How to paint oak furniture. Instructions for painting furniture, useful tips. Painting natural wood furniture

In Italy, among craftsmen there is a saying that goes something like this... “Any fool can assemble pieces of wood into furniture... but painting solid wood furniture is main secret design and crafts. That’s what’s hardest to replicate.” There is simply a huge amount of truth in such words and here’s why...

In Russia, I see a lot of craftsmen who are able to process wood and make quite valuable pieces from it. I didn’t make a reservation – it was the blanks, but not the furniture. Furniture without decent painting is nothing more than a preparation for this main and final process. So, for the most part, these craftsmen suffer from the fact that they simply cannot paint furniture well.

Look how we paint:

In principle, people who do it for themselves (not professionals) also do not know how to paint.

So I thought it would be right to bring up this topic. Today's topic is about extremely important property wood, affecting the quality of furniture painting.

For clarity, I posted here photographs taken using the example of painting plywood (birch).

Sanded wood


Wood, when wet compounds (stain, primer, enamel or varnish...) are applied to its surface, changes the texture of its surface and becomes rough. This phenomenon is called “lint lifting”. The roughness of the surface after applying the first layer of primer* is visible in the following photo.

*Primer is almost a varnish, but has slightly different properties and is used by professionals for primary processing tree. For personal purposes, you can get by with just varnish without primer.

Rough wood surface after applying the 1st layer of primer

Eliminating this undesirable property of wood

Everything is done simply - before further painting of the furniture, the dried first layer of primer is sanded with very fine sandpaper (320 grit). At the same time, all the pile that rose when applying the 1st layer of primer is sanded off and a flat surface is obtained. She comes out all scratched up, but it's not scary.

Sanded surface

After sanding, a lot of dust remains on the surface. This dust must be cleaned before further operations and can even be wiped with a cloth soaked in solvent.

After the second application of a protective layer (enamel or varnish), sanded wood will no longer be able to lift the pile, since the first layer of primer has already been absorbed into the surface and, when drying, binds all the surface microfibers of the wood, which are the cause of the rise of the pile.

Apply a layer of varnish and get a smooth surface, as in the photos below.

Surface with a final layer of varnish

Surface with a final layer of varnish

Valuable tips for painting furniture yourself

If you are painting furniture for yourself and want to paint furniture at home, then you must choose varnishes and paints for water based, otherwise it will not be possible to live in housing during the period of painting work.

Water-based painting materials take a long time to dry, and therefore it is necessary to prepare in advance a place where the furniture can dry for a long time during painting without disturbance from people, pets and dust. For example, 2 cycles for enamel: 12 hours + 12 hours = 24 hours. Or 3 cycles for staining: 3 hours + 12 hours + 12 hours = 27 hours.

If you don’t want to see any dirt on your furniture, don’t try to paint it glossy. Even the most microscopic debris will be visible. Paint it not even semi-matte, but straight matte.

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Most people have old furniture at home, carefully stored for many years, which is a pity to throw away. And some people buy unpainted wooden furniture, trying to save money. Therefore, putting furniture in order, refreshing its appearance and applying a protective layer are very important tasks. Paints for wooden furniture cope well with all these problems. When choosing such paints, you need to understand their varieties and features, and the dyeing process itself requires certain knowledge. Let's learn more about paints for wooden furniture.

Types of paints for wooden furniture

It’s easier to say which paints are definitely not suitable for wooden furniture and other household surfaces. Regarding the result of application paint and varnish compositions for wooden furniture, there are several types of such products:

Transparent coatings

These are waxes, varnishes, stains, impregnations and glazes for wooden furniture. They come in both colorless and with the addition of coloring pigments.

This type of product is characterized by the following properties:

  • they do not hide the wood texture, but, on the contrary, emphasize it, making it more noticeable;
  • do not interfere with the exchange of moisture between the wooden surface of the furniture and environment due to high vapor permeability;
  • provide the tree with protection from fading due to sun rays, protect furniture from external damage.

If you have a need to paint new or well-preserved wooden furniture, then optimal solution There will be impregnations and varnishes, not paints. This furniture will fit perfectly into classic interior and will delight lovers of eco-style.

