or with a brush.
  2. It is best to apply a one-component layer of varnish using a sponge; you need to wait until the varnish dries and apply the paint in an even, wide layer. When the paint has dried, the bottle should be coated with a layer of regular varnish.
  3. A design from a napkin or from a print should be sprayed with hairspray, the film is straightened, and the design is applied with the front side to it. The film together with the napkin is applied to the bottle, after which air bubbles are expelled from under the napkin. Afterwards, the film is removed, and the design is covered with aquatic, and then the entire bottle in several layers. You can make a large number of such beautiful bottles.

When a person learns to use all the techniques of decoupage with craquelure, and is confident in applying paints, varnishes, gluing images and maintaining a certain style, he will be able to create many interesting and beautiful works.

How to use craquelure varnish for decoupage

Crackle is one of the techniques that imitates the aging of something, for example, in order to make beautiful boxes or to process a plate or several plates. For this, a variety of varnishes are used, which come in two types: one-component and two-component. Each varnish uses its own technique and a specific varnish. It is impossible to replace a special varnish for the crackle technique with a regular one, since it will not give the required effect.

But, despite this, when using varnishes, there are certain tricks:

  1. Paint should be applied to the surface, wait until it dries, and then varnish should be applied to it, which should be applied with a wide soft brush, and those who are starting to practice this technique for the first time should use a foam sponge.
  2. After the first layer has dried, apply a second layer if the varnish is two-component. If the varnish is one-component, then one layer is enough, but applied thickly. The varnish can be applied in different directions with a brush or sponge, creating different patterns.

Two-step craquelure in decoupage: master class (video)

The big advantage of this technique is that anyone can master it in a relatively short time. a short time, but at the same time it is necessary to constantly experiment, do both direct and reverse decoupage.

Having mastered the skills of decoupage, we, as a rule, do not stop there, and today I will tell you what decoupage with craquelure is, and what craquelure is in general. After all, over time, just sticking a napkin becomes boring, you want to complicate the work. And the most popular method is to apply craquelure to decoupage.

Using craquelure varnish or paste, you can add some old charm, mystery and antiquity to the product.

There are two types of craquelure varnish - single-phase (one-step or one-component) and two-phase (two-step or two-component). From the name it is clear that in the first case one varnish is used, in the second - a combination of two different types.

One-component craquelure

One-component craquelure is applied between two contrasting layers of paint, where the first layer is the color of the cracks that have formed (when dry, the varnish breaks the second layer of paint, creating cracks of different shapes).

One-component varnishes are all water-based and do not have unpleasant odor, even allergy sufferers can safely use them.

Features of working with one-component craquelure

Apply acrylic paint (the color of the desired cracks) to the prepared surface and wait until it dries completely. Then we coat it with one-component craquelure varnish and dry it. Be sure to read the instructions, as each manufacturer states different time drying.

Then we paint with a second contrasting layer of paint. Here it is important to apply the paint in an even, dense layer with equal pressure on the brush or sponge, so that the bottom layer does not show through. You need to apply the second layer of paint very carefully so that they do not overlap each other, otherwise the layer in these places will be too thick and will not crack.

Since the varnish is water based, it ready product should not come into contact with water or it will be necessary to additionally coat the top with waterproof varnish.

Reasons for the different sizes and nature of cracks in one-component craquelure

The size and nature of cracks in crackle depends on many factors. If you apply it with a sponge, you will get a chaotic mesh, if you apply it with a brush, then the cracks will seem to “go” in the direction of the brush stroke.

The size of cracks in craquelure depends on the thickness of the varnish layer and on the time after which paint will be applied to it (the damper the craquelure and the thicker the applied layer, the larger, rougher and deeper the crack, respectively; the thinner the layer and the more dried it is, the smaller and more delicate it turns out to be a network of cracks).

Preferably use only acrylic matte paints. For example, glossy and metallic paints are very heavy and the varnish simply under their weight may not show cracks.

After finishing work, brushes and sponges should be rinsed with water.

