How to wash glossy tension. How to wash a suspended ceiling: methods and means. The process of cleaning a matte stretch ceiling

No matter how good stretch ceilings are, everyone sooner or later faces a problem: how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling.

There are many reasons for this: it can be like ordinary dust, which settles in the corners of the room (yes, despite all the antistatic and dust-repellent properties, dust can still “stick” in the most hidden corners of the ceiling).

You may be unpleasantly pleased in the kitchen grease stains, which one way or another constantly arise in rooms where they often cook. In the bathroom, the main source of contamination of a glossy ceiling can be white coating . Well, one should not exclude standard accidental household pollution and a banal loss of color saturation. So, how and with what to wash tension bars glossy ceilings, we will try to explain in detail and clearly in this article.

As in any business, it is important to first carefully study the basic principles and find out how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling. There are several rules that you should not have any problems following.

What is the best way to wash glossy stretch ceilings?

  1. When cleaning the PVC material from which the ceiling is made, it is recommended to use special means for washing glossy stretch ceilings or cleaning solutions that do not contain abrasive particles.
  2. Brush with bristles should not be used. Soft sponges or cloths are more suitable. Even the softest bristles can scratch the gloss. Even just brushing off the dust is not recommended. Flint from the brush may remain on the ceiling, and during subsequent washing, it will act as an abrasive and damage the ceiling material.
  3. Do not use excessive force or put pressure on the ceiling. Stretch ceilings are very capricious in this regard and do not tolerate the use of force. In places of strong pressure, stretching may form, and the ceiling will sag or wrinkle unsightly. Also, do not rub vigorously. The texture of the canvas may be torn or damaged.

Detergent overview

In search of a miracle product for cleaning glossy stretch ceilings, you can contact the place where you ordered the installation of the ceiling. Experts, as a rule, will recommend what you can use to clean glossy stretch ceilings. Most likely it will be from the same manufacturer that produced the materials. Usually, it can be purchased from an installer. But, as a rule, all these products have an almost identical composition, with the only difference being the alcohol-containing substance and some specific additives.

Reference. Optimal temperature water, for washing suspended ceilings – 30-40 degrees.

When purchasing cleaning fluid in a store, you can ask a sales consultant about what you can use to wash a glossy stretch ceiling and he will help you choose the right product for this. You should definitely indicate all the features of your ceiling and clarify how you can wash glossy stretch ceilings (emphasize the presence of gloss, since for matte ceilings the products will be different and there may be specific stains).

If the ceiling has faded and lost its former brightness, and you have a question about how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling, we recommend that you pay attention to products that contain ammonia .

But if you wish, you can easily figure out this issue yourself. For those who prefer to use improvised means and want to know how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling, there is also good news. Most cleaning products you have in your home will do the job just fine.

Using a small amount will be quite effective. dish detergent, diluted in warm water.

Remember! Do not use detergents containing solid particles (including granules), including cleaning creams and products containing soda.

Will fit well mirror or glass cleaners.

From time to time, you can use a simple recipe to restore the brightness of the color on the ceiling. To do this, use 10% ammonia solution, gently wiping the surface of the ceiling with a sponge soaked in the solution. Then you should carefully wipe it with a dry, lint-free cloth. This recipe fully answers the question: how can you wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks?

Required Tools

If the question of how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks and at home has become urgent for you, read the following information. For quality and quick cleaning stretch ceiling you may need these complex devices How:

  1. Stepladder (if you don’t have a stepladder, any stable elevation will do; some housewives can cope quite successfully with a table or stable bench). And remember... The main thing is stability and safety.
  2. Mop with sponge or rag. You can just use a sponge, but as practice shows, it is much more convenient to do this with a mop, this way the process progresses more easily and you will get less tired.
  3. Directly detergent.
  4. Clean water to rinse off detergent.
  5. A dry cloth, preferably microfiber, as it does not leave lint or marks.

How to properly wash suspended ceilings

Dry cleaning of stretch ceilings

So, what is a good way to clean a glossy stretch ceiling? There are several ways to clean contaminated material. It all depends on the nature and degree of pollution. If you notice a cobweb or just a little dust, the most suitable option for the situation – dry cleaning. Take a soft, dry cloth and gently brush away any dust or cobwebs.

