How to use iCloud Drive and what is it? How to access the cloud on an iPhone and which cloud storage service to choose

Apple iCloud is free storage for everyone who has an iPad or iPhone. The main task of iCloud is to provide users of Apple products with a single storage for all data - applications, photos, books, documents, Safari bookmarks, etc.

How it works? Suppose you took a photo on your iPad, it will immediately appear in the storage, and through it on your iPhone or laptop (Apple company). This happens without your participation; other devices themselves “take” it for themselves. All you need is to be connected to the Internet.

Basic questions about iCloud

  • Where and how to download and install iCloud? There is no need to download iCloud, the service is already built into your system.
  • Registration in iCloud. There is no need to register separately for iCloud. To log in you need to use your Apple ID - login and password.
  • How much space is available in iCloud? Each user receives 5 GB for free. This size is reserved for storing mail, application data, settings, etc. Please note: iCloud will store a maximum of 1000 photos from the last 30 days.

If 5 GB is not enough for you, then for an additional fee you can purchase more memory. The money will be debited from your Apple account.

How to set up iCloud on iPad

  1. You need to go to the Settings application.
  2. Find iCloud in the list on the left.
  3. Mark the main applications that will synchronize their data.
  4. If you go to the Storage and copies section, you will see how much of the 5 GB available to you you have already used.
  5. Click on Storage and then on your device. You will see all the programs you have installed that send their data to iCloud. By default this is all programs. You can disable sending data for programs that are not particularly necessary so that they do not take up valuable storage space.

How does automatic copying work?

Automatically. Without your participation. You don't need to do anything. It is only important to meet a few conditions:

  • The iPad is connected to power (charging).
  • Locked (that is, you are not working on it, it is in sleep mode).
  • Connected to Wi-Fi networks.

Typically, this happens when you leave your iPad charging at home (where there is a Wi-Fi network familiar to it). Moreover, if all three conditions have not coincided for a long time, your iPad will remind you that a backup copy has not been created for a long time.

Useful iCloud features or restoring from a backup

You may need recovery if:

  • You accidentally deleted some very valuable data - for example, a photo.
  • You set a password for your iPad or a parental control password and forgot it (you can restore the copy made before entering the password).

What data will be recovered

The following materials are saved in iCloud backup:

  • iTunes purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books (with restrictions).
  • photos, videos from the album Camera Roll.
  • settings.
  • Application data (such as games, notes, etc.).
  • view of the main screen and the order of applications.
  • iMessage, text messages (SMS messages) and MMS messages.

Not saved:

  • music, movies and TV shows not purchased from iTunes Store.
  • audiobooks.
  • photos that were downloaded from your computer.

Changes you made after creating a backup will disappear during recovery. Therefore, before restoring backup copy, save everything you need on your computer.

How to restore data from a backup

  1. Connect the iPad using a cable to the computer.
  2. Open iTunes.
  3. Open the page of your iPad (you need to click the iPad icon in the upper right corner).
  4. Click on the Restore button.
  5. Confirm the action by clicking Restore again.
  6. Once the recovery is complete, a reboot will occur. Then the screen will ask you whether to set up your device as new or restore from a backup, select Recover from iCloud backup.
  7. Enter your Apple ID and password.
  8. A list of the three most recent backups will appear. Select the one you need and click Restore from backup.
  9. After restarting the device, the data on it will be restored.

Since the world saw a variety of Apple devices, using them has become very comfortable, especially if the smartphone, tablet and other gadgets are connected to iCloud storage.

iCloud is a cloud service owned by Apple, which, when you create a new account, makes it possible to synchronize a variety of information between devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and computer. For the user, first and foremost, iCloud provides incredible ease of interaction between a variety of Apple devices.

Whatever he is currently working on, he has access to the most current version of all the most important documents, notes, contacts and applications. In addition, having created for your iPhone account in global cloud storage and using it, the user has an easy opportunity to restore any lost data using a backup from iCloud.

