How to receive money from VKontakte. Earning money on VKontakte groups

If you are the owner of a community and have reached the stage where it makes sense to advertise in the community, then you need to choose a method for monetizing the project. Therefore, we are starting an article that will answer the question of most group owners: how to make money on VK advertising. Let's give 4 right away different ways so as not to waste your time. Look below, there are 4 monetization methods listed there.

  • The advantage of the method: we do not pay commission and VAT.
  • Disadvantage: you need to look for advertisers, the transaction is not protected and occurs more on trust. Although, the owner of the site does not lose anything: if they didn’t send the money, we delete the post.

Through the official VK exchange

How to setup. To configure, click on the “Monetization” item.

Next, click on the connect button.

The system will redirect you to the SocialCentrum resource. Log in using your VKontakte account. Go to the Advertising Network section and select: “Connect to RSVC”, this inscription will be next to the name of your community. These steps are required to submit your request for moderation. If you did everything correctly, the following message should appear in community management.

If your group is approved for making money from advertising, all you have to do is go to the community management section, go to monetization and configure one parameter, look at the photo below.

If you no longer want to advertise, simply select the network participation percentage of zero percent.

These advertising posts will be shown in two places:

  • In a public or group, on the wall. Moreover, with an interval of 4 non-advertising entries.
  • In the news feed of subscribers, without reference to the community (the entry will be on behalf of the advertiser).

Through unofficial VK advertising exchanges

    • Disadvantages: you need to find the most suitable exchange, even better, register in all of them and collect applications from all sites.

Universal advertising - affiliate programs

Since newbies are also reading this article, let’s look at what CPA networks mean. In short, the abbreviation CPA means that payment is made for a specific action. Affiliate programs are intermediaries between advertisers and webmasters.

Unlike the methods listed above, when the blogger’s task is simply to post a post, here you will receive payment only for the completed action, for example, this could be:

  • registration on the site;
  • replenishment of balance;
  • buying things.

Now briefly about how to work with them. Your task is to get an affiliate link. It contains your identifier and if they click on it, the system understands that you brought this client.

The most important thing: you are going to monetize the public VKontakte, the administration will closely monitor the transition of users to other resources. There is an opinion that Cityads ads are flagged as unsafe. To get around this, you need to use a link shortener.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on affiliate programs (CPA networks):

    • Advantages: some partnership programs, especially financial ones, offer a very large income for an active participant. The amount can be fixed and even be $120 for one attracted client (for financial topics).
    • Disadvantage: it is not the transition (click) itself that is important, but the action that the user must take. If he completes it later than described in the terms of the affiliate program (for example, registers after 2 weeks), then you will not receive any income.
    • You need to sort out the affiliate programs that are most suitable for your site. For example, for communities with humor, posting advertisements for games is most suitable. For public pages about beauty and fashion, selling things is more suitable.
    • Not all affiliate programs allow traffic from social media. networks.

You can search for affiliate programs on the Internet yourself. We will list 8.

“How can the Internet generate income? Stop sitting at the computer, look for a normal job!” These words are familiar to almost every online businessman: few people believe that social networks bring money.
But those who believe continue to discover new ways to earn money, increasing their income.
Today we will talk about how to make money from a VKontakte group!

How it works

The bulk of the profit comes from advertising. Public page owners advertise almost everything - from other groups to online stores and large enterprises. For example, online jewelry or cosmetics stores order advertising in women's communities.
But you shouldn’t hope for quick and easy money: in order for advertisers to choose yours among thousands of public pages, you will have to invest a lot of effort and time.

Creation and promotion

Choosing a theme

The method of earning money and potential income. The topic should be familiar and interesting to a wide range of users. At the same time, you must bring something of your own to stand out among hundreds of similar pages.

The chosen topic should be of interest to the creator himself, because he will have to administer the public for a long time. Answer the simplest question: won’t you get tired of this topic in a week, month, or year?

The most profitable topics include:

  • Humor, quote books, and other entertainment
    The posts here help you relax after a hard day at work: many Internet users prefer to spend their evenings here.
    The competition in this niche is too high - entertainment public sites are a dime a dozen, and many of them have a multimillion-dollar audience. However, fresh ideas and unique presentation style will quickly hook readers.