Keep in mind that when re-processing, you do not need to remove the layer of old varnish or impregnation; it is enough to paint the wood over it. With covering paints the opposite is true.

Water-soluble paints

Dispersion water-based paints (where water acts as a solvent) and paints based on polymer resins (which are the binder) for last years gained great popularity. And this is not surprising, because water-soluble paints for wooden furniture have many advantages:

  • they are quick-drying;
  • do not emit toxic fumes (therefore suitable for painting wooden furniture in children's rooms);
  • vapor permeable and water resistant;
  • vary in properties (they are glossy or matte, glazed or covering);
  • easy to tinting (the desired shade of paint is obtained by adding pigments);
  • the dried layer of paint is frost-resistant.

The last feature is very important. A painted wooden surface is resistant to cold weather, but the paint itself deteriorates when frozen (the ice that forms disrupts the structure of the emulsion), so paints of this type must be stored in a warm place.

Enamels and paints based on organic solvents

These compositions were in great demand a few years ago, but now they are being actively replaced by water-soluble paints for wooden surfaces.

And this is not surprising if you know about such characteristic features organic paints and enamels, such as:

  • toxicity;
  • flammability;
  • unpleasant pungent odor during work;
  • slow drying.

But these funds also have their advantages. Firstly, it is cheap: the price of organic paints and enamels is lower than that of acrylic paints for wooden furniture. Secondly, this type of product forms water-repellent films on the surface of wood, and furniture made from it can be used in places with high humidity.

True, such films do not allow air to pass through; the wood under them does not breathe. But this is not critical for furniture made from dry wood (but if the wood is damp, the layer of paint or enamel will very soon crack and fall off).

Advantages of acrylic paint

The most popular option is quick-drying, odorless acrylic paint for wooden furniture. It does not pose a danger to the human body and is not capable of causing a fire, and the damage caused by its sudden ignition is insignificant. These properties make paints acrylic base universal for any materials, including wooden textures.

According to experts, acrylic paints have high adhesion - they adhere perfectly to wood and materials made from it, and specifically to:

  • chipboard;
  • OSB;
  • MDF;
  • plywood.

This is a serious advantage of such compositions, especially important in cases where the surface is painted without prior priming.

Acrylic based paints are always white. How to achieve the desired shade? It’s very simple: buy a tint at the same hardware store - a special composition that is added to the paint to give it the desired shade.

Many acrylic paints for wooden furniture include antiseptic components that protect the wood from the formation of fungi and mold. They significantly extend the life of furniture.

Modern hardware stores offer even more advanced versions of acrylic paints - with the addition of water and dirt-repellent substances. These additives reduce the need to clean wood surfaces.

Latex-based water-based paint

It is generally accepted that for wooden furniture the best paint is oil. But this type of product has an extremely pungent odor and requires special conditions for painting (that is, it is undesirable to paint wooden furniture at home, it is dangerous to health).

However, a similar effect can be obtained by using an aqueous emulsion on latex based. This decision is not known to many people. Latex water-based emulsion penetrates deeply into the wood structure, forming a water-repellent film that reliably protects furniture from getting wet and allows it to be washed with a wet cloth.

One of the main advantages water-based paints for latex-based wooden furniture, this means you don’t have to worry about bubbles that form when the paint dries. The water-based emulsion allows air to pass through, no bubbles will appear.

However, latex water-based emulsions are not universal. They can't stand it low temperatures: The paint layer begins to crack due to frost. Therefore, it is better not to use wooden furniture painted with this paint outdoors or in rooms that are actively ventilated during the cold season.

Silicone water-based paint

This coloring composition includes organosilicon (silicone) and acrylic copolymers, which provide the paint with all the advantages of both substances:

  • resistance to friction and water;
  • vapor permeability;
  • high elasticity, allowing you to paint over cracks up to 2 mm on the surface of the wood;
  • the paint layer is not damaged by microorganisms;
  • persistent color (not yellowing over time);
  • absence of bubbles, cracks;
  • repulsion of dust and dirt particles.

Silicone water emulsion is rightfully considered one of the most durable paints for wooden furniture without a strong odor. As a rule, it is used to cover the facades and outer walls of houses, but it is also quite suitable for painting furniture and provides products with long service. Ideal for wooden furniture located in rooms with high humidity.

