How to get lifting. One-time assistance and raise payments to young professionals

Many young professionals who graduated educational institution just recently, they cannot find a job in their specialty.

Getting a job without work experience is doubly difficult. There are problems with housing. These problems did not appear yesterday, they appeared a long time ago and continue to exist.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to motivate specialists, and this requires employing them. First of all, this help is necessary for specialists working in .

Young specialist – who is he?

A young specialist is an employee who has received primary, secondary or higher education, and also started working within a year after graduating from school.

From a legal point of view, this status has special rights and guarantees than other categories of workers.

To possess status young specialist , you need to meet some criteria:

  1. Full-time training;
  2. Training on a budget basis;
  3. Passing the final certification and receiving the corresponding diploma;
  4. Referral to distribution work.

If at least one condition is not met, status may be denied. Also, only budget organizations will support young specialists. For commercial purposes this is not mandatory conditions, but possible. The graduate is accepted for work on the basis of a contract and without a probationary period.

A young specialist can be dismissed if the organization’s activities cease, due to his health or disability.


A young specialist has the right to receive the following types of payments.

One-time payment. For example, professions such as educators and teachers receive an increase every month. wages for three years from the date of taking office.

IN this aspect There is one condition: if a young specialist leaves his job at his own request, he is obliged to pay all the bonuses that were provided to him. Payment can also be made in another way - at the end of the validity period. employment contract.

Lifting payments. These types of payments came into force in 2012 for specialists who graduated from higher and secondary educational institutions.

The legislative framework

According to the government decree Russian Federation a project was drawn up that indicated payment to the young specialist for the first place from the date of his acceptance workplaces and signing the contract. These payments are called lifting. They depend on the specialty and place of work. Task of this project consists in attracting specialists for their placement in the acquired specialty.

An additional benefit provided to specialists is a housing program. To be an applicant, you must work in one organization for five years. It is easier to use this program for specialists who remain to work in rural areas.

Features of providing cash payments

In order for a young teacher to be able to count on benefits and payments, he must meet certain conditions, namely:

  • age not older than 35 years;
  • getting a job immediately after graduation;
  • concluding a contract with the employer for a period of at least three years;
  • to provide a preferential mortgage - experience in the specialty.

Available depending on region various features to provide support. According to the law, the status of a young specialist can be established only once. Experience should not exceed three years.

But it can be extended in the following cases:

In other words, a teacher who received this status, worked at school for a certain period and went on leave to care for a child, and then returned again, continues to have this status.

Amount of raise payments for teachers

Allowances are accrued according to the stipend that the employee received during the training period. The amount of payments depends on the region in which the young specialist works. In 2019, young teachers can count on several types of social support:

  1. One-time payment, the size of which varies from 20,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rub. (the highest assistance is provided to teachers working in the capital - 100,000 rubles, and if a novice specialist gets a job in a school in St. Petersburg, he can count on no more than 50,592 rubles.) It is worth noting that only those young specialists who are employed in government agencies. The maximum lift value is fixed in rural areas, but at the same time is regulated regional programs social support.
  2. Increase in earnings. Teachers who graduate from a university with honors can apply for a 50% increase in monthly income. Other young professionals can count on an increase in earnings by no more than 40%.
  3. Participation in mortgage lending on preferential terms. If a young specialist decides to improve his living conditions, then by becoming a participant in such a program, he will be able to count on the support of the state, which will repay part of his debt obligations to a financial institution.
  4. In some regions of the Russian Federation, there are provisions for beginning teachers compensation payments for the purchase of housing.

Those young teachers who meet the requirements can count on state support following criteria:

  • the maximum age limit is fixed at 35 years (in some regions of the Russian Federation the upper limit is lowered to 30 years);
  • the applicant must have a diploma of secondary or higher vocational education from an institution that has passed state accreditation;
  • the young specialist must find employment in a state educational institution within three months from the date of completion of his studies.

Receipt procedure

Payments are made by the employer who provided the graduate with a place of work. The benefit that is aimed at supporting not taxed. An important condition Receiving payments is compulsory work in the acquired specialty.

To become the owner of housing on preferential terms, you will need to add to the required package of documents a document confirming your need for living space.

