How the gum skulkina lost weight. The famous weight loss of Ekaterina Skulkina: the main secrets of the star. Menu recipes by Ekaterina Skulkina

The comedy show Comedy Woman is loved by many viewers. The audience especially applauds when Ekaterina Skulkina, a large woman with a strong character, who in her role suppresses the other participants, comes on stage. TV viewers have different opinions about the actress’s curvy figure: some like them, others find them terrible. And so Ekaterina Skulkina lost almost 20 kg, which could not go unnoticed.

She doesn’t say why Katya decided to lose weight. But it is known that she gained a new figure thanks to following a balanced diet and regular fitness classes. Read on to find out what the actress ate and did that was so special.

Skulkina's nutritional features

The thinner TV personality amazed everyone: her weight reached is 55 kg instead of the previous 75 kg (with a height of 174 cm). She achieved this result in about 3 months and now has additional goal– lose another 2 – 3 kg. Amazing results, aren't they? At the same time, experts do not consider Skulkina’s weight loss to be strict, because the star’s diet is based only on a balanced diet and supplemented by fitness. Katya’s diet plan was developed by experienced nutritionists, which allowed her to lose weight smoothly and harmlessly to her health.

Ekaterina Skulkina's nutritional rules:

  1. Refusal of foods with fast carbohydrates (baked goods, potatoes, White bread And White rice, sweets, fast foods).
  2. Controlling the quantity and quality of fat consumed (according to the BJU balance, the daily fat intake should not exceed 30 g). It is better to get your fill of fats from fish - they are more beneficial for the body.
  3. Introduction of protein and vitamins into the diet. While on a diet, the TV star ate lean meat and lean fish, as well as various low-fat dairy products, fresh vegetables and unsweetened fruits.
  4. Fractionality of nutrition. Small portions of food quickly satisfy your hunger. Skulkina had 3 main meals a day, and in between had 2 snacks. The last meal was taken no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The actress quenched her voracious appetite with the whites of a boiled egg or a low-fat fermented milk drink.
  5. Fighting the habit of eating sweets. Giving up sweets was difficult for Catherine. But she found the strength to do it and switched to stevia, a natural, harmless sweetener.
  6. Drinking regime. Every day, without fail, the star drank at least 1.5 liters of water.

Ekaterina Skulkina lost weight thanks to intense physical training. The TV personality trained under the supervision of a trainer. Katya especially liked working with an exercise bike, since such exercises create optimal cardio load and help fight excess weight.

Ekaterina notes that she always felt comfortable at “heavy weight.” But one day a moment came when she wanted to see herself in a different form, to understand whether she could change herself on her own, whether she had enough strength and endurance to improve her figure and improve her body. As the star herself says, her body is still far from ideal. But Katya set these ideals for herself and does not disclose them. exact numbers which she strives for. The TV personality only hinted at one thing - that this is not the traditional “90 x 60 x 90”, for which most women lose weight.

Catherine's diet

The principles by which Ekaterina Skulkina’s diet was based are not at all strict or rigid. Experts have developed a diet for a woman that fully takes into account the characteristics and needs of her body.

Katya’s weight loss course is systematic and slow, with the gradual elimination of fat reserves. If reset large quantity kilograms in a few weeks can be harmful to the body, then Skulkina’s diet is an exception - parting with unnecessary body weight is noticeable to the eyes and safe for health.

The only condition that the former KVN member fully adhered to was the complete absence of heavy carbohydrates in the diet and a restriction on fats.

Forbidden foods for Catherine were:

  • Sugar.
  • Grape.
  • Potato.
  • Flour products.
  • Confectionery products.
  • The rice is long and round.
  • Store-bought packaged juices (too many calories).

The list of products approved for Skulkina included:

  1. Fish.
  2. Legumes.
  3. Boiled lean meat.
  4. Any vegetables in any form.
  5. All unsweetened fruits.
  6. Whole grain breads.
  7. Minimum fat dairy and fermented milk products.

