How to paint embossed wallpaper. What paint is used to paint wallpaper before painting? Water based

Paintable wallpaper is becoming increasingly popular today. The advantages of this method of wall finishing are exclusivity, a simple technique, the ability to hide minor surface defects, high wear resistance and design variability.

Many homeowners are interested in how to paint wallpaper for painting. However, the technique is feasible even for beginners. First you need to decide which wallpaper materials to choose and what paint to use.

Paintable wallpaper - great option for room design.

Types of wallpaper and their features

Several types of wallpaper material can be used for painting. Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let's look briefly at each of them:

1.Lungs paper wallpaper- this type of material, as a rule, has a relief structure and impregnation with a water-repellent composition. This allows you to apply paint over the canvas in several layers and not be afraid that the wallpaper will warp or bubbles will appear. Paper rolls are affordable, completely environmentally friendly and easy to stick to walls. In addition, such wallpaper can be used to decorate the ceiling. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting sensitivity to mechanical damage.

2. Fiberglass wallpaper. This type of material is characterized by high strength and durability, since the fabric is based on quartz threads. Painting glass material is more labor-intensive than working with paper, but it allows you to create an imitation of various textures.

3. Linkrust is a material that contains exclusively natural materials. When making such wallpaper on paper base chalk composition is applied, linseed oil, wood flour, rosin and beeswax. This coating lasts quite a long time, has high aesthetic characteristics, but is high in cost.

4. Non-woven wallpaper is the most popular option. They easily stick to the wall, allow you to repaint the surface several times, and also effectively hide unevenness. In addition, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth. They are slightly more expensive than paper ones, but their service life is twice as long.

TO general features The use of wallpaper for painting includes the following aspects: good sound insulation premises, creating a cozy atmosphere, variability design ideas, protecting walls from damage. The texture of wallpaper materials for subsequent painting can be either monotonous or with a chaotic pattern - it all depends on general concept interior

Using different wallpaper textures you can create original interior rooms.

Tips for choosing wallpaper for painting are presented in the video:

Paint selection

The next task before starting a renovation is choosing paint. The durability, wear resistance and external aesthetics of the finish will depend on the type of coloring material. So, the main types of wallpaper paint include the following materials:

1.Water-based paint - the most common and affordable option. Colorants can be matte, semi-matte and glossy. Matte paints perfectly hide roughness and minor surface defects, while glossy ones emphasize the texture of the walls, forming a durable and beautiful coating.

Water-based compositions allow you to choose any shade of color. The peculiarity of their use is to perfectly match the paint color. Therefore, before applying to the entire surface of the walls, it is advisable to make test strokes on a small area. Once you are sure that the paint properties meet the requirements, you can proceed to complete painting of the walls.

2.Composition on latex dispersion basis is environmentally friendly and safe material. However, it dries quite quickly after the packaging is depressurized (2-3 hours). This substance must be diluted with water and immediately begin painting the walls. It is also worth considering that the surface will dry within 3 days.

3.Alkyd paints are intended for painting those surfaces that are subject to mechanical damage and wear out quickly. The main advantage of this composition is that after painting, brush marks on the wall are completely invisible. However, the cost of such paints is significantly higher than previous options. They are also flammable, which limits their scope of application.

Each type of paint composition has its own characteristics that must be taken into account before carrying out repairs.

Tinting technique

The modern construction market offers a lot of color variations of paints, but not all factory colors allow homeowners’ design ideas to come to life. In this case, you can purchase classic white wallpaper paint and tint it in the desired tone. There are two methods for this:

1.Manual tinting is a completely simple process. It is enough to purchase the desired pigment and, by increasing the concentration in the coloring composition, achieve optimal color. The more pigment, the richer the final shade.

Important! After drying on the surface, the shade becomes lighter. To achieve the desired brightness, it is recommended to make the composition 1 shade darker or carry out a series of test tinting on fragments of wallpaper.

2. Computer tinting is a new service that involves digital modeling of the desired shade. The computer will calculate the exact amount of pigment that needs to be added to obtain a particular tone after the walls have dried.