Silicone paint is quite expensive. However, if you consider that it protects wooden and other surfaces and extends their service life and has many other advantages, we can consider it profitable investment in interior renovation.

What is the best paint to paint wooden furniture?

When choosing paint for wooden furniture, pay attention to:

  1. Where and how the furniture will be used. In damp rooms, it is allowed to paint wooden surfaces only with waterproof compounds.
  2. The type of wood from which the piece of furniture is made. Expensive, noble wood species are best complemented with a transparent coating, which will demonstrate all the beauty of its texture.
  3. Possibility to repaint the surface.
  4. Compatibility of the composition with the coating that is already on the furniture.

How to choose odorless wood paint for its intended purpose

Paints for wooden furniture are not only produced in on different basis(binder), but also differ in purpose. An incorrectly selected coating will quickly disappoint furniture owners and may even harm the microclimate in the room where it is located.

Glazing compounds for wood will help preserve the natural texture of wood. interior work- transparent paints that highlight the wood pattern. Water-based dyes can be used to tint wooden furniture. If painted wood needs to be given shine, use special varnishes that will also protect the wood from external mechanical influences.

Varnishes are used for finishing:

  • skirting boards;
  • floors;
  • panels;
  • doors;
  • window frames;
  • slopes;
  • wooden furniture.

For houses built entirely of timber and not lined with other materials, acrylic wood paint is best suited for interior work. It masks all unevenness, small cracks and protrusions on the walls, while having excellent throughput. The free passage of air through the paint film allows wooden walls ventilate and keep dry. Materials that imitate timber can also be painted with acrylic paint.

For painting wooden furniture sets and walls of kitchens and children's rooms, it is better to choose products marked “Eco Label” - they are environmentally friendly and safe. As for decorating children's rooms, the most suitable option will paint all the walls with easily washable acrylic paint. You can decorate the walls with stencil designs. The main thing is to carefully study the composition of the paint when purchasing: it should not contain toxic substances that are dangerous to the child’s body. This is perhaps the most difficult moment in renovating and decorating children’s rooms: figuring out which paints are safe and which ones are best avoided.

Latex and acrylic based paints are suitable for kitchens and bathrooms, while rubber based paints are suitable for wooden floors. For these premises, the presence of fungicidal additives in paints is very important. The requirements for kitchen paint are: additional requirement: surfaces painted with it must repel grease and dirt to ensure easy cleaning premises.

Hallways, corridors, etc. are spaces with high traffic, where all planes are constantly exposed to mechanical stress. Acrylic-latex paint mixtures, resistant to abrasion, will be the most suitable solution.

Abrasion-resistant latex paints are also useful in the bathroom and kitchen, both for floors and walls, and for furniture, including wood. The main thing is that they protect the material from moisture.

Utility and utility rooms also need finishing. Since the aesthetic requirements for such rooms are quite modest, you can choose the cheapest paints for them - acrylic, vinyl compositions for wooden furniture and interior work. But where clothes are dried or washed, surfaces must be painted with the same products as in kitchens and bathrooms.

How to use wood furniture paint correctly

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the process of preparing wooden furniture for painting. You will need a number of materials and tools.

  1. To remove layers old paint It is recommended to use wood paint removers. They are sold in automobile stores. Such compositions quickly, in minutes, and carefully remove the old coating. Thanks to their gel consistency, they are easily distributed over the surface and do not flow. Don't forget to wear a respirator when starting work. There is also an alternative, more traditional way removing layers of paint, varnish, etc. - sanding with sandpaper or grinder. Veneer initially has a smooth and even texture, but may lose its shine due to sanding, so decide right away whether you are satisfied with a matte surface or whether you need to achieve a glossy shine (in the latter case, the veneer is varnished).
  2. To remove paint residue from wide, flat surfaces, use a small spatula, and to clean the sides and corners, use a medium-hard wire brush.
  3. You will also need a synthetic brush and a velor roller, which can be purchased at all construction stores. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to apply acrylic paints with painting brushes, which are sold in art stores (it is impossible to paint the surface as neatly and without marks with a regular construction brush).
  4. Prepare Additional materials and equipment: sandpaper, grinding machine, gloves.
  5. Dismantle from wooden object furniture, all removable decor and fittings, remove all handles and locks, remove drawers from bedside tables and cupboards, remove cabinet doors from hinges.

