How to lose weight, strong conspiracies. Effective spells for weight loss

How to remove fat? This question Every girl asked herself at least once in her life. Spending every evening in the gym or watching video lessons, pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion, for the sake of the cherished “-2 kg” at the end of the week or month, is very difficult to bear, and those who have lost weight this way know this very well. But there are easier ways to lose weight.

If you say the word “magic” or “conspiracy”, then many will be skeptical and ironic, because not everyone can accept “weight loss” conspiracies, but as the reviews of many girls have shown, such methods really work, and weight loss occurs. The big plus is that the conspiracy to lose weight on the waning moon can and should be carried out at home.

Causes of excess weight

Nothing in this life happens or happens just like that, the same can be said about excess weight. Main reasons excess weight among women:

  1. The most common problem is poor nutrition. Eating fatty, fried and sweet foods can lead to obesity. Unfortunately, not everyone can eat an apple at night or replace sugar with honey.
  2. Impaired metabolism, which can be improved with green tea.
  3. Genetic predisposition: if your parents or close relatives had a similar problem, the likelihood that it may appear in you is very high.
  4. Stress, lack of sleep and similar things lead to the fact that you can gain weight.
  5. Lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and others bad habits lead to excess weight.
  6. Sexual problems.

Everyone’s idea of ​​what a normal weight should be is different, in particular for a person who has already lost weight, which is why a special formula was created. To calculate your healthy weight, you need to subtract 100 from your height and subtract another 5 - 10% from the amount that turned out. For example, your height is 175 centimeters, 175 – 100 = 75 and minus 10%, 75 – 7.5 = 67.5 kg. If the weight is a couple of kilograms more or less, this is not a problem. Do not forget that your weight can fluctuate within certain limits depending on your physique. At a fairly respectful age, it is almost impossible to remove belly fat and problem areas on the body, but many believe that strong conspiracy It will help them lose weight, especially during the waning moon.


Ancient tribes began to use magic to eliminate everyday problems(caused rain, etc.), in the Middle Ages witches appeared who began to cast spells for their own purposes, causing harm not only to others, but also to themselves. It is believed that at that time only black magic was used and the concept of white did not even exist. The use of magic is an ancient custom.

In our time, three currents have emerged: white magic, black magic and gray magic. There are many thoughts about their distinction, both correct and absolutely stupid. The main difference is considered to be that white magicians turn in their prayers to white gods and call on angels and saints, while a black magician asks for help from Satan, the devil and others dark forces. In black magic there is also a process of repayment; for the help of dark forces they need to give something, for example, a coin or a comb.

Also, some people call gray magic one of the directions (a magician can turn to both dark and light forces), but this issue is very controversial. Before turning to magic, you need to know that everything has its consequences and if done incorrectly, you can not only not get rid of the problem, but also make it worse. The safest rituals are considered to improve a person’s physical condition (treatment for diseases, improvement physical fitness). Get rid of a couple at home extra pounds with the help of magic is quite new and effective way.

Rules of magical rituals

Before performing rituals to lose weight, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. Be sure to check the dates of the ceremony with the lunar calendar.
  2. It is necessary that at the time of the ceremony you are completely alone in the room and nothing distracts you.
  3. It is better to memorize rituals for losing weight and maintaining a good figure; if you do not have this opportunity, then it is better to write them down on a separate sheet (it does not matter whether this ritual is white or black).
  4. Even despite the trusting relationship you have with your family, it is better not to reveal your little secrets to them.
  5. You need to read the text of the conspiracies clearly, without being distracted, without laughing or saying unnecessary words.
  6. When reading a weight loss plot, it is very important to visualize and imagine your own figure in the future without flaws.
  7. You should read all conspiracies on an empty stomach, and a couple of days before the ceremony, it is advisable to reduce the amount of food you take.
  8. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, weight loss conspiracies do not have negative consequences, but these things should not be taken lightly.

In our case, we will not use black magic. Our rituals are based on conspiracies to lose weight using water, which are not aimed at making an appeal to otherworldly forces. This is more likely to be attributed to your brain and body's own inspiration for action. Is it possible to lose weight using spells? Quite, they help perfectly if you put a little effort into it. Most favorable time day for the ceremony - night.

Lesson 12 Ritual for losing weight using water, reducing appetite

We are losing weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon.

The most powerful conspiracies. Water spell. Attracting good luck.

Conspiracy for weight loss using melt water.

Weight loss spell before bed.

The most effective conspiracies for water for weight loss or Minus 25 kilos per Month

Weight loss spell before bed

How to drink water to lose weight? 3 secrets from world nutritionists - Everything will be fine. Issue 767 from 2.03.16

Weight loss conspiracies, losing weight without dieting.

Lesson 10 A very strong salt spell for quick weight loss

Prayers and conspiracies for weight loss are most often based on rituals involving water. It has been scientifically proven that it has its own energy and has the ability to accumulate energy (both positive and negative). The power that holy water has helps not only maintain balance in the body, but also health. It is very often used for magical rituals, since it is believed that water not only preserves information, but also has the property of transmitting it. During the flow, water takes the energy of the Cosmos and transfers it to earthly space.

No wonder it is believed that cool holy water washes away all dark energy from our body. As an example, we can cite a popular holiday - Maundy Thursday. Holy water is not stored in iron or ceramic dishes, only glass (glass cup) is suitable for use. The same properties are found in green tea.

