How to immerse a baby under water. Swimming training for infants. Where to begin. Baby diving in the bath

At the first stage of a child’s physical education, the use of massage is effective. Depending on the methods used, it acts on superficial or deeper tissues and organs. It evokes a cheerful mood, encourages the child to be active, and promotes his full development.

Gymnastics for babies consists of specially selected movements performed with the help of an adult. Its main task is the development of children early age correct movements. The set of exercises should be designed in such a way that different muscle groups and at least two joints can be involved in the work.

An important means of strengthening children's health is hardening. Its main goal is to increase the body's resistance to harmful influences environment. It is recommended to harden babies from the very first weeks of their life. Hardening means are air and sun baths, water procedures.

Pediatricians began to prescribe water-hygienic procedures for infants aged 10-16 days without fail. late XIX V. Hygienic baths for babies were then exclusively passive in nature and were performed with constant temperature bath water 35-37°

The first school for swimming and conditioning babies in full baths was organized in Australia in 1966 by the Timmermans, who began by testing the swimming technique on their daughter. In 1966-1976. Infant swimming is rapidly developing in Russia, Germany, the USA, and Japan.

In the former Soviet Union, swimming for infants was first organized in 1976 in Moscow. The President of the International Committee of FINA 3. P. Firsov made a great contribution to the development and promotion of swimming and strengthening of infants. Active research in the field of physiology of swimming in infants was carried out by Professor I. A. Arshavsky.

The use of swimming and other water procedures is based on the natural inclinations of infants. While in the mother's womb, the child swam all the time! For 9 months it developed in a liquid environment under antigravity conditions. A little “alien” is born with ready-made swimming reflexes, which fade away at the age of 3-3.5 months if they are not strengthened. The breathing and pushing reflexes are especially important. The first is that the child, even before birth, has the ability to instinctively hold his breath when his nose and mouth are immersed in water. This allows you to use diving when teaching a child without fear that the child will choke.

The push reflex is that when the legs are forced to bend, the child reacts by immediately straightening them. This reflex entails some guidelines: when learning to swim, it is first of all necessary to improve leg movements, developing first of all those forms of leg movement (flexion in the knee and hip joints) that are manifested in this reflex.

Physically helpless and unable to move in a coordinated manner on land due to the abrupt transition from relative weightlessness during embryonic development to the effects of gravity after birth, the child feels surprisingly comfortable in a full bath. Here he calms down, begins to smile and walk. Because of large quantity lecithin fats specific gravity a baby is less than an adult's weight. Therefore, the baby has positive buoyancy and floats easily on the water. The breath-holding reflex when immersing a child in water has an important and specific meaning, which is successfully used when teaching infants to swim and dive.

Daily systematic swimming lessons make it possible to teach an infant to swim earlier than to walk - by the end of 1 year of life. Skills acquired in infancy remain for life if lessons are continued at 2 and 3 years of age.

Under the influence of regular swimming lessons, the child’s motor activity becomes much more extensive and improves much faster.

Experience shows that if you start classes in the bath without delay (that is, 2-3 weeks after the birth of the child, when the umbilical cord has healed) and continue them regularly, then already in the fourth month the child will have conscious active movements of his arms and legs. This can be achieved with special exercises that encourage him to make independent active movements. The mechanism of their occurrence is explained as follows. During swimming lessons, the cerebral cortex is affected by a complex of signals and irritations caused by: the touch of water and its mechanical action; visual and auditory perception of the entire lesson environment in the bath; deep breathing and holding your breath; state of half-gravity; repeated repetition of the same type of movements. Under the influence of such a wide flow of systematically, day after day repeated signals, new nerve pathways and connections are blazed in the cerebral cortex, activating not only motor centers, but also other centers that interact with them and regulate the coherence of the functions of the whole organism .

It is precisely this wide range of irritations that a child receives during swimming lessons that contributes to the acceleration of not only physical development (the child begins to stand and walk independently 2-3 months earlier), but also his general development, a conscious attitude to knowledge of the world around him.

Keeping a child in the water during systematic swimming sessions facilitates and accelerates adaptation - the body's adaptation to gravity.

The hardening, hygienic, mechanical and physical effects of water are no less important.

The mechanical effect of water on a child’s body is that, moving on the surface of the water, he receives a light, pleasant and useful massage. This water massage has a beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system and strengthens the skin of the body. By influencing numerous blood vessels located in the skin, water pressure facilitates peripheral blood circulation, and, therefore, the activity of the heart.

The pressure on the chest created by water increases the depth of exhalation, which is usually followed by a deeper inhalation. And deep breathing is a powerful preventive measure that prevents respiratory diseases.

Exercises in water are usually complemented by special massage and gymnastic exercises on a changing table, which accustom the child to active movements that strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments, have a beneficial effect on the functional activity of the body, and increase the overall endurance of the body.

After several months of training in the bathroom, the child gradually begins to perform active movements with his legs or arms, swim independently in various positions, dive under water and dive, and play with various toys. And here the influence of active movements is added to the hygienic effect of water. And when these two healing factors are combined and act systematically, every day and for a long time, the degree of their impact on the growing organism increases many times over. The fact that a child receives excellent training in the first year of life will leave a mark throughout his subsequent life, the significance of which is invaluable. Swimming children are 3 times less likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections, tolerate them more easily, and they practically do not develop diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

A properly conducted lesson, among other things, evokes positive emotions. Children become calmer, more cheerful, they have a good appetite and sound sleep.

So, do you want your child to be healthy, cheerful, grow well, fully develop and get excellent training for life? Learn the technique and start swimming with him from the very first month of life!

Swimming training for infants. Where to begin

Indications for swimming

Healthy children, as well as some infants with minor health problems, can be allowed to participate in swimming and exercise training, but with the permission of a pediatrician.

Contraindications for swimming

Diseases in the acute stage, contagious skin diseases, congenital deformities, malnutrition of II-III degree. Swimming procedures are stopped if the child expresses displeasure by crying or screaming, as well as if “goose bumps” or trembling appear.

You should limit the load if you have such unfavorable signs as weight loss, frequent colds, etc. First you need to try to reduce their duration, reduce the number of repetitions, and stop decreasing the water temperature. If negative phenomena do not disappear even after this, reduce the number of sessions in the bath to 2-3. A gradual increase in load can be continued only after the complete disappearance of negative phenomena.

Medical supervision by a pediatrician

If parents bring their child to classes in a special water treatment room, monitoring the dynamics of their health and analysis individual development carried out by a doctor using generally accepted tests. When practicing at home, parents must receive monthly consultations from a pediatrician, nurse, or swimming methodologist.

Preparing the bathroom for swimming

At home, swimming and hardening are carried out in a regular home bath. Before swimming, the bathtub is thoroughly cleaned detergent and washed with hot water.

You need to lay a rubber mat on the bathroom floor. It is also necessary to place a low stool there on which the main bather will sit. In addition, it is advisable to have a shelf to put a clock on, which will help you navigate the duration of bathing. Particular attention should be paid to the door, but not in the sense that it closes tightly. The situation here is somewhat different. A sharp change in air humidity is unnatural for the human body. When you carry a child from a steamy bathroom into the dry air of a living room, some problems may arise (for example, with the ears). Therefore, it is very important not to close the bathroom door while bathing. To do this, it must be properly prepared so that it does not close spontaneously. It's not like that a big problem: If you can’t adjust the hinges, substitute a chair or tie the handle to something in the hallway.

The bathroom itself should be thoroughly cleaned. The best and the most safe remedy For this, use regular baking soda. After cleaning, rinse the bathroom thoroughly. For the first time, it won’t hurt to pour a couple of buckets of boiling water. Subsequently, it is enough to actively clean the bathtub once a week, and if during the day it was not used by any adults for washing or washing, then it is enough to rinse it with running water from the shower.

