How to wash the air conditioner filter. How to clean an air conditioner at home yourself: features of cleaning and proper operation. Video: Disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner


Air conditioner cleaning can be done either with the help of specialists or with your own hands. In the second case, you simply cannot do without an instruction manual. But first, let’s look at the signs that make it clear that it’s time to clean the split system.

As they accumulate, contaminants deteriorate the performance and quality of the air conditioner. And most importantly, polluted air affects your health. There is mold, mildew, dust mites, and whole families of different bacteria in the air we breathe. Hence, asthma, various dermatitis and other skin diseases.

To avoid such a situation in the apartment, split systems are lightly cleaned: from one to three times a week, depending on the intensity of use of the device. There are several obvious indicators that your air conditioner is dirty.

What you should pay attention to?

      1. If you feel this immediately after starting the split system, then know: this is the most obvious sign of contamination. There may be dirt on the heater grill or drainage problems.
      2. If the electricity consumption has changed upward, and the power has decreased, it’s time to open the air conditioner and check its cleanliness inside.
      3. A peculiar hum and crackling sound when the split system is operating can be a signal of a clogged filter or turbine. The knocking noise can also come from the outer casing if it itself is clogged. In this case, the fan blades will not be able to rotate normally and will hit the case walls or other objects.
      4. Condensate leakage is another indicator of air conditioner contamination with dust and dirt.
      5. “Squelching” and “gurgling” sounds occur when the drainage is poor or there is a loss of refrigerant.

Once you notice any of these signs of system deterioration, you can either call a professional to clean it or do it yourself. We will now figure out what and how to start.

On your own You can clean the internal filters, fan, drainage system and heat exchanger. What will you need for this?

      • user manual;
      • Toothbrush;
      • soft fabric;
      • warm water;
      • soap;
      • vacuum cleaner.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy touching contaminated internal parts and breathing dust. Before starting work, do not forget to put on a respirator and gloves.

The process of cleaning a split system at home will take place in several stages, depending on the part being cleaned. To figure out how to access each of them, let's look at them separately from each other.

Before flushing the air conditioner, be sure to unplug it! Cover the floor with newspapers, plastic wrap or damp rags to prevent it from getting dirty.

Let's start with filters. To get to them, you need to understand how to open the air conditioner. It's simple: lift the lid of the split system, pull it towards you and up and push it all the way. Filters will open before us - curved mesh plates, to remove which you need to slightly lift them up, then pull them towards you and down. Already at this stage you can see the degree of contamination of your device.

Next, the filters must be washed with cool water. If the dirt is not washed off, soak the filters in warm water for about half an hour. To enhance the effect, add a few drops there liquid soap or crumble the usual one and stir - let the soap completely dissolve.

Then rinse the parts again with running water, wait until the removed parts dry naturally, and wipe them again soft cloth. You can dry the filters on the windowsill if the weather outside is sunny.

Do not dry filters with warm air currents, such as a hairdryer, as this may deform them.

Before reinstalling the filters, you need to vacuum the internal elements of the split system and wipe accessible areas with a soft cloth.

So far we have been talking about strainers. If you use pocket filters, you will not be able to clean them - such filters are simply changed after their service life has expired.

It is highly not recommended to wash filters more than six times, since the filter may lose its properties and deteriorate throughput.

Radiators are designed to change the temperature of the distilled air and represent one large plate, which consists of many small ones. They are located at a very small distance from each other, and if the dust is not so deep in the spaces between them, you can remove it with a long-bristled brush.

A high-power vacuum cleaner will also cope well with this task. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the area with a damp cloth until all dust is removed.

If the dirt has gone deep, most likely it has already mixed with condensation and formed a dirt film. It is not possible to remove it yourself. To clean such contamination, steam cleaners are used, and this work is best left to professionals.

You can find the radiator by opening the bottom cover of the split system. Pull the plate out. After cleaning, repeat the sequence in reverse order.

An important element of the system is the rotary fan. This is an oblong shaft with blades that “pushes” cooled air into the room. Its contamination can lead to complete failure, since the resulting deposits of dust and dirt block the operation of the fan.

To prevent this from happening, you need to dissolve a little soap in warm water and spray it on the blades. After the dirt has soaked, turn on the fan at the lowest speed. Be prepared for drops of liquid to fly away. Then stop working and clean the area manually using a brush or toothbrush and the same soap solution.

Before starting to clean the fan, cover the wall protective film and lay newspapers on the floor so that dirt flying out of the air conditioner does not get on them.

You should be extremely careful: try not to damage the fan blades, otherwise a complete replacement will be necessary.

If the resulting grease and dirt clog the passages drainage channels, then the water will begin to flow not outside, but inside the room. The fungus will not “sit” in the pipes for long and will begin to spread: first to the drain pan, and then to the radiator. All this will again affect the purity of the inhaled air.