In order to carry out the ceremony, it is very important to know several instructions:

  1. You need to clearly know what you want and what effect you want to achieve.
  2. You know all the subtleties and consequences of performing the ritual.
  3. They definitely decided that they would resort to the help of magic.

Removing fat using a water spell

There are many weight loss conspiracies and whispers: for honey, apples, and most importantly, for water. Below are several options on how to lose weight using a conspiracy. Such methods do not completely solve your problem, but only help you achieve the desired result, and those who have already lost weight this way will confirm this. After the ceremony, you will not begin to rapidly lose weight, continuing to sit on the couch with food in your hands.

When losing weight you must adhere to proper nutrition, perform small physical exercise and still take care of yourself. But now it will be much easier for you to do such things. There are several options for water spells. You should choose the one that is more convenient for you. Most of the options are conspiracies for weight loss on the waning moon or with the waxing moon.

Among them: a magic spell with a candle, a spell with soap, an apple, the magic method of Natalia Stepanova, weight loss with onions, as well as valid Simoron prayers and much more. The biggest advantage of these methods is that they can be carried out without large financial costs or free of charge, as well as these rituals have already been time-tested. Some have a quick impact and act almost instantly. Also, their priority is that they can be carried out almost anywhere, in the toilet of an apartment or the bathhouse of a private house.

We talk and drink

The best candle spell for weight loss. You need to buy three candles and put them in the church. Then you need to go to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and read Orthodox prayer, cross yourself and go home. Afterwards, you need to buy 13 candles and three icons: Matrona, Jesus and the Wonderworker. Fill a large decanter of holy water at home, looking at it, you need to read a prayer and baptize yourself. This water should also be drunk in small sips. After it is completely drunk, you need to throw away absolutely all the things that you used for the ceremony. Anyone who wants to start this ritual should stop eating a lot of food before bed. In a week you will be able to see the result, as the effect is very strong.

Another powerful conspiracy for weight loss that has a quick effect. The ritual must be done on the full moon (it does not have to be performed in the dark, but on those days when the moon is full). You need to hang a mirror on the bathroom door, go into the bathroom and lock yourself there. Light 7 candles (you can secure them for convenience). After this, you need to undress and look at your figure in the mirror, while you need to imagine yourself completely without flaws and the way you dream of seeing the result and nothing else. Say a prayer, get dressed and extinguish each candle. This option is from a Siberian healer, but over time, it has undergone some changes.

How else can you make a water spell to lose weight? Pour water into a bowl or glass, saying this text:

“As the month goes by, I’m losing weight! And how he grows, he would take all my kilograms! Let everything unnecessary go away! For a month, sun, forest, and steppe! And it will remain there for centuries, for a person’s entire life!”

You need to lament at least seven times and let it stand for seven days in a dark closet. At night, when the moon disappears, drink part of it and continue to drink it the rest of the days. The ritual is performed on the waning moon; it is recommended to repeat it. After this prayer, one could notice that the person was rapidly losing weight and losing weight. Conspiracies to lose weight on the night of the waning moon are the strongest of the proposed options, since at that moment it is best to get rid of something. At this time, analysis of one’s own state and purification occurs.

Spells for bathing

On the waning moon, we dial hot bath for swimming and put your own pectoral cross in it (the effect improves if you often wear this item in Everyday life). After some time, we take out the cross from there and pour in one cup (glass) of milk and holy water. You need to add three rose petals ( different varieties) and put a thread 15 cm long. Stay in the bathroom until the body temperature is higher than water temperature. Afterwards you need to read the disclaimer:

“Voditsa, listen to me. Don’t be cloudy and don’t boil, help me quickly. After the cross, do it so that I lose weight. Wash me, cover me with petals. I’ll be beautiful everywhere.”

Then you can leave the bathroom.

When draining the water, we recite the text:

“Go away, take everything heavy from me, put it under the black stones, and keep it there for a thousand years.”

When bathing, you can only use soap. You can also cross it with a candle before taking a bath. We take the thread out of the bathroom and tie it wet on our right hand (wear it until it breaks). We collect the petals and put them on a white cloth, bury this bundle under a tree that has dried up. This prayer must be read on the new moon and repeated at least three times. This ritual has several variations, in this version roses can be used in one color, in other variations it is necessary that the roses be of three different colors(whoever wants what), the length of the thread can vary from 15 to 20 centimeters, and milk can also be replaced with cream.

There is one more effective method getting rid of excess weight. For this conspiracy to lose weight, we will need a bowl of spring water (or holy water), which must be cold. We add it to the bath and read the hex:

“The dear fat man walked, he ate baked goods, and sang songs. He drank a lot and sweated a lot. When he came home, he lost weight. That’s how I (name) am losing weight.”

and lie down in the bath (cross yourself with a candle before doing this). After bath procedures, when you flush the water, you need to say this disclaimer:

“Water, quickly leave, take everything unnecessary from me. Darling, help me, don’t miss me. Go under the stones, stay there forever.”

Losing weight during the waning moon is very effective, especially if you need to lose weight in your stomach or legs.

The hex-prayer that our grandmothers used for their beauty will be very useful for girls. The prayer must be read when bathing in a steam room or bath; only you and no one else should be in the room. As soon as you approach the threshold of the bathhouse, you need to say these words:

“The black man walked along the road, prayed, and ate bread! He sweated and lost weight along the way! I wish I could lose so much weight!”