But there is one minute - the down payment must be 30% of total cost apartments or houses.

List of required documents

To qualify for compensation payments, you need to come to your employer and write an application. Next, your employer creates a special payment order and notifies you about it. After carefully reading the order, the specialist must sign it.

In order for everything to go smoothly, the employer must attach the following to the written application: a copy of the diploma of completion educational institution and a copy work book, certified by a notary. The work book must contain the date when the employee began work.

Other benefits

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, teachers are provided with some privileges:

  1. Vacation is 42-56 days. If a teacher works without vacations, he can take a leave of absence for up to one year;
  2. Working week no more than 36 hours;
  3. Early retirement;
  4. Providing a monthly payment for the purchase of literature.

Some benefits have also been developed for teachers working in rural areas: increased salary; provision of benefits for public utilities, for example, payment for light, heat and electricity.

Rural areas, like nothing else, need qualified personnel. But specialists do not want to work there due to relatively low wages and lack of housing.

That is why the state great attention pays attention to providing housing for teachers who get a job in the village.

To take part in this targeted program you will need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. Special statement;
  2. Passport or other identification document;
  3. Diploma of completed educational vocational institution;
  4. Children's birth certificate or adoption certificate, if available;
  5. A document indicating the need to provide housing;
  6. A certificate from the bank, which indicates the presence of funds necessary for the down payment;
  7. Documents for the construction or purchase of a home.

IN some regions countries the following benefits are provided:

  • Providing financial assistance when starting work;
  • Payment of bonus after one, two and three years of work;
  • Discount on public transport.

It is also provided to provide benefits for purchasing housing. Teachers' salaries are low and they are unlikely to be able to afford housing on credit.

Therefore, the state developed preferential mortgage, which provides:

  • payment for part of the housing by the state (no more than 40% of the total cost);
  • sale of housing at a price affordable for teachers;
  • providing a loan to pay interest on a mortgage.

If, after assignment, a specialist teacher moves to another area, he will receive housing regardless of the waiting list.

So, by providing benefits, the state, together with local authorities The authorities are addressing the issue of personnel, thereby providing the country's schools with young qualified specialists.

For information about government support for young teachers, watch the following video:

Young specialists are graduates of various universities who must work exclusively in their specialty in government agencies. They can be sent to rural areas for employment, which allows them to count on various preferences from the state. At the same time, lifting allowances are assigned to young specialists. They are represented by certain payments that allow optimal conditions life in a new place.

Who is a young specialist?

The definition is contained in Art. 7 TK. It indicates that the young specialist is represented by a citizen who completed his studies at a university less than a year ago. The employer assigns him an internship.

The main requirements for young specialists include:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • full-time study at a higher educational institution;
  • study on a budget basis;
  • availability of a diploma of the established type;
  • getting a job within one year after receiving a diploma;
  • work exclusively in the acquired specialty.

No allowances are paid to young specialists-students on a contract form of study.

Rules for obtaining status

The status is assigned only once for a period of three years. Allowed to renew this period for 6 months if there are compelling reasons. Extension is possible subject to availability significant reasons represented by military service, leaving for maternity leave or registration of academic leave in the presence of illness or disabled relatives.

Raising payments to young specialists are assigned only on the condition that citizens get a job in government agencies. If they choose commercial companies for employment, then they can count on benefits guaranteed by this company.

What help is offered?

If a citizen obtains the status of a young specialist, he can enjoy certain benefits and concessions. They may vary slightly for different specialties, but the following preferences are offered as standard:

  • Payment of raise money to young specialists. They are represented by one-time payments transferred upon first employment after training. Only a citizen applying for a job in a government agency can count on them. The size of allowances for young specialists may vary, as it depends on the region of employment.
  • Salary supplements. This privilege is regular, and therefore is used by citizens for the entire period when they have the status of young specialists. The amount depends on various factors, which includes salary and bonuses. The standard bonus varies from 30% to 50% of a citizen’s salary. The largest percentage is used for specialists with honors diplomas.
  • Registration of a mortgage on preferential terms. The state offers young professionals a special subsidy equal to up to 30% of the cost of the chosen housing. Compensation is allocated from the regional budget.

