How to calculate tiles in square meters calculator. How many tiles are there in a square meter? Tile area. Calculation of floor tiles

Tile is the most common finishing material, which is used for cladding not only internal but also external surfaces. He can withstand temperature changes and doesn't care high level humidity, but most importantly - ease of maintenance. When choosing this material for an apartment or house, the first thing you think about is: how to calculate how many tiles are needed in each specific case?

As a rule, most people initially purchase an approximate amount of the necessary material (tiles, wallpaper, etc.) depending on the cost. However approximate calculations lead to unreasonably high costs. The excess will simply gather dust in some corner, without bringing any benefit. In this article, we will try to do without this and make a more accurate calculation based on what exactly the tiles will be spent on.

Necessity of calculation

If you need to carry out repairs in your apartment or private property, you need to calculate everything correctly so that there is no excess. Some people believe that extra material is not a hindrance, but in reality everything is not so simple. During renovations, most people spend a considerable amount financial resources, and excess tiles lead to unjustified costs. After all, hardly anyone wants to overpay for floor tiles?! In addition, its remains are usually not needed by anyone.

Often, having made an approximate calculation of the amount of material, you can find that there is simply not enough of it. All you have to do is go to the store and buy the rest you need. However, it's not that simple. The fact is that each batch produced has differences in shades. For this reason, in many stores, samples from the same collection have different prices. As a result of all this, you can see areas with different tones on the floor or walls, which somewhat spoils the overall impression.

In order to prevent the destruction of harmony in the design of the room, it is better to immediately make the most accurate calculation of the tiles. When choosing tiles for the floor or walls for your room, you should know its pros and cons, so as not to be disappointed later. You may need to give preference to a different finishing material, who knows?!

Advantages of tiles

The popularity of tiles is difficult to underestimate or overestimate due to the obvious advantages of the material:

  • tolerates moisture;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • immune to the effects of aggressive environments;
  • easy to clean;
  • it can be used in low or high temperature environments;
  • Relevant for a heated floor system in a bathroom or kitchen.

The tiles are available on the market in a wide variety of shapes and shades. Thanks to this, the material deservedly enjoys fame among professional designers. With it you can create original interiors, since the tile itself is already a good decor. In our modern times, interior decoration is becoming more and more popular every year. At the same time it is produced partial finishing not only bathrooms and kitchens, as we are already accustomed to seeing. Living rooms also look good with elements of such decor.

Disadvantages of finishing decor

To solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed for different surfaces, the shortcomings of the material should also be known in person. Compared to the advantages, there are not many of them. And one of them is high degree rigidity. On the one hand, this is even an advantage, but on the other hand, dishes that fall on the tiled floor will inevitably break. Also, due to this quality, serious difficulties arise when cutting tiles. Particularly for materials with a glazed surface.

In addition, enameled and polished tiles are quite slippery. Fortunately for most renovation lovers, all these existing shortcomings are not so serious, so now you can safely move on to directly studying the calculation of the required number of tiles.

Features of calculation of facing material

How to calculate the number of tiles? any universal option or there is no special formula for this. Some may immediately object that it is enough to know the area of ​​the room. In reality, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is important to take into account the condition of the floor, what the final version will be, and the dimensions of one tile sample. It is also important to consider whether the pattern will be created, the method of laying the tiles and what kind of surface: floor, walls, backsplash (usually in the kitchen) or bathroom (in whole or in part).

Let's try to understand this difficult issue. By making the calculation using the methods described below, you can determine the net amount of tiles. However, during the work it will need to be trimmed, and therefore it is worth adding another 10-15% to the result obtained. This is an error that is inevitable - the material will break when cutting and the like.

Number of tiles per floor

How to calculate the number of tiles for the floor? The dimensions of the room and the tile itself should be taken as a basis. In this case you can use different ways. For example, let's take the average dimensions of a room, which is typical for most residential buildings: length - 3 meters and width 2 meters. For calculation, it is better to reduce all known ones to one form: length - 300 cm, width - 200 cm, tile dimensions - 20 x 15 cm.

To begin with, you can determine the area of ​​the floor in the room and one tile. It's not that difficult - the length is multiplied by the width (the answer is 60,000 cm 2 and 300 cm 2, respectively). Now you need to divide both values ​​among themselves, the result will be the amount of material. That is, Q=60000/300=200 (pieces). If the answer is fractional, it must be rounded up, for example, 63.35 = 64.