The user can also create new mail in the i-cloud, and such mail is extremely convenient. Distinctive feature iСloud for iPhone is simultaneous simplicity and indispensability, but first things first.

Key Features of iCloud

Cloud iTunes

The service has the ability to synchronize and, if necessary, restore all data about the user’s purchases, and automatically downloads purchased applications, books or music to the iPad and iPhone.

All keys in one bundle

Let's say a user works on an iPhone, then he decides to switch to another gadget from Apple or work from a computer. At the same time, the service will not only absolutely automatically restore data and synchronize it, but will also allow you not to remember all logins and passwords for accounts, applications, and other things.

iTunes Match - all your favorite music at your fingertips

If you have great amount music and there is no opportunity or desire to purchase it on iTunes, then such an application will come in handy. It will quickly scan the songs loaded there from the library, and if there are matches, it will upload music from the iTunes Store. If they are not found, then the music can be copied to the iPhone from the computer. The maximum number of saved songs is up to 25 thousand.

Endless stream of photos

Taking pictures with an iPhone is much more comfortable than carrying around a bulky camera. The smartphone camera allows you to take high-quality photographs, so many people use it to take pictures almost every day. What should you do if you need to transfer photos from iPhone to iPad or computer, or restore photos?

For those who know about this global cloud and use it, this is not a problem. After a photo is taken, it is automatically uploaded to the photo stream and transferred to all gadgets that the user wants to synchronize in iCloud. The volume of saved images is up to 1000 pieces. In this case, no additional actions are needed - you just need to use it, log in to your account and thereby synchronize the data.

All necessary documentation in the cloud service

There are situations when certain work data needs to be urgently restored or downloaded to an iOS device, and iTunes, as luck would have it, is not at hand. But with an iCloud account this is also not an issue. You just need to go to iWork from your computer, upload this file to the required application, then go to this application on iOS and in a matter of seconds the document will be where you need it.

This app is truly invaluable and using it will give you complete peace of mind. In addition, when you edit a document on iOS, it updated version automatically appears in the web version of iCloud, on the iPhone and other connected gadgets. So even if it is possible to lose some data, it is extremely easy to restore it at any time.

Restoring from a backup. How it works?

After registering with the service, the owner of the gadgets receives 5 GB for free free space in cloud storage. You can always change the volume of your cloud by paying for additional space. Using it, he stores backup copies of all important data on his devices there.

Now you no longer need to launch iTunes over and over again to restore your iPhone from a backup, as everything becomes much easier. The moment your iPhone is charged and Wi-Fi is turned on, a backup copy of all data is created absolutely automatically. The recording stores:

  • general device settings (a copy of them is always stored in the cloud);
  • individual arrangement of icons on the screen;
  • all messages (iMessage, SMS), lost ones can be restored at any time;
  • purchased music, books, TV spots;
  • arrays of photographs, videos shot on the device’s camera (with this service, you can go to the cloud at any time and restore everything that is important to the user from a copy);

Ability to find a lost device

Losing an expensive iPhone is always stressful, especially if some important information was stored on it. But having a global cloud at hand and constantly using it, even the loss of a device does not feel like the end of the world.

No matter where you left it - in the library or in the kitchen at home, you can log into your account from your computer and instantly see where your iPhone is on a map. If the device is truly lost, it can be blocked remotely (data can be recovered from cloud storage) or display a message asking the finder to contact you urgently.

Family access to all data

Icloud allows you to create a family group for access to all information on all devices. This group can include up to 6 people; you don’t need to create a new account in the service for this - you can use it with the one that was created earlier in the service.

iCloud Mail: its undoubted “advantages”

When you create an iCloud account, you not only get the ability to use your calendar, contacts, reminders, bookmarks, and notes, which can all be synchronized with each other. Another important feature appears - creating a new mail. Its some advantages:

  • this mail is completely and completely free of advertising;
  • push notifications about a new message appearing on the server are sent to your email instantly;
  • It is possible to create aliases - change your data and create virtual mailboxes.