You can clean the drainage with your own hands only superficially: using a brush and detergent, for example, for washing dishes. After treating the drainage itself, check the cleanliness of the drainage pan, or better yet, wash it for prevention.

Professional treatment of the drainage system involves an antibacterial effect using steam. Another option is to completely clean the entire air conditioning system by spraying a special substance.

That's it for self-cleaning. home air conditioner completed. If you do not want to spend a lot of time, then there is a simpler option, you can purchase a split system with automatic system cleaning. This system works by simple principle: periodically switching to the “idle” mode, it dries the internal components and parts.

Sometimes such air conditioners are accompanied by an ion air purification system - dust ionization occurs, and it passes more easily into the dust collector. However, even such “smart” air conditioners have to be cleaned manually, since they will not wash the filters themselves, and the process itself is still ambiguous and mysterious.

The most difficult thing in cleaning an air conditioner is perhaps its external part. The outdoor unit is usually located outdoors, and access to it is most often complicated by its height and location from the street. The only good thing is that such a block only needs to be cleaned 1-2 times a year.

What should be done?

      1. Turn off the power to the machine.
      2. Remove the top cover and immediately imagine the scope of the work ahead.
      3. Remove debris that can be removed by hand.
      4. Take a powerful vacuum cleaner and use it to clean accessible surfaces.
      5. Try not to touch electrical circuit block - its repair can only be carried out by professionals.
      6. Brush what's left with a medium bristle brush.
      7. Wipe cleaned surfaces with a soft, damp cloth.

For the cleaning external unit More often they use steam cleaners or mini-washes, which give a greater effect. It is important to remember that you should not start the air conditioner until all internal parts are completely dry.

Even if everything is fine with your device and it works like a charm, there are several simple tips equipment care instructions that must be followed.

      1. Let's start with the fact that if your apartment is located on the first floors of the building - from the first to the fourth - then it is recommended to clean the external unit of the air conditioner once every three months, since the pollution in this case is greater and more intense than on the upper floors.
      2. If the air conditioner is located at a level above the seventh floor, it can be cleaned once every two years or less. True, only if you did not notice the signs of contamination that we described earlier.
      3. No matter what floor you live on, the indoor units need to be cleaned 3-4 times a month, because even with good work, dust and dirt settle on the walls and critical parts. It is better to spend a few minutes a month on a light cleaning of the air conditioner than several thousand on repairing or replacing it.
      4. Do not forget to monitor the status of the external unit in . Ice, icicles and snow can cause the air conditioner to break down, as well as threaten the lives of people and cars standing below - under your windows.

If paired with an air conditioner you use supply ventilation with filters, the air conditioner, as a rule, gets dirty less often. For example, it supplies already purified air to the room. The windows can be closed to prevent dust and fumes from entering the house. In addition, the breather also works in recirculator mode, that is, it will help clean the air already in the room. Of course, as in the case of a split system, maintenance is required for the equipment, but with such equipment it is much easier - it is enough to change it periodically. In return you will receive a clean Fresh air indoors, its recirculation, heating of incoming air in winter, silent operation and complete protection from dust and dirt.

      • First, check, consult with specialists if in doubt.
      • Make sure that there is no draft in the room when the split system is operating. Otherwise, the device operates under increased loads on the fan and compressor - this shortens its service life.
      • The same can be said about the operation of a split system at maximum airflow and minimum temperature conditions. These modes require the air conditioner high power, which with frequent use negatively affects the details indoor unit.
      • Major repairs and cleaning must be carried out at least once a year. In case of constant use - twice a year. This “inspection” of your air conditioner will increase its service life and reduce the risk of major repairs in the future.
      • Install the split system in the most closed area sun rays place.

There is a lot of information, articles and videos on this issue on the Internet; we will try to summarize with you a little and look from the technical side at the process of cleaning and servicing a split system (air conditioner) both with our own hands and when calling specialists.

To begin with, I would like to answer a question that worries everyone and everything.

How often should you clean your air conditioner? There is no definite answer; it depends on the operating conditions and habitat. Air conditioning in an apartment is one thing, and air conditioning in a Bar, Cafe or Food Unit is another thing. Let's assume that we have an ordinary household air conditioner in an apartment, with a standard power of 7-12 kbti.

We answer: The air conditioner needs to be cleaned and maintained annually!

What is proper air conditioner cleaning?

The second question is what is meant by cleaning the split system (air conditioner). Cleaning the filters of the indoor unit can also be called cleaning, but such “cleaning” is of little use. Cleaning an air conditioner (split system) is primarily cleaning the heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser) of the indoor and outdoor units, cleaning the fan, cleaning the squirrel wheel, cleaning drainage system.

How to properly clean split system filters?