Tinting the coloring composition will allow you to create the optimal shade for the author's design.

Master class on painting wallpaper green:

Instructions for gluing and decorative painting wallpaper:

Choosing a brush and roller for work

The right choice of tool sometimes affects the final result more than the paint itself. For wallpaper the best option considered a roller with long pile. This coating of the roller allows you to thoroughly paint the smallest cavities and the texture of the canvas.

It is strictly not recommended to use a foam roller for painting wallpaper. In the process, it presses small air bubbles into the paint layer, which will negatively affect the quality of the walls. However, it is precisely such a tool that is most suitable for removing excess composition from the top of the picture.

Velor rollers are suitable for painting the texture of wallpaper, but not for completely painting the canvas, since it takes little paint and does not reach the “bottom” of the texture well.

Important! To paint the corners of the room, you should use special narrow brushes - flute brushes. Short rollers (up to 50 mm) are also suitable.

A competent choice of roller and brush is the key to high-quality painting of walls.

Wallpaper painting technique

Before you begin the process of painting wallpaper, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • roller with long pile;
  • paint brush 4-5 cm wide;
  • masking tape;
  • coloring composition;
  • paint container;
  • mixer for stirring.

Important! The main rule is to apply the coloring material only to a dry surface. Therefore, you cannot paint wallpaper earlier than 2-3 days after gluing it.

The work methodology itself is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Initially, you need to prepare the paint - dilute it to the desired consistency and color. The finished composition must be homogeneous, without additional inclusions.

2.Then, using masking tape, cover the baseboards and the junction of the walls and the ceiling. All elements that should not be exposed to paint are covered with tape.

4.First of all, you need to process the corners using a brush.

5.Then you can apply the dye to the entire wallpaper. This needs to be done from top to bottom. This approach allows you to make the coloring uniform and avoid the formation of drips.

6.The paint should be applied in an even layer, carefully rolling the roller along the wall. The formation of gaps is not allowed, even if multi-layer painting is planned.

The technique of painting wallpaper is quite simple and allows you to create the most interesting design solutions.

Decorating walls is a rather meticulous job that requires a responsible approach. Paintable wallpaper is quite affordable and practical option finishing, however, to obtain an effective result, you should carefully consider the choice of paint and tools.

Features of painting with a texture roller are presented in the video:

How and how to paint non-woven wallpaper

Many owners of houses and apartments sometimes have a desire to change the color of the walls. Of course, the most radical option is hanging new wallpaper, but it requires quite a lot of time and financial resources. If at one time you preferred non-woven wallpaper, then more the best option is their color.

Of course, this operation also has some nuances that you need to know. Therefore, next we will look at − how and what paint to paint non-woven wallpaper. After reading this article, you probably won’t have any problems with painting.

What wallpaper can be painted

First of all, it should be said that there are special non-woven wallpaper for painting. As a rule, they are white, or have solid color. However, this does not mean that colored non-woven fabrics, not originally intended for painting, cannot be painted in a different color.

Most often, home craftsmen are confused by the type of material, for example, they are widely used non-woven fabrics with a vinyl top layer. However, there is no need to worry about this, as how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper It's also possible. The only thing is that the canvases must be glued with high quality. Sometimes novice home craftsmen try to glue them with regular wallpaper glue, however this is a serious mistake because gluing non-woven wallpaper for painting follows a special technology special glue. Otherwise, they may simply not withstand the painting process and fall off.

However, in any case, before you start decorating the walls, it is advisable to apply paint to a small piece non-woven fabric, which probably remained after the renovation. As a last resort, you can move the cabinet or other furniture and paint it small area walls, which, if the experiment fails, can be hidden.

This way you can know in advance how the paint will take and what the coating will look like.

Paint selection

Now let's take a closer look, what paint to choose for non-woven wallpaper. It should be said right away that the choice of dyes is especially small - they all must be water-dispersed.

To such types paint coatings The following compositions include:

  • Latex;
  • Acrylic;
  • Water-based.