There is no need to boil water. And there is no problem if the child takes a sip several times during bathing!

There is little point in adding potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to water. It has almost no real disinfectant effect, and if it gets into the eyes, chemical burns can occur.

The best option is an infusion of succession. Required amount This herb is quite easy to count. Firstly, we emphasize that once the child reaches the age of two months, nothing at all needs to be added to the water. The sequence, in principle, cannot interfere, but why do something that you can do without? Although once a week is quite reasonable. Secondly, a glass of herb is needed for one bath a day.

The series is brewed as follows: a glass of herb is poured into an ordinary liter jar and poured with boiling water. The jar is closed with a lid and after 3-4 hours the product is ready. But it is best to do this in the morning, 10-12 hours before evening swimming. After the bath is filled, pour the infusion through cheesecloth; You can pour water into the jar a couple more times, rinse and pour it out again.

Frequency and dosage of swimming lessons

Swimming with infants should be done 4-5 times a week. It is best to swim two hours before feeding or bedtime.

The initial doses of the swimming procedure of 6-10-12 minutes depend on the weight of the child at birth: 2.5-3-4 kg, respectively. They increase daily by 4-6 minutes, reaching 40-45 minutes by the end of the year.

Water temperature

The optimal temperature for starting classes is usually considered to be 36-37°, that is, a temperature close to the microclimate of the mother's womb. It is recommended to reduce it by 1° every month so that by the end of the first year it is 28-29°. But there is another opinion, expressed, for example, by E. O. Komarovsky in his book “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life.” He believes that the optimal temperature for starting classes will be 34-35°. The author points out that the regulation of a child’s body temperature is different from that of an adult, so you should be guided not by your own feelings, but by the baby’s reactions: if your hands are cold, this does not mean that the child is also cold. The most convenient way to measure water temperature is with an alcohol thermometer placed in a protective plastic case. Such a thermometer can be kept in the bath during the entire bathing time, allowing you to constantly monitor the water temperature.

So how is it determined optimal temperature baths? Firstly, it should be tolerated by the child without harming his health, but at the same time, the water should not allow the child to relax too much. The cold effect on the skin sharply increases blood flow in the muscles, increases their tone, and activates the work of the heart. Biologically active substances are released into the blood, stimulating metabolism and increasing resistance to infections.

In water with a temperature above 35°, the child has no incentive to be active, although the procedure itself does not cause him any unpleasant sensations, rather, on the contrary: in the water he demonstrates bliss with his whole appearance. But swimming in warm water does little in terms of hardening. At the same time, when immersed in water with a temperature below 30°, a child may experience negative emotions. It’s not because he’s freezing, he just doesn’t want to move his arms and legs to keep warm, and that’s why he starts to get indignant. Therefore, you need to start with a temperature above 30° so that the baby loves the bathing procedure itself. But it is still not recommended to stay at this temperature for a long time.

Massage and gymnastics before swimming lessons

Massage and swimming exercises are included preparatory activities. I must say that we cannot do without them. It is clear that swimming is a strain on the body. Therefore, it’s a good idea to do a little warm-up before this. It is not at all necessary to complete massage therapist courses for this. Understand the principles and everything will be great. And if you mix something up, no problem: a not very good massage is better than no very good massage.

In terms of time, massage and gymnastics together last about 20-30 minutes (10-15 minutes for each procedure). A strict sequence is required: first massage, then gymnastics and after that - immersion in the bath.

The place where the procedures are carried out is a regular changing table. Place the naked baby on his back and begin the massage. It consists of two stages - stroking and kneading. First, we stroke, that is, we simply run our hand over the baby’s skin without special pressure. We observe the following sequence: legs (foot, lower leg, thigh), arms (hand, forearm, shoulder); turn over onto your stomach, then buttocks, back; again turn the stomach up, massage the abdomen, chest, neck, head. After stroking is completed, we repeat kneading the muscles in the same sequence.

Particularly noteworthy is the abdominal massage. Most likely, we will need it not only before swimming and bathing, since there are no babies who never suffer from abdominal pain, and massage in this case brings relief very quickly. The base of the hand should be placed on the child’s pubis, after which the abdomen is massaged in a circular motion with four fingers of the right hand (except the thumb) in a clockwise direction, that is, along the course of the large intestine.

After the massage are performed gymnastic exercises, the so-called “dry swimming”. It will help the child learn rowing movements.

1st exercise. Starting position - lying on your back, legs extended. An adult grabs the child’s ankle joints from behind and below and alternately raises and lowers his legs (leg movements, as when swimming crawl). The number of repetitions is 10-12 times.

2nd exercise. Starting position - lying on your back. Imitation of leg movements when swimming breaststroke, or “frog”. Simultaneously bend both of the child’s legs at the knee and hip joints, then spread the knees to the sides and quickly straighten the legs, returning to the starting position. Number of repetitions 8-10 times.

3rd exercise. Starting position - lying on your back, arms to the sides. Holding the child by the hands, make simultaneous rowing movements to the sides. Then the arms are raised up, returning to the starting position (imitation of the second half of the arm movement when swimming breaststroke on the back). The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.

The same movements with the arms and legs are performed from the starting position lying on the stomach.

Swimming training for infants. Swimming procedure

During targeted swimming lessons, the main task is to transform the innate, ineffective instinctive movements of the arms and legs into conscious, active and more effective ones.

The main goal of the classes is, first of all, to strengthen the child’s health and teach him a vital skill - the ability to independently float on the surface of the water. Therefore, you will not need to teach him classic crawl or breaststroke or other sports swimming methods. They can be started in about 2-3 years. In the meantime, the “free infant” style will do, which the student himself will tell you. The ultimate goal of the first year is to teach your child the best swimming skills possible.

This will require an average of 200-250 lessons, which will take 10-11 months.

The basis of infant swimming is swimming on the back and chest with manual or autonomous support, and, finally, independent swimming.

In all cases, the nature of swimming is interval - the swim is necessarily followed by a short rest. You should start the lesson with swimming on your back and then alternate it with swimming on your front. The passive response of backstroke can be used for passive relaxation.

Activation of the child’s movements when swimming usually occurs at the 8-9th minute as a result of a specific motor mood and improved muscle hemodynamics.

The increase in the dose of swimming at each lesson should be in the range of 10-15 seconds, and the decrease in water temperature at the end of each month should be 0.5°.

Thus, activation of motor functions is achieved by stimulating movement and increasing their number, and achieving hardening is achieved by a steady decrease in the temperature of full baths.

The swimming cycle includes the execution different elements, transferring the child from one position to another using precise manual supports. It should be remembered that you should not intercept the baby and move him from one position to another without a fixed stop.

If classes are interrupted due to illness or other reasons, they should be resumed as if they were being carried out from the very beginning, with strict adherence to the rules of gradualness. After illness, swimming lessons can only be resumed with the knowledge of the attending physician.

The optimal age for starting classes should be considered 5-14 days of age. The latest date is 3-3.5 months. Since swimming reflexes begin to fade at three months of age, starting exercise at this age will make it more challenging.

Manual supports

The heaviest sinking part of a child's body is the head. Therefore, all manual support is carried out under the head and at the same time the neck and top part backrests

Manual support can be varied. But they are all divided into two groups - support when an adult is in the bathroom together with a child and when an adult is outside the bathroom.

1st group

An adult sits in the bathroom, leaning his back against the head wall, legs extended and spread apart. The child is supported in four main positions in the water: on his back, on his chest, sitting and standing. It gradually changes from lesson to lesson: at first, the adult supports the child under the hips, then under the pelvis, under the back and, finally, under the head.

Soldier support used when the child is on his back in a position transverse to the length of the bath. The left palm supports the head, and the right palm supports the body in the area hip joint, grabbing it in such a way that thumb was adjacent to the stomach, the rest - to the buttocks.

