How to put double brackets on the keyboard. MY adept travel notes. Single and double sign - “Herringbone”

Depending on what language layout is used when working with a text document in Microsoft Word, by default you can put one of two types of quotation marks - “herringbone” in Cyrillic and “straight” (they can be double or single, and the first character can be located at the bottom lines, and above) in Latin. However, firstly, they are all entered differently, and secondly, it is not always convenient to switch between languages ​​in order to quickly enter one or another character. Today we’ll talk about how you can put quotation marks of absolutely any type and how to simplify this procedure as much as possible.

Almost all the characters needed to enter quotes different types, are on the keyboard (although they may have a slightly different appearance). At the same time, Word allows you to put not only them, but also other varieties of this punctuation mark. But before we begin to consider how and what quotes should be entered in a text editor, we will show the main and most frequently used of them.

  • French quotation marks (“Christmas trees”) - “Christmas trees”;
  • German quotation marks (“paws”) - “paws”;
  • English double quotes - “English double”;
  • English single quotes are 'English single'.

In the Russian language, it is “herringbones” that are most often used, while “paws” find their application in writing nested text, which implies the content of quotation marks inside quotation marks.

Method 1: Keyboard Keys

French herringbones and English quotation marks can be entered using the keyboard, and the image below shows which keys to use (plus Shift). ‘‘Straight’’ and “German” quotation marks are entered in a similar way, but not without nuances.

Christmas tree quotes
Characters of this type are assigned to the number 2 in the upper numeric block of the keyboard. They must be entered in the Cyrillic layout (Russian, Ukrainian, etc.), so first switch to it using the keys "ALT+SHIFT" or "CTRL+SHIFT"(depending on what combination is installed in the system settings), or use the icon in the system tray for this.

English 'singles' and 'doubles'
As mentioned above, these quotes come in two types - single and double. Both symbols are on the same key - this is the letter ‘e’ of the Russian alphabet.

Having “endowed” your system with the German language, switch to it and perform exactly the same steps as for entering “Christmas trees”. That is, use the keys "SHIFT+2" to enter first the opening and then the closing quotation mark, as a result of which you will get exactly “paws”.

‘‘Straight’’ quotes
Despite the fact that we have not highlighted these quotation marks in any separate species in the introduction, many users (and programs) prefer to use them when writing text. Microsoft Word, by default, replaces these symbols with the “Christmas trees” we discussed above (at least in its Russian version). But if there is no need to use the latter, you can easily use “straight” ones instead of them and even cancel the autocorrect function altogether. But first things first.

In order to enter “straight” quotes, you just need to cancel the herringbones immediately after entering them. That is, first you should press in the Russian layout "SHIFT+2", and then "CTRL+Z".

This action will cancel the character conversion. Be sure to do this immediately after typing the quote, before pressing any other keys.

Both opening and closing straight quotation marks look the same.

Disabling automatic replacement of straight quotes with double quotes
If there is no need to write “Christmas trees” at all, and instead of them on an ongoing basis you only need to put “straight” quotes, the character auto-replacement function can and should be deactivated.

  1. Open "Options" Microsoft programs Word (menu "File" in Word 2010 and higher or button "MS Office" in earlier ones).
  2. In the window that appears in front of you, go to the section "Spelling".
  3. In chapter "AutoCorrect Options" click on the button of the same name.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, go to the tab "Autoformat as you type".
  5. In chapter "Replace as you type" uncheck the box next to the item ‘‘straight’’ quotation marks “paired”, then click "OK".
  6. Automatic replacement of straight quotes with double quotes will no longer occur.

    Advice: If you have to put Christmas tree quotes in Word much more often than the so-called paired ones, the autocorrect parameters discussed above will need to be accepted and saved only for the current document.

    Microsoft Word also allows you to fine-tune your AutoCorrect settings. For example, you can make sure that “herringbones” entered in the Russian keyboard are automatically replaced not with “straight” ones, but with German “legs” or English “single” ones. How to do this is described in the article provided at the link below.