Latex mixtures are a good option, however, the price for them is quite high, so it is more advisable to opt for acrylic mixtures. You can also use a regular water-based emulsion, but in this case you need to pay attention that it does not contain solvent or harmful components.

It is best to buy paintwork with water-repellent properties.

This will allow you to wash the surface of the walls, which may be necessary in a couple of years.

Dyeing technology

foundation preparation

Before how to paint non-woven vinyl wallpaper or simply non-woven fabrics, it is necessary to prepare the surface. This procedure consists of cleaning the walls from dust or other contaminants, if any. In addition, the surface must be degreased.

This procedure cannot be ignored, since the paint will not adhere to a poorly prepared base. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about any quality in this case.


Usually, apply paint to non-woven base up to six times.


Do it yourself painting You can use a roller, brush or spray. Next, we will consider how this procedure is carried out using a roller for painting walls, since this is the method most often used.


If the canvases were recently glued, then you can start painting only after they have completely dried.

So, instructions for painting walls, treated with non-woven or vinyl fabrics, looks like this:

  • First of all, the water-dispersion composition is poured into a special plastic tray and the roller is rolled out in it until it absorbs the paint composition.
  • After this, the paint should be squeezed out a little, running the roller along a special area in the tray.
  • Then the composition is applied to the walls. It is best to perform this procedure from top to bottom, however, there are no fundamental differences in this. When rolling the roller, you need to evenly distribute the coating on the wall, avoiding smudges.
  • In this way, the entire area of ​​the walls is evenly covered. It is unlikely that you will be able to complete the procedure efficiently the first time. Therefore, the coating is usually applied in two layers. The paint can be reapplied only after the first layer has dried.
  • If a paint bubble appears on the wall during work, it must be punctured and the area painted over.
  • After processing the main part of the walls, attention should be paid to the junction of the treated walls and ceiling, as well as the corners. Hard to reach places It is more convenient to process with a brush. In this case, the baseboards must first be covered with masking tape to protect them from paint.
  • Advice! It is best to paint using a foam roller or a long-nap roller.

It is precisely such a tool that is capable of properly covering the relief surface of walls with the composition.

Here, perhaps, are all the main nuances, how to paint non-woven wallpaper. If in the future you decide to repaint the walls, then the new composition can be applied over the old one.


Painting non-woven wallpaper does not require any special knowledge or skills. Even an inexperienced craftsman simply needs to familiarize himself with the technology in order to do this job efficiently.

The main thing is to choose the right paint and first make sure that it matches your wallpaper.

non-woven wallpaper photos in the interior

No matter how cozy your home is, from time to time you want changes, a fresh atmosphere in your nest, an update in design. If drastic changes are not part of your plans, then changing the color of the wallpaper can be a great solution. You can simply give them a different shade, and the room will immediately be transformed and rejuvenated. However, not all wallpaper can be painted, just as not all dyes are suitable for this. We will look at which wallpapers for painting can be painted with special paint in this article.

Wallpaper for painting

Modern paintable wallpaper provides an excellent opportunity to change the color of the walls at any time. At the same time, the costs of this procedure will be minimal, and the effect of transforming the room will be maximum. This is very important to consider when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen. – this must be a deliberate decision. As for the advantages of such wallpaper for painting, this largely depends on its type.


The general advantages are:

  • Such wallpapers have a long service life; they can be repainted 8 or more times.
  • You can purchase wallpaper with a white base, as well as in color; They can also be painted in any shade.
  • Wallpaper for painting is presented in different types, a large assortment, that is, the choice is quite wide.
  • They are convenient and quick to glue; The width of the rolls can be up to 106 cm.
  • The joints of the wallpaper edges are practically invisible.
  • They are much stronger regular wallpaper; they are difficult to scratch by furniture or anything else.
  • It is not difficult to remove such wallpaper from the wall: just peel off one edge, pull it, and then the wallpaper can be easily removed (with the exception of glass wallpaper).
  • Painted wallpaper does not fade when exposed to direct sunlight.

