How to change a doorway. Why change the door leaf? Removing an old interior door

One of the stages of apartment renovation or country house is often a replacement interior doors. Since such an operation is not particularly technologically complex, property owners in most cases perform it themselves.

Main stages

When making renovations in a city apartment or private house, replacing interior doors is usually done in the following order:

    buy new canvas and frames;

    installing the new door itself.

At each of these stages, among other things, of course, one should observe certain rules and follow the recommendations of experienced professionals. Otherwise, the interior door will not look very neat in the future. If the installation technology is violated, the door leaf will not close tightly during operation, creak, etc.

What tools and materials will be needed

In addition to the new frame and leaf itself, to replace the door you will need to prepare:

    polyurethane foam;

    gypsum putty or plaster;

  • a hatchet with a wide blade;

    several wooden wedges;

    screws and dowels;

The home craftsman will also need a tape measure and a building level.

What is the procedure for dismantling an old door?

This operation, despite its apparent simplicity, should be performed as carefully and carefully as possible. Otherwise, you can damage the doorway itself. And this, in turn, will significantly complicate the subsequent installation of a new door.

The old canvas is usually removed using the following technology:

    push a crowbar under it;

    lift the canvas with it like a lever so that it comes off the hinges;

    remove the canvas from the box;

    take the structure to the side so that it does not interfere further work.

In very old doors, the door leaf may “stick” to the hinges. In this case, before removing it, everything metal parts you need to thoroughly lubricate it with machine oil and wait a few minutes.

When replacing an interior door, the frame is usually dismantled as follows:

    saw down the lower parts of both vertical posts at a height of 70 cm from the floor level;

    make a few more cuts along the height of the racks;

    pry up parts of the racks with a crowbar and tear them off the door.

If the box elements are secured in the openings not with nails, but with screws, the dismantling procedure will be much simpler. To replace the door frame of an interior door in this case, you only need a drill.

Dismantling of platbands

This procedure has no difficulties home handyman, most likely, will not cause. If the old platbands are fixed to the wall with screws or nails, the latter should simply be unscrewed. Sometimes these elements on enclosing structures are also fixed with glue. In this case, you will most likely have to tear off the platbands using a chisel.

Preparation and measurements

After removing the old door frame, you need to carefully inspect the opening. There should not be any defects inside it. It is quite difficult, for example, to replace interior doors in old houses. In such buildings, unfortunately, the openings are often somewhat asymmetrical. In this case, before installing a new door, they must be leveled using plaster mortar.

This work should be carried out in such a way that the internal planes of the openings end up strictly horizontal and vertical, and all angles are right.

Sometimes it happens that no defects in terms of geometry are observed in the opening, but cracks and chips are noticeable on its surfaces. In this case, it is also necessary to carry out preliminary adjustment work. It is best to cover up chips and cracks inside the opening. gypsum putty. This material is very easy to work with. In addition, it freezes, unlike cement mixtures, almost instantly.

On final stage The opening prepared in this way should be measured in height and width. It is best to use a tape measure for this purpose, of course.

Buying a new door: what you need to know

In most cases, companies nowadays produce quite high-quality interior designs. However, when purchasing such a door you should still be as careful as possible. Sometimes defective designs of this type are also supplied to the market. For such doors, the discrepancy in length and width can reach several millimeters. Of course, you should not buy such a defective design for installation in an apartment or house yourself. It will be very difficult to install a door with geometric defects yourself.

Of course, you need to purchase an interior design in strict accordance with the height and width of the opening. Otherwise, when replacing interior doors, installing and fixing the frame will become very difficult.

In city apartments, 75 cm doors are most often installed between rooms. In any case, in order to mount the box later without problems, including with your own hands, it must be:

    narrower than the opening by 4-5 cm;

    below it by 3-4 cm.

Installation of a new door

The final stage of such a procedure as replacing interior doors in an apartment is, of course, installing new door frames in the opening. This operation is usually performed using the following technology:

    the box is assembled;

    the box is installed in the opening and secured;

    the canvas is mounted;

    platbands are attached.

At the final stage after installing a new door, a procedure such as finishing the remaining visible part of the opening is often performed.

How to assemble a box correctly

In some cases, interior doors can be replaced without replacing the frame. This, of course, allows property owners to save some money. But most often the doors in apartments and country houses are completely changed. After all, choosing a canvas to match the color of the box in most cases can, unfortunately, be quite difficult.