This text will need to be spoken at least three times, as well as during the bathing process. As for personal hygiene products, during the ritual in the bathhouse, only soap is allowed to be used. The ritual has helped many people lose weight.

The most difficult option, according to the comments of those who did it, but a very effective and powerful conspiracy to lose weight, has an almost instant effect - with the first star, you need to pour spring water into a basin, look at it and say:

“My fat goes away with the month, take away my weight, let me be slim and thin.”

You need to say this text twelve times, then you need to stamp your right foot three times, turn around and leave this place (in this case, under no circumstances should you turn around and look). Many girls, when using this spell, said that when they left the water, it seemed to them that someone was calling them. As was written earlier, you can’t turn around at this voice, in order to get a little distracted, you can read the “Our Father” prayer. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon.

Alternative to water

You often hear a lot about green tea. good reviews. Prayer with tea has a good effect. When the sun rises, prepare a strong green tea Before drinking it, you need to say how the water will be warm at least seven times:

“Tea, wash me of excess weight, remove fat from my body and give me slimness quickly.”

Afterwards, you need to immediately drink all the liquid, while saying “Our Father” in your thoughts. This ritual is relatively new; it must be done on a new month or with a waxing moon. Tea must be green.

To cast a spell to lose weight on your stomach or back, you will need holy water. It is also necessary to collect this water yourself, since water from the wrong hands can lead to negative consequences. You need to say this text over water before going to bed and after that you need to drink it and use it when preparing food.

“I’ll drink this water and ask my sister for help. Help me, water, fill my body with health and beauty. Remove unnecessary weight from my arms, legs, neck and sides. I’ll be nice and lose weight.”

How else to speak to water? Early in the morning, when the moon is waning, you need to fill half the bowl with water and say three times:

“Take off the kilos so that my beauty remains, and all the excess is removed, and my body improves.”

When losing weight, this ritual should be carried out every day for a month. This option has collected a lot positive feedback Some lost 4 kilograms, others even more. The simplest ritual that has helped many who have done it.

Conspiracies from Vanga

Many people know about the former existence of the soothsayer and healer Vanga. This strongest method for losing weight belongs to her. The conspiracy must be carried out on the full moon, during the waning moon. When saying prayers, it is very important to imagine yourself with an ideal figure; it is also not advisable to use those rituals that contain negative words. Of course, it’s better to replace a hearty dinner with an apple and not drink alcohol.

For the plot, we need a knotted (or regular) thread. It must be carried out 11 days before the second moonrise. You need to read this text fourteen times in a row at 00:00 over a blue woolen thread, which is then tied in a figure eight on the fourth and third fingers on your left hand, the thread must be carried for at least ten days, then burned. Water is drunk on an empty stomach after sleep and before going to bed, three small sips.

“The month is walking across the sky, it will reach the turn, From the turn of the day the month will begin to decrease, From the new day the month will melt, the month will come to an end, It will take away my fullness.”

Also, to carry out these rituals, you can use a thread of a different color, for example, a red thread (also good action have objects in green color), after them, weight loss occurs quickly.

Another effective ritual can be performed using a comb. You need to start at the beginning of the month, on the 1st. Early in the morning or afternoon, buy a comb and two church candles. Place the comb on the table and light each candle. The room needs to be dark, looking at the comb you need to dream about a beautiful figure. Say the written text up to three times:

“The comb combs out the lice, so the fullness goes away! The nits will evaporate and the weight will come! The pig gets fatter and fatter, but his figure gets thinner!”

It is impossible for strangers to enter the apartment in the next three days.

Salt spell new way from the famous healer Natalia Stepanova. She advises you to come up with a spell yourself and read it over salt, which you can then safely eat. Natalya Stepanovna’s method is very easy, simple, and effective to use, with which you can quickly lose weight. This seemingly ordinary ritual has helped many people get rid of extra pounds. famous people, and its advantage is that you don’t need to drink a lot of water.

Soap rituals are quite common. To do this, you need to buy the simplest new soap and read a prayer over it, then cross it three times with a candle. You only need to use it for a whole month. The most that exists old-fashioned way, but helped many who did it.

Other rituals

There are other conspiracies, for example, for food: for a comb, potatoes, tea, honey, apple, salt and even a pig (a pig is associated with a complete person). Many girls performed rituals using onions and bread. Church holidays, such as Ivan Kupala, the ritual performed on Trinity, Easter and in the first days of July can also be favorable. It is not advisable to perform magical processes on Muslim holidays.

Who wants to winter time can use clean melt water. Also, despite the misconception about such rituals (it is generally accepted that they relate to black magic and damage is caused with it), a Voodoo doll is also quite often used in weight loss rituals. Many girls, over time, also use food as a preventive measure to protect themselves from weight gain and extra pounds.

Above were rituals and rituals that quickly act and quickly help, as the reviews showed. With their help, quite often people who do not have the resources to lose weight lose weight. own time and therefore they perform rituals to quickly lose weight (many rituals can even be performed in the toilet or bathhouse). In many rituals you need to use a candle, since this church attribute has a significant influence on the rituals.

Is there a result?

There is an opinion that you cannot lose weight with the help of conspiracies. Indeed, a reasonable question for a modern person is how true this is. Much depends on the inner faith and strength of the reader, on your desire and, of course, the correctness of the ritual.