Study the instructions, perhaps the manufacturer of your ceiling materials allows easy cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Remember, it is not recommended to do it often and you need to follow some rules.

  1. You need to put on a smooth nozzle. Remember, we need to avoid stubble.
  2. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at minimum power.
  3. Start vacuuming in an inconspicuous area. Take a closer look to see if the ceiling is deformed in that place.
  4. If everything is fine, vacuum the entire ceiling with gentle and light movements.

Cleaning stretch ceilings with detergents

It’s important to remember here: how do you wash glossy stretch ceilings?

If you use a special detergent for glossy stretch ceilings, carefully read the instructions and follow it.

Important! Before washing the suspended ceiling, be sure to remove all decorations! Any, sometimes accidental, movement can damage the material!

If you decide to use household chemicals, read a few recommendations:

  1. If your main question is: “How to wash glossy stretch ceilings in the kitchen?” – these two points will help you. They will do a great job with the fat that has accumulated on the ceiling canvas. Dissolve a small amount of dishwashing detergent in warm water. Use whatever you use every day, as long as it meets all the criteria described above. Soak a sponge (or rag or mop) in the soapy water and use gentle circular motions to wipe the ceiling. Start moving from one corner to another. If you have a complex segment design, move by segments. Then rinse soap solution clean water and wipe the stream dry.
  2. If for some reason you still decide to use washing powder– dissolve well. Make sure there are no undissolved particles left (you can strain through cheesecloth or a sieve). And follow the same steps as with dish detergent.
  3. For connoisseurs of the topic “how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks,” this article will be useful. Cleaning will be quite simple using a window cleaning spray. You just need to spray the surface of the ceiling 2-3 times and wipe with a sponge or cloth.
  4. How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks? Use a product containing ammonia (a small amount of water and ammonia or window cleaner). When using a soap solution, rinse it thoroughly with clean water from the ceiling. As mentioned above, it is recommended to use microfiber cloths for wiping dry. They absorb moisture very well and do not leave streaks. And then the question “how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling so that there are no streaks?” will not exist for you.

Useful video

Let's see how professionals wash glossy stretch ceilings:

The purpose of this article was to answer the basic questions about how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling and how to clean a glossy stretch ceiling. Guided by our simple tips, your cleaning will become much easier, and hopefully prevent you from making common mistakes. Let your ceiling shine with gloss and please the eye. And periodic maintenance of the suspended ceiling will be more preventive. And remember... if a stain appears, it is better to get rid of it immediately, because fresh stains are washed off much easier than old ones.

Stretch ceiling can be called a specific material that is used in the decoration of premises to give them beauty and sophistication. Although most manufacturers claim that such ceilings do not require any maintenance, they still need to be washed and cleaned periodically.

What is a suspended ceiling made of?

Most often in the manufacture of ceilings they use PVC film and polyester fabric. They are quite durable and resistant to external damage. To increase their service life, you need to learn how to properly care for them.

Cleaning the ceiling

This process is considered a very painstaking and delicate work, so you need to know a few basic points. Improper use may result in discoloration of the material, changes in size and various types deformation.

Try to avoid using abrasive cleaning products that have a negative effect on the materials. In addition, you should not use substances that consist of alkali and various acids.

Methods for caring for stretch ceilings

There are two options with which you can wash the product:

Dry, where a dry cloth is used to rub the surfaces. You need to move here gently, without committing rude actions. Wet, carried out with a wet sponge.

Many people who have suspended ceilings at home try to wash them with a brush or mop, but this cannot be done, because in this way they can be scratched or damaged, and using mops is completely inconvenient.

Before you start cleaning, you should stock up the following materials: ladder, sponge, cloth, vacuum cleaner and mild detergents.

Cleaning methods depend on the type of surface and the type of contamination. If you need to get rid of dust or stains, you can get by with just a napkin soaked in water. After treatment, do not forget to wipe the ceiling with a dry sponge.