Cleaning split system filters should be taken by default; filters must be cleaned every two to three weeks. This sweet girl will show you how to do it correctly.

Well, how to clean the split so that it can be of real use?

Without steam cleaner and washer high pressure This is difficult to do, but you can get by with improvised means; it is advisable to do such cleaning before each summer season. I found it very good video On the Internet, how to properly clean the indoor unit of a split system yourself, look:

What is the difference between cleaning and servicing an air conditioner (split)?

Maintenance is carried out by specialists using a steam cleaner and washing, which in principle you can do yourself, but the key difference between maintenance and cleaning of the split system is that specialists measure the freon pressure in the system and, if necessary, refuel required quantity freon so that the split cools at an acceptable level. Diagnostics of electrical and installation connections is carried out automatically. In other words, cleaning the split system is part of the work on servicing air conditioners. I found a decent video, good guys, they explain everything in detail, watch it:

After watching these videos and reading the article, I think you all have become a little clearer about what kind of animal “cleaning air conditioners” is and “what they eat it with.” And you will decide what to do, clean your split yourself, or call specialists. But I would like to summarize all of the above:

1) You can clean the air conditioner filters yourself every 2-3 weeks

2) Cleaning of the indoor unit (condenser, squirrel wheel, drainage) must be carried out monthly on your own or by calling specialists

3) Maintenance (comprehensive cleaning of internal and external units, refilling with freon) must be carried out once every two to three years calling the specialists

Numbers and prices

The average cost of cleaning a split system in Krasnodar is 1300-1500 rubles per season. This includes cleaning the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner, with disassembly. With a steam cleaner and a sink, sometimes just with a steam cleaner. IN good services, during the high season there is usually a queue of at least 2-3 days. There may be more, but depending on your luck.

The annual loss of freon (microcracks and microleaks) set by the manufacturer is 5-7%.

Refilling with freon, if necessary, is not included in the cost of cleaning, and can cost 500-1000 rubles additionally, depending on the amount of freon.

A long time ago different types Air conditioners have become almost the main equipment in our homes, since thanks to them we establish an ideal microclimate in our premises and, thus, escape from heat or cold. But there is no technology that does not require regular maintenance, therefore, for efficient and proper operation of the air conditioner, think about cleaning its parts. In what cases can you clean the device yourself at home, and in what cases will you need the help of a specialist?

In what cases is it necessary to clean the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner?

Equipment should be cleaned immediately in the following cases:

  1. The air conditioner began to consume more electricity.
  2. The climate system began to work worse or its power decreased.
  3. When you turn on the air conditioner, a characteristic crackling or loud noise is heard from the electricity. In this case, you should check the unit's turbines or filters for clogging.
  4. During operation of the equipment, a condensate leak appeared from its external unit.
  5. An unpleasant and pungent odor that appears immediately after turning on the air conditioner. This is a warning that there is a problem with the drainage system or the evaporator grill.
  6. The appearance of gurgling or popping sounds, which indicate that the drainage has become worse or the cooling system is losing refrigerant.
  7. The external unit makes a characteristic knocking noise, which means it’s time to clean its body from clogging. The fan blades no longer rotate or catch on another object.

If you treat the air conditioner with care, it will last its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of ideal operation.

If you treat the air conditioner with care, it will last its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of ideal operation.

How to clean your air conditioner at home yourself: step-by-step instructions for different components

Before you start cleaning your air conditioner, determine the types of work that need to be done. The following processes are carried out independently: cleaning the fan, heat exchanger, filters, drainage.

The outdoor unit also needs cleaning, but it is better to hire a professional to do this job. Working at height is not safe and requires special devices and experience.

For self-cleaning techniques you will need tools:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • soft cloths;
  • a small brush (not very wide and with medium bristles);
  • Toothbrush;
  • detergent;
  • soap;
  • container with warm water.

Cleaning filters

Cleaning the filters is simple, so everyone can handle this process, the main thing is to follow this sequence:

How to clean the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger affects the quality of cooling and heating of the room, so the procedure for cleaning it should not be ignored.

  1. First, the internal block in the device opens.

    It is also important to clean a dirty air conditioner heat exchanger

  2. Get the grate.

    We take out the heat exchanger grille

  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect all the dust from the grate. The vacuum cleaner should operate at medium power.

    It is better to clean the heat exchanger with a soft brush.

  4. Wipe the grill with a slightly damp cloth so that there are no traces of dirt or dust accumulation left later.

    Wipe the heat exchanger grill with a rag

  5. We insert the element into its original place and cover it with a lid.

    Treating the heat exchanger with an antiseptic

  6. You need to wait a little before turning on the air conditioner.

How to clean the outside of the device

Also, the external unit of the device needs constant cleaning, although it gets dirty much less than the internal one, so it needs to be removed from dust once every 6 months.