Stages of applying craquelure varnish depending on the type of decoupage

The technique for applying one-component craquelure varies depending on the type of decoupage chosen. With direct decoupage, paint is applied, then craquelure varnish, then again paint in a contrasting color, then a napkin is glued to the surface.

In reverse decoupage, a drawing is glued, then craquelure varnish, then paint (background), then another layer of paint (color of cracks.)

Textured or craquelure paste

In addition to classic craquelure varnishes, you can find in stores many products for creating cracks called structural paste (craquelure paste or paste for creating frescoes). It's kind of like artistic putty.

It is more convenient to apply craquelure paste using a palette knife or spatula. The result is beautiful cracks that imitate an antique surface. To create such cracks it is recommended to use hot hair dryer immediately after application. It promotes quick drying.

Afterwards, the product can be painted with water-based acrylic paints; the cracks can remain in the same color as the overall tone or can be rubbed over with contrasting pigments. The drying time and the size of the cracks depend on the thickness of the layer - the thicker, the longer and larger the cracks.

Two-component craquelure

The main difference between two-component crackle and one-component crackle is that the cracks are created in the varnish layer itself, and not in the paint. The advantage is that you can create a cracked effect on top of the decoupage.

The nuances of working with two-component craquelure during decoupage

Two-component craquelure in decoupage is usually done at the final stage of surface decoration. We apply the first step of varnish to the prepared product with the pasted pattern, wait for it to dry (usually from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the manufacturer), then apply the second step and also wait for it to dry completely.

Do not forget to carefully read the description of the technique for working with the selected crackle. The manufacturer may claim drying time from 2 hours to 24 hours. We rub over the cracks that appear either with oil paint or dry non-aqueous pigment or bitumen. Remove excess with a damp cloth or sponge.

The nature of cracks in decoupage with craquelure depends on the method of applying craquelure varnish. If the first step is applied in a very thin layer, the cracks will be small and delicate. If applied thickly, there will be larger and more characteristic cracks. All this must be taken into account when creating crackle.

Two-component pastes for craquelure

Just like in one-component craquelure, the line of two-component craquelure contains a paste for creating cracks. Such pastes work in tandem with a base to create such a craquelure. Visually, the result will resemble a one-component crackle, only the resulting cracks will be more rounded, uniform and identical.

Stages of applying two-component craquelure paste

First of all, apply a thin and uniform layer of the craquelure paste base to the surface, wait for it to dry (you can use a hairdryer), then apply the craquelure paste using a brush, sponge or spatula.

The size of the cracks will depend on the thickness of the craquelure paste layer. A thin layer will create a cracked paint effect; thick – the effect of a voluminous paste.

To create an additional color shade when decoupage, you can mix the paste with acrylic paint before applying. After drying, the paste can be coated with acrylic paints or decorated with aging materials.

How to make one-component craquelure with your own hands and available materials

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose the necessary craquelure among the variety of products presented in stores, especially for a beginner. Sometimes it’s easier to try to make it from improvised materials in order to understand what craquelure is and what it looks like.

Craquelure using PVA glue

Most popular way creating a one-component craquelure for decoupage with your own hands is to use PVA glue for this.

But not every glue is suitable for this; it is better to take construction glue. It, unlike stationery, is not diluted. Its thickness is perfect for creating a layer of “craquelure varnish”. There are 2 ways to obtain craquelure using PVA.

The first method is that PVA glue acts as a substitute for craquelure varnish.

Apply a layer of paint (the color of the cracks) and dry. Then we apply PVA glue, remembering that the thicker the layer, the rougher and larger the cracks will be and the longer it will take to dry.

You can dry it with a hairdryer so that the surface becomes matte, and there is still “wet” glue under the film. Quickly and carefully apply the paint (you can use a brush or sponge, depending on the desired result) and dry it. It is also good to use a hairdryer here; cracks quickly begin to appear from the heat.

Then leave it to dry completely ( better than a watch 5-6 or more, depending on the thickness of the glue applied), coat with varnish and you’re done.