Door frames are usually sold dismantled. You need to assemble the purchased box on a perfectly flat surface. This could be, for example, gender or big table. To assemble the frame as efficiently as possible, you need:

    place the door leaf on the table;

    place vertical posts on both of its long sides;

    align the racks with the ends of the canvas;

    place a horizontal crossbar;

    also align this element;

    connect all the parts of the box.

Vertical racks interior door frames are usually made with production stock. That is, along the length they protrude beyond the boundaries of the canvas. After all, the latter should be located at a certain height from the floor surface. Therefore, at the final stage, the vertical posts of the box will need, among other things, to be cut to the designed length.

Replacing interior doors with your own hands: installing the frame in the opening

This procedure, of course, must be carried out as carefully and accurately as possible. The door must ultimately be installed absolutely vertically in two planes - parallel to the wall and perpendicular to it.

You need to place the box in the opening in the wall using wooden wedges. Otherwise, when leveling, the posts and crossbar may be deformed. Once the frame is fixed, its position should be carefully checked using a building level.

Replacement of old interior doors: installation of the door leaf

Hinges with modern interior doors usually come included. But if such elements are not found in the box, they will have to be purchased separately. It is believed that any interior door must be secured in the frame with at least 2 hinges. Such elements should be located approximately 20 cm from the edges of the canvas.

Companies involved in the production of interior doors usually make grooves for hinges at the ends of the door leaf even at the production stage. If the latter are not found, you will also have to do them yourself. The depth of the grooves on the canvas should be approximately 2.2-2.7 mm.

Door hinges are usually secured using self-tapping screws. First, holes are drilled for them using a drill. After the hinges are installed on the canvas, their second part should be secured to the box using the same technology. This procedure should be performed carefully, taking care not to damage the surface of the door structures. After the hinges are screwed on, the canvas just needs to be inserted into the box.

Installation of platbands

Replacing the interior door leaf must be carried out in compliance with all required technologies. The same applies to platbands. After the door leaf is installed, the gaps between the frame and the opening structures need to be filled with foam. This material is known to expand greatly when it hardens. To prevent foam from deforming the door frame, you should not blow too much of it into the crack. Foam should occupy no more than 1/3 of their volume.

After this material has hardened, you can begin installing the platbands. These elements can be mounted using screws or glue. In both cases, the installation operation is usually performed as follows:

    Vertical platbands are applied to the opening for the purpose of cutting;

    do the same with the horizontal casing;

    cut the ends of the cut platbands at an angle of 45 degrees.

    fix the elements on the wall using glue or self-tapping screws.

The final stage

After installing the trim, a procedure such as replacing an interior door can be considered complete. However, if the box is thinner than the walls themselves, part of the opening remains visible for obvious reasons. It will, of course, need to be closed somehow. finishing material. In order to give the opening an aesthetic appearance, you can use, for example, ordinary plaster and water-based paint.

Also, the visible part of the interior door opening is often decorated using artificial decorative stone. When using this material, the wall will subsequently look especially impressive.

Sometimes the visible part of the door opening is also covered with MDF slats. In this case, of course, it is advisable to choose a material similar in color to the canvas and trim. Instead of rather expensive MDF for finishing the opening, of course, you can use ordinary plastic panels"under the tree".

How to replace glass

Unfortunately, interior doors are quite expensive. If, for example, the glass in the canvas simply bursts, it is, of course, not necessary to remove it completely. In this case, you can produce instead complete replacement interior door, repairing it individual designs. This will save you a significant amount.

Changing the glass panes interior designs usually using this technology:

    purchased new glass is cleaned of dirt and various types of deposits;

    cut it using wooden slats and glass cutter;

    clean the folds from dirt and chalk them;

    glass is being installed.

The glass for the interior door is cut on a completely flat surface. Each line is drawn along it with a diamond tool once. Among other things, when cutting, take into account that the length and width of the glass should be 2 mm less than the distance between the folds (by ¾ of the width of the latter). Otherwise, it may subsequently burst due to swelling of the wood.

Glass should be installed in the door from the bottom edge of the rebate. In this case, it is best to fasten the glazing beads with nails.

Handle installation

At the final stage when replacing an interior door, this operation is usually performed. Nowadays, such designs are sold in most cases with existing holes for a lock and handle. So install these elements yourself special labor, most likely, it will not be.

The handle and lock are usually installed on an interior door using the following technology:

    the lock is inserted into a groove at the end of the blade;

    a handle is threaded through the canvas and the hole in the lock;

    the handle is secured with self-tapping screws on both sides;

    decorative nuts are tightened.