For the procedure, a powerful vacuum cleaner is used, which is capable of extracting all the dust from the external filters and heat exchange radiator, as well as a soft brush:

When the outdoor unit is located within reach for servicing, use a compressor. A hose with a fitting is pushed into the housing and the valve opens. This way you will remove dirt outside the air conditioner grille.

How to clean a fan

The fan is located inside the unit, so you need to open the cover to see its blades. The accumulation of dust on the fan prevents it from working properly. You can remove plaque in this way:

The fan cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully and thoroughly so as not to damage the blades.

Cleaning the fan from dust must be done carefully and carefully so as not to damage the parts.

Cleaning the drain

The drainage of the device is cleaned using antibacterial treatment. This process includes maintenance of all equipment components. If you have a steam generator, this procedure can be completed much faster.

The housing, drainage, and filters of the device must be cleaned regularly. This should be done depending on functional purpose equipment and its climatic location:

Equipment drains are cleaned as needed. You can check the contamination of the system channels visually by looking at wet spots..

The service life of the equipment depends not only on the selected model and good installation air conditioner, but also from it correct use. By following simple rules, you will extend the operating time of your equipment.

  1. There should be no drafts in the room where the air conditioner is installed. Close doors and windows to maintain the required temperature, otherwise the equipment will work in enhanced mode, therefore the load on the compressor and fan will increase.
  2. Unnecessarily, do not turn on the air conditioner for maximum airflow, as well as minimum airflow. temperature regime, because with constant high power operation of the equipment, internal parts wear out faster.
  3. The air conditioner must operate at the permitted outdoor temperature: inverter models - from -5 to -10 degrees, equipment with a “winter set” up to -20 degrees, basic models - from 0 to -5°C.
  4. Servicing must be carried out regularly. For intensive use twice a year, for moderate use - once a year. Specialized companies will charge a relatively inexpensive price for such a service, but this increases the likelihood of preventing serious repairs in the future.
  5. The indoor unit of the system should not be directly exposed to sunlight.
  6. After long downtime The air conditioner switches on to ventilation mode to run the entire system. This will remove accumulated condensation and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  7. The air flow coming from the air conditioner should not have any obstacles in its path.
  8. The external unit must be protected from exposure to precipitation. For example, make a canopy that will prevent snow and rain from falling on the block. You can also install an anti-vandal grille.
  9. Once a quarter, clean the air conditioner filters, dry them and put them back in place.

You can not only extend the operation of the air conditioner, but also make the equipment less dirty. To do this, follow these rules:

  • Ventilate the room periodically while using the equipment;
  • do not place foreign objects on the air conditioner and its indoor unit;
  • containers with water and flowers also do not need to be placed on the equipment;
  • do not touch the equipment with wet hands;
  • do not let animals sit on it.

In what cases can you not do without a service center?

When buying an air conditioner, be prepared for the fact that without service in some cases you won't have to. There are several reasons that will force you to turn to specialists:

You cannot eliminate any of these reasons yourself, which means you cannot do without service.

Video: how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner with your own hands

Now you already know how to maintain your air conditioner, but the cleaning process various parts must be carried out carefully, as you can damage the equipment or injure yourself. What can we say about the fact that a badly damaged element will have to be replaced. Also make sure that after cleaning, the air conditioner parts dry thoroughly. Comprehensive maintenance will help you use your air conditioner for a long time.

During its operation, any climate control equipment displaces countless amounts of air, which contains mechanical inclusions of various fractions, dust, bacteria and fungal spores, as well as fluff and hair from pets. So all this would remain in the air if there were no filter elements installed in the air conditioner, which periodically need to be replaced or cleaned. Depending on the design of the air conditioner, its power and purpose, filters need to be cleaned at different times recommended by the manufacturer, and in some cases based on “clinical” performance indicators of the air conditioner.

When and why you need to clean air conditioning equipment

As a rule, the situation when you have to clean a household split system arises extremely rarely: that’s all you need, but how to clean it, yourself or with the help of a specialist, or call a specialized team from a cleaning company for such a case - this is the question that worries the user most often. This article is intended to answer several common questions related to cleaning air conditioners, what you can do on your own, and where professional intervention is required.

First of all, you need to answer the question: “Why do you need to clean the split system yourself?” Of course, for these purposes you can call a specialist and pay him several thousand hard-earned, but why pay for something that is no more difficult to do than cleaning, for example, a vacuum cleaner. Few people call a specially trained person for this.

In an air conditioner that has not undergone a preventive maintenance procedure for a long time, a lot of dust has accumulated inside, which will certainly lead to problems, namely:

  • Significant deterioration of the indoor microclimate. Dust that settles on the air conditioner units will spread throughout the room, which can cause allergic attacks in people in the room. You can read how to check the air in an apartment in the article.
  • Difficulty in working this climate control device. The thing is that accumulated dust and dirt in the filter elements will prevent the free passage of air flow.
  • Significant reduction. These are the consequences of dust buildup on the heat exchanger.
  • Increased risk of split system failure due to increased air resistance and as a result, increased load on the fan motor.