Underwater pillow when the child is positioned on his back in a longitudinal position relative to the length of the bath. The fingers of an adult form a kind of pillow (the palms are tightly connected with the little fingers inward, the thumbs outward, all fingers are straightened). The back of the child's head rests against the chest of the supporter.

"Double Castle" can be performed both in the supine and chest positions. In the supine position, the back of the child’s head rests against the area of ​​the wrist joints and the lower part of the forearms of the support person, whose palms are under the child’s back. The thumbs clasp the area of ​​the shoulder joints from above or the upper part of the arm. In the chest position, the supporter's hands are under the baby's chest, with the thumbs gripping the upper back. The chin rests on the wrist joints.

Support in "standing position" is carried out as follows. The supporter, sitting in the bathtub, holds the child facing him (thumbs are over the child's nipples, the rest are holding the upper back and the back of the head).

Supported by "sitting" an adult bends the arm at the elbow joint to an angle of 90°; palms and forearm are extended forward. The child sits on the adult’s forearm, his torso and head rest on the area of ​​his chest and shoulder. You can use your free right hand to support the baby's head.

2nd group

If the child feels comfortable in the bath, after 2-3 lessons you can switch to support “outside the bath.” In this case, you can use all the methods described, except the last two, as well as some others.

The best of them are "double manual support" when swimming on the back (with four fingers under the back, neck and head, two thumbs lying on the chest) it can gradually become more difficult: together with the entire palm, it begins to be performed with spread fingers, and later with their tips.

One-handed support "bucket"- big and index fingers cover the baby's neck, the hand is located at the back of the head and slightly to the side, without interfering with the baby's rowing. One-handed support and a “bucket” allow you to stimulate strokes with your free hand.

Support "arc" performed with two hands: the palm of one hand forms an “arc” (four fingers are tightly connected and straightened, the thumb is set to the side), the other hand holds the child’s belly.

As soon as the child learns to row correctly, the nature of the support changes. In the supine position, double support is provided with three, then two, and finally one finger under the back of the child’s head.

When swimming on your chest, it is most convenient to support your head with both hands behind your cheeks and slightly under your chin. One-handed support on the chest is carried out with a “bucket”, as well as with the back of the thumb under the child’s chin, the other four support under the chest - the second hand slightly supports the back of the head with two fingers (support with a “grip” - the index and thumb). The chin support helps to “lock” the mouth to prevent the baby from drinking water.

With any method of support, it is important that the child's body is immersed in water at all times, with the exception of the face. We must strive to help the child find the optimal position for maintaining balance. The child's head should not tilt excessively forward or backward, and the legs should not bend at the joints or sink. If this happens, you should gently stroke and massage your joints and muscles in water. Then the child will straighten them himself. When performing support, you should strive to make minimal effort so that the child learns to float independently on the water as soon as possible.

Supports with pendants

They are made from a large piece of dense, preferably waterproof material, from which a belt is cut out for one of four areas of the child’s body: for the back - the width of the belt is 8-10 cm, for the stomach - 10-12 cm, for the back of the head - in the form of a small skull cap and chin - in the shape of a cone-shaped bed. Ribbons made of dense material are sewn on both sides of the belt, ending with loops for the teacher’s hands. You can use an ordinary wide scarf or linen muffler to make the pendant.

You can think of many different ways to support using pendants. Their main advantage is that they reduce the load on the supporter’s spine and help the child quickly learn to swim independently.

Using this method, the supporter must constantly feel the weight of the child, monitor the position of his head and torso, periodically loosening the tension.

Offline support

It is advisable to use it at the initial stages of learning or in cases where a child has difficulty mastering active swimming movements with his legs.

Autonomous support is carried out using various devices made from various unsinkable materials. You can buy them or make them yourself using a narrow rubber cavity, foam tape, cork products or other materials that are difficult to sink.

For example, independent swimming on the back is easiest to teach from 2.5-3 months of age with the help of a special cap, which, among other positive effects, will help make the bathing procedure more enjoyable for parents. Obviously, sitting or standing half-bent for 30-40 minutes is very difficult. And you cannot make a child healthy due to the appearance of radiculitis in his father, mother or grandmother. To make such a cap, you need to have the following: an ordinary thin cotton cap (cap), a piece of thin fabric the size of half a diaper, as well as 2 blocks of polystyrene foam, optimal size which corresponds to the size of a regular pack of cigarettes.

First, the foam is covered with fabric, and then it is fixed on the cap. The upper edge of the bars should rise above the child’s head. Over the course of a week, gradually removing the hand supporting the child, you will teach him to float on the water.

A month of swimming in a cap is enough to take it off: the child has already learned to hold his head correctly and will be able to swim on his own.

Independent swimming

The transition to independent backstroke is relatively simple. It consists of a gradual decrease in manual and autonomous support, when the strength of the baby's strokes and his ability to keep his head on the surface become quite sufficient.

Swimming on your back, as a rule, is not associated with diving and holding your breath, and therefore is more accessible to learn.

Breast swimming involves diving and holding your breath. Therefore, the baby is first taught to hold his breath and dive independently, and only then do independent sliding and “torpedo” type exercises be used.

Organization of the lesson

1. After finishing the massage and gymnastics, we take the child from the table in a position on the chest in a double hand grip under the armpits with his back to himself and transfer him into the water. Slowly enter the water with your feet and stand. Speech signal: “We are standing.” Interval 15 seconds. The feet rest on the bottom of the bath, the child is in an upright position. Make sure his chin is above the surface of the water.

2. Speech signal: “Let’s go!” We walk the length of the bathtub. You should ensure that the baby first rests on each foot and only then steps.

3. Again we give the speech signal: “We are standing!” Rest interval - 15 sec. Rest in a standing position prevents motor fatigue, so do not rush to move on to backstroke.

4. Move to the supine position. Transfer from standing to back is carried out without intercepting the hands. The thumbs and palms go to the cheeks, the index and middle fingers go under the neck, the ring and little fingers go under the back of the head (double hand support). The baby's ears and chest should be under water.

5. We perform a push with the feet from the end of the bathtub and a slow drive - swimming on the back to the other end of the bathtub - with a “shuttle”. The number of wires is 6-8 from end to end. Double hand support should be done gently and freely, giving the child the opportunity to exercise the self-preservation instinct that underlies swimming reflexes. As soon as the baby begins to row, the nature of the support changes (see above). One-handed support allows you to stimulate strokes with your free hand.

6. We transfer the child from a supine position to a standing position. Another speech signal: “We’re standing!” The child no longer stands in a double hand grip under the armpits, as in the beginning, but in a left hand grip on the back of the neck (palm facing the back of the head). Right hand on chest, thumb under chin.

7. Walking again - the child walks from end to end of the bathtub and back. After walking, stand for 15 seconds.

8. Transition to chest position: interception right hand"bucket" under the chin. Two fingers behind the chin reach the ear (deep grip), the thumb points to the side. The child's chin should be above the water under visual control throughout the entire surface swimming path.

9. Speech signal: “Let’s swim!” In double support - with a “bucket” under the chin with your right hand, with your left hand - grabbing the back of the neck, we swim to the near right corner of the bath, turn to the far right corner. Thus, we make a figure eight. Let's repeat it again. When swimming on your chest, you should be careful to ensure that the child's chin and the supporter's hand are above the surface of the water. We do 6-8 “figure eights” and again stand and rest for 15 seconds.

10. We walk again - twice from end to end. Don’t forget about speech signals: “We’re standing!”, “We’re walking!”

11. Let’s begin the “cross” swimming exercise. Double manual support when swimming on the back, slowly moving along the length of the bathtub (“shuttle”) to the near corner of the bathtub and turning the legs to the far corner (diagonally of the bathtub), driving with a turn, ears in the water. Repeat 6-8 times. Speech signal: “Stop!”, rest in standing for 15 seconds, walk 2 times from end to end.

