How to determine a person's character by appearance. The appearance of a person. Appearance requirements

So, for example, an asthenic (from the Greek asthenikos - weak, sickly) is a constitutional type of person with such body features as thinness, a long neck, a longitudinally elongated skull, a narrow, clearly defined face. In terms of mental properties, asthenics are characterized by increased sensitivity and coldness, decreased sociability, a tendency toward introversion, and high anxiety. The athletic type of person - athlete - (from the Greek - athletes - fighter) - a constitutional type of person, which is characterized by a strong physique, developed muscles, endurance, perseverance, as a rule, self-confidence, competitiveness, determination, a developed volitional component, sometimes - aggressiveness. The picnic type (picnic) is characterized by average height, a dense figure, a soft wide face on a short neck, a solid fat belly, combined with specific mental characteristics. According to the mental characteristics of picnics, they can be divided into subgroups: talkative and cheerful; quiet comedians; quiet, soulful people; carefree lovers of life; energetic practices.

No less important in observation are the so-called actual psychological states person, namely fear, joy, anger, excitement, doubt, etc. They can be expressed both in the characteristics of speech (verbally) and in the immediate behavior of a person. Non-verbal communication includes forms of self-expression that do not rely on words and other speech symbols. Its value lies, in particular, in the fact that it is spontaneous and manifests itself unconsciously.

Facial expression is the main indicator of feelings. Emphasizing a certain connection between the internal, psychological content of the personality and the external, morphological features of the facial structure, it should be remembered that the face of any person is not something frozen, but represents a whole range of different movements, which is expressed in facial expressions.

For example, a fully raised head indicates self-confidence, strong self-awareness, complete openness and attention to the world around you. A pointedly raised head reveals a lack of intimacy, self-aggrandizement or arrogance. Throwing your head back demonstrates a great desire for activity, a challenge. And, on the contrary, a head tilted to one side indicates a refusal of one’s own activity, complete openness to the interlocutor, a desire to meet people halfway, even to the point of submission. A relaxed head hanging down is a sign of a general lack of readiness for tension, lack of will.

A smile is a manifestation of facial expressions that has multiple communicative functions. She tends to express friendliness, but excessive smiling often reflects a need for approval. A forced smile in an unpleasant situation reveals feelings of apology and concern. A smile accompanied by raised eyebrows conveys a willingness to obey. The corners of the mouth drawn down symbolize a generally negative attitude towards life, a general sad expression on the face. The raised corners of the mouth reflect positive attitude to life, lively and cheerful facial expression. If the mouth appears plump, it indicates increased vitality of the senses; soft – for sensitivity; sharp, precisely carved - for intelligence; firm - for certainty of will.

The impression that a smile is sincere or feigned depends on the speed with which the corners of the mouth rise and on the simultaneous widening of the eyes followed by a brief shift of the eyelids. The researcher emphasizes that widening the eyes for too long without briefly closing them in combination with a smile is considered a threat. On the contrary, briefly closing the eyes is a pacifying element of facial expression. The smiling one makes it clear: “I don’t expect anything bad from you, you see, I even close my eyes.”

The “language of gaze” is very diverse. Thus, completely open eyes characterize high receptivity of feelings and reason, general liveliness. Eyes that are too wide open, “bulging”, indicate an increase in optical attachment to the surrounding world. Closed, “curtained” eyes are often a sign of inertia, indifference, arrogance, boredom or severe fatigue. A narrowed or squinted gaze means either concentrated, close attention, observation, or, in combination with a side glance, deceit, cunning. A direct gaze, with the face completely turned to the partner, demonstrates interest, trust, openness, and readiness for direct interaction. A sideways glance, from the corners of the eyes, indicates a lack of full dedication, skepticism, and mistrust. A look from below, with a bowed head, indicates either an aggressive readiness for action, or, with a bent back, subordination, obedience, and helpfulness. Looking from top to bottom, with the head thrown back, reveals a feeling of superiority, arrogance, contempt, and the search for dominance. An evasive gaze indicates uncertainty, modesty or timidity, and possibly a feeling of guilt. An aggressively tough person, as a rule, looks straight into the eyes, opening them wide; lips are firmly compressed, eyebrows are frowned, he speaks through his teeth, almost without moving his lips. A soft, compliant person looks from under closed eyelids, cannot withstand a direct gaze.

During communication, interlocutors look into each other's eyes, on average, from 30 to 60% of the time. Analysis of the interlocutor's gaze can give additional characteristics about the psychological state.

The following types of views are distinguished: direct; through the interlocutor; flattened (centered); aimless; fixed on anything but the interlocutor or partner; past your partner; below; side; askance; sideways glance over the shoulder; top down; evader; intimate; charmed; business; sebaceous; alive; lethargic; restless; assessing (look from head to toe); aggressively offensive; penetrating; drunk; controlling; cold.

A direct gaze accompanies openness and willingness to communicate, as well as truthfulness in statements. A person with a direct gaze is confident in himself, aware of his strengths and capabilities. Direct glances between partners in a conversation, along with alternating eye-to-eye contact, illustrate mutual trust in each other, respect, and free discussion of the most pressing problems, negative and risky topics. In addition to the direct gaze, for interlocutors who are open to communication, there is only room for one thing - a reduced (centered) gaze. It appears among partners when a specific, urgent situation requires discussion in a conversation. The partners seem to see her in front of them. The pupils shift slightly from the center to each other and freeze in this position.

An aimless look illustrates thinking, thoughtfulness, and withdrawal.

A gaze fixed on anything but the interlocutor illustrates disinterest in communication, disrespect for the partner and an attempt to avoid the problems being discussed.