Over time, the girls who performed the rituals share their impressions. When you go to a beauty forum and read reviews about weight loss conspiracies (who helped, which helped, etc.), you can come across a wide variety of them. In this case, those who lost weight can be divided exactly in half, since exactly 50% of the girls showed results within a week or two. The remaining 50% unanimously said that it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds using spells. The smallest part of the audience chose not to resort to weight loss conspiracies at all, in order to avoid the consequences and resorted to choosing another means.

Every girl wants and dreams of maintaining youth for as long as possible, which is why it is very important to take care of your own figure and the physical condition of your body. To do this, you need to eat right, stick to a routine, avoid stressful situations and, of course, have a little physical activity to lose fat. if you have desire If you lose a couple of extra kilos, then nothing can stop it; taken together, all the measures work very well. Many who have lost weight have repeatedly noted that it is very important to drink a lot of clean water or tea (green tea contains many vitamins and elements).

A conspiracy to lose weight is a proven and quite popular method that can have a strong impact. It is very important to have the right attitude and remember to lead the right lifestyle.

There are weight loss conspiracies that involve transferring your excess weight to another creature, and most often this creature is a pig. The straw spell to lose weight refers to just this type of spell and is done like this. Take a bunch of straw and, tapping your naked body with this bunch, say:

“Go away, all the fat is a pig, and for me (name) stay thin. The pig gets fat, but I (name) lose weight. As the pig gets fat, so I (name) will lose weight.”

After this, throw this straw to the young pig and let her eat it.

Rose petals spell for weight loss

Take red, pink and white rose petals and throw them into a bath of water. Pour a glass of cream there. Lie down in the water without taking off pectoral cross from the neck. Lie in the water and, after about 5 minutes, say the following spell:

“Help me, mother water. I poured you milk, decorated you with roses, the holy cross is with me, help me in my trouble. Remove the fat and fat from my body, take them as far away as possible so that they never come back to me.”

This request should be repeated 3 times at intervals of 5 minutes. When leaving the bathroom, you need to thank the water for its help, saying: “Thank you, mother water.”

Bath plot for weight loss

The bath plot for weight loss is simple, effective and quite easy way getting rid of extra pounds without dieting. A bath plot for weight loss is done as follows. On Sunday morning, go to the bathhouse (it is advisable that no one has visited it before you that day). Before entering the steam room, say:

“I’ll come to the bathhouse like an immense fat woman, and I’ll leave the bathhouse like a slender birch tree. The steam room will warm me, it will drive the fat out of me.”

While in the steam room, repeat ten times: “My body is heating up, fat is being expelled from me.”

When leaving the bathhouse, turn around and say: “Thank you, bathhouse, for the relief, thank you, bathhouse, for deliverance.”

This ritual is best performed regularly - every Sunday.

How to lose weight quickly with a spell

If you want to quickly lose weight with the help of a conspiracy, you need to do the following. On the waxing moon, pour clean spring water into a glass and, going to bed, say the following words over this water:

“The moon is growing, and I’m losing weight. Let her be full and round, and let me (name) become slim and good, cheerful and thin. And let the Moon take all my fat and leave it from me. My word is strong, so be it. Amen."

Then you need to drink the water. The ritual should be performed every day while the moon is waxing. The first results of the conspiracy should appear in 9 days.

Powerful spell for weight loss

To make a simple but powerful spell for weight loss, fill your bath with warm water in the evening. Undress, stand or sit in the bath. Scoop up water with your hand or a washcloth, wipe yourself and say the following words of the spell:

“Light water, wipe me off. Take everything that is unnecessary from me. Pure water flows down my body, taking away my fullness. It will rid me of fat and won’t leave me with anything unnecessary.”

Wipe your entire body like this, focusing Special attention“problem areas” and repeating the plot. Do not use soap, shower gel or any other products. After completing the ritual, immediately go to bed. Of course, you won’t be able to get rid of everything unnecessary in one go, so you need to repeat the ritual regularly.

Water spell to lose weight

A water spell to lose weight is carried out for 7 days, on the waning moon. Prepare in advance a crystal vase, clean spring water, blue woolen thread and matches. Wait until the moon is clearly visible, go outside and start looking closely at the moon until it begins to blur before your eyes. Then you need to turn your back to the moon, before spinning around yourself 9 times, and say:

“As you, mother, the Moon, decrease from this moment on, so my weight begins to melt, my fullness disappears. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin moon, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen."

After this, return home, throw three burning matches into a crystal vase with water and read the same plot over them 9 times. You need to tie the middle and ring finger with a blue woolen thread in a figure eight and do not remove it for exactly 7 days. After which the thread must be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.

Any words spoken out loud have their own energy and emit certain vibrations. Even thoughts that remain unvoiced, hovering in everyone’s head, determine the direction of life’s path. The problem of nutrition often has a psychological basis: a person rewards himself with tasty but unhealthy food, or compensates for the lack of love, attention, or can simply “eat up” emotional stress.