If the room has been renovated and there is a very large layer of dust on the ceiling, then you will have to arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and a soft nozzle. Make sure that the brush does not touch the material; move it at a distance of about 3 centimeters from the ceiling. If you do not adhere to this rule, you may damage the product.

You can get rid of stains with a rag and cleaning agent. Move smoothly, without making pressure or rough touches. After completing these steps, be sure to wipe the surface dry.

To restore the shine of the product, you need to soak the sponge with a substance used to wash windows or ammonia. Then wipe the ceiling again with a dry cloth.

How can you wash suspended ceilings?

The best option is an ordinary soap solution. In order to make it, you need to add a little washing powder to the water and laundry soap. In addition, you can use dishwashing or glass cleaner.

Before using any substance, you need to test it on the surface. Apply a small amount of product in a corner of the ceiling, wait a while and look at the result. If stains or any changes in color appear, this solution cannot be used.

Currently, you can buy a universal mixture that is designed exclusively for washing stretch ceilings. The downside here is the price of such a substance. Therefore, many owners choose the first option for caring for ceilings, because the end result is not particularly different.

How to properly care for a glossy surface

The ceiling is made in matte and glossy form. If you do not want to have streaks on the gloss, then you should wash it with a glass cleaner. But here, too, you should first conduct testing and look at the reaction of the product. This is explained by the fact that the product may contain dyes that change the color of the treated surface.

You should use soft microfiber cloths and suede sponges. Today, special wipes are also sold for cleaning a room.

A solution of ammonia gives the gloss a shine, and dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. Do not use harsh products that damage the surface.

The matte surface is very similar to a plastered wall. Such structures are made of canvas, which is impregnated with polyurethane. There can be no scratches or dust here. But even such a product needs care.

This ceiling is easier to clean than its glossy counterpart, because there are no streaks on the matte surface. Clean it with hot steam or grease-free products.

How to clean fabric ceilings

This design is much thinner and more delicate than a PVC product. That is why you should wash it very carefully using glass detergent. Remember that the composition of the product may change the color of your ceiling.

Here you cannot use circular movements, which will leave streaks on the fabric. Move only forward and backward.

What to do with the ceiling in the kitchen

It just so happens that kitchen ceilings get dirty most often. This is especially true for rooms where there is no hood. During cooking, soot from fat is formed, which mixes with dust and is very difficult to wash off.

You shouldn’t put off caring for the surface for too long and neglecting it. Wash the ceiling more often to prevent dirt from becoming embedded in its structure. You need to use the products described above that do not contain abrasive particles.

The use of all the described means will allow you to timely care for stretch ceilings, maintain their attractive appearance and extend the service life of the product. The most important thing is to follow the rules and not damage the structure with hard brushes or improper movements.

Video: how to wash suspended ceilings

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Previously, they removed cobwebs from ceilings and walked over them with brushes, brooms and damp rags. Today, many people have glossy stretch ceilings, which require special care and compliance with the established washing algorithm. It is not necessary to invite a team of washers to your home; the online magazine site will tell you how and with what to wash stretch ceilings (glossy) without streaks.

Dust flies from the street through open windows and doors, smoke from cigarettes and soot from their kitchen can also get onto the ceiling

Although the manufacturers promise that maintaining the structure will not be burdensome due to the impregnation of the canvas with a water- and dirt-repellent agent, after a while the owners of the apartment notice that the gloss does not shine as before, and dust is noticeable.

Little children can get creative and even be able to leave a mark from a felt-tip pen on the ceiling, splash juice or sweet tea on the ceiling. In the kitchen, the ceilings get dirty mainly due to the cooking process, even despite the presence of a working hood.

How often do you need to wash glossy stretch ceilings?

There are housewives who do not wait for dirt to form, but clean regularly. And there is a type of housewife who begins to clean as soon as it gets dirty. In the first case, especially in the kitchen, this will save a lot of time, since removing frozen grease from the ceiling covering is not easy. In general, glossy stretch ceilings can be washed when dirty. You shouldn’t rely on the hood: quick dirt will still find a way to leave its mark.