The second method is to mix PVA glue with acrylic paint 1 to 1 and apply this composition to the first layer of paint, dry for about 20 minutes, then you can use a hairdryer and get the same interesting design.

Craquelure for decoupage using egg white

Craquelure using egg white is enough interesting way. The principle of application is identical to the standard method of creating one-component craquelure, although it has its own characteristics.

Apply paint to the primed surface and let it dry. Apply varnish in 1-2 layers. This is necessary so that the protein is not absorbed.

After drying, randomly apply the protein in a thick layer, using good strokes. We dry only in a natural way, this may take a long time (it is better to leave it overnight). Carefully cover the dried protein with a layer of contrasting paint, making sure that the strokes do not overlap each other. Let's dry it.

Craquelure using furniture wood varnish PF 283

Beautiful cracks in decoupage are obtained using furniture varnish PF 283. The only thing is that this varnish is alkyd and therefore you need to work with it in a well-ventilated room wearing a mask and gloves.

We cover the first layer of paint with varnish, wait for it to dry for 3-4 hours until it becomes “tack-free” (that is, the varnish sticks, but does not remain on your hands). Apply a second contrast layer acrylic paint and immediately dry it with a hairdryer until cracks appear. The varnish reaches complete drying in 36 hours, after which you can continue working with the product.

Craquelure using gelatin

Craquelure using gelatin is a fairly popular method, but it rarely works the first time. For gelatin craquelure, take a tablespoon of gelatin and dilute it in a glass cold water. Leave to swell, then heat until completely dissolved.

Apply the cooled gelatin mass in random order to the decorative item and let it dry for 10-15 minutes, you can use a hairdryer, but do not overheat. Next, carefully cover with paint, making sure that the gelatin does not reach behind the brush, especially in places where the layer is very thick. Dry and coat with acrylic varnish.

Vinegar craquelure

Using vinegar, preferably 9%, you can also get a network of cracks. Apply vinegar to acrylic paint (not completely dried) with a sponge and dry naturally. The result will be fairly thin cracks.

DIY two-component craquelure

You can actually make two-component craquelure for decoupage with your own hands and at home, although it will be a little more complicated.

Two-component craquelure using eggshells.

Two-component craquelure using eggshells based on the mosaic principle. We break the dried shells without film into pieces of various sizes. We put together a pattern from the resulting fragments, leaving a gap between the particles. Glue it with PVA glue. We carefully paint the dried mosaic so as not to fill the cracks.

We coat it with varnish so that we can then wipe out the cracks with oil paint or bitumen. Or you can paint everything with one color, then carefully brush it over the surface with another paint so as not to get into the cracked layer.

The result is a beautiful autumn surface, the design of which you can initially create yourself, rather than waiting for what will happen as a result.

Eggshell craquelure is shown in the photograph at the beginning of the article. There are used shells of 3 different shades– white, brown and light brown. It is rubbed with oil paints in ocher and gold colors and then varnished. This color scheme suited the overall background of the picture perfectly.

How to make two-component craquelure from one-component craquelure varnish

It happens that there is only one-component craquelure varnish, but you want to use a two-component one in creativity and decoupage. The basic idea is that if a one-part varnish can crack acrylic paint, then it can also create cracks in acrylic varnish.

E The steps of work are as follows:

1 stick a napkin and dry it;

2 is coated with acrylic varnish in 8 - 10 layers. We apply them very thinly, without creating smudges, making each layer perpendicular to the previous one. The larger the layer, the larger and rougher the cracks.

3 We cover the dried acrylic varnish with a one-component craquelure varnish very carefully in an even layer.

4 After about an hour, cracks will already be visible. Rub over with contrasting pigments or oil paint. Cover with finishing varnish.

In this topic we looked at all the main ways to create craquelure during decoupage various products, now we have an idea of ​​how one-component craquelure differs from two-component craquelure. Crackle compositions can be purchased at craft stores or made yourself without leaving home. A beautiful pattern of cracks can be created from PVA glue, eggshells, yolk, or gelatin.