  • CONSPIRACY is a certain sequence of words, the set of which leads to achieving the desired result. magical, Magic force from a physics point of view it is easily explainable. Conspiracies appeared thanks to “knowledgeable” people endowed with supernatural abilities. Using their abilities, they helped to recover from illnesses, get rid of misfortunes and failures, and also control the forces of nature to collect big harvest. Reinforced over the centuries by the energy of many people, conspiracies have enormous power. Vibrations from spoken words reach the Cosmos faster, and Higher Powers help to complete this or that task.
  • Prayer- this is a person’s appeal in thoughts or words to the spiritual mentors of the non-material world. Unlike other forms, it implies belonging to a religion. Faith in the Creator and his omnipotence allows you to feel under the protection and protection from various troubles and troubles. In prayer, the believer asks or thanks and accordingly promises to strictly observe the canons written in religious books. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are thousands of years old and adherents have long experienced the miraculous power of prayer. Asking to lose weight means wishing yourself health, longevity, and freedom from the temptation of gluttony. The main religions of the planet call for fasting and restriction of various foods throughout the year. The calendar is designed in such a way that a person can replace forbidden foods without feeling discomfort.
  • Spell- one of the ways to achieve what you want using ritual-magical speech. This appeal is forced. Depending on the strength of the energy field, a person can perform the spell ritual independently or resort to the help of professionals in magic. Thanks to such techniques, the human will obeys the spoken words.

Orthodox prayer

The appeal to the Creator should be meaningful, it is not a whim to remove 3 extra kilos. The awareness that the nutrition problem has become a threat to health and even life, and not an aesthetic inconsistency with accepted ideals. One of the deadly sins is gluttony and the inability to cope with food addiction, makes a person a slave of his weaknesses.

  • Prayer can help you cope with overeating and lose weight by believing in yourself as the likeness of your almighty heavenly Father.
  • Strengthens the spirit a prayer spoken out loud or read mentally.
  • Regular repetition leads to stabilization nervous system, self-confidence regardless of circumstances and the belief that the Higher Powers are always with you.
  • You can pray to Jesus Christ to lose weight, Mother of God, guardian angels, patronizing saints (by name), or those saints to whom a person turned earlier.
  • Known for miraculous healings, Matrona of Moscow helps to get rid of gluttony. This prayer is read in front of the image of the saint, with a lit lamp.


Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Satisfy my hunger with small food and melt excess flesh with holy water. Drop by drop the water will touch your lips, and the excess will gradually disappear. Let it be so. Amen.

  • You can read during the day, before and after meals, as well as when you feel hungry.

Rules for performing rituals

In order for all your plans to come true, certain conditions must be met:

  • Indicate the number of kilograms that need to be reset. Can be determined numeric value your ideal weight.
  • When performing a spell/conspiracy/prayer, faith is crucial. Hesitation and doubt only delay what you want.
  • After the ritual, thoughts should be that weight loss has already taken place and the person enjoys the result obtained in the present tense. Imagining yourself with new proportions, experiencing joy, happiness from a beautiful, healthy body, emotional reinforcement helps make the dream come true.
  • Until the event takes place, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual..
  • You need to think about losing weight in a positive way, the more detailed and colorful you imagine how the hated kilograms are freeing the body, the faster all this will happen.
  • Don't dwell on the problem. Life is multifaceted and beautiful; you shouldn’t tempt fate and lament the weight you’ve gained. There are people with disabilities who find the strength to rejoice and be happy. We need to thank the Higher Powers for all the opportunities provided.
  • Believe in your capabilities engage in visualization (mental representation of the result) and affirmations (constant repetition of what you want).

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Apple spell for weight loss

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • At the market or supermarket, stand in front of a basket of loose apples, think about your cherished desire and choose the most beautiful, red apple.
  • All undertakings are carried out for the growing month. There should be no one in the house during the reading.
  • Concentrating on what you have planned, say the words out loud:“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Mother Earth, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I carry as much as I can, I will give what you take. An apple is round, an apple is red, help me, if there is too much, go away.”
  • Having torn off the stalk, eat an apple, representing the process of losing weight.

Comb ritual

  • Held on the first day of the month. As early as possible in the morning you need to buy a comb and 2 wax candles(church).
  • Place a comb on the table and light candles in front of it. Draw the curtains tightly, sit at the table and, looking at the comb, imagine yourself slim and healthy.
  • The plot is read 3 times in a commanding tone:“Just as a comb combs out lice, so does the fat go away! As the nits evaporate, so does my weight! The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier! Amen!"
  • Do not allow strangers or guests into the house after the ritual for 3 days.

Ritual in the steam room

  • In a bathhouse, sauna or bath, only the person performing the ritual is present. No extraneous sounds or noise should be distracting.
  • Take place at dawn or dusk, stepping over the threshold with his right foot, say the words: “In a cassock, the monk walked along the road, read psalms, ate water and bread! The monk sweated on the road and lost weight! I wish I could sweat like that and lose weight! Amen!"
  • After a month, repeat all steps.

Conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath

  • For the ritual, buy a white towel, baby soap without fragrances and a new linen washcloth.
  • Place soap in front of you and at dawn read the prayer:
    Soap, soap, wash harder,
    Soap, soap, wash quickly,
    I will rub my skin with you,
    I will then lose weight every time.
  • You need to use soap until your weight drops to the desired value..

Ritual for water

  • Choose pure source , collect water (1-2 l) and bless it in the church. Buy 12 candles there.
  • Divide the amount into 12 doses. Place a glass, light a candle and mentally imagine the result.
  • The recitation can take place at dawn or dusk, to the waning moon: “The water is wild, it flows here and there, don’t run, help me. Take my weight and run away with it, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.”
  • Afterwards, put out the candle and drink water in one gulp.. Carry out the ritual every day, if you missed it once, start the cycle over again.