Buy a handle and a lock experienced craftsmen They advise from the same manufacturer from whom the door itself was purchased. In this case, such elements will fit perfectly into the grooves in the canvas and box.

Instead of a conclusion

Replacing doors in an apartment or country house— the procedure is thus technologically relatively simple. If you wish, you can, of course, perform this operation yourself. However, for those who do not want to bother with dismantling and installing the frame and door leaf, they can certainly order a replacement interior door from specialists. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and any other city in the country, such a procedure usually does not cost too much. In most cases, apartment and house owners order installation from the same companies from which they purchased the interior doors themselves.

Installation requires tools and basic construction skills. The quality of the work performed depends on accurate measurements. The slightest distortions will lead to jamming of the sash and the formation of cracks. Door blocks are sold assembled or disassembled. In the second case, installation will be more difficult due to the need self-assembly ludki.

The installation of doors begins with the preparation of tools. For installation work you will need:

  • To place the door level, you need a plumb line and a level. For measurements and markings, use a tape measure with a pencil.
  • The process of assembling and installing interior doors includes final finishing with platbands and, if necessary, extensions. A hacksaw with fine teeth and a miter box are useful for cutting planks.
  • The power tool you need is a drill with a set of drill bits for concrete and wood, as well as a screwdriver.
  • It’s easier to make cuts for fittings with a milling cutter, but if you don’t have a tool, you can get by with a chisel and hammer.

The materials used are self-tapping screws, polyurethane foam, and also many wooden wedges different thicknesses for spacers. You need to immediately decide how to install interior doors so that the fasteners are not visible.

If preference is given to hidden installation, additional hangers are purchased. You can fix the boat with anchors. Sink the caps into secret holes, putty them, and paint over them.

How to install an interior door with your own hands?

If you know how to use the tool, you can install the doors yourself. It is important to initially take all accurate measurements to avoid distortions. IN general outline The procedure for installing an interior door consists of the following processes:

  1. If the frame is sold disassembled, it will have to be assembled. This work increases the installation time of the interior door and also complicates the process.
  2. All elements of the door block are equipped with fittings: handles, locks, latches. On a system consisting of rollers and guide rails. When installing swing door, the canvas is attached to the boat with loops.
  3. After assembling the structure, the installation of doors in the apartment begins with. In the opening, the frame is fixed with anchors or hangers, and the gaps are filled with foam.
  4. The sash is hung on the installed boat, adjustments are made, and it is placed with.

To execute correct installation interior door with your own hands, even before purchasing the door block for sure. The dimensions of the frame must be smaller than the passage, otherwise it will have to be removed. It is optimal to maintain gaps when installing an interior door between the door and the wall - from 10 to 40 mm.

Mandatory, but necessary if the depth of the opening exceeds the size of the frame. Protruding sections of the wall are hidden under decorative strips. Step-by-step instructions will help you better understand the installation process.

Box assembly

The installation of an interior door begins by unpacking the purchased unit and inspecting all components. The door frame can be sold assembled or disassembled individual elements with mounting grooves.

If you purchased a boat with ready-made fasteners, you just need to assemble it. The frame is sold from elements cut to size. There can be three of them: a false and hinged stand, as well as a lintel top bar. If a threshold is provided, then a fourth element is included.

To assemble the frame, plugs are knocked out from the ends of the racks along with connecting pins. The edges of the vertical and horizontal frame elements are joined so that the mounting holes coincide. The connecting pins are driven in with a hammer, and the holes are closed with plugs.

When knocking out the plugs, the blows are applied through wooden pads to prevent the destruction of the decorative coating.

Much more complex, sold in the form of blanks made of figured veneered timber. You will need woodworking tools, as well as basic knowledge of carpentry. consists of the following steps:

  • First, measure the sash. The length of the frame elements is calculated so that a gap of 3 mm is formed between the inside of the pan and the canvas along the entire perimeter. If you intend to install sealing gum, the size of the gap is calculated taking into account its thickness.

  • The blanks are marked, then sawed with a wood hacksaw with fine teeth at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Direct docking is easier. To properly saw off a corner, the workpiece is placed in a miter box. Connect the prepared elements of the box with long self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes.

  • It is easier for an inexperienced person to install doors without a threshold, since only three elements will have to be connected. The shape of the box is made in the form of the letter “P”. The edges of the upper lintel are placed on the ends of the racks. Each joint is secured with two self-tapping screws.