If a citizen finds a job in another region, then he is offered preferential travel and transportation of things at the expense of the state. A daily allowance is paid for the duration of the move.

How do payments differ in regions?

Bonuses are paid to young specialists at the start of their career. Their purpose is to support optimal level life in a new city. Therefore, such payments may differ significantly depending on the different regions.

The amount of payment is determined by regional authorities. For example, monthly allowances for a young medical specialist range from 30% to 40% of the established rate.

In Rostov, medical students, even during their final year of study, can count on increased scholarship, therefore, 5 thousand rubles are added to the regular payment.

What assistance is provided to teachers?

Lifting young professional teacher are represented by the following help:

  • payment of allowances, which is a cash payment equal to 1 to 2 salaries, and this amount is paid in a lump sum upon employment, but the work must be carried out in the same city where the training took place;
  • provision of a housing subsidy, represented by a certificate or a special cash payment, with the help of which the housing issue is resolved, so you can buy a home or get a mortgage, as well as build a house;
  • assignment of relocation compensation if a decision is made to move to another region.

All benefits and concessions are assigned only on an application basis.

Help for doctors

People who choose to work in the medical field, immediately after training, can get a job in government agencies in order to be able to receive various benefits:

  • assigning allowances to young specialists, paid in a lump sum if a citizen decides to move to work in a village;
  • surcharge for citizens with honors diplomas;
  • subsidy for employment, varying from 20 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • provision of preferential mortgages, which set a low rate, and often do not require a down payment.

Such assistance really helps people settle well in a new place. Lifts for young professionals in rural areas are considered especially significant in size, since such a move is encouraged by the state. Often citizens can count on receiving free housing for permanent residence.

Support for Russian Railways employees

If a new Russian Railways employee has the status of a young specialist, he can count on the following support measures:

  • a lump sum payment after employment equal to one month’s salary;
  • compensation for expenses associated with relocation;
  • a week's leave is granted upon arrival;
  • expenses associated with rental housing are reimbursed.

Thanks to such lifts, it is possible to settle well in a new place of residence.

Payment amount

Every university graduate is interested in how much allowance is paid to young specialists. This payment may vary significantly in size in different regions, but there are certain average values:

  • for teachers, the payment varies from 20 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • doctors can count on an amount of 15 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles depending on the chosen region and grades in the diploma;
  • Russian Railways employees receive a payment equal to their monthly salary.

The funds received can be used by specialists for any purpose. Their main purpose is the opportunity to purchase all the necessary things when finding a job in a new region.

Regional support

Additionally, citizens with this status should find out what benefits are offered to young professionals in the city they have chosen to live and work. Local authorities try to support new workers, so additional payments and concessions are often provided.

For example, in the Saratov region, specialists receive a one-time payment of 40 thousand rubles in the first year of work if they work in the field of medicine or education. For the second year, 35 thousand rubles are transferred, and after three years of work you can count on another payment in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.

In the Moscow region, teachers receive a payment of 150 thousand rubles. Teachers can take out a preferential mortgage, for which a significant part of the funds is paid by municipal authorities.

Registration procedure

The process of receiving payments is the same for all citizens. The procedure is carried out on an application basis, so citizens themselves must understand how allowances are paid to young specialists. The procedure for assigning funds is as follows:

  • the graduate receives diplomas;
  • he is given a special assignment for work;
  • search is carried out optimal location employment within one year from the date of completion of training;
  • it is important to choose a job in your specialty;
  • an employment contract is concluded with the selected employer;
  • the head of the company issues an order to hire a citizen;
  • a new employee of the organization submits an application to receive allowances;
  • an application is drawn up in free form, but if a particular company has an approved sample, you will have to use it;
  • documents are submitted to the employer confirming the citizen’s right to payments;
  • an order is issued to assign payment to the young specialist;
  • funds are issued to the employee at the cash desk or transferred to his salary account.

The employer does not have the right to refuse payments if the employee has grounds for receiving them.

What documents are required?