Types for walls and ceilings

The entire group of wallpaper intended for painting is distinguished by deep relief and the absence of a color pattern. That is why they are called textured. They differ from each other in the material on which they are made. Today there are four types of wallpaper for painting.


Usually these are two-layer embossed, the first layer of which is treated with a special moisture-resistant compound. Some manufacturers add a third layer between the base and the coating, in which they place sawdust and shavings. In this case, a relief is created on the surface.

Paper wallpaper is impregnated with a water-repellent composition; they are quite thick and dense. They are easy to glue on a flat surface.

You can decorate both walls and ceilings with paper wallpaper. In some cases they use . This creates the visual effect of a seamless surface.


This type is considered the most successful among all paintable wallpapers. These are made from a non-woven base and vinyl coating that simulates the relief. Unlike paper wallpaper, such wallpaper must be painted, since both layers are quite fragile. However, after painting they become quite strong and durable. You can change their color up to 15 times.

When gluing non-woven wallpaper, the glue is applied exclusively to the surface of the wall. This greatly simplifies the work process. In addition, they do not shrink, swell or deform.

A big advantage of non-woven wallpaper is its ability to hide wall imperfections: small unevenness, cracks, even those that formed after the sticker. In addition, they “breathe”, that is, they allow air to pass through and do not contain substances hazardous to the body. How is it done? There are certain subtleties in gluing technology that should not be neglected.


The basis for vinyl covering can be not only non-woven fabric, but also paper. Vinyl wallpaper and pastel colors. Last option more attractive, since after applying the paint the color becomes rich and bright. The texture of the wallpaper is usually embossed (herringbone, wave, matting, pimples).

The choice of manufacturers of wallpaper, paints, and adhesives is also very wide. Foreign wallpaper manufacturers:

  • "MITEX", "TASSO GLASS" (Sweden).
  • "FINTEX", "ASSATEX" (Finland).
  • "MERMET" (France).
  • "ARTE" (Belgium).

Among the paints, the most popular brands are: Dufa, Tikkurilla, Garmonia, Beckers-3, EURO12.

The sizes of rolls of textured wallpaper for painting sometimes differ from the standard ones (10.05 x 0.53 m) in the direction of increase. You can find wallpaper with dimensions 17 x 0.53; 25 x 1.06; 33.5 x 0.53 and even 125 x 0.75 m. Maximum length allows you to use material more rationally and almost get rid of scraps. Double width helps reduce the number of joints.

How to glue it yourself

IN self-painting and gluing is nothing complicated. In order to glue and paint, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • paint and coloring element;
  • fur roller and brushes;
  • plastic bath;
  • gloves;
  • container for diluting paint;
  • masking tape;
  • acrylic varnish (if necessary).

How to paint:

  1. Preparing the walls. The wallpaper on the walls should dry well. There is no need to rush into painting; it is better to wait for the time specified in the instructions. Usually this is 2-4 days after wallpapering. If bubbles have formed in certain areas, they must be cut and re-sealed with PVA glue. Painting should begin after the areas have completely dried.
  2. Dilution of paint. Here it is important to follow the proportions indicated in the instructions. Important! The diluted composition should not be too liquid.
  3. Applying paint. To do this, use a roller made of porous material, for example, foam rubber. During operation, smudges may form. They need to be carefully collected with the end of the roller, then paint over the area again. The same goes for the bubbles that sometimes form when painting.

Work should not be carried out when open windows. This promotes the formation of air bubbles.

Use a paint brush where it touches the floor. Pre-cover the baseboard with masking tape.

  • If desired, the painted surface can be coated with acrylic varnish. This coating will provide protection from dirt, so this is an ideal solution for the kitchen, hallway and children's room.
  • If you can’t find the right shade of paint, tint white base with any of the tint dyes.
  • How to paint wallpaper: video

    An age-old question that causes a lot of controversy in the family: paint the walls or hang wallpaper? The solution has been found! And today we will tell you how to paint wallpaper for painting with your own hands correctly and wisely.

