How to brush your teeth correctly using a brush. How to properly care for your toothbrush? Choosing a toothpaste

An electric toothbrush has long ceased to be a luxury. The numerous advantages of this oral care device have made it an indispensable assistant modern man. However, in its application, moderation and understanding of the basic principles of action are important. Then the use of this technological device will be beneficial and not harmful. In this review, we will look at how to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush to keep them healthy and intact for a long time. long years forward.

The mechanism of action of electric toothbrushes

Unlike a regular classic toothbrush, the electric device is powered by a power source - a battery or accumulator. A compact motor or generator (in ultrasonic devices) directs energy to the head of the device and causes the bristles to move in a certain direction. The nozzles of these devices are capable of producing about 8 thousand reciprocating rotational manipulations and about 20 thousand pulsations per minute. Thanks to this intensity, you can easily clean the surface of your teeth from plaque and food debris.

Besides quality devices enhance the effectiveness of toothpaste. They form foam that penetrates into all gaps and hard-to-reach places, washing away food particles and harmful microorganisms. This dental care device provides an order of magnitude better oral hygiene than its mechanical counterparts.

The benefits of brushing your teeth with an electric brush

Plus No. 1: it copes with soft plaque on enamel twice as effectively as a classic brush

The results of clinical studies prove that an electric brush cleans twice as well as a regular one. When you perform the procedure manually, the pressure applied, the nature of the movements and the cleaning time may vary. Your hand gets tired, you are in a hurry, and quality suffers from all this. With an electric device, all you need to do is move the head of the device correctly from one tooth to another. The nozzle rotates to reach the most remote areas and remove soft plaque.

Independent researchers in their works repeatedly draw attention to the fact that people who first used conventional mechanical brushes, and during the experiment, electric ones, were able to improve the condition of the oral cavity, reduce the amount of hard plaque, and improve the condition of the gums. Moreover, these facts were confirmed by dentists.

Plus No. 2: effectively cleans the entire surface

The head of this brush is made to completely cover one or two teeth, depending on the shape of the head. This means that the bristles remove dirt both from the fissures of the molars and in the places where they meet the gums, as well as in the interdental spaces.

Pro #3: Makes oral care more fun

Over time, cleaning becomes a routine, tedious process that we strive to finish as quickly as possible. Modern gadget can open this procedure with new side. Spectacular appearance, useful functions (for example, a timer), and most importantly, impressive result They will make your daily procedure a pleasant ritual that you will remember with pleasure.

This is especially true for children who are usually too lazy to brush their teeth. Devices for children are often made in bright colors, have ultra-soft bristles and stickers of your favorite cartoon characters, as well as other additions (such as synchronization with educational interactive applications) that distract and entertain your child. Thanks to this, brushing your teeth does not cause rejection and is associated with positive emotions. In addition, due to the sounds produced, such advanced devices, according to some independent researchers, can reduce children’s fear of the drill.

Pro #4: Controls your time

Dentists advise spending at least 2-3 minutes cleaning your mouth. If you do this less than the allotted time, then positive properties The pastes will not have time to act, and some of the dirt and plaque will remain on the teeth. Despite this fact, many people do not keep track of how much time they spend cleaning. An electric brush helps control this too. important point. Many models are equipped with a built-in timer that will tell you when to move on to the next section. This way you will avoid excessive stress on the enamel and achieve a good result.

Contraindications to the use of electrical appliances

Professional dentists recommend that owners of electric brushes alternate their use with mechanical ones. Otherwise, people with weak enamel that is not saturated with minerals may experience problems. Alternation different brushes will help prevent damage to the enamel-dentin layers, cracking and increased sensitivity of the enamel.

There are also several contraindications for use electrical devices. And if you want your teeth and gums to be healthy, then they also cannot be neglected:

  • inflammation of the gums: for example, gingivitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis. The use of a gadget can lead to an exacerbation of inflammatory processes,
  • low density of tooth enamel: this condition is associated with increased abrasion of the enamel, and the action of an electric brush will only worsen the situation,
  • the presence of untreated caries,
  • non-carious dental lesions: wedge-shaped defect, enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, hyperesthesia. The thing is that the affected areas are low in minerals. They are subject to abrasion and destruction, which means intense pressure is detrimental to them. The use of an electric brush is possible only after a remineralization or fluoridation procedure by a doctor.

Many people are also concerned about the answer to the question of whether it is possible to clean dentures, implants, crowns, veneers and fillings with an electric brush. Availability orthopedic structures in the mouth may be a contraindication for the use of certain types of devices, such as ultrasound. They significantly reduce the service life of orthodontic structures, and the vibrations they produce can lead to damage to artificial materials.

Important! Electric teeth cleaning devices should be used with caution by pregnant women and people with cardiovascular diseases.

Whether it is possible to use an electric toothbrush is best decided in each specific case after consulting a dentist. Only a qualified doctor can evaluate the condition of your oral cavity and make recommendations for further care.

How to brush your teeth: instructions for using an electric appliance

Now that we have examined the principles and operating features of electric teeth cleaning devices, we can talk about how to use such devices correctly. In order for the procedure to be carried out effectively and safely, close attention should be paid to several points.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you start cleaning, wet the bristles of the tool well with water and squeeze out a small ball of paste on top. You don’t need much, otherwise too much foam will form, which will prevent you from performing the necessary manipulations properly. A pea-sized portion will be enough. Dentists recommend using the device with pastes that have an abrasiveness value of around 40-50 units. Such indicators are safe for enamel, taking into account the intensity of operation of your device.