Preparing furniture for painting

Start removing old paint from wood furniture. Pour a small amount of car wash into glass jar, then using a construction brush, carefully coat the entire surface of the furniture with this product, especially generously - the corners and sides. Let the composition dry for a couple of minutes, apply a second layer of remover, and then immediately begin removing it with a spatula. This way you will remove all the old paint layer right down to the wood, and it is much faster and easier than sanding the wooden surface.

Next, take a wire brush and scrape the paint off the sides and corners of the furniture. The bulk of the old paint has been removed, all that remains is to sand the sides and corners with a small piece of sanding sponge. By using grinding machine this is done even faster, and the surface is more uniform and smooth. After this, wipe the wooden surface with a wet rag to remove any remaining dust and sawdust, dry it - and you can paint.

Be sure to make sure that there are no unevenness, chips, etc. on the furniture before you start painting it. All defects must be puttied and then treated with grout, and uneven surface can be leveled with primer. If the furniture is good condition and doesn’t need these modifications, let’s move on.

Painting process

So, you have bought and prepared paint, as well as a synthetic brush and a velor roller. To perfectly paint wooden furniture, you should start from the side surfaces, using a thin brush. It is necessary to paint as quickly as possible, actively moving the brush from side to side - the paint dries quickly. After the sides and corner areas, we move on to the wide surfaces.

Apply paint to them using a roller (also quickly, so that the paint dries in an even layer). We leave the first layer to dry (for at least 20 minutes), and during this time it is advisable to close the container with paint and wrap the roller in polyethylene, do not leave it in the air.

Look how the first layer turned out: are there any roughness, burrs, or dimples? Remove protruding irregularities using soft sandpaper.

We begin to apply the next layer in the same way, from the side and corner areas, and then paint the main areas of the wooden furniture. If the shade turns out to be quite bright and uniform, you can limit yourself to two layers.

However, sometimes a third and last layer paints. Don't forget to wait 20 minutes after you finish the second one - it should dry too. To achieve a glossy shine, you can coat the surface with varnish as a finish.

Throughout the history of mankind, many things have happened different technologies work with wood, however, any of them is subject to the same rules: first preparation and pre-treatment of the surface, then the actual painting, after that - finishing layer, and then furniture assembly, installation necessary accessories and fasteners.

The bulk of the work is now complete, and you can already enjoy the result. Let the paint (and varnish, if used) dry well, then return all fasteners and decorative elements to their places, insert drawers, install shelves.

After this, the updated piece of furniture can take its assigned place in the interior.

The reason for repainting old wooden furniture may be not only the need to update the coating, but also the desire to change it appearance. Even an old, out-of-fashion Soviet or Romanian wall can fit into modern room and become a functional and stylish part of the interior if you give it a competent redesign.

First you need to decide what it will be new interior room, in what style it will be designed.

See examples of furniture arrangement with participation old wall. Here it not only fits into the overall color scheme of the room, but also looks quite modern and relevant. By the way, both wooden walls from the examples in the photo they were repainted.

Here are more options with partial rearrangement of wall elements.

Look for inspiration in examples and choose new colors and decor to update old wooden furniture.

Painting wooden furniture, like any other job, has its own specifics and tricks. The tips below will help you not only paint furniture faster, but also save paint while achieving high-quality results.

  1. Buy products - varnishes, paints, putties, primers - from the same manufacturer. This ensures their compatibility, since manufacturers finishing materials usually specialize in certain types of surfaces and take into account their operating conditions. This will make your choice easier suitable paint and other means.
  2. Experiment with shades and color combinations. A well-chosen color scheme refreshes the room and visually enlarges it. In interiors different styles The technique of contrast is very popular: furniture is painted in a color that contrasts with the walls.
  3. Before you start applying paint to wooden furniture, prepare a roller and several brushes of varying thicknesses. A roller is useful for painting large flat surfaces, while small relief parts - furniture ends, trim, convex decor - are best painted with brushes.
  4. Use masking tape to protect areas that have already been painted and dried from paint splatter. The solvent will not help in this case, but will only ruin the base layer of paint.
  5. For a while painting work wear a respirator mask or ensure that the room is well ventilated. Many of modern colors for wooden furniture - odorless and non-toxic, but when working with construction chemicals it is always better to be careful.