Thus, the swimming cycle includes performing three exercises: swimming on the back with a “shuttle”, swimming on the front with a “figure of eight” and swimming on the back with a “cross”. After each swimming movement, standing, walking, standing again is repeated. It should be remembered that rest should account for about half of the entire procedure. Particular attention should be paid to speech accompaniment. For example, standing should correspond to the word “stop!”, walking - “go!”, swimming - “swim!”, diving - “dive!”. Accurate terminology helps reinforce motor skills.

The total distance of swimming in one cycle is 50-60 m, walking - 5-6 m. The duration of the cycle is 3-4 minutes.

The first lesson consists of 1-2 cycles. The child swims a maximum of 7-140 m and walks 10-12 m. In each subsequent month, the lesson increases by 3-4 minutes, respectively, by a full cycle. Two months of classes correspond to 4 full cycles, three - 5 cycles, etc. You can limit yourself to one cycle only when the child is capricious that day and does not want to swim.

Swimming training for infants. Diving and diving

Many books devoted to children's bathing and swimming describe the diving procedure in detail. However, many parents do not always consider it as mandatory. And since they cannot overcome their own fear, they prefer to do without it altogether. useful exercise. In fact, there is nothing terrible in diving - a newborn has a very strong reflex that prevents water from entering the respiratory tract. If you don't dive for two to three months, this reflex fades away. But, fortunately, even the ordinary procedure of bathing in large bath cannot do without the fact that at some point the child does not slip from the hand supporting him and plunges completely under the water, even when you did not plan it at all. Do not be afraid! This is even good - pick up the baby, sit him down, let him scream, cough, sneeze. At the same time, he coughs up and sneezes out all the dust that has accumulated during the day in the upper respiratory tract. When the child calms down, continue the procedure.

However, a situation where parents deliberately organize diving is, of course, preferable in many respects. This should be done with the baby lying on his stomach. Say the word “dive” loudly and guide your child underwater for a second. He will very quickly develop a conditioned reflex, and just the word “dive” will be enough for the baby to hold his breath on his own.

Forced immersion with the head by throwing the baby into the water or pressing him to the bottom with your hand is strictly prohibited: children often fall into the water while inhaling and may choke or become very frightened, which is very undesirable, as it can turn them away from water procedures for a long time.

During the first month of classes, it is advisable to conduct a simulated immersion. Its purpose is to practice holding your breath in response to a speech signal: “Dive!” and pouring water on his forehead and face. In this case, diving under water is not carried out. Water does not enter the respiratory tract, allowing you to ensure the safety of this exercise.

(mosimage)When swimming on the chest in a figure eight, you need to learn how to support the baby’s head in a one-handed bucket with your right hand. It is important to make a deep grip with the index and middle fingers at the child's ear. A simulated dive is carried out once every three figure eights. During watering, holding your breath lasts 2-3 seconds while water drains from your face.

Mistakes when watering include incompletely taking in a handful of water, watering on the back of the head instead of the forehead, and sudden splashing of water under the child’s nose. You need to practice taking water from under your chin and accurately pouring a full handful onto your forehead and face.

In the second month of classes (not to be confused with age), after the command: “Dive!” at the moment of holding your breath for 2-3 seconds after watering, you dive your head under water no further than 20-30 cm with manual support.

In the third month of classes, diving is carried out with releasing the hands after pushing the child forward 20-30 cm. At the age of 6-7 months, diving under water reaches 40-50 cm, and in a year it reaches 1 m.

After diving and the head coming to the surface, rest in a standing position for 5-10 seconds, then figure eight swimming continues.

At 5-6 months, the child begins to come to the surface of the water after diving, turning over on his back to swim and drift while breathing freely: the so-called rescue reflex is triggered. If the child does not yet know how to turn, help him make a turn. This is the so-called “torpedo with a turn.”

Children love jumping into the water. Starting from two months, you can perform vertical jumps in the water with manual supports, at first slowly and calmly. From 4 months you can use the command “Dive!” switch to vertical diving.

At 6-8 months, with confident diving, you can move on to torpedo diving. Diving is carried out without watering at the signal: “Dive!” A “torpedo” from a jump is only possible with manual support.

Hardening in a “cold spot”

At the end of each lesson, be sure to perform a hardening procedure - take the child to a “cold spot” formed by a stream of cold water. In the first month, make 4-6 transactions, increase them by one every month, reaching 16-18 by the year. In the “cold spot”, 2 back-to-chest turns are performed in one drive (but not in the jet itself). It is possible to introduce arms or legs under the stream, but only after 2-3 months of training. Children really like the cool contrasting hardening. The cold water tap opens from the very first lesson.

Experience shows that some parents, having initially eagerly taken up teaching their child to swim, gradually cool down to the lessons. In addition, after six months the child develops many new motor skills: he crawls, sits, stands, squats, and begins to walk. Parents follow his progress on land with interest and skip classes in the bath, and this significantly reduces the hardening effect and interferes with the consolidation of acquired skills. Meanwhile, a child older than six months is already more resilient and can study more successfully than before. That is why do not weaken, but, on the contrary, increase attention to swimming lessons, make wider use of the child’s readiness to imitate, inventing different games in the water.

Getting out onto land

So, your baby was splashing in the bathtub, doing... different tasks and exercises, now you need to finish this useful event with dignity. Take the baby out of the water under his arms and put a diaper over his head. It should be big enough to wrap the whole thing. And in this form, without “wiping him in the bathroom, go to the changing table. The baby is not hot at all, because he is wet and in a cool room! And this is very good - another hardening procedure. On the table we bring the skin to a dry state by getting wet, and without wiping it off.The last remark is fundamental.

There is no need to rush or worry about your baby getting cold. Got wet? Now we will do “post-watering procedures”. To begin with, let's take vegetable oil - best of all, special baby oil (olive), but boiled in a water bath. Sunflower is also quite suitable. Wet the cotton wool and wipe all the folds of the child’s skin, of course, if there are no damages there. If you have diaper rash, use powder. Pay special attention to the genitals when processing. For boys, do not forget to lubricate the fold of skin under the scrotum, and for girls, wipe the genital slit with cotton wool moistened with water (preferably boiled). The direction of movement is from the pubis to the butt - and not otherwise! If it's time, trim your nails.

And now you can swaddle your baby or put on a vest and rompers. All that's left is the head. The main thing after being in the water, of course, is the ears. To do this you need to make a turunda. The technology is as follows: take a match, tightly wrap cotton wool around its end, and then remove it from the match. We insert the thin end of the resulting turunda into the baby’s ear.

Absorbent cotton will absorb any remaining water. There is no need to remove the cotton wool until the baby's head is completely dry. To prevent the cotton wool from falling out, wear a thin cap, which will not harm the baby at all after the bath. If during bathing the baby dived at least a few times and then sneezed, there is no need to do anything special to the nose.

Now imagine yourself in the place of a child: swimming in cold water, tired, and still a little chilled in the cool air of the room after the procedure. But on the other hand, you are wiped dry, dressed warmly... What can you think: I should like to have a snack now and on the side... That’s what will happen. But before eating, it is advisable to carry the baby for 15-20 minutes in an upright position in order to quickly empty the stomach of the water that he swallowed in the bathroom. Now feel free to feed him and put him to bed.

There are, however, such active “athletes” that after a bath they do not even have the strength to eat - they would rather close their eyes and fall asleep. Let him fall asleep, no problem: in this case, the child, as a rule, will wake up in 1.5-2 hours with a beastly appetite, after which he will fall asleep soundly and for a long time. It is clear that it is advisable to study with such a child at 9-10 pm. In this case, just by midnight, you and your whole family will enter the mode of a good night's sleep.