    A post in the entertainment community that received more than 800,000 unique views in 8 hours

  • Business
    Most of these communities are engaged in posting quotes and thoughts of successful businessmen. Some call such public pages meaningless duds, others blindly believe advice and quotes, and are looking forward to the next post.
    One thing is clear - people are interested in how to make easy money, which means VKontakte groups of this format will always have a wide audience.
    To attract more users, it’s worth talking about more down-to-earth people: among your friends there will probably be successful entrepreneurs with own business. Such unique stories will interest more readers than information about celebrities, which subscribers can easily find without your help.

    Post in a popular business magazine: thoughts and advice from a famous banker

  • Pages intended for a specific category of people are also popular - students, women, young mothers, geeks, and much more. They easily adapt to the interests of the creator: a car enthusiast can create a public page about cars, and an artist can create a page for those who love creativity.

Narrow topics and directions are less profitable - it is unlikely that the community of violinists from Voronezh (may they forgive me) will bring the creator a lot of money.

Naming and avatar

The next step after choosing a topic is choosing a group name. If it catches potential participants, is easy to remember, and pronunciation and writing do not require magical skills, then you have come to the right place!
Common mistake for beginning online businessmen VK - an attempt to cram all thematic keywords and phrases into the title. Your page will be displayed during searches, but it is unlikely to attract new participants.
It is better to order a logo from a professional designer: a bright and unique picture plays important role in promoting the page. If you don’t yet have the opportunity to spend money on ordering an avatar, you can create a simple logo yourself in any graphic editor. For example, a group name written on a single-color background would be suitable.

Logo for a community of mathematicians, created in a common mathematical graphing program


Correctly selected topics and titles are not enough to attract subscribers - you need to fill the page with quality content. An empty feed will scare off potential audiences, even if the topic and description suit them one hundred percent. Before inviting friends and acquaintances to the community, create a couple of dozen interesting and unique posts.
For a business public this could be collections interesting books and articles, for an entertaining page - interesting facts.

One of the first posts from the editors' community: a selection of feature articles and podcasts

Don't forget about creating discussions - the latter help maintain connections between subscribers.


The dream of making millions from a VKontakte group is closer than ever! All that remains is to attract the audience.
The initial goal is to get at least 1000-2000 subscribers.
There are a lot of ways to promote, and each one deserves special attention.

After reaching the first bar, you can start investing in advertising your public by posting posts in large groups. Posts with both an explicit call for entry and hidden advertising that suddenly appears in the midst of the story are suitable. The main thing is to come up with a truly catchy post and post it in a public page whose target audience coincides with yours.


About 10,000 users have joined the group, and your posts receive over 1,000 unique views daily? It's time to move on to the tastiest part: let's lift the veil of secrecy and find out how to make money on a VKontakte group!


Let's focus on the advertising posts that we talked about earlier.
The customer buys a fixed post space in the public for a certain time - the advertiser does not have the right to place other posts during this period. After the expiration date, the post continues to move down the feed and is then deleted.
The cost of such advertising depends on the duration of these periods, the coverage of the public, as well as the time of day that the customer expects.
For example, advertising in an entertainment public during the daytime costs less than in the evening, and the most expensive posts in 18+ groups are posted closer to midnight.

Most convenient option to get your first customers - place an ad in special advertising exchanges. These include the official VKontakte exchange, and the Sociate and Plibber resources. To add a public page to the system, you must indicate the cost of the post.

Analyze the prices of competitors' services with similar activity and coverage so as not to charge too much or too little.

If you don’t want to overpay commissions from each transaction to exchanges, look for clients in other, free ways. Place ads on free platforms, make special posts, create a wiki with a price list.
At first there won’t be very many clients, but after a while they will contact you directly. Sometimes you even have to choose between several customers!


In this area, 2 options for earning money are worthy of attention - links to file hosting services and video posting. These ways of earning money are good because they bring passive income— just place a link to a file or video.
In the first option, you need to upload certain files to the group: for each download, a certain amount will be credited to your account. Of course, this cannot become the main source of income, but as an additional income from your contact group, this option is a great fit.

Video posting is considered a more profitable niche, but first you need to gain a large number of active subscribers. It’s easy to guess that they pay you for views, which means you need to select videos that will be of interest to the majority of the audience.

Videos are taken from special platforms, like ViBoom and VideoSeed. It will cost you around 20-80 kopecks per view. Only public pages with 15,000+ subscribers can post videos. You can monitor viewing statistics directly in the service.

Partnership programs

You need money, and the owners of an online store or other resource need customers. Then what prevents you from entering into a mutually beneficial agreement?