How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks - tools and equipment

If you don’t know how to clean stretch ceilings, we’ll tell you some tricks. We cross off everything that is scratchy, hard, shedding and fluffy from the list. What remains is soft tissue, fiber and sponges.

You will need warm water, a bucket, detergent and a stepladder. Why not a mop? Because it is very easy to damage your favorite glossy finish with one awkward movement. But, nevertheless, many housewives risk damaging the coating and use a mop, controlling the pressure. Pressure control will prevent damage.

A vacuum cleaner is also a dubious companion, even for collecting dust. Therefore, you will have to look for a stepladder if the ceiling is high, or a suitable chair if the room is of low height. The water temperature should not be hot - the material may soften and deform. A normal temperature is considered to be 25-35°C.

Detergents for suspended ceilings

How and how to wash glossy stretch ceilings is a pressing question, first of all, let’s study safe means. With the right method and compliance with the process algorithm, the result will be excellent. First, let’s find out how to clean the gloss on the ceiling.

Using harmless household chemicals to clean a suspended ceiling

So that your work is not wasted, you need to know how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks.

Mr. Proper, Fairy, Myth, Biolan - all of them will gently wash away dirt. An excellent means for washing stretch ceilings without streaks are alcohol-containing liquids and sprays.

dishwashing liquid Help

Important! We are talking only about the glossy ceiling. If the ceiling in another room is matte, advice to use alcohol-containing solutions is not applicable!

You can add a little ammonia to any solution. There are products designed specifically for washing stretch gloss.

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What products should not be used to wash suspended ceilings?

There are people who even after practical advice and recommendations are eager to conduct their own experiment. It’s better not to experiment with a glossy stretch ceiling. They have already been carried out and as a result they have concluded what cannot be used when washing a glossy coating:

  • We forget about abrasives: powders, soda, hard brushes. No, if you have a strong desire to see scratches on the ceiling or even damage the canvas, that’s up to you;
  • no acetone-containing products. They can be used if you really want to discolor the surface and turn it into something unsightly;
  • It’s funny to even talk about alkalis and acids - compositions that contain such aggressive substances are not solid!

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How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

We learned how to clean a glossy stretch ceiling, now we’ll tell you how to do it correctly.

How to properly clean a suspended ceiling - algorithm of actions

The algorithm of direct actions and rules is as follows:

If you follow the action algorithm, the coating will become clean and remain intact.

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks with a slight degree of contamination

Let's figure out what is the best way to wash suspended ceilings if they are not very dirty. Most often, it is enough to walk with a dry or slightly damp cloth over the entire surface.

How to wash suspended ceilings at home if they are heavily soiled

How to clean suspended ceilings when they are heavily soiled and how to do it? By observing all the conditions of the algorithm and using a special product for washing ceilings or glass, you can easily and quickly obtain a clean and shiny coating.

A brand new stretch ceiling will sooner or later be covered with dust, soot and soot from kitchen stove and will lose its original appearance. Cleaning the ceiling is not the most pleasant task. If you don’t know what products to use and how to clean the surface without streaks, this becomes an impossible task that is put off for a long time. And it becomes difficult to remove old stains. However, in fact, suspended ceilings do not require complex maintenance.

How often should suspended ceilings be washed?

High-quality suspended ceilings are processed special compounds which repel dust and grease from the surface. But the canvas will still get dirty, especially in the kitchen. The hanging structure should be cleaned at least twice a year. Time your cleaning to coincide with off-season cleaning to wipe down the walls and windows at the same time. The first general cleaning is carried out 4–6 months after installation. If the room is undergoing renovation, then after completing the work, wipe the surface of the ceiling with a soft, dry cloth from construction dust.

Cleaning is carried out depending on the type of material. There are such types of ceilings as:

  • Fabric - made of natural or synthetic material. This surface is considered difficult to care for, as the fabric turns yellow over time and quickly absorbs odors and dust.
  • PVC - film ceiling. It is not so demanding to care for, it is not afraid of water, and does not absorb grease and dust.