Most modern parents are keen on early developmental methods, including teaching newborn children to swim. What is this – a newfangled hobby or a necessary condition? harmonious development baby? Is it necessary to teach infants to swim, when to start and how to do it so as not to harm children's health? In our article we will try to answer these and other questions.

How is swimming good for babies?

From birth, children are already able to swim: they can hold their breath under water and splash with pleasure in the bathtub. This is explained by innate reflexes - before birth, the baby in the mother’s stomach was in a liquid environment. Around three to four months, this innate reaction fades away, and the baby will have to learn to stay afloat much later.

However, the point of such activities with a newborn is not to make him a future Olympic champion. Increasingly, pediatricians are saying that infant swimming brings invaluable benefits.

  1. Regular water procedures teach children to be calm about temperature changes. Thanks to hardening, the immune system is strengthened, which reduces the likelihood of colds, promotes dynamic physical development and helps prevent a variety of health problems.
  2. The result of systematic exercise is the formation of correct, beautiful posture, a strong muscle corset for the children's spine.
  3. Water exercises are much more effective for improving the motor system than massage and stroking. They strengthen or, conversely, relax the muscles of the back, arms, legs and neck. By the way, young swimmers begin to crawl, stand up and walk earlier().
  4. During bathing, when the child has a little difficulty breathing and the body lacks oxygen, the child’s body additionally releases red blood cells (erythrocytes), which contributes to an increase in hemoglobin levels.
  5. Swimming and diving have a positive effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system, help stimulate blood supply to organs and normalize blood pressure.
  6. When a child dives, the flowing water clears the maxillary sinuses. And this is the prevention of a runny nose in a newborn. The baby's nose is also washed, all bacteria, dust particles and possible allergens are removed.
  7. In water, the child calms down and gets rid of fears. Also, water procedures strengthen the bond between mother and baby, devoting time to the baby while swimming, you can better understand his body language and gestures, which will allow you to quickly find mutual understanding with your baby.
  8. A child taught to swim from birth will not be afraid of open water.

Another undoubted plus is that many children, after swimming and diving, quickly fall asleep and do not disturb the young mother almost all night. Which, you see, is important!

Rules for swimming with a baby

Teaching a newborn to swim will not be difficult for parents special labor, if you follow the basic recommendations.

Optimal age

Training should begin at three to four weeks. Firstly, by this time the umbilical wound is healing. Secondly, the child gains weight and gradually adapts to the new reality. Finally, infant reflexes (swimming and breathing) have not yet faded.

Preparing the bath

All procedures should be carried out in a familiar environment for the baby. Before immersion, wash the bathtub with regular laundry soap, and once a week rinse it with soda, remembering to rinse thoroughly. Be careful with potassium permanganate solution and herbal decoctions - the child may swallow the liquid. After gaining basic swimming skills, you can move on to more advanced lessons - in the pool.

Water temperature

Perform your first workouts when average temperature at 35 °C. It can be reduced little by little, but remember - small children under three months should not swim in water whose temperature is below 32 °C. To create ideal conditions, monitor children's behavior:

  • if the baby cries when immersed for several minutes, the water is too cold for him;
  • if he first whines, and then falls silent and actively flounders with his arms and legs, you have selected the optimal temperature;
  • if he is too relaxed and passive, the bath is too warm.

While swimming, the water gradually cools down, but do not rush to bring it to its original temperature. This is the meaning of the procedure - babies are happening.

How to conduct infant swimming lessons?

Water procedures should be performed approximately an hour after eating: the baby is not yet hungry, and the milk has already been absorbed. Another important point– engage only with well-rested children to avoid tears and whims.

Leaning over the bathtub while holding your baby in the water is quite difficult - it affects both your back and shoulders. Try doing this while sitting on a chair. Be sure to cover the floor in the bathroom with a rubber mat so that it is not so slippery. Take a clean diaper with you so you can dry your newborn after the swim. You can also wrap your baby in it before bringing him into the nursery. However, if there are no drafts in the apartment, doctors recommend slightly blotting the baby’s skin without wiping it dry, and taking him to the crib naked. This is another one effective way hardening

So, everything is ready for swimming - the bath is filled with lukewarm water, and your child is in a great mood. First, touch the water surface with your hand, then immerse your child’s feet in it. Lower the baby vertically, without stopping talking in a confident, calm voice.

In infant swimming, two types of supports are used: under the chin and under the back of the head. In the first case, the baby lies on the water with his stomach down, and you hold his head so that the baby's chin is in your palm. In the second option, the child lies on his back, and you grab his head by the back of his head. Try both positions and choose the one your child likes the most.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Basic exercises in the bath

(at the end of the article there are many video instructions about what exercises you can do with a newborn in the bath)

If you think that water procedures at home are an uninteresting event, then you are mistaken. Of course, the baby will not have the opportunity to perform complex somersaults under the guidance of an instructor, but you can carry out several simple manipulations on your own.

Advice: To reassure yourself, purchase an inflatable lifebuoy or a foam cap. They look quite cute and help the baby stay on the surface of the water even without mother’s support.

  • Pushes and turns

Bring your baby's feet closer to the walls of the bathtub. Feeling support, he will push off from the sides and try to swim. At this stage, your help is minimal - you just need to support the baby, who will begin to roll over from his back to his tummy.

  • splashing

The child lies on his stomach, completely immersed in the water, and you hold his head by the chin. Show him how unusual the circles running through the water look if you splash around a little.

  • "We're sailing for the boat"

Starting position, as in the previous lesson. Place a bathing toy in front of the baby and try to get it out, saying: “Look, our boat is floating away. Let's catch up with her." It is necessary to gradually increase the speed and length of the “distance”.

  • "Eight"

When your baby learns to move in a straight line, try moving on to the next lesson. It can be performed both on the back and on the tummy. “Draw” the number 8 with your child, individually selecting the speed of completing the task.

  • "Swing"

Turn the baby onto his stomach, holding the head by the back of the head and chin to keep it above the water. Simulate swimming back and forth and up and down (plunging and lifting) using smooth movements.

Attention, we are diving!

Perhaps the most difficult element of infant swimming is diving. And it is difficult not for children, but for parents because of the fear that their beloved child will choke. However, from birth a child knows how to hold his breath; he just needs to be reminded of this.

Before you plunge your baby headlong, you should prepare. Pronounce keyword"Let's dive!" and blow on the baby's face. He will immediately close his eyes and hold his breath. We repeat the exercise for 10 days.

Then the task becomes a little more complicated: after the agreed phrase, you need to blow and sprinkle water on your face. Have you mastered this stage? Proceed, in fact, to complete immersion. Try to make the first dives when your little swimmer is in a good mood and has had time to swim a little. Say a familiar command and lower it not very deeply for a couple of seconds. Later, the immersion time can be increased to five to six seconds.

Contraindications to classes

Before starting systematic water procedures, consult your pediatrician. He will explain whether this activity is suitable for your child and identify any limitations. Swimming is contraindicated if you have the following health conditions:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which require fixation of the limbs;
  • congenital heart diseases;
  • purulent dermatitis;
  • colds and viral diseases(after the course of treatment you can swim);
  • neurological disorders that are accompanied by seizures.

Remember that you cannot insist and force children to bathe, swim, and especially dive. Such efforts will not add health to the baby, but, on the contrary, will lead to psychological problems.

So, infant swimming is an extremely exciting and extremely useful activity. The child is immersed in a familiar environment, develops the muscular system, strengthens the immune system and learns the world. Babies who started swimming from the first days of life adapt better to the conditions kindergarten and schools. Is not it good reason Should you go swimming with your child?