Brush position

There are two types of placement of the device relative to the teeth: horizontal and vertical. We hold the device horizontally during external and internal areas, as well as the chewing surface. The vertical position will be convenient when cleaning the front incisors. The bristles themselves, as a rule, are located at such an angle as to remove dirt from the entire surface of the tooth without scratching the enamel and gums.

Cleaning the Exterior

First we treat the teeth with outside. Which jaw to start with - upper or lower - is not so important. We turn on the device, bring the head to the teeth until they come into contact with the bristles. We hold the tool slightly at an angle so that the angle between the surface to be cleaned and the bristles is about 45 degrees. We work without much pressure. We linger on one tooth for a couple of seconds and move on to the other. We make sure that the villi cover each tooth from bottom to top. There is no need to perform any further manipulations - all movements are included in the program of your device.

Pay special attention to the molars, because it is between them that food debris most often gets stuck, the oxidation of which contributes to the occurrence of caries.

Cleaning the interior

Having finished processing outside, go to the inner one. There is nothing new here: gradually move along the dentition, paying attention to each area. To clean the front incisors, turn the device vertically and walk on both sides.

Completing the procedure

The total cleaning time should be two minutes. A built-in timer or an application on your smartphone will help you keep track of time. This option is available in expensive models that keep in touch with your mobile phone via Bluetooth and create a personal program for the user. After completing the necessary steps, rinse your mouth clean water or rinse aid. Rinse the instrument with running water and pat dry with a towel. Wet bristles will become an environment for active growth of microbes, so do not neglect this rule.

For more information on how to use an electric toothbrush, watch the video.

The main rule of brushing your teeth, like any health or hygiene procedure, is to do no harm. We'll give you a few useful tips that will help you carry out daily oral hygiene procedures with an electric toothbrush as efficiently and safely as possible:

  1. Use the brush only in combination with toothpaste and other hygiene products. The fact is that after eating, soft food residues remain in the spaces between the teeth, which the brush fibers cannot remove on their own. These particles are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that destroy enamel. To remove them you will need a irrigator and dental floss,
  2. choose the right nozzle and toothpaste. These hygiene products are individual and must correspond to the condition of the oral cavity. For example, it would be a mistake to use attachments with hard bristles and highly abrasive pastes for sensitive teeth. You should be careful with whitening attachments. Your doctor will help you choose the right hygiene products.
  3. Do not exceed the brushing time set by the program and do not shorten it yourself. You should not expect a noticeable effect if you treat your teeth too quickly or irregularly. And too frequent (more than 2 times a day) and long-term brushing (more than 2-3 minutes) will not help clean your teeth more effectively, but will only harm the enamel, damaging it and making it more sensitive. Therefore, strictly adhere to the rules for using an electric brush,
  4. change nozzles promptly. Manufacturers of almost all devices recommend changing heads at least once every three months. It is important to follow this recommendation because with prolonged use, pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the bristles. Using such a device is not only ineffective, but also harmful. The bristles themselves may become deformed during operation. In this case, about effective and safe care out of the question,
  5. keep the device clean. Take the time to thoroughly rinse the device head after each use. Agree, it will be unpleasant for you to pick up a device that has particles of plaque or food left on it. Under such conditions, the cleaning nozzle turns into a “springboard” for the proliferation of microbes. Washed and dried baits are best stored in special cases.

So, an electric toothbrush can be yours best assistant in the fight for beautiful, well-groomed and healthy teeth. It is important to take the choice of a gadget seriously and learn how to use it correctly. Without this, even the most advanced device can do more harm than good. No matter how expensive and quality tool you haven’t used it, the quality of teeth cleaning always depends on consciousness and awareness.

1 Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich, Shashmurina V.R., Ginali N.V., Tsepov L.M. Studying the opinions of dentists about electric toothbrushes with reciprocating and pulsating motion technology. Russian Dental Journal, 2016.

Why is it so important to brush your teeth?

Many people know that brushing your teeth twice a day is important for oral health. However, few people know why this is important.

Fresh breath

It is clear that the accumulation of food debris and the subsequent development of bacteria in the mouth will lead to bad breath.

Preventing bacteria with regular brushing is the key to maintaining fresh breath and preventing halitosis

Other steps you can take to prevent food from getting into your brush include eating drinking water and chewing gum without sugar.

Preventing gum disease

Eating harmful foods, not visiting the dentist on time, and sometimes just the characteristics of the body can cause plaque if you don’t brush your teeth.

Everyone develops plaque on their teeth to some degree, and it's often caused by leftover food. This food deposit leads to bacteria and hardening. It is a white or yellowish substance between the teeth and at the gum line.

Bacteria in plaque irritate the gums and cause them to become inflamed and bleed when brushing. The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis.

Brushing your teeth regularly will help prevent gum disease by preventing plaque from forming.

Removing stains on teeth

Investing in a quality toothpaste and using it twice a day will help prevent plaque buildup and unwanted breath.