Ritual for honey

  • Combine honey with pollen in proportions 1:5. On the first day of the month or Monday at dawn, wash your face cold water and say the following three times:
    “Like a birch tree is thin, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin,
    Just as the winch is graceful, just as the little darling is sweet, so should I be slender!
    I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey!
    This should happen this very moment!
    My word is law!
    My word is true!
  • Eat a teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach., without drinking, concentrating on losing weight.

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Green tea spell for weight loss

  • Drink green tea between meals, saying a spell each time.
  • Confidently command out loud: “I drink tea, hot tea, let the rattling fat go away. Amen".
  • If society cannot be avoided, then you need to read the plot quietly so that no one can hear.
  • Drink at least 2 cups of tea per day without sugar, sweets and honey.
  • This ritual is used for the month, starting from the waning moon.

How to make a talisman speak?

A stone corresponding to the zodiac sign can serve as a talisman. It should be wrapped in silk or velvet fabric and tied like a bag with red or gold thread.

  • The talisman is cast on the waxing moon, at midnight with the window open.
  • Take the stone in right hand bring it to your forehead and imagine yourself losing weight, then bring it to your mouth and read in a whisper:
    “I thank you, Lord, for everything you have done for me, help me resist temptation, let small food satisfy my body, I will no longer overeat the excess, which later became poison. I will stop the temptation before the Lord's touch. The power of the Lord will stop my hand and will not give me what is unnecessary and unnecessary. And I, Your servant (name), will be under Your protection, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to refuse excess food and excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from the earthly addiction of gluttony. Thanks to our Lord. Amen".
  • Put the stone in a bag and carry it with you, put it under your pillow at night.

How to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon?

The mysterious satellite has a special energy that affects the Earth and its inhabitants. The Full Moon is a magical time when you can achieve all your goals.

  • Before performing the ceremony, you must proofread the text well. so that there are no hesitations afterwards.
  • The greatest strength is faith in achieving results.
  • The ritual is best performed on Monday or Friday. on which the full moon falls.
  • “As you, Mother Moon, decrease from this moment on, so my weight begins to melt, my fullness disappears. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin moon, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".
  • Speak words confidently and calmly before open window turning to the heavenly body.

Very often nothing helps in the fight against excess weight. It's a matter of a person's mood. Thoughts have very strong energy, they are material. Everyone now knows that mentally you can both help and harm your body. A weight loss plot on its own is unlikely to bring results; it must be used together with traditional ways combat this problem.

Conspiracy is programming the brain to achieve a specific goal. Through the brain, this program spreads to the entire body. And all the forces of nature help in this. The most common spell used is water.

Orthodox prayer

The most strong prayer will help you gain a beautiful figure. One of the sins of humanity is gluttony. Therefore, before casting a conspiracy against obesity, you should stop eating a lot.

The first thing you need to do is go to church and light three candles. Near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, you must read the necessary words. Then cross yourself and go home.

You should also buy 13 candles and icons of Jesus, Matrona and the Wonderworker. You need to collect holy water in a large vessel. At home you need to pray and be baptized, looking at the water and drinking it in small sips. After this, you need to throw everything away. After 10 days you will see the result.

How to carry out a conspiracy in the toilet

Many people say that the conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet is a very effective way to rid yourself of excess weight. After all, being overweight is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. So, to avoid this, you can try this type of conspiracy.

This ritual should take place in the toilet, because after certain actions are carried out, some objects must be buried in a place where people do not go. Sometimes it is not possible to do everything exactly this way, which is why a toilet is used, in which all the necessary occult items can be washed off with water.

In order to carry out a conspiracy to lose weight in the toilet, you need to take 3 candles and a piece of paper on which the text of the prayer will be written in your own hand. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon. When the moon is in the right phase, at midnight you need to go to the toilet and lock yourself there.

Next you need to light the candles and fasten them tightly. You need to look at the fire, concentrate all your attention on how you would like to look after losing weight, you need to imagine yourself in a thinner state. During this, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy in your mind or in a whisper.

After reading the prayer, you need to wait until the candles burn out completely. Next you need to take cinders from them. A piece of paper with a written spell and wash it all off with water in the toilet. If this action does not help much, you need to repeat the ritual again on the full moon.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer

IN modern world The number of healers and healers has increased so much that one can simply take each of them for swindlers who are getting rich at the expense of other people’s problems. But. Still, there are exceptions. The Siberian healer is very famous in Russia.

She published a whole book that glorified the healer throughout the world. Her weight loss conspiracies are very simple, and, judging by the reviews, effective. Natalya Stepanovna’s weight loss ritual is a means tested by many people to remove such hated fat. She casts spells on a comb, in a bathhouse, on water. Each prayer of the Siberian healer begins with an appeal to the Holy Trinity, and after that she reads the conspiracy itself.

White Magic - how to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon

White magic contains many ways to help people. There is an excellent prayer for losing weight.

To lose weight and not go on a diet, you just need to perform a ritual on the full moon. This conspiracy is performed very simply and it is not at all necessary to do it at night, just in lunar calendar select dates full moon, and the time of day does not matter at all. You will just need to say the words of prayer very concentratedly and believe in what you are doing. All actions must be performed from candles. This item has occult significance and cannot be avoided. The candle symbolizes the element of fire.