The affiliate program scheme is quite simple: the public places advertising post with a special link to the resource. The customer pays a percentage of the amount of purchases made by users who follow the link, or a fixed fee for each person registered on his site.
To attract a larger audience, users are often provided with special promotional codes to receive discounts or other privileges.

Video about the Aliexpress affiliate program

Making money on affiliate programs in a VKontakte group is not so easy - you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • You should not advertise video games in literary circle, or cosmetics in a business public. Analyze the needs and wants of your target audience.
    For example, advertising of bright clothes would be appropriate in youth groups, and training from celebrities would be suitable for businessmen.
  • You shouldn’t advertise things that your audience definitely can’t afford. For example, entertainment groups are full of teenagers who are unlikely to be able to pay for expensive services or goods on their own. Pocket money is only enough for a nice mug or sweets.
  • The selected online store should offer delivery to all cities of Russia, and better yet, to the CIS countries. Otherwise, some subscribers simply will not be able to use the resource and will not bring you income.

Selling goods

Do you know how to advertise and sell other people's products? So why transfer customers to them, and receive only a percentage of each purchase, if you can create your own online store?
You can earn good money by selling goods in a VKontakte group: you just need to be smart and have a small start-up capital.
As in the case of affiliate programs, you will have to study the needs of the audience. For example, in a business public you can sell watches, while geeks will like CDs, toys, and souvenirs with their favorite characters. Buy all these products at low prices You can do it in online stores like Monitoring discounts and promotions will increase your income significantly!

Choose oversized items that can be easily mailed. These can be souvenirs, piggy banks, jewelry, sunglasses, and other small goods.

In addition to reselling items from other stores, you can start producing and selling your own, unique goods. Young people will willingly pay for T-shirts, covers, and mugs with the logo of their favorite band.

Popular entertainment public store

Public sale

Suitable for those who still haven’t figured out how to make money from a VKontakte group and have decided to change their field of activity, or have simply found a more profitable and interesting work. Commoners shouldn’t use this method of earning money: it’s too risky:

  • Selling the group is prohibited by social rules. networks - if any attempt is detected, you and your creation will be immediately banned. Buyers will have to be found on third party resources and sites.
  • Honesty is not best side of people. The buyer may simply not pay, leaving you with nothing. To avoid running into a scammer, ask the potential buyer for an advance payment.
  • To make any profit, the group must be well promoted, and this will require a lot of effort and time. The one-time fee is not worth it!


So we figured out how to make money from a VKontakte group. Let's summarize:

  • Choose a topic that will reach as many people as possible.
  • The title must not be a set keywords: just choose one of them - light, beautiful, and memorable. Use other queries as hashtags.
  • Do not use spam to promote your community - this risks not only blocking your account, but also the group itself.
  • Don't go overboard with automated subscriber recruitment—you'll still need active users to sell ads.
  • Create unique content that will interest target audience and make them subscribe to your blog.
  • Don't make too many promotional posts - subscribers will automatically start ignoring them, and some will even unsubscribe. 1-2 posts a day is enough.
  • Place advertisements for goods and services that will interest your audience. Don’t also forget about accessibility - “Preparing for the Unified State Exam” subscribers certainly won’t buy an expensive super calculator with delivery only in Singapore.

Of course, it cannot be said that absolutely everyone wants to “raise” money with the help of a group. People discuss something, share interesting materials with like-minded people, talk about hobbies. But the fact remains that the creators of the groups strive to promote their project as quickly and widely as possible, and receive a lot of money.

How to earn VK using a group?

There are many ways to make money from a group, so first you need to decide on the audience of the community. It is necessary to think over the topic of a new group before creating it. Let's consider three popular directions.

1. Business

Entrepreneurship, starting a business - this topic was at the peak of popularity 2-3 years ago, so such groups great amount. They all share the same problem: they provide the same information, and repeat it every few weeks. If you have any thoughts on how to stand out from the crowd with fresh, more bright ideas, success and numerous subscribers are guaranteed.

Advertisers love large, active business-related communities. People promoting financial pyramids, outright “scams,” will also ask for cooperation. It is better to refuse to work with scammers. Otherwise, a mass unsubscribe from followers or a BAN from the VK administration may occur.