If you have stains on your teeth, a low abrasive toothpaste is a great solution. Not only will it help eliminate bad breath and protect teeth and gums from bacteria, but it will also gently remove stains caused by coffee and red wine.

Brushing your teeth may help prevent dementia

Research has shown that patients with gum disease are more likely to suffer from dementia.

Research conducted Medical University Chun Shan and Medical center National Defense, which was published in the scientific journal Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, found that people who had chronic periodontitis for 10 years or more 70% higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease than in people without chronic periodontitis.

Gum disease and pregnancy

Not only can gum disease affect fertility, it can also have a negative impact on babies in the womb. Women with periodontitis had an increased likelihood that their babies would be born prematurely and be underweight.

When you are pregnant, everything you ingest will be passed on to the baby, so drinking alcohol and drinking too much caffeine are not recommended for pregnant women.

When you don't brush your teeth, the bacteria in your mouth enters your bloodstream, which is also your baby's bloodstream. It is very important to pay close attention to oral hygiene during pregnancy.

Reduces the likelihood of serious illness

    Bacteria that form in dental plaque , can not only penetrate the bloodstream andinfluence the fetus in the uterus , but also increase the likelihood of the formation of bad cholesterol.

    Gum disease is often associated with atherosclerosis, which is accompanied bycholesterol deposition . When these deposits accumulate, a heart attack or stroke can occur. Therefore, it is very important to prevent the formation of plaque, especially if you are over 50 years old.

How to brush your teeth correctly

The main mistake many people make is that they brush their teeth with linear movements from right to left, and by doing so they simply push plaque into the spaces between the teeth. It is recommended to brush the front teeth using up and down movements with some nuances.

It is also worth noting that many people brush their teeth immediately after eating. However, it is at this time that tooth enamel is most vulnerable. Brushing your teeth is recommended 30 minutes after eating.

Here are a few rules you should remember:

1. The brushing procedure itself should take about 3 minutes.

2. The toothbrush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the teeth.

3. Brushing should begin with the front teeth, after which you should slowly move towards the back teeth.

4. When brushing your lower teeth, you should move the brush from bottom to top.

5. When brushing the upper teeth, the movements should be from top to bottom.

6. Using circular and simultaneous raking movements, you should clean the chewing surface of your teeth.

7. It is good to clean molars - hard-to-reach molars.

8. After brushing your teeth, spit out the toothpaste or rinse your mouth with a small amount of water. This should be done in such a way as not to wash off all the paste from your teeth. Otherwise, you risk washing away all the fluoride, which means it will not be able to have a beneficial effect on your teeth.

9. After brushing, you should clean your tongue using the bristles of a toothbrush.

10. It is better to use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. Its size and shape should be such that you can easily reach any tooth and easily clean it.

* Replace your brush every three months, or more often if it has lost its shape.

To be beneficial, brushing your teeth must be done every day. Most people finish their oral brushing routine too quickly. Behind a short time You may remove food debris, but plaque will remain, and this in turn can lead to the development of caries, as well as gum disease.

Try to sometimes change the side on which you start brushing your teeth. You can start brushing your teeth on the right side, and another time start the process from the lower jaw. This way you will begin to be more attentive to this process.

Brush your teeth once in the morning and once in the evening.

How to brush your teeth (video)

Of course, brushing your teeth is only part of a complete dental care routine. You should also:

1. Clean the cavities between the teeth, as this is where bacteria accumulate and develop. In some places the brush simply does not reach. Brushing between teeth should be done once a day to help remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gums.

2. Eat healthily by limiting your intake of sweets and snacks.

3. Visit the dentist regularly to prevent and treat oral diseases

How long should you brush your teeth?

In short, that's about 1,896 hours over a lifetime, but research shows that people actually brush their teeth for about half of that time.

The toothpaste you use must contain fluoride to strengthen your teeth against the ravages of tooth decay.

We brush our teeth if they have braces.

If you have braces, then you should brush your teeth even more often than just 2 times a day, and more specifically after each meal.

* A wearer of braces should cut food finely, especially apples and other hard foods.

* Refrain from eating soft candy, popcorn and other snacks and sweets that tend to get stuck in the teeth.

Moreover, in this case it is not easy to clean your teeth from plaque, which means it is advisable for you to purchase:

Special orthodontic brush equipped with V-shaped bristles

Special fluoride toothpaste

Special brushes



* It wouldn't hurt to get some dental floss.

Here's how to clean:

1. Use a toothbrush to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth. In this case, it is recommended to spend at least 10 seconds on each tooth.

2. Treat your braces with special brushes. The space under the braces should also be treated.

3. The floss will help get rid of food debris between the teeth.

4. Other hard-to-reach places should be cleaned using an irrigator.

5. Finally, you can rinse your mouth with a special mouthwash.

Brush your teeth with the right brush

One common mistake is that people buy either a brush that is too soft or too hard.

In addition, some people buy either a brush that is too large or, conversely, too small, which also affects the quality of teeth cleaning.

How to choose a toothbrush?

The bristles can be either soft or medium-hard, which is what works best for most people.

Here are a few simple rules for choosing a toothbrush:

1. If you have healthy gums, then you can safely use a medium-hard toothbrush.

* Try to use brushes that have a long handle and rubber parts on it so that your hand does not slip and you can adjust the pressure.