READ ALSO: Review of popular techniques early development child with video consultations and filmsNote to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Water procedures are very useful for newborn children, primarily because before the baby came into this world, he was in water. Many parents, even before the baby is born, decide to bathe him almost immediately after being discharged from the hospital, since swimming is very beneficial for babies. It helps the child calm down, reminds him of the serene days spent in the mother's womb.

What are the benefits of swimming for a newborn?

Already at birth, a child can swim. He doesn’t have any special technique, but he easily holds his breath under water and is not afraid if he is suddenly plunged headlong into a bath or pool. This is explained by the fact that before the beginning of life in our world, the baby was in the amniotic fluid in the mother’s stomach.

The benefits of swimming for the health of infants are undeniable and undeniable.


Thanks to regular water procedures, the baby learns to calmly tolerate temperature changes. From warm water it flows into cool indoor air and vice versa. In addition, it is recommended that after each bath the baby is doused with water whose temperature is several degrees lower than in the bath.

Hardening is very useful for a young, unformed organism. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. Strengthens the immune system and will help avoid many health problems in the future.


It's never too late to start tempering your child! You can go to the pool not only with babies. Even if your baby is already several months or even years old, it is worth starting the procedure of dousing it with cool water. The main thing is to remember that you need to lower the water temperature gradually to avoid unnecessary stress for the body.

Muscle strengthening

Everyone knows that exercise in water is more effective for all muscle groups than exercise on land. Overcoming the resistance of water, the baby learns to move smoothly, forms correct posture, and also strengthens the muscles of the back, neck, arms and legs that are still weak.

Positive effect on the nervous system

The water soothes, and the warmth reminds the baby of life “on the other side of mom.” In addition, water procedures are also beneficial for the mother. At first she may be tense for fear of harming the baby, but she will soon relax and also enjoy swimming. The baby, feeling the calmness of the parent, will relax even more.

Communication with mom

Where else, if not in the pool or bath, does the bond between mother and newborn become stronger? The quiet murmur of water, warmth and peace allow both to calm down and become even closer, and games with rubber toys and flakes of foam will cheer up both the baby and his mother.


Be sure to communicate with your baby while bathing. Tell him about your actions or just tell him a story. Children respond very well to the calm, quiet voice of an adult.

Pool or bath?

Obviously, bathing for a baby is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a psychological process of communication with the mother, and even an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the whole body. But what to choose: classes with an instructor in the pool or swimming in a bath at home?

Until one month of age, it is better to bathe your baby at home in a special baby bath. Before the procedure, it must be washed well with laundry soap. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, but from the second month it must be lowered by 0.5 degrees per week.

In the first month of a child’s life, it is better not to add any purchased foams or gels to the water. Instead, you can use a decoction of chamomile or string.


It is better to buy chamomile in bags. This will significantly reduce the time for preparing the decoction and will prevent petals and inflorescences from getting into the water.

As for swimming in the pool, expert opinions differ. Some argue that you need to start introducing your baby to “big” water as early as possible - already at two to three weeks of age.

Others say that you should take your baby to the pool no earlier than 2-3 months, when the baby is vaccinated and is already strong enough.


Before visiting the pool, consult your pediatrician; he should give useful advice and recommendations based on your child’s specific condition.

Exercises in the bathroom

If anyone thinks that bathing babies in the bathtub is a boring activity, then they are mistaken. Of course, there is no opportunity to perform complex exercises that can be done in the pool under the guidance of an instructor, but some simple manipulations can be carried out. They will prepare your baby for full-fledged swimming lessons.


You can use a special inflatable ring. It is put on the baby's neck and allows him to remain on the surface of the water without parental support.

One of the most common methods of swimming in a bath is the Firsov method, but there are many other methods of Russian and foreign doctors.

Stage 1: Immersion

The child should be immersed in water with the utmost care and caution. Start with your legs, then lower your knees, buttocks, back and tummy, and finally your shoulders into the water. Immersion should occur in a vertical position, and only when the baby is completely immersed in water can it be transferred to a horizontal position.

The baby should be supported under the head and back. Later, the second hand can be removed and the baby can be held only under the head.

Stage 2: Getting used to the water

Gently rock the baby in the bathtub - from one side to the other. At the same time, you will notice that as soon as the baby’s legs touch the wall of the bath, he will push off with them, as if trying to swim on his own. When the baby gets used to this exercise, it will be possible to move on to more complex actions.

Stage 3: Eight

This is the next exercise that is recommended to be mastered. In this case, you can support the child with both hands - this will make both you and the baby calmer. Let the baby swim in a “figure 8”: forward, turn, diagonally, turn, diagonally again, etc.

Stage 4: On the tummy

Turn the baby onto his stomach, but at the same time hold his head by the back of the head and under the chin so that it always remains above the surface of the water. Make rocking movements that imitate a baby swimming back and forth.

If you feel unsure or are afraid that your baby will slip out of your hands, use a swimming ring.

Stage 5: Diving

It is recommended to master diving as early as possible. This will protect your child from drowning when you go with him to the sea or to the river. In addition, this will form a trusting attitude towards water in the baby and strengthen his nervous system.

But you can’t immediately immerse a baby in water with his head. First you need to accustom him to the feeling of water on his face. To do this, give the baby the command: “Dive!” and sprinkle his face with warm water. Gradually, the child will get used to the splashes and water in the face area and will instinctively begin to hold his breath. Only now can you immerse the baby head-first under water. At the same time, remember that under no circumstances should you let him go. The first dive should last no more than one second, later the diving time increases to 5-6 seconds.

Let's go to the pool

Now that the child has mastered the basics of swimming, and has also grown a little and become stronger, you can go to the pool.

If you decide to learn swimming with your baby not at home, but in the pool before the baby is one month old, it will be better if dad comes to the lesson with his son or daughter. At this time, the mother will still have postpartum discharge, so swimming in the pool is contraindicated for her.

What to take with you to the pool?

  • Special diapers for swimming.
  • Several spare regular diapers.
  • Warm large towel.
  • A cap and warm overalls or robe.
  • Oilcloth.
  • A diaper.
  • Mild detergent or natural liquid soap.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Cotton swabs (after bathing, you need to dry the baby’s ears).
  • Swimming circle (if you suddenly feel nervous, use the circle).
  • A few of your baby's favorite toys.

For swimming accessories, it is better to select a special large sports bag.

With or without an instructor?

The answer to this question is obvious. The assistance of an instructor is necessary when infants first swim in the pool. In addition, the instructor will show special exercises that will help speed up the physical and psychological development of the baby.

On average, a lesson lasts about two hours, with the first lesson usually taking place on land.

In total, you may need a few lessons with an instructor - 1-3. During this time, you and your baby will master the basics of swimming and feel more confident in the water.

Who is contraindicated for swimming in the pool?

Of course, like any other procedure, swimming for infants has its contraindications. Children should postpone or even completely avoid going to the pool:

  • with congenital arthritis;
  • with increased bone fragility;
  • with problems of the nervous system;
  • with kidney diseases;
  • with acute form of hepatitis;
  • with skin diseases.

Everyone else can and should visit the pool, but remember that the interaction of warm water and cold air can lead to colds. In this case, classes should be stopped and resumed only after the baby has fully recovered.


Swimming for infants is a very useful and interesting activity. In water, the baby not only immerses himself in a close and familiar “prenatal” environment, but also learns to move correctly, strengthens and develops muscles, and also gets acquainted with the world around him. You can start swimming lessons at home, and then move on to the pool.

Children who go swimming from an early age have greater endurance and good immunity. They are socially better adapted and can more easily endure psychological shocks. Isn't this a good reason to go swimming with your child?