You can divide the length of the floor by the same parameter of the tile (the answer is 15 cm). The same thing with the width - 200 divided by 15 and we get 13.33. All that remains is to multiply the obtained values ​​among themselves and calculate Q = 13.33 * 15 = 199.95, but taking into account rounding - 200 pieces. Taking into account the error - 220-230 pieces, no less.

Calculation of tiles on the wall

How to calculate tiles for a wall? Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If tiles of the same color are laid on several walls (or on all 4 as when tiling a bathroom), then the calculation can be carried out as with the option for the floor. First, the number of tiles is determined in relation to one wall, and then to the other, and so on. At the end, the results obtained are summarized, not forgetting to add 10-15%. Only when taking measurements of the walls, it is worth excluding the area of ​​the interior passage, as well as all other places where there will be no tiles.

It’s another matter if you need to lay out some kind of pattern or ornament from the tiles, as you like. Here it’s worth mastering the designer’s specialty a little, armed with a pencil and a piece of paper on which to draw up a rough drawing on which the entire pattern and the location of each tile will be clearly visible.

To begin with, it is worth carrying out a standard calculation of wall tiles with a pattern for one of the walls. That is, measure its height and divide by the length of the tile. For example, the height of the room is 250 cm, and the length of the tile is 30 cm. As a result of division, we get the answer - 8.3, which we round up to 9. That is how many horizontal rows there will be.

Next, we take into account the length of the wall (or width), for example, 300 cm (200 cm). Suppose we put square tiles and therefore its other parameter is also 30 cm. Now we calculate the number of vertical rows and as a result of the calculation we have - 10 (20). Now we multiply these two values: 9*10 (20) = 90 (180).

Now is the time to refer to our drawing and count how many tiles are of a distinctive color. Then this number is subtracted from the total calculated quantity.

How many tiles are needed for a bathroom?

In fact, determining the amount of tiles for a bathroom is practically no different from the examples given above. Here it is also necessary to measure the height and length (width) of the walls. Usually such premises in many residential buildings are made in regular square or rectangular shape. In this case, if it is a square, it is enough to measure the parameters of one of the walls, and then multiply by 4 during the calculation. For a rectangular room, you already need to measure two walls, and again need to multiply by 2.

Sometimes it is difficult to calculate how many tiles are needed for a bathroom. The fact is that the interior of some rooms is complicated by niches and protruding elements. Then you will have to separately measure each surface on which the tile will lie.

The obtained values ​​should be written down, but for greater convenience it is better to plan the room. At the same time, indicate the location of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other elements. This will allow you to more accurately determine how much material is needed and minimize excess.

Usually during the calculation it is necessary to exclude some areas. For the bathroom this is the doorway. There is also no need to lay tiles under the bathtub, since this part of the walls will not be visible. Especially when installing a screen, which will allow you to save a little on material. Therefore, measuring the height of the surfaces to which the bathroom adjoins should start from its sides.

Counting tiles for backsplash

How to calculate tiles for a backsplash? Typically the dimensions of this area, minus wall cabinets and the allowance for the table top is 55-75 cm, which corresponds to the standard. However, in some cases, this working area of ​​the kitchen may have different dimensions.

To determine how many tiles will be used for the apron, you must first find out whether it will be made for the entire length of the wall or not.

If the furniture is already present, then you need to measure the necessary parameters:

  • the height of the bottom row of cabinets with table top and legs (if any);
  • height of the top row of cabinets;
  • If you have a pencil case, you will also need its height.

In addition, it is also worth taking into account the height of the hood, which is usually 72 cm from the countertop, and its allowance, which is another 10 cm. It is also necessary to retreat from the apron by 3-5 cm in order to hide its edge behind the set.

If there is no furniture yet (if major renovation or for a number of other reasons), you should mark two boundaries on the wall below and above. The first is a line of floor cabinets, and the second is the bottom edge of wall furniture. Lines must be drawn evenly using a level to the required length. This will allow you to more clearly and accurately solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles you need.

In any case, you will end up with a rectangular section, the length and height of which must be measured to calculate the area of ​​the apron. If the plot is corner, then calculations are carried out from each of the walls, and then the two results are summed up. You also need to calculate the area of ​​the tile.