The company employee must prove that he really has the right to the lift. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the place of employment:

  • diploma received after graduation;
  • a correctly drawn up application in the form of the government agency in which the citizen works;
  • employment history;
  • an employment contract drawn up with the employer.

The citizen must be under 35 years of age. The benefit is not provided automatically, so if a young specialist does not draw up an application and prepare other documents, he will not be able to count on such assistance from the state.

Features of the purpose of payments

Directly at the enterprise where the specialist began working, you can find out exactly when the funds will be transferred. No more than one month should pass after submitting the documents and application. Often the money is transferred literally two days after the package of documents is handed over to the employer.

The funds are paid by the direct employer, and no tax is charged on them. Lifts can be transferred in a single amount or paid monthly in small payments. The frequency and size of such payments depends on the company’s operating policy.

What types of assistance are available for rural workers?

If a young specialist decides to get a job in a rural area, he can count on various support measures. Assistance is provided to teachers, doctors, educators, social workers and agricultural professionals.

The most significant assistance is considered to be the opportunity to receive free housing or a subsidy for the purchase of real estate. To do this, a five-year agreement is drawn up with the local administration, after which an allowance equal to 1 million rubles is transferred to the specialist. These funds are used exclusively to improve living conditions. Only doctors and teachers can use the program, so this support is not assigned to nurses or other medical personnel.


Young specialists can count on allowances paid for employment in government agencies within a year after graduation. These payments are assigned by the direct employer, and personal income tax is not charged.

To receive such a measure of support, citizens must prepare a certain package of documents and draw up a special application. The size of the payment may vary significantly in different regions.

Young professionals- these are people who have completed a full course of higher education, as well as secondary special education. The young specialist remains so for the next year from the moment he received his diploma. To obtain this status, it is necessary to undergo training exclusively on a full-time basis and at the expense of regional and federal budget.

The graduate must undergo final certification, after which he is awarded a state diploma. To obtain the status of “young specialist,” a graduate will have to go to work as assigned in the manner established by law. If even one of these conditions has not been met, then the granting of this status may be refused. Relationships arise between the head of the organization and the young specialist, which are regulated. In this case, the young specialist is immediately accepted for permanent job, a probationary period does not apply to him.

Payments to young professionals

What payments can a young specialist expect?

  1. One-time payment to young professionals can be produced in different ways. A teacher and educator usually receives a monthly salary increase for three years. According to Russian legislation, the cash payment can be made differently: upon the expiration of the employment contract with the young specialist.
  2. Lifting payments began to be implemented in 2012 for those specialists who graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in 2011 and subsequent years.

Lifting for young professionals

Resolution of the state government dated June 22, 2012 No. 821 recommended drawing up a bill according to which or compensation payment, aimed at supporting a young specialist, must be carried out within the first month after signing the employment contract - these are the so-called lifts, the size of which depends on the specialty and place of work of the employee. In this case, the number of rest days that the employee was able to use is not taken into account. This law was adopted by the lower house of parliament a month after the resolution was issued. The main goal of the project is to attract young specialists who have received a certain education so that they can start working in their specialty.

It is worth noting that in case of relocation, compensation is not provided. If a specialist takes part in a targeted distribution program, then as permanent place residence is the city or village where the student lived before entering the educational institution.

As additional benefits provided to young professionals, there is a special program for purchasing housing. To take advantage of it, a graduate of a higher educational institution must work in the same organization for five years, and also need improved living conditions. It is even easier to apply this program to rural residents intending to purchase housing in the village, since after five years they only need to contact the authorities social protection population with a statement of desire to permanently reside in rural areas.

To receive housing under the preferential program, you will have to attach to the remaining documents confirmation of the lack of living space or a paper that will indicate the need to improve living conditions. The disadvantage of this program is the high initial contribution, which is 30% of the total cost of the house, apartment or room, but this contribution can be made by the employer, who will then deduct part of this debt from the salary of his employee, or another method of returning the funds will be discussed and documented .

Local authorities are also obliged to do their best to support young professionals, especially those who are going to work in the village, most often this is done through the introduction and implementation of various kinds of social programs, financed from district, city or regional budgets.