    Great color combination

    The article is divided into several parts:

    • At the very beginning, we will analyze the pros and cons of wallpaper for painting, and tell you which types of wall canvas are best suited for this job.
    • Next, we will focus on the choice of paint. We will tell you in more detail about its types, requirements and brilliance. Let's also touch on the tools - what types of rollers and brushes are there? - All this is in the second chapter.
    • In the third part we will discuss important topics, which must be taken into account when purchasing wallpaper paint for painting. This includes tinting and color combinations. We will also discuss which finishes are appropriate for a particular room.
    • Continuing the discussion of the topic, we present 5 subchapters on how to paint wallpaper - paper, glass wallpaper, non-woven, vinyl and old wall coverings. Video instructions are provided for each item.
    • The fifth and final part is a gallery where different wallpapers for painting. Photos in the interior 20 different ideas are attached.

    Pros and cons of wallpaper for painting

    Wallpaper has long been considered traditional material finishing the walls of houses and apartments. The story goes back to Ancient Babylon, where they decorated walls and ceilings. They are still considered today popular way interior decoration.

    Reaching a consensus between universality and pleasantness external design, they have gained popularity among builders, becoming an indispensable element of decoration. We suggest looking at the pros and cons of wallpaper for painting. More precisely, only advantages - they have practically no disadvantages!

    How to choose wallpaper and which is better?

    Before answering the question which wallpaper is better for painting, decide on the material from which it is made:

    • paper;
    • non-woven;
    • glass wallpaper;
    • vinyl.

    They have their own characteristics, characteristics, and correspond to certain types of premises.

    Paper wallpaper for painting

    Paper wallpapers are the most versatile, so they stick to almost any surface, including uneven ones. They differ in density and strength compared to others; during the production process they are treated with a special water-repellent composition.

    Paper for painting. Photo in the bedroom interior.

    They retain their properties even after several paintings. The possibility of application is varied, since the coating is used on both walls and ceilings, thereby creating a homogeneous, seamless surface.

    Non-woven wallpaper for walls to be painted

    The most durable of all those on the market, they are rightfully considered the leader for finishing a kitchen or nursery. They are durable, do not break or bend, and have a specific relief created using a special stencil.

    Vinyl wallpaper is made by foaming vinyl. The material itself is fragile. When painted, foamed vinyl becomes durable and is not subject to physical stress.


    • Corrects uneven surfaces. Suitable for gluing to walls with flaws;
    • High strength and practicality. Glue during the construction of a house or renovation. After the foundation settles, they will not tear.

    Fiberglass or anti-vandal coatings

    When choosing wallpaper, look not only at adhesive properties, but also at reliability and durability. Fiberglass wallpaper is made from fiberglass threads obtained by processing soda, dolomite, quartz sand.

    Fiberglass in the decoration of the hall.

    After preparing the base, it is combined with pieces of paper. Thanks to this, glass wallpaper is a textured, embossed and dense material, perfectly suited for further painting and use in any room.

    Advantages of fiberglass:

    • Variety of relief and texture. Achieved by adding paper;
    • Hiding defects on walls. You will paste wallpaper on walls with small cracks;
    • Strength and durability. They will serve you for at least 25-30 years.

    They have an attractive price combined with beautiful design. The composition includes paper or non-woven fabric in the bottom layer, and polyvinyl chloride in the top layer.

    Upper layer is embossed and a design pattern is applied to it. Some models vinyl wallpaper There is an inner layer that serves to hide uneven wall coverings.

    • Soundproofing. Increases the soundproofness of walls;
    • Do not fade in the sun. Place them in your brightest rooms;
    • Moisture resistant. Wallpaper is placed in the kitchen or bathroom.
    • Difficulties in gluing (the appearance of seams). When moisture enters, the coating expands, and when it dries, it contracts;
    • Good ventilation of the room is necessary.

    Now proceed to choosing a coloring composition.