* If you have problems with your gums or tooth enamel, it is better to use soft brushes. This also applies to children under 12 years of age, even if they have healthy teeth and gums.

2. According to experts, the length of the toothbrush head can vary between 2 and 3 cm, its height should not exceed 2 cm, and its width should be about 1.5 cm.

* Try to use a multi-tuft brush, that is, a toothbrush consisting of individual tufts and bristles, and preferably with curves at the end of these tufts.

* As mentioned, use one brush for no longer than 3 months, and it’s better to change a soft toothbrush every 2 months

Which brush is better: regular or electric?

In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of brush you use: regular or electric. Both types clean equally well, if you use a good fluoride toothpaste, produce correct movements brush and brush your teeth twice a day.

However, some people find it much more convenient to use an electric toothbrush to deep clean their teeth.

It's also worth noting that some experts believe that an electric toothbrush can clean between teeth better.

The type of brush you choose is entirely up to you. But it is worth mentioning that an electric brush is more suitable for people with hand and shoulder conditions, such as arthritis.

Children over three years old can already use an electric toothbrush.

Remember, if you brush your teeth correctly, it doesn’t matter what type of brush you use.

What toothpaste should I use to brush my teeth?

Choose fluoride toothpaste. For adults, it is advisable to use a paste that contains 1350–1500 ppm fluoride.

It is worth noting that children can also use this paste, but children under three years old should use very little paste, and children under six years old should not exceed the volume of a pea.

If the child does not suffer from caries, he can purchase children's toothpaste with a low fluoride content (1000 ppm).

In any case, it is worth consulting with a dentist, who can tell you which toothpaste is best for you and your child.

Should I use mouthwash?

Using a mouthwash that contains fluoride can help prevent tooth decay. However, you shouldn't use mouthwash - even fluoride - immediately after brushing your teeth, otherwise it will wash away the concentrated fluoride from the toothpaste left on your teeth. Choose a different time to use mouthwash, such as after lunch. It is advised not to eat or drink for 30 minutes after using mouthwash.

How long to brush your teeth

You shouldn't brush your teeth too often. If you do this, there is a risk of damage to tooth enamel and gums.

Experts say that with frequent brushing of teeth, the bristles of the brush wear out faster, its edges become uneven, which means the brushing process will be similar to cleaning with a knife.

In addition, you should not press too hard on the toothbrush.

Brush your teeth after eating

Many people have developed the habit of snacking, quickly brushing their teeth afterward, and continuing with their business.

However, this approach harms the teeth and does not protect them in any way.

Experts advise brushing your teeth 30-60 minutes after eating.

The fact is that our teeth are protected from bacteria or acid, and by brushing our teeth immediately after eating, we destroy this protection. This can mean that it only takes one bacteria to get inside a tooth to cause more damage than a million bacteria.

When is the best time to brush your teeth: before or after breakfast?

So far, enough research has not been conducted around the world to indicate best time for cleaning teeth.

* But there are also those who claim that you need to brush your teeth before breakfast. This is necessary in order to clean the tongue, as well as tooth enamel, from bacterial plaque. If you do not brush your teeth before breakfast, you will swallow food along with plaque, which means that there is a risk of harming the gastrointestinal tract.

* You can take the golden mean - brush your teeth before breakfast, and after it simply rinse your mouth with water or saline solution.

The main thing is to brush your teeth in the morning and evening before going to bed so that food stuck after eating does not harm your teeth.

How to properly brush children's teeth

There is an opinion among parents that children’s baby teeth should not be taken care of, because sooner or later they will fall out and new ones will grow in their place.

This is a misconception, and a child’s teeth need to be brushed, even baby teeth.

Baby teeth also have enamel, but it is quite weak, and caries can affect it very quickly. It is worth noting that caries in children is also associated with nutrition. Even if the baby is not yet fed, breast milk and the formula contains sugar.

Rchild brushes his teeth

If children's teeth have been affected by caries, there is high risk the development of an infection that can affect not only the teeth, but also other parts of the body. Such infections can cause tonsillitis and even pyelonephritis.

There are practically no children who would be happy to see a dentist. And if caries starts, toothache will begin, and the child will not be able to chew food normally.

The worst-case scenario is tooth extraction, but according to experts, baby tooth extraction ahead of schedule, can harm the process of bite formation. In addition, removal of a baby tooth can cause speech impediment, as well as crooked permanent teeth.

All these arguments indicate that baby teeth need to be well looked after.

Whenworth startingbrush your teeth

It is difficult to name the exact age at which you should start brushing and caring for your teeth. The reason is simple – you should start caring for your teeth as soon as they appear, and each person’s teeth grow differently.

As a rule, a person’s very first tooth appears at the age of six months, but it often happens that for some this period comes earlier, and for others even within a year.

When the first tooth erupts, the local immunity of the oral cavity begins to decrease, which means the risk of developing an infection increases if you do not carefully start brushing the tooth. In addition, a small wound will form around the emerging tooth, and the child will experience extreme pain. discomfort during cleaning.

Before teeth appear

1. According to some experts, it is worth starting to take care of your oral cavity before your teeth have even erupted. The fact is that even when there are no teeth, there are accumulations of microorganisms on the mucous membrane that can cause unpleasant diseases, including stomatitis and gingivitis.