And in the next article I will present to your attention, and of course, read other articles on decoupage with my master classes and theoretical training this wonderful type of creativity and handmade, for example, and in general.

Every craftswoman, having mastered the basics of decoupage, strives for something more complex, dreams of special effects... The first on the path of each of us is an insidious macho named "Crackelure" - a capricious and selective guy - sometimes the air humidity is not right for him, then the surface is let down, then the varnish , then paint.... I will write only about my own sad and happy experiences, only about those who personally met on my way.

So, episode 1: SIR ONE-STEP.

At first general principles work: applied between two layers of contrasting paints, the pattern depends on what was applied - a sponge or a brush (see photo).

It is imperative to take into account that:

  • - when applying top paint, you cannot go over the same place twice (cracks appear very quickly and the paint can “clog” them);
  • - The top layer of paint should ONLY be matte (not glossy or shiny/metallic) - then there will be no cracks.

The size of the cracks depends on the thickness of the craquelure layer: the thicker the layer, the larger the cracks. Sequence of work: paint - craquelure - paint. For reverse decoupage: craquelure - paint - paint.

1. Krakelee Medium by Marabu. Quite unpretentious, cracks always appear.

We dry the layer of paint, dry the craquelure until it’s “tack-tacky” - it doesn’t spread and comes off your finger, but you don’t need to poke it often to check - there will be traces, a contrasting layer of paint. After complete drying, the top can be coated with any varnish.

2. Craquelure varnish No. 742 (article No. 5920742) Medium, available in the IDEA series of materials. Water based.

Why it’s good: without any primer, it can be applied to any surface (canvas, paper, cardboard, wood, plaster, plaster, stone, fabric, plastic, ceramics, metal/excluding galvanized iron

The varnish is applied directly to the surface to be decorated (without the first layer of paint), i.e. the color of the resulting cracks is the color of the surface being decorated.

Apply a not too thick layer and also dry until tack-free.

3. In the same series, varnish No. 743 - the same jar, but with a different number. We paint, dry, apply an even layer of varnish with a flat brush, after 30 minutes we apply a layer of contrasting paint.

4. Crackle Medium from Folk Art Plaid 695. Moody. You need to monitor drying very carefully. The second coat of paint is applied when there are no puddles (wet marks). The cracks appear immediately.

The main thing is not to overdry. But it’s quite difficult to catch this moment: If it dries out, there are no cracks; if it’s not dry, the brush pulls the varnish along with it.

5. Varnish Creal Crackle Holland. UNIVERSAL: it is possible to obtain “one-step” and “two-step” sample cracks depending on the application. Consists of two components (1 and 2).

For a one-step: paint, step 1, apply a thin layer, wait until it dries (min. 30-40), apply a contrasting layer of paint, let the product dry again: THE MAIN THING here is NOT TO OVERDRY! Next, apply step 2 perpendicular to the first step.

You can speed up the drying of the varnish with a hairdryer. Using this varnish is NOT DIFFICULT, the cracks are clear, suitable for beginners.

6. Craquelure varnish "Cracking Varnish" from DECOLA. production St. Petersburg. Very good. Water based, used on various surfaces(canvas, cardboard, glass, wood, leather). The product is kept until the first layer of paint has completely dried - at least 1 hour. Apply varnish in one direction with a brush or sponge

Apply a contrasting coat of paint after 2 hours. This varnish is afraid when it is coated with a water-based varnish (like Obninsky) - it gives yellowness and lumps. There are no problems with alkyd varnishes.

7. Craquelure varnish "Cracking Varnish" from Tair. All characteristics are the same as the previous varnish. The 2nd layer of paint is also applied after 2 hours; to speed up the process, the second layer of paint can be dried with a hairdryer

8. Craquelure varnish from "ANTIK-technic" Its characteristics and behavior are similar to 1. The movement of the brush determines the direction of the cracks. Dry until “no wet spots”.