    Wallpaper paint for painting – which is better and how to choose the right one

    Let's pick the right paint for wallpaper for painting. Which one is better for a specific interior and type of coating? When choosing, you need to consider whole line indicators:

    • environmental friendliness;
    • moisture resistance;
    • density;
    • application option;
    • packaging.

    Specify the application basis, i.e. type of wallpaper - smooth, textured, patterned.

    The right approach to choose allows you to achieve the highest quality and durable service of wallpaper for painting in the interior. The photo of the color table clearly demonstrates the variety of acceptable shades.


    The rules that apply to the selection of a particular paint do not apply to all coatings, but to individual varieties.

    Acrylic paint is not recommended for painting external walls At home in winter period water from the room rushes out through the walls. The paint will become an insurmountable barrier in its path. As a result, the internal structure of the building will be destroyed. Walls and wallpaper with inside It is allowed to treat with a similar composition, and in some cases it is even recommended.

    Coloring agents should perform not only a decorative function, but also a protective one. When choosing a material to apply to walls, look at its resistance to the following factors:

    • Detergents;
    • Mechanical impact;
    • Action of light and environment.

    An important parameter is the time until complete drying. Some varieties take a long period of time to dry, while others take only a few hours.


    This is the most common painting option when decorating a room. It has gained popularity due to its versatility, safety for human health, lack of odor, and drying speed.

    On sale you will find white paint, but with the help of colored pastes it can be given any color scheme. Use the services of professionals or, with the proper skills, dilute the composition yourself.

    Quick drying and harmless to health - not the only advantages: acrylic has the ability to pass air and steam through itself, so it does not accumulate in the house.

    Acrylics contain antifungal additives that prevent the appearance of mold, protect walls from rotting and increase their service life.

    This type of covering is suitable for any room in the house, including a child’s room or bedroom. The price of acrylic wallpaper paint is the highest on the market.

    Water-based paint is a complex of interconnected chemical elements, which dry out when exposed to air, forming a smooth surface of a certain color.

    There is a myth that it is impossible to hang wallpaper on this composition. It is not true. Water-based emulsion is used both for painting walls with subsequent wallpapering, and as a way to give the canvas the desired color range. Peculiarities:

    1. Contains acrylate. It dissolves in water and is absolutely environmentally friendly.
    2. Apply to wallpaper with synthetic rather than natural brushes. This reduces the cost of the repair process.
    3. When applied to wooden surfaces, you maintain the natural moisture content of the wood (10-12% +-).
    4. Dries in about 30 minutes, making it easy to apply several layers in a row.

    Gloss gradation

    When developing a room style great attention focused on colors and shine. Some design elements lack shine, e.g. are matte, while others, like glass, reflect everything around.

    PackageTypeA comment

    Most popular for ceilings, without gloss. It is used on the walls of the room, hides many imperfections due to the lack of light reflection. Previously, manufacturers produced non-washable matte paints, but now this problem is a thing of the past. Rational decision for any room, including the kitchen.

    It has low level luster comparable to eggshell. Universal for many rooms, except rooms with high intensity of people.

    Creates a level of shine suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. Oil and latex paint. The first is often used by home owners to paint furniture and other wooden objects.

    Ideal for any wallpaper finish. Creates a smooth and velvety base on the treated surface. The level of shine produced by satin compounds is suitable for creating almost any style.

    It creates quite a high shine, but it doesn't look as wet as some glosses. Ideal for rooms with high level humidity and high traffic. Using semi-gloss paint exposes imperfections in the walls due to reflection in the light.

    It is recommended to use glossy options in conjunction with smooth wallpaper ready for painting, they reflect all flaws. Creates a strong shine and is similar in level of reflection to a mirror.

    Wall area calculator

    Using this calculator, calculate the area of ​​walls to be painted. Knowing the area and paint consumption, calculate how much you will need to purchase.

    Most wallpapers of this type look quite impressive in any interior, since they contain relief patterns or unusual textures that captivate the eye. By choosing the right shade depth for their design, you can emphasize the advantages of your design.