2. Entertainment theme

Entertainment projects include groups with funny videos, GIFs, jokes, demotivators, cake poems, etc. Despite the fierce competition, working in this direction is quite simple. Many users subscribe to dozens of public pages in this vein. In the process of promotion, it is important not to spread yourself thin, but to concentrate on certain subgroups and work only on them.

One thing about entertainment groups is that almost all of their audiences are minors, which means that some advertisers will refuse to run the material.

3. Groups with a female theme

“Women’s” groups contain materials about home economics, beauty, health, cooking and children. Competition in such communities is high. To get a large number of subscribers, you need to really stand out from the crowd.

Advertiser prices for such resources are higher, since the audience for the most part consists of people over 20-25 years old with sufficient solvency. Affiliate programs of online trading platforms are great here. For a beginner, you can organize a group with quotes, advice about love and family. Such a resource is always actively reposted, commented on and liked.

How to create a new group?

Log into your VK account, click on the groups tab and select the “Create a community” function (upper right corner). Then we select the parameters, the type of community, depending on the needs of the author. For example, a public page is more suitable for an entertainment theme (here more attention is paid to the wall), and Additional materials laid out on panels from the side.

A more complex option is groups with a large number of chats, videos and other materials on the main page. They are ideal for business topics and family resources, as they allow you to create many topics for discussion.

If a novice administrator cannot choose between a group and a public page, then you can start by creating a group. If desired, it can be transformed into a public page without losing material, because posts in the news feed are displayed exactly the same.

Group filling

It will take a long time from the moment of creating a group to receiving a permanent profit. This cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try. All you have to do is believe in your project and actively promote it.

Successful promotion will require a large amount of material. In order not to waste precious time searching for interesting and fresh content, you can use services for automatic filling. It is necessary to create a schedule that will indicate the time when new entries will appear. The author can post all the prepared material at once. However, the more even the schedule, the more users will see the publications.

At first there may be few posts, but each one should be carefully thought out. Posts are usually posted in 2-3 hour increments. Best time Everyone chooses for display independently, it all depends on the topic and user population:

  • businessmen and office employees most often check the tape on the way to work, from work and during their lunch break;
  • mothers watch the news and attend groups while their children are sleeping, that is, in the afternoon and evening after lights out.

This general information according to the display time. A more accurate schedule is selected individually based on the observations of the resource administrators themselves.

The most active times on VK are the periods from 12 to 2 pm and from 6 to 9 pm. To avoid running around and missing the top time, administrators use auto-posting. For example, the free and popular “SOCIATE”, in which new posts are added in a given order, and the service itself posts them according to a set schedule.

Project promotion

By the start of promotion, the group should have at least 20–30 posts. Nobody likes empty and “dead” groups. After completing the minimum, you can begin active promotion. For this, free and paid promotion services are used.

Free promotional services

Beginners are recommended to start with free services in order to see 1000-2000 subscribers instead of 5 - 10 people. Otherwise, the admin risks losing the invested money. A good start for promoting new groups is mutual subscription to groups. But this method does not guarantee a large influx of subscribers.

Among the free promotion services we recommend "Vtope" is an easy-to-use and free program. To get started, add the account that needs to be upgraded. The automatic program will begin to bring subscribers and join other groups. It doesn't work fast, but for free .

When there are about 500 people in the group, you can begin negotiations on mutual advertising with another group that is similar in number of subscribers and topic. That is, we advertise on their group, and they do the same on their own. This method will not attract millions of subscribers, but it will get results.

Some administrators do not hesitate to post spam (quite aggressive) in other groups. This method, most likely, will not bring subscribers, but may cause the project to be blocked.

Paid promotion

By using paid methods promotion admin saves a lot of time. For example, in 2 - 3 weeks you can attract as many subscribers as you would have received in 2 - 3 months using free methods.

Orders for joining the group are placed on special platforms. The average cost varies from 0.5 to 1 rub. per person with the condition of joining and being in the ranks of subscribers. For about 1 thousand rubles. you can get more than 1000 followers. Please note that these people will not actively participate in the life of the community, as a result they will be removed as “dead” subscribers.

How to make money on VKontakte?

After passing the threshold of 1 thousand subscribers, the admin buys advertising for his page. To do this, the page must be well designed. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the avatar, status, discussions and content with media files.

Advertising is ordered at the same place where it is sold: in special groups and platforms. The hardest thing to choose best group With reasonable price, as well as select an advertising post. Finding an attractive and effective post is quite difficult. This process requires testing many options.