Now from folk art, “craquelure using improvised means.”

9. Lyubov Samoshenkova wrote about PVA and showed it wonderfully, but I want to show the second method.

Paint - dry. For the second layer of paint, mix PVA glue and acrylic paint (50x50) in equal proportions.

Apply it to the object with a brush, dry it a little naturally (10-15 minutes), then dry it with a hairdryer.

10. Egg white. They also know a lot. Apply the first layer, dry well, if the surface is porous (wood, for example), apply varnish so that the protein does not absorb, and dry. Next, apply a thick layer of egg white in a chaotic manner and dry naturally until completely dry.

Do not use a hairdryer! Next - a contrasting layer of paint, hold the brush “lying down”, apply it very carefully so that one stroke does not overlap the other. Dries naturally. I always succeed in this method, but I don’t see the advisability of using it.

11. Washing gel. I read it on the Internet and was not too lazy to apply it. The result is below. The more concentrated the gel, the better; apply quite thickly with a flat brush. On top - HIGHLY diluted paint (on the not dried gel) with a brush "lying", dry.

It takes a VERY long time to dry, a hair dryer does not improve it. It took me 24 hours for THIS to dry.

12. And this is 9% table vinegar. The result is like over-dried craquelure varnish applied with a sponge. But once they wrote on the Internet... Apply a second layer of paint to the well-dried first layer of paint and dry it (but not completely). Soak a sponge in vinegar and gently apply it to blot. The paint is peeling. But, in my opinion, it’s a stretch to call THIS craquelure - the effect of curdled milk - the mesh is extremely thin - almost an imprint of a sponge pattern.

End of the first episode. To be continued. In the following series, see: two-step insidious and beautiful, grouting methods, etc.

Hello everyone who watched to the end. I really hope it will be useful to someone!

Craquelures can be through, i.e. passing through all layers of the pictorial layer, or can arise only in one of the layers; can cover the entire plane of the picture or be located only in certain places. Their sizes can vary from almost imperceptible, very thin, so-called “hairy”, to very impressive.

Cracks, i.e. violations of the integrity of the paint layer, varnish or primer have a different nature and pattern, and directly depend on the reasons that caused them. Most often, such reasons are violations of the technology of the preparatory and, in fact, painting processes: selection and preparation of the base, preparation of primer and paints, incorrect application of paint layers (for example, when in oil painting a new layer is applied over a layer that has not dried inside).

In addition, the cause of craquelure can also be insufficiently professional restoration of a work.

The appearance of cracks in works of art is not inevitable and obligatory.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Crackelure” is in other dictionaries:

    Cracking, crack Dictionary of Russian synonyms. craquelure noun, number of synonyms: 2 cracking (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (French craquelure), a crack in the paint layer or varnish in a work of painting... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French craquelure) cracking of the ground, paint layer or varnish of a painting... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (French craquelure), a crack in the paint layer in works of painting. Craquelures appear in a non-dried (just executed) work due to uneven or rapid shrinkage of the binder or evaporation of diluents (water, pinene, etc.... Art encyclopedia

Most decoupage master classes tell you how to effectively and aesthetically “age” a boring bedside table or turn a cereal can into a work of art that has come through the centuries. Rarities are valued not only at auctions; antiques will serve as an excellent decoration in any interior. But it is not necessary to wait half a century and subject objects to severe tests in order to “age” them beautifully and artistically. To help decoupage lovers, there are craquelures that help crack the top layer of paint or varnish on the product.

Translated from French craquelure- this is a crack. Initially, this term was used to describe cracks on the surface of paintings: due to improper application of layers by the artist to the canvas, the primer, varnish or paint naturally cracked, forming a chaotic pattern.

Craquelure in decoupage is a special varnish that, when dried, “cracks” the top layer of the surface. Of course, when decorating objects, this effect is achieved not due to the negligence of the master, but intentionally. This technique was called crackle. The aesthetics and charm of an antique art object are so obvious that they have been developed craquelure varnishes for different surfaces: from paper to metal. Let's talk in more detail.