Every person who works with texts in the slightest degree is familiar with a word processor or application designed for creating, editing and viewing text documents - Microsoft Word or Word. Translated from English it means “word”. After installing the Microsoft Office software package in Word, when printing quotes on the Russian keyboard layout (pressing the “2” key while holding down the “Shift” key), printing may not be french quotes which are called Christmas tree quotes, and English double quotes (they are also called straight quotes), which look like this: “quotes”. English quotes are printed in almost any text editor and browsers, unless, of course, you use special keyboard shortcuts, which I will discuss below. But how do you type text using herringbone quotes in Word?

Christmas tree quotes in Microsoft Word 2010-2013

To ensure that only Christmas tree quotes are printed when typing in Russian in Word, you need to make small changes to the Word settings. If you have Word version 2010 or 2013 installed, launch it and click on the “File” tab in the upper left corner of the window with the left mouse button.

In the window that appears, select “Options” by clicking the left mouse button.

The Microsoft Word program settings window will open, in which you need to select the “Spelling” menu item in the left column. Then click the AutoCorrect Options button.

After this, another small window will open where you can set the autocorrect parameters. Here you need to go to the “Autoformat as you type” tab and check the “straight” quotes “paired” box.

Then go to the “AutoFormat” tab and do the same thing - check the “straight” quotes “paired” box. To confirm the changes made to the Word autocorrect parameters, click the “Ok” button.

The Word program options window must be closed by clicking the “Ok” button.

Nothing complicated, agree. Now, when typing quotes in Russian text, Christmas tree quotes or French quotes will be printed.

Christmas tree quotes in Microsoft Word 2003

If you have Microsoft Word version 2003 installed, the process for setting up AutoCorrect will remain the same. The only difference will be in how the Word autocorrect settings window is called up. Launch the program, then left-click on the “Tools” menu item located in the top center. Then, from the drop-down list of all services, select “AutoCorrect Options.”

A small settings window will open with the AutoCorrect option, in which, as in versions of Word 2010-2013, you need to go to the “Autoformat as you type” tab. Here, check the “straight” quotes “paired” box.

Now you need to open the “AutoFormat” tab and check the box next to “straight” quotes in pairs. After this, confirm the changes made to the Microsoft Word 2003 AutoCorrect settings by clicking the “Ok” button. This completes the setup of Word in Windows 7.

Christmas tree quotes in Microsoft Word 2007

For Microsoft Word version 2007, the principle of setting AutoCorrect parameters remains the same. Launch Word and click on the four-color Microsoft icon in the upper left corner of the window with the left mouse button. A list of menu items will appear, where you will need to click on the “Word Options” button.

In the Word text editor settings window that appears, go to the “Spelling” menu item in the left column, and then click the “AutoCorrect Options” button.

You can already guess what to do next. Go to the “Autoformat as you type” tab and check the “straight” quotes “paired” box.

The same changes in the AutoCorrect settings must be made on the “AutoFormat” tab. To confirm the changes made, press the “Ok” key.

Close the Word options window by clicking the “Ok” button.

Christmas tree quotes in any text editor and browser

There are two ways to type Christmas tree quotes in other text editors or browsers. Firstly, simply by copying these quotes from the finished text. But what to do if you don’t have a text with an example of Christmas tree quotes at hand? Everything is very simple. For operating room Windows systems 7 there is the following combination, when typing it, French quotes will be printed:

  • to open a French quotation mark, hold down the “Alt” key on the keyboard and type 0171 on the numeric pad of the keyboard located on the right, then release the “Alt” key;
  • For a closing French quotation mark, hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and type 0187 on the numeric pad of the keyboard located on the right, then release the Alt key.

This way you can print Christmas tree quotes wherever necessary. If you have any questions, of course, ask them in the comments to the article. Be on friendly terms with your computer!

When working with text, there is often a need to put quotation marks. It would seem, what is simpler? In fact, this is not always easy to do, because we may be talking about a specific type of quotation marks. There are several methods to insert them. Each has its own pros and cons.