    But not everyone knows how to properly paint wallpaper, and the perception of your room depends on this. Stains over the entire surface of the walls, uneven distribution of paint or the use of products that spoil the structure of the canvas and become discolored over time are some of the most significant mistakes in the process of painting such wallpaper.

    Now you will learn how to paint wallpaper for painting, how to make it harmonious, stylish and complete appearance. And a video on how to properly paint wallpaper will dispel the myths that this process is complex and lengthy.

    Base for coloring

    No matter how much effort you put into painting the walls, the result will not meet your expectations if the wrong wallpaper is hung in the room.

    All wallpaper for painting yourself can be divided into several varieties depending on practical properties:

    • – easy and quick to glue, environmentally friendly, does not cause difficulties in the painting process, and some varieties are resistant to moisture due to special impregnation;
    • And– a more reliable, but also expensive option for walls, quite durable and resistant to damage, vinyl coverings can be washed;
    • – durable, but require careful care, they can crumble during the gluing process, but can be easily and quickly painted using special paints.

    Most often, it is not smooth coatings that are chosen for painting, but wallpaper with a textured outer layer: such an interior looks much more impressive due to the pleasant texture of the canvas. They calmly respond to dyeing processes and can have a paper, vinyl, non-woven or fiberglass base.

    Since each type of such wallpaper differs in production technology, you can choose perfect option for any room: moisture, steam, temperature changes, drafts, scratches and other mechanical stress will not damage your walls if you make the right choice.

    Is it possible to paint wallpaper without painting? Unfortunately, Not all wall coverings are suitable for such exposure.. But the range suitable wallpaper so wide that the choice optimal design and quality will not cause you any difficulties. Let's talk about how to paint wallpaper for painting and properly prepare for this process.

    Preparatory stage

    Painting wallpaper is preceded by the choice of materials and paints for decoration.. Even the highest quality and most expensive paint cannot always provide the desired result, so it must be carefully prepared for use.

    To begin, choose a paint that matches the wallpaper you've chosen. Open the paint bucket and add the desired dyes, as well as water in the proportions indicated on the package. As a rule, to obtain the desired effect it is required ratio of water and paint in proportions 1:10.

    For a rich and even shade Special pigments are added to white paint. The proportions of their addition are also indicated on the packaging.

    Shading the paint yourself can be challenging if you have to mix the colors one more time.

    The resulting composition is mixed using a whisk, which is installed in a screwdriver or drill. We offer for viewing a selection of photos on how to paint wallpaper for painting and prepare the solution: visual examples will help you understand all the intricacies of preparing for this work.

    Painting wallpaper yourself is useful because gives you the opportunity to experiment: By changing the amount of water, as well as adding several shades at once, you can influence the transparency and color saturation. If you are not sure that you can cope with this task, prepare the paint desired color directly in the store. Make an order based on the samples - and order pigmentation of paint in the required proportions using special equipment.

    Since the process of mixing and adding colors is automatic, you can re-order a similar shade if you don't have enough paint to cover the entire surface of your walls. When the paint is ready, all that remains is to apply it to decorate the interior. Let's find out how to paint wallpaper without streaks.

    Painting process

    Many people prefer to entrust painting of walls to specialists because they do not know how to properly paint wallpaper before painting. In fact, this process does not require any special skills or knowledge: It’s enough to do everything carefully and in the right sequence. First, prepare all the materials and equipment that you may need in the process of decorating the walls.

    In particular, for uniform painting without errors you will need:

    • roller, brush or spray– for applying paint to wallpaper;
    • paint tray– for uniform distribution over a brush or roller;
    • masking tape– to create boundaries or protect parts that should not be painted.

    The choice of roller is extremely important when painting wallpaper.. If smooth wallpaper can be easily painted with the most standard rollers, then coatings with a relief texture require a more detailed selection of auxiliary devices.

    Foam-based rollers will not ensure uniform distribution of shade on the wallpaper: air bubbles will form on the surface. Velor rollers will not work either: they will only paint the outer layer of wallpaper.