Where to buy paint for wooden furniture

JSC Raduga has been operating since 1991 (formerly Tsentrmebelkomplekt, Decor-1). The company was organized to supply raw materials to enterprises that are part of ZAO Centromebel.

Today, the company’s regular business partners are not only Russian manufacturers, but also leading companies from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Poland, Sweden. Our office is located in the center of Moscow, as well as our own warehouse complex with exhibition hall with an area of ​​200 m².

Always in stock at our warehouses located in the near Moscow region big choice raw materials, materials and components for the production of furniture and carpentry. The assortment includes more than 300 types of varnishes and 400 types of dyes, with an emphasis on the sale of varnishes and dyes with a dry residue.

Based on customer requests, our team produces polyurethane enamels almost all colors. We offer adhesives from five leading European manufacturers, natural veneer and lumber - more than 60 types of ordinary, exotic and exclusive species. Facial and mounting hardware- more than 4000 items from manufacturers from Europe: Austria, Poland, Germany, etc.

Every month we process applications from more than 1,800 clients. These include both large furniture factories and private entrepreneurs.

Deliveries of goods are carried out throughout Russia. Our company delivers goods throughout Moscow for free. Products are sent by car in all regions of Russia.

Our company takes the training of its own specialists seriously. Managers systematically undergo internships in companies producing finishing materials in Germany, Italy, Austria, and Finland. Our company employees provide technical assistance to clients.

We invite you to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms! We value our clients and try to find individual approach to every buyer.

Modern interior items very quickly go out of fashion or lose their attractiveness, but purchasing new ones is not always possible. This raises the question: how to repaint chipboard furniture with your own hands so that the product acquires an attractive appearance? This is not always easy to do, because the result is influenced not only right choice materials and technology, but also the accuracy of the process.

Painting old furniture with your own hands is considered a difficult and risky procedure. The fact is that for the manufacture of interior items (cabinets, chests of drawers, kitchen modules) processed materials with a decorative layer are used. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of coating in order to draw up a work plan.

Chipboards used in furniture production, can be of the following types:

There are other types of slabs, but they are not as common.

How to paint old furniture

To paint boring or defective interior items, you need to select a composition suitable for these purposes. The main recommendation when choosing is to refuse cheap options.

Paint for chipboard furniture should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the composition:

  1. Oily. Preference should be given famous brands. Significant disadvantage there are unpleasant and toxic fumes, and the drying period of the solution is quite long. This mixture must be laid in thin layers, which is why the material is used infrequently.
  2. Acrylic. Modern version water-dispersed paints. The composition has many positive qualities, which makes it in demand. But when working with laminated chipboard, it is necessary to purchase a solution with increased adhesion and not dilute it with water.
  3. Alkyd. This option is much preferable to the oil option. The product is suitable for painting furniture, but the work is carried out in well-ventilated areas due to the specific smell of the composition.

Of the three proposed, the best is acrylic paint, oil paint is affordable, and alkyd enamel is considered the golden mean

On a note! For tinting or decorating small plots spray paint is used. For example, on bedside table You will need one or two containers.

Chipboard can also be repainted with other types of compositions. Stain is used only for tinting veneered material. The varnish serves to secure the decorative layer; it can act as an independent composition, but this will require complex preparation of the base. For work it is better to use a quick-drying variety.

A mandatory element of the coating is a primer; the composition must have good adhesion.

No decorative coating can be applied to chipboard without primer.

How to paint chipboard

Painting chipboard furniture includes two main stages:

  • preparatory stage;
  • painting work.

On a note! When deciding to paint laminated chipboard, it is worth considering that the end result, even if all the nuances are observed, does not always meet expectations.