2. If you start caring for your oral cavity in early age, this will instill in the child the habit of hygiene, which means the toothbrush will not turn into an enemy.

3. Some dentists advise taking care of your gums at 3-4 months, that is, approximately 2-3 months before the first tooth erupts.

Cleaning teeth with dental floss

Dental floss was created to help clean spaces in teeth that a toothbrush simply cannot reach. It is believed that by cleaning the spaces between the teeth, we prevent the formation of tartar and also significantly strengthen our gums.

1. For good cleaning, you need to take at least 20 cm of thread, and preferably longer (30-40 cm).

2. Wrap the edges of the thread around your index or middle fingers.

3. Grasp the dental floss using the thumb and index finger of each hand. You should end up with about 3-5cm of loose thread.

4. You need to tighten the floss and start cleaning between your teeth.

5. Move the floss in a gentle up and down motion, touching your teeth.

*Treat each tooth in this manner from all sides.

* It is not recommended to “saw” with dental floss, as there is a risk of injury to the gums.

*You should first floss your teeth and only then use a brush.

In the US, the Department of Health has decided to no longer recommend flossing.

The fact is that scientists have not been able to study how effective it is to use dental floss.

In an attempt to find out how this happened, journalists studied many works written over the past 10 years.

Several were found scientific research, in which, at best, the effect obtained from using toothpaste was compared with the effect obtained from using toothpaste and floss.

Scientists, as it turned out, found rather weak evidence in favor of flossing, and the results themselves were based on rather controversial research methodology.

* For example, the duration of one of the experiments was only two weeks, although caries simply cannot develop in such a short period of time under any circumstances.

* In another experiment, only 25 subjects were given dental floss to brush their teeth, and then only once, which, of course, was not enough to measure any changes.

*It's also worth noting that some of these studies were funded by dental floss manufacturers

Is it possiblebrush your teeth with soda

Oral cavity

Baking soda is an antiseptic that can disinfect the mouth when needed. Soda solution is usually used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent.

The fact is that a solution of soda creates an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, which is extremely unfavorable for bacteria.

Rinsing your mouth with baking soda is safe and healthy, as it not only prevents bacteria from developing, but also helps get rid of unpleasant odor.


But brushing your teeth with soda cannot be called safe. Yes, soda cleans teeth, but this happens because it has abrasive properties. This means that its small particles simply remove plaque along with top layer tooth enamel.

Negative effects of soda

1. It is the abrasive properties of soda that can lead to injury to the gums, which can become bleeding.

2. Often, after using soda to brush your teeth, rashes appear around the mouth, which, in fact, are an allergic reaction.

How to Reduce Damage from Soda

1. You should brush your teeth with soda no more than once every 10 days.

2. When cleaning with a soda solution, use only a soft-bristled brush, a cotton swab, or, as a last resort, your finger.

3. After cleansing, you should not eat hot or cold food for a couple of hours.

* If you use this procedure and feel pain while eating hot or cold food, immediately stop using baking soda to brush your teeth.

* To keep your tooth enamel healthy, use only fluoride-containing toothpastes enriched with minerals.

* You can also use a fluoride rinse to strengthen the enamel.

* If you decide to brush your teeth with a soda solution to whiten your teeth, you should eat foods that contain calcium (nuts, dairy products, garlic, parsley, parmesan)

Mistakes we make when brushing our teeth

1. You use one brush for too long.

2. Too muchfastcleanteeth.

You should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes and twice a day. Many people don't do this, brushing their teeth for only about 45 seconds. Try setting a timer, maybe it will help you. You can also play your favorite music while brushing your teeth.

3. Brush your teeth too aggressively.

Treat your teeth gently. Pressing too hard on your toothbrush can damage your gums.

4. Brush your teeth immediately after eating.

You may think that you need to clean your teeth of food debris as quickly as possible, but immediately after eating, your teeth are very vulnerable and you can damage their enamel. Wait 60 minutes and then start cleaning. Immediately after eating, you can rinse your mouth with water or chew sugar-free gum.

5. Store your toothbrush incorrectly.

When you're done brushing your teeth, place your toothbrush upright (in a cup or holder) and let it air dry. Do not keep your toothbrush in a closed container, where germs can quickly multiply.

6. Use a brush with stiff bristles.

Soft bristles are safe. You need to be careful when brushing your teeth. Talk to your dentist about which toothbrush is best for you.

7. Brush your teeth incorrectly.

Here is one method of brushing your teeth. Remember to hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Then gently move the brush back and forth in short strokes across the width of your teeth. Next, clean the outer surfaces, inner surfaces, and chewing surfaces of the teeth. Finally, to clean the inside surfaces of your front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make a few up and down strokes.

8. Using a brush that doesn't suit you.

There are many toothbrushes that can help keep your teeth fresh and clean, both regular and electric. Both types work well. Try it different types until you find one you're comfortable with. No matter what you choose, remember that it's not just about the brush, but how you use it!

Disinfecting your toothbrush will provide an additional level of protection against oral infection and the spread of infectious diseases. Keeping your toothbrush clean is also a good idea in case other people might use it, although this should be avoided.


Disinfecting a toothbrush

    Rinse your toothbrush in hot running water before and after brushing your teeth. Grab the brush by the handle, holding it with your thumb. Guide the bristles under hot water. Do this before and after every brushing of your teeth.