The first ritual that can be performed on a full moon looks like this. You need to go to the bathroom and lock yourself there so that no one will disturb you. You need to hang a huge mirror on the door of the room or near it. You will also need seven lit candles, which need to be well strengthened. After preparing the room, you must undress completely and take a closer look at your figure in the mirror.

You should definitely imagine yourself without excess weight. This will help open energy channels.

You need to whisper the words of the conspiracy confidently and simply furiously. After reading the necessary words, you need to get dressed, put out the candles and throw them away. After thirteen days you will be able to see the result of the action magical ritual. If this does not happen, you need to repeat the procedure on the next full moon.

Spell on water, read before bed

Since ancient times, water has had some magical properties. She was always revered. Even now, water is extremely popular in occult rituals. Each person can speak water independently.

There are several ways to do this. There is a powerful spell about water that will help you get rid of overeating and generally eating in the evening and at night. Water should be poured into a large container and the words of prayer should be read over it. Next, this spoken water should be used to wash your face and entire body. This weight loss ritual should be performed every evening for a week.

You can also pour water into a glass in the evening and place it on the windowsill. The window should face the side where the moon rises. It needs to be opened. You need to whisper a prayer into the glass and drink it before going to bed.

A conspiracy to lose weight using water can be done at home, namely in the bathroom. Bathing water needs to be prepared. To the full hot water The bathtub must be lowered with a cross, which is worn every day. Wait until the water cools down to a temperature suitable for swimming. The cross needs to be removed.

One glass of holy water and one glass of milk should be added to the bath. Also put rose petals from three flowers and a thread, the length of which is twenty centimeters. Now you can get into the water and just lie there in a relaxed state. At the end of bathing, you must read the words of prayer. This ritual is carried out in the first days of the new moon.

Vanga's conspiracies for weight loss

Vanga was a very strong and famous healer and fortuneteller. She understood perfectly well that being overweight was a huge problem that needed to be fought. She gave advice on how to make the conspiracy effective. The most effective prayers are those read on the full moon or on the waning moon.

You need to believe in yourself and imagine your ideal figure. You need to become related to this desired body, as it were. One of important advice Vanga was the one in which she said that words and images with a negative meaning should not be used in prayers and conspiracies.

9 spells to get rid of excess weight and cellulite

1. This plot is quite simple. In addition to prayer, you need to take an orange peel, which symbolizes cellulite. When saying a prayer, you need to rub problem areas with this crust. After this, all remains must be buried underground.

2. Black magic can also help you remove fat. It is necessary in the morning, getting out of bed and without combing your hair, to say the spell that you need for a glass of water. You need to say the words 3 times. After the ritual, it is necessary to pour the water into a place where it can dry quickly. Immediately you need to throw the redemption coin over your left shoulder. These manipulations should be carried out for thirteen days, and on the last of them you need to place a glass of vodka at the intersection.

Another dark option for losing weight is the “translation” conspiracy, which is carried out using a photo of some slim person. The enchanted photograph should stay under your pillow for one night, and then it should be thrown away at the crossroads of four roads.

3. In order to become the owner of a good figure, you need to perform a ritual on a red wool thread. The thread needs to be wound around your fingers in the shape of a figure eight and worn like this for ten days. On the twenty-seventh lunar day it is necessary to burn it.

4. Another way is also to use a red thread spell. After reading the words, you need to tie it on your wrist, and after 40 days it will come undone on its own, and you will lose those extra pounds.

5. Symbolically looks like a conspiracy to remove the belly and sides, which is performed on a pig. You can add the water you bathe in to the gate of the people who keep the pig. Or you can cast a spell on the grass taken from the mouth of this animal. This food needs to be put in water, washed, and then the words must be spoken.

6. The ritual that is performed on the apple is interesting. You need to read the words of prayer over it and eat it throughout the day. An important point is that you can’t eat anything else besides an apple.

7. In addition to various spells for weight loss, there is also a love spell for beauty. To perform it, you need to go outside at sunrise with your hair down. Read the words of the prayer. After this, you can’t talk about time or look at the clock for the whole day. For some time before the ritual, it is forbidden to eat. After the conspiracy, you need to eat marshmallow and drink holy water.

8. In order to achieve the effect of losing belly fat, you need to know the salt spell. You must come up with the words yourself and read them over the salt, which you will then use to wipe the problem area of ​​the body. Natalya Stepanovna also advises using salt, but you need to use it differently. It must be thrown into food before eating.

9. There is a strong conspiracy that is made on soap. After reciting with this soap, you must wash your hands daily and pronounce the words, washing off the foam.

A spell for losing weight using water is a popular magical means of gaining a slim and beautiful figure. Its effectiveness is related to a person’s ability to concentrate on a goal and use his imagination creatively. Of course, the conspiracy to use water for weight loss is not a panacea, but it is not fiction either. In many cases, it really works and gets excellent reviews, so it’s still worth a try.

Let's consider some options for water spells for weight loss, the principle of their action and mandatory conditions, increasing the chances of success.

How it works

Today, not only magicians, but also scientists talk about the amazing properties of water. Thanks to its unique structure, it is an excellent carrier and transmitter of information.

Under the influence of the word, water molecules are transformed, turning the liquid into a magical drink, “charged” with the power of intention. Once in the human body (largely consisting of liquid), the enchanted drink transmits its program to the cells of the body, causing them to change in the desired direction.