The star ate only boiled, stewed and steamed dishes. Fried and smoked foods were prohibited.

Catherine's menu for the week

For anyone who dreams of improving their figure in the same way as Ekaterina Skulkina lost weight, nutritionists recommend sticking to the TV personality’s menu option.

Katya’s diet for weight loss was as follows:

  • Breakfast: vegetables, a piece of boiled meat (200 g), coffee, bread.
  • Lunch: fruit salad, cup of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: light soup with plenty of greens and without frying, boiled beans, chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: sliced ​​tomato and cucumber, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: stewed or boiled fish, a glass of zero-fat kefir.

Recipes for dishes from Skulkina’s diet

Ekaterina Skulkina lost weight before and after photos

The Internet has been buzzing for a long time: in a mysterious way, actress Ekaterina Skulkina lost 20 kilograms in a short time! Many attributed this effect to numerous dietary supplements or liposuction, but the reality turned out to be different. Just a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Ekaterina Skulkina before and after losing weight

As a rule, “stars” who are extremely dissatisfied with their previous weight rush to boast about the miraculous results of diets. Catherine turned out to be an exception: the lady was quite happy with her figure and even the extra pounds, just like her husband. Moreover, large dimensions helped create the image of strong heroines with nerves of steel. With a height of 174 cm, the girl weighed about 95 kilograms, nevertheless, for her figure it was clearly too much. And suddenly! The actress amazed the public with her slimness, and she managed to polish her beauty in just a couple of months.

As Catherine herself admitted, the impetus for such a feat was the most common desire to become a follower healthy image life. The participant of the famous comedy show decided to get slim in 2015. Try it on new image and test in practice the capabilities of your body - the motives are clear and simple. And the effect exceeded all expectations: 20 kilograms in 2 months, this is a very rare result.

Methods and features of Katya’s weight loss

The first thing Ekaterina emphasizes is not to make a cult out of losing weight and not turn it into an obsession. The process should be natural. Therefore, numerous additives are categorically unacceptable. Only sports and beauty treatments. The weight comes off slowly, but does not return after the end of the diet.

Basic requirements for losing weight

First of all, you need to review and change the menu, it is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to rebuild, and then the process will continue on its own.

Basic principles:

  1. Refusal of fast carbohydrates, which are found in sugar, potatoes, sweets and buns.
  2. Include low-fat fish and meat, cottage cheese and fruits in the menu.
  3. Drink more water - at least 2 liters per day.
  4. Ban yourself from bananas, grapes and packaged juices.
  5. Switch to green vegetables, where there is a lot.
  6. Make meals frequent and small, every 5 hours.
  7. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.


Skulkina changed her daily routine, including physical activity and proper sleep. Experienced people know that when losing weight, the skin begins to sag, and efforts to achieve a beautiful figure immediately come to naught. To avoid this effect, Catherine decided to resort to cosmetic procedures. Corrective massage helped get rid of excess layers of fat; her hips, buttocks and neck were brought back to normal. An hour and a half of rubbing, squeezing and stroking helped the actress calmly flaunt on the beach in an open swimsuit.

The actress noted that it was the special massage that stimulated:

  1. Circulation. All tissues are saturated with oxygen.
  2. Lymph flow. The movement of intercellular fluid is regulated.
  3. Breakdown of fat layer. All problem areas are treated separately, the skin becomes smooth, and cellulite goes away.

To get a noticeable result, you need to undergo from 5 to 10 sessions.


It’s worth going into a little more detail about the diet, since it sets the pace for the whole process. The basis is protein, from fats - only a small amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive. Dishes are prepared exclusively by steaming.

Some important points:

  1. Make meat, fish, vegetables and fruits the main products.
  2. Include fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, and fermented milk products in your diet.
  3. Eat in small portions.

Diet for a week

The first day

For lunch - stew with broccoli.