You can either synchronize your mailbox with the cloud and with other gadgets, or leave the cloud, making your mail inactive for public access and use it personally.

iCloud account

So we got to the most important and at the same time the simplest. How can you create an account, log in and start using iCloud? In order to get into the web interface from your computer, you just need to enter your Apple ID details on the iCloud website and in a few seconds you will be inside.

Basic settings and changes are made directly on the phone, so, according to the attached images, you can choose point by point what exactly needs to be synchronized, whether to include “Keychain” and “Photos” with “Documents,” or whether to track the phone through “Find iPhone.” Backup to iCloud and “Deleting an account” are also configured here.

Overview of iCloud settings on iPhone

A special word about iCloud mail; here, in the settings, you can create a new one Mailbox and use it in just a couple of minutes. You don’t need to log into it separately; it is enough that you are authorized in iCloud. All additional settings are performed here.

Tour of iCloud Mail Settings

Come in, get comfortable and put everything into practice. And for those who still have questions, we recommend watching a video review of iCloud capabilities.

Apple has created quite a few branded services for iPhone users, which are successful to varying degrees - some are popular, some are not so popular. iCloud cloud storage definitely falls into the first category. However, there are users who do not understand what iCloud is and how to use it. It’s a pity, because this service contains a lot of useful options.

In this article we will talk about the functionality of the service and its subtleties.

Today, users store a lot of useful and important information in smartphones and, having lost the device, the owner often regrets more not so much about the material damage as about the lost data. This state of affairs forced IT companies to come up with cloud services. In the cloud, the user can store a backup copy of important data and, if the gadget is lost, restore the necessary information on another device.

iCloud is one of the cloud storage services that is available by default to all iOS users. Having purchased an iOS device of any model - iPhone 4 or iPhone 6 S, iPad Mini 1 or iPad Pro, etc., the user automatically receives 5 GB in the cloud (more space for an additional fee).

Physically, the “cloud” represents the company’s remote servers; in other words, it is a huge hard drive owned by Apple, on which the company shares space with each user.

Synchronization or backup

iCloud has two main functions - sync and backup. Don't you see the difference between these two concepts? And it is significant. Let's take it in order.


A backup can be created automatically or manually. In the first case, copying is performed whenever the device is charging and connected to a Wi-Fi network. In the second, the user decides when to make a backup. To create a copy:

That's all! Pretty simple, right? Now, if automatic backup is configured, you can never return to this menu, but if manual mode is selected, periodically go to the section and click “Create a backup copy”.

The iCloud backup saves almost all types of information that is on the iPhone, that is, both useful data, such as phone book contacts, and not so useful data, for example, some messages from Whats App and other instant messengers, can go there. Of course, if you bought additional space in the cloud and you have much more than 5 GB there, such waste is not very worrying, but if we are talking about 5 GB, the approach of storing everything at once does not seem very reasonable.


This is where synchronization comes to the rescue. If you return to the iCloud menu, to the level where the “Backup” item is located, you will see a bunch of other items, opposite each of which there will be a slider.

If the slider is active, synchronization with the cloud is automatically performed. For example, if the slider next to the “Contacts” item is green, then all phone book numbers are synchronized with the “cloud” via the Apple ID, which is registered in this iPhone. This means the following - if you lose this iPhone, buy a new one and register your old Apple ID in it, you will find all contacts from the lost device, even if initial setup On the device, the option “Restore from backup” was selected, but “Set up as new”.

Thus, in essence, backup and synchronization are capabilities that give the user approximately the same practical solution— the data is attached to the Apple ID and can be easily restored. But! Synchronization can be controlled by turning on and off the corresponding sliders, rationally using space in the cloud.

Find My iPhone and iCloud Drive

We said a little higher that iCloud has two main options and looked at them. However, the service also has additional functionality. It's quite broad, but as part of this introductory article, it's important to mention two specific options.