During normal cleaning, it is enough to fan the ceiling with a soft cloth or walk over the surface with a vacuum cleaner. But if there are traces of old paint, rust from water leaks, then the fabric will have to be painted or even completely replaced. However, before calling installers, it’s worth trying a few people's councils, which can return the ceiling to its original appearance.

It is believed that matte and satin PVC ceilings are the most unpretentious in maintenance. There are streaks left on the glossy finish after wet cleaning, it is easy to damage hot water and detergents.

It is easier to care for matte ceilings than glossy ceilings, which may leave streaks on them.

How and with what to wash suspended ceilings

To quickly wipe dirt off the ceiling, use a mop with a mop attachment and telescopic handle. You don't have to climb on a stepladder and move it from corner to corner. The extendable handle will reach from the floor to remote corners and will help wipe the tops of cabinets and walls. The tension surface is very sensitive to pressure, so to avoid leaving marks and scratches on it, use only soft fabrics that do not fade or lose lint.

The ideal option for cleaning is microfiber, a modern, practical and soft material that perfectly absorbs water and collects dirt. A wide soft foam sponge will also come in handy, but not with an abrasive surface.

For cleaning, prepare a soft cloth, sponge, mop and spray bottle.

All types of ceilings can be vacuumed and cleaned with a steam generator. To clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, attach a microfiber attachment to the floor brush. It will not damage the surface and collect dust.

For professional cleaning a steam generator is often used, which will quickly remove carbon deposits, soot and grease from the ceiling, returning the surface to its original cleanliness. When exposed to steam, the material sags and then returns to its original state.

Video: how to wash suspended ceilings with a vacuum cleaner and a steam generator

I professionally clean apartments and work with the most inexpensive steam generator, at this moment, this is Elby... Cleans amazingly dropped ceilings in about 15 minutes.


The instructions for the ceiling always contain a note on how to care for its material. But there are products that have already been time-tested and can be used to clean the surface. The effectiveness of these compositions is confirmed by reviews from satisfied housewives. This:

Please note that in most cases, using household chemicals not justified. If you periodically wipe the surface, you will not need strong cleaning agents. If there are noticeable stains, it is recommended to check whether the cleaning composition is suitable for your ceiling. To do this, make a weakly concentrated solution, put it on a sponge and wipe the ceiling in the corner. If after a few minutes the product is washed off well and there is no visible damage on the surface, treat the remaining space.

How to properly clean a stretch ceiling without streaks

For dry dust removal, a soft cloth is sufficient, but it is more convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on to minimum power and if not special nozzle, collect dust by holding the hose a short distance from the ceiling. This way the thin coating will not be sucked into the vacuum cleaner. First check how well the fabric is secured and stretched.

Vacuuming can be done before washing the ceiling. Wet cleaning is done in several steps:

  1. We clean the ceiling from dust.
  2. Apply detergent, or better yet, soap foam.
  3. We wash away dirt and soap.
  4. If stains remain, use a special product and wash it off.
  5. Wipe dry.

Soap suds do not eat into the surface as much and are easier to wash off. Therefore, do not use concentrated dishwashing detergents.

You need to wash the ceiling during the day, in natural light, so that there are no streaks left from one corner to another. If you wash in a circular motion, there will definitely be streaks.

When washing a stretch ceiling, cleaning should begin from the corners

These are the main stages of cleaning, but depending on the type of material, there are some nuances.

Caring for film ceilings

PVC ceilings are most often chosen. They are produced with satin, matte and glossy surfaces. The latter are especially popular because they visually increase the space. But it is on them that all the stains after cleaning are clearly visible. To reduce them, use a 10% solution of ammonia. All stains after washing are removed with a soft-lint cloth. You can also use detergent diluted in water. It will clean the ceiling of grease, and to avoid stains, rub the film carefully paper towel, which will return its gloss.

Matte surfaces are easier to clean; traces of a rag are not so visible on them. Shake the soap solution into foam and apply it to the ceiling, then rinse with warm water. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth. To clean, take a butterfly mop and wrap it with a soft cloth.