Now all that remains is to divide the calculated value of the apron by the area of ​​one tile, thus determining their total number. Just don’t forget about the 10% reserve. Fractional numbers are rounded up.

Diamond laying

This method of laying tiles on the floor or walls looks more prestigious and harmonious. How to calculate is already known - determine the area of ​​surfaces (walls, floors) and tiles. Then divide the received data among themselves. For example, the floor area was determined to be 7.5 m2, and the tiles - 0.09 m2. Then the result will be: Q=7.5/0.09=83.33, taking into account rounding we get 84 pieces.

The tiles need to be laid from the center of the surface to the periphery; the size and shape of the tiles should also be taken into account. In addition, you will need to trim the edges, which increases material consumption. For this reason, the reserve will already be 15-20%. That is, in the end we have 97-100 tiles.


As you can see, calculate required amount facing material not as difficult as many people think. And to facilitate the whole process or when you are too lazy to carry out all the calculations yourself, there is a convenient option - an online calculator. All you need to do is enter the required data. Therefore, measurements will still have to be taken.

You can also contact a specialist who will calculate everything on the spot within half an hour. But at the same time, you will have to part with some money, and also listen to a professional opinion that it is better to entrust the installation to specialists. Perhaps even from the company where he works.

But if only a person experienced in this matter can really handle laying tiles, then each of us can solve the question of how to calculate how many tiles are needed. After all, we all went to school, at least most of us.

If you decide to renovate the bathroom, then to finish the walls and create flooring in most cases, ceramic tiles are chosen. This is a moisture-resistant and durable material, so it is perfect for finishing sanitary facilities. But tile is a fairly expensive material, so during the renovation process the question will certainly arise as to how much it will be needed to decorate the room. How to count bathroom tiles so that there is no surplus, but no shortage?

Ceramic tiles are probably the best choice finishing material for rooms with difficult conditions operation, which includes the bathroom. Before carrying out repairs, you need to make a calculation of the tiles for the bathroom in order to correctly determine the required amount of material.

We take measurements of the bathroom

Before you calculate the tiles for the bathroom, you need to arm yourself with a tape measure and take measurements of the room. You will need to measure the length of the walls and their height. It's easiest if the room has correct form square or rectangle. In the first case, it will be enough to measure one of the walls, in the second - two.

If the room has a complex configuration, it has niches or protruding elements, it is more difficult to take correct measurements. You will have to measure all the elements of the room.

The results obtained should be written down, or even better, a plan of the room should be drawn up to scale. This plan will be useful when developing a renovation design project and in order to calculate how much material to buy. It will be possible to mark the arrangement of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other necessary things.

We make calculations for bathroom tiles

To determine the consumption of ceramic tiles, you need to remember the simplest formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of a rectangle. The area is calculated using the formula:

To calculate the perimeter you will need the formula:

P = (D + L) * 2,

The following symbols are used in the formulas:

  • S – wall area, expressed in m²
  • P – room perimeter (m)
  • D is the length of the room.
  • L – width of the room.
  • H – wall height.

The total area of ​​the room is the sum of the areas of the walls. When calculating this parameter, the area of ​​surfaces that are not planned to be tiled is subtracted from the result obtained, usually a door in a bathroom.

Advice! Sometimes, in order to save material, tiles are not placed in the space under the bathroom, because if a screen is installed, these surfaces will be reliably hidden from view. If this layout option is chosen, then the height of the walls to which the bathtub is adjacent is measured starting from the side.

Calculation example

To make it clearer how calculations are made, let's use an example. There is a rectangular room with the following parameters:

  • The long wall is 3 meters.
  • Short wall – 2 meters.
  • Ceiling height – 2.7 meters.

We carry out calculations:

  • The perimeter in our case will be equal to: (3 + 2) * 2 = 10 meters.
  • The area of ​​the long wall is: 3 * 2.7 = 8.1 m².
  • Square short wall will be: 2 * 2.7 = 5.4 m²
  • Provided that the width of the door is 0.6 meters and its height is 2.2 meters, its area will be equal to: 2.2 * 0.6 = 1.32 m².
  • The total area of ​​the walls to be covered will be: (8.1 * 2 + 5.4 * 2) – 1.32 = 25.68 m²
  • The floor area will be: 3 * 2 = 6 m²

We count the number of tiles and other elements

To understand how many ceramic tiles you need to buy to renovate a bathroom, you need to know its size, since manufacturers produce the material different types.