The 4 most commonly used types of quotation marks are:
  • French or “herringbone”;
  • German or “paws”;
  • “English doubles”;
  • ‘English singles’.
In Russian, there are 2 types of quotation marks: German “paws”, French “herringbones”. The first ones are 2 apostrophes. They are located at the top. Their usual use is when the text is written by hand or direct speech is inserted inside French quotation marks “”. The second is a pair of brackets that open and close a word or text. They are used by professionals. To enter quotes using the keyboard, there are the following methods:
  • combining keys;
  • using a specialized symbol window in Word;
  • using the symbol table;
  • using the ASKI code table.
The design of the keyboard does not include an individual key for quotation marks. Therefore we have to use various combinations. Depending on what language is set in this moment, combinations are selected. The principle is this:
  • The cursor is placed at the place where you plan to put the quotation marks.
  • Hold down the Shift key and press the number “2” if we are writing in Russian. If the working language is English, “e” is Russian.

As you can see, quotes have appeared “paws”, “Christmas trees” cannot be placed in this way.

To expand your capabilities, you should use the word processor Word. The key combination is the same, but if at this time the text is typed in English, we will get “paws”, in Russian – “Christmas trees”. You can do it another way:
  • open the “Insert” tab in Word;
  • click “Symbol”;
  • go to “Other symbols”;
  • find and select the required type of quotes;
  • activate the “Run” button.
Another method, but it only works when the working language on the keyboard is English. The algorithm is as follows:
  • launch the “Symbol Table” snail by searching;
  • find the necessary quotes;
  • using the key combination “Ctrl”, “C”, transfer them to the clipboard;
  • go to the text in which you need to insert quotation marks;
  • insert the symbol by pressing “Ctrl” and “V” at the same time.
You can also insert quotation marks using a specific set of numbers (ASKI codes):
  1. Activate the Cars Lock key.
  2. Press and hold “Alt” on the right.
  3. Press the “+” and “0” keys, then enter the code “34”. “Paws” will appear. To get Christmas trees, use the code “171” when opening and “187” when closing.

The method is simple if you remember the codes.

When you have Word 2013 installed, when you type “legs” on the keyboard, they are immediately automatically replaced with “herringbones”. If this is not required, then use the combination of Ctrl and Z or the “undo” icon at the top of the panel - and autocorrect will be canceled. True, doing this every time is inconvenient. For greater comfort, it is better to disable autocorrect in the settings. To do this, we make the following transitions:
  • "File";
  • "Options";
  • "Spelling";
  • “AutoCorrect Options”;
  • “Autoformat as you type.” Here we remove the “straight” mark from the “paired” quotes.

Having familiarized ourselves with all the methods, we conclude: of all existing methods you should choose the most convenient one to work with pleasure.

- (Quotation marks, Quotes) Paired punctuation marks [period, comma, colon, dash, ellipsis, etc.], used to highlight names, direct speech, quotes, etc. There are several types of quotation marks used depending on ... ... Font terminology

- (quotes are wrong), quotation marks, unit. No. Sign (or „) to highlight other people’s words, quotes, direct speech characters in a literary work, as well as names of lit. and other works and words, used. in an ironic or conventional way, improper... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

A paired punctuation mark (. or) used to highlight direct speech in the text (including quotations and titles), as well as words used in a different way... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

QUOTATION QUOTES, check, unit. chka, and, female Signs (, or") to highlight direct speech, quotes, titles, as well as words used in a conditional or ironic sense. Take the quotation from: Scientist in quotation marks (not deserving of this title, so-called; ironic) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Quotes- A pattern in which your message is included in the quotation, as if someone else said it. A linguistic pattern in which your message is expressed as if someone else is speaking it. A short explanatory psychological and psychiatric dictionary... Great psychological encyclopedia

Quotes - pair sign punctuation, used to highlight names, direct speech, quotes, to emphasize the ironic use of a word or phrase, etc. In the typographical set of K. there are usually two drawings: “” so-called. Christmas trees and so-called. paws... ... Publishing dictionary-reference book