A look from below, when a person’s head is bowed and the pupils synchronously and forcedly rise upward from the center, illustrates the following behavior options for its owner:

a) humility, emphasized attention, helpfulness - if the back is bent and there is slight tension in the body;

b) secrecy, calculating, dosed presentation of information in a conversation - if the tension in the body is more pronounced and vertical folds are noticeable on the forehead;

c) hostile closeness, readiness for aggression - if there is tension in the whole body, a “pumped up” tense head, a tense and compressed mouth.

A side glance, in which the pupils move synchronously to the right or left, illustrates a skeptical, negative attitude towards the interlocutor, closedness, distrust, criticism. If at the same time the eyes are wide open, the person is trying to hide fear. If at this moment there are horizontal folds on a person’s forehead, and the pupils are constricted and the gaze is squinted, then this is a person who is ready for aggressive actions (“cocked pistol”).

A sideways glance illustrates an attempt to control the situation, monitoring the interlocutor’s reaction to one’s words.

A sidelong glance over the shoulder demonstrates closeness towards the interlocutor while simultaneously showing contempt for him.

A look from top to bottom is accompanied by tilting the head back - the person unconsciously increases the distance between himself and the interlocutor. His pupils move down from the central position - an illustration of arrogance, pride. It is always perceived by others as a demonstration of superiority, which, naturally, does not contribute to communication.

An evasive gaze is an illustration of uncertainty, timidity, guilt, or timidity. The pupils constantly “run away” from the central position.

An appraising gaze (from head to toe) is often found when people first meet. The pupils make sequential movements from the center up and from the center down. Usually the person in control of the situation allows himself such a view: they are more interested in him than he is.

A lively, restless look is an illustration of interest in the conversation, anticipation of discussion of the main topic. Pupil movements are fast, in all zones.

A sluggish look is typical for phlegmatic people. Illustration of calm, complete knowledge of the issue being discussed, boredom. Characteristic of a person in a state of well-fed drowsiness, right up to waking sleep.

Aggressively insulting gaze - demonstration own strength, readiness to “crush” the interlocutor. Usually accompanied by a contemptuous grimace or a complete absence of facial expressions, which is more dangerous.

A piercing gaze - people say “it felt like it was cold.” A peculiar view of an investigator, a prosecutor, a person vested with power or who has the right to demand an account, even to blame for a given situation.

A controlling gaze is present during an extremely important or tense conversation; a person monitors the slightest bodily manifestations and actions of a partner, catches his every word. The motto of this state is “I will see everything, hear everything - I will not miss anything”

A drunken look is characteristic of mental patients and people intoxicated. The non-stop movement of the eyes, scattering in all directions, is occasionally interrupted by stops caused by the desire to grasp the thread of the conversation, the situation.

Cold gaze - a person contemplates his surroundings without emotion. For him, the environment is nothing more than a boring theatrical action with bad actors.

The greasy look is the probing look of a libertine. It can be unceremonious, or it can be sent furtively.

A fascinated look is the look of a person at the peak of emotional, religious or other ecstasy.

The eyes openly speak about a person’s inner experiences; it is not without reason that experienced “players” try to hide their expression behind dark glasses.

People are usually extradited:

  • · any changes in the usual expression of the eyes - the emergence of a certain emotion, a signal of response to a stimulus;
  • · involuntary eye movements (visibly “shifty eyes”) - anxiety, shame, deception, fear, neurasthenia;
  • · brilliant look - fever, excitement;
  • · glassy look - extreme weakness;
  • · enlarged pupils - a feeling of interest and pleasure from information, communication, photography, partner, food, music and others external factors, acceptance of something, but also intense suffering;
  • · use of certain medications and drugs (marijuana, cocaine);
  • · constriction of the pupils - a surge of irritation, anger, hatred and similar negative emotions, non-acceptance of something; the effect of certain drugs (morphine, heroin);
  • · chaotic movements of the pupils are a sign of intoxication (the more such movements, the drunker the person is);
  • · increased blinking - excitement, deception.

People always prefer to look at those they clearly admire or those with whom they have close relationships from a close distance; Women show more visual interest than men.

During communication, they most often look into the partner’s eyes when they listen, and not when they speak, although, when carrying out suggestion, they sometimes use direct gaze into the eyes at the moment of speaking the dialogue.

A subject who looks you in the eye for noticeably less than one third of the entire communication period is either not being honest or is trying to hide something; the one who openly persistently peers into your eyes, experiences increased interest in you (pupils are dilated), shows outright hostility (pupils are constricted) or strives to dominate.

Modifications of eye contacts have the following meaning:

  • · “absent gaze” - concentrated thinking;
  • · Shifting your gaze to surrounding objects and to the ceiling - loss of interest in the conversation, an excessively long monologue of the partner;
  • · persistent and intent gaze into the eyes (pupils are constricted) - a sign of hostility and a clear desire to dominate;
  • · persistent and intent gaze into the eyes (pupils dilated) - a sign of sexual interest;
  • · looking away and lowering your gaze - shame, deception; - side view - distrust;
  • · the gaze then looks away, then comes back - lack of agreement, distrust.


Features of gait should be noted:

a fast gait with swinging arms indicates energy, purposefulness, and determination;

a slow gait with a downcast gaze, barely dragging your feet - indicates a depressed state, depression;

intense movement of the arms is emphasized, the chin is raised, the legs are as if made of wood, the gait is forced, designed to impress, everything - this indicates complacency, demonstrativeness, pomp characteristic of this individual;

a swift gait, hands on hips - corresponds to bursts of energy, the desire to achieve one’s goals in the shortest way in the shortest time;

a very slow gait in a pose with a lowered head, hands clasped behind the back, a thoughtful expression on the face - indicates concern about solving some problem.

