How to lay expanded clay concrete correctly. Technology of laying expanded clay concrete blocks. To carry out masonry activities you will need

Currently, expanded clay concrete blocks are a very common building material, which is widely used in the construction of soundproofing partitions, external wall structures and buildings for various purposes. Anyone can lay expanded clay concrete blocks with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will make this work easier.

Before you start laying expanded clay blocks, you need to carefully study the manual with detailed steps. The first and one of the most important steps- This preparatory work. It consists in the selection of all available means, tools and materials, including:

  1. Level for level masonry.
  2. Construction tape.
  3. Cord-mooring.
  4. Container for storing liquid compounds.
  5. Kelma.
  6. Joining.

You also cannot do without a hammer with a rubber handle, a square, a straightener and grinding machine. You will also need to purchase mesh for reinforcement. If you don’t have a rubber hammer in your home workshop, you need to go to a construction hypermarket and purchase a tool weighing up to 1 kg. For a grinding machine, buy a circle with a diameter of 230 mm.

To strengthen the future structure, it is advisable to purchase a masonry mesh for expanded clay concrete blocks or reinforcement. For containers where the solution will be stored and mixed, you need to choose convenient and spacious containers.

An indispensable material for masonry is the binding component. It is customary to use a pre-prepared solution or glue. It should be noted that the consumption of such funds will be several times lower than when laying bricks, since one expanded clay block can replace 7 ceramic products.

If mortar is used, then 1 part cement sand should be 3 parts quarry sand. The river option is not suitable for such purposes. To increase the plasticity of the mixture, it is better to use a plasticizer. To prevent unwanted sand settling to the bottom of the container, stirring the mixture should be done as often as possible.

When using special glue, you need to take into account that about 40 kg of the composition will be needed per cube of the wall. The consistency is diluted with water in advance, and masonry work is started only after thoroughly leveling the surface. Two layers of roofing material are laid on top of the base, which will provide maximum protection against moisture penetration. The final layer consists of mortar and a small amount of lime. Its thickness should not exceed 30 millimeters. Glue is placed only from the second row.

Expanded clay blocks are characterized by a specific structure that makes them look like a children's construction set. And although the material is larger in size than bricks, its weight is much less, which ensures maximum convenience and speed of masonry work. They build a wall, moving from the corner and building the first row in advance. In this case, the internal partitions are built together with the external ones, and in order to prevent the appearance of cold bridges, the end of the structure is separated by a rectangle of polystyrene foam. This action is carried out only for external wall structures.

Upon completion of laying the first row, you need to check the evenness of the surface again. To do this, you can use a building level.

Beginning builders and home craftsmen often simplify their task by looking for various step-by-step instructions and tips for laying expanded clay blocks. And if we're talking about When installing the second row using new blocks, the solution must be smoothed until a uniform layer is obtained. Then the structure is brought to the edge of the adjacent block with a poke, leaving a gap of five centimeters.

A small amount of cement mortar or adhesive should appear in the vertical joint area. To achieve this, it is enough to place an expanded clay block in the place where it will be installed in the future. Fixation is carried out using a rubber hammer, which helps to align the structures along a horizontal line. Optimal thickness seam is 7 mm for cement mortar and 3 mm for glue.

If the seams are too thick, then the strength of the masonry will be compromised. Conversely, if the thickness is too small, the block will not be securely fastened and will begin to deform over time. Before you continue working, you need to make sure that the seam is done correctly. It is important to do this before the solution hardens.

If you use expanded clay concrete blocks, laying walls will become more convenient and faster than in the case of bricks. But in order for the final result to meet initial expectations, and for the wall structure to be of high quality, you need to find suitable option seam Modern builders use the following types of seams:

If it is planned to plaster the wall, then the blocks are laid with a seam in a hollow area. This type is characterized by the fact that along its edges the seams are not filled by 8 mm. If we are talking about front walls, then it is advisable to use an undercut seam.