"Clinical" indicators of the air conditioner indicating cleaning

One of the most striking manifestations of a long-term lack of preventive maintenance of air conditioners is the emergence of unpleasant odor. First of all, this indicates colonies of fungi and mold that have developed in the device. And with every turn on of the air conditioner, millions of spores fly around the apartment and inevitably enter the human respiratory system, leading to terrible diseases such as asthma, allergies and various types dermatitis.

If a mold smell appears, you must immediately clean the inside of the air conditioner and its filter elements. If you delay cleaning, the likelihood of subsequent problems increases. In addition to the smell, there are several other signs that your split system needs to be cleaned:

  • Reducing the power of the device.
  • Increased energy consumption.
  • Icing of highways and connecting fittings.

We are gradually cleaning our climate control equipment

Do-it-yourself air conditioner cleaning consists of three stages:

  • cleaning or replacing the air conditioner filter;
  • cleaning the “insides” of the internal module;
  • preventive cleaning of the external unit.

Before carrying out any work, the climate system must be completely disconnected from the power supply.. To spend effective cleaning filter elements in the internal block of the split system, you need to carry out a series of sequential operations, which are proposed in this article:

Do not wash one filter element more than 8 times, as water disrupts its throughput, which affects the efficiency of the entire climate system.

How to clean the indoor unit of a split system yourself

Very often the question: “How to clean an air conditioner at home” should be meant as follows: “How to clean the indoor unit of an air conditioner with your own hands.”

In addition to replacing and cleaning the filters of the internal module of the split system, you can independently clean the evaporator heat exchanger from dust accumulated in it. This is the main part of any climate system, which must be kept perfectly clean for the device to work well.

It is assembled from tubes in which the freon evaporation process takes place, as a result of which the evaporator is cooled. Air flows “wash” the heat exchanger and cool themselves. In order to clean the air conditioner evaporator, you need to:

  1. De-energize the climate system.
  2. Remove the protective grille according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Using a vacuum cleaner and a thin brush, clean the heat exchanger and the space between the tubes and shut-off valves from dust.

    If there are traces of metal corrosion on the surface of the heat exchanger, you should urgently contact service center to avoid freon leakage.

  4. Reassemble the device in reverse order.

When cleaning the air conditioner evaporator, do not use a stiff brush or metal objects, which can damage the freon line and heat exchanger.

Sometimes it is necessary to clean the indoor unit fan from dust and grease deposits, but it is strongly recommended not to carry out this procedure on your own. The best option will call a service professional.

Cleaning the compressor unit of a split system

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the design of the split system involves the location of the external unit of the split system outside the room, so disassembling and cleaning it should be carried out by professionals. The only thing that needs to be done is flushing the air conditioner, or rather its external unit. To do this you need:

  1. Turn off the power to the climate control unit and remove the plug from the socket.
  2. Using a soft brush and cloth, remove dust and dirt from the unit body.
  3. Having connected the hose to the water supply network or a car wash, direct the stream directly into the device and try to rinse the contents as thoroughly as possible without opening the housing of the external unit of the climate system.
  4. After cleaning, remove excess water and the device body.

Now you have learned how to clean the air conditioner yourself. If such simple procedures are carried out promptly and carefully, you can significantly extend the service life of the climate system.

Practice shows that after purchasing and installing an air conditioner, people use the device, but forget about the need for periodic maintenance. The issue of prevention or repair arises in the event of a breakdown or the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

This approach is wrong, because it leads to a decrease in the service life of the equipment, additional costs for restoration and other problems.

The way out of the situation is periodic maintenance of the air conditioner, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Below we will look at how to do this work correctly and in what sequence to proceed.

Why is it worth doing prevention?

Long-term use of the device leads to the accumulation of dust and grease on its elements. This applies to the heat exchanger, filter unit, fan and the inside of the housing. As a result, fungi and bacteria appear, which, together with air flow enter the room, and then into a person’s lungs, negatively affecting his health.

Contamination of the components also has a bad effect on its operation. If prevention is not done, over time the process of indoor air renewal deteriorates, and the load on the device and the electrical network increases.

In addition, not only the internal, but also the external unit of the device suffers. A layer of fluff appears on it, which disrupts the operation of the heat exchanger and worsens the cooling process of the refrigerant. As a result, the air conditioner operates less efficiently.

To extend the life of the equipment and avoid health problems, it is important to promptly clean the air conditioner and disinfect the elements.