It is convenient to paint chipboard from aerosol can, especially if you need to make a stencil pattern

Tool selection

Various tools can be used for work:

  • Spray gun. Due to the fact that furniture parts made of wood-based material have a flat base, this particular device is the best option. When spraying, the paint can be applied more evenly. The main problem with using such a tool is correct selection distances. In case of erroneous calculations, drips and sagging are formed.
  • Roller. This device is most often used at home. Painting with a roller is not always easy, since the applied layer must have a small thickness, otherwise sagging will become noticeable. To paint furniture, use tools with a medium-length fur coat.
  • Foam sponge. Suitable for tinting and painting well-primed elements, it allows you to obtain a uniform coating, but subject to extreme care.

When restoring old furniture, you can get by with affordable tools

Brushes are rarely used for this process; their main purpose is decoration. They allow you to create an antique effect, but if a base layer was previously applied to hide the base.

On a note! Repainting old table or a chest of drawers, the joining of parts is taken into account: the new layer should not lead to the appearance of distortions and protruding areas.

Preparing the base

Step-by-step preparation instructions:

All details are processed in this way.

If it is not possible to completely disassemble the old furniture, then before painting the floor is covered with polyethylene


Coating of fragments with paint is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. A primer is applied to the element. It is recommended to perform at least two treatments, each time waiting until the product is completely dry.
  2. The coloring composition is being prepared. It is stirred well and tinted if necessary.
  3. The mixture is poured into a convenient roller container. The instrument is soaked in the solution and the excess is squeezed out.
  4. Painting starts from the middle. The mixture rolls out well over the base, the movements should be parallel, and a thick layer should not be allowed to be created. The first layer is the base; you need to wait until it dries completely.
  5. Then the main coating is applied according to the previous principle.
  6. When using a spray gun, you will need to dilute the composition used. For selection optimal distance training staining is carried out.
Regardless of the type of composition, the surface is painted in 2 - 3 layers

If the part will experience constant impact, then an additional layer of varnish is applied.

Furniture decoration

Decorating such material is not very easy. There are many recommendations for creating a Provence style, but achieving the effect that is obtained on furniture made of wood, plywood or MDF will not work. This is explained by the fact that chipboard products rarely have the required appearance.

Using simple devices on chipboard furniture you can create true masterpieces

You can diversify the interior in the following ways:

  • Painting countertops or dresser fronts in White color, and other front parts – black. For this, paint with a glossy finish is used. The technology is completely the same as described above, but the difference is that three layers of varnish are applied to the parts. The first layer is left untreated, and subsequent layers are sanded and polished.

For working using the Decoupage technique ( artificial aging) special paints are used
  • Aging. To create this effect, after laying the base coat, apply a darker color of paint with a brush. The movements should be sweeping and slightly uneven; a diluted white compound can be applied on top. Everything is fixed with varnish.

Painting furniture yourself - affordable and quick way change a boring interior and give old furniture a new, well-groomed look. This is not a difficult task, so even a beginner, with a strong desire, can cope with it. The only thing is that the first training object should be small wooden furniture - a bedside table or coffee table, because on small object easier to correct errors. To acquire new skills in reviving old furniture, products from the Soviet furniture industry are suitable, which, despite their unpresentable appearance, still perfectly perform their immediate functions. Painting wooden furniture consists of several steps.

Painting wood furniture is an easy, quick way to update and refresh the look of a room.

Preparing furniture for painting

Set aside a separate area for your experiments. suitable premises(room), as the process will take several days. Wear a robe, work shoes, and safety glasses.

For the furniture preparation procedure you will need following materials and tools:

Before painting, the furniture must be disassembled and cleaned of dirt.

  • sandpaper(two types - with small and large fractions);
  • putty for wood;
  • rubber spatula;
  • latex gloves;
  • acrylic primer;
  • brush or roller for working with acrylic primer.

First, you will need to completely disassemble the furniture, remove all hanging parts, handles, and repair or replace faulty mechanisms. Then we begin to clean the surfaces of wooden furniture from the remnants of old varnish or paint.

First, we sand it with coarse-grain sandpaper, then we process all the parts with fine-grained paper. Remove settled dust using a vacuum cleaner.

After cleaning, large chips and cracks are filled with putty.