The heat capacity is increased by laying two rows of blocks. This approach also affects the thickness of the wall, making it larger. After finishing thermal insulation works the building will be protected from the most extreme frosts. The disadvantages of installation include increased consumption of blocks and significant labor costs.

To prevent the gradual destruction of wall structures made of expanded clay concrete blocks, they must be additionally strengthened with a reinforced belt. To do this, take 10 mm reinforcement or masonry mesh. In this case, the rods are located in every third row, placing the reinforcement in grooves on top of the row. After this, the solution is applied and the next row is laid. The use of longitudinal reinforcement technology guarantees maximum reliability and resistance to all kinds of influences.

You also need to remember about ligating the splice and spoon rows. Openings for doors and windows are created using U-shaped concrete products. Reinforcement is used as an additional retainer. Some builders believe that it is impossible to use reinforcement structures to strengthen walls and buildings made of expanded clay concrete, but this is an erroneous statement. Following step by step guide and taking into account the key features of the upcoming work, it is possible to ensure high reliability and durability of the premises.

To complete masonry work, you can use U-shaped blocks, which are an indispensable element for arranging reinforced concrete belts. Often this material is used to fix the Mauerlat to expanded clay concrete. Such a node is presented in the form wooden beam, which is installed on the walls and ensures uniform distribution of loads from roofing structure, exposure to wind and snow.

Threaded rods are installed every two meters of the upper block. They should be 6 cm higher than the section of the beam. Holes are made in the structure of the beams to place these studs, after which the Mauerlat is attached. It is secured with nuts and washers.

If we are talking about building a foundation made of expanded clay blocks, then to successfully complete the upcoming work you need to prepare several key tools and materials. These include:

The future structure should be of a prefabricated belt type. To begin with, a small pit or trench is dug according to a previously prepared project. The dimensions of the recess should be slightly more sizes blocks.

Sand is placed at the bottom of the trench and compacted thoroughly. A concrete pad is created on top by laying blocks using the technology described above. It is better to start work from the corners, carrying out the dressing.

It is also important to take care of the holes for making engineering communications. An armored belt is created on top of the products, presented in the form of a durable layer of monolithic reinforced concrete. This material connects the upper blocks and provides the necessary rigidity.

The external side walls are tightly covered with a waterproofing layer. If the building contains ground floor, then you also need to take care of the floor beams. Upon completion of the work, all that remains is to backfill the base.

Depending on the purpose of the room, the sizes of expanded clay blocks may vary. When building walls minimum parameters must be at least 90x190x188 mm. Maximum dimensions- 390x190x188 mm. You can also use intermediate values, which are equal to:

  • 288x139x138;
  • 290x190x188.

Novice home builders are often interested in why they need to select such blocks when working with expanded clay concrete blocks. non-standard sizes. This should be done because when using the material it becomes necessary to leave a gap for the mortar in the masonry joint. In addition, 39 cm is the width of the masonry of one and a half bricks along with the thickness of the plaster layer. Among builders, the size is called twenty and looks like 20x20x40 cm.

The ceiling rests on a support row with reinforcement that distributes the load evenly along the entire perimeter. Using reinforced concrete slabs or beam floors It is better to use anchorage with walls using bent reinforcing bars. In this case, one side of the bent rod is fixed on the mounting loop of the ceiling, and the other - along the expanded clay blocks. The end part of the floors external walls ah covered with a heat-insulating layer.

Anyone can do the work of laying expanded clay blocks. Even beginners will easily understand the intricacies of the upcoming procedure if they carefully study the step-by-step instructions and diagrams before doing so. However, if you are confident in own strength and there are no possibilities, it is better to entrust the task to an experienced specialist. The average cost of masonry services varies from 900 to 1.6 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

Also, the price may be influenced by the type of work, because it is often necessary to additionally order the services of a transporter. The construction of structures and buildings from expanded clay concrete blocks has many advantages, including significant financial savings.

Currently, construction hypermarkets offer a wide variety of solid expanded clay concrete blocks. Particularly popular are models with a density of 1500 kg/m3. The cost of one unit of block will cost 50 rubles, while a cubic meter will cost about 3.6 thousand rubles. For this money, the client receives 20 kg of a high-quality product with frost resistance class F50.