  • The sash is placed in the finished frame. Measure the gaps between the door and the frame with three sides, keeping to the required 3 mm. The racks below will rest on the floor. The length is calculated so that there is a gap of 8–15 mm between the floor covering and the lower end of the sash.
  • To install the threshold of an interior door, the frame is assembled from four elements. The lower jumper is inserted between the posts and then secured with self-tapping screws. The gap between the threshold and the end of the sash is maintained at 3 mm.

After production, the boxes are stacked door leaf. Having retreated 25 cm from above and below, on the hinge stand, as well as the end of the sash, mark the installation locations for the hinges. To prevent the fastening plates from protruding, recesses are selected in the wood using a chisel or milling cutter.

Two ways to install the box

Open way provides anchors. The frame is inserted into the opening. Displayed vertically and horizontally. All measurements are carried out with a level and a plumb line. Maintaining a gap of 10 to 40 mm, wooden wedges are driven between the frame and the walls. By knocking or loosening the spacers, the frame is perfectly level.

WITH inside boxes with increments of 50–60 cm are drilled through holes with countersunk recesses. Holes are made in the wall using a concrete drill. The anchors are screwed in so that the head is hidden inside the secret recess. After a level check, the gap between the wall and the frame is filled with foam. Secret holes are puttied and then painted over.

Second closed method Installation of the box involves the use of hangers used in the manufacture of plasterboard frames, or a special mounting system. Metal strip screwed with self-tapping screws to the wrong side of the frame. The box is inserted into the interior opening, wedged with wooden wedges, the hanging petals are folded onto the wall, secured with self-tapping screws and plastic dowels.

Installation of additional equipment

When installing a door block in a deep interior opening, the frame is not able to cover the entire wall. If the width of the box is not enough, then use. Decorative strips are installed on the longitudinal groove of the frame, having previously lubricated the lock with glue. If the door frame does not provide a lock for the extensions, the planks are fixed through secret holes with self-tapping screws. The optimal fastening pitch is 60 cm.

Installation of door leaf

Before installing the door, the door leaf is equipped with fittings. Canopies on the market different types and flowers. The place for their fastening is determined before installing the box. For interior doors, it is popular to install butterfly awnings that do not require insertion.

Two hinges are installed on a light sash, leaving 25 cm at the top and bottom. The heavy leaf is reinforced in the center with a third canopy. At open method fixing the box, the anchors are positioned so that they do not interfere with screwing the hinges with self-tapping screws. If the installation of interior doors was carried out in a hidden way on hangers, the problem with the location of the fasteners disappears.

The gap between the end of the sash and the hinge post of the frame should be 6 mm. First, mark the place for fastening at the end of the sash. Under mounting plate loops using a chisel to select a notch. The canopies are screwed on with self-tapping screws.

The door leaf along with the hinges is inserted into the frame. Wedges are used to push the sash apart to create gaps around the perimeter. Places for making recesses are marked on the hinge stand. The canvas is removed from the frame, a recess is selected with a chisel, then the second halves of the canopies are screwed in with self-tapping screws.

The handle with the lock is installed at a height of 90 cm from the floor. The body of the locking fittings is applied to the sash at a measured height. Use a pencil to mark the location of the handle and outline the boundaries of the castle. At the end of the canvas, use drills or a chisel to select a recess. A through hole is drilled for the handle. The nest is treated with varnish, a lock is installed, the body is fixed with self-tapping screws, and then the handles are inserted. A sample is made on the box stand opposite the lock and a counter plate of the locking hardware is installed.

To install doors with your own hands without defects, the process of hanging the sash is carried out after the polyurethane foam has completely hardened.

Fastening platbands

The final installation of the door block is. Decorative strips are placed on both sides of the interior opening. sell wooden, plastic or MDF. The shape can be simple flat, beveled or curly. to the end interior box lock connection, screwed with self-tapping screws or nailed. The planks can be glued, but the adjacent wall must be perfectly flat and finished with durable cladding.

To perform a simple installation of door trims, first attach a horizontal strip level. The edges are pre-sawed off at an angle of 45°. Vertical slats are installed from the floor. Mark a cutting line at the top at a similar angle. The joint is made as tight as possible. If a gap forms, putty is used. After hardening, the flaws are painted over.

Platbands can be joined at right angles. The upper bar is placed between vertical elements or laid on top on the end.

Installation of the stop

A hinged interior door opened as children run and hits the wall with its handles. It's spoiling decorative finishing and even the plaster is crumbling. It helps to install a door stop that prevents the door from opening completely.