Prevention period

The frequency of cleaning the device depends on its purpose. For example, it is recommended to clean the filter elements of air conditioners for home use every six months. If we're talking about about office equipment, frequency of work - once every three months.

If installed in a cafeteria, commercial premises or in other public facilities, cleaning is carried out once a month.

The need for prevention can be easily determined by the smell that appears after turning on the equipment. An unpleasant “aroma” indicates the appearance of bacteria inside and the need to remove them.

Craftsmen note that during the maintenance process they often find mucus and various fungi inside. That is why it is so important not to delay repairs and call a specialist to carry out the work.

Signs of heavy pollution

The air conditioner, as a rule, itself “prompts” the owner about the need preventive work. The main signs of contamination include:

  • The appearance of a leak from the internal module;
  • Unpleasant odor that occurs after switching on (this was mentioned above);
  • Increased noise, crackling or unstable sound;
  • Poor cooling quality, spontaneous temperature changes.

Any of the listed symptoms is enough to begin inspecting the device and cleaning its elements. If you neglect the need to perform preventive maintenance, the risk of failure of certain parts and the inability to use the equipment increases. In such a situation, you cannot do without calling specialists and additional costs.

Practice shows that many issues related to air conditioner maintenance can be resolved at home. In this case, no special tool is needed.

Besides, helpful information for servicing a particular model is given in the instructions. It shows a diagram for removing the indoor unit, as well as basic cleaning principles.

What is assessed during the examination?

Air conditioner service technicians recommend inspecting the unit regularly. The more often this happens, the better.

The main points to pay attention to include:

  • Tightness of the freon circuit;
  • Appearance of oil inside the compressor unit.
  • Presence of freon leakage;
  • There are no circuit violations that could allow moisture to enter the system.

Pay attention to the integrity of the wires through which power is supplied and the quality of the contacts. To be on the safe side, tighten all the mounting screws. Remember that all work is performed with the air conditioner turned off.

Stages of cleaning the indoor unit

If the climate system has just been purchased, installed and is constantly operating, preventive maintenance is carried out every 30 days. The main measures include washing the fan and filter mesh, as well as cleaning the evaporator, radiator and drainage system.

As noted above, the absence of such work leads to the accumulation of dust, excessive heating and increased noise of the device. Below we will look at how to prevent this.

Cleaning fans and filter screens

A mesh filter is mounted inside, which is easy to remove and inspect. To dismantle, you need to disconnect the equipment from the household network and remove the front cover by unscrewing the fixing screws.

Now all that remains is to remove the mesh from the conditioner and soak it in soap solution or a special product, then leave for some time.

The next step is to flush the fan that moves cold air. During operation, a thick layer of dust, debris and grease accumulates on the blades of the product.

There are two types of fans - removable and non-removable. In the latter case, cleaning is done using a brush. This is not very convenient, but it allows you to remove excess dirt.

To prevent a removable fan, you need to immerse it in soapy water, hold it in it for some time, then remove it and return it to its place.

Prevention of the radiator and heat exchanger

In most models, the heat exchanger and radiator are mounted in the indoor unit. For high-quality cleaning, it is recommended to dismantle and disassemble the unit, and then begin cleaning work.

This is an expensive process, so you can save on it and do the work yourself.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

To avoid contamination of the heat exchanger plates, it is recommended to act promptly and perform cleaning once every 30 days. It is best to do the work in conjunction with washing the filter.

Cleaning and disinfection of drainage

The air conditioner is equipped with a drainage system consisting of 2 units:

  • Tray - designed to collect excess moisture;
  • Tube - it is used to drain water.

The accumulation of dust and its interaction with moisture leads to the appearance of mold, fungi and bacteria, and main result- the appearance of an unpleasant odor when turned on.

Once dust and debris enter the drainage system, these elements become contaminated. After some time, the air conditioner begins to drip.

For prevention, you need to discard the tray from the board and outlet tube, and then remove it and rinse it in water.

Cleaning the drainage system tube is done using a conventional vacuum cleaner or compressor in blowing mode. To flush the channel, use running water, soap or special remedy for the cleaning.

IN difficult cases Mold and mildew have already spread throughout the system, so a mold and mildew remover is needed to remove the dirt. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of the pallet, because it is often the main source of stench.

Method of using special means

To prevent the heat exchanger, special foam is used. To treat the unit, shake off the can several times, then treat the finned part of the heat exchanger.

After some time, the foam turns into liquid, and the pollution goes into the drainage system. Next, you need to turn on the air conditioner to dry the treated parts. detailed instructions How to use the foam cleaner is provided on the can with the product.

If you use the product in the form of a spray, you need to spray it on a number of elements - the intake deflector and the heat exchanger.

During maintenance work, it is worth turning on the device and switching it to ventilation mode. Information about the features of use of the product can be found on the packaging

How it works?