When the density is reduced to 1 thousand kg per cubic meter, the mass of the block is reduced to 17 kilograms. At the same time, the indicators of resistance to low temperatures remain the same, and the price increases to 66 rubles per unit and 4158 rubles per cubic meter. Blocks are also used for construction purposes. density 700 kg/m3. This option costs 65 rubles per piece or 4 thousand per cubic meter.

Before starting construction of a future building or wall structure, you need not only to understand the size and number of blocks, but also to calculate the consumption of mortar for masonry work. Only after careful preparation can you go to the hypermarket and buy the required materials. In this case, the upcoming work will be successful and costs will be minimal.

Step-by-step instructions for laying expanded clay concrete blocks are necessary if you want to get a reliable and correctly built structure with your own hands.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks, although similar to the method of laying concrete blocks, still has some features.

Expanded clay concrete is a material no less popular than brick or concrete and just as reliable.

The consumption of expanded clay concrete material is minimal due to its low cost, unlike bricks.

Therefore, if your budget is limited, then it is better to choose expanded clay concrete.

Below will be given step-by-step instruction and a video on how to build a wall from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands.

With their help, you can easily cope with all the necessary work.

Properties of expanded clay concrete

The most common way to use expanded clay concrete blocks is to create external walls technical premises(garage, warehouse, etc.).

The material has good thermal insulation and therefore does not even require additional insulation in warm regions. In the photo below you can see what expanded clay blocks look like.

You can also use expanded clay concrete slabs to create partitions. Using this material will reduce weight reinforced concrete floors and will significantly reduce the cost of funds for the foundation.

Expanded clay concrete has not only heat, but also sound insulation, which is another advantage for choosing this material for partitions.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are empty inside - when laid, this creates another reinforcing frame and improves the load-bearing function of the walls. This material is very durable and lightweight due to its porous structure.

The technology for creating expanded clay concrete slabs is as follows: clay is fired and foamed, and then mixed with sand, water and cement in a certain proportion.

After this, the resulting material is pressed for 24-28 days. Due to aging, the material acquires additional strength.

Expanded clay concrete slabs are produced in fairly large sizes: length - about 40 cm, thickness - about 19 cm, height - about 20 cm.

They are strong and stable, so the consumption of Additional materials, most likely, will not be needed.

A wall made of expanded clay concrete slabs will correspond in thickness to 1.5 bricks.

The laying method assumes that the largest slabs are laid in place of the load-bearing sections, and smaller blocks are suitable for partitions.

Fitting expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands is not difficult - it can be easily cut with a hacksaw and weighs little, so laying it out will not take much effort.

The strength of expanded clay concrete reaches 2.5 MPa, which is not much less than that of brick structures (about 3.9 MPa).

The thermal conductivity of expanded clay concrete blocks is 0.13 W.

This is acceptable for garages and other technical buildings, but if you want to use expanded clay concrete to build a residential building, then you cannot do without insulation.

Stages of construction of expanded clay concrete walls

The technology for laying expanded clay concrete material is not complicated; you can easily do it yourself.

Below will be given step by step video instructions that will make the whole process even clearer.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are placed on cement-sand mortar, the thickness of which must be at least 1 cm.

It is necessary to provide space for the seam (thickness from 1 to 5 mm), so do not use glue in the work - it will not be suitable for such a highly porous material as expanded clay concrete.

The method of installing the material is similar and does not depend on whether your block is hollow or filled inside.

To lay the material yourself you will need the following tools:

  • shovel (one or more);
  • container where you will prepare the solution;
  • jointing;
  • trowel and trowel;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • rubber mallet;
  • plumb line;
  • reinforcing mesh.

You can purchase a ready-made mortar, which is necessary for laying expanded clay concrete blocks, or make it yourself. You need to mix in the following proportion: cement (1 part): sand (3 parts) + 30% water.