There are special sponges and polishes for PVC ceilings. These products are good because they leave almost no streaks, unlike conventional wet cleaning. You can use car polishes that will add shine to the surface and protect against stains and dust.

Tips for caring for film ceilings:

  • Stains from film materials can be easily removed with a white rubber band.
  • Grease is washed off with dishwashing detergent.
  • Water-based paint will come off easily if you moisten it with warm water, leave it for a while and remove it with a soft spatula.
  • If a cut appears during cleaning, cover it with clear tape and then contact a ceiling repair service.

Caring for fabric ceilings

The textile surface creates comfort, but also requires more serious care. While film is easy to clean and easy to repair, fabric, especially dyed fabric, requires more attention. When leaks occur on such ceilings, dirty water stains remain that cannot be removed. The only way is to wash off the visible dirt and dye the fabric water-based paint. Textile ceilings can be painted up to 10 times. You can remove other stains in the following ways:

  • Polyurethane foam must be removed with special solvents, strictly following the instructions. Do not apply the product to the entire stain at once. Process small area, and when it clears, move on to the next one. Then wash the area with soap and water.
  • Oily spots. Do not use hot water. Dilute the soap, let the water cool and only then start cleaning. Do not press on the surface, it may tear and its elasticity is lower than that of PVC.

Textile ceilings must not be cleaned with glass cleaners or ammonia. Wash the fabric with progressive movements, in a straight line. Although you can clean such a ceiling with a brush. Do not use a broom, which will not only scratch the fabric, but also leave particles of twigs on it.

How to remove stains on the ceiling

The easiest way to remove stains from a stretch ceiling is with soapy water. It even copes with kitchen soot, which gives the canvas a yellowish color.

Unfortunately, the yellow tint itself cannot be removed, so you must initially choose the color of the ceiling in the kitchen in warm shades.

Table: how to remove stains from PVC and fabric stretch ceilings

Type of pollutionFabricPVC
FatSoap solution
SootSteam cleanerSteam cleaner/soap solution/ammonia solution
Cigarette smokeCar interior cleanerSoap solution/ammonia solution
KetchupHydrogen peroxide solution (35-50 ml per 5 liters of water)
DyeSoften with soapy water and remove with a spatula
MarkerWeak alcohol/soap solution
Stains after the floodPaint with water-based paintSoda ash solution 5%
Glue "Cosmofen"Dimexide solution
ChampagneWeak alcohol solutionLather

What not to do when cleaning suspended ceilings

To ensure your ceiling lasts as long as possible, use these tips:

  • Do not use products based on acids or alkalis.
  • Wear gloves and remove rings and bracelets to avoid damaging the fabric.
  • Use only those compounds that are suitable for the type of ceiling you have.
  • Do not smoke in the room and ventilate the room regularly.

What definitely cannot be used when cleaning:

  • Do not wash the ceiling with products containing abrasive particles: substances such as Pemolux, dry soda and washing powder. They not only scratch the surface, but also penetrate into the structure of the material, so they are difficult to wash off.
  • Do not use alcohol-based products on textile ceilings. They damage the antistatic impregnation.
  • Rough brushes, sponges with a hard surface.
  • Products containing dyes.
  • Do not use acid or alkali. Even ordinary vinegar can hopelessly ruin the surface.
  • The soap should be light; you should not use dark laundry soap or tar soap - they will leave greasy marks.
  • Chlorine can completely destroy the structure of the tension fabric. Do not use it under any circumstances.
  • It is forbidden to scrub stains with solvents and acetone. These products are not suitable for PVC and leave greasy stains on textile coverings.

To ensure that the suspended ceiling remains in its original form for as long as possible, use only soft compounds and care products designed specifically for this type of surface. Frequent cleaning tension fabric need not. It is enough to wipe it with ordinary soapy water a couple of times a year, and the ceiling will be as good as new.

Stretch ceilings are very popular. This is due to their beautiful appearance and long service life. When starting cleaning after repairs, you need to know how to wash a suspended ceiling efficiently without streaks.