The principle of operation of the cleaner depends directly on the active components that are in its composition.

Typically, products contain:

  • Surfactants (surfactants). Their job is to clean the surface.
  • Fragrances and elements that ensure “sticking” of the detergent to the air conditioner units.
  • Special additives (alkaline, acid, chlorine-alcohol).
  • Biologically active elements designed to combat pests inside the device.

Outdoor unit cleaning steps

Unlike the internal unit, the external unit can be cleaned less frequently - twice a year is enough. It accumulates leaves from trees, branches, dirt, fluff and much more. If you do not clean the outdoor unit, the risk of overheating the radiator and compressor increases, as well as reducing their service life.

The difficulty is that it is not always possible to access the module. Despite the installation of the outdoor unit near a window or balcony, it is not always possible to reach it without a safety belt and special equipment.

If you do not want to risk your life, you should call specialists.

If there are no difficulties with prevention, do the following:

  • Turn off the power to the device (unplug it from the mains).
  • Remove various contaminants from the surface.
  • Remove the protective housing and clean the inside of any debris.
  • Wash the fan blades with a damp cloth.
  • Clean the radiator with a steam cleaner or high-pressure water. Be careful not to allow moisture to come into contact with the electrical part of the device.

How to check the tightness of the freon housing?

One of the malfunctions of the air conditioner is the loss of tightness of the freon circuit. If you do preventive maintenance in time and detect the problem, you can avoid additional costs in the future and “save” the climate system.

The complexity of the situation depends on a number of factors - the volume of refrigerant released, the location of the damage, the time from the moment the leak appears until it is detected, as well as the operating mode of the device.

IN general case A refrigerant leak leads to a number of unpleasant consequences, primarily to overheating of the compressor.

This problem is diagnosed by the following signs:

  • Darkening of the compressor insulation;
  • Overheat protection is triggered from time to time;
  • 5 minutes after switching on, no cold or cold water comes out. warm air(taking into account the specified mode);
  • Damage to the insulation on the pipeline;
  • Deterioration of oil condition;
  • The appearance of frost on the tube of the external unit (during prolonged operation).

If circuit damage is identified promptly and preventative measures are taken, serious leaks and breakdowns can be avoided. As a rule, the cause of leakage is a decrease in the density of the roller joints. This problem can be easily identified if you monitor the condition of the air conditioner.

How to detect the appearance of moisture in the freon circuit?

To determine the presence of moisture in the freon circulation circuit, it is worth paying attention to a number of characteristic signs:

  • The appearance of a green tint in the oil and increased acidity(confirmed by test). The downside is that such a symptom appears when the problem is already advanced.
  • When switching the climate system to heating mode when outside low temperature, thermal protection is triggered. This occurs due to the presence of water in the system, its freezing and clogging of the tube. As a result, the suction pressure decreases and the compressor suddenly overheats. In such a situation, you need to turn off the air conditioner and contact a repairman.

Express oil analysis

Few people know, but in the process of prevention you can do a quick analysis of the oil that circulates in the freon circuit along with the refrigerant.

If we consider the process as a whole, first a small amount of oil is taken from the compressor, then it is checked and compared with obviously clean oil.

  • Turn off the air conditioner and wait 10 minutes or more for the oil to drain from the walls of the tubes.
  • Connect a one-fourth ball valve to the service outlet.
  • Place a rubber tube on the faucet, and lower the second edge of it into the container.
  • Drain off a small amount of oil and let it sit until the foam goes away.
  • Pour the collected mixture into a clean container.

The resulting oil must be compared with a obviously clean liquid. The criteria for comparison are smell and shade.

If the oil is dark and stinks, this indicates frequent overheating of the compressor. This fluid no longer performs its functions and requires replacement. If the work is not done on time, the device will fail.

The presence of a greenish color indicates the appearance of “copper” salts, which is explained by the appearance of moisture in the circuit. For an accurate diagnosis, an acid test is recommended.

If the “diagnosis” is confirmed, the device requires prophylaxis. This cannot be done at home - you need to take the device to a workshop.

If the test results are positive, the fluid is returned:

  • Pour the oil into a clean high-sided glass.
  • Mark the level.
  • Place the free edge of the tube (that was connected earlier) into it.
  • Open the valve and wait a while.
  • Add the same amount of oil as there is in the glass.
  • Start the air conditioner and enter the cooling mode, then close the liquid port. After some time, the pressure in the tube will decrease.
  • Open the valve of the oil suction port into the air conditioner. As soon as the level reaches the mark, turn off the tap and turn off the climate system. At the same time, open the liquid port.

Cleaning products - review, instructions for use

The market offers a wide selection of products for the prevention of air conditioners, which are worthy of attention and cope with the task “excellently”. Let's highlight some of them.


Disinfectant for the prevention of air conditioners and ventilation systems with antibacterial effect.