Its consumption is small, although it all depends on the final size of the building. You can calculate it like this: multiply the consumption by the cubic capacity of the building.

Reinforcement of expanded clay concrete structures is a necessary step.

Reinforcement must be carried out according to the following requirements: you can use a standard mesh, reinforcement rods or fiberglass reinforcement, the structure is installed every 4-6 rows.

The video shows the method of laying expanded clay concrete.

If you choose fiberglass, then keep in mind that the armored belt made of this material does not stretch well, and it is better not to use it if your structure involves 2 or more floors.

When is expanded clay concrete installed? load-bearing structures, it is important not to forget about the reinforcement of the corners.

Reinforcement in the form of a belt of material is created slightly below the reinforced concrete or brick roof; there is no need to make it low.

Load-bearing and partition walls must be erected at the same time. After construction, it is necessary to coat the horizontal and vertical seams with mortar or foam glue.

Foundation preparation

When starting construction, you must first of all take care of the foundation - its waterproofing.

This is not difficult to do: you need to lay the concrete with a layer of roofing material, glass insulation or any other rolled laying material. Then you need to fix it with a small layer of cement mortar.

If you want to make a base, then it can be made from the following materials: brick or FSB.

The video below shows the technology for laying corners from a block.

At this stage, you will need ready-made expanded clay concrete blocks and expanded clay concrete semi-blocks.

It is best to make your work easier and make blocks of the sizes you need in advance, and also arrange them in rows along the perimeter of the future wall.

The method of laying the first row of expanded clay concrete blocks is as follows: you should always start from a reference point - from the corner.

To start laying the first row, you need to stretch a fishing line or cord between the nearest corners - this will be a level.

First, the full row of the outer wall is laid, then the partitions are laid. And so with the laying of each row, so that the load-bearing wall and partition are erected evenly and simultaneously.

To prevent “cold bridges” from forming at the ends of the blocks, lay them with polystyrene foam rectangles (about 50 mm thick).

After completing the construction of each row, check the evenness of the surface of the levels, because expanded clay concrete blocks are not the same and differ slightly in shape.

The holes in the rows must be covered with mortar, and excess fragments must be cut off using a grinder or a hatchet.

After finishing the entire perimeter expanded clay concrete wall closed with reinforced mesh or reinforcement (diameter - 10 mm). This should be done every 2-3 rows.

You need to apply glue or mortar on top of the structure, then you can begin laying the next row. Do not forget that the rows of splices and spoons must be alternated, and not placed one after another.

When laying the material, remember that the blocks must be connected to each other with a poke so that there is a space of 5 mm between them.

You need to leave a solution between the pokes - you will use it to make a 10 mm seam. But this must be done quickly so that the solution does not have time to harden.

After laying the wall is completed, reinforcement (reinforcing belt) is made over its entire surface. Reinforcement creates additional strength of the wall.

All stages of laying expanded clay concrete blocks, as well as subsequent wall reinforcement, can be easily done with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists. The cost of funds will be very small.

The main thing during construction is that the installation method and technology be followed. Also don't forget about important elements– such as reinforcement and creation of seams.

Use the video and photo instructions as you work and in the end you will get high-quality, durable walls that will last for decades.

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Expanded clay concrete is a time-tested material: for more than 60 years it has been considered a reliable and durable construction raw material. Expanded clay is no less popular than concrete or brick. Its undoubted advantages are high thermal insulation characteristics and ease of installation. For building walls from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands no complex design solutions will be required. These blocks are perfectly combined with any building materials, metal and reinforced concrete structures.

Application of expanded clay concrete blocks

Expanded clay concrete blocks are most often used for the construction of external walls, in the construction of utility rooms, warehouses, garages, and frame industrial buildings. And septal wall blocks guarantee a significant improvement in sound and thermal insulation properties the entire structure, significantly reduce the weight of large reinforced concrete floors, and reduce the cost of the foundation. The voids in the blocks themselves form an additional reinforcing frame in the body of the wall, which increases its load-bearing capacity. Expanded clay is baked and foamed clay mixed with sand, cement and water. It has a porous structure, which provides the material with strength and lightness.