We begin to putty all the chips and cracks. To do this we use wood putty. We work with a small rubber spatula. After the putty has dried, we clean and level the treated surfaces again. Again, remove the dust and apply an acrylic primer selected to match the paint with a special roller or brush. Give the applied material time to dry. It should be noted that it is better to purchase high-quality painting tools. It will justify itself in the work, and you will not have to correct any minor imperfections that arose due to the cheapness of brushes or rollers.

Thus, having prepared the furniture, we proceed to the most basic stage - painting it. To do this you will need:

  • water-based acrylic paint;
  • a set of rollers or brushes for applying acrylic paint;
  • tape for painting;
  • latex gloves.

After the putty has dried, the furniture is sanded, first with hard, then soft sandpaper.

We start painting wooden furniture by choosing paint. Water-based acrylic paint is most convenient to use and has low toxicity. It is easily washed off with plain water, so if something doesn’t suit you, you can always radically change the course of work. We choose the paint of the desired tone in the store or make it ourselves by mixing tones and/or diluting with water. After opening the jar, be sure to mix the paint and, if necessary, dilute it.

If you need to paint various pieces of furniture in different colors, then first we paint those parts that will have more light tone. Best option applying paints is the use of a spray gun or spray gun, which gives the effect of uniform application. On the other hand, the use of these devices is more preferable on large areas application of paint and is irrational for painting small parts. Therefore for furniture Not big size We use a brush or roller, and apply the paint in one direction. Each new coat of paint must dry. The optimal number of layers is 2-3. When changing brushes or rollers, do not forget to immerse the used tool in a container of water to prevent the paint from drying out, because Because of this, painting equipment will become unusable.

After the light painted parts have dried, carefully cover them with adhesive tape for painting and begin painting with dark tones. Apply 2-3 layers of material. Let dry according to instructions. Please note that the drying process may take several days. Then you can apply varnish.

Varnish coating

To give painted furniture the necessary shine, the surfaces should be varnished. To do this you will need:

You can paint furniture with a brush or spray.

  • acrylic lacquer;
  • a brush for working with varnish or a foam sponge;
  • latex gloves.

After the paint has completely dried, we begin to apply the varnish coating. To do this, we use acrylic varnish, which we apply to wooden parts with a foam sponge or brush in one direction. The varnish should be applied in 2-3 layers.

After applying each layer, you must wait until it dries according to the instructions for use.

Furniture decoration

Having updated the appearance of the furniture with a fresh color, we move on to applying decor. There are several decoration options here:

You can decorate furniture using the currently fashionable techniques of decoupage and craquelure.

  • decoupage;
  • craquelure;
  • painting.

So, to decorate furniture using the decoupage technique you will need:

  • special paper or napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Thus, we select the images we like, cut them out and try on how they will look on the surface to be decorated. It may be necessary to add or remove something. If your choice fell on a decoupage napkin, then you should simply attach it to the gluing site and go over the entire surface with a brush with glue. The napkin should be glued from the center of the image to the periphery. After the picture has dried, apply acrylic varnish in two layers.

If you are using paper for decoupage, the selected images should first be soaked in water, then laid out on paper towel. Then you should attach the image to its location on the furniture, go over it with a brush with glue and smooth it, starting from the center. The dried picture must be covered with two layers of acrylic varnish. If you have chosen a large decoupage card for decoration, it is better to invite an assistant to evenly glue the large format paper onto the furniture elements.

In addition to decoupage, there are several other ways to decorate furniture. For example, you can use special varnishes for craquelure. Craquelure is a type of furniture decor that imitates the surface natural materials, for example, marble, or signs of aging (cracks, etc.). To create the desired effect, craquelure varnishes are used.

Another type of furniture decoration is applying decorative painting. Furniture is painted by hand or using a stencil. The painting is applied acrylic paints at the stage of painting furniture after the main background has dried.

Thus, based on the above, you have an excellent opportunity to surprise your loved ones and friends with the talent of an outstanding restorer who gives furniture with his own hands a modern stylish look and, accordingly, a second life.