Find iPhone

With Find My iPhone, Apple has implemented anti-theft protection. At some point, iPhones began to be stolen so often that it was simply impossible to sit idly by. And then “Find iPhone” appeared. If you turn it on, the so-called Activation Lock is activated. Every time after an update/restore/reset, an iPhone with Activation Lock enabled will prompt you for your Apple ID password.

What does this give? Look, a thief has stolen your device. The first thing he does, of course, is reset the information, because he won’t be able to sell a smartphone with someone else’s data. And after the reset, a surprise awaits him - a request for Apple ID parameters, which cannot be bypassed without knowing the login and password of this account. What remains? Only return the device for spare parts or return it to the user for a fee.

You can also activate Lost Mode using Find My iPhone. To do this you need:

When Lost Mode is activated, the iPhone is locked and a message from the user is displayed on the lock screen.

Another fun option is “Find iPhone”, which will certainly appeal to forgetful people. Next to the “Lost Mode” button, there is a “Play Sound” button; click on it if you don’t remember where you put your smartphone. And even if it is on silent mode, a loud beep will sound.

To enable “Find iPhone”, go to the iCloud menu, find the “Find iPhone” item, tap it and activate the slider of the same name in the menu that opens. This option activation method is relevant for all iPhone models - both the old 4 S and the new 6 S and “sevens”.

iCloud Drive

And finally, let's talk about the iCloud Drive option. In general, it’s easier to say that this is not an option, but an application; it is simply configured through the main iCloud menu.

The iCloud Drive application is pre-installed on iPhones with iOS 9 and later versions of the platform. This is, in fact, DropBox from Apple, or if you are not familiar with DropBox, it is a kind of file manager. Documents can be uploaded here manually, or you can configure automatic transfer - to do this, in the iCloud menu, move the corresponding sliders under the iCloud Drive item to the active position.

Unfortunately, not all users understand why iCloud Drive is needed on an iPhone and what to do with it. In our opinion, the easiest way to understand is with an example.

Let's say you started working on a file on your iPhone, but want to continue on your computer or iPad - you simply drop the document into iCloud Drive on your smartphone, then open this application on the device from which you want to continue working, and... actually, continue!

Moreover, directly from iCloud Drive you can download a document in the desired program. That is, if a file supports, say, working with six programs that are installed on a PC or iOS mobile gadget, you can click on the file and hold your finger on it to select the one you need from all six programs.

Let's summarize

iCloud is a very cool and useful service, and its functionality, of course, goes far beyond the scope of this article. However, now you know at least approximately what iCloud is on an iPhone and, for sure, you have a desire to get to know the service better. Detailed instructions and help in managing the service can be obtained on the official Apple website by reading the relevant sections or by contacting the company’s support service.

Every person who uses or has ever used Apple technology should know about a service such as iCloud, access to which the Apple company provides to all users completely free of charge. In this article we will clearly and clearly explain what kind of service this is and “what it is used with.”

What is iCloud

If we explain the meaning of the iCloud cloud in just a nutshell, we can summarize that it combines almost all Apple services, allowing you to access the data in them anywhere in the world and from any Apple device. In iCloud, the user can store any type of information available on the device.

Each user is offered several options to choose from. tariff plans, one of which is free – for 5 GB of basic cloud space.

By placing any data in iCloud on the iPhone, you can be sure that it will immediately appear on other Apple gadgets assigned to the same Apple ID account. Thus, photos in a single photo stream or created contacts can be automatically synchronized between iPhone, iPad, Mac and even Apple Watch.


Before you start using cloud storage and activating your iCloud account, the manufacturer strongly recommends installing the latest version operating system. After the initial setup of iOS has been completed, you can go to the “iCloud” section menu through “Basic Settings” on mobile devices e Apple or through System Preferences on an iMac or MacBook. Next, simply enter your iCloud account information and start using it freely.

Also, on Apple mobile devices there is a special menu with a list of all services that are synchronized via iCloud, namely: photo stream, Find iPhone, Keychain, iCloud Drive, contacts, notes and the on/off button automatic creation backups of current data to the cloud.