  • Cleaning and disinfection.
  • Formation of a film on the surface of the air ducts (evaporator).
  • Removal of bacteria and fungi, which eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Regular use of the product can reduce the risk of developing allergic diseases and other respiratory tract problems due to bacteria that appear inside.

The product is sold in 0.32 liter cans. The composition includes water, an organic solvent, surfactants (cationic and nonionic), odor absorber, antimicrobial elements, corrosion inhibitors, fragrance and hydrocarbon gas propellant.

To use DOMO you need to do the following:

  • Turn off the air conditioning system, open the cover and remove the strainers.
  • Shake off the can and apply the product to the evaporator for 10-15 minutes, and after 3-5 minutes turn on the air conditioner.

Favor Cool

Favorkul is a product intended for disinfection and cleaning of ventilation systems and air conditioners. The product is suitable for removing mold, mildew, germs and dust. Regular use helps remove unpleasant odors and clean internal elements of dirt.

In addition, Favorkul is used for air ducts and disinfection of air conditioners in cars, as well as for cleaning the air in the room.

Used at home and in industrial sector. Capacity - 0.5 l. Judging by the reviews, the product copes with the task “excellently”.

TOP House

The TOP House cleaner was developed by German craftsmen and is produced in Germany. Purpose - prevention of external and internal blocks. The product is also used to remove contaminants in split systems, air filters, as well as to clean fans and guides.

The peculiarity of the product is the absence negative influence on the surface layer in the heat exchanger tubes. Volume - 0.75 l.


  • During the production process, a formula developed by leading European manufacturers is used;
  • Protection against dust accumulation;
  • Powerful antiseptic effect;
  • Surface refreshment;
  • Antibacterial effect.


One of the most powerful air conditioner cleaners is Teechpoint. The product is manufactured in Russia, supplied in plastic bottles capacity 200 ml.

The composition is intended for preventative treatment air conditioners (including automobile), split systems, ventilation. Main function consists of disinfecting the surface for up to 8 months.

After treatment, bacteria, viruses and mold are removed, which often leads to diseases and has an unpleasant odor.

Techpoint contains water, glycols, surfactants, HOURS, solvents, isopropanol, complexing agents and dye. Also added are the company's secret components, flavoring and coloring.

Spray Cleaner Disinfectant (RTU)

The Cleaner Disinfectant composition is used for prevention (periodic maintenance) of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. The product is sprayed onto the coil from top to bottom.

According to the manufacturer, the spray keeps the internal components of the climate system clean and removes up to 99.9% of germs within 60 seconds.

The cleaning product is supplied in a special 1 liter container, which is ready for use. A hand sprayer is provided. The product is based on an alkaline composition.

Indesit C00093751

The Indesit C00093751 cleaner is in wide demand and has earned positive reviews many users. This product is used to disinfect air conditioning systems installed in a home or car.

Its action is aimed at neutralizing unpleasant odors, removing fungi, dust and dirt that accumulate on the internal elements of the device.

With the help of Indesit C00093751 you can clean the air conditioner yourself and without the involvement of specialists. The composition is sold in cans with a capacity of 150 ml.

Magic Power MP-028

If you need reliable and effective remedy for disinfection and prevention of air conditioners, Magic Power MP-028 - best option. The product cleans, disinfects and deodorizes the surface being treated.

Thanks to its thoughtful composition, the spray prevents the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms, destroys mold, fungi and bacteria. After prophylaxis with Magic Power MP-028, the unpleasant odor is also removed.

How to prepare the system for winter or summer?

Air conditioner prevention involves cleaning and disinfecting its elements. At the same time, it is important to tie your actions to a specific season. Regardless of whether the system is adapted to winter period There are a number of restrictions that must be taken into account during operation.

For example, each manufacturer indicates a temperature below which it is not recommended to turn on the device due to the risk of leaks and the appearance of ice on the outdoor unit.

When preparing climate control equipment for summer, it is necessary to clean the inside, because a lot of dust will certainly accumulate inside during use. In addition, the fan and filters, as well as the evaporator, are cleaned.

Pay attention to the external block, because poplar fluff appears in May, and the situation will only get worse.

Remember that timely care extends the life of the device and its validity.

Air conditioner prevention is a set of actions, many of which can be done independently and without calling specialists. Thus, cleaning and processing the indoor unit takes no more than an hour and can be easily done without the use of special tool. But there may be situations when you cannot do without masters.

For example, when it is necessary to clean the external unit using safety belts or conduct an oil analysis in the compressor.

In addition, each year the volume of refrigerant in the system decreases by 7%. The reserve needs to be replenished, and for this you will have to turn to professionals.

To extend the life of the split system and avoid problems, it is important to periodically clean the device yourself, and if any serious problems call specialists.