Calculating the amount of material for the walls

For example, the following material is selected:

  • Rectangular wall tiles measuring 30 by 20 cm.
  • Horizontal borders measuring 10 by 20 cm.
  • Pencils measuring 1.5 by 20 cm.

Let's calculate how many borders and pencils we need. To do this, you need to divide the perimeter by the length of the element. In this case, the width of the door should be subtracted from the perimeter. In our example, we get the following: (10 – 0.6) / 0.20 = 47. If the result is a fractional number, then we round up.

Since the pencil is placed on both sides of the border tile, it will need twice as much, that is, 94 pieces. Now let's calculate the area tiles, it will be 0.06 m² (0.3 m * 0.2 m). It remains to divide the total area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the tiles, we get: 25.68 / 0.06 = 428 pieces.

Advice! Ceramic tiles You should never buy back to back, that is, in accordance with the calculations made, since some of the material will have to be cut, some may be rejected, etc. It is recommended that when using direct laying (the simplest) add 5% to the calculated quantity, when using more complex options, for example , when located diagonally, the increase in the calculated amount is more significant; you need to add 15%.

Calculating the amount of flooring material

Let's determine how much is needed floor tiles, the calculation follows the same principle - the area of ​​one element is calculated, then its required amount is calculated. For example, a square-shaped floor tile with a side length of 50 cm is chosen, which means its area will be 0.25 m².

To cover the floor of the room from the example you will need: 6 / 0.25 = 24 pcs. Above are examples of how to count tiles for a bathroom if you plan to use one type of material.

If a combination of colors is used, then you need to separately calculate how many tiles of different types are needed. It is difficult to perform such complex calculations manually; a special program will help determine the material consumption. It is very simple, you just need to enter the dimensions of the tiles and the room, and select the layout option. The program will do the rest itself.

Finishing a bathroom is a complex process. Except technological subtleties There is also a problem with the design. Baths, toilets, and combined bathrooms are usually tiled. But how to plan its placement on the walls so that the finish is beautiful? For those who decide to do the repairs themselves, there is good way out- use the software. Eat special programs for laying out tiles, there are such sections in general construction or design software, and there is also online service from large manufacturers and stores selling finishing materials. They will be discussed further.

Tile 6.0

Specialized program for laying out tiles and wallpaper. There are three versions: Home for home use, Profi - for professionals, Profi+Render - professional with extended functionality. For self-creation The design is suitable for Tile 6.0 Home, but it is not free - 1000 rubles per month of use. All of them can be purchased on the campaign website Naturally, there are hacked copies, but it’s difficult to say how safe it is to download them.

The program in its current version is good: even the stripped-down home version allows you to create three-dimensional projects (3D) and receive calculations based on necessary materials(in addition to whole and cut tiles, he counts the amount of glue and grout for the seams). What else can she do:

  • Take into account door and window openings, columns, arches and other curved surfaces.
  • It is possible to add new tiles to the directory and save them for future use.
  • Tiles can be installed and moved at any angle.
  • You can add three-dimensional images of other objects (bathtub, shower, etc.) by specifying their coordinates.
  • The program calculates the tiles and Supplies, but in the “home” version you cannot print them, but you can copy them from the screen or take a screenshot and print them as an image, not a table.

In addition, you can change the degree of illumination, shine and relief of the tile. All these settings can be made for each individual object. What else is good - the site has educational form on working with the program, where the creation of a project is described step by step. Working in the program is easy, the interface is clear, and you can master it the first time. One of the disadvantages of the home version is that you cannot get a scan along the walls, which is completely inconvenient. In general, the program is good, but not free.

ViSoft Premium

This is specialized bathroom design software for professionals. One of the functions is tile layout. The database contains a large number of samples - almost 39 thousand types of tiles from different manufacturers(at the time of writing there are 362 of them). The layout project is developed based on the samples that are in the database; new ones cannot be added.

Here is a summary of the program's capabilities:

  • Selected tile samples are automatically placed in the specified area.
  • It is possible to view other layout options.
  • To create a bathroom interior, you can choose plumbing fixtures from a huge database. In this case, the sets are compiled automatically. If necessary, they can be adjusted.
  • During the creation process, the project can be turned in any direction, evaluating the result from different points.
  • Take “snapshots” of the results obtained.