Pure water itself is extremely useful for losing weight: it frees the body of toxins, improves metabolism, dulls the feeling of hunger, however, by incantating the liquid, we greatly enhance its effectiveness, connecting personal motivation, concentrating and directing the impact on a single goal. In each of us, the rational mind exists side by side with magical thinking, so to implement the intention, you need to use both the first and the second. A reasonable diet without overeating and feasible exercise will help satisfy the rational part of the mind. physical exercise, A magic spells and rituals will awaken sleeping creative forces, which will lead to the desired goal in the shortest possible way.

You can make weight loss spells using a glass of water: this is one of the simplest and popular ways, which helped a lot of people. For this ritual, it is better to purchase a separate glass and never use it for other purposes. It is advisable that the glass be made from quality glass, completely transparent (without drawings or inscriptions). In addition, the glass should be liked and kept clean.

At dawn, an hour before breakfast, you need to walk to the spring and fill a glass from it. Of course, this is ideal and not always possible variant, and therefore, as an alternative, you can use previously stored holy or melt water. The text of the conspiracy is read directly onto it three times, trying to imagine and feel the meaning of what was said as much as possible:

“Clean water, be my sister: let me remove the excess so that my body becomes slender.”

Then they drink the liquid in small sips, imagining how it gets inside and begins to transform the body. The ritual is repeated daily until the desired result is achieved.

Magic font

This ritual should be performed before bedtime, replacing the evening shower. Take a full bath and dissolve salt in it: sea or Thursday. If you have holy water at home, pour several cups into the bath. They lie down in the prepared font and try to relax, pronounce the spell three times:

“Water cleanses me, dissolves everything unnecessary, just as salt disappears in water, so the fat in my body melts.”

You need to stay in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes, trying to breathe evenly and imagine how fat deposits melt in problem areas and the whole body is transformed. Then you can use a washcloth, gel and scrub - take a regular evening shower. After the bath you shouldn’t eat anything, it’s better to go to bed quickly. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week in the evenings when you do fitness. (If you feel thirsty after playing sports, it is better to use the spell from the previous ritual).

Moon power

Many esotericists believe that it is easiest to lose weight during the waning moon, starting on the night of the full moon. For this ritual you will also need a glass of clean water(spring, holy or melt). On a full moon, they place it on the windowsill and recite the spell:

“Water and the moon are one essence, the moon and water are always together.”

Then they sit down next to each other and, watching the full moon, think about the result that they want to achieve, then they take a glass and say over it three times:

“As the moon wanes, so does the excess weight melt away.”

Slowly take three sips from the glass, and wash with the rest of the liquid before going to bed. The ritual must be performed every evening while the moon is waning. After three sips of the charmed liquid have been drunk, you should not drink or eat anything. In addition, after washing your face in the evening, you should not dry your face with a towel: you should wait until the skin dries itself.

Note to water

There is another method of losing weight using a charmed liquid, intended for those people who do not have the opportunity to regularly perform rituals. In this case, the text of the conspiracy should not be read, but written. Once you have written such a note, you need to attach it to a container of clean water and drink three glasses from there every day. In the evenings, fluid reserves need to be replenished: add exactly as much as you drink during the day. It is most convenient in this case to use melt water if there is no natural source at hand.

A conspiracy note with which you plan to lose weight should be simple, understandable and as specific as possible. For example:

“I lose 9 kg per month.”

For greater authenticity, you can add your full name, date and signature to the note. Don’t forget to keep the water clean and wash the container every 3 days.

Important point

The figure in the note cannot be exaggerated: “-13 kg per week” looks very unreliable. In addition, you should remember: the faster the weight goes away, the faster it comes back. 1 kg or 2 kg per week is the optimal weight, which increases the chances of long-term results. Even a weight of 3 kg per week is considered excessive, since it puts the body into a stressful state, provoking the body to make up for what it has already lost. next week. The most annoying thing is that by making up for lost time, the body strives to protect itself for the future and puts aside an emergency reserve, which is later very reluctant to leave.

Conspiracy to lose weight - a strong conspiracy for weight loss

In essence, you don’t have to make a request, but simply drink the prayer every day. clean water. The healing liquid will cleanse and heal the body, eliminating problems that often cause excess weight. In addition, this drink perfectly harmonizes state of mind and helps cope with overeating due to stress and negative emotions. This is a very powerful tool, but the main thing in its use is not to rush things and allow changes to happen at a natural pace.

  1. For a conspiracy to help you lose weight, it must be read clearly and with expression, bringing the necessary emotion into every word spoken. In addition, it is better to choose short texts that can be read by heart rather than from a piece of paper.
  2. It is very useful from time to time to imagine a new figure in detail, and also to know exactly how many centimeters and in which places you plan to remove it.
  3. During the ritual, you should drink slowly and with concentration, tasting the liquid and watching how it penetrates inside.
  4. Before the ritual, it is very useful to meditate for a few minutes, closing your eyes and focusing on inhaling and exhaling.
  5. According to reviews of those who were helped by the conspiracy to gain harmony, important role The right personal motivation played a role in the process of losing weight. It must be identified and, if necessary, adjusted before starting the ritual. If the motivation for losing weight is envy, despair or other negative emotions, it needs to be realized and replaced with a more positive one, for example, the desire for joy, beauty and harmony.