Every mother wants her baby to be healthy and harmoniously developed, she carefullyLooking for age-appropriate activities for the little one. From about the tenth day of life you canindependently teach your baby to swim and dive in the bathtub. Swimming lessons -an important stage in the life of many modern families. Literally from birth, children canreflexively hold your breath. This is due to the fact that 9 months in the wombmom's baby is in aquatic environment– amniotic fluid. After three monthsIn life, the child forgets this skill, and learning to swim becomes more difficult. ThisAny pediatrician can confirm.

Swimming training: why is it needed?

Learning to swim and dive has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems of the baby’s body. Regular exercise promotes good posture and develops the muscle corset without causing damage to the joints or putting unnecessary strain on the spine. When diving, water enters the maxillary sinuses, which is an effective prevention of a runny nose. So, learning to swim helps increase immunity, improve sleep and appetite. In addition, thanks to water massage, skin elasticity increases and muscle tone is normalized. These are just some of the benefits of infant swimming.

Before you decide to teach your baby to swim in the bathtub, you should consult your doctor. There are diseases for which exercise in water is prohibited.

Swimming training (namely, getting to know the water) should begin in an adult bath, so that nothing restricts the baby’s movements. Ask your dad or grandma to help you. You can swim no earlier than an hour after eating, when your little one is full and calm.

So, watch “How to teach a baby to swim in the bathtub” (video):

How to teach a baby to swim in the bathtub - tips from experienced mother Evgenia

When we talk about learning to swim and dive, there are several key points to highlight:

  • First you need to prepare warm water (about 37 degrees). Over time, it can be gradually reduced by 1 degree and increased to 25.
  • The baby should be dipped very carefully. The child must be lowered into the water in an upright position and very smoothly.
  • Every movement of the mother must be confident and calm. It is important to control your emotions; if the mother feels fear, the baby will also begin to worry and may become capricious. Then the procedure will have to be stopped.
  • When the baby starts to become active and relax, turn him over onto his tummy. You can hold the baby by the body with both hands, or hold the chin with one hand and the back of the head with the other; he can lie on your hand with his chest. Choose the most comfortable position for both of you.
  • After the little one gets used to it and tries to make swimming movements with its arms and legs, you can move on to holding your breath and diving. Let your assistant (dad or grandmother) say: “Dive.” And immediately he gently blows on the baby’s face, at which point the baby will reflexively hold his breath. Next, you need to pour a little water on his head, for example, from a plastic cup. From my own experience, I know that at first even just bathing such a tiny creature is very scary, so you should move on to diving only when you yourself are mentally prepared for it. Replace the glass by immersing the baby in water for 2-3 seconds. Gradually increase the time spent under water.
  • Don't forget to give your baby rest. Learning to swim is a pleasure, not a survival marathon. Let the baby relax and float on his back. Place one hand under your baby's head and hold his chin with the other.
  • If a child clearly expresses his dissatisfaction, cries and tries to roll over, of course, you should stop learning to swim.

Try to start diving as soon as possible, while the baby still remembers this skill. Very often, mothers, worried about their child, deprive him of the opportunity to move forward in his development. Don't worry if your child accidentally drinks too much water. Learning to swim involves such a moment. This happens quite often. Therefore, calm down, without panic. Water will not harm your baby.

And one more thing: when you decide to teach your baby to swim in the bathtub, remember that in this case it is very important not to forget to praise the baby for every success, even the smallest! Your support will give him an additional incentive.

So you know how to teach your baby to swim in the bathtub. Go for it! As the experience of brave mothers shows, learning to swim always gives great results.

When your baby turns 2 months old, start visiting the infant pool, where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, you will achieve excellent results!

Do you want to see your child happy? Give him the most wonderful moments!See how the babies learned to swim in the pool:

What do you think about teaching children to swim? Share your opinions and experiences.

IN last years Infant swimming is very popular. Parents trust the child skillful hands trainers in the pool or enthusiastically teach him to swim in the bathtub. Exercising with a newborn baby in the water is not only a fun and fashionable procedure, but also brings great benefits to the developing body of the newborn.

Many mothers and fathers are surprised by the fact that their baby feels great in the aquatic environment, floundering and rowing with arms and legs great pleasure. In fact, there is nothing strange in this behavior of the baby, because for nine whole months he remained in the amniotic fluid in his mother’s womb. Once born, a child can hold his breath under water for about three months, but gradually this instinctive skill is lost.

If you know about the benefits of infant swimming and would like to teach your child to swim in the bathtub, then the video at the end of this article will help you achieve your goal. If you came to this article for the first time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with why infant swimming is so beneficial for babies. I would also like to start the article with a teaser video to give an idea of ​​what infant swimming is in action.

Infant swimming - Olya 6 months

How did the history of infant swimming begin?

In the mid-60s of the last century, an ordinary swimming instructor, for whom water was his natural element, had a premature daughter. Since Igor Borisovich was left alone with his problem, the first thought that came to his mind was to place the child in a bathtub with water in order to create gravitational conditions for the body until the moment of adaptation to new conditions comes. In order to survive in new conditions, the baby’s body needed strength, which she did not have enough at that time. And that's what happened. The body, constantly being in water, used all its resources to build the necessary tissues. And three months later, the girl began to outstrip the development of newborn children who were born on time. Moreover, she was ahead not only physically, but also in intellectual level. The girl calmly dived to a depth of several meters in a pool intended for adults, and by the age of 11, she became the national swimming champion.

Simple, safe and effective method was so unusual that it instantly spread throughout the world. It is not surprising that in our country it was recognized as dangerous and did not receive permission to be put into practice. But in foreign countries they became seriously interested in this technique, and approached the issue of the development of children in the aquatic environment with all seriousness. Special institutes began to open to study the development of children in water and to practice infant swimming. And then schools began to open in European countries, America and Japanese cities.

Having seen such a success of the method, our Ministry of Health by the end of the 70s allowed infant swimming to be carried out in our country. And very soon, health-improving water swimming courses began to open in children's treatment centers.

The chairman of the swimming federation, a physician by profession, Zakhary Firsov, provided enormous assistance in bringing infant swimming to life by publishing a book about children's swimming called “Swimming before walking.” In his book, he described in detail the influence of the aquatic environment on the child’s body from the first days of his birth. He proved that the child's brain is in a state of weightlessness i.e. in water, freed from gravity, it develops much faster. The first sports school for swimming was opened in Leningrad in 1934, and Firsov himself became its director.

Features of infant swimming

Many parents are well aware of the possibility of conducting water activities with their infants. But not all mothers and fathers are delighted with this idea. It is very strange and unusual to watch a newborn baby calmly and freely move its arms and legs in the water. Adults consider the aquatic environment unnatural for human life, and even dangerous for a small child. But is this really so?

It is worth remembering that for nine months the embryo floats in the fetal fluid, which is reliable for it containment from adverse external influences, a supplier of nutrients. Therefore, for a newly born baby, the water environment is more natural and pleasant than air.

A newborn baby perceives the air space as something foreign and heavy, forcing him to breathe on his own. For a few more weeks after birth, the baby retains the instinct of swimming, which allows him to float perfectly on the surface of the water and dive without suffocating.

This amazing behavior infant used by medical specialists for developmental and therapeutic purposes. Pediatricians claim that infant swimming allows a newborn not to forget about the swimming instinct, and even develop it even more. Healthy swimming for infants is used for the effective prevention and treatment of childhood diseases, health promotion and full development newborn baby.

The benefits of infant swimming

Regular swimming for infants in a pool or bath helps improve physical and mental well-being. Swimming for infants stimulates the respiratory function of the pulmonary system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, increases flexibility and mobility of the skeleton, develops muscles, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Infant swimming normalizes metabolic reactions in the body, activates the immune system, and accelerates blood circulation. Swimming for infants in the bathtub has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the child’s central and autonomic nervous system.

A baby who has been practicing infant swimming since birth has a good memory, thinks quickly, does not show mental disorders, moodiness or anxiety, and rarely suffers from diseases of the digestive tract.