There are two operating modes: drawing and sketch. In drawing mode, a black and white image is created, which can later be “filled” different colors. Sketch mode - immediately with color.

Ceramic 3D

Good professional software for creating bathroom designs. Naturally, it is not free, but there is a demo version with full functionality that is available to everyone without payment. The free license is valid for 1 month. If you decide to lay out the tiles for yourself, this is a good option, but you must meet the specified deadline.

The Ceramik 3D program is available in a demo version for a period of 1 month, it is free

Ceramic 3D allows you to quickly create projects: each operation takes about 2-4 seconds. So simple projects“built” in 5 minutes, complex ones require 15-20 minutes. Here is the set of functions:

  • creation of premises of any configuration according to exact dimensions, including attic ones;
  • easy drawing of niches, shelves, ledges, boxes of any configuration;
  • the ability to create a tile outline of any shape (polygonal, round, etc.);
  • drawing of columns and their decoration;
  • saving styling patterns of any complexity;
  • replacing the contours and dimensions of the room while maintaining the layout;
  • the ability to create stairs and decorate them with tiles;
  • automatic calculation of the number of tiles.

In general, Ceramic 3D is not only a program for laying tiles. In it you can create the overall design of the bathroom and work out the design of other elements or parts of the room that involve laying tiles. It's nice that the program comes with detailed lessons, with which it is easy to master.

Compass-3D LT

This free version professional program for volumetric design of various objects and parts, created by the Russian company ASCON. So it's not just a tile layout program. This is just one small part of it. The Compass-3D LT version is an introductory version that allows you to master volumetric modeling and planning. The program comes with training materials - videos and graphic examples.

The 3D compass in its lightweight version has very limited functionality, but it is more than enough for laying out tiles. To plan the tile layout during installation, download a package with construction configuration(there is also mechanical engineering). The basic and building packages require approximately 3.5 GB of disk space.

With this program you can:

  • make a site plan;
  • develop a room design using various finishing materials and evaluate the result in the form of a three-dimensional picture;
  • develop unique decorative items and obtain their drawings;
  • upon completion of the project, receive drawings indicating dimensions.

In general, the program is multifunctional even in the free version. At the same time, you can master the basics of 3D design.

A simple program for laying tiles without special effects - Arculator 7

If you do not need a three-dimensional image, but just need to look at the layout, and even calculate the amount of material without errors, pay attention to the Arculator 7 program. It is designed for calculating materials for internal finishing works. That is, with its help you can accurately determine the required amount of tiles, wallpaper, laminate, etc. It is also possible to calculate the amount of materials for ventilated facades. A pleasant surprise: this program for laying out tiles (and more) is free.

What you can do in it:

  • Create surfaces of any size and shape, place openings of any shape on them.
  • The position of the tiles can be adjusted and rotated at any angle.
  • Objects can be located on one surface different sizes in different directions.

Learning how not to work is not a problem even for the least “advanced” user. The interface is clear, the computer requirements are very modest, it takes up less than 1 MB of disk space. An excellent option if you only need a layout, and not develop a design with the placement of plumbing fixtures, furniture, etc.

What else can you work with?

In addition to specialized programs, there are many software, designed for planning other objects, but which has sections for laying out tiles. If you have experience in one of them, it will be easier to work with a familiar interface than to master a new one. Here are some general construction or furniture programs in which you can draw tiles.

  • AvtoCad (AutoCad) is a general construction program with wide functionality (2D and 3D available).
  • NanoCad is an analogue of the one described above, but it is a Russian development. The basic version is free.
  • PRO100 (PRO100). The program is designed for the design of furniture, but there is a solid section for designing the layout of tiles, laminate, and wallpaper. Many people say that it is easier to work in it than in AutoCad.
  • SketchUp is a program for designing rooms and furniture; there is a section for tiles, but the functionality is limited and difficult to work with. In addition, you have to manually recalculate the quantity as errors in calculations are common.

Of course, this is not specialized software and it is not so convenient to work with them. But if you have already worked on them in other sections, it will be easier and faster to understand than learning to design in a new program.

Online tile layout programs

Most large online stores selling tiles or manufacturers provide the opportunity to create free online own project. The peculiarity is that basically you can only work with those collections that are on the resource. You cannot enter your own data into such programs.