Features of washing a stretch ceiling

The need to remove dirt and dust from the ceiling surface does not arise often. But when starting this process, consider the main features of cleaning:

Cleaning is necessary for the coating in any of the rooms. In the bathroom during water procedures Drops fall on its surface, dry and leave marks. You have to wash the ceiling in the kitchen because of the accumulation of soot on it, and in the living room dust accumulates on the surface. When starting cleaning, remember that any suspended ceiling requires careful treatment, PVC material, from which it is made, it is quite easy to damage.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling?

When cleaning glossy stretch ceilings, consider the tips for cleaning surfaces of this type, because numerous traces of stains can easily remain on them. Follow the basic rules for cleaning a glossy stretch ceiling; if you have never washed it, remember the recommendations:

  • use a soft sponge
  • use mechanical force with caution
  • use harmless detergents

The stretch glossy top does not tolerate aggressive mechanical influence; hard brushes and fabrics can scratch it, deform it or even tear it. Therefore, you need to try to wash as carefully as possible, without applying excessive force, otherwise you risk completely ruining the surface.

It is advisable to remove rings and bracelets from your hands so as not to accidentally scratch the coating. Remember that you cannot use powder products, they leave scratches on the glossy surface. These detergents include:

  • abrasives
  • soda
  • creams with solid particles

If you don’t know how to wash stretch ceilings with a glossy finish without leaving streaks, use a spray glass surfaces or add ammonia to the water. Manufacturers recommend cleaning glossy stretch ceilings with a vacuum cleaner, but this method can only be used if the PVC film is securely fastened. It is advisable to put a soft cloth on the brush so as not to scratch the material.

How to wash a suspended ceiling with a matte finish?

You need to remember that you need to wash matte stretch ceilings no less carefully than glossy ones. Also avoid aggressive cleansers and mechanical damage. Here are the basic recommendations on how to properly wash such coatings:

  • Do not use liquids containing alcohol
  • do not use dry powders
  • make circular movements with a rag

It’s convenient that suspended ceilings with a matte surface are easy to clean and there are no streaks left on them. Before you start cleaning, read the manufacturer's instructions; it should tell you how to wash suspended ceilings. If you are not confident in your abilities, wash the tension matte ceiling Cleaning company specialists can.

Matte finishes are easier to clean than glossy ceilings; just follow the basic rules and avoid heavy contamination of the surface. Like any cleaning, this procedure requires regularity. You can see how to wash suspended ceilings in the video.

Frequency of cleaning and how to remove stains?

How to wash suspended ceilings, what products to use - depends on the room in which the cleaning is carried out. In the living room, mostly dust accumulates on the surface. You can get rid of it using dry soft fabric, in this case, it doesn’t matter how to wash suspended ceilings; you can do it in a circular motion or parallel to one of the walls. Cleaning is carried out as it gets dirty.

In the kitchen, even with a hood, carbon deposits on surfaces, so you need to know how to clean suspended ceilings. There are special products on sale that make the cleaning process easier; you can also dissolve the powder in water and gently wash the coating with this liquid. A matte ceiling for a kitchen is preferable; dirt is not so noticeable on it and stains do not remain. The surfaces in this room need to be cleaned at least once every six months, otherwise the light may dim and dirt will be difficult to remove.

Many apartment residents are interested in how to clean suspended ceilings in the bathroom. Cleaning this room is no different from washing surfaces in the rest of the apartment. Depending on the degree of contamination, you can clean the coating with a damp or dry sponge. You can wash the suspended matte ceiling with water containing liquid soap. Never use aggressive detergents; remember that the PVC tension surface is very sensitive to aggressive environments.

Clean the surface regularly, as it can be difficult or even impossible to properly wash a very dirty surface. If the suspended ceilings in the apartment have lost their luster or brightness, treat them with a special product that can be found in a hardware store. Be sure to test the detergent in the most inconspicuous place; you should know how suspended ceilings will react to it. Make sure that the surface is not yellowed or deformed.

Stretch ceilings are used not only in apartments, but also in offices. This type of coating is durable, looks beautiful and allows you to experiment with design. But remember that the PVC surface needs regular high-quality cleaning, which will preserve the presentable appearance of the ceiling for a long time.