How swimming for infants affects the body:

  • Heart and blood vessels. In water, the child makes active movements of the limbs, which helps strengthen the heart muscle, the walls of arteries and capillaries, and increases the speed of blood flow.
  • Respiratory system. While swimming, the baby makes deeper and rarer breathing movements with the chest. The lungs are intensively supplied with oxygen, the nasopharynx is well ventilated with air currents. Therefore, a baby who loves bathing is less likely than his peers to get a cold, catch a viral infection, or suffer from a runny nose.
  • Nervous system. Infant swimming stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in the vessels of the brain, accelerates the removal of decay products from tissues. Swimming a newborn in the bathtub improves the child’s tone and mood and helps maintain a normal mental state.
  • Musculoskeletal system. When a baby is in water, his bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles are subject to equal stress. The skeleton develops correctly and proportionally, muscle tissue is strengthened due to the need for constant resistance to the pressure of water flows.
  • Urinary organs. While swimming, the child’s torso muscles actively contract, which accelerates blood circulation and metabolism in the kidneys and pelvic organs. Toxins and toxic substances are removed from tissues.
  • Skin. Water is a mild and safe irritant for the baby's skin. It causes increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, opens the pores, helps remove accumulated harmful substances, allows cells to breathe easily and fully.

What else is useful for infant swimming?

  1. With regular swimming lessons, children's immunity is strengthened, resistance to temperature changes, as well as colds, appears. Children who go in for swimming develop physically better and are less likely to develop health problems.
  2. Little swimmers are distinguished by correct posture and a strong muscle corset. They almost never have problems with the spine.
  3. Infants performing water exercises are not prescribed a massage, since in water the muscles of the whole body are strengthened and relaxed at the same time. Such children begin to walk earlier than their peers.
  4. In an aquatic environment, under survival conditions, the body releases an additional portion of red blood cells, which increase the level of hemoglobin.
  5. During swimming, the respiratory system is trained, which activates the blood supply to internal organs.
  6. Water rinses and cleanses the maxillary sinuses and nasal passages from bacteria and viruses. Therefore, infant swimming is an additional prevention against runny nose and allergies in a child.
  7. In water, a child becomes self-confident. His fears disappear and he perceives his body language better. Charkovsky’s method also talks about inspired fears and experiences that interfere with the development of the child, which the mother experienced during pregnancy.
  8. Having learned to swim in a bathtub or pool from infancy, the child will never be afraid of open bodies of water.
  9. An important and biggest advantage of swimming lessons is adequate sleep for little swimmers. If children swim, they sleep soundly, and, therefore, good health. After all, it is in sleep that the body’s strength is restored and the immune system is strengthened.

Infant swimming in the bathtub. Infant swimming rules.

  • Suitable age. You cannot teach a newborn to swim in the bathtub immediately after birth. A baby should be taught to swim and dive from 3 to 4 months of age, when the umbilical cord has completely healed. The baby must at least get used to the new environment and unusual living conditions. At four months, the baby is already quite strong and tall, but has not yet forgotten about the swimming instinct.
  • Preparing the bathroom. You should not start your first water activity in the pool. A child may be afraid of unfamiliar people and strange rooms. It is better to start exercising in a calm and relaxing home environment. Before filling the bathtub with warm water, you must wash it thoroughly with ordinary laundry soap. It is not recommended to use extracts for bathing babies medicinal plants or potassium permanganate. When a child swims, he may accidentally swallow water with additives and become poisoned. Once a week, the bathtub in which the baby is bathing should be cleaned with soda.
  • Optimal water temperature. It is advisable to carry out the first exercises at a water temperature of +35°C. When the baby gets a little used to swimming, you can use slightly colder water. But the mother needs to remember that a newborn baby cannot be bathed at temperatures below +32°C. It is easy to understand how comfortable a baby feels in the bath by his behavior. If the baby cries heart-rendingly, without stopping, when immersed in water, then he is cold, but if, on the contrary, he is silent and looks lethargic, then he is too hot. The temperature is ideal when the baby is cheerfully and actively waving its arms and legs. While the child is bathing in the bath, the water slowly cools, but it is not necessary to return it to the original temperature. It is useful for a newborn baby to harden up.

Indications for baby swimming

Swimming and diving for babies is useful, and even necessary, to improve health. There are diseases in which water activities are a real salvation for a child. The list of such serious congenital and acquired childhood pathologies includes:

  • hypotonicity or hypertonicity of muscle tissue;
  • severe underweight;
  • birth by caesarean section;
  • developmental abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • curvature of the cervical vertebrae;
  • dysfunction of the joints.

Contraindications to infant swimming

Before swimming with your newborn baby, you should contact your pediatrician for permission. The doctor does not allow the baby to do water exercises if he has the following diseases:

  1. skin inflammation with ulcers;
  2. open wounds;
  3. acute respiratory infections accompanied by high fever;
  4. renal or liver failure;
  5. any dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  6. the presence of purulent discharge on the skin;
  7. hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis and other infections transmitted from parents;
  8. mental disorders accompanied by epileptic seizures.

How to teach a newborn to swim in the bathtub?

Teaching a newborn baby to swim is much more interesting than it may seem to inexperienced mothers and fathers. At home, of course, it is difficult to show a child the exercises that a trainer teaches in the pool. But in the videos prepared in this article on infant swimming will help you teach your child the following exercises:

  • Repulsions and inversions. The mother should bring the baby's feet closer to the walls of the bathtub. When a child rests his feet on a smooth surface, he will certainly try to push off and swim on his own. The baby can roll over from his back to his tummy. In this case, you need to lightly support him.
  • Splashing. The child must be immersed in the water with his stomach down, holding his head by the chin with his palm. Mom should show the baby how interesting it is to splash the water with your arms and legs, watching the circles radiating towards the walls of the bathtub.
  • Ships. You can use any toy as a boat. The mother places the baby in the water, tummy down, and places an improvised boat in front of his eyes. The baby must reach the toy, actively rowing with its arms and legs.
  • Eight. This exercise should be started when the child learns to swim in a straight line. It can be performed both on the stomach and on the back. Supporting the baby by the chin or back of the head, the mother rolls him through the water, writing out the number eight. The speed of movement depends on the desire of the baby.
  • Swing. The mother should turn the child over on his stomach, immerse him in the water, holding his head by the back of his head and chin, and smoothly move left and right, up and down.

How to teach a baby to dive in the bathtub?

Infant diving is the most challenging of all aquatic activities. Inexperienced parents are terribly worried before this procedure, they are afraid that their beloved baby will swallow water and stop breathing. How to teach a child to dive? In fact, no problems usually arise.

The baby has known how to hold his breath since birth, he just forgot a little. There is no need to rush through this exercise: the baby must be well prepared for new impressions.

First you need to teach the baby to hold his breath on command. The mother clearly pronounces the word “dive” and blows lightly on the child’s face. The baby closes its eyes, winces and stops breathing for a short time. The procedure must be repeated ten times. Further the task becomes more complicated. Now after the word “dive” the mother should not only blow, but also sprinkle some water on the baby’s face. After such manipulations, you can safely move on to diving. First, it is advisable to immerse the baby in water shallowly and for only two seconds, so that he does not have time to get scared. The dive time can then be increased to six or seven seconds.

Summing up

Children who have been swimming since birth adapt faster to kindergarten and school settings. Even if the baby swims in the water with the help lifebuoy, he will always be several steps ahead in development of his peers who do not come into contact with water.

All parents, without exception, want to see their children healthy. The basis of health is physical activity, which the child fully receives in water. You just need to give him this opportunity.

Video: How to teach a newborn to dive and swim

Infant swimming a set of exercises from 1 to 4 months

Video: First swim for a 3-month-old baby

Video: Infant swimming in the bath