Punctuation mark. They are used in constructions with direct speech, with quotes and individual words. Enclosing quotation marks marks the foreignness of the words for the author of the statement due to various reasons. Sometimes the use of quotation marks can be explained... Literary encyclopedia

quotes- punctuation mark in the form of a double comma is used when conveying someone else's speech, titles, conventional names, highlighting concepts and words. When writing quickly, quotation marks look like squiggles. They arose from an almost universally forgotten word... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Check, check; pl. (unit quotation mark, i; g.). Typographical signs (, etc.) to highlight direct speech, quotes, titles; words used not in their own sense, but in an ironic or conventional sense, as well as words and expressions from a vocabulary alien to the author.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A paired punctuation mark, which is used to highlight direct speech, quotes, names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises, as well as individual words, if they are included in the text not in their usual meaning, are used in... ... Dictionary linguistic terms


  • Homeless Day. Put in quotation marks, Nadezhda Vasilievna Bazarova. The work of St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the crime genre and...
  • Homeless Day. Put in quotation marks, Nadezhda Vasilievna Bazarova. The work of St. Petersburg writer Nadezhda Bazarova is presented in this book with fascinating stories with a slight accent of the crime genre and an intriguing plot.…

When are quotation marks needed?

In modern Russian, quotation marks perform the following functions:

  1. Highlighting paragraph-free direct speech and quotations.
  2. Identification of conventional (proper) names.
  3. Highlighting words that are used in an unusual, ironic, special meaning.

Separate articles in the “Pismovnik” are devoted to the design of quotation marks, the design of quotations, the use of quotation marks in proper names, and the use of quotation marks in abbreviated names.

For quotation marks in direct speech, see “Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation.”

Below we will consider the features of using quotation marks for words used in an unusual, ironic, special meaning.

Quotation marks for words not used in their usual meaning

Quotation marks for words used in an unusual, special, conventional, ironic meaning not only help the author of the text to draw the reader’s attention to a particular word or expression, but also make it possible to use lexical units belonging to a different style, for example, to use a colloquial word in a journalistic text (in such cases, quotation marks are often used by the author for “reinsurance”).

The first thing to note is that quotation marks for unusually used words are considered as optional sign (as opposed to the obligatory use of quotation marks for proper names and direct speech).

“Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing” by D. E. Rosenthal indicates that the following are highlighted in quotation marks:

1) unusual, rarely used words that the author wants to draw attention to;

2) words used in a special, unusual meaning;

3) words that are little-known terms;

4) words are outdated or, conversely, completely new, if this feature of them is emphasized;

5) words used in an ironic sense;

6) words used in a conditional meaning (in relation to a situation or context).

Thus, one of the main criteria when using quotation marks of this type is “usuality/unusuality”, or, in other words, “familiarity/unusuality”. But it is often very difficult to distinguish between the “habitual” and “unusual” meanings of a word: firstly, for this you need to have a highly developed linguistic sense, and secondly, cases often arise when what is “usual” for one native speaker is “unusual” for another . Finally, the “unusual” meaning of a word can become “habitual” over time. This is why placing quotation marks on unusually used words raises so many questions.

What should you be guided by when answering the question about putting quotation marks? Here are two simple rules:

    focus on dictionary entries in explanatory dictionaries Russian language: if the word (phrase) is already fixed in them, therefore, the meaning is not unusual and quotation marks are not needed;

    take into account the style of the text in which such lexical units occur. Of course, they can most often be found in newspaper and magazine texts, but at the same time, in “serious” media that offer readers materials on socio-political and socially significant topics, placing quotation marks on unusually used words is more appropriate than, for example, in newspapers and magazines aimed at a youth audience and writing on “light” topics, since when a word is used in an “unusual” meaning, it often has a colloquial or vernacular connotation.

Words and phrases that do not require quotation marks

The list contains words and phrases for which visitors to the “Reference Bureau” of “” often ask about the advisability of placing quotation marks.

It should be remembered that these lexical units are usually don't stand out in quotation marks:

Remember also:

The words following the phrase are not enclosed in quotation marks so-called. The exception is when these words are used in an unusual or ironic meaning.