There are several types of gait:

rhythmic – a relaxed form of elevated but balanced mood, typical for walkers;

uniform /army type marching step/ – volitional activity or desire for a goal;

long steps – often extroversion, determination, enterprise, ease, abstract thinking;

short, small Steps– more often introversion, careful calculation, quick thinking and reaction, restraint, type of thinking, rather concrete;

rhythmically strong /with increased movements of the hips/ – naively – instinctive and self-confident natures, swaying shoulders in resonance – mostly showy, narcissistic individuals;

shuffling,"sagging"– refusal of volitional efforts and aspirations, lethargy, slowness, laziness;

hard, angular , “stilted”, “wooden” - tightness, lack of contacts, timidity, inability to express themselves freely.

constant lifting on tense toes - upward striving, driven by a strong need for a feeling of superiority, especially intellectual.

In communication between people, body language, being phylogenetically more ancient, acquires qualitative significance. It is easy to judge the state of a person’s inner world by body language.

The person in control of the situation does not really care about the inviolability of the borders of “his territory.” He does not require protection in the form of various covers - tables, chairs, folders, briefcases.

People who are insecure about themselves tend to expand their territory. While sitting, they expand their personal space with outstretched legs or arms spread out on the backs of neighboring chairs, and use various objects for this purpose. Standing, they spread their legs wide, rest their outstretched arms on the backs of chairs, columns, walls, door jambs or just put their hands on their hips. People who overestimate the importance of a partner's status themselves expand the boundaries of his territory, staying away from him, at a respectful distance.

The pantomime of the subject is important: posture, posture, gestures, automated elementary (tics) and generalized (winces, etc.) motor reactions, general motor activity. A hunched posture, a lowered head, and frozen facial expressions most often indicate a depressive state. A proud posture, a raised chin, a look from above - indicate a person’s self-satisfaction and ambition. If such a posture is combined with decoration with symbolic signs, this may indicate that the individual has delusional ideas of self-aggrandizement. Arms crossed on the chest usually indicate a person's defensive position. The crossed position of the arms may not be related to the position of protection, but may be an element of a comfortable posture. In this case, the hands are relaxed. A combination of arms crossed on the chest with clenched fists or tense fingers clearly indicates a defensive posture. The defensive position is strengthened by crossing the legs. If, while sitting cross-legged, a person wiggles his upper leg, this usually indicates that he is bored with the situation.

The absence of a defensive position is indicated by: relaxed arms, an unbuttoned jacket (jacket, etc.), tilting the body towards the interlocutor. Interested attention is indicated by a slight tilt of the head and a glance directed at the interlocutor. When a person loses interest, the head position straightens, the shoulders first rise, then fall, the gaze begins to wander around, and the interlocutor’s body often takes an orientation towards the exit from the room.

A demonstrative expression of boredom is complete indifference, a “head in hand” gesture, i.e. The head lies on the palm, the eyes are half-closed. The “hand resting cheek” gesture, the pose of Rodin’s “The Thinker,” usually indicates a state of thinking about something. Gestures: rubbing the chin during a conversation, taking off glasses and carefully wiping their glasses, holding the nose in a loosely compressed handful, combined with covering the eyes - indicate a complex process of reflection (evaluation), and great concentration on the decision being made. Touching or lightly rubbing the nose, usually with the index finger, expresses doubt or confusion. For some people, gestures of touching the earlobe and rubbing the eyes are equivalent in meaning. If the interlocutor rests his chin on his hand, while forefinger stretched along the cheek (along the nasolabial fold), and the rest are located below the mouth, this, as a rule, indicates a critical approach to the partner’s words. If this gesture is accompanied by a tilt of the body away from the partner, the tone of the assessment is clearly negative.

A set of negative assessment gestures: arms folded on the chest, tilting the body back, crossed legs, turning the face to the side (“turns up the nose”) or tilting the head forward, looking from under the brows (“looking over the glasses”) is a signal of the ineffectiveness of the chosen conversation tactics. In this case, it is preferable to abandon the “frontal attack” and leave “thorny” issues until a more favorable moment, to move the conversation in a different direction in order to reduce the tension of the interlocutor.

If a person tries not to look at the interlocutor, then most likely he is hiding something. This is also indicated by the gesture “a hand (usually the left) covers the mouth” after a remark, as if a person wanted to stop his speech, but the words had already left his lips. The fact that a person is hiding his intentions can be evidenced by a pose when the elbows are placed on the table, forming a pyramid, the top of which is the hands located directly in front of the mouth.

On the contrary, if the fingers of the hands are connected like a dome (the fingers of the same name touch the tips of each other) - this means trust and self-confidence. The hands can be joined in this way different levels. Women usually place their fingers together on their knees (sitting) or just above the waist (standing). People in leadership positions tend to hold their hands higher the higher their rank. More soft form This gesture - the fingers overlap each other (the fingers of one hand cover the fingers of the other hand), usually also means trust.

The “hands clasp each other” gesture (the hands clasp each other, the fingers are tense) is observed when a person is in a difficult situation, for example, must answer a question containing a serious accusation against him. Closely clasped hands, fingers intertwined - a gesture of suspicion and mistrust. If, with clasped hands, the thumbs begin to massage each other, this indicates a need for increased confidence, a tendency to play it safe. For women, a typical gesture of needing to boost their confidence is to slowly and gracefully raise their hand to their neck. If a necklace is worn, then the hand touches it, as if checking whether it is in place. A similar or more energetic movement in a man at the final stage is masked by the fact that the hand strokes the neck or adjusts the back of the shirt collar (“hot under the collar”). This gesture is associated with a feeling of relief after the danger has passed, with the resolution of an unpleasant situation.

The posture - “hands on hips” (in a standing position) or “one hand rests on the knee with the forearm, the other with the palm” (in a sitting position) indicates readiness for action: completing a task, completing a conversation, making a decision.

There are several different ways to seat a person:

closed /legs and feet closed/ – fear of contact, lack of self-confidence;

carefree-open /legs or hips widely spaced/ – lack of discipline, laziness, indifferent-primitive unceremoniousness;

legs closed one behind the other – natural self-confidence, complacent mood, no readiness for activity or defense;

sitting on the edge of a chair, with your back straight high degree interest in the subject of conversation;

landing with constant readiness to jump up /for example, one foot stands completely under the seat, the other is behind it on the toe/ - typical for insecure-fearful or maliciously distrustful natures.

According to psychologists, people who walk quickly, waving their arms, have a clear goal and are ready to immediately implement it, while people who usually keep their hands in their pockets are likely to be critical and secretive, they really like to suppress others.

Those who are in a depressed state of mind also often keep their hands in their pockets when walking, drag their feet and rarely look up or in the direction where they are going.

Thus, the nature of the relationship, as well as some personal characteristics, may not be reflected in posture, sitting, gait or other posture typical for a given person.

Arrogant people lean their body back, stick out their chest and raise their head - modest people try to be inconspicuous, so they slouch, pull their head into their shoulders, which are slightly raised. Typical sycophant tilts his entire body forward, while fixing his gaze on the interlocutor and smiling broadly, obsequiously.

Determining a person's character by his appearance is certainly not an easy task. It is always necessary to take into account that some people strive to disguise their inner content with external play. However, his typical postures still contain certain information about the individual psychological characteristics of a person’s personality and behavior.

Possible connections between body positions and a person’s mental state are as follows:

  • · hands clasped behind the back, head raised high, chin pointed out - a feeling of self-confidence and superiority over others;
  • · the body is leaned forward, hands (akimbo) on the hips - self-confidence and readiness for active action, aggressiveness, nervousness when talking, the desire to defend one’s position to the end;
  • · standing, leaning your hands on a table or chair - a feeling of incomplete contact with your partner;
  • · hands with elbows spread behind the head - awareness of superiority over others;
  • · putting your thumbs in your belt or in pocket slots is a sign of aggressiveness and demonstrated self-confidence;
  • · sticking your thumbs out of your pockets is a sign of superiority;
  • · crossed limbs - skeptical defensive attitude;
  • · uncrossed limbs and an unbuttoned jacket - establishing trust;
  • · tilting the head to the side - awakening interest;
  • · tilting the head down - negative attitude;
  • · slight tilt of the head back is a sign of aggressiveness;
  • · sitting on the tip of a chair - readiness to jump up at any moment in order to either leave, or act in the current situation, or to calm the accumulated excitement, or to attract attention and join the conversation;
  • · crossing your legs and crossing your arms on your chest is a sign of “disconnecting” from a conversation;
  • · throwing your leg over the armrest of a chair (while sitting on it) - disdain for others, loss of interest in conversation;
  • · crossed ankles of a person sitting - restraining a disapproving attitude, fear or anxiety, an attempt at self-control, a negative defensive state;
  • · position (sitting or standing) with legs oriented towards the exit - a clear desire to stop talking and leave;
  • · frequent changes of postures, fidgeting in a chair, fussiness - internal restlessness, tension;
  • · standing up is a signal that a certain decision has been made, the conversation is boring, something surprised or shocked;
  • · interlocking fingers - disappointment and the desire to hide a negative attitude (the higher the hands are located, the stronger the negative);
  • · the hands are connected by the fingertips, but the palms do not touch - a sign of superiority and confidence in oneself and in one’s words;
  • · hands rest with their elbows on the table, and their hands are located in front of the mouth - hiding their true intentions, playing cat and mouse with a partner;
  • · supporting the head with the palm of your hand - boredom;
  • · fingers clenched into a fist are located under the cheek, but do not serve to support the head - a sign of interest;
  • · resting your chin with your thumb is a sign of some kind of critical assessment;
  • · clasping your glass with both hands - disguised nervousness;
  • · Blowing smoke from a cigarette upward - positive attitude, self-confidence;
  • · blowing smoke from a cigarette downwards - a negative attitude, with hidden or suspicious thoughts.

Gestures and body movements

“Gesture is not a movement of the body, but a movement of the soul.” It communicates a person’s desire and what he is experiencing at that moment, and a habitual gesture for someone indicates a trait of his character.

Outwardly identical gestures from different people can mean completely different things, but there are also identical points:

  • · active gestures - a frequent component of positive emotions, understood by others as an expression of friendliness and interest;
  • Excessive gesticulation is a sign of anxiety or uncertainty.

When determining an individual’s thoughts and emotions, only involuntary gestures should be noted:

  • · demonstration of open palms - an indicator of frankness;
  • clenching of fists - internal excitement, aggressiveness (the stronger the fingers are clenched, the stronger the emotion itself);
  • · covering your mouth with your hand (or a glass in your hand) at the moment of speech - surprise, uncertainty in what is being said, a lie, a confidential message, professional insurance against lip reading;
  • · touching the nose or lightly scratching it - uncertainty in what is being communicated (both by oneself and by a partner), lying, searching for a new counterargument during the discussion;
  • · rubbing your eyelid with a finger is a lie, but sometimes it means a feeling of suspicion and lies on the part of your partner;
  • · rubbing and scratching various parts of the head (forehead, cheeks, back of the head, ear) - concern, embarrassment, uncertainty;
  • · stroking the chin - the moment of decision making;
  • · fidgety hands (fiddling with something, twisting and untwisting a pen, touching parts of clothing) - alertness, nervousness, embarrassment;
  • · pinching the palm - readiness for aggression;
  • · biting nails - internal anxiety;
  • · various movements of the hand across the body (adjusting a watch, touching a cufflink, playing with a button on a cuff) - masked nervousness;
  • · picking up “lint” from clothes is a gesture of disapproval;
  • · pulling a clearly interfering collar away from the neck - a person suspects that others have recognized his deception, lack of air when angry;
  • · wiping the lenses of glasses or placing the frame of the frame in the mouth - a pause to think, please wait;
  • · taking off glasses and throwing them on the table is an overly heated conversation, a difficult and unpleasant topic;
  • · extinguishing or putting aside a cigarette is a period of maximum stress;
  • · knocking ash off a cigarette too often is painful internal state, nervousness;
  • · tilting the head to one side - awakening interest;
  • · quick tilt or turn of the head to the side - a desire to speak out;
  • · constant throwing away supposedly “interfering” hair from the forehead - anxiety;
  • · a clear desire to lean on something or lean against something, a feeling of difficulty and unpleasantness of the moment, a lack of understanding of how to get out of the current situation (any support increases self-confidence).

Assessment of general motor activity has a certain diagnostic value. High motor activity, reaching the level of motor disinhibition, is characteristic of individuals with a predominance of hyperthymic character traits. Persons of the schizoid type are characterized by stiffness of movements, freezing in certain phases of movements, motor stereotypes, ritual movements and automatisms. Individuals of the epileptoid type are characterized by a certain contrast in psychomotor behavior: slowness, heaviness, poor ability to switch movements and, at the same time, impulsiveness, a tendency to violent motor discharges. People who are depressed are characterized by sluggish, slow movements.

Important information reflecting the state and properties of the subject is carried by the characteristics of the voice and speech: the strength and timbre of the voice, intonation, tempo of speech, smoothness. Excitement, anger, and delight cause an increase in the tone of the voice. Uncertainty and doubts lead to slower speech and drawn out words. Surprise and fear are accompanied by involuntary exclamations. Excitement and fear cause trembling of the voice, increased stuttering.

Here are some characteristics of the human voice:

– speed of speech: a lively, lively manner of speaking, a fast pace indicate the impulsiveness of the interlocutor, his self-confidence, a calm, slow manner indicates equanimity, prudence, thoroughness; noticeable fluctuations in speech rate reveal a lack of balance, uncertainty, and slight excitability;

– loudness: a strong voice, as a rule, is inherent in the true strength of motives / vitality / or arrogance; a quiet, weak voice indicates restraint, modesty, tact or lack of vitality, weakness of a person; sudden changes in volume indicate emotionality and excitement;

– articulation: clear and precise pronunciation indicates internal discipline, the need for clarity and lack of liveliness; vague pronunciation, as a rule, is characteristic of compliance, uncertainty, softness, and lethargy of will;

– height: falsetto /literally – “head voice”/ is inherent in a person whose thinking and speech come more from the intellect, chest voice – thinking and speech are emotional, natural, not created consciously; a high, shrill voice is a sign of fear and excitement, and a low voice means peace, relaxation and dignity;

– mode and flow of speech: rhythmic speaking / smooth flow of words with slight periodic fluctuations / speaks of a wealth of feelings, balance, rather, a good basic mood; strictly cyclical, correct speaking means a strong awareness of what is being experienced, tension of will, discipline, pedantry, coldness of feelings; a rounded, flowing manner of speaking / typical of communication at picnics / is characteristic of people who live deeply, fully, emotionally; an angular, abrupt manner characterizes sober, expedient thinking.

Interests in observing the characteristics of laughter.

So, laughter starting with “a” /ha-ha/ is completely open, coming from the heart, relieving and carefree.

Laughter that starts with “e” /he-he/ is not very pleasant, but rather impudent and envious.

Laughter with “and” /hee-hee/ is both secretive and cunning, a mixture of irony and gloating.

Laughter with “o” /ho-ho/ sounds boastfully pandering and is fundamentally mocking and protesting.

Laughter that starts with “u” /hu-hu/ indicates hidden fear, timidity.

Neurotic stuttering, as a rule, is associated with acute mental trauma (severe fear in childhood, separation from parents, a sudden change in the usual pattern of life - for example, placement in a nursery, kindergarten, etc.). In addition to stuttering, another speech disorder, the so-called stumbling, may be observed. Stumbling is not associated with convulsions of articular muscles, but with various disturbances in the tempo and rhythm of speech (accelerated, choking, uneven in rhythm). In this case, articulation defects (slurred speech), unexpected fluctuations in volume, monotony, difficulty finding words, unclear wording of phrases, and disorderly rearrangement of semantic stresses are also observed. In the origin of stumbling great importance have residual effects of early organic brain lesions.

Intonation is sometimes more informative than the content of speech. The same verbal formulation may belong completely to different people and can be expressed in a calmly friendly, dispassionately descriptive, persistently pleading, mocking, plaintive or indignant tone. Tempo characteristics of speech are the most important signs of a person’s temperament: the mobile type is characterized by fast, rapid speech, almost without pauses; for inert - slow, with long pauses. Slow, viscous, detailed speech, with frequent perseverations, a tendency to detail is typical for epileptoids. Slow, primitive speech with long pauses, reflecting difficulties in formulating the most basic phrases, is characteristic of people with low intellectual development. Slow, quiet, sometimes barely audible speech, lips moving as if by force - distinguish people who are in a state of depression.

Involuntary reactions

These reactions are usually difficult to control (although various techniques are used to mask them) and are therefore very informative. Some of them are detected during hardware diagnostics of deception, carried out by devices known under the general name “lie detector” (as well as “polygraph”).

The standard reading of these reactions is:

  • · redness of the face (sometimes in spots) - shame, anger;
  • · whitening of the face - fear, a sign of guilt;
  • · dilated pupils - interest, pleasure, agreement, severe pain;
  • · constriction of the pupils - displeasure, rejection;
  • · increased pulse beats in the veins of the arms or arteries of the neck (twitching of the tie on the neck due to an active heartbeat) - anxiety, fear, shame, deception;
  • decreased heart rate - increased attention;
  • · fast or shallow breathing - internal tension;
  • · short breathing through the nose - anger;
  • · impaired breathing, spasmodic movements of the throat and reflex swallowing of saliva - anxiety, shame, deception;
  • · dry mouth (swallowing, licking lips, thirst) - fear, deception;
  • · sudden exposure of teeth - a sign of rage, aggressiveness;
  • · perspiration, sweat - anger, embarrassment, nervousness, deception;
  • trembling (in fingers and toes, facial muscles) - internal tension, fear, deception;
  • · frequent blinking - excitement, deception;
  • · rumbling in the stomach - fear (not always, of course);
  • · Grinding of teeth - extreme nervousness, stress, inability to carry out plans.

By the nature of the answers to questions, by the manner in which and in what words, how he speaks, one can get a first idea about the personality characteristics of the speaker.

With epileptoid accentuation of character, a person usually answers slowly and laconicly, but at the same time reveals an excessive tendency to detail, the need to talk about unimportant details that are not directly related to the essence of the issue under discussion. Such persons cannot stand being interrupted; in the demand for short and clear answers to the point, they see inattention to themselves, an unfavorable attitude, and then become isolated.

With hysterical accentuation of character, pretentiousness, theatrical manner of speaking, and excessive affectation are observed. With a colorful description of his experiences, such a person strives to give the impression of unusualness, exclusivity, and to focus special attention on himself.

With sensitive and schizoid character accentuations, there is excessive restraint in responses. The stinginess of statements among sensitive individuals is most often due to shyness, while among schizoid individuals it is due to the fact that they themselves have already formed their own clear idea of ​​the problem and they report on their own initiative only that information that they themselves consider important.

With psychasthenic accentuation of character, after the answer, and sometimes instead of it, one can hear lengthy reasoning. Behind this is usually an anxious suspiciousness, fears of the worst, albeit unlikely, and reasoning often serves to reassure oneself.

With hypochondriacal accentuation, subjects are constantly looking for an opportunity to talk about their problems.

With the neurasthenic type, uncontrollable irritation is often evident in the tone in which answers are given, and with the paranoid type - anger at everyone and everything.

Taking into account the polysemy of connections between external signs and subjective mental reality, the individual specificity of behavioral and vegetative reactions, when observing a significant behavioral feature in a given situation, one should record this feature when the situation is repeated, as well as in other situations that differ from the original one. This allows you to separate random coincidences from regular ones. Any assumption regarding the psychological reality that caused this or that behavior requires verification and comparison with alternative sources. Consider the particular conditions for the appearance of the observed behavior in comparison with the general situation, which allows you to more accurately understand the meaning of the observed behavior.

"By appearance Only the most undiscerning people do not judge.”(Oscar Wilde)

To determine a person’s character by his appearance, there is a whole science– physiognomy. Of course, there is no need to talk about its accuracy, however, even in ancient China, physiognomy was considered one of the full-fledged branches of medicine, and in the East they believed that one could determine a person’s character and even life path by appearance.

It is not without reason that some faces attract us and instantly inspire trust, while others cause us to be rejected. This technique is actively used in cinema. Just remember the appearance of Sharikov (Vladimir Tolokonnikov) in the film adaptation of the story “ dog's heart“- the first frames are enough to understand: this type of face indicates that its owner has a bad character and a very limited mind. So, let's find out how you can determine a person's character by appearance.

Body structure and character

The body is much easier to change than the face, however, in order to change the shape, you will have to put in some effort, right? That is why it is quite true that playing sports affects our character.

1. Head and neck:

  • pointed - betrays inconstancy and envy;
  • a long neck with a small head, on the contrary, indicate weakness and a tendency to melancholy;
  • a short neck is a sign of shortsightedness and stubbornness;
  • a thick, “bull” neck is characteristic of fearless people, and a “lion” (not so thick, but quite large) - for generous people;
  • a long, thin neck reveals a timid, dreamy person.

2. Shoulders:

  • narrow shoulders. According to experts, a narrow chest and drooping or even hunched shoulders indicate a person’s isolation and vulnerability, as well as the fact that he is prone to self-digging;
  • an expanded chest, broad shoulders are a sign of a purposeful, open person, as well as fearlessness.

3. Stomach:

  • a strong, toned stomach is a sign of endurance and strong character;
  • flabby and saggy - character weaknesses.

4. Hips and legs:

  • narrow, strong hips with toned buttocks are a sign of endurance, the ability to get out of difficult situation;
  • the hips, with the sides hanging over them (like those of a frog), give the appearance of a chatterbox;
  • wide, massive hips indicate stubbornness, but if the features are rounded, they indicate a soft character;
  • thin, weak and poorly defined ankles are a sign of lust;
  • strong, slender legs indicate the ability to achieve your goals.

Face type and character

Determination of character by facial features often occurs on an instinctive level, in the first seconds of acquaintance. “Horse face”, “predatory eyes”, “toad mouth” - we immediately project these labels onto a person’s character, we judge him by his appearance. What does physiognomy say about this?

1. Forehead:

  • a large, convex forehead without hair indicates intelligence and a penchant for winning recognition. If it is round, it is likely that its owner is prone to lying;
  • a long forehead on a narrow face with a small chin indicates cruelty, even tyranny;
  • a square hairline pattern speaks of honesty;
  • tall bald patches often give away travelers and people with strong motivation;
  • a narrow forehead indicates that its owner is easily angered;
  • low often betrays some limitations, gloominess and practicality.

2. Brows:

  • thin, arched eyebrows indicate arrogance and ambition;
  • fused eyebrows often reveal jealous, rude and even cruel people;
  • shaggy ones speak of simplicity but sincerity;
  • the drooping eyebrows belong to the realists;
  • very light ones often indicate that their owner is playful and flighty.

3. Eyes:

  • deep-set, small ones betray envy, greed and cunning;
  • large, wide-open ones speak of laziness, daydreaming and talkativeness;
  • small ones - curiosity and eloquence;
  • narrow, with a gaze - cruelty;
  • big, clear - the makings of a leader, intelligence.

4. Nose:

  • a sharp nose reveals the owner’s temper and severity;
  • wide and thick speaks of rudeness;
  • an upturned nose indicates frivolity, dreaminess and capriciousness;
  • a long nose with a hump indicates a strict, but not evil character.

5. Mouth:

Physiognomy: how to determine character by appearance?

How to recognize character by appearance: body features

To determine a person's character by his appearance, first of all pay attention to the neck and head. A long neck combined with a small head can make a person appear indecisive, melancholy, modest or even shy. A thin neck is a sign of daydreaming, and an excessively thick neck is a sign of stubbornness.

If in front of you is a man with a well-developed, muscular neck, most likely he is a fearless, decisive, self-confident person

Then look at your chest and shoulders. If a person hunches over and tries to “cover” his chest, this may indicate complexes, fears, and lack of self-confidence. Excessively narrow shoulders are a sign of a tendency to introspection, even to the point of persistent soul-searching. Broad shoulders and an open, arched chest can serve as a sign that the person in front of you is determined, strong, self-confident, or even arrogant.

A person's character depends on his menu

  • More details

Pay attention to facial features

His face can tell a lot about a person. First, look at your forehead. If it is wide and convex, you are probably looking at an intelligent, gifted person. However, such traits can also indicate suspicion, a tendency to see a catch in everything, as well as a desire for recognition. A low forehead can be a sign of gloominess, stubbornness, and in some cases even narrow-mindedness.

If we're talking about Don’t rush to conclusions about a woman who wears bangs. Often, a hairstyle can greatly change a person’s appearance and hide the features of his forehead.

The character of men can also be judged by their eyebrows. In the case of girls, this is more difficult to do, since representatives of the fair half of humanity, with the help special tools can greatly change the thickness and even shape of the eyebrows.

Too thin eyebrows can become a sign of aggressiveness and ambition, as well as self-centeredness. Too thick indicate that a person seeks first of all to satisfy own desires. Closely spaced eyebrows can become a sign of self-focus, a desire to do things your own way, even to the detriment of others. Those who are far away, on the contrary, “speak” of suspiciousness and excessive criticism of oneself.

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Physiognomy determines a person’s character by his appearance. In Ancient China, this science was even considered one of the branches of medicine.It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing “body language,” you can characterize different people by their appearance.


The structural features of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about a person’s character and preferences. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, while a long neck is usually found in melancholic people. A “bull” neck indicates a person’s fearlessness. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of your interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and are able to win over people.


Massive and wide hips usually indicate an unyielding person. Round shaped hips have soft and weak-willed personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “speak” about the ability to achieve your goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine a person’s character by his facial features. So, smart person distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But those with a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive temperament. High receding hairlines often occur in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the interlocutor's forehead is square, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


His eyebrows can also “tell” about a person’s character. Thin eyebrows indicate arrogant and ambitious people. Fusing eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, while wide eyebrows are a clear sign sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. True dreamers usually have wide eyes. And those with small eyes are distinguished by their eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.


Some character traits can be identified by the shape of the nose. Thus, a sharp and long nose indicates the severity and hot temper of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates a person’s rudeness.


Small mouths often occur in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than his lower lip, he is a real egoist. A protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is accustomed to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of secrecy. Well, plump lips indicate a person’s laughter and courage.


Often strong people who independently achieve their goals have a large and well-defined chin. On the contrary, modest and insecure people have a small and inexpressive chin.

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Any individual, according to which one can judge him, his hobbies and standard of living. One person can characterize another just by looking at him, so people do not even suspect what others think about them.

But it is worth noting that judging a person by appearance is wrong; perhaps, due to certain circumstances, he is forced to look like that. After all, life is a complex thing, and there are different situations in it.

Etiquette in the culture of appearance

The first thing people notice when meeting a person is what he is wearing. Clothes make up 90% of the entire appearance, which is why its choice should be given due attention. That’s why the proverb about people being greeted by their clothes is relevant.

Appearance can tell about a person’s inner world and his moral points of view. Clothes speak about a person's tastes and preferences.

If a person is dressed to the nines, then we can talk about his refined taste and status. When choosing an outfit, its color plays a big role. According to psychologists, clothes should be selected according to the place, nature and time of a particular event.

What is called appearance?

Appearance is a concept that is important for every modern person. The present and future of the individual depend on it. For example, in order to meet a guy, a girl must have a beautiful appearance that will attract attention to her person. But not only in personal life A person’s appearance plays a role, and it also affects one’s career. You should choose a formal style for your interview if you want it to go well and get hired.

But it’s not just clothes that can make a first impression. To impress a person, you need to choose a good outfit and show your best emotions and qualities. The most important thing is not to seem like a fool, and it is better to follow the example of business women who have achieved success in their lives.

Each of the girls is unique, and in order to please a guy, you need to show your exclusivity. It is necessary to demonstrate your talents, if you have them. To create an attractive appearance, it is recommended to use cosmetics, wear beautiful clothes, show your intelligence and look at the world correctly.

Business man

Appearance can indicate a person's status. If we are talking about a business person, then companions and employees can determine his professional status, income level, reliability and success by his suit.

If a person comes to a meeting in an expensive outfit, he should be combed and smell good. First, anyone is judged by the way he is dressed, and only then are his other qualities noticed.

But in order to appear to your partner as a worthy person, you should not show off your wealth in front of him; you need to behave as usual, without showing how you prepared and dressed up for this reception. Also, you should not wear jewelry to a meeting with a business partner, this way you can show that you are not serious.

Appearance tells about a person’s profession and hobbies

Each individual is a psychologist in his soul, and, seeing a stranger in front of him, he begins to mentally imagine what he does in life, how he lives and what he is interested in. There are people who betray their lives with their entire appearance. For example, it is very easy to spot a teacher or cultural worker among a crowd. As practice shows, most people choose clothes for themselves according to what they are interested in and do.

The profession leaves a significant imprint on a person’s appearance. After all, if people work in an office, then most likely they will be wearing a formal suit.

If we are talking about creative personalities, then they are more likely than other people to use extraordinary clothes and seemingly incompatible styles in their wardrobe. In order to look unusual, it is enough to complement your look with accessories.

People who belong to popular trends - goth or emo - stand out from the crowd immediately, since they have their own wardrobe. The Goths are all black, emphasizing their isolation and solitude.

Addition to the appearance

Natural beauty complements the appearance, for example, expressive eyes or beautiful posture, which speak volumes. In addition, gestures and facial features can convey much more about a person than his clothing.

If we are talking about open people, then they are almost always on the move; they can rarely be seen sitting on a chair with their legs or arms crossed. They are open not only with their souls, but with their whole body.

If we are talking about a reserved person, then he dresses strictly, practically does not use makeup, and shyness can be seen in his manner of communication and gait.

At a subconscious level, an individual is able to feel the energy of another person. If she is warm, then everyone can understand this; all people want to communicate with such a person, they admire and respect her.

A person's clothing and appearance are assessed only upon initial acquaintance. After all, very often appearances are deceiving, and a person begins to open up some time after meeting.


If we are talking about a business person, then he must wear accessories and jewelry. The description of appearance is based primarily on clothing and accessories.

If a woman takes a handbag with her to meetings, then the latter must be made of genuine leather. All items where documents are stored must be made of the best materials.

An indispensable attribute of any business person is a watch, which indicates that the individual values ​​time. You should give preference only to expensive models to emphasize your status.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with jewelry; it’s better to wear an inconspicuous bracelet and a ring on your ring finger. If you want to show off your arsenal of jewelry, then you should wear them only for evenings or holidays.

Men should wear cufflinks to meetings, preferably made of gold or silver. Typically, cufflinks should be paired with a tie clip and can be decorated with small stones.

Also, any business person should have a fountain pen and a notepad for notes.

Requirements for a person's image

When it comes to entrepreneurial activity and working in a serious company, there are special requirements for the appearance of employees. If a person adheres to a businesslike appearance, then this can be called the first step on the path to success and career.

The following requirements for the appearance of a person working in a prestigious company can be presented:

  • Compatibility of materials texture.
  • Unity of style.
  • Matching the style and the situation the employee faces (office work, negotiations, business trip, personal meeting).
  • When choosing an outfit, you need to adhere to the three-color rule.
  • Combine quality clothing and shoes with accessories. For example, a document folder should resemble a person’s shoes in texture.
  • Ability to match colors when choosing a costume.
  • Compatibility of drawings.

In addition to a neat suit, a person must have accessories that will highlight his individuality and business style.

How to behave at a reception

Remember: the success of a person’s business directly depends on a person’s appearance and how he behaves during negotiations. It is necessary to sit straight and open, without covering yourself with your hands - this indicates the openness of the person. If a man crosses his legs, he must ensure that his trousers do not rise above his toes. In this case, you should not hug your knees with your hands, and it is also not recommended to swing your leg. Remember that you are at a business meeting. It is best to sit in the middle of your armchair, sofa or chair.

When a woman sits on a chair, she can cross her legs, but this is not allowed if she sits on an armchair or sofa.

If you suddenly feel like coughing at a meeting, you need to turn your head to the side and do this by covering your mouth with your hand. When you are sick and need to go to an appointment, do not forget to take a handkerchief. If you want to sneeze, you need to try to do it quietly.

Also, for any businessman, it is important how he will look - his suit and the perfume that he will use are important.

The article examined what a business person looks like and how he should behave. If you have never met such people and you don’t have a picture of their appearance in your head, then you can find information about what their appearance should be. Photo of anyone successful person will help you with this.

Below are some tips on how to behave at business meetings. First of all, you need to remember that there are no trifles in this matter.

It is not necessary to buy an expensive suit; the most important thing is that the outfit is in good condition, fits properly, is clean and ironed. A businessman's shoes must be cleaned.

If we are talking about a woman's image, then her clothes should be complemented by accessories, hairstyle and makeup. The most important thing is to emphasize individuality.