    Dry your toothbrush thoroughly. When you're done cleaning, wipe off any remaining moisture from the bristles. Tap the brush handle on a hard surface, such as a sink, to release water from the bristles. To dislodge more moisture, lower the brush with the bristles down. Let the brush dry completely, without letting the bristles come into contact with anything.

    • If the bristles touch another surface, you may want to rinse them again under hot water and dry them again.
  1. Rinse the brush in an antibacterial solution. Use an alcohol-based solution. Pour in enough solution to completely cover the toothbrush head and bristles. Take a brush and dip the bristles into the solution. Rinse the brush in the solution for 30 seconds. Pull the brush out, tap it on a hard surface (a sink, for example) to shake out any moisture, and then leave it to dry upright without letting the bristles touch anything. Throw away the cup.

    • Never dip the brush into a bottle of solution, otherwise you risk not only contaminating the entire bottle, but also the brush itself.
    • If you are sick, increase the soaking period to 10 minutes.
  2. Hold the brush under ultraviolet light. Many disinfecting machines use ultraviolet (UV) light to kill bacteria on the bristles of your toothbrush. Most of these devices work on a similar principle. Open the cover on the device body. Insert a toothbrush or toothbrush head (for electric brushes) into the inner compartment. Close the lid. Turn on the device and let the UV light clean the bristles for the prescribed amount of time, which is usually no more than a couple of minutes. Pull out the brush when the device tells you it's finished.

    • Some disinfection devices use steam or sound waves instead of UV light. The method of using them is basically the same, but the duration of cleaning may be different.
  3. Change the brush every 3-4 months or as needed. Sometimes it's best to get a new toothbrush. The Russian Dental Association recommends changing your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Regardless, a careful inspection of the bristles will tell you whether you should replace your brush early. The individual bristles should not be very worn (split ends). In addition, if many of the bristles are bent in one direction and even drying does not help return them to an upright position, it means it is time to buy a new brush.

    Store the brush in an upright position. This way you will kill two birds with one stone. First, water and any other liquids will flow out of the bristles due to gravity. And secondly, the bristles will not be located at the bottom of the container, where bacteria collect. The container should be short enough so that the head of the toothbrush is significantly higher than the rim, and the brush itself does not tip over.

    • Whatever you use - a cup or a special stand to absorb possible drips - you should place paper towels under the place where you store your toothbrush. This way, you can get rid of infected fluids without letting them come into contact with other surfaces.
  4. Move the container away from other surfaces. The bristles on your toothbrush should not come into contact with sources of dirt such as the toilet, wall or cabinet. Keep containers 1-2 meters from the toilet so that water particles do not fall on them during flushing.

    Install a wall-mounted toothbrush holder. Place the brush in a holder that can be attached to the wall. Buy a mounting stand and holder from a hardware store. Using a screwdriver, secure the stand to the wall above the sink, and at least 1-2 meters from the toilet, shower and/or bathtub. Place the toothbrush holder on the stand, inserting it vertically.

    • The holder usually has enough space for several brushes. Make sure that the brushes do not touch each other. In addition, there is usually a holder in the center for storing items such as toothpaste. The bristles of the toothbrush should not touch these objects either.
  5. When traveling, keep your toothbrush in its case. If you're going on a trip, don't forget to put your toothbrush in its case. The choice of toothbrush cases is quite extensive, some of them even have antimicrobial properties. If possible, choose them. Whatever you choose, know that the principle of operation of the covers is almost the same - they hide the brush head in a special pocket, and then close or snap into place at the top (not the part where the handle is located). Take the brush out immediately after you get to your destination to clean it and let it dry before using it.

  • Change your toothbrush about once every 3-4 months.
  • Do not store your toothbrush in a closed container for long periods of time.
  • Store your toothbrush upright.
  • Deep disinfection of a toothbrush, as a rule, should not be carried out more than once a week.
  • A few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the bristles will clean them effectively and safely. Hydrogen peroxide is found in both toothpaste and mouthwash. It's quite short and cheap way which can be done after every brushing of your teeth. H 2 O 2 is available in most pharmacies.

It is important to know! Scientists at the University of Manchester have calculated that a toothbrush may contain about one hundred million pathogens, including staphylococcus.

How to disinfect a toothbrush at home

There are many more or less effective ways, let's talk about the most common ones.

  1. Boiling. You need to boil for fifteen minutes, then dry thoroughly. This method has a significant drawback: it damages the bristles, and they quickly wear out. In addition, this method is not suitable for electric brushes.
  2. Disinfection in rinse aid. Any mouthwash contains antibacterial components, so this method quite justified.
  3. Chlorhexidine. The brush remains overnight in a solution of chlorhexidine (0.2%), which prevents the development and reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Special tablets. They contain citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium lauryl sulfate. The tablets are quite easy to use and have an affordable price.
  5. Vinegar. Fill a clean glass with vinegar and lower the toothbrush head down into it. Leave for several hours. After this, rinse it with clean running water. This method is not the best, since in such aggressive environment The bristles can deteriorate and wear out faster. Plus, the smell and taste of vinegar is not that easy to get rid of.