The main component of any interior is, of course, furniture. Everyone probably knows the feeling when you want to change the decor in your home. If interior details such as curtains or desk lamp, from time to time they update their houses, then with furniture the situation is much more complicated. Updating furniture is not a cheap pleasure, but what to do if you want pleasant changes that are not always included in your spending plans for the near future? Have you ever heard about how to repaint chipboard furniture? In fact, this is a great way to please yourself and your loved ones, and refresh the atmosphere in your home. In addition, which is an important advantage of this idea, you can choose absolutely any shades of colors, for example, to match your favorite detail of your interior.

To paint furniture made of chipboard with high quality, you need to: disassemble it in parts, carefully prepare the surface and choose the right paint.

No special skills are required here, the main thing is to have the desire and be patient. Another condition that should be taken into account before you decide to repaint furniture made of chipboard is to proceed by following all the stages of work indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, you will not only not get the desired result, but also ruin your furniture, and at the same time your mood.

Preparing the surface for painting

The first step in the process of painting chipboard furniture will be preparing the surfaces. But first you need to decide what color yours will be. New furniture. If you like experiments, you can combine 2 shades you like.

This example will use an old chipboard bedside table. Your task is to understand the principle of operation, and you can apply it to anything. But it’s better, of course, not to take risks and choose something worse for the first experiment.

Before painting chipboard It is necessary to wipe off the old paint with sandpaper.

So, before you start painting chipboard furniture, it is very important to properly prepare its surface. If possible, disassemble everything that can be disassembled: drawers, doors, remove all handles.

In order to repaint chipboard furniture, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • coarse and fine sandpaper;
  • flat brushes of different widths;
  • two pieces of cotton fabric;
  • sponge;
  • screwdriver;
  • scotch;
  • flat brush;
  • acrylic primer;
  • acrylic paint.

Using coarse sandpaper, remove the layer of old varnish until you get to the very bottom. wooden base. In addition, the surfaces should be free of any dirt or greasy stains. All these subtleties are necessary to ensure that the paint lays down in an even layer and as neatly as possible.

You can also clean the surface using an adhesive primer. Just try it on a corner first, and then on the entire surface.

Proceeding in this way, you should carefully sand each element of the cabinet. Swinging widely, the skin must be moved along the fibers.

After sanding the surface with coarse sandpaper, shake off all removed material. To do this, it is better to use a flat brush, since the rag will not sweep away dust from the surface, but will drive it into the wood fibers, which is undesirable for repainting furniture well.

For next steps you will need fine sandpaper. Your task is to use it to sand the areas that you could not reach using coarse sandpaper.

Having finished preparing the surfaces, you need to properly clean your workplace.

The room must be absolutely clean, otherwise dust and debris may stick to freshly painted chipboard furniture.

After cleaning the room with a damp cotton cloth, you need to thoroughly wipe each prepared surface of the furniture. Then, using an already dry piece of cloth, wipe all parts dry. Allow the surfaces to dry completely by leaving them for 20 minutes.

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Paint selection

Acrylic water-dispersion paint is the most suitable because of its properties: easy application, quick drying and absence of toxic substances.

In order to repaint furniture made of chipboard, it is best to use acrylic paint. The fact is that it does not have a strong odor, since its composition is based on water.

Accordingly, acrylic paint is diluted very simply - without using any liquids with harsh, unpleasant odors. This paint is easy to work with; all excess paint can be easily washed off with plain water.

It does not take much time for acrylic paint to dry, but working with a freshly painted surface requires the most delicate possible.

Before you start painting surfaces, it is very important not to skip the step of applying primer, also acrylic.

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Tool for the job

It’s up to you to decide, there are no special recommendations here, but it’s still much more convenient to paint over everything with a brush hard to reach places. Of course, you should understand: whatever option you choose, the tool must be designed to work with acrylic paints. In addition, it is better not to skimp on such things, since during the work it is very important that the lint does not remain on the painted surface, which is typical of cheap brushes and rollers.

It is convenient to work with brushes of different widths; try to take care of them by rinsing them in clean water on time.

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Primer of the product

First of all, read all the tips and recommendations on the packaging for working with acrylic primer. No particular difficulties can arise here. By the way, a roller is quite suitable for applying the primer, as long as the layer is thin. Having completed this stage of work, leave the furniture boards to dry for the time indicated on the packaging.