They work on the principle of browser games—no need to download or install them. You work through a browser on the campaign resource. The procedure for creating a project is standard: you select or draw a floor plan for which you need to create a tile layout, select a collection (from those that are on the site), then create a layout. Based on the results, a list is usually generated: how many tiles are needed, you can also print or save the layout that you made in the form of a scan along the walls.

Bathroom renovation is rightfully considered one of the most expensive and complex. The complexity is due to the presence of various protrusions in the room: built-in cabinets, pipe boxes, door and window openings, etc. Of course, calculate the quantity required tiles going to the bathroom does not seem to be an easy task, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to approach this process with special care and scrupulousness. This will avoid unnecessary extravagance in repair costs.

The Internet is replete with various online programs according to tile calculations, but still the percentage of error in them is quite high. It is more advisable to calculate it yourself, excluding errors.

First, you need to decide which tiles will suit your bathroom. Modern market building materials offers ready-made kits.

  • It should be taken into account that in small room Small tiles would look appropriate.
  • With a low ceiling, tiles of an elongated vertical shape will visually increase the height.
  • In order to eliminate the possibility of slipping on a wet floor in the bathroom, you need to choose tiles with relief.
  • It is a good idea to check the perpendicularity of the walls before laying the material. Otherwise, the laid tiles will highlight all the imperfections and require a large consumption of glue, which will affect the amount of money spent.

Calculation of the required amount of floor tiles in the bathroom

So, having decided on the choice of tiles, the first thing you need to do is measure the width and length of the room. To understand how to correctly calculate the number of floor tiles, let's give a clear example.

Conditional data:

  • Length and width of the room – 3×3.5 m
  • Length and width of floor tiles – 40×40 cm

Calculation according to the formula:

N = S p / S pl. , Where

N – quantity of material, in pcs.,

S p – floor area, m 2

S pl. – area of ​​one tile, m 2

S pl. = 0.4*0.4 = 0.16 m2

S p = 3*3.5 = 10.5 m2

N = 10.5/0.16 = 65.625 m2, by rounding we get 66 pieces, and taking into account defects and damage 66+5% = 70 pieces.

How to correctly calculate the number of wall tiles

Additional conditional data:

Room height – 2.5 m

Length and width of facing tiles – 25×33 cm

Length and width of the border element – ​​8×20 cm

Length and width of the doorway – 2.1×0.4 m

Estimated height of the dark bottom – 0.9 m

To calculate the amount of facing material we use the formulas:

  1. 1. N= SV.S./S pl, Where

S h.s – area of ​​all walls, m 2

Spl – area of ​​one tile, m 2

  1. S v.s. =(H*R v.s.)-S d.p., Where

H – room height, m

P w.s. – perimeter of all walls, in m

S d.p.. - doorway area, m 2

  1. R v.s. = (a+ d)*2 , Where

a, d – length and width of walls, m

  1. Spl = a 1 * d 1 , Where

a 1 ,d 1 – length and width of the tile, in m 2


R v.s. = (3+3.5)*2 = 13 m

S d.p. = 2.1*0.4 = 0.84 m2

S v.s. = (2.5*13)-0.84 = 31.66 m2

Spl = 0.25*0.33 = 0.0825 m2

N = 31.66/0.0825=383.76 pcs., when rounded we get 384 pcs. For the stock of tiles, we take into account 5% and have 404 pieces.

How to calculate the number of tiles if two colors are selected

Let's assume that by design top part The bathroom will be lined with light tiles, dark ones will be located below, and they will be separated from each other by border elements. Now there is not one height, but three.

When calculating, the formula N = S/S pl is retained, but transformed:

  1. 1. N s.p. = S s.p./ S pl, N t.p. = S t.p./S pl, where

N s.p. , N etc. – quantity of light and dark tiles, in pcs.,

S.p. , S etc. – area of ​​light, dark tiles, m 2

Spl – area of ​​one light/dark tile, m2

  1. H St.V. = H-h 1 - h 2, where

H – room height, m

h 1 – height of the dark “bottom”, m

h 2 – curb height, m

For calculations you will also need the perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway:

  1. P = P v.s. - d, where

d – width of the doorway, in m

Number of top material(light tile):

P = 13-0.4 = 12.06 m

H St.V. = 2.5-0.9-0.08 = 1.52 m

S.p. = 1.52*12.06 = 18.33 m2

N s.p. = 18.33/0.0825 = 222.18, i.e. 222 pcs. Taking into account 5% - 233 pcs.