You must attach a prepared image to the post you find, preferably without watermarks. Then you need to pin the post to the top of the group’s main page. When buying advertising, you need to give away part of the text and a picture. The resulting link must be posted in your group.

Earning money from affiliate programs

It is recommended to start making money on an “affiliate” program when the community’s coverage reaches more than 500 – 700 subscribers per day. With fewer people, earnings will be completely imperceptible.

Affiliate projects are best selected according to the topic and interests of followers. Of course, there are also universal offers, for example, online hypermarkets, pharmacies, etc. Loud and famous sites always come in well ( AliExpress, and etc.). Large stores offer delivery to almost all regions of the Russian Federation, which will not allow potential buyers to turn away from the offer. The amount of earnings from a reputable affiliate program largely depends on the activity of users.

Earning money on video

You can earn income by posting video clips that will generate good passive income. However, only sites with a number of followers of 15 thousand or more can count on this method of earning money. It will not be possible to gain a huge number of subscribers, since only live views are counted.

The sites are almost identical, sometimes providing the same material. The first site is in great demand, probably due to its brighter, more interesting interface and variety of files. Many fairly large publics and groups use this method.

Selling advertising

One more in an interesting way Earning money is from selling advertising. Before promotion, groups buy advertising, and after, being advanced communities, they sell it themselves. Typically, this type of earnings is used by public sites with 10 thousand followers or more. At the same time, the coverage of subscribers should be more than 1 thousand people per day.

Prices are set by project managers themselves; on average, prices vary from 5 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. for 1000 people. The tactic that works here is: “Look at your competitors and do it a little cheaper.”

When the number of subscribers exceeds 30K people with stable coverage, then more serious players will begin to be interested in the project. To work with them you will have to prepare your own price list.

Selling goods through the VK group

Information businessmen will be able to make money by selling their goods or reselling third-party products. For example, order equipment and electronics accessories at the lowest price in China, Vietnam, and then sell through a group at a higher price.

Sale of VK groups

Administrators who love the process of upgrading sites can sell their group. They create groups, develop them “as if for themselves,” achieve an increase in the number of subscribers, good coverage of about 8–10 thousand people per day. And they sell a developed project. It should be remembered that when creating public pages for sale, you need to register them with the “left” account, since often the site is sold completely with the profile to which it was linked.

It is better not to post advertisements for sale on VK itself, as the site does not approve of this. Should be given great attention security of the transaction, so as not to run into a fraudster, not to be left without money and without a project. In case of fraud, you will not be able to complain to the VKontakte administration, since the admin went against the rules.


It is not recommended to invest money in promoting a public page or group without a clear plan. You shouldn’t count on big quick earnings here. It is necessary to promote the group gradually. It’s better to use free promotion methods, for example, agree on mutual advertising between groups, try out free promotion services to open up access to your first earnings.

Read also:

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Many users of the World Wide Web strive to register with in social networks. Here you can communicate with friends and distant relatives, share your news with them. But not everyone knows that you can also make money on the Internet. The VKontakte website allows even schoolchildren to earn a stable income.

How to earn income?

The World Wide Web is one of the opportunities for the development of advertising. Many people today strive to receive services or purchase goods without leaving their offices or apartments. Anyone who understands this knows how to make money in Contact. There are special services that pay money for likes and reposts. In this way, information about a particular company, online store or product is disseminated.

In order to start earning money, you just need to create a page on VKontakte and make friends. Many people register with inaccurate information so as not to litter their profile with unnecessary reposts. But such a page may be blocked by the site administration. You won't be able to earn money for a long time.

Individual services offer different wages for work. But you shouldn’t trust sites that pay 2-3 rubles for one like. It is not profitable for an advertiser to pay such a sum to everyone who wants to earn extra money. The average cost of such a service is 0.3 rubles. Those who spend enough time on VKontakte will be able to receive a small but stable income. Below are the most popular services for making money.


An excellent service for making money on a social network. Before you can earn money from Contact, you will have to go through a short registration procedure. The service has no age restrictions. Even a schoolchild will be able to earn income in his free time from classes. Every day a huge number of actions are added to the site for which payment will be charged. The average cost of one action is 20 kopecks.

Money on the service is credited to a virtual wallet. To withdraw earned money, you must have a “WebMoney” or “Yandex.Money” wallet. Only the owners will be able to get real money plastic card. The SMMOK service allows you to earn money on advertising in Contact on average per month.