Sterilizer for toothbrushes

Dentists believe that only a special sterilizer can provide the best disinfection. For complete care, you need to rinse the bristles well under water after use, buy new brushes regularly, and use a sterilizer once a week.

Ultraviolet sterilizers are the most effective. As a rule, the lid of such devices is transparent, so radiation breaks through it, which can be used to understand whether the device is working or not. The sterilization process takes only ten minutes, after which the device will automatically turn off.

It has been proven that ultraviolet radiation fights bacteria and microorganisms much more effectively than devices that disinfect using steam or sound waves.

Toothbrush sterilizers from the Russian brand Timson performed very well. To disinfect, it is enough to place the brush in the device for only 6-7 minutes. This device is easy to use and can be taken with you on trips, as it has the shape of a case. The case is adapted to fit any size brushes, including electric brush heads. The sterilizer runs on two AAA batteries.

By following these simple rules, you will keep your teeth healthy for a long time, you will recover faster from a cold, and you will forget about bad breath.

  • Each person in the family should have their own toothbrush. Under no circumstances should it be used by unauthorized persons.
  • Buy new brushes regularly (every two to three months). They should also be replaced after dental treatment at the dentist. It’s easy to understand that you need to throw away the brush: this should be done if the bristles are bent. Also today there are brushes with color indicators of wear.
  • If the brush is not changed regularly, micro cracks will form on the bristles over time, which will also harbor bacteria.
  • It is not advisable to store all the brushes in one cup, because bacteria spread easily. In addition, the cups need to be washed regularly. Place the brushes in a glass with the head up - this way the bristles will retain their shape longer, and the number of pathogens on the bristles will decrease. The storage cup should not be too high and not too low. The head of the brush should be well above the rim, but not so much that the brush falls out of the cup.

  • After brushing your teeth, do not be lazy to rinse the villi thoroughly to remove toothpaste and food particles.
  • It is forbidden to store the brush on open air, because dirt and dust will settle on it. This rule is mostly for vacationers.
  • At the same time, you should also not leave wet brushes in closed cases, because moisture is an excellent habitat for pathogens. Cases can be used exclusively for transportation when you are traveling somewhere.
  • Rules for washing the brush after use: rinse it thoroughly under a hot stream, then shake it off, and place it head up in a clean glass. So excess moisture Under the influence of gravity, it will quickly drain and evaporate.
  • A new brush does not need to be disinfected before use. This stereotype has been entrenched since Soviet times, when brushes were made from natural materials and were sold in open form, without packaging. Modern brushes are made from synthetic materials; if you boil them, this will damage the bristles and cause microcracks where microorganisms will accumulate. After removing a modern toothbrush from its packaging, it is enough to simply wash it with warm water and soap.
  • Cups for storing brushes can be very different, but no matter what you choose - a special rack or a regular cup - you need to put a disposable product under it. paper towel. This way you will get rid of liquids with bacteria, and they will not come into contact with other surfaces in the bathroom.
  • Containers with brushes should be located away from other surfaces in the bathroom so that the bristles do not come into contact with various sources of pollution (wall, cabinet, toilet, etc.) The distance between the container with brushes and the toilet should be at least one to two meters, so that when draining particles Water never came into contact with the brush.
  • Very convenient way store brushes in a special holder that is attached to the wall above the sink.

Another convenient device is brush covers with an antibacterial effect. But even when you get to the hotel on your trip, you should rinse the brush thoroughly before use.

It would seem that daily brushing of teeth is a simple matter, is it worth devoting an entire article to it? Dentists say that most of us brush our teeth incorrectly, and this leads to a number of oral problems. Improper oral hygiene can cause diseases of the teeth and gums, lead to bad breath, and darkening of tooth enamel.

Why brush your teeth?

The oral cavity is one of the most exposed to environment places in the body. Billions of bacteria live in the mouth. We are given teeth for machining food, i.e. chewing food, the remains of which may get stuck between the teeth. This creates a breeding ground for microorganisms. If a person has not brushed his teeth for a long time, bacteria multiply very quickly and a soft plaque forms.

This plaque is very destructive for teeth, because... produces acid that destroys tooth enamel. If you do not clean it off, the tooth will soon be susceptible to carious lesions. In addition, plaque contributes to the disruption of the natural barrier to infections in the mouth. It can also cause halitosis - bad breath and the formation of tartar.

If we regularly clean our teeth of soft plaque, we will not give microorganisms a single chance to cause caries and other problems.

How often should you brush your teeth?

It is necessary to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day - in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed. Dentists recommend a three-minute duration of brushing with a toothbrush (i.e., at least 3 minutes).

In addition to cleaning the external and internal surfaces of the tooth, it is necessary daily Special attention give to interdental spaces. because food debris gets stuck in them, on which plaque—microorganisms—grows very quickly. The interdental spaces are cleaned with special dental flosses without damaging the gums. The floss is carefully inserted between the teeth, bypasses the gums, and removes plaque and food debris from the teeth in the interdental spaces.

Every day you need to finish brushing your teeth with a special rinse, preferably herbal (you can make an infusion yourself). It is important that your daily mouthwash does not contain alcohol or chlorhexidine. The contact time of the rinse with the oral cavity is 30 seconds.