Number of bottom material(dark tile):

The calculation is similar to that of light tiles.

N etc. = 0.9*12.06/0.0825 = 131.56, i.e. 132 pcs. We add 5%, and in the end we get 139 pieces.

Number of border material:

N b = P/d 2, where

P – perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway, in m

d 2 – width of the border element, in m

Reminder! When choosing decorative elements, the number of required facing tiles decreases in direct proportion to the number of decorative units.

Calculating the laying of tiles in a diamond pattern

The amount of material for this type of installation is calculated by analogy with the standard method, only its reserve is not 5%, but 15%. The number of residues will be greater due to the cutting of the corners of the tiles at the junctions with the walls.

How to calculate grout for joints

When calculating the required volume of grout, you need to know the volume of space to be filled. The standard seam width is 1.5-3 mm. A coefficient of 1.5 is applied to the seam depth parameter, which takes into account material shrinkage, humidity, etc.

The following formula is suitable for calculating grout:

V =((½ R pl /S pl)* T)*D*1.5*S total, where

V – volume of material over the entire area of ​​the tile, in kg

Рpl – perimeter of one tile, in m

Spl – area of ​​one tile, m 2

T – tile thickness, in m

D – seam width, in m

Stotal – total area tiles, m 2

How to calculate the volume of tile adhesive

This is the simplest calculation of all the above, because... On the container, the manufacturer indicates how much mixture is intended for 1m2. To do this, it is better to first understand what layer of glue will be applied.

There is nothing complicated in calculating bathroom tiles. There are old proven methods that have been tested by time and experts. It is important to avoid mistakes when measuring room parameters and simple inattention.

Sometimes it is very difficult to imagine what your bathroom will look like after renovation. Many people, due to their way of thinking, are not able to see a tile and imagine how it will look in the room. Of course, you can look at the interior options offered by the manufacturer's designers and do one-on-one... But this option is often not suitable, since the premises are designer interiors rarely coincide in size and shape with real, standard bathrooms.

How to understand whether this or that tile will suit you or not? Option one is to arrange a meeting with the designer in one of the stores. Using specialized programs, a virtual tile layout will be created according to your dimensions. Of the minuses - you will have to buy tiles in this store, you will spend a lot of time with the designer, because... people rarely understand each other from the first word. And the more tile options you consider, the more time you will spend.

The second option is to learn how to work with tile layout programs. Unfortunately, the programs are entirely paid, and learning them can take a lot of time.

The third option is to use our service to lay out the tiles yourself. It is absolutely free, it allows you not only to visualize color combinations tiles, but also calculate in detail the required quantity, taking into account the savings on cutting tiles. We will tell you how to lay out tiles in this service on this page.

To create a layout you will need:

  • Dimensions of all walls in the room
  • Doorway size. If the door is installed, then to the width door leaf you need to add 10cm to the height of 5cm.
  • Bath size. The length is usually equal to the length of the wall to which the bathtub is adjacent. Width and height are also needed. The height of the bathtub is usually adjusted with legs, so you need to decide on the desired height.
  • Tile collection.

Start creating a layout

Go to the page of the collection whose layout you want to create. Find the “Create Layout” button on the page and click it. The tile layout creation program will launch.


At the top there are tabs on which control and settings buttons are grouped.

Room parameters

On the Room Settings tab, click the button. A dialog box will open allowing you to enter room size settings. Please note that changing these settings will reset all entered data. Therefore, you need to enter them at the very beginning of working with the layout service. When entering room dimensions in work area The walls of the room will be displayed in accordance with the entered dimensions. After setting the dimensions, use the zoom buttons to increase or decrease the scale of the layout to fit the screen size to comfortably continue working with the layout.

Installing objects

On the "Objects in the room" tab you can place a bathtub, sink, mirror, door in your room. When you click on the icons depicting an object, a dialog box will open for entering the dimensions and position of the object in the room. The input results will be displayed in the layout work area.