List of documents

To obtain an allowance, a young specialist only needs to write a corresponding application when applying for a job. The employer draws up an order for payments and notifies his employee about it. Having read the order, the latter signs it.

The employer must comply with the following registration procedure: a copy of his diploma and a certified copy of the work book, which indicates how long he has been working in this organization, is attached to the employee’s application. This list of documents is the basis for payments to young medical specialists were issued in accordance with the law. Payments to young specialist teachers, as well as other professions participating in this program, are assigned according to a similar scheme.


  1. The status of a young specialist is maintained for a year after graduation.
  2. Prerequisites- referral to distribution work.
  3. In this case, specialists are paid compensation.
  4. The size of the lifts is determined in the region of residence.
  5. Payments are made by submitting an application to the employer.

Good afternoon, please tell me whether a serviceman under a contract has the right to allowance payments when transporting a family of two people (wife and son) to his place of duty.

13 July 2018, 15:17, question No. 2051643 Anastasia, Nizhny Novgorod

Is a contract worker entitled to a lifting allowance?

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Lifting allowance

Hello! I am a military serviceman, and I have a question about the allowance. To receive a lifting allowance, do I need to register in the unit, or not, what do I need in addition to the report? Thank you!

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31 October 2016, 17:04, question No. 1426164 Konstantin Anatolyevich Sorokin, Omsk

Payments to young professionals or lifting

Hello, please tell me whether a young specialist (teacher) is entitled to monthly payments or only allowances?

Young teachers in Russia are not so common. In the country, personnel graduate from universities and then go to work outside their specialty. After all, although important, it is not considered prestigious in the Russian Federation. This is what the population says. To attract new personnel, the state decided to introduce certain programs to support young teachers. People who comply with certain conditions are entitled to benefits and various opportunities. Which ones exactly? What can citizens count on?

List of benefits

Benefits for young teachers were offered in Russia quite recently. As already mentioned, this important profession is not in demand among young people. People graduate from universities and get a job not based on their diploma, but where it is more profitable. It's no secret that teachers' salaries are not very high. And for most young people, it is the prospects of earning money that are important.

But young teachers in the Russian Federation, subject to a certain list of rules, are able to receive some benefits and opportunities. Among them are:

  • lifting payments;
  • special mortgage lending program;
  • support for purchasing a home (not a mortgage).

In fact, citizens are encouraged to find employment. Mortgages are considered extremely attractive. For young teachers, as for most newly-minted specialists, the issue of housing is very acute. Therefore, Russia has offered assistance in this matter. Moreover, such that even the average teacher could get his own housing.

Young specialist status

First, you need to understand who a young specialist is. After all, only then will it be possible to fully understand which personnel are entitled to In Russia, a specialist is a citizen who has received a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education.

Who are the young professionals? Graduates of universities and technical schools who are employed for the first time in budgetary sphere according to the education received. Virtually any modern young graduate receives this status. This means he is entitled to some benefits. Especially when it comes to teachers.

Age is an issue

An important point is also the age of the graduate. Young teachers are citizens who have not reached 35 years of age. In some cities, this bar is set at a lower position - 30 years. Accurate information should be found in each region at one time or another.

It turns out that a newly issued diploma is not enough. If someone decides to become a teacher in adulthood, he may not count on the title of young specialist. This fact must be taken into account without fail. After all, it can prevent you from receiving certain bonuses from the state.


The first type of assistance is monetary. These are lifting ones. Young teachers are entitled to these payments as a one-time benefit, which is paid upon employment in a particular government institution.

The exact amount is different everywhere. Therefore, for specific information, you need to contact the administration of the region of residence. The amount of cash payment ranges from 20 to 100 thousand rubles. In rural areas, as a rule, lifts are assigned higher than in cities.

Help with housing

The next feature is that young teachers have every right to help with the purchase of housing. Or for full provision thereof. The second option is most often encountered in practice. Usually common in rural areas, this type of support is also provided to teachers who come from other areas of the country.

This question is individual. As practice shows, teachers are provided with a place in the dormitory. Small, but helpful. At the same time, young teachers have the right to government support in matters of mortgage lending. So the state provides teachers with a place to live to one degree or another.