Afternoon snack – whole grain bread sandwich with tuna and avocado.

Dinner - vegetable salad.

Day three

For breakfast - omelet with tomatoes, bell peppers, tangerine.

Lunch – pureed pumpkin soup with chicken broth.

Afternoon snack – fish cutlets, egg and herb salad.

Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with apple.

Day four

Have breakfast with oatmeal with milk and honey.

Dine on whole grain pasta with turkey and vegetables.

Have an afternoon meal with steamed salmon and broccoli.

Dine with kefir and apples.

Day five

In the morning, eat buckwheat with milk and berries.

For lunch - meatballs with beans.

For afternoon tea - braised cabbage with fish.

For dinner - vegetable salad.

Day six

Breakfast - egg sandwich, vegetable salad.

Lunch – veal soup with vegetables and croutons.

Dinner - cottage cheese.

Day seven

Breakfast – cottage cheese casserole with apple.

Dinner - chicken bouillon with croutons, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack – rice with vegetables.

Dinner – or yogurt with pear.


But diet and massage alone, according to Ekaterina, are not enough to polish the figure. Needing exercise, she signed up for a fitness center, which she attended three times a week. The classes were held with a personal trainer who regulated the load.

For the actress, they developed a cardio training program that breaks down fat well. Ekaterina spent most of her time on exercise bikes and a treadmill. Plus jogging in the morning, roller skating and swimming in the pool. The “plank” exercise also helped a lot; Skulkina managed to set her own record – stand in the plank for almost 5 minutes.

Swimming is the best way to shape your figure.

Psychological attitude

Nutritionists note that the success of a diet largely depends on your mood, if main goal Waiting until the end of the process and then having a blast for your own pleasure won’t do any good. We need to adapt to the fact that such a diet will now be permanent. The actress understood this, and even developed her own main rules in the fight for her figure:

  1. Don't give in to taste preferences. If you want something sweet, replace the baked goods with fruit.
  2. Constantly moving. Jogging, walking, exercising.
  3. Self-admiration. Praise yourself more often for any successes, tune in to achieving your goal. Believe in your strength, love yourself for who you are.

Recipes for weight loss from Katya Skulkina

Skulkina is sure that eating tasty food is quite possible even for a diet. He makes no secrets about his attempts, and willingly shares recipes.

Vegetable soup


  1. Chicken fillet– 350 g.
  2. Cauliflower- 1 PC.
  3. Carrots – 1 pc.
  4. Onion – 1 pc.
  5. bell pepper- 1 PC.
  6. Tomato – 1 pc.
  7. Greens – 1 bunch.


  • Cook the fillet broth.
  • Chop the vegetables, add to the soup, and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add herbs, salt, cook for another 5 minutes.

Vegetable salad with tuna


  1. Canned tuna– 100 g.
  2. Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  3. Cucumber – 1 pc.
  4. Eggs – 2 pcs.
  5. Lettuce leaves – 4 pcs.
  6. Arugula – 1 bunch.
  7. Garlic – 1 clove.
  8. – 0.5 pcs.
  9. Pine nuts– 50 g.
  10. – 2 tbsp. l.


  • Open the fish and drain the juice.
  • Boil eggs, cut, mix with fish.
  • Chop vegetables and add.
  • Rinse the arugula and tear the salad.
  • Make the dressing by mixing lemon juice and crushed garlic.
  • Pour over the mixture, stir, sprinkle with nuts.

The main secret of Ekaterina Skulkina is the decision made and perseverance in achieving the goal. If you wish, it is quite possible to rearrange your tastes. There are many delicious dishes from vegetables, and stewed meat is no worse than fried meat. Find time in your schedule for fitness or swimming. “Star” proved to everyone that anyone can achieve the same effect, the main thing is to set yourself up for victory, and everything will certainly work out.