Expanded clay concrete is divided into structural and structural-thermal insulating. The first type has a density of maximum 1800 kg per cubic meter, strength up to 500 kg per cubic meter, frost resistance reaches 500 cycles. Used for the construction of load-bearing structures. The density of the second type of expanded clay concrete is up to 1100 kg per cubic meter, strength is no more than 100 kg per cubic meter, frost resistance is no more than 100 cycles.

We lay expanded clay concrete walls with our own hands

The method of constructing walls from expanded clay concrete is no different from using standard bricks. The same spoon or butt rows are laid and the required dressings are made. For load-bearing walls The dimensions of expanded clay concrete blocks are 190x190x390 mm. For internal partitions, blocks of 190x90x390 mm are used. Please note that when laying blocks of expanded clay concrete, only ordinary mortar is used, not glue! You only need to level the blocks on the wall with a rubber mallet, since they are hollow, and any blow with a metal hammer will simply break them.

The following tools are needed:

  1. level;
  2. rectangular trowel;
  3. rubber mallet;
  4. plumb line;
  5. square;
  6. mooring cord;
  7. jointing;
  8. “grinder” with cutting wheel;
  9. fittings or reinforced mesh(if reinforcement is required);
  10. shovel;
  11. bucket for solution.

When preparing to lay a wall made of expanded clay concrete, the most important thing is waterproofing the foundation. It is usually done with roofing felt in two layers. It is also necessary to observe the geometry of the perimeter: opposite sides and the diagonals of the rectangular base must be equal.

Step-by-step instructions for building a wall

First you need to level the base on which the first row of blocks will be placed. After applying waterproofing, you should put cement glue on top of the roofing felt (1 m³ of masonry per 40 kg of mixture) or a prepared solution (one part of cement and sifted river sand to three parts of quarry sand). Layer thickness – no more than 30 mm.

The construction of a horizontal surface of expanded clay concrete blocks begins from the corner. First, a full row is laid out, and internal partition is erected evenly with outer wall. To avoid the appearance of “cold bridges” at the ends, these blocks need to be lined with foam plastic rectangles 50 mm thick.

Having completed the row, you should check the surface using a building level, since any expanded clay concrete block has a slight error in shape. The holes are filled with mortar, and the bulges are “cut off” with a hatchet or grinder.

Along the entire perimeter of the wall, reinforced mesh or reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is laid in 2-3 rows. A solution or glue is applied on top, after which a new row is laid. Don't forget about alternating the bond and spoon rows.

Important nuances

  • You need to lay the block to the block butt-to-block, leaving a gap of 5 mm between them.
  • A little solution should collect between the pokes. The joint is then quickly created before the mortar hardens. The thickness of the vertical seam is 10 mm.
  • Upon completion of the masonry, the reinforcing belt should be poured. The task of this reinforced concrete structure– additional strengthening of the wall.

Follow all the rules laying expanded clay concrete blocks with your own with my own hands to get the desired result - a durable and warm building. Expanded clay is very fragile only at first glance, but if the technology is followed, walls made of this material will withstand almost any load.

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The economic crisis does not interfere with those wishing to carry out construction own home. Today there is great amount technologies, but the construction of walls from stone material remains the most popular. The conversation will focus on how to correctly lay expanded clay concrete blocks. Simply put, it provides step-by-step instructions for DIY work.

Necessary materials

To lay walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks you will need:

  • blocks made of expanded clay concrete material. The stock of elements should include 5% for unforeseen circumstances;
  • pure water;
  • cement mass and sand. Here it is allowed to use a special mixture purchased at a hardware store;
  • reinforcing metal rods, the diameter of which is 8 - 10 mm;
  • insulation material. It is necessary if a decision is made to insulate walls during masonry work;
  • ·construction mesh for reinforcement.

All materials should be purchased in reserve.

Tools used

Before carrying out work, care should be taken to necessary tools and devices for laying expanded clay concrete blocks. You will need:

  • tape measure and building level;
  • plumb lines;
  • trowels and trowels;
  • rubber mallet and jointing;
  • grinder with circles designed for cutting stone materials;
  • concrete mixer;
  • shovels and containers for preparing masonry mixture;
  • facilities personal protection, workwear;
  • scaffolding for the convenience of working at heights. As a rule, they are rented or made from reliable wood material. Working from a ladder is dangerous and not very convenient.

Preparation of the solution

Laying of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out using cement-sand mortar or ready-made adhesive composition. At self-cooking solution, it is recommended to strictly observe the proportions of the components used:

  • cement composition – 1 part;
  • sand – 3 parts;
  • water – 1 part.

The cement used to prepare the solution must correspond to grade M 400 and higher. The amount of water may vary, because its amount is directly affected by the humidity level of the sand used to prepare the sand solution.

The prepared solution must be plastic so that the block can be easily given the desired position.

The use of liquid solution is prohibited. To increase its elasticity, quarry sand is replaced with river sand. It is allowed to add plasticizers.

If the volume of the solution is small, kneading is done manually. For larger quantities it is recommended to use a concrete mixer. The solution should be prepared in an amount that will be used immediately. If this nuance is not observed, the solution will begin to separate.

What else are expanded clay concrete blocks placed on? It is allowed to use dry adhesive composition. All that is required for preparation is to add water according to the instructions and knead. The glue has good ductility and creates thin seams. But it costs much more than cement.

Preparatory work

When drawing up a design solution for building a house, you should immediately determine the dimensions of the walls in terms of the parameters of solid blocks, taking into account masonry joints, the width of which should not exceed one centimeter. Such gaps will make it possible to compensate for violations of the geometry of the blocks, which will inevitably be revealed during the work.

The technology for laying expanded clay concrete blocks is also determined by the type of material. For the main wall of an object with two to three floors, it is recommended to use solid material; lightweight structures are erected from blocks with voids. Under construction interior walls It is best to purchase hollow partition blocks.

Please note that if you decide not to clad the external walls, you should use a special adhesive composition, ready-made half-blocks and other masonry elements.

Remember that a block with a lined edge cuts worse.

Ends preparatory stage drawing up a diagram that shows how to lay expanded clay concrete blocks. In this case, it is recommended to use the classic method - shifting half a block or shifting the next row by ten centimeters.

Laying the first row

The features of masonry at this stage differ in a certain technology. A waterproofing layer of roofing material or an analogue is applied to the foundation base. With its help, the correctness and geometric accuracy of the object box is specified.

Work should begin from the corners; the mortar layer in these places should not exceed 3 centimeters. Having installed corner bricks, they are pressed and seated, the position is checked with a level. Each corner must be in a single plane.

A cord is pulled along the corner sections, along which the first row of expanded clay concrete blocks is laid.

Wall masonry

All subsequent rows during laying are controlled by a level and “tied up”. It is very important to monitor the geometry of the walls, because it will be difficult to make adjustments after the mortar has set.

The masonry mixture is applied with a trowel, the block is laid, moved towards the end of the previous one, and tapped (if necessary) rubber mallet, remove excess solution.

To know how to correctly lay expanded clay concrete blocks, it is recommended to study popular methods for performing such work:

  1. Half a block. Good way for the installation of objects for economic purposes. The block is laid out lengthwise along the base. The structure needs an insulating layer because the wall thickness is small.
  2. One brick wide. This scheme for laying expanded clay concrete blocks is considered the most common and is used during the construction of residential buildings and garages. During masonry, spoon and tie levels are alternated. An insulating layer is required, the thickness of which will be five or more centimeters.
  3. Well masonry walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks. For this method characteristic difference are the voids between the layers, which are filled during the construction of walls insulation material. This method is recommended when cladding external walls. brick material. The method is considered the most effective in retaining heat indoors.

Laying door and window openings

When laying rows, do not forget to compare their number with the design drawing, so as not to miss the installation of opening sections for windows and doors. On top of each such section it will be necessary to install a concrete lintel, the edges of which will extend into the masonry by at least half a meter.

By the way, instead of a jumper, a metal channel or a large corner is used.

The last row

Having laid out the final row of load-bearing and partition walls, you should make reinforced belt. With its presence, the load from the roof will be distributed evenly across the walls. The height of such a belt should be at least twenty centimeters, the width should be less than the width of the block by the thickness of the insulating layer. The masonry is reinforced with metal mesh.

If you decide to reinforce with a monolithic concrete layer, then before that you will have to install a wooden formwork structure and a reinforcement cage.


Now let's look at how to do reinforcement correctly. When using solid block material, it is recommended to use mesh. It is allowed to install reinforcing bars on hollow block elements, since this method considered very reliable.

Every 4th row and those located above the opening areas are subject to a similar procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages of masonry

We found out how to lay expanded clay blocks. Now we propose to consider the positive and negative aspects inherent in this material.

But there are also negative points:

  1. The level of hygroscopicity of block material. Expanded clay concrete blocks absorb water well, so they require protection from such exposure. If this condition is not met, the most severe consequences may occur. Negative consequences. The properties of the blocks will decrease, strength and resistance to frost will be reduced to zero.
  2. Expanded clay concrete blocks are difficult to process. This is explained by the presence of abrasive qualities of the material.
  3. Expanded clay concrete is afraid of mechanical influences. Most of all, this is revealed during the transportation of material and in the process of masonry work.
  4. Handicraft production workshops have a negative impact on the popularity of block material. There is always a risk of purchasing low quality blocks.


Blocks made from expanded clay concrete raw materials are products that meet the established requirements necessary to obtain a structure that is durable and has a long service life. The unit successfully competes in the market with its characteristics building materials, attracting many buyers not only with quality indicators, but also with cost.


They have been used in the construction process for more than 50 years. Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks is not a complicated process; even a novice master can do it. Additional benefit is having bricklaying skills. You will definitely need to take into account the features of expanded clay concrete and follow masonry technology.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are used for the construction of houses, garages, bathhouses and other structures.

Such elements are produced by pressing from a mixture of expanded clay, sand, cement and water. In this regard, expanded clay concrete is an environmentally friendly material. It contains expanded clay, so the material is porous, lightweight and has excellent thermal insulation properties.

The sizes and shapes of the blocks can be different, everything will depend on the manufacturer and the equipment used in the pressing process. In most cases, rectangular blocks are made. For walls, it is recommended to use material measuring 39x30x18.8 cm and 39x19x18.8 cm. If you plan to build a partition, then blocks 39x19x9 cm are suitable.

The material can be solid or hollow. Hollow ones can have cavities of various sizes and shapes: in the shape of a cylinder, rectangle, with a large or small gap. In the latter, the cavities can be located lengthwise or transversely.

Solid blocks are the most durable, but they are inferior to hollow ones in terms of thermal insulation characteristics. They may include grooves for reinforcing bars.

Laying walls from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands

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Required materials and tools

Before you start laying a wall of expanded clay concrete blocks, you will need to prepare everything necessary tools and materials. Items that will be needed to complete all work:

Types of expanded clay concrete blocks.

  1. Rubber hammer. It will be used to shrink the material during the laying process.
  2. Roulette. Used to take all measurements.
  3. Level. The device will be needed to control the masonry in all planes.
  4. Trowel with a rectangular platform.
  5. The cord is thin.
  6. Square. Will be used to mark blocks.
  7. Grinder with a cutting circle with a minimum diameter of 22 cm.
  8. Shovels.
  9. A container in which to prepare the mixture.
  10. Bucket.
  11. Forests.
  12. Blocks.
  13. Sand.
  14. Cement.
  15. Water.
  16. Insulation material.
  17. Reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8-10 mm. You can also use a special mesh.

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How to prepare a mortar for laying expanded clay concrete wall blocks?

Expanded clay concrete blocks can be laid using a solution of sand and cement or ready-made adhesives.