According to the Labor Code

You should also pay attention to some features of the legislation. For example, that in Labor Code The Russian Federation has its own employment rules for young specialists. This point is extremely important.

What can a young professional teacher count on? Payments, mortgages, assistance in providing housing - all this has nothing to do with the country’s labor legislation. When seeking employment, young professionals (not only teachers) have every right to be hired without a probationary period.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly states that there should be no tests for this category of persons. But only on the condition that the citizen finds a job for the first time after receiving a diploma, and immediately in the specialty received. The rule is valid for one year after issue.

Extension of status

A young professional teacher - who allows you to enjoy benefits and payments to varying degrees. In some cases it can be extended. How exactly?

There are several techniques that help solve this issue. The maximum period for which the status can be extended is 6 years. It is automatically extended if:

  • a citizen is undergoing military service in the army;
  • during full-time postgraduate studies;
  • We are talking about a teacher who is on maternity leave and also due to pregnancy.

Payments to young teachers must be processed as soon as possible. All this is due to the fact that from the moment of employment the status is retained only for 3 years, after which it is completely lost and cannot be restored.


There is a mortgage called "Young Teacher". This program has federal status. It was invented specifically to help newly-minted teachers get their own housing. Issued under certain conditions.

It should be noted that interest rate for this mortgage the average interest rate is 8.5 percent. It is important that the monthly payment does not require the teacher to pay more than 45% of the salary. Most often, this rule applies to teachers who will have to work in rural areas. But regular teachers are also offered similar loans.

Another nuance regarding the mortgage is that “Young Teacher” (a federal program) requires payment of only 10% of the funds of the future owner of the apartment as a down payment. The rest of the money is provided by the state as compensation.

Mortgage conditions

What problems might there be when getting a mortgage? Young teachers are carefully checked for compliance established rules providing state support. Therefore, you need to know all the conditions that can interfere with the process.

Among the main requirements for young specialists are the following factors:

  • age up to 35 years (as we have already said, in some cities it can be up to 30, but this is rare);
  • employment after graduation in the specialty;
  • the work must be in a budgetary (state) institution;
  • concluded contract lasting at least 3 years;
  • experience in the field of pedagogy (depending on the region, needed mainly for a mortgage).

Please note that after receiving a diploma, young teachers must find employment within a maximum of 3 months. But it is recommended to clarify this period in each region. It is likely that it may end up somewhere shorter.

Other benefits

Mortgages for young teachers, payments, benefits - all this helps to attract new personnel to the field of education. There are some features that are provided to young professionals in different regions. It's about about less important support, which is often established by a specific educational institution.

What else can a young professional teacher count on? Payments of one-time benefits are not the only monetary compensation that is provided to citizens. In addition, you can count:

  • for partial or full payment of transportation costs to the educational institution;
  • subsidies for home construction and improvement;
  • full or partial reimbursement of expenses associated with maintaining the teacher’s children in school and preschool educational institutions;
  • benefits for admission to certain schools.

Earning supplements

Young teachers have the right to another feature, which is regulated by regional regulations. The point is that citizens should receive an increased salary for their status. Here the role is played by how good the diploma was issued to the specialist.

For example, the increase in the salary of a young teacher is 40%. If a specialist graduated from a university with honors and has a degree, he will receive an additional 50% of his salary.

What advice can you give? to a young teacher? How to act to get everything benefits provided and not lose your status? In fact, there are not many recommendations. Citizens must:

  • inquire in advance about the benefits for young professionals in the region of employment;
  • do not hesitate to find a job (it is better to start doing this in advance);
  • look for a place for long-term employment;
  • try to get a diploma with honors;
  • inquire about the benefits for young professionals at the chosen educational institution.

It has already been said that usually more allowances and payments are provided. All questions should be addressed either to the city administration or to multifunctional centers.

The subsidy may be refused. After all, everything cash are taken either from the regional or federal budget. If there is no money, then they will not be able to help the citizen. But young teachers will be able to try their luck in next year. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Each educational institution is constantly coming up with ways to attract young staff. And this point should not be forgotten either. Payments, subsidies and housing for young teachers are provided in every region of Russia. The main thing is to find out the rules for providing them.