Media libraryiCloud

With iCloud Medicine, you can have two copies of multimedia data on your device: one will be stored directly in the device’s internal memory, and the second in cloud storage, which will be available in all Apple devices from one Apple ID account. In other words, the Media Library will store music, videos, photos and podcasts. A separate switch button is provided to synchronize music to the cloud.

iCloud Photo Library for Photos and Videos

Media libraryiCloud for photos and videos it has the same functions as the regular Media Library. The service allows you to synchronize photos and videos, combining them between devices with the same Apple ID (they will be stored in the “Photos” column). You can enable this feature in the “iCloud” section of settings by switching the slider next to “Photos” to green color. Unified photos and videos can also be accessed on

Brief description of the main servicesiCloud

Cloud serviceiCloud also provides ample opportunities for correspondence by email. You can create a new mailbox named " [email protected]", and access emails from any device (the only condition is a single Apple ID account). The same can be done through the web version of the cloud, where the interface of the standard box is fully implemented Email: inbox, sent, drafts and so on. To activate your email, you must specify its name in iCloud settings.


The Cloud Creates Huge Opportunities for Hobbyists large quantity contacts on your mobile device. For example, a web version of a cloud service iCloud provides users with the convenience of editing contact profiles, attaching photos to them and customizing other settings. In addition, all contacts, as well as other content, are synchronized between devices, providing access to them anywhere in the world.

Calendar, notes, reminders

Taking advantage cloud serviceiCloud, you no longer need to deal with the long and tedious process of transferring large amounts of data from one device to another. From now on, notes, reminders, and a calendar with all marked events will accompany you on any iOS device where one Apple ID account is connected.


A very functional photo service from Apple, providing the user with a whole range of different options. You can mark with “hearts” the photos and videos you like from the photo stream, and track “Moments” thanks to the photos and videos you have captured. A geoposition is also attached to them, allowing you to create interesting interactive map places you visited in a month, six months or a year.

Find iPhone and Find Friends

Lost your smartphone or tablet somewhere in your house or apartment? Or was it stolen from you completely? A convenient application will help you find out his current location in real time. FindiPhone" Enter ID AppleID and password, and voila, all devices connected to this account are displayed on a detailed map! The app can be downloaded for free via AppStore or use it via the web version (at latest versions iOS it is already preinstalled by default). In addition to the fact that you will see the missing device on the map, you can turn on a special mode on it, called “Lost Mode,” as well as play sound and even erase all data from it.

Application " Find friends"is somewhat analogous to the program described above with one difference: it displays your friends' iOS devices on a map, allowing you to track their current location (it is also pre-installed by default in the latest versions of the operating system).

How to protect your accountiCloud

If you have just started using cloud storageiCloud or If you own particularly valuable data, you’ve probably wondered about protecting your account. The most effective and relevant ways to increase the security of your account today are: two-factor (two-step) authorization and a complex password. The first is a special path for authorization into an account, consisting of two separate steps. The second one is simply the most complex password possible, which would be difficult and even impossible to crack, guess or guess.

Today there are quite a few cloud storage services and an iPhone user can use any of the available range of services. However, perhaps the most convenient way for the owner of an iOS device is to backup important information through iCloud service is a cloud developed by Apple specifically for its users.

Of course, the main advantage of the “native” cloud is that the owner of an iPhone or other iOS gadget does not need to install anything additional - iCloud is “built in” to the user settings, in addition, there is a special additional application iCloud Drive - a little later we will figure out why it is need to.

Another plus is, again, the absence of unnecessary hassle with creating a special account. To login iCloud cloud There is no need to create any new account, the user's Apple ID is used.

And finally, the third, also very important advantage of iCloud is that you can conveniently interact with it not only on the mobile device itself. You can also access the cloud from your computer using special program or through the browser and the portal.

How to manage iCloud from a mobile device?

The initial setup of iCloud begins with the Settings menu of your iOS device. Find the iCloud item in the settings, tap it, enter your Apple ID.