Craquel application technique ra

In decoupage master classes they talk about one-step/two-step or one-component/two-component craclures. This should not be taken literally, because... Crackle is usually done in three steps.

Step-by-step instructions for applying craquelure:

  • 1) applied base: primer or acrylic paint. The base determines the color of future cracks. If you want to maintain the original color, you need to apply transparent acrylic;
  • 2) applied layer of craquelure. You need to wait until it dries (about an hour). Readiness is determined by the fact that the finger sticks slightly to the surface, but does not get dirty;
  • 3) applied top layer of contrasting acrylic paint(this will be a one-step crackle) or a second layer of craquelure(this will be a two-step crackle, and the original background will remain under the cracks). At this moment, cracking occurs.

Types of craquelure

Craquelures for paper. Plain white paper, whatman paper or cardboard are both the easiest and most finicky surfaces for crackle. Most often, before applying craquelure varnish, the paper is tinted with paint or a pattern is made, so one-step craquelure is more suitable for it. A special feature of paper is its pliability to water, therefore, to prevent it from deforming, when applying the first layer, you should apply it to the brush as much as possible. less water, almost one paint.

Craquelures for wood. Most popular look Crackle - namely crackle on wood, because it gives old, boring furniture a second life in a new role. A chest of drawers, chair, nightstand or headboard can be completely transformed into palace interior items. Two-step craquelure on a light surface looks aesthetically pleasing and advantageous. Good combinations of gray, blue or light olive with white.

Craquelures for ceramics. By making crackle on ceramics, you can achieve an interesting mosaic effect. To do this you will need a two-step craquelure. First, the craquelure varnish is applied strictly in one direction, applying it once in each place and without going onto the newly painted surface. After drying, apply a second layer of varnish in the transverse direction using the same technique. If you want a finer grid of cracks, after the second layer has dried, apply a third diagonally. To make the cracks appear brighter, after all layers of varnish have completely dried, you can wipe the surface with oil umber.

Craquelures for metal. In kitchen cabinets and on mezzanines there will always be cans and grandma’s metal kettle, and at the dacha an old children’s watering can and a tin tray lie idle. By using craquelure and your imagination, you can turn ordinary old things into decorative ones. stylish elements interior A successful combination of light acrylic base, motifs made from decoupage napkins and a craquelure layer, which gives a textured pattern and special charm to household items.

Craquelures for plastic. To master the crackle technique, try different techniques or perform original idea, it’s easiest to practice on regular plastic bottles: if it fails, you won’t feel sorry for it, and if it turns out well, the unsightly bottle will turn into an elegant vase. Any, even unused, item can be used: so an old gram record with craquelure will become a useful and beautiful retro watch.

Craquelures for glass. From the usual glass plate You can make your own decorative plate, applying craquelure along the sides. Glass is easy to work with because... varnishes and paints quickly adhere to the base and crack easily due to their smooth surface. Using contrasting paints in combinations of black - white, blue - silver, red - gold, you can achieve particularly expressive cracks. An interesting option there will be a cracked fresco on the bottom of a transparent plate with outside. You can eat from such dishes without fear of damaging the design. Glass craquelures will help you make a souvenir mug or an “antique” bottle with a message.

  • To make the first layer of craquelure dry faster, you can dry it with a hairdryer. In this case, the cracks become thicker, and the “patterned mesh” becomes larger.
  • If the second layer of paint is applied not with a brush, but with a sponge, the effect of Venetian plaster is formed.
  • Craquelure varnish should be applied with a soft flat brush so that the layer is distributed and “cracked” evenly.
  • The more repeated layers of craquelure you apply, the thicker and more detailed the “pattern mesh” will be.
  • The width of the cracks directly depends on the thickness of the craquelure layer: the thinner the layer, the more graceful the cracks will be. To create rough, thick cracks, a thicker layer will be required; for the same purpose, you can apply a paint layer a little before the varnish dries.

Find your own approaches to craquelure and create unique things with your own hands!