Ekaterina Skulkina, the audience’s favorite star of the Comedy Woman project, has become slimmer. Only a blind person could fail to notice the significant changes in her figure. The actress made no secret of her weight loss method and shared it with the public.

The star started talking about losing weight this spring. What exactly caused this decision is not known.

Even with curvy figures, she has made a successful career, is happily married and has a son.

Photo: Instagram @katya_skulkina

Before losing weight, Skulkina’s weight was 94 kilograms with a height of 174 cm.

Photo: Instagram @katya_skulkina

Photo: Instagram @katya_skulkina

Already in the summer, in less than 3 months, Katya weighed 20 kg less. Skulkina is not going to stop there, and declares that she wants to lose a few more kilograms.

Photo: Instagram @katya_skulkina

Catherine’s weight loss method is simple but effective. The weight came off gradually, without harm to health, and this is the main thing.

Secrets of losing weight by Ekaterina Skulkina: after photo

Many journalists claim that the girl had plastic surgery to lose weight, this is not true. The weight came off thanks to a special diet, exercise and some cosmetic procedures.

Proper nutrition

Ekaterina used a diet that involves avoiding fast carbohydrates and limiting the consumption of fats. The actress introduced a total ban on pastries, sweets, bread, potatoes and white rice.

The diet consists of low-calorie proteins - lean meat, vegetables, legumes and low-fat dairy products. Only fractional meals are welcome, 5 times a day.

Photo: Instagram @katya_skulkina

Food should be boiled or baked, but not fried. Last appointment food should be no later than a few hours before bedtime. Katya advises drinking a lot of pure, but not mineral water– at least 2 liters daily.

The actress has never complained that her own body causes her discomfort. Ekaterina Skulkina decided to lose weight out of an eternal sense of rebellion and did not regret it!

The actress’s impressive curvaceous form excited the imagination of many, causing admiration for some, and annoying for others. However, nothing prevented this talented woman from reaching unprecedented heights of fame in just a few years.

The bright, impressive and outstanding actress of the Comedy Woman show, it would seem, just recently made a solemn promise to her viewers to lose weight. And after this, Ekaterina Skulkina appeared before the public and in photos of glossy magazines in a form that shocked those around her - she lost almost 20 kilograms. The changes her body had undergone were impossible to ignore.

Why did the actress lose weight?

Only the artist herself knows the answer to this question. But Ekaterina Skulkina has lost weight, you can’t argue with that! This is most noticeable in the photo. The results of fitness classes and a balanced diet are obvious.

The actress’s husband was not clearly impressed by her transformation; he was always satisfied with her physique. Many people know this family as happy and harmonious. The couple are raising their only son and really regret that due to constant filming and rehearsals, moving and touring, they have very little opportunity to communicate with the child.

Ekaterina Skulkina herself claims that she always felt great in her body. In all the photographs of previous years, the woman literally glows with happiness and self-sufficiency. However, the thirst for struggle lives in her and drives all her desires and actions. Therefore, she challenged herself and everyone around her - diet and sports!

Katya does not strive for the ideal 90-60-90. Regardless of her weight, her charisma remains with her. The shell changed, but the content did not change even after the actress’s body became different.

What diet did Ekaterina Skulkina follow?

They played in weight loss for the actress important role playing sports. She visits regularly Gym, swims and rides a bike.

Ekaterina Skulkina’s diet was not distinguished by harsh methods and particular rigor. It should be noted that the diet was developed by nutritionists taking into account the physiological characteristics of the woman’s body. This is not a weight loss crash course that allows you to lose weight in a few weeks. In this case, fat reserves melt slowly, but do not harm health.

The most important restriction that Catherine observed, and largely thanks to which Catherine lost weight, was the complete absence of carbohydrates and a partial taboo regarding consumed fats.

Add to list prohibited products includes the following:

  • round and long rice;
  • potato;
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • sugar;
  • store-bought juices;
  • grape.