If you plan to prepare the solution yourself, then the proportions will be as follows:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 0.7 parts water.

The cement must be grade M400 or higher. The amount of water can be adjusted, everything will depend on the moisture content of the sand. As a result, you need to get a plastic solution so that you can easily seat the blocks. The mixture should not spread. To increase the elasticity of the mixture, part of the ordinary sand from the quarry needs to be replaced river sand. To increase plasticity, substances called plasticizers must be added to the mixture.

It is recommended to prepare the solution in a small concrete mixer. At one time you need to prepare such an amount of the mixture that you can use it in a few hours. The solution must be continuously stirred so that it cannot separate.

You can also use a ready-made dry mixture, which you just need to mix with water according to the instructions on the package. This mixture is very plastic, with its help you can easily reduce the thickness of the seams. However, you should know that it costs more than a mixture of sand and cement.

Ready mixtures are made using construction mixer or special nozzle to an electric drill in a container of appropriate size.

In most cases, at least 40 kg of such a mixture is consumed per 1 m³ of block laying. The final consumption of any mixture will depend on the thickness of the seams, which can range from 3 to 9 mm.

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Existing methods of laying walls made of expanded clay concrete

The walls can be laid out various methods. Everything will depend on the required thickness and the materials used for insulation and cladding. The main masonry methods are as follows:

  • in a block facing with bricks and laying insulation material between them;
  • several parallel walls of half a block with insulation material placed between them;
  • half a block;
  • a block wide, performing dressings and alternating spoon and butt rows;
  • 60 cm wide, bandaging the elements and leaving voids between them.

The first method is to lay walls, the thickness of which corresponds to the width of the block. In most cases, walls of similar thickness are erected for country houses or garage spaces. At this method the material should be laid with its long part along the wall line in a row, bandaging and reinforcing the masonry with reinforcing rods with a diameter of 10-11 mm every 4-5 rows. At the top of the wall you need to install an armored belt made of concrete 15-20 cm high. If necessary, the masonry can be insulated with outside mineral wool or polystyrene foam 8-10 cm thick.

In the second method, blocks are placed in the form of several parallel walls in half a block. They are connected to each other with metal rods. Between the blocks there is insulation material 8-10 cm thick. This method can provide excellent thermal insulation of the rooms of the building.

The next method differs only in that bricks are laid instead of one of the walls.

The mortar for cladding walls is prepared from cement, sand and water in a ratio of 1: 3: 0.7

The fourth method is to lay walls 39 cm wide. The masonry is carried out with ligation of elements. Reinforcement is carried out in 4-5 rows using reinforcing bars or mesh. Similar masonry is used to build walls country houses. To ensure maximum thermal insulation, such walls should be insulated on the outside with insulating material at least 5 cm thick. In this case, you can use mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam.

The following method involves bandaging the elements and leaving voids between them, which later need to be filled with insulating material.

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Construction of walls from expanded clay blocks: sequence of actions

When laying blocks using any method, you will need to follow the basic rules for working with this material.

The construction of the walls is made of expanded clay concrete with insulation and finishing.

First of all, you should prepare the base. The surface of the foundation on which the first row of blocks will be laid needs to be leveled. Waterproofing material must be laid horizontally on it in several layers. In this case, you can use roofing felt or any other material.

Expanded clay concrete blocks must be laid from the corners of the structure. A layer of mortar less than 3 cm thick must be applied to the waterproofing material, and then the corner blocks must be laid. You can shrink the block by pressing it and tapping it with a rubber hammer. The location of the corner elements must be additionally controlled using a water level. Only in this way will it be possible to perform even laying. Instead of such a level, you can use a level. Correct location corner blocks also need to be controlled using a plumb line, which is mounted in the corners and raised during the process of laying the walls.

Between corner elements You will need to pull a thin cord, and then lay out the entire row along it. Masonry initial row should be done exclusively using a mortar of sand and cement. After laying out the initial row, you can lay the next one. In the process, you need to bandage the blocks and control the horizontal and vertical of the masonry. Laying all subsequent rows can be done using adhesives.