Tile laying grid, installation of borders, mosaics

On the "Tiles" tab, you can shift the tile layout grid, change the layout direction (vertically, horizontally), install borders and mosaics. The cell size of the layout grid is automatically calculated based on the size of the base tile.

  • Layout direction (vertical or horizontal)

    The tiles can be laid both “lying” and “standing”, if the design of the decorative elements and the size of the borders allow it. To change the direction of the layout, click with the mouse on the image of the wall on which you want to change the direction of the layout, and then click on the first button in the row with the image of two arrows. If the laying direction needs to be changed for all walls, then do this operation for each wall.

  • Grid shift, first tile size, end tile size, cropping control

    Beautiful tiling involves trimming the tiles evenly on the left and right sides, centering decorative elements, adjusting the seams to the height of the bathtub, and much more. You can do all this by activating the wall by clicking on its image, and then using the buttons with arrows (). The direction of the arrow indicates in which direction the layout grid will be shifted. The shift step is 1 cm.

  • Borders and mosaics

    Curbs are narrow decorative elements, usually installed to create a harmonious transition between tiles various colors, as well as for zoning the room. Installation of borders within one wall should be the entire length or height of the wall, otherwise the geometry of the tile layout will be shifted, which is extremely unsightly. Installation of borders is done by pressing the button with the image of two solid vertical (for vertical, ) or horizontal lines (). When you click the button, a dialog box opens in which you first select the number of the wall on which you want to install the border, then select the border from the list of available borders, and then use the up and down arrow buttons to move the row with the border higher or lower. When installing a mosaic (buttons and ), it is possible to set the width of the mosaic row.

Laying tiles

On the "Layout" tab, you install the tiles on your walls, edited in the previous steps. More information about the capabilities of this step and controls:

  • Changing the seam color

    To improve the visual perception of the layout, you can change the color of the tile joint. To change, click on the "Seam Color" button and select the desired color in the dialog box that opens. Unfortunately, the grout color cannot be changed for individual rows or tiles. You will immediately see the resulting result in the work area.

  • Wall background color

    To improve the visual perception of the display, you can change the background color of the walls. For example, when the tile has a single color grey colour, it's hard to see places where you haven't installed tiles. By changing the background color to a darker or lighter one, you will immediately see empty areas of the layout. To change, click on the "Background Color" button and select the desired color in the dialog box that opens.

  • Selecting tiles for installation

    To select the tile you want to lay out, click on the "Select Tile" button. A dialog box will open in which the tile images will be located. For convenience, the tiles are divided into tabs with the names of tile types - Regular (basic, background) tiles, Decors - tiles with a pattern, and Panels - sets of tiles with a pattern, together forming a complete pattern or composition. The tile is selected by clicking on the image. The selected tile is displayed at the top of the service.

  • Rotate tiles 180 degrees

    In some cases, it is necessary to accurately indicate the direction of laying tiles with a pattern in order to beautifully join their pattern. To do this, there is an option to flip the tiles 180 degrees. At the top of the service there is a checkbox with the inscription “Flip” (a field for placing a checkmark/bird). With this option enabled, all installed tiles will be flipped 180 degrees relative to their image.

  • The process of installing tiles on walls

    Once you have selected a tile, simply move your mouse over the wall where you want to install the tile. IN in the right place click the mouse, the tile image will be installed in this place. To cancel the installation, click in this place again - the tile will be removed.

  • Reflection of calculations

    In addition to visually displaying the location of tiles on the walls, the service also calculates the number of tiles used. Moreover, if, depending on the browser settings, there is a possibility of slight distortion of the picture, then the calculations are entirely based on the mathematical calculation of the coordinates of each object. You can view the calculations by clicking on the "Show calculations" button in the upper right corner. The results will be displayed in a summary table below the wall images. The table contains information on the number of whole tiles (C), cut vertically (Pv), horizontally (Pg), cut in two planes (Pvg), the area of ​​actual laying, and the required quantity for laying.

    When calculating the required number of tiles, based on optimal algorithm consumption of scraps, the number of whole tiles for laying is calculated (in other words, the laying of scraps without overspending is taken into account). If tiles are cut in two planes, the trimmings are considered unsuitable for use.

    You can independently check the correctness of the calculations by clicking the mouse in the calculation table in the cells with the number of required tiles - the tiles on the walls will be marked with a red fill. Clicking again will remove this fill.

Video instructions for creating a tile layout

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