TO permitted products relate:

  • dairy and fermented milk products (with minimal fat content);
  • boiled lean meat;
  • fish;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • any vegetables;
  • legumes

All dishes on the menu must be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Rules for losing weight from Ekaterina

The diet, thanks to which Skulkina lost weight, does not have many rules, but you should know them:

  1. Before going on a diet, increase physical activity on your body.
  2. Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, eliminate fatty and smoked foods.
  3. Instead of three meals a day, start eating 5 times a day, but in smaller portions.
  4. The last meal should be at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Stock up on whole grain breads. Eliminate bread from the menu completely.
  6. The volume of liquid you consume per day should not be less than 1.5 liters.

Sample menu

An approximate version of the daily menu of Ekaterina Skulkina:

Recipes from the actress's diet

Light soup

First you need to soak the beans in water. This is done overnight; the beans must remain in the liquid for at least 12 hours. It is advisable to use for cooking any chicken soups breast. Remove the skin from half the breast and send the meat to cook for 20 minutes in a pan with 2.5 liters of water. While the chicken is cooking, you need to peel the onions and carrots. As soon as it is cooked, add vegetables and beans to the broth. Cook until fully cooked. Before turning off the gas, throw a large amount of chopped herbs into the soup - parsley, dill, cilantro.

Bean mix

Soak half a cup of beans overnight. Boil and drain in a colander. At this time, chop tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, Bell pepper. Mix everything and add oil.

Boiled fish

Pike perch or halibut are perfect for this dish. Clean the fish, rinse and place in a pan with water. Add salt, add bay leaf and cook over low heat. After a few minutes, add ¼ cup milk and a tablespoon of butter.

Weight Loss Results

Judging by the actress's health, achieved results and photographs, the weight came off gradually, and the woman’s body did not experience stress during and after the diet. Therefore, Catherine’s food is considered safe.

What Ekaterina Skulkina did with her figure is worthy of respect! But this is not a solution to the problem of excess weight for all women on the planet, but only proof that by eating right and playing sports, you can make your figure close to ideal.

Interview with Ekaterina: video

A participant in the famous comedy show “Comedy Woman” on the TNT channel, Ekaterina Skulkina has been loved by many since her participation in KVN for her ability to make even the strictest judge laugh. The star has always been distinguished by her curvaceous figure, which added zest to her memorable and vibrant image.

However, Skulkina recently surprised fans with a new look: she noticeably lost weight, and at the same time managed to remain inspired and happy. After another vacation in Turkey and Latvia, the actress decided to reset excess weight, and, keeping my word, lost 20 kg, with a height of 180 cm.

Helped her lose weight properly selected diet. As a result, Ekaterina Skulkina became prettier beyond recognition. What is the secret of this magical transformation? Special diet, special measures?

How did Ekaterina Skulkina lose weight?

The artist managed to lose weight thanks to a diet menu and regular physical activity, helping to effectively fight excess weight. The diet for Ekaterina Skulkina was selected by a well-established nutritionist.

The principle of Ekaterina Skulkina’s diet is based on a healthy, balanced diet, and on the prohibition of the consumption of fast carbohydrates - that is, the basic rules of healthy weight loss.

This diet is absolutely safe. It is noteworthy that The weight loss regime is aimed at getting rid of a large number of unnecessary kilograms over a long period of time- two to three months or longer. At the same time, losing weight is absolutely safe. The fact is that Ekaterina Skulkina’s nutrition program was carefully designed with an eye to a long process of losing weight.

Second effective means losing weight, along with dieting, is... Ekaterina Skulkina worked out in one of the capital’s sports complexes under the guidance of a personal trainer. Lessons for more effective weight loss were regular: three times a week.

According to the star’s loved ones, her good spirits, willpower and optimism helped her change for the better.

The measures thanks to which Ekaterina Skulkina achieved serious weight loss results are: the whole complex: diet, active physical training, and, of course, good spirits.