A service menu will appear in front of you, which is very easy to manage. You simply select in the “Programs Using iCloud” section those applications in which you want to backup the information stored in them, and then activate the corresponding slider. As soon as the slider is turned on, the gadget data is synchronized with the cloud and other iOS devices where you are logged into your iCloud account using a single Apple ID. Simply put, if you have two iOS devices, for example, an iPhone and an iPad, and you use the same Apple ID on them (which, of course, is most likely), then the information between them will be synchronized.

It is worth noting that no one prohibits enabling synchronization for all programs available to the cloud, however, please note that only 5 GB of storage space is provided to the iOS user for free. So if you want to save money, it's better to configure your synchronization settings wisely.

Find iPhone

After setting up synchronization, you must also select the options for the “Find iPhone” and “iCloud Backup” sections. We strongly recommend enabling the first option; it will help you in case of loss or theft of your device. The option will allow you to lock the device and place a message of any nature with the owner’s contacts on the locked screen.

Backup copy

Regarding the second section, there are subtleties here. By creating a backup, you actually “put” all the information on your device into the cloud, including even correspondence in instant messengers. This, of course, is great, because here if we need to clean the smartphone (and such a need may arise if the device begins to work slower and/or with errors), then we can safely clean it, and then simply restore the data from the cloud and start using it as if nothing had happened .

But... Of course, there is a “but”. The “5 GB rule” also applies here, so you should think about whether all the information stored on the device is really needed? If yes, then create a copy - if you want manually - in this case you need to periodically go to the backup menu and click on “Create a backup copy”. Or you can turn on the “Backup to iCloud” slider and then the backup will be performed automatically whenever the gadget is connected to charger and Wi-Fi networks.

If you don’t create a backup copy, don’t worry, the data that you marked as synchronized will not disappear from your device. Even if it suddenly arises critical error and you will have to restore the device through iTunes, and then after setting it up, you will select the “Set up as new...” option, as soon as the device connects to Wi-Fi, all synchronized data will be transferred to it from the cloud.

iCloud Drive

And finally, about iCloud Drive. This, as we said above, is a pre-installed application. Why is it needed? With it you can manage the synchronized data. In settings, you specify which programs are allowed access to iCloud Drive using the sliders located below the cloud storage menu item of the same name.

For example, you selected Pages and created a document in this application. When saving, you can save it in iCloud Drive and work with it after that both on your other iOS devices by opening the application on them, and from your computer.

How to manage iCloud via computer?

By the way, about the computer. You have two ways to view information stored on the cloud via PC.

The easiest way, which does not require preliminary installation of any programs, is a special page - To log into your Personal Area» on this portal, you need to indicate your Apple ID. As soon as you enter, you will see a menu that can different users differ - depends on what synchronization parameters are specified in the settings.

The most valuable feature of the site is the activation of the lost mode, which is available when the “Find iPhone” option is turned on. Otherwise, the functionality of the portal is very prosaic - you can work with all the files stored on it, you can create new ones in the appropriate sections, and all changes will be synchronized. That is, if you make changes to a note on the website, it will change on the device.

iCloud program

If you own a Macbook or desktop Mac, of course, for you and if you want to manage the cloud through a program on your computer, there will be no need to pre-install anything - the corresponding utility is available here by default. If you have a Windows PC, you will need to first download and install iCloud.

We recommend downloading this utility from the official Apple website. Installation is very simple - run the downloaded .exe file, and everything will be done for you automatically. After installation, you can open the program, it will ask for your Apple ID - enter your username and password, then click the “Login” button. Are you in? Now wait a while for the synced data to load. Once the download is complete, you can start working with them.

Let's summarize

So, now, we hope you are convinced that the iCloud cloud (iCloud) is a very convenient and easy-to-manage service. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of device you have at hand - mobile or not, you can always access your data, change it or create new ones. At the same time, it is worth noting that, like everything made by Apple, iCloud rarely upsets users with errors and problems. And, nevertheless, if you encounter any problems, you can quickly resolve them in a special iCloud support center created by the Apple giant.