The stop is a barrel with rubber nozzle. The limiter is installed after installing the door block and all finishing works. The interior door is opened to the desired position. The location of the stop is marked on the floor. Use an electric drill to drill a hole, drive in a fastening screw and tighten the stopper.

How to change the canvas?

Often during repairs, only replacement of the door leaf is required. The procedure is much simpler than installing an interior door from scratch.

  • The old fabric is removed from the hinges. Awnings usually consist of two detachable halves. To remove the interior sash, it is enough from below in open state pry it off with a pry bar. If the axial rod is inserted from above in the hinges, the canvas will not be removed. First, a screwdriver is inserted under the head of the rod, then it is knocked out of the socket with hammer blows. Dismantling begins from the bottom loop. After removing the rods, the sash can be easily removed.
  • Two canvases are compared in size, laid on top of each other. If the new fold is larger than the old one, mark the boundaries with a pencil. Excess areas are cut off manually circular saw. The cuts are adjusted with a plane and processed with a grinder.
  • The door leaf, adjusted to size, is equipped with hinges, a lock, and a handle.
  • Hanging on the hinges occurs in the reverse order.

If the new canvas has been adjusted, the cut points need to be masked. Paint material choose a similar color or completely repaint the entire canvas.

Complete replacement of an interior door is quite hard work, but doing it yourself is quite possible. This will require a certain set of tools, as well as attentiveness and accuracy. So, let's look at where to start and what to do next.

When replacing an interior door, you must follow the correct sequence

Preparing the work area

Since it is possible to correctly replace an interior door only if a certain sequence of work is followed, all stages should be considered in more detail. You need to start, of course, with preparing the surface. If you had a door installed in the opening, it must be removed.

First, remove the canvas. Then you need to remove the trim from the door. How to do this will depend on the way they are attached. If the structure was installed using glue or using the tongue-and-groove method, it is enough to lightly pry the elements and pull them to the side. It's a little more difficult if the trim is nailed to the box, in which case you can use an ax to pry it up and tear it off the base. After this you need to carefully remove door frame. It is recommended to remove all fittings, namely the lock and hinges; they will also need to be replaced.

First of all, you need to dismantle the old door

To simplify the process, use a grinder and a crowbar. Saw the box in half and tear its parts from the wall in the opening. This is not difficult to do, but you need to minimize the destruction of the walls in the room.

If serious damage cannot be avoided, preliminary alignment of the sides will be required.

Box installation

After preparatory stage you can start assembling new design. So, let's look at how to properly change a door frame:

  1. Measure the size of the sides and crossbar. Depending on the type of connection chosen, cut the prepared beams into suitable fragments at an angle of 90 degrees or 45.
  2. Then you need to assemble the box on the floor. To do this, lay the canvas in a horizontal position. Place the box elements around the perimeter. They should be located at a short distance from the door leaf so that the door does not rub when moving.
  3. Mark the joints and fasten the box with nails, self-tapping screws or using the tongue-and-groove joining method.
  4. Lift the door frame and move it into the opening. Level.
  5. Secure the door frame using support strips, wedges and spacers.
  6. Seal all gaps between the wall and the roof elements using polyurethane foam. Leave it to dry for several hours.

Installation diagram of a door frame with an additional element

Hanging the canvas

Since it’s not easy to change an interior door yourself, get yourself an assistant. His help will be especially useful at the stage of installing the door leaf into the opening. First you need to cut in the hinges. To install the hinges, you need to perform a number of works:

  1. First, determine the position of the hinge plates. On interior doors they are placed at the end of the leaf, and on the frame directly on its side.
  2. Next you need to remove upper layer material for flush installation of plates. Trace their outline and scrape out the coating with a chisel.
  3. Secure the plates with self-tapping screws.
  4. Once you have installed both parts of the hinges, lift the blade and slide the top plates onto the support axle of the lower parts.
  5. Check whether the door leaf is rubbing against the door frame and flooring. It may be necessary to change the position of the elements.

When installing the door leaf, it is necessary to leave gaps for free movement doors

Lock mortise

Another important step that you have to do yourself is replacing the lock. To do this you will need suitable model. The handle consists of a rotary or push element, a locking mechanism, a halyard tongue and a counter plate.

To install the handle, you need to drill a hole in the blade. To do this, it is most convenient to use a drill or screwdriver with a crown attachment. A rectangular recess is machined into the end, the mechanism is inserted inside and secured with self-tapping screws and a plate. Then you need to insert the handle. Trim the axle if necessary. Place a decorative rosette on top of the interior doors.

The last stage is the installation of the counter plate, into which the halyard tongue fits. It needs to be mounted flush, just like the plate on the canvas. To make a recess, use a “pen” and a chisel. Check the fit of all elements.

Sequence of installing a lock on a wooden door

Installation of platbands

Replacing the interior door is now approaching the final stage. The last thing you need to do is replace the trims. In order to install them, you first need to cut off the excess polyurethane foam. This can only be done after it has dried.

Can be used as interior platbands different materials:

  • tree;
  • pressed paper.

Platbands can be secured in several ways:

  • nails;
  • on glue;
  • docking with the box using the tongue-and-groove principle.

If you choose telescopic trims, it is recommended to additionally use glue.

The platbands are attached either at 45 or 90 degrees. Nails are best used without heads. Upon completion of the work, the fastening points can be masked with furniture plugs or special mastic. First, install the side trims, and then the transverse strip.

Scheme for installing platbands at an angle of 45 degrees

Additionally, you can install rubber bands to seal the joints. A rubber tube or strip is glued around the perimeter of the box. This is quite easy to do yourself, since the back side is covered with adhesive tape.

As you can see, doing all the work with your own hands is not at all difficult. If the door replacement was carried out efficiently, it will move freely in the opening, and there will be no large gaps.

Installation or replacement of doors in rooms is carried out mainly during repair work throughout the apartment. This increases the cost of purchasing materials and carrying out work by professionals. Installing interior doors is also a costly undertaking. Therefore, many are interested in how to replace interior doors in an apartment on their own without extra costs.

Major replacement of interior doors with your own hands brings a lot of difficulties. But you can still do it yourself. To achieve this goal, you will need some tools, as well as caution and accuracy.

Before replacing an interior door, you need to decide on the size and model. If you choose a bulky, expensive door, then in this situation you cannot do without the services of a qualified specialist. You can replace a door made of veneer and MDF yourself. When you decide to take such a step for the first time, you should study the instructions and make sure you have necessary materials.

Preparatory work

Before starting the installation process, you will need to eliminate anything that could interfere with the work or be damaged during it: power cables, telephone and other wires.

To change interior doors indoors, you cannot do without tools and Supplies, such as tape measure, dowels, sealant, hammer drill and others.

The door installation process starts with the dismantling of the previous ceiling. Using a chisel and hammer, remove the platbands. After this, when you press a nail puller or a crowbar placed under the door leaf, the door rises and is removed from its hinges. The perpendicular posts are divided in two with a saw and the door frame is dismantled. It is advisable to be careful not to damage partitions and walls. Upon completion of the work, you can immediately remove excess debris, which will only interfere with further work. The components remaining after dismantling can be left behind; they will still be useful.

The doorway is cleaned of dust and debris, cavities and cracks are sealed with plaster. The doorway is widened using a hammer drill, and narrowed by applying plaster. It must be remembered that too wide an opening will lead to deterioration in the stability of the structure. This leads to polyurethane foam, which does not have reliable fixing qualities. An excessively narrow passage will be an obstacle to moving large furniture.

Box installation

The next stage includes preparing and installing the door frame. To do this, you should perform a number of actions:

  1. The height and width of the door opening is measured with a tape measure. Using these data, the top rail and two side posts are cut out, after which they are folded in the shape of the letter “P”. It is better to mount the box in a lying position.
  2. Attachment points are outlined, the door frame is fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. Fastening the box begins from the side on which the hinges will be located.
  3. The door frame is lifted and transferred into the opening, leveled.
  4. The structure is fixed with support rails, wedges, and spacers.
  5. The gaps between the frame and the wall are sealed with polyurethane foam and left to dry for several hours. This will secure the box in its place. It is recommended to place cardboard spacers between the door leaf and the frame so that the foam, as it expands, does not bend the door leaf.

It is important to focus on the fact that when installing the box, leave a gap of 12-14 mm on each side. This will help adjust the location of the door leaf in both horizontal and vertical positions. In addition, a distance of about 4-6 mm between the partition and the box is also taken into account. This will prevent jamming door design when the temperature changes or due to high humidity in the room. Having completed all the calculations, it is determined that for a doorway about 80 cm wide, you should purchase a construction block with a door width 10 cm less. During the purchasing process, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the threshold and the floor covering if it is also planned to be changed.

It is important to correctly measure the thickness of the wall in the opening. If the width of the block from which the door frame jambs are made is narrower than the walls, then it is more useful to immediately purchase platbands and additional elements. These include strips that can be used to disguise the protruding part of the wall of a doorway, matching them in color with the door leaf. Extensions with platbands will give a complete and neat appearance to the door after installation work is completed.

To fill the space between the wall and the box, you need to prepare a certain number of bars correct form in the form of a rectangle, in which you will need to drill holes. They must be attached to the wall if it is made of brick. If the wall is made of concrete, you will need to take care in advance of inserting nylon plugs for self-tapping screws.

Hanging the canvas

Changing interior doors correctly is difficult, so it doesn’t hurt to involve an assistant in the job. You can’t do without it when mounting the canvas in a box. The first stage is hanging the loops. To perform installation, you will have to perform a series of actions:

  1. Set the location of the hinge plates. On the door they are attached from the end of the leaf, and on the frame - from the side. When choosing hinges, you must consider which direction the doors will open. They can be left-handed or right-handed. For those who have not yet decided on a choice, universal loops are suitable. But it is worth remembering that they are not considered eternal and do not allow you to remove the door at any time.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the weight of the doors. The greater the weight, the longer the loops should be.
  3. Remove the top layer of material to install the plates. Trace their silhouette and scrape out the coating with a chisel. To do this, you need to cover the floor with fabric and position the new door leaf so that the line marked for the hinges points upward. Next, use a chisel or chisel to make indentations for them. Keep the chisel in a vertical position and tap with a hammer to mark the notches. Then a series of closely spaced cuts are made to the depth of the thickness of the loop. Then the chisel is held at a slight angle, beveled with an even end to the tree, in order to avoid excessively deep “digging” when preparing the excavation.

  1. Secure the plates with self-tapping screws. The hinges should be flush with the edge of the door. If necessary, take the chisel again and cut off some more wood. If, on the contrary, the recesses are too deep, you can insert a thin wooden or cardboard spacer in front of the hinge.
  2. After installing the hinges, the canvas should be lifted, the upper plates should be placed on the supporting axis of the lower elements.
  3. Check that the door leaf does not touch the door frame and floor covering.

Installing a lock and handle on a door

After installing the box and hanging the canvas on the hinges, you should begin the process of cutting in the lock and handles.

To embed the handles, you need to attach it to the insertion site and use a pencil to make an outline, mark the places where the screws are screwed in to secure the mechanism. More accurate lines will be obtained if you mark with a stationery knife instead of a pencil or pen. Then drill a hole in the door leaf with a drill or screwdriver with special nozzle. At the end of the door, a rectangular-shaped recess is machined into which the locking device is placed and secured using self-tapping screws and a plate. After this, the handle is inserted and sutured with a decorated plate. Afterwards, the fit of all parts is checked.

A diverse range of components is available in all construction stores that sell door fittings. Used for interior doors lever handles and push-button opening system. They are made of aluminum, zinc and brass. Using spraying, handles are modeled to look like different materials: bronze, gold and others. Therefore, today it is always possible to find components that match the design for a new door design.

Installation of platbands

The installation of an interior door is coming to an end at the stage of replacing the platbands. This part of the installation depends on the design and assembly of the door structure, the availability of component parts, and the method of cladding the adjacent walls. Often, platbands are placed on a quarter of the box, but other options are possible.

Platbands can hide existing imperfections after installation; as a result, they are attached after wallpapering the walls. Before installation, excess pieces of polyurethane foam are cut off in advance. Platbands for interior partition are made from a variety of materials:

  • wooden beams,
  • compressed paper.

There are some methods for securing platbands:

  • nails
  • glue,
  • joining to the box using the tongue-and-groove method.

Platbands are fixed at an angle of 45° or 90°. First, the side plates are installed, and then the transverse one. Nails are better suited without heads. When the platbands are made of MDF, and the walls have a smooth surface, then you can attach them liquid nails. For fixation wooden platbands metal nails are used to prevent them from moving. It is advisable to drive the nails into the platband to a depth of 1.5 cm. After completion of the work, the fastening areas are optionally masked with furniture plugs or mastic specially designed for this purpose.

In addition, you can glue rubber bands around the perimeter of the frame to seal the edges of the door. This is easy to do yourself.

As you can see, you can change the door in the room yourself. If the work is done well, nothing will interfere with the movement of the door in the opening, and large cracks will not be visible.

You can learn how to properly install a new door from the video.

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In reality, replacing interior doors does not require any special knowledge or skills; all that is needed is maximum accuracy and strict adherence to the instructions below.

If you are not sure about own strength and there is a relatively small amount of money, then after purchasing a new door, contact to the woodworkers at the hardware store. These specialists:

  • will customize the box to your size;
  • install hinges;
  • They will cut a groove for the lock and handles.

All you have to do is assemble everything together and install it in the opening.

Remember, you can do without replacing an old but functioning door if you refresh its appearance:

  • installation of new handles;
  • fresh varnish;
  • installation of figured or frosted glass to replace broken glass.

Preparatory work

It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to do without replacing the old box with a new one, since every door block represents a unique combination consisting of several elements precisely adjusted to each other.

Prepare the following tools:

  • crowbar or nail puller;
  • saw;
  • hammer drill with blade and drills;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • Screwdriver Set.

Easiest to dismantle old door in the “Khrushchev” - as a rule, the box was installed literally on a couple of nails, plaster and rags. Such an ancient structure will most likely no longer be needed anywhere, so it can be easily removed without preservation.

Before starting work in the apartment, remove the carpet from the floor or cover it with plastic film on both sides - there will be a lot of dirt.

First of all, remove the fabric with the loop. This is done like this:

  • in the open position, place a nail puller under the bottom edge;
  • lift the door up a little and in parallel pull it slightly towards you;
  • if it does not give in, then move it back and forth a little.

Sometimes hinges (installed in old pre-revolutionary houses) need to be disassembled - they have an internal rod that will have to be knocked out with a hammer and screwdriver.

Next you will need to remove the cash. This process is also quite simple - the decorative strips are pryed up with the same nail puller and dismantled. They are usually held in place by a few thin nails.

After this, clear the gap between the frame and the wall opening from the sealant.

If nails are found, they are pulled out or sawed down.

Released element door system taken out, pushing into the room, starting from the top.

If the box is not needed in the future, then it is enough to cut it in one place (usually the cut is made on the long right post, simply because it is more convenient). Next, bending part of the bar inward, it is simply folded and pulled out.

Whatever material is used to make a new door, this moment does not have any decisive influence on the installation process.

The only thing you should understand when choosing the right option for your home is that MDF boxes are quite soft, and you will have to tinker with them longer during the installation process. The problem is that polyurethane foam expands and deforms them very easily.

In theory, you can, of course, install a new canvas in old box, but if it is still Soviet, then there will be a lot of hassle, and most likely it will not be possible to maintain a presentable appearance. Therefore, it is better to resort to this option only in a situation where the repair budget is significantly limited.

Before you go for new door, take a careful measurement of the free opening or previously dismantled box. Overall in apartment buildings the sizes are always standard, but in the private sector there are often examples that are far from them. If you encounter such a problem, then you have two options:

  • spend a lot of money ordering a door based on an individual project;
  • install a standard kit by reducing the opening.

Minor finishing touches to the canvas are carried out directly in the store in its carpentry shop. To reduce the risk, it is best to order measurements from specialists point of sale where you intend to take the doors. Independent attempts to adjust it to right size, will most likely lead to irreparable damage.

Before installing the door in the opening, you need to assemble its frame on the floor. To do this, all elements are folded and twisted with self-tapping screws (2 for each corner).

  • the top one is fixed 15 cm from the edge;
  • lower - at 20.

The outer side of the rotating elements should be directly on the edge of the canvas. They are fixed with screws supplied in the kit. Please note that in most cases a screwdriver or Phillips socket PH1 is required. Attempts to use others will most likely lead to damage to the screws.

Door installation

The door is installed on hinges in a frame lying on the floor. Immediately check how easily it opens. If necessary, adjust the hinges.

Next, the canvas is removed again and the installation of the box in the opening begins. If it is empty (that is, it resembles the letter “P”), put it in place and open it at the bottom with a piece of the strip. Also place a few wood chips in the space between it and the wall - the main thing is that the base is firmly fixed. Next, the structure is leveled, pegged in the upper corners.

Holes for anchors are drilled along the long elements and the box is secured with them. The door is hung on its hinges again and the functionality is checked.

In the end, all that remains is to foam the opening and install the trim the next day. Until the sealing compound dries, the spacers cannot be removed - at least 2 of them are needed: in the middle and at the bottom. Alternatively, you can simply keep the door closed by inserting double-folded pieces of corrugated cardboard into the gap around the perimeter.