Another good service, which has existed for several years now. Thanks to it, participants can receive and advertisers can increase the number of visitors to their site. Every day, VPrka offers to perform many paid actions, the average price of which is 20 kopecks. There are no restrictions on the number of tasks performed. Those who work more manage to earn more.

The minimum amount for withdrawal to VPrka is 50 rubles. You can earn that kind of money from a public page on Contact in just a few days. Payments are made within 24 hours upon request. You only have to spend a few hours a day to get a stable income.


A good service that allows you to earn a little more than the previous ones. Every day a participant can perform an unlimited number of actions for a price of 40 kopecks. It is possible to earn money by advertising on your own page. The price for this action is 10 rubles. The advantage of PROSPERO is that there is no minimum amount for withdrawal. Even if you earn a small amount from clicks, you can withdraw it at any convenient time.


A very serious service that works not only with pages on social networks, but also with groups and even individual blogs. The project allows you to earn impressive amounts, but the conditions for generating income here are more serious. An ordinary student will not be able to register here. Age matters. But an adult user with an active page or group on VKontakte can earn good money.

The minimum withdrawal amount for the Blogun project is 1000 rubles. But you can earn about 5,000 rubles a month here. This is a good addition to the budget. Users will be able to earn money from clicks and advertising on their own pages. The payment for each action is decent.

How to earn rubles in Contact using a group?

Owners of their own group on a social network can earn much more. Advertisers pay well for placing information about themselves in places where there are a huge number of visitors every day. But a simple social network user will not be able to earn much from the very first days. Initially, you need to create a group that will arouse interest among others, and then promote it.

Many people are interested in how much you can earn in “Contact” on your own network, which can become the main thing if you approach your earnings wisely and invest all your efforts in the development of the group. A simple schoolboy will not do this. If you set a goal and create a group that includes more than 200 thousand subscribers, you can earn more than 20 thousand rubles from advertising per month.

Create a group in Contact

Anyone can create a group on a social network absolutely free. Those who are interested in how to make money in Contact should think about the topic of the future group. After all, getting stable and good income Only owners of groups with more than 100 thousand subscribers will be able to do so. It is necessary to count on a large audience. A group dedicated to beauty and body care can gather a lot of subscribers. But the one whose theme will be Siamese cats will be of interest only to a narrow circle.

Groups with beautiful photos and statements by celebrities. Every second member of a social network strives to stand out thanks to an original avatar or beautiful status. A group dedicated to the lives of celebrities can also gather a lot of subscribers. But such a group will have to work a lot. After all, you will have to add news and posts to the wall every day. Everything must be done to ensure that the number of subscribers increases and the old group members do not disperse.

How to get promoted?

Creating a quality group takes a lot of effort. But this is only half the way. Is it possible to make money in Contact if the group has not yet been promoted? The income will be scanty. It is necessary to invite as many visitors to the group as possible. First of all, invitations are sent to friends. Many of them will not refuse to participate in the group out of politeness. News will begin to appear on pages on social networks. If the information in the group is really interesting, the number of subscribers will grow. But this way the promotion will be too slow.

Before asking how much they earn at Contact, you will have to spend a little yourself. There are special services that promote blogs and groups on social networks for a fee. In addition, the group can be advertised in other groups by paying the creators a small reward. Things will go much faster from the moment the group has more than 10 thousand subscribers.

Advertising on the group wall

As soon as the group on Contact has more than 100 thousand subscribers, you can start making good money. You can start by placing an advertisement on the wall. All subscribers will be able to see it, and some of them will definitely want to follow the link. The cost of advertising on the wall of a promoted group is on average 200-300 rubles. The question of whether it is possible to make money in “Contact” disappears by itself. After all, there are many people who want to place advertisements in the places they visit.

On initial stage You shouldn’t charge too high a price for posting information on the group’s pages. It's worth getting employers involved. Before you can earn money from Contact, you need to win a worthy place in the advertising services market. The cost of advertising can be raised gradually. 100 rubles per day will be enough at the initial stage.

Earnings on the stock exchange

Many people create groups on social networks for their own entertainment. But as soon as the number of subscribers increases to 100 thousand, you can start thinking about how to make money on Contact. Not everyone succeeds in finding advertisers the first time. To start receiving money faster, you can add your group to one of the specialized exchanges. These are services that help advertisers and group owners find each other. The intermediary will have to pay a small fee.