The diet according to the diet of Ekaterina Skulkina from Comedy Vumen is similar to those provided by the majority balanced diets. The actress was helped in losing weight by following certain dietary rules. One of them is to count calories.

Ekaterina Skulkina’s diet allows only 30 g fat per day. This is a very strict restriction; often the minimum daily fat intake must correspond to the following formula: 0.5 g of fat per 1 kg of weight of the person losing weight. In order not to break this rule, you need to know which foods are best to forget about while losing weight.

What you need to exclude from your diet to lose weight:

  • Fat meat;
  • Smoked products: cheeses, fish, sausages, lard;
  • Potato;
  • Pasta;
  • Sweets;
  • Flour products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Grape;
  • Juices from packages;
  • Coffee;
  • Sodas.

Grapes and sweet juices sold in packages were also strictly banned due to their high sugar content. Harmful drinks should be replaced with plain water while losing weight.

What you need to focus on when choosing products for the menu when losing weight:

Fish and meat Eating is allowed, but you should only choose dietary types. You can't give up fish completely. because it contains beneficial omega acids that regulate metabolic processes, which directly affects the body’s ability to break down fat and the rate of weight loss.

It is proposed to replace bread with whole grain cereal breads.

The diet strictly regulates required amount fluid intake per day: at least 3 liters. Water helps cleanse the body's cells; in addition, people often confuse the feeling of hunger with the feeling of thirst.

The diet that Ekaterina Skulkina achieved weight loss by following suggests plenty of greens and fresh vegetables. They are rich in fiber, which helps you lose weight.

The diet allows the consumption of calcium-rich low-calorie cottage cheese and other low-fat dairy.

In addition, Skulkina’s diet allows you to eat sugar substitute.

Occasionally during the diet it is allowed to drink a small amount of dry red wine. Cardiologists assure that this will be beneficial for those losing weight, because in reasonable quantities, red wine normalizes blood pressure.

It was these restrictions and rules that helped actress Ekaterina Skulkina lose 20 kilograms.

Menu for the week

What did the star's daily diet include while losing weight? Ekaterina Skulkina’s weekly menu consists of five daily meals: a healthy breakfast, a light snack, a hearty lunch, a dietary afternoon snack and a modest dinner. Important: dinner, consisting exclusively of low-calorie foods, should take place no later than three hours before going to bed.

Serious diets can be not only healthy, but also delicious. And the main thing you need to understand when losing weight: nutrition is b O Most of the success of losing weight. Proven by the diet of Ekaterina Skulkina.

An example of a menu for a week according to Ekaterina Skulkina’s diet:

Breakfast– boiled chicken, vegetable salad, Herb tea sugarless;
Snack– tomato;
Dinner– fish soup, boiled rice and chicken;
Afternoon snack– fresh apple;
Dinnerboiled egg, a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • buckwheat porridge, freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • fresh apple;
  • boiled egg;
  • a glass of kefir.


  • vegetable salad, bread, green tea;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk;
  • fish broth, stewed vegetables;
  • boiled egg;
  • a glass of kefir, bread.


  • buckwheat porridge, bread;
  • green apple;
  • chicken broth, boiled beef;
  • boiled egg, bread;
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice.


  • vegetable salad, boiled chicken;
  • banana;
  • mushroom broth, boiled beef;
  • a glass of kefir, bread;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • buckwheat porridge, bread;
  • fresh apple;
  • chicken broth, boiled fish;
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice, bread;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk, a boiled egg.


  • vegetable salad, herbal tea;
  • a glass of kefir, bread;
  • meat broth, boiled chicken;
  • fresh apple, herbal tea;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk, bread.

Photos before and after

The famous participant of the Comedy Woman Ekaterina Skulkina proved to herself and her fans that she has not only an excellent sense of humor, but also enormous willpower. The actress continues to delight viewers, but in a new image.

Ekaterina Skulkina lost weight - before and after photos: