How to prepare walls before applying decorative plaster. We create decorative plaster from ordinary putty: application methods and video tutorials Preparing walls for decorative plaster

At the final stages of finishing it is very important role plays proper preparation walls under decorative plaster. The thing is that the aesthetic properties of such a material can be fully revealed only if they are not hampered by defects in the surface itself.

That's why to preparatory stage should be approached with full responsibility.

Structural decorative mixtures are a truly universal material. Finishing is used both for outdoor and indoor use. With this decor skilled craftsman will be able to add individuality and give unique style even the most ordinary, standard house.

The structural mixture has sufficient plasticity and is applied (if you have certain skills, of course!) very easily, so this type finishing is quite possible not only for professional builders, but also for self-taught craftsmen.

Additionally, there is the fact that it allows you to experiment with the texture and color of the resulting surface. The final design is limited only by your skill and imagination.

What should the surface be? The technology of preparatory work is not too different from preparing walls for painting and wallpapering. However, you shouldn’t be zealous either - the decorative mixture, due to its plasticity, perfectly hides all minor defects.

So we won’t need a perfectly smooth wall, but we will still have to work on eliminating large irregularities.

Surface preparation steps

It should be remembered that applying decorative finishing is the final stage of finishing a room (it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the construction of a new house or a major renovation).

It is applied as a final touch when the windows and doors have already been installed, flooring laid, and also removed construction waste from the premises and walked through it with a vacuum cleaner.

If it was originally ordinary, the layer must stand for at least four weeks before decorative finishing.


Note! It is extremely undesirable to have oil stains on the base. If such stains are present, they should be removed with a solvent and the surface should be washed with a weak soap solution.


We carefully inspect the cleaned surface. If it is not dense enough, treat it with a primer with a restoring or strengthening effect. Compositions such as Acryl-Hidrosol (for surfaces prone to crumbling) and Tiefgrund TV (for old gypsum plaster or drywall), approximate price— from 160 rub. per liter

Note! If the room in which you plan to decorate the walls is different increased level humidity, along with the primer, the walls should be treated with an antifungal compound.

Elimination of cracks

If the layer is thick enough, the texture of which has a pronounced appearance, puttying the surface is not necessary. But if you plan to apply a thin layer of smooth plaster, then you will need a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, defects in the base will appear through the decor, and the consumption of the decorative coating will be much greater. And this can hit your pocket very hard!

Applying plaster

Note! In order for the putty not to delaminate, it must be impregnated, so give up the idea of ​​using putties that prevent absorption (based on alabaster or oil-based adhesive).

  • After the putty is completed, sand the surface. Best result gives by hand sanding using fine-grained sandpaper.

The primer mixture for decorative plaster is applied taking into account the following points:

  • The thickness of the primer layer must be at least 20 mm, otherwise it is almost impossible to achieve uniformity of the decorative layer.
  • When troweling the primer, it requires significant compaction.
  • We draw out the worn and compacted primer into squares.
  • After the primer has been applied, moisturize it for at least 7 days (treat with a damp sponge 3-4 times a day)

Decorative plaster, both smooth and textured, can be applied to a surface treated in this way.

You need to prepare to create a masterpiece. No matter how high-quality the finishing material is, all its advantages can only be revealed on properly prepared walls. Preparing walls for decorative plaster is not much different from preparing for applying any other type of finish. The surface must be cleaned of wallpaper residues, old paint, whitewashing, without trying to achieve ideal smoothness. Most compositions perfectly hide minor defects; your task is to eliminate large ones.

Preparation stages

  1. Decorative plaster is the last stage of construction or renovation. Windows and doors must be installed, work on the ceiling and floor must be completed, the room must be cleared of construction waste, dust and dirt.
  2. The surface is prepared as for painting. It must be leveled, scratches, chips, potholes, cracks must be repaired and covered with acrylic primer, with the exception of matte ATF.
  3. If the surface is not dense enough, it should be treated with strengthening or restorative primer. The primer strengthens the wall, serves as additional protection against dampness and improves the adhesion of the coating to the surface. Room walls with high humidity subject to treatment with antifungal agents.
  4. The cracks should be “opened” and filled with a special putty.
  5. The primed surfaces are putty, each layer of putty must be dried for 24 hours.
  6. To avoid cracking, it is recommended to use serpyanka or non-woven wallpaper. The joints must be thoroughly puttied and sanded after drying.
  7. Each layer of putty is covered with deep penetration acrylic primer.
  8. The use of finishing putty materials that prevent absorption, in particular, materials based on alabaster and oil-based adhesive, is not allowed.
  9. Fine abrasive sandpaper is used to sand the surface.
  10. Before painting begins, preliminary painting should be done. This procedure is necessary in order to preliminary evaluate the texture of the finished coating and its shade.

The above sequence of actions when preparing walls for decorative plaster is the most general. In each specific case, preparation may vary depending on the properties of the material, the characteristics of the room and the desired result. The surface requirements are much lower when using structural compositions.

Structural plasters are a universal finishing material that can be used for any base surfaces both outside and inside the building. With their help, even the most ordinary house can become a masterpiece. Structural plaster is plastic and easy to apply. Among its undoubted advantages are almost limitless possibilities for experimenting with surface texture and color.

Before deciding on a style revolution and choosing a method of applying decorative plaster, it is better to consult in detail with a finishing specialist. For all its promising efficiency, decorative compositions are not the most cheap material and only a thoughtful approach will help you avoid unnecessary costs. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several dozen secrets for using this finishing material - in the video below.

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Nowadays, few people can be surprised by wallpaper. Despite the fact that manufacturers in this area are constantly improving and inventing new technological processes their manufacture and external effects, such wall decoration has a number of significant shortcomings. An excellent alternative to wallpaper is decorative plaster. This is a safe and practical coating that looks beautiful and is easy to clean. There are many varieties of decorative plaster; you can choose the effect for each interior, room or building, taking into account their main purpose.

You can decorate the entire room or part of it: one or two walls, or even small area. Plaster combines harmoniously with other types of finishes, and good choice shade and volumetric texture will ideally complement any interior.

The work of applying decorative plaster is carried out relatively easily and, if desired, you can master it yourself. To apply it, you do not need to thoroughly level the walls, and this is its additional advantage. Wall covering design can be as complex as Venetian style, for example, and romantic, ascetic - whatever! It all depends on your desire, taste and capabilities.

What is plaster made from, and what types does it come in?

Decorative plaster is completely safe for human health and the environment; its composition is usually based on one of such components as cement, acrylic or silicone. It is by the main ingredient that the material is classified, since the properties of the final product directly depend on it.

It is also important to use each type of plaster for its intended purpose and not otherwise.

  1. If we're talking about O exterior decoration, then for such work they are used only façade views– they are more resistant to temperature changes, atmospheric conditions and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Interior decoration is the element of interior types of plasters.

When choosing one or another type of material, take into account the features of its operation. Whether the room has high humidity or is not heated - this determines what type of plaster is best to use. The type of design is also important - what the final result of the finishing should be, what types of relief, patterns and degree of roughness are provided for in the interior style. Let's consider the possible options.

It is made on a cement base and may also contain lime, sandstone, clay and similar components. Due to its composition, this type of plaster has affordable prices and a wide range.

It is sold as a dry mixture, which has a number of advantages:

  1. Opportunity long-term storage for any temperature conditions. The dry mixture can be stored in unheated warehouses; it does not deteriorate at low or high temperatures. The main requirement is a dry room.
  2. You can prepare any volume needed to work in this moment, plaster. This is especially convenient for finishing large areas when work lasts several days.
  3. When preparing the working solution yourself, it is easy to vary its consistency. This may depend on the type of finish; for a smooth coating or roller work, you need a more liquid plaster, and for a three-dimensional design, a thicker plaster.

Mineral plaster is not fussy to work with; it is convenient to apply it with a spatula or trowel, and if the area is large, then using a hardware method. The thickness of the layer can vary depending on the need; when applying a layer of more than 15-18 centimeters, be sure to reinforce the plaster with mesh. After drying, this plaster forms a durable porous coating.

This finish is not prone to ignition and is ideal for soundproofing a room. It should also be noted that mineral coating can insulate walls well.

Of course, the appearance of mineral plaster is not particularly presentable, which makes its subsequent processing – painting, varnishing – mandatory.

Also, the paint layer is necessary to prevent vapors and moisture from entering the coating, which is porous in structure. With high humidity, fungus can form in them.

Features an acrylic resin base that provides a durable layer finished material. Acrylic plaster has high vapor and moisture resistance characteristics, is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, various contaminants and temperature fluctuations. Thanks to its excellent characteristics, it can be used in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen, as well as facade finishing for outdoor work.

This type of plaster is sold in a ready-to-use form - you do not need to prepare it yourself, bring out the required thickness and mix thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. You can add the desired dye to the finished acrylic plaster yourself or order the desired shade in a tinting studio, where it can be selected to suit your needs. general style interior

It is important to prepare at once the entire volume of colored plaster required for work, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid different colors. Various additives, antifungals, antiseptics and the like can also be used. Wherein, price policy quite affordable, it is, of course, more expensive than mineral, but much cheaper than other types of decorative plaster.

Acrylic plaster is probably the most convenient of all decorative plasters. Due to its composition, it has high plastic properties and is well suited for design of varying degrees of complexity.

First, the surface to be finished must be cleaned and primed - this way the layer of plaster will hold firmly and last for a long time. Acrylic plaster is applied with various spatulas; decorative elements can be made using rollers, brushes, various molds, or even the most original, homemade inventions.

It should also be noted the elasticity of this material. This fact allows it to be used for a wide variety of surfaces. Acrylic plaster is easily applied to wood, brick, OSB panels, porous materials, stone, drywall or even foam. It can be applied manually and mechanically. Special installations for application are used, as a rule, for large volumes of work.

It should be noted that acrylic plaster hardens quickly, so you need to work with it carefully. To get the same shade and texture of the coating, you should not take breaks in work for more than half an hour. During application, the material should be stirred as often as possible, especially after adding a new portion, so that it remains homogeneous.

Acrylic plaster finishes are impressive and quite durable. With this material you can do any designer's imagination and make your wildest dreams come true. Durability ensures ease and ease of maintenance. This coating can be washed with non-abrasive detergents and cleaned from dust and other contaminants.

Consists of silicone resins and various types fillers such as fabric, mineral materials and the like. This type of plaster is purely decorative and is used only for finishing. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

This type of plaster does not require preliminary leveling of the walls, as it will do it on its own, while simultaneously adding a decorative component. This material is more expensive than previous types, but its price is largely due to its universal properties, and therefore is completely justified. Silicone plaster is sold in containers of various sizes, which makes it possible to purchase it in required quantity, even if it is small.

The advantages of this type of plaster are difficult to exaggerate:

  1. Very long term services. Even facade silicone plaster, subject to temperature changes, atmospheric conditions and direct exposure to sunlight, can retain its appearance for up to twenty years! What can we say about the interior decoration - the duration of operation here is even longer.
  2. High level of vapor permeability. This material can provide any necessary indoor microclimate. It easily tolerates moisture, high temperature or steam, condensation and mold do not form on the walls, and fungus is not dangerous.
  3. This material has increased elasticity, this means that the treated surface will not change even with mechanical damage.

Silicone plaster is sold white or colored - you can choose a ready-made shade, or you can color it as you wish. Can be applied as a smooth coating or using any decorating technique.

The technique of use is practically no different from other plaster mixtures.

It is important, after opening the container, to mix the material thoroughly, and also, before starting work, to thoroughly clean the walls from dirt and residues. old plaster and the like.

For finishing, a metal spatula is used, which must be held at an angle to the surface being treated. The standing thickness depends on the size of the silicone plaster fraction, but in general, all these coatings are thin-layer. She is not picky in her work, and is quite suitable even for beginners, especially if you want to get an unusual and stylish design.

It is produced on the basis of liquid glass and also contains mineral additives and pigments. It is most often used as facade decoration, but can also be used indoors.

It copes well with protecting treated surfaces from the effects of atmospheric phenomena: dampness, wind, temperature. Available for sale in ready-to-use form, there is both white and colored plaster.

A distinctive feature of silicate plaster is its vapor and moisture resistance. These properties make it ideal for loose and porous walls, for example, gas or foam concrete. The material allows for a breathable covering of the walls, as a result of which the formation of mold or condensation on the walls is unlikely. The plaster is also resistant to cracking and has proven itself to be excellent in maintenance - it can be washed with water and is easily cleaned of dirt.

There are, however, some disadvantages of silicate plaster:

  1. The material fits well on mineral surfaces, but if you plan to work on others, careful pre-treatment is required. This increases the duration of the finishing process and the costs of its implementation.
  2. It hardens quickly, which means it needs to be applied at an accelerated pace, rework is excluded.
  3. May change color when exposed to sunlight, especially for bright and dark shades.
  4. It has a fairly high cost.

When choosing this type of plaster, you need to weigh its advantages and disadvantages; in certain cases, this type of finishing is ideal and outperforms other decorative coatings.

Types of decorative plaster finishing

Decorative plasters can be not only of different types, but also with various special fillers that will give the surface a particular effect. That is, there is no need to independently develop the decor and do it manually. Thanks to the special texture of the plaster, you can decorate the interior simply by applying it to the walls. These types of plaster include:

Textured plaster

The filler used here is mica, small pebbles or sand, and wood fiber. This is one of the most versatile and therefore common types of finishes. The layer thickness ranges from 0.2 to 2 mm. This type of plaster is the easiest way to implement various design ideas and textures; after application, you can play with it colorfully by painting it in different shades or highlighting elements with gold and silver pigments.

Here, small quartz grains, sand or other minerals are used as additives. After application to the surface, this plaster gives a uniform layer of a certain pattern. Additionally, you can use a textured roller.

The main component of this type of plaster is the marble fraction, very finely ground. Therefore, all images made using this technique turn out smooth and shiny, visually similar to noble marble stone.

No less popular is a variety of Venetian plaster – Moroccan. It is made with the same materials, however, its peculiarity is the multi-layer coating; it is applied in three layers: the first and last of which are plain, and the middle one is gold-plated. Externally it also resembles marble slabs.

Interesting, modern material. It consists of colored acrylic flakes, sometimes called flocks or chips. Particles can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This plaster perfectly imitates suede, velor, leather and is successfully used for decoration various surfaces– ceilings, walls, columns.

Among all types of decorative plaster, I would like to note the most popular types finishes are “bark beetle”, “lamb” and “fur coat”. Their constant demand among buyers is thoroughly justified: the textures of the plaster have an impressive appearance, are easy to use and practical to maintain. Of course, affordable cost is also an important factor. Let's look at each type in a little more detail.

This mixture consists of several components; the bulk of the plaster contains special mineral granules, about 2 mm in size. For external work, larger granules can be used - for large areas they are more relevant. It is these particles that, when applied to the surface, create a peculiar pattern that imitates the movements of a tree beetle - the bark beetle.

This design looks attractive and unusual, plus a well-chosen color of the plaster will complement the overall image of the finished finish.

“Bark beetle” is a finishing type of decorative plaster; it is used only for finishing work, on a prepared surface. There are no particularly strict requirements for the base; you don’t need to thoroughly level it; it’s enough to just seal cracks if there are any, clean out rough spots and apply a primer for better adhesion of the materials. The plaster has proven itself well on brick, concrete, stone surfaces, as well as on drywall.

“Bark beetle” is available for sale in the form of a dry mixture, and there is one already ready for use. The choice depends only on you! If you buy it in dry form, then to dilute it you will need a large container, water and a special construction mixer to mix the solution.

The ready-to-use product is sold in hermetically sealed buckets of various sizes; thanks to the consumption indicated on the label, you can easily estimate how many kilograms of solution you will need. In addition, the finished mixture can be purchased colored or tinted according to the buyer’s choice by adding special coloring pastes.

The bark beetle is not whimsical in its work. Available not only for professionals, but also for self-taught amateurs. All you need are metal spatulas different sizes– for applying plaster, a plastic grater – for rubbing and a little care and patience. The solution hardens quite slowly, therefore, during the work it can be corrected or partially redone.

The “bark beetle” coating, despite its low price and ease of application, looks impressive, holds firmly and is capable of pleasing the eye for a long time.

Decorative plaster “Lamb”

This is a type of decorative plaster, the basis of which is cement. Mineral components appear here in the form of additives: quartz, marble, dolomite and the like. Also, special additives are usually added to the “lamb” composition, providing the coating with frost resistance, resistance to atmospheric conditions, and ultraviolet radiation.

This type of plaster is sometimes used indoors, but it has proven itself especially well as a façade finish. It protects external walls well from mold, moisture and mechanical damage. And its beautiful appearance can decorate any building.

“Lamb” fits well on almost all types of walls: brick, cement, plasterboard, stone - anything will suit it. Before application, the surfaces simply need to be cleaned and primed, maybe even several times - this is additional protection against fungus and mold.

Most often, such plaster is sold in the form of a dry mixture - if we talk about facade works, this is quite justified: it is cheaper in price and more convenient to use - you can prepare it as needed.

It is not difficult to prepare the solution; you need to dilute the dry plaster with water in a large container in the proportions indicated on the packaging and mix thoroughly with a construction mixer. Please note that decorative elements in the plaster may settle to the bottom of the container over time, therefore, during work, the mixture must be stirred occasionally until smooth.

Apply decorative plaster with a metal spatula or trowel; this must be done with even pressure so that the granules are distributed evenly over the surface. Immediately after application, the solution is rubbed with a special grater. After mashing, a peculiar relief is formed, similar to the skin of a lamb.

The work of applying such decor is quite painstaking and it is better to entrust it to a professional or, in extreme cases, to carry it out not alone, but by a team of several people.

After the plaster has completely dried, it can be painted in the desired color, this will give the facade a complete, harmonious appearance. “Lamb” can not only protect walls from various types of influences, but also make them beautiful and stylish.

Decorative plaster “Shuba”

One of the first and most popular already for a long time, decorative coatings. Modern compositions This decorative plaster is much more durable, elastic and aesthetically attractive than the previous ones. The “fur coat” is especially attractive for its affordable price, which makes it constantly in demand.

It can be applied to any mineral surface: brick, stone, cement, sand mortar.

There is only one requirement: the walls must be strong and the surface must be free of dust. A properly executed finish will last long years without any significant changes in appearance.

There are quite a lot of “fur coat” options on sale. The dry mix is ​​offered in various color variations, with different sizes factions.

The mixture is sold in buckets ready to apply, which can also be already painted or white, in which case you can tint it yourself or in the studio.

You can apply the “fur coat” either manually - with a special roller, or by mechanical means: with a machine or even a compressor, it depends on the size of the surfaces that need to be processed. A small area can be done independently using a roller, but if we are talking about, then here it is better to resort to the help of special devices.

As for painting, this can be done after the solution has hardened; in this case, the “fur coat” can be repainted from time to time, changing the interior. But it is more profitable to add color after preparing the plaster - then you will not be afraid of mechanical damage or chips during the operation of the facade.

Which plaster to choose?

Planning renovation work, I want to understand in which case which material is most profitable to use. After all, the interior should not only be beautiful, but also practical, safe and, if possible, durable. Decorative plaster meets all these parameters in full, so if you choose this material, you definitely won’t go wrong.

How to decide which type of plaster to prefer and why?

You already know that, first of all, the type of product depends on the conditions for which it will be used. If we are talking about façade work, then one must naturally give preference to materials that can withstand sub-zero temperatures, moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

It is also important here what result you plan to achieve: for a more austere appearance, simple acrylic plaster is suitable, not expensive and quite attractive, it can decorate the facade. However, if you can afford more durable materials, more high cost, then, of course, you should prefer silicone plaster - it’s more expensive, but it will also last much longer!

If a simple smooth surface seems too primitive to you, you should pay attention to ready-made structural plasters - “lamb”, “bark beetle”, “fur coat” - they look more interesting and also last a long time.

When choosing a material, it is important whether you will do the coating yourself or entrust the work to specialists. If you plan to plaster yourself, choose materials that are easier to work with. This is the same “bark beetle” - you can correct flaws while working, or acrylic plaster, with which you can bring your fantasies to life. For beginners, plasters in finished form, just stir them before using. When buying dry mixtures, you need to very carefully observe the proportion with water, otherwise you will end up with a consistency that is not convenient for work and all plans will go down the drain.

2. Interior decoration of the premises.

But as for interior decoration– the choice here is simply huge and there are many options. Again, think about what room you are planning to purchase decorative plaster for. If it's a bathroom or kitchen, you should choose vapor- and moisture-resistant materials. Depending on financial capabilities, this can be acrylic, or better yet, silicone plaster. They perfectly withstand moisture, dampness and prevent the formation of fungus and mold.

Residential premises can be finished with absolutely any type of plaster intended for interior work! What is especially attractive is that the types of materials can be combined with each other, say, in a room decorated with mineral plaster of the same tone, to highlight some zones in the Venetian design. If there are columns or ledges, they can be perfectly decorated with flock plaster. One or two walls covered with structural plaster will favorably emphasize the overall style of the interior. Here you need to rely on your sense of taste, the size of the room and its purpose.

Decorative plaster is a modern, environmentally friendly and practical material. With its help you can achieve various effects: from a simple imitation of water ripples to pompous Venetian stained glass windows. This material is durable and easy to maintain, which will allow you, once you make a repair, not to think about it for many years to come. The main thing here is to choose the right type of plaster that is really necessary and use it correctly, otherwise everything depends on your imagination!

Decorative plaster is a truly unique finishing material that allows you to create interiors that are unique in their beauty.

It is no wonder that the popularity of such compositions is growing year after year. However, decorative mixtures can fully reveal all their aesthetic advantages only if the load-bearing base is properly prepared, so the preparation of walls for decorative plaster must be done with special care.

Types and features of material

Decorative plaster must have aesthetic qualities and be sufficiently durable

Decorative plaster coatings in their composition, technical specifications and the method of application are radically different from conventional plaster solutions.

The main purpose of base or finishing compositions is to level load-bearing surfaces, eliminate various technical defects, and prepare them for further finishing.

In contrast, decorative plaster is designed for use in interiors as a final wall covering. Due to the operational and technical features of this material, preparing walls for decorative plaster has its own nuances.

First of all, we should take a closer look at this coating from the technical side: its characteristics, pros and cons, varieties, application, etc.


All decorative plaster mixtures are divided into two main categories:

  1. Natural ingredients.
  2. Polymer.

The first group includes mixtures prepared on the basis natural ingredients. These are the following compositions:

  • mineral. Their basis consists of coarse mineral fillers, often painted in various colors. The connecting link in such mixtures is cement. The treated surface has a grainy texture that shimmers in different shades;
  • calcareous. This solution is based on slaked lime with the addition of fine sand and cement;
  • plaster. Gypsum solutions are easy to use and flexible. They have a number of operational restrictions - they can only be applied to interior walls rooms with natural humidity levels.

Special texture rollers will help create an original surface

Polymer compositions can be silicone or acrylic. Based on the technology for creating an aesthetic effect, mixtures are divided into textured and textured.

Texture mixtures have a three-dimensional pattern, applied using a trowel, texture roller, or stencils.

In textured mixtures, the external effect is achieved thanks to a color scheme that imitates expensive coatings - primarily polished marble and granite slabs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The wide popularity of such finishing mixtures is explained by a whole set of positive qualities, which sets them apart from most other wall coverings. Among the main advantages are:

Only a professional can create a particularly complex texture

Exclusive plaster coatings are not without some disadvantages. Of course, they are not so critical, otherwise these mixtures would not be so in demand among buyers. There are only two main disadvantages that may influence the choice:

  • high price. The price of the material is quite comparable to the high aesthetic effect that can be achieved with its help. Usually it is several times higher than the cost of conventional base or finishing compositions;
  • difficult application. Applying the mixture to the wall has whole line features, sometimes very complex from a technical point of view.

Therefore, before choosing this material, you need to soberly assess your skills in the finishing craft. Otherwise, you can waste expensive plaster mixture, or, as an option, spend extra money on the services of professional finishers.

If, after all, the choice is made in favor of this expensive exclusive coating, you should consider in more detail how to prepare the walls for decorative plaster so that it can last as long as possible.

Preparation stages

Clean the wall from debris and dust and cover it with primer.

The entire procedure for preparing walls for decorative plaster can be divided into several stages.

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Leveling plastering.
  3. Primer.
  4. Putty.

Proper surface preparation implies stage-by-stage and high-quality completion of all the listed works. At the same time, walls can be prepared in a special way for each type of plaster.

Application decorative composition walls in a new building always require preliminary leveling with base and (or) finishing plaster. The fact is that new walls, whether they are made of brick, cast concrete or made of wood, always have some flaws.

It could just be small chips and cavities, or seams that are too deep. And there may be more serious defects in the form of crooked walls. Moreover, at first glance, the curvature of the walls may not be noticeable. But finishing in some cases, it can emphasize this drawback, making it so noticeable that it will cancel out the entire effect of expensive repairs.

It is not possible to correct wall defects using decorative mixtures for the reason that they are designed to be applied in a thin layer. No more than 1.5 - 2 mm. And this is clearly not enough to correct more or less significant defects in the load-bearing foundation.

Therefore, all walls in a new home should be carefully inspected using a construction or laser level. In case of significant deviation in the vertical or horizontal direction, a leveling plaster layer should be applied.

Alternatively, preparing walls for decorative plaster may involve covering them plasterboard sheets- the so-called “dry plaster” technology. This method of leveling walls is simpler than “ wet technologies", and requires less effort and time. To learn how to apply the leveling mixture, watch this video:

However, it should be taken into account that gypsum board sheets together with the frame eat up a significant amount of room space - at least 50 mm for each wall.

Wall cleaning

Thorough cleaning should be done before applying any type of plaster mixture to previously treated walls. During the work, you need to clean the surface from old wallpaper, paint and varnish compositions, putty, up to a layer of leveling plaster. For cleaning, you can use any suitable tools - spatulas, trowels, picks, grinders.

To remove wallpaper faster, you should moisten it with soapy water or a special wallpaper remover. You can buy it in the same stores that sell wallpaper and wallpaper glue. Regular paper wallpaper simply moisten with the composition using a roller or brush.

Soapy water treatment will help remove old wallpaper

Waterproof vinyl sheets should first be perforated with a needle roller, “wallpaper tiger” or with a regular knife so that the liquid has access to the back of the wallpaper and the surface of the wall.

You can try to remove the paint with a spatula, starting from the bubbling and peeling fragments. If it holds too tightly, you should move on to more radical measures- use a grinder or hammer drill. Lime whitewash can simply be washed off with a damp cloth, passing it over the entire surface of the wall several times.

Removing the putty can take quite a long time, since it is applied in a thin layer, but at the same time it has good adhesion to the underlying base. To make it easier to remove, it is recommended to prepare special composition from a mixture of starch and water in a ratio of 1 to 20 or 1 to 15 in particularly difficult cases. For more information on cleaning the base, watch this video:

The putty walls are moistened with this solution and left to soak for 15 - 20 minutes. After this, simply scrape off the layer of putty using a spatula.


The soil will improve the adhesion of the wall with the mixture

The primer allows you to create a strong adhesion between different finishing layers.

Primer compositions increase adhesion, significantly extending the service life of the coating, therefore the preparation of walls for decorative plaster necessarily includes treating their surface with primer mixtures.

For greater effectiveness, primers are applied in at least two layers. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

On modern market finishing materials available great amount primer compositions that differ in their purpose and scope. If the walls are located in a room with a high level of humidity, they must be treated with antiseptic primers. These protect surfaces from the formation of mold and fungal infections.

A special primer for decorative plaster is also available for sale. It is used mainly under textured “Venetian plaster”, applied in a thin layer of less than 1 mm. The wall is first treated with a regular primer, after which it dries, a tinted acrylic primer is applied to the wall.

In some cases, instead of a special primer composition, a regular one is used as the underlying layer under the “Venetian” acrylic paint the desired shade. It allows you to give Venetian plaster depth of color, which enhances the “marble” effect and gives the wall a more natural shade.


Keep in mind that texture compositions are applied in a thicker layer than textured ones.

Preliminary puttying of surfaces is carried out before applying textured and colored compounds. If you are going to treat the wall surface with textured plaster, then the puttying process can be omitted.

The fact is that textured compositions - “fur coat”, “rain”, “Leonardo” - are applied in a thicker layer than textured ones. After application, they are further processed with shaped rollers or rubber stamps to give them a textured relief. Therefore, their layer can reach up to 3 - 5 mm, which is quite enough to mask minor wall imperfections.

If you plan to treat the walls with thin-layer “Venetian” mortars, it is simply necessary to improve their surface with putty. To do this, you need to carefully examine the wall for cracks and crevices, which must be carefully sealed. Over time, any, even minor cracks tend to expand and increase, so defects left unattended can soon transfer to the decorative layer.

To seal cracks, they must be carefully expanded and cleared using a knife or thin spatula. After this, the gap is cleaned of dust and covered with putty along its entire length. Also, before applying the “Venetian”, the entire surface of the walls is puttied to give it a perfectly smooth appearance. After finishing the work and the putty layer has completely dried, the entire surface of the wall is primed again. For more information on how to prepare walls for the bark beetle, watch this video:

If the owner of the apartment has some experience in finishing work, he can easily prepare the walls for decoration with exclusive and expensive plaster mixtures. But if you have the slightest doubt about your competence, then it is best to entrust the work of preparing the surface and applying an expensive decorative coating to professional finishers.

Preparing walls for plastering is an intermediate procedure between leveling the walls and applying a decorative layer. This stage is considered one of the most important, since the quality of the work determines the future appearance of the surfaces, their service life, as well as strength and resistance to moisture, temperature changes, and so on. Most decorative plasters do not require perfect smooth walls, but their surface must be clean.

It should be immediately noted that preparing walls for decorative plaster is practically no different from preparing for painting or wallpapering. With the clarification that such a plastic material as decorative plaster can smooth out some unevenness and close cracks or small potholes. Before you begin preparing the surface for plastering, you need to stock up necessary tools and materials.

Preparing walls for decorative plaster requires the following tools and Supplies:

Tools necessary for preparing walls for decorative plaster
  • spatulas;
  • building level and plumb line;
  • sandpaper, sanding machine with polishing and cutting wheels;
  • paint brush;
  • drill with impact function (the hammer drill is too heavy and powerful for this work);
  • plastic film, masking tape or tape;
  • sponges and rags;
  • screwdrivers;
  • mixer attachment;
  • mixing container;
  • putty;
  • solvent;
  • primer.

A spray bottle may also be required. If the walls were previously covered with wallpaper, you may have to soak them with this product.

How the preparatory work is carried out

It should be said right away that this work should be one of the last to be carried out. That is, at the time they begin, double-glazed windows and door frames must be installed in the apartment, the flooring must be laid and ready for use. In general, all work has been completed that may directly or indirectly appear on the surfaces of the walls.