One of the most popular exchanges among social network users is Plibber. Everyone has the opportunity to post information about their group and set a single price for advertising on the wall. Advertisers will apply. The group owner will only have to choose the offers that are most interesting to him. With the help of exchanges, you can not only make great money, but also promote your own blog or group.

Earning money on VKontakte from sales

Provides a unique opportunity to earn income without leaving home. Everyone should know how you can make money on Contact without getting more subscribers or communicating with advertisers. With the help of their page or group, anyone can sell a product or offer specific services. Every day, online store owners pay huge amounts of money for domain rentals. But a page on a social network can become no worse than a virtual store. The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

You can also earn income without investments. There are a huge number of virtual stores that offer to purchase products in bulk. A member of the VKontakte social network can become an organizer of joint purchases. This is the purchase of goods for a certain amount from a single wholesale supplier. To make good money, you will have to devote a lot of time to your page. You will need to create several albums with products and promptly update captions under photos. Prices must always be up to date. The organizational fee for joint purchases usually does not exceed 15% of the wholesale cost of the goods. The more joint purchases are organized, the higher the income will be.

Nowadays, making money using any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others, is one of the most popular among novice money makers. You can earn money both in a group and only with the help of a personal page on any social network...

Many people don’t even realize that you can not only spend hours on social networks (after all, most people do that), but also benefit your pocket, or rather your e-wallet. For you, are social networks still only a source of communication? Don't lose the opportunity to make money on this!

If you have a promoted account, say, on the social network VKontakte, then you can easily make money with it. And your earnings will depend on how popular your VK page or group is.

Earning money on the social network VKontakte: how to start, what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

First, register a WebMoney e-wallet, this is where you will withdraw money.

Secondly, register on the VKontakte social network. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend creating a new one (especially for making money), and then promote it:

  • post your photos(you can do it so that your face is not visible), just don’t download photos of people from the Internet;
  • add friends and the more the better, preferably at least 100 people;
  • ask your friends “like” your posts and photos;
  • make a few reposts on your wall.

This will be enough to make the page look more natural and not look like a fake one.

By the way, with the help of the exchanges that we will consider below, you can easily and quickly promote an account on any social network: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. And the more pages you have created on various social networks, the greater your income will be. So take some time to be prepared.

So, now about making money using VKontakte.

What do you need to do to make money on VKontakte? What work lies ahead of you? Well, everything is simple here! The types of tasks on exchanges are as follows:

  • like;
  • tell friends;
  • join a group or community;
  • subscribe to news;
  • leave a comment;
  • Add as Friend;
  • repost;
  • watch the video;
  • subscribe to the channel;
  • vote;
  • and other...

How much can you earn through Vkontakte? All your actions will be paid at the following rates (current at the time of writing):

  • likes and votes (most simple steps) — 0.75 rub.;
  • join the community, watch videos, reposts, etc. - from 1 to 4 rubles;
  • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

Earning money is quite simple, especially if you need to like, vote or join a VKontakte group, which is done in a matter of seconds. Comments are a little more difficult, but they are paid higher. And if you organize your work correctly, your income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

Thirdly, register on exchanges, study their interface and start earning money.

Exchanges for making money on social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

Popular exchanges for promoting and earning money using social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


Forumok is a posting exchange, as well as a system for promoting websites and making money on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been operating since 2010, has a nice design, here you will be paid for following, tweets and retweets, comments, likes, etc. Payments are made to a WebMoney wallet starting from 200 rubles. It seems like a large amount, but it doesn’t seem like it, considering big choice various expensive tasks, you will accumulate it quickly.

  • Go to Forumok...


Qcomment is an excellent project for social promotion and more. Also, the exchange provides you with the opportunity to earn income by writing comments and watching videos. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, payments to WebMoney and Yandex Money accounts.

  • Go to Qcomment...


Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, there is a lot of work available for you every day. The service supports work with several social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All Accounts can be used in one project. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, payments via WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI wallet.

  • Go to Vktarget...


Vkserfing is an exchange for earnings and promotion in social networks, working only with VKontakte. You can withdraw funds from 50 rubles to your WebMoney wallet or balance mobile phone. Withdrawals are made every Saturday.


Prospero is a system for making money and promoting on social networks, but more emphasis is placed on the Twitter account. Register on the Prospero project, complete tasks and receive payment from advertisers. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, and payments are made to WMZ and WMR WebMoney wallets. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section.

  • Go to Prospero...