    Use brushes to decorate corners or create smooth patterns and borders. They may also differ in composition and size, but the process of use is the same for each option.

    Before brushing corners, wall joints and areas around baseboards and sockets, take care to protect them and cover all unnecessary parts with wide tape.

    It is quite possible that during the painting process you will not be able to do without additional accessories: For example, regular sponge will allow you to create stylish decorative prints on the walls, and with the help stencils You will ensure the creation of a design on a specific topic.

    One more useful device is sprayer: it allows you to evenly distribute the paint over the entire surface walls, so ready-made wallpaper will not contain inharmonious divorces.

    The process of painting wallpaper consists of several successive stages:

    • The surface of the wallpaper is checked for dryness. If you have just pasted the wallpaper, wait until the glue has completely dried;
    • if necessary, some parts of the wallpaper are covered with masking tape;
    • paint already diluted in the required proportions is poured into the tray. A fleecy roller is dipped in the finished mixture;
    • The painting process starts from the top of the wallpaper. It is advisable to start from the center, smoothly moving to the side parts of the canvas. Using movements from top to bottom, the paint is evenly distributed over the surface of the walls;
    • use a brush to paint complex areas of wallpaper;
    • After the paint has completely dried, you can remove the masking tape or begin creating another layer.

    It is written in detail about how to glue wallpaper for painting on walls.

    Remember! The coloring process should be carried out gradually. You don’t need to tackle the entire wall at once: gradually move on to the next sections of wallpaper. This work must be done carefully and quickly, since a long dyeing procedure increases the risk of stains and stains.

    Pay attention to the possibilities of coloring non-woven wallpaper. If they have a uniform structure, uniform coloring can be achieved using processing outside canvases. If you choose wallpaper with a complex relief texture, it will be more difficult to distribute the paint over the canvas.

    Experts recommend paint such wallpaper from the inside out: Once saturated, the paint will provide a lasting shade. The protruding parts of the relief pattern will remain white, so your wall will look impressive and stylish.

    Create transitions between shades Such wallpaper can also be painted using external paint. After painting, the embossed parts are cleaned with a damp sponge: you may not be able to achieve a snow-white effect, but by creating a lighter pattern you will provide a harmonious contrast.

    Repainting wallpaper

    It is quite possible that after a certain period of time after decorating the walls in this way, you will want something new. It is not at all necessary to buy new wallpaper for the walls: wallpaper for painting can withstand up to 15 such treatments.

    How to repaint wallpaper for painting? To repaint the surface, degrease the wall in advance, glue the protruding parts of the wallpaper, and also mask scratches and cracks.

    If you are not sure that you have purchased a high-quality, rich, high-density paint that can completely cover the previous shade, choose a darker color. It's no secret that on a light background dark colors look harmonious, but the paint pastel shades may become distorted when applied to a dark or bright surface.

    Advice: if you need to repaint the wallpaper for painting in a more light tone and brighten the interior - first paint the wall with white paint. It will act as a primer, reduce the consumption of funds and allow you to safely apply new paint options in light shades.

    Repainting may not be carried out on the entire surface of the wallpaper. For example, decorating half a wall in a darker shade will allow you to create interesting combinations that will transform the space. We invite you to familiarize yourself with other designs for painting wallpaper for painting.

    Painting options

    There are many useful videos, how to paint wallpaper for painting, and most of them describe the standard process for decorating walls in a single color. In addition to coloring in one shade, there are many more interesting options wall decoration.

    Popular the following wallpaper color options for painting:

    • creating bright compositions due to the relief structure of the wallpaper;
    • combining shades horizontally, vertically or in any form;
    • sketching thematic patterns or creating drawings on the wall;
    • creating uniform prints of a different color using stencils;
    • decorating wallpaper in a line or checkerboard using masking tape.

    Now you know that even standard wall painting can serve to create a cozy and harmonious interior, and you can add a touch of individuality to such a design using the means at hand. Watch the video on how to paint wallpaper and learn the details of this process.