The room must be completely ready for decorative finishing

Preparing walls for decorative plaster includes the following steps:

  • The first step is to remove the remnants of the old coating, such as wallpaper, paint or putty. The wallpaper is removed with a spatula after preliminary soaking, the paint is washed off with a solvent, and the putty is beaten off impact drill. Then you should remove all fasteners from the wall. Self-tapping screws and dowels are removed with a screwdriver, nails with a nail puller. Also, after removing the old coating, reinforcement elements may appear; they must be cut off with a grinder.

Removing old covering from a wall
  • After this, you should tap the wall with a hammer to reveal weak spots. If potholes and cracks appear, they are sealed with putty. If they are deep and wide, then they are sealed in several stages.
  • The next step is to apply a primer with strengthening properties, after which you need to wait about 4 hours for it to dry. If we are talking about bathrooms, kitchens or other rooms with high humidity, you need to treat them with a special antifungal substance and wait again for about 4 hours.

Applying primer to the wall with a roller
  • After the primer has dried, they begin to putty the surface. This procedure is carried out using wide and narrow spatulas. After applying the putty, it is necessary to check the evenness of the surface with a building level and plumb line. The putty layer is the basis for decorative plaster, so it should be carefully leveled. Finally, the surface must be sanded using sandpaper or grinder, and its surface should be fine-grained.

A layer of putty is the basis for applying decorative plaster
  • Next, you need to apply a layer of deep penetrating primer. A paint brush is used for this. Most decorative plasters do not have a high level of adhesion, so over time the material may simply fall off. To ensure tight contact, a primer is needed. It is required to apply 2 layers with an interval of 3-4 hours to allow them to dry.

Now that the preparation of the surface for plastering is complete, you can begin decorating the walls.

On a note! If you plan to apply a thick layer of textured or textured plaster, then finishing the surfaces with putty is optional. But for thin layers of the above types of finishing materials or for “Venetian”, puttying is mandatory. The fact is that a small layer will not be able to fill cracks and potholes, which after drying decorative material will appear, which will affect appearance walls and their service life.

Some types of decorative plaster require the walls to be puttied

Preparing walls for plastering should be carried out taking into account the following nuances.

Before starting work, it is recommended to cover the floor surface, windows and furniture with plastic film. The ceiling area near the wall and baseboards must be sealed with masking tape. For each layer of putty, it is necessary to allow at least 48 hours for complete drying, and it is forbidden to use heaters or hair dryers to speed up the process. Otherwise, the surface may crack.

If we are talking about work on the facade or plinth, then it is necessary to first strengthen the wall with reinforcing mesh, and indoors with serpyanka. Ideally, the primer layer should be reinforced with a special liquid impregnation. If a decision has been made to use this composition, care must be taken to ensure that the surface being treated is capable of absorbing liquid. Therefore, you should not use materials based on alabaster or glue.

The primer layer, which is applied to the walls under decorative plaster, must be at least two centimeters thick. Otherwise, you will have to apply a larger layer of decorative coating to achieve a smooth and uniform surface, which leads to additional costs. After applying the primer, you must wait about 7 days, during which the layer is regularly moistened with water (an ordinary kitchen sponge is used for these purposes).

Test application of plaster

Professionals with many years of experience can skip this step, but inexperienced people are strongly advised to do a trial application. To do this, you need to select a small section of the wall closer to the corners or use a sheet of plasterboard that has been previously finished in the same way as the surface of the walls. After the test layer has dried, you need to evaluate the quality of the resulting surface, its texture and color. If everything suits you, you can safely start plastering.

Test application of decorative plaster allows you to evaluate its texture and color

Preparation of material and its consumption

The modern construction market offers buyers already ready-made mixtures V plastic containers and dry powdery substances that must be diluted with water. In the first case, it is enough to simply open the container and mix the composition using improvised means (a long screwdriver, wooden plank and so on). In the second, you must first study the instructions indicated by the manufacturer, and then prepare the solution in required proportions. To do this, you will need a mixing container and an electric drill with a mixer attachment.

Preparing a solution of decorative plaster with a mixer

Consumption of main types of decorative plaster:

  1. Structural compositions - approximately 3 kg of material per square meter surfaces.
  2. - on average 1.5 kg per square meter.
  3. Venetian plaster - about 150 g per square meter. meter for one layer, total consumption need to be calculated based on the number of layers.

The above data is approximate. Actual consumption depends on application method and desired result.

Preparatory work is both a simple and important part of finishing. In order for the stage of preparing the surface for plastering to be successful, and for the coating to last for many years, it is necessary to follow the above instructions and the recommendations of the manufacturers.