It is also necessary to brush your teeth after every meal. For this, people with healthy teeth will fit chewing gum, which can be used to clean the oral cavity only after eating for no more than 5-7 minutes. In some cases, chewing gum can be harmful for patients with problem teeth, so mouth rinses can be used after meals. Talk to your dentist about how to properly brush your teeth after each meal in your case.

How to choose a toothbrush

In choosing a toothbrush great help advice from your dentist. A soft brush may not clean your teeth as effectively, and hard bristles can damage your enamel and gums. Most often, a medium-hard brush is used. Many people are interested in what is better - an electric brush or an ordinary one. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth with an electric brush no more than 2-3 times a week, because... otherwise the enamel may be damaged.

Good reviews about ultrasonic brushes. They allow you to remove plaque in hard to reach places due to ultrasonic vibrations that lift plaque from the surface. Recommended for sensitive teeth, braces, periodontal diseases, etc. mechanical cleaning difficult. However, the features of such brushes are quite high price, as well as the presence of contraindications - for cancer patients, persons with cardiovascular, mental illness, pacemaker and children under 9 years of age.

Choosing a toothpaste

The paste should also be used taking into account the oral condition of each person. One has sensitive teeth - a special toothpaste is needed to reduce sensitivity. Another has such microflora in his mouth that plaque builds up very quickly - he needs an antibacterial one. In the third case, there may be bleeding gums - a paste is needed for gum health. Very often all this can be combined, then a combined action paste is needed.

When choosing a paste manufacturer, you must also focus on your feelings. After all, it is very important that brushing your teeth is comfortable, and if the taste of the toothpaste causes nausea, a person is unlikely to benefit from it. It happens that, apparently due to individual characteristics microflora of the oral cavity after brushing your teeth with certain pastes, after some time a film forms on the oral mucosa, which creates discomfort. In this case, it is better to replace the paste.

Many people want to make their teeth lighter and for this they constantly use whitening toothpastes. Here you need to know that modern whitening pastes most often contain enzymes that facilitate easier removal of plaque. Although these pastes do not harm the enamel, they can only be used daily for 1-2 months. Highly abrasive whitening toothpastes (used mainly for smokers) are more effective, but also dangerous to the enamel. They can only be used 1-2 times a week.

How much toothpaste do you need?

Many people mindlessly squeeze toothpaste along their toothbrush because advertising taught them to do so: back in the 40s, a guy on an advertising poster carefully squeezed toothpaste along the brush. The fact is that the task of marketers is to teach us to buy more than necessary and thus sell us as many products as possible.

The main task of toothpaste is to provide mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth with a brush. The paste is designed to soften the hardness of the brush, reduce its trauma and soften plaque. Too much a large number of paste reduces the effectiveness of the toothbrush.

So how much toothpaste should you squeeze onto your brush? effective cleaning? Every dentist will tell you that there should be a “pea-sized amount” of toothpaste on your brush.

How to brush your teeth correctly

It must be said that germs need to be removed not only from the teeth, but also from the tongue and cheeks. This will protect your mouth even better. And yet, oral hygiene begins with brushing your teeth.

It is very important not only what we brush our teeth with, but also how. How well we remove plaque from our teeth depends on the movements we make with a toothbrush.

Movements with a toothbrush should be vertical, as if sweeping bacteria from the gums to the cutting edge of the tooth (dentists call it “sweeping” movements). Why not horizontal or circular? Horizontal and circular movements contribute to the fact that plaque accumulates even more in the interdental recesses. In addition, as a result of horizontal movements, we can get a so-called wedge-shaped defect.

It not only makes the smile less attractive, but also greatly increases the sensitivity of the teeth, and in later stages leads to periodontal disease and tooth loss.

So, let's start brushing our teeth.

1. Taking the brush in your hands and rinsing it well with water, apply pea-sized paste. You can apply more paste, but then it will create a lot of foam, which will interfere with cleaning.

2. Upper teeth: bring the brush to the upper edge at an angle of 45 degrees.

3. We begin to produce vertical movements (in this case from top to bottom). There are 3-4 movements around each tooth. We start with the back teeth and move to the front.

4. We do the same with inside upper teeth: brush at an angle of 45 degrees, sweeping movements. As soon as we reach the front teeth, starting with the fangs, we change the position of the brush and make the same movements, only in the position of the brush, as shown in the figure:

5. We clean the chewing surfaces of the teeth with horizontal movements, back and forth movements are allowed, but it is better to “sweep out” the plaque again from the back teeth to the front.

7. When cleaning the inside of the teeth, starting with the fangs, we again change the position of the brush.

8. At the end we clean the tongue, because a lot of microorganisms accumulate on it. Movements from the root of the tongue to the tip.

10. We tear off the dental floss and clean the interdental spaces, starting from the back teeth to the front. You cannot clean different interdental spaces with the same piece of floss, because... in this way we will transfer bacteria from the previous area to the next one. It is convenient to tear off about 30 cm of thread and place it between 2 index fingers, leaving a few centimeters for cleaning. As you clean, wrap the used thread around one of your fingers. Be careful not to injure your gums.

11. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash for 30 seconds.

After brushing your teeth, make sure that the toothbrush does not “pick up” excess germs before the next use. To do this, it is recommended to soap it and leave it in this state until next time. Be sure to rinse it well before use. Brush your teeth only with your own toothbrush, and do not forget to change it